Transition of Rural
Economy into Global
Sustainable Development of Rural India
with E-business
Dr. Himanshu Agarwal, Reader,
D. N. (PG) College, Meerut.
Edited Book “e-marketing in Indian Scenario”
Prof. Ashok Kumar, Head,
Department Management Studies,
Forte Institute of Technology, Meerut.
The benefits of E-business over
traditional mode of business Reach. The
nature of the internet means businesses now
have a truly global reach. While traditional
media costs limit this kind of reach to huge
multinationals, e-business opens up new
avenues for smaller businesses, on a much
smaller budget, to access potential
consumers from all over the world.
Scope: E-business allows the marketer to
reach consumers in a wide range of ways and
enables them to offer a wide range of
products and services. E-business includes,
among other things, information
management, public relations, customer
service and sales. With the range of new
technologies becoming available all the
time, this scope can only grow.
Interactivity: Whereas traditional
marketing is largely about getting a brand's
message out there, e-business facilitates
conversations between companies and
consumers. With a two-way communication
channel, companies can feed off of the
responses of their consumers, making them
more dynamic and adaptive.
Immediacy: It is able to, in ways never
before imagined, provide an immediate
impact. By closing the gap between
E-business is a term
used to describe
businesses run on the
Internet, or utilizing
Internet technologies to
improve the productivity
or profitability of a
business. In a more
general sense, the term
may be used to
describe any form of
electronic business —that is to say, any
business which utilizes
a computer. This usage
is somewhat archaic,
however, and in most
contexts e-business
refers exclusively to
Internet businesses. In
the past few years,
virtually all businesses
have become, to some
degree or another, an
e-business. The
pervasiveness of
Internet technology,
readily available
solutions, and the
demonstrated benefits
of electronic technology
have made e-business
the obvious path. This
trend continues with
new technologies, such
as Internet-enabled cell
phones and PDA's, and
the trend of e-business
saturation will most
likely continue for some
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providing information and eliciting a consumer reaction, the
consumer's buying cycle is speeded up and advertising spend can go
much further in creating immediate leads.
Demographics and Targeting: Generally speaking, the
demographics of the E-business are a marketer's dream. Internet users,
considered as a group, have greater buying power and could perhaps
be considered as a population group skewed towards the middleclasses. The Internet creates the perfect environment for niche
marketing to targeted groups.
Adaptivity and Closed Loop Marketing: Closed Loop Marketing
requires the constant measurement and analysis of the results of
marketing initiatives. By continuously tracking the response and
effectiveness of a campaign, the marketer can be far more dynamic in
adapting to consumers' wants and needs.
With e-business, responses can be analyzed in real-time and
campaigns can be tweaked continuously. Combined with the
immediacy of the Internet as a medium, this means that there's
minimal advertising spend wasted on less than effective campaigns.
The combination of all these factors results in an improved ROI and
ultimately, more customers, happier customers and an improved
bottom line.
E-business Initiatives in India: The core strategy of the e-business
initiatives in India depend upon the clients' needs the target audience
they need to reach out to, the profile of the target audience which
includes demographics as well as psycho graphic segmentation.
Internet marketing has grown to gargantuan proportions as it has been
able to deliver the goods with regards to measuring the return on
investments. There are varied e-business tools that we use to support
the initiatives in India -- banner ads, search engine placement, affiliate
marketing keyword promotion (bidding) and e-mail marketing. Our
E-business plans enable us to support e-business initiatives in India,
which is driven by a four-fold strategy:
Business referrals: The best way to get new clients is the ones
referred by current clients.
Trade shows and sales networks: We present our offerings at major
trade shows in our industry.
Excellent execution: We believe, one's ability to sell is only as good
as one's delivery.
Product marketing: Our product development is driven purely by
market needs.
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E- business in India, key challenges for growth
E-business in India is projected to grow 10 times in value over the
next five years, according to a joint study undertaken by the country's
main software industry body and the Boston Consulting Group. Ecommerce is expected surge to Rs 1.95 trillion by 2005 according to
the study released by the National Association of Software and Service
Companies (NASSCOM) and the Boston Consulting Group.
It seems to be a good time for E-business in India. No hype, simply
strong fundamentals. Eyeballs and venture funding are no longer
important, instead value and getting the numbers right seem to be new
mantra. That's good news in itself because this mantra hasn't failed in
the last 200 years of corporate history I know of.
Internet marketing has been increasing around in India since last 5
years. However, e-commerce has picked up only recently and Online
Marketing is slowly growing up in India too. Currently, most of the
business people were doing their business through online due to more
technology development and internet users across the India.
Internet Usage and Population Statistics in India
% Usage Source
3.6% C.I. Almanac
Day by day, online shopping is truly catching on in India,
traditional brick and mortar stores are also getting the hand of doing
business online. The trends demonstrate that traditional stores will
keep on doing sufficient business while the online stores increase their
virtual presence on the internet. The internet is also proving to a boon
in disguise for many small and medium enterprises, which are joining
hands with major Indian online portals to display their products and
advertise their services. Internet Marketing is one of today's fastest
growing marketing opportunities. With the use of today's Internet
Marketing medium one can open doors to potential client who will be
able to search and seek your website through the use of Search
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E-Commerce showed 30% Growth In 2007-08: E-commerce is set
to grow at a 30 percent pace to touch Rs. 9,210 crores in 2007-08 from
Rs. 7,080 crore in 2006-07 boosted by strength in the classifieds,
subscription and downloads businesses, according to the latest
Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) report. Of course,
readers please remember that the IAMAI has every reason to paint a
rosy picture about the e-commerce business considering its mandate is
“to expand and enhance the online services sector.”
The online travel industry, which is growing from a larger base, is
estimated to grow 27 percent to Rs. 7,000 crore from Rs. 5,500 crore.
Online classifieds is seen expanding 52 percent to Rs. 820 crore from
Rs. 540 crore, while paid content subscription is expected to rise 50
percent to Rs. 30 crore from Rs. 20 crore and digital downloads could
also increase 50 percent to Rs. 255 crore from Rs. 170 crore. E-tailing
is estimated to jump 30 percent to Rs. 1,105 crore from Rs. 850 crore.
Top 20 E-commece Companies of India
Name of the Companies: 1. Indiamart Intermesh Limited, 2. Sify, 3.
Gigosoft, . Stylusinc, 5. Synapse, 6. Magnon Solutions, 7. Planet ECom, 8. CMC Limited, 9. Times of, 10. Cygnet Infortech
Pvt. Ltd. 11. Jplan Infotech, 12. Steel RX Corp, 13. Advent Infosoft
Pvt. Ltd., 14. Paysignet, 15. WebServerIndia, 16. Weblink, 17.
Sakshay, 18. Senseware, 19. Digital Arts, 20. Vsplash. India
Diffusion of E-Business in Rural Market: As new networks of B2B
activity emerge, rural businesses are taking part in their development.
Ecommerce activity by food and agricultural firms and a growing
number of examples of other rural firms developing innovative ecommerce strategies reveal that many rural businesses are embracing
e-business. E-business activity involves many industries that do
business in rural India. Manufactured e-commerce shipments are
concentrated in five manufacturing industries. Food products are the
fifth largest sub sector of manufacturing with e-business shipments. In
addition to shipping products electronically, the food products
industry purchased $11.2 billion of materials online in 2006, making it
the sixth most active e-commerce purchasing industry. The important
presence of food products manufacturing firms in the rural economy
suggests that many rural businesses use e-commerce technology. Ebusiness use by agricultural input industries suggests that many other
rural firms have also adopted e-strategies. Many rural agricultural
input firms are part of the chemical and machinery industries, the third
and fourth largest manufacturing e-commerce industries. An August
2007 survey of agricultural input firms revealed that roughly half of
the firms ordered supplies online and a fourth paid for their supplies
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Instead of rural India coming to urban marketing centers, the
reverse phenomena has to take place and e-business can successfully
pioneer this movement as:
It offers businesses a cost-effective way to expand into global
It lowers the transaction costs of businesses by dealing directly
with overseas suppliers and customers
It streamlines the rural business processes and Production,
marketing and delivery mechanisms can be revolutionized,
opening up new opportunities.
It reduces procurement costs for seed, feed and chemicals and
maximizes prices for products. Decision-making can be aided by
detailed Web-based information such as weather, marketing and
industry reports.
The middleman who takes away huge margins would be
marginalized, and the artisans' vulnerability replaced with
More regularization due to systems that track down sales and
maintain quality controls.
Another significant advantage that the products from rural areas
have in comparison with the other products that are being sold in the
virtual world is the exclusivity. E-business as increased the reach and
is a new source of infomediary mode for these products Consumer
electronics or air tickets which are being sold through internet has
lower percentage of conversion rates i.e. with respect to the number of
users who visit the product on a web page and the number of users who
buy them. The obvious advantage of rural e-commerce is the removal
of digital divide between the rural and urban folk.
Agricultural Informatics and Communication in India: ICT's
diffusion and infusion in agricultural sector provides the necessary
“digital opportunities” or advantages for productivity increase, for
income generation, for decrease in regional disparity and for
improving their linkages with the market. Markets, the driver for
agricultural growth, depends on effective information system i.e. what
people want, at what price, where to get it, and who can supp1y it.
There have been both national and internationa1 efforts (DOT force of
the UN, the UN/ESCAP committee on poverty reduction, the
millennium development goals, poverty net of the World Bank) to
improve information flows and communication services to eliminate
Rural India should be given a chance through Digital Networks
for farmers (DNF), DISNIC programme, E-cooperatives, and digital
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SME's to usher in a “Digital Inclusion for fostering rural prosperity
and grass roots level of development.
Emergence of the E-Choupal: In this scenario, some time back, the
ITC chose the most unexploited avenue of agribusiness. As per the
annual report, of 2004, “It had foreseen an inspiring vision; selected a
challenging corporate strategy, and formulated a world-class
execution plan with consummate investments in technology, brands,
people and governance”. The result: the ITC of today—a completely
transformed organization, driven by vision, powered by verve;
internationally viable; a national asset, creating ITC has evolved from
being a leading agri commodity exporter to a major player across the
agrivalue chain”. But the most unique intervention is perhaps the
concept of 'e-Choupal', which catalyzes the potential to address
several issues confronting the competitiveness of the traditional
Indian agricultural value chain. 'e-Choupal' is till date the unparallel
way to deliver real-time information and customized knowledge in the
local language to the marginal farmers and small landholders to
improve their decision-making ability. Thus, it is a drive to align the
farm output with the market demand so as to bring a stable equilibrium
is this arena.
Launched in June 2000, : 'e-Choupal', has already become the largest
initiative among all Internet-based interventions in rural India. 'eChoupal' services today reach out to more than 3.1 million farmers
growing a range of crops—soyabean, coffee, wheat, rice, pulses,
shrimp—in over 31,000 villages through 5050 kiosks across six states
(Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh,
Maharashtra and Rajasthan).
Some of the Strategies to Follow the Train
Development of Proof-of-Concept Projects in pilot districts
Agricultural Resources Information System (AgRIS)
AGMARKNET led Market extension system
Digital SMEs covering Urban Clusters and Rural Clusters
E-Cooperative and COOPNET of Agriculture and Rural Credit
ICT for Micro level Planning: DISNIC Programme
Rural Empowerment and Development through E-Learning
(READ):Community Information and Communication Centres
and Digital Libraries (DL) Centres — READ Centres through
Broadband Connectivity in about 12000 Rural Colleges, which
produce about 9 billion students in the age group of2l -23 Years
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Establishment of AgRIS Centres in 300 Agricultural Colleges (215
under SAU System, 85 under AU and General Universities), 89
ICAR Institutions, and 35 State/Central Agricultural Universities.
Networking of Departments of Geography, Departments/Faculties
of Agricultural Marketing, Schools of Earth and Atmospheric
Sciences, Schools of Social Sciences, Centres for Regional
Development Studies and Agricultural Colleges.
Adoption of Quality Management System (QMS).
Intranet for Collaborative Research, Extension arid Training.
Portals in officially recognised Indian Languages - Localization.
Adoption of Portal Models.
Broadcasting / Wider-Dissemination Model.
Critical Flow Model.
Comparative Analysis Model.
E-Advocacy/Lobbying and Pressure Group Mode).
Integrated Services Model.
Documentation of Geometry of Information Flow.
Capacity Building of all Stakeholders involved in the
Collaborative Research and Development Models.
Challenges lying ahead
A major challenge is the financing parts of all these initiatives and
it includes funding infrastructure developments designed to enhance
rural India's ability to participate in the information economy. This can
be done by those stakeholders who will benefit from rural e-commerce
and improvement of telecommunication infrastructure in general.
Other major challenges that face the e-business transactions in rural
level are the lack of a proper business model.
The top barriers to e-business as a medium to fuel rural growth are:
Security and Encryption
Trust and Risk
Lack of information by rural artisans
Lack of qualified personnel to work with farmers, artisans and
other rural folks.
Lack of proper business models
Too slow and undependable internet
Legal Issues
Fraud and Risk of Loss
Modes of payment
Consumer Privacy
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These bottlenecks are in addition to the other usual e-commerce
bottlenecks like pricing structure for users by various service
providers, availability of bandwidth which may be a hindrance for
users to experience the real world shopping experience etc.
Rural India cannot afford to ignore the changes being wrought by
the information economy, nor can they afford to just sit back and
passively wait to receive its benefits in the form of more convenient
access to products and services, information and entertainment, The
basic steps to increase the awareness and popularity of the IT in rural
areas have to be proactively taken. Public Internet access points such
as libraries, tele-cottages and online access centers provide an
important means of alleviating the 'digital divide', and lobbying for the
availability and retention of such facilities will help reduce inequity of
access to web- based government and financial services. Also, until
widespread computer literacy is achieved, rural communities will
need to campaign for the continuation of sufficient physical
infrastructure to meet the needs of those people who are not prepared
to go online for services.
The outcome of rural e-business and IT expansion are the capacity
to increase employment in regional communities in two distinct ways:
by there being more work located in the rural areas; and by rural people
being able to work remotely for urban based enterprises (teleworking).
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Paul Timmers, (2000), Electronic Commerce - strategies & models for
business-to-business trading, pp.31, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, ISBN 0-47172029-1
Leonard, Stacie "E-Business and Its Advantages."
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Bharat Bhasker (2003), Electronic Commerce Framework,
Technologies and Applications, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
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Ewing Marion Kauffmann Foundation (2001). A Report on Rural Life in the
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