The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN (Versión impresa): 1138-7416
Isabel María Herrera Sánchez / José María León Rubio / Silvia Medina Anzano
The Spanish Journal of Psychology, mayo, año/vol. 8, número 001
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Madrid, España
pp. 21-29
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
2005, Vol. 8, No. 1, 21-29
Copyright 2005 by The Spanish Journal of Psychology
A Pragmatic Guideline for Evaluation of Social Intervention
Isabel María Herrera Sánchez, José María León Rubio, and Silvia Medina Anzano
University of Seville
Considering the many theoretical and methodological viewpoints in the field of evaluation,
a guideline was established to facilitate the evaluation of social intervention programs.
For this purpose, the goals of the evaluation were taken into account: (a) planning
interventions, (b) learning and continuous improvement of interventions, (c) programming
policies, and (d) transformation of society. These goals will determine the perspective of
the analysis selected (focusing on the evaluand or the context) and the strategies for
change employed (focusing on processes or results). The elements that, according to
Shadish, Cook, and Levinton (1991), constitute the theory of evaluation (evaluand, value,
building of knowledge, and uses) have also been considered. The analysis of all these
components led to the elaboration of a guideline to orient the practice of evaluation from
a pragmatic perspective, in accordance with the demands and needs of a certain social
Keywords: program evaluation, social intervention, evaluation theory, evaluation practice
Considerando la multiplicidad de perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas existentes en el
campo de la evaluación, se ha elaborado una pauta que permita conducir la evaluación
de programas de intervención social. Para ello se han tenido en cuenta los propósitos
u objetivos que puede perseguir la evaluación: (a) planificación de intervenciones, (b)
aprendizaje y mejora continua de las intervenciones, (c) programación de políticas, y (d)
transformación de la sociedad. Estos objetivos determinarán la perspectiva de análisis
adoptada (centrada en el evaluando o en su contexto) y las estrategias de cambio
utilizadas (orientadas a los procesos o a los resultados). Se han considerado también
los elementos que para Shadish, Cook y Levinton (1991) constituyen la teoría de la
evaluación (evaluando, valor, construcción del conocimiento y usos). El análisis de todos
estos componentes ha permitido elaborar una guía que oriente la práctica de la evaluación
desde una perspectiva pragmática acorde a las demandas y necesidades que se planteen
en un contexto social determinado.
Palabras clave: evaluación de programas, intervención social, teoría de la evaluación,
práctica de la evaluación
Correspondence should be addressed to: Isabel María Herrera Sánchez. Departamento de Psicología Social. Universidad de Sevilla.
Camilo José Cela s/n. 41018 Sevilla (Spain). Phone: 95455988. E-mail:
Translation: Virginia Navascúes Howard.
The purpose of this work is to provide a guideline to
orient evaluators about the best way to perform an evaluation
in the area of social intervention, depending on the goals,
as these determine how the main evaluation elements are
set up. However, before going into details and to make our
proposal more comprehensible, we shall define social
intervention as a series of planned strategies to achieve
changes in the social reality in a certain population, so that
this population will reach higher levels of development and
well-being. Thus, the evaluation of any social intervention
program involves acquiring knowledge about the value of
the program and transferring such a judgment to solving
social problems.
The rationale of our proposal is based on evaluators’
difficulty in choosing the evaluation procedure that best
matches their demands and needs, given the quantity of
available strategies and their diversity (e.g., Chelimsky &
Shadish, 1997; Stufflebaum, 2001).
A researcher’s first task is to translate emerging demands
and needs into goals. These goals can be grouped into one
of the following categories: (a) planning interventions, (b)
learning and continuous improvement of interventions, (c)
programming policies, and (d) transformation of society.
Inclusion in any category will determine the analysis outlook
(micro or macro) assumed by the researcher and the change
strategy adopted (linear or nonlinear).
The “micro” perspective focuses on structural (resources,
personnel, etc.) and operational (activities, strategies, etc.)
characteristics of the intervention program that is the object
of evaluation, in order to determine which aspects are
improvable. The “macro” perspective addresses the political,
economic, organizational, or psychosocial aspects of a
program (see Shadish, 1987).
Change strategies refer to the time period in which the
evaluation takes place (at the end or during the entire
process) and to the type of evaluation performed (processor outcome-focused). According to Veney and Kaluzny
(1991), linear strategies lead to punctual evaluations
performed to achieve concrete goals that are usually aimed
at presenting accounts and increasing the efficacy or impact
of social programs. They are therefore typically performed
at the end of the interventions. Nonlinear strategies consider
evaluation and intervention to be part of the same process
that goes from the intervention to the evaluation, and back
again, so that a continued evaluation of the implicit processes
of the program is performed in order to introduce the
pertinent changes to optimize the intervention.
Obviously, evaluations may have various goals so that
in one evaluation, several different perspectives of analysis
and change strategies may be adopted. For example, an
evaluation may propose to: (a) verify whether the
programmed activities are being adequately implemented
to achieve continuous improvement (micro perspective,
nonlinear change); (b) determine the efficacy of the program
so as to decide whether to continue it, modify it, or eliminate
it (micro perspective, linear change); (c) evaluate the
differential effect of diverse programs with similar
characteristics on different settings (macro perspective, linear
change); and (d) assess the extent to which various programs
that are being carried out promote democratic values such
as solidarity, tolerance, and respect of human rights (macro
perspective, nonlinear change).
In short, the goals of an evaluation determine the analysis
perspective adopted and the way the evaluand is expected
to change. However, it still remains to be seen how to
perform the evaluation to achieve the proposed goals. This
leads to the examination of the elements that make up the
evaluation, as they will determine the decisions to be made.
For this purpose, we chose the evaluation theory
formulated by Shadish, Cook, and Leviton (1991), which
we think is one of the most solid and complete theoretical
formulations. It compiles the contributions of the chief
evaluation theoreticians of the times—Scriven, Campbell,
Weiss, Wholey, Stake, Cronbach, and Rossi—considering
the following elements: (a) the evaluand’s characteristics;
(b) the evaluation criteria, the participation level of the
groups involved in the evaluation, the standpoint,
responsibility and role assumed by the evaluator; (c) the
evaluator’s scientific assumptions and the methods used to
obtain information; and (d) the use or influence of the
information provided by the evaluation.
The examination of each one of these components will
allow us to decide what to do and how to actually conduct
the evaluation depending on the goals pursued. We have
adopted a pragmatic standpoint for the analysis, as we
believe that all the options are legitimate as long as they
satisfy the needs encountered by the evaluator in the different
settings in which the evaluation takes place.
The Evaluand’s Characteristics
The systematization of the evaluation process involves
considering, first, the object of the evaluation—or evaluand—,
which, in our case, are the social intervention programs. We
must therefore determine the main assumptions and
mechanisms underlying the intervention: the components
(assigned resources, intervention strategies and tactics, results),
the expected causal relations among them, and the contextual
factors that accompany their implementation (values, social
norms, relation with other sociopolitical actions, pressure
from various stakeholders, etc.).
The so-called theory-driven evaluation is a model that
has focused most directly on knowledge of the evaluand.
This movement emerged at the end of the eighties as an
alternative to the experimental models or black box
evaluation (Chen, 1990), because of its problematical
application to the evaluation of social and community
interventions. This theory is based on the notion that the
design of an evaluation should rest on the logical model
that directs the program or intervention it is meant to
evaluate. This means taking into consideration the processes
involved in formulating the implementation of the
intervention, as well as the results expected to be achieved
by the intervention.
The appraisal of the processes chiefly involves
determining whether the theory underlying the program
allows one to propose the desired goals and whether the
implementation of the program has been carried out
according to plan. The two issues that the normative theory
(Chen, 1990), the implementation theory (Weiss, 1998), and
the process theory (Rossi, Freeman, & Lipsey, 1999) are
expected to clarify are the theory’s sufficiency and the
program’s adaptation to its conception
In the case of the evaluation of the results, the emphasis
is on identifying the causal mechanisms that mediate between
the components of a program and the results. The issues that
concern the causative theory (Chen, 1990), the program theory
(Weiss, 1998), and the impact theory (Rossi et al., 1999) are
the efficacy, efficiency, and effectiveness of the program.
No doubt, this is the best type of evaluation to investigate
the conception of a program and to gather exhaustive
knowledge of the evaluand. However, it also presents a
series of limitations, among them: (a) lack of precision in
the elaboration of the logical models that guide the program,
among other reasons, because the same program may be
based on several implicit theories; or the evaluator, who
may not be in the best situation to consider all the contextual
factors of the program, may neglect relevant variables when
conceiving the program (Bickman, 2000; Birckmayer &
Weiss, 2000); (b) the models resulting from the research
process performed by the evaluator are so complex that it
may be impossible to translate them into a data analysis
design (Weiss, 1997); and (c) knowledge of the conception
of a program does not exempt researchers from using
experimental designs to confirm it (Cook, 2000).
Despite all these limitations, we believe that the
elaboration of logical models is usually one of the first tasks
to be addressed by the evaluator. However, the problem
consists of determining which elements of the program
should be operationalized within the logical model and their
importance in the series of activities that make up an
evaluation. The higher or lesser degree of importance of the
logical model will depend on the change strategy adopted:
1. Outcome-focused evaluation. This may not require a
logical model, as it can study the effects of an
intervention on a certain population, without the need
of appraising the underlying mechanisms of the
components of the program and the results achieved.
2. Process-focused evaluation. The evaluation focuses
on the operationalization of the theory; the evaluator
should determine whether the program begins with a
theoretical analysis of the problem, whether it takes
into account how the various groups involved
(managers, programmers, technicians, users, etc.)
conceive the problem, or whether the theory is
compatible with the system of dominant values,
beliefs, and ideologies. For example, an evaluation
may recommend the need to know whether a program
or its components allow for the evaluation of the
results (evaluation of the evaluability).
3. Process- and results-focused evaluation. An example
is the proposal of Lipsey and Cordray (2000) for the
evaluation of the results, which integrates an
experimental or quasi-experimental design with
theory-driven evaluation, providing more precise
information about the causal mechanisms of the
changes produced by the program. That is: (a)
observed variability attributed to factors such as the
implementation of the program (organization of
activities developed and consistent with what was
planned), the participants’ characteristics, the type of
contact with service providers, etc.; and (b) the causeeffect sequence between program components and
their interrelations with program results.
Evaluation Criteria, Level of Participation of the
Groups Involved, and the Evaluator’s Role
Judgments are an omnipresent activity in any evaluation
task. Judgment is doubtless implicit in evaluation, at least,
of a comparative nature. This means one must explicitly
express the logic used to establish the criteria that lead to
the formulation of the conclusions of the evaluation. This
emphasis on assessment and judgment of the evaluand is
what distinguishes evaluation from research.
This led Scriven (1980) to establish objective evaluation
criteria, developing a meta-theory that he denominated the
Logic of Evaluation. According to this author, the information
provided by the evaluation is related to certain judgments
in four phases: (a) establishment of the criteria of merit that
determine how the object of the evaluation will be labeled
and judged as good, useful, of quality, etc.; (b) elaboration
of standards or norms of functioning that specify levels or
degrees of merit; (c) collecting data about the functioning
of the object and comparing it with previously established
functioning standards; and (d) synthesis or integration of
the data within a judgment of merit or value.
This logic of evaluation is considered a tool that is
universally applicable to the practice of evaluation (Stake
& Migotsky, 1997). Arguments arise when choosing the
most pertinent criteria to determine the value or merit of
the evaluand, deciding the appropriateness of the standards
or norms of functioning, and deciding how to measure the
level of functioning. However, the biggest problems crop
up when attempting to formulate the global judgment from
the synthesis of the data collected. Thus, whereas for some
authors, valid and objective inferences about values can be
obtained from the data (Scriven, 1994), for others, this is
impossible because they consider the data to be a process
of social construction and therefore, subject to interpretation
by the people involved (Guba & Lincoln, 1989; Stake, 1983;
Stake & Migotsky, 1997).
This leads us to the consideration of whether the
evaluator should serve some pre-established absolute values,
or just describe the values of certain stakeholders. In this
sense, from a prescriptive approach, we propose the primacy
of universal values that circumscribe the evaluation. The
authors who defend this option, for example, House (1980),
begin with the premise that when evaluators provide
information about certain actions aimed at solving social
problems (poverty, racism, violence, etc.), they are
participating in a moral act that should contribute to justice
in society in general.
Various difficulties arise if we decide to consider values
as absolute. First, values are not limited to a theory or
philosophical proposal, so it is impossible to justify one theory
over another based on values. Second, in evaluation, the
common practice is to have to deal with different values and
interests that correspond to different groups of people involved
in the actions being evaluated (Guba & Lincoln, 1989;
Rebolloso & Rebolloso, 1998; Schwandt, 1997). In this sense,
the standpoint of the majority considers it more practical to
defend a descriptive approach: Evaluation is limited to
describing or noting this plurality of interests, establishing
the criteria of value on the basis of what certain stakeholders
consider or perceive to be important or more just.
Precisely, the presence of various stakeholders that
participate in the evaluation process is one of the main
problems, because this plurality implies the frequent
convergence of conflicting values. This situation forces one
to make decisions about the need to consider conjointly the
interests of all the people who participate in the action, or
to choose the most relevant among them. There are several
viewpoints on this issue. So, some evaluation models, such
as the so-called stakeholder evaluation, defend the need to
“holistically” consider the concerns and needs all the affected
groups (Vedung, 1993). Conversely, others give priority to
the values of certain groups, such as, for example, program
and service managers (Wholey, 1983), people who lack
power and who are not represented impartially in democratic
decision making (House & Howe, 2000), or minority groups
and those who act in their name (Mertens, 2003).
Along with the consideration of the various groups that
are interested in the evaluative process as a source of
information, the different levels of involvement of these
groups in the evaluation task and the evaluator’s role are
also particularly relevant. There are also several choices
here. Thus, in the responsive evaluation model, although it
contemplates the participation of the groups involved in the
evaluation, the evaluator is responsible for and controls the
evaluation (House, 2001). Conversely, in the constructivist
approach of Guba and Lincoln (1989), both evaluators and
the people involved share the responsibility in a negotiation
viewpoint of the evaluative process. Lastly, the well-known
empowerment evaluation (Fetterman, 2001) places the
stakeholders in the center of the evaluation process, looking
for the self-determination of the people who participate in
the program; that is, their capacity to determine their own
life courses. This is a model of participation and
transformation in which the evaluator assumes the role of
promoter of the learning and change processes.
The inclusion of the groups involved in the evaluation
process and the type of relation they have with the evaluator
have reopened a debate among theoreticians about the
standpoint that the evaluator should maintain during the
evaluation process. It is a debate of objectivity versus
commitment. Some authors state that evaluation should be
neutral, in this case, the evaluators examine systematically
and empirically the values that are relevant for the social
policies and programs and, if they find discrepancy, they
try to arrive at a consensus between the different positions
of the groups (Mark, 2001). Conversely, other authors defend
a standpoint that is more committed to a certain type of
evaluation, that which advocates the specific interests of
certain social groups, in particular, those lacking power and
rights (Mertens, 2003).
In short, these proposals underscore the difficulty of
assigning priority to the values that support the evaluation,
of choosing and involving the stakeholders, and of
determining the evaluator’s habitual role. Once again, it is
noted that matching the evaluation to the goals can help
solve this problem. Thus, if the aim is to determine the
efficacy of a program (micro perspective, linear change),
the values will already be specified because they are implicit
in the intervention goals. Therefore, it is not necessary for
the groups involved to participate in this aspect. Similarly,
the evaluator’s role should be neutral because the results of
the evaluation will depend on the causal inference being
unbiased. However, if the goal is to identify and determine
which program outcomes will be relevant for the various
groups involved when subsequently designing the
intervention (micro perspective, nonlinear change), then the
values should be agreed on by these groups, which requires
their maximum participation in the investigation process.
The evaluator should then adopt a role of mediator or
negotiator who collects information about the different needs
and who attempts to reach agreements among the various
criteria and priorities proposed by the groups involved.
Scientific Proposals and Methods
The key issue in this section is how to obtain the
knowledge to judge the evaluand; whether such knowledge
should be gathered using qualitative methodology such as
that employed in idiographic disciplines, or whether it should
be based on the administration of quantitative analysis
procedures employed in nomothetic disciplines. In other
words, the issue is whether the object of evaluation is to
understand the evaluand or to formulate general laws,
translatable to what Patton (2001) calls the effective
principles of programming social interventions.
Contrary to extreme viewpoints that regard both
methodological approaches as opposites, we advocate a
viewpoint that does not consider them dichotomic but
complementary. This outlook states that the definition of
the object of study and the goals of the investigation
determine the limits of choice, both of the methodological
approach and of the analysis techniques (see, for example,
Cook, 1997). Therefore, although the epistemological bases
of these two methodological traditions are different, there
is no contradiction in their conjoint use in social investigation
(Álvaro, 1995; Alvira, 1983; Reichardt & Cook, 1979). This
perspective has produced two specific proposals in the field
of evaluation:
1. The use of a specific type of methodology and its
corresponding analysis techniques, which does not
imply the acceptance of a whole series of metatheoretical or epistemological proposals. For example,
the utilization-focused evaluation (Patton, 1997), a
model directed at using the evaluation outcome, so
the choice of possible methodological alternatives
(experimentation, quasi-experimentation, statistical
designs, case studies, etc.) will depend on whether or
not the data obtained meet the users’ needs. For
instance, if the goal of an intervention program was
the academic integration of ethnical minority groups,
it might be sufficient for those in charge to know the
frequency of interactions between students from these
groups and those from the majority group; in this
case, statistical designs would be the most appropriate.
However, if the managers needed to know the nature
of such interactions, then observation in situ and indepth interviews would be required.
2. The co-existence of contrasting methodological
approaches and analysis techniques (causal and
interpretive investigation) in the same theoretical
proposal, as occurs, for example, in the realistic
evaluation (Julnes & Mark, 1998). This evaluation
model is based on emergent realism, which states that
there is an external reality from which observable
regularities may be extracted, which should be
considered within the contextual dynamic of complex
open systems that are observed indirectly. Therefore,
the value of the different methods will depend on their
capacity to verify the different aspects of the generative
change mechanisms associated with the social
programs and the diverse aspects of the context
affected by the program. An example is the case study
presented by Mark, Feller, and Button (1997), in which
the impact of a new system of contracting personnel
in the Administration was evaluated. For this purpose,
a series of qualitative methods (observations and
interviews) were incorporated in the framework of an
experimental design. These qualitative methods had
several goals, among them: development and
subsequent refining of the measurement instruments
(surveys), validation of the results obtained in the
surveys, explanation of the quantitative findings, and
setting the limits of their generalization. Regarding
the last point, in the interviews with the directors and
the new employees, the authors clarified importance
of factors such as professional category, salary, work
conditions, and contract restrictions to determine
whether or not it was necessary to implement the new
contracting system.
We advocate the proposal of Patton (1997) and we
coincide with his opinion that the methodology should be
selected according to the users’ needs, which are reflected
in the evaluation goals. To avoid subjecting the evaluation
to private interests, these goals should be established as a
result of what the users need to know and the evaluator
considers most pertinent, given the peculiarities of the object
of the evaluation. Thus, at the start of the program, when
little is known about the problem and its solutions, it is most
appropriate to discover and describe the peculiarities of the
problem (for example, by case studies). When a program is
sufficiently implemented at a local level to be able to offer
an account of its efficacy, the evaluation will require a causal
or probabilistic explanation (experimental, quasiexperimental, or correlational designs). If the differential
effects of similar programs in different settings should be
determined so as to ensure the continuation of some political
strategy, the evaluation should lead to generalizable
conclusions (such as the case of the synthesis of research
or meta-analysis). Lastly, in order to go beyond the impact
of the program and take into account the value of various
possible alternatives to solve the social problems, the
evaluation should be of an interpretive nature, using a
hermeneutic model.
In short, we believe that evaluation should allow one to
establish a series of general principles applicable to any
social intervention, without having to give up understanding
the specific evaluand in which the evaluation originated.
The Utilization or Influence of the Information
Provided by the Evaluation
Research in this field has focused on identifying how
the findings of an evaluation affect the different stakeholders.
Initially, the implicit use theories stated that the results of
an evaluation should become the central inputs in political
decision making (instrumental use). However, experience
soon showed the evaluators that political decisions were not
made according to the results of the evaluation; sometimes
because the results were contrary to political interests and
others because they were not definite.
Although the results do not lead to new actions or to
the modification of the evaluated actions, they may be used
for such ends as: (a) to review the intervention foundation,
indicating possible directions for action, which Leviton and
Hughes (1981) called conceptual use, and Cronbach (1982)
and Weiss and Bucuvalas (1981) enlightenment; and (b) to
stir up a political debate about some social problem; for
example, the AIDS prevention programs promoted by the
local administrations were not very effective for this purpose,
but they were good for setting off a social debate about
young people’s new ways of experiencing sexuality. This
has been called a symbolic or political use (Leviton &
Hughes, 1981).
None of these notions was concerned with identifying
the utilization within a conception based on the very process
of evaluation, which is the central axis of the developmental
evaluation proposed by Patton (1994). This evaluation can
be considered a process of constant dialogue between
evaluators and the parties involved, who share the
responsibility to generate, transmit, and use the information.
Everything produces learning in individuals during the
evaluation process, that is, a process of constant feedback
and change, where the evaluator works with a team of
persons who want to learn how to improve what they are
doing and to learn from their actions.
Patton (1997) was also interested in the intentional nature
of the knowledge generated by the evaluation, so his
proposal includes the identification and differentiation of
the primary users from the audience in general, as these
elements may prefer different usages of the evaluation. For
example, a politician, as primary user, may be interested in
the results of the evaluation to justify his stance regarding
some social problem, whereas the citizens may be interested
in the use of the results of the evaluation to improve the
policy of distribution of goods.
All the above indicates the multidirectional nature of the
usage of the results of evaluation, which has led Kirkhart
(2000) to propose that it may be preferable to talk about
influence instead of use, so as to underline the unintentional
and noninstrumental effects of the evaluation. For this author,
it is essential to determine the sources of influence or such
elements of the evaluation that comprise the active agents
of change and that may be associated both with the processes
and the results of the evaluation, and also the temporal
dimension, or moment in which the influence occurs, because
its effects will vary depending on whether it occurs during
or at the end of the evaluation, or at some interval after the
completion of the evaluation.
In short, it is obvious that research of the usage has taken
a new direction in the last years, going from being a minor
issue to becoming a fundamental aspect in research. This is
not surprising if one takes into account that evaluative work
should meet specific requirements both of the political and
the scientific context, requirements which are currently seen
as interwoven, thus shattering the rational outlook of the
utilization of the results of social experimentation, which
had been the predominant viewpoint since the decade of the
sixties (Campbell, 1988).
An Integrative Approach
After reviewing the components of the evaluation, we
propose an organizing guideline in which the various ways
of performing an evaluation can be integrated. In our
approach, the different combinations of these elements are
implicit in the goals of the evaluation, and these
combinations generate different ways to address the
dimensions of evaluation, as shown in Table 1.
According to this guideline, the evaluator could adopt
one or several of the following combinations, depending on
the goals of the evaluation:
1. Planning interventions.
2. Learning and continuous improvement.
3. Programming policies.
4. Transformation of society.
Planning Interventions
Evaluations within the framework of this goal are meant
to obtain information about the results achieved by the
development of a program, an activity, etc. An example of
this type of evaluations is the planned variation evaluation,
in which different varieties of a program are compared to
determine their differential efficacy (see, for example, Yeh,
The goals of these evaluations define a micro perspective
and a linear change strategy; that is, the evaluation focuses
on the evaluand, with the aim of obtaining information about
the efficacy, efficiency, or effectiveness on which to base a
decision about future planning. This means eliminating
actions that have proven to be inefficient or implementing
actions that have been shown to be efficient.
This type of evaluations, supported by methodological
rigor as a quality criterion, requires the objectivity and
independence of the evaluator, who is responsible for the
entire evaluation process. When accepting the standards of
objectivity and independence, the information provided by
the evaluation is expected to be relevant for the selection
and adoption of the best solutions, although other
unintentional influences may co-exist. In this case, in addition
to improving the efficacy of a program, the evaluation may
be useful for other latent purposes, such as increasing the
visibility of the program in the eyes of the community.
Learning and Continuous Improvement
The purpose of this type of evaluations is learning and
continuous improvement of the intervention. These evaluations
focus on the analysis of the correspondence between what
Table 1
Guideline for the Evaluation of Social Intervention Programs
Goal of the Evaluation
Planning interventions (micro
perspective, linear change)
Learning and continuous
improvement (micro
perspective, nonlinear change)
Programming policies (macro
perspective, linear change)
Transformation of society
(macro perspective,
nonlinear change)
Programs, interventions or actions
Development of the program,
action, or intervention
Series of interventions with
common goals
Actions that lead to
discrimination and inequality
Evaluation criteria
Efficacy, efficiency or
Quality and implementation
Social justice and inclusion
Level of participation
The audience is informed or
Participation in part of or in
the entire process
The audience is informed or
Active participation.
Evaluator’s standpoint
Independence, objectivity
Examines the values
Independence, objectivity
Defense of values
Evaluator’s responsibility
Shared with the involved
Evaluator’s role
Scientific assumptions
Standards that account for
Emphasis on the specification
of the context
Searching for generalizable
conclusions regarding the
influence of the context
Hermeneutical cycle of
Methods or considerations for
the design of the evaluation
Experimental, quasi-experimental,
or correlational
Emerging designs, mixed
designs, case studies
Meta-analysis. Synthesis.
Good practice
Critical self-reflection
Influence of the evaluation
Focused on evaluation results.
Promoted at the end of the
Focused on evaluation process.
Promoted from the start.
Focused on evaluation
results. Promoted at the end
of the evaluation.
Comprises the final goal of
the evaluation
was intended and what was actually implemented so as to
carry out the necessary adjustments to produce the desired
change in the goal of the evaluation. Therefore, they adopt a
micro perspective and a nonlinear strategy.
An example of this type of evaluations is the abovementioned theory-driven evaluation, which consists of the
formulation of a theory that describes the evaluand’s
structural and operational characteristics in detail, in order
to provide information about its nature, functioning, and
aspects that may be subject to change. For a review of the
most recent applications of this model, see Donaldson
Contrary to the previous perspective, this type of
evaluation has a formative nature and the participation of
those responsible for the implementation and initiation of
the program being evaluated is essential. They should play
a relevant role in the specification of the evaluation issues,
collecting information, interpreting the results, etc. This
participation has obvious effects on the support for the
program and on its evaluation, directly affecting decision
making and problem solving.
The stance that the evaluator should adopt about the
values of the groups involved can vary from distant to near.
In the first case, the evaluator just compiles, describes, and
examines these values neutrally. In the second case, the
evaluator tries to understand the meaning of the program
for the persons involved, because this meaning reveals which
aspects of the program should be changed to improve its
Independently of the evaluator’s standpoint, he or she
works in collaboration with the groups involved, moderating
and clarifying the discussion, facilitating decisions on the
basis of the data obtained.
Lastly, from this perspective, the methodological choices
will depend on the nature of the intervention and on the
degree of specification and formalization of the intervention.
Thus, for example, when problems are not well defined,
people disagree about which aspects should have priority,
the goals are diffuse, or the activities are not implemented
in their totality, then the evaluator should start out with
naturalistic assumptions so as to discover and understand
the phenomena being studied in their context. According to
this viewpoint, it is not necessary to begin with a prior
design, but instead a design “emerges” and takes shape as
the evaluation advances; quantitative measures can
subsequently be incorporated to increase the credibility of
the findings (see for example Kalafat & Illback, 1998). On
the contrary, when the program is highly specific and
formalized, one should choose quantitative methods from
the start.
Programming Policies
In this group are the evaluations whose purpose is to
formulate general intervention principles to help improve
social policies and compile the best practices or lessons
learned. In this case, the evaluations go beyond the limits
of a concrete program or action, adopting a macro
perspective aimed at political, social, organizational, and
psychological factors that have facilitated or hindered the
achievement of the best results (linear strategy).
There are two options here: the first consists of
performing a meta-analysis of the individual works and
integrating the findings obtained by each of the particular
evaluations and revealing effects that would otherwise not
be observable (see, for example, Lipsey, 1997; Lipsey &
Wilson, 1993). The second option consists of comparing a
series of interventions with common aims and characteristics
but taking place in different contexts. This type of evaluation
is known as cluster evaluation (see Sanders, 1997).
The purpose of both types of studies is to obtain
generalizable findings that lead to better comprehension of
the intervention programs by analyzing the diverse
circumstances and contexts in which these interventions
achieve the best results. From this viewpoint, the evaluators
do not limit their role to that of mere advisors in the
decision-making process to develop new initiatives, policies,
or implementation strategies, but instead they also make
suggestions to solve the problems.
Transformation of Society
As in the previous case, this type of evaluations are
within the socio-political context, but conversely, they
express misgivings about the main aspects of the programs
in order to promote substantial changes in values and
political priorities (macro perspective). Thus, they generate
a permanent debate about the processes that reveal the
weaknesses of the current social system (nonlinear change
strategy) so as to solve the most urgent social problems:
poverty, isolation, delinquency, etc. For example, the main
purpose of the feminist evaluation is to make explicit the
elements that explain gender inequality (Sielbeck-Bowen,
Brisolara, Seigar, Tischler, & Whitmore, 2002).
For this purpose, the evaluator adopts an activist stance
that defends the interests of the groups involved, in particular
of those who lack power and rights, and promotes the active
participation of these groups to transform the existing
structures. Conversely, the evaluation is based on debate,
dialogue, and reflection within the hermeneutical cycle of
observations and interpretations that lead to the understanding
and comprehension of reality.
Lastly, given the critical examination of the values and
assumptions of the programs and the need to make the
current inequalities explicit, the evaluation plays an active
role in political activity, because the goal is for the evaluation
to be linked to social transformation.
Summing up, the purpose of this guideline is for the
evaluation to be comprehensive and realistic; that is, to
accept that the evaluation meets the demands and needs of
a certain social context and the goals of solving social
problems, using the evaluation theory that is most appropriate
for one’s purposes. This perspective, rather than breaking
up the field of evaluation, should, to a great extent, contribute
to the productive progress and plurality of interests,
perspectives, and values of society.
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Received: May 26, 2004
Revision received: November 11, 2004
Accepted: November 30, 2004