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2015, C.Kershaw
1 file
I write for my NVQ3 the best of my understanding on care provision for those with dementia within a private care setting.
Person-Centred Care/Dementia Care Person-centred care for institutionalized elders is increasingly more recognized as synonymous with best quality care (Edvardsson, Fetherstonhaugh and Nay, 2010). This\ paper discusses person-centred care as an ethical approach to care for people with\ dementia living in long-term care residential settings. It examines the effects ofthisâ pproach on the individual, the family, staff and the health care system, and concludes with strategies for instituting person-centred care practices in long-term care settings.
To study person centred care for people with a dementia with a particular focus on residential aged care facilities - A 2013 Churchill Fellowship Report.
Bold: quarterly journal of the International Institute on Aging (United Nations - Malta)
Working with Older People, 2012
PurposeDementia care is an issue of increasing policy focus, with person centred approaches becoming synonymous with quality provision in this area. However, the implementation and efficacy of this approach is difficult to measure and there are still huge variations in working practices, with task centred approaches traditionally predominating over more holistic forms of care. In order to address these issues the procedure of dementia care mapping has been developed, which aims to assess the wellbeing of people with dementia and other vulnerable groups through the observation of communal activities. This article aims to critically assess the implementation of a person centred approach.Design/methodology/approachWith the use of dementia care mapping, this article assesses the implementation of a person centred approach with a group of care home residents. All were female, their ages ranged from 77 to 92.FindingsIt is shown that while participants potentially experienced many benefits...
International Journal of Older People Nursing, 2011
2 0 1 1 ) ( 2 0 1 1 ) A model for using the VIPS framework for person-centred care for persons with dementia in nursing homes: a qualitative evaluative study. Background. The 'VIPS' framework sums up the elements in Kitwood's philosophy of person-centred care (PCC) for persons with dementia as values, individualised approach, the perspective of the person living with dementia and social environment. There are six indicators for each element. Aim. To conduct an initial evaluation of a model aimed at facilitating the application of the VIPS framework. Design. Qualitative evaluative study. Methods. A model was trialled in a 9-week pilot study in two nursing homes and evaluated in four focus groups using qualitative content analysis. Results. Five themes emerged: (1) Legitimacy of the model was secured when central roles were held by nurses representing the majority of the staff; (2) The model facilitated the staff's use of their knowledge of PCC; (3) Support to the persons holding the internal facilitating roles in the model was needed; (4) The authority of the leading registered nurse in the ward was crucial to support the legitimacy of the model and (5) Form of organisation seemed to be of importance in how the model was experienced.
Age and Ageing, 2021
The need to improve care for people living with dementia in the hospital setting has long been recognised. Person-centred care has the potential to improve the experience of care for persons living with dementia and their carers, and has been shown to improve the experiences of hospital staff caring for the persons living with dementia, however it remains challenging to deliver in a time- and task-focussed acute care setting. This commentary suggests that to embed person-centred care across the hospital environment, cultural changes are needed at organisational and ward levels. In particular there needs to be: leadership that supports and advocates for workforce capacity to recognise and meet both psychological and physical needs of people living with dementia, promotion of physical environments that support familiarisation and social interactions, an inclusive approach to carers and the development of a culture of sharing knowledge and information across hierarchies and roles. An e...
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010
Aims and objectives. This article aims to describe the content of person-centred care as described by people with dementia, family members and staff in residential aged care. Background. Person-centred care is increasingly being regarded as synonymous with best quality aged care; however, studies exploring stakeholders' experiences of person-centred care are few. Design. A qualitative explorative design was employed using conversational research interviews and content analysis. Method. Research interviews were conducted in 2007 and 2008 with staff working in aged care (n = 37), people with early onset dementia (n = 11), and family members of patients with dementia (n = 19) and were analysed using content analysis. Results. The findings indicated that the core category of person-centred care was promoting a continuation of self and normality. Five content categories emerged as contributing to promoting a continuation of self and normality: knowing the person; welcoming family; providing meaningful activities; being in a personalised environment; and experiencing flexibility and continuity.
Globalisasi telah berdampak luas pada dunia bisnis seperti dikemukakan Hammer & Champy (2004), terutama yang menyangkut aspek-aspek pelanggan (customer), persaingan (competition) dan perubahan (change). Era keterbukaan ini menempatkan perbankan semakin di bawah pengawasaan lensa mikroskop yang dapat dilihat siapa saja, kapan saja, artinya siapapun dapat mengetahui tentang apapun aktifitas perbankan, karena perbankan merupakan perusahaan yang berskala besar merupakan bagian dari lingkungan bisnis global. Dampak krisis global ini berpengaruh terhadap kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap perbakan dan hal ini menyebabkan citra perbankan di mata masyarakat menjadi tidak baik. Penerapan konsep pemasaran holistik yang mencakup pemasaran kerelasian, pemasaran terintegrasi, pemasaran internal, dan pemasaran tanggung jawab sosial pada industri perbankan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan dan citra perusahaan perbankan di Indonesia, khususnya bank pemerintah di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ilmu manajemen dengan fokus pada manajemen pemasaran holistik (holistic marketing management). Penelitian dilakukan pada perusahaan perbankan di Provinsi Jabar yang memasarkan kredit. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif dan verifikatif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dengan menggunakan sampel sebanyak 220 orang yang terdiri dari manajer dan nasabah. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang dilengkapi dengan wawancara dan observasi. Data lapangan dikumpulkan dan diolah menggunakan SEM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran holistik yang terdiri dari pemasaran kerelasian, pemasaran terintegrasi, pemasaran internal dan pemasaran tanggung jawab sosial telah diterapkan dengan baik pada industri perbankan di Jawa Barat. Secara simultan, pemasaran holistik yang mencakup pemasaran kerelasian, pemasaran terintegrasi, pemasaran internal dan pemasaran tanggung jawab sosial berpengaruh terhadap kepercayaan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa bahwa pemasaran holistik yang mencakup pemasaran kerelasian, pemasaran terintegrasi, pemasaran internal dan pemasaran tanggung jawab sosial secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap citra dan menemukan menemukan pula, bahwa kepercayaan berpengaruh terhadap citra perusahaan baik menurut penilaian kantor bank maupun nasabah bank. Hasil temuan akhir dari penelitian ini menurut penilaian nasabah adalah bahwa pemasaran holistik yang mencakup pemasaran kerelasian, pemasaran terintegrasi, pemasaran internal dan pemasaran tanggung jawab sosial serta kepercayaan berpengaruh terhadap citra.
Young companies are difficult to value for a number of reasons. Some are start-up and idea businesses, with little or no revenues and operating losses. Even those young companies that are profitable have short histories and most young firms are dependent upon private capital, initially owner savings and venture capital and private equity later on. As a result, many of the standard techniques we use to estimate cash flows, growth rates and discount rates either do not work or yield unrealistic numbers. In addition, the fact that most young companies do not survive has to be considered somewhere in the valuation. In this paper, we examine how best to value young companies. We use a combination of data on more mature companies in the business and the company's own characteristics to forecast revenues, earnings and cash flows. We also establish processes for estimating discount rates for private capital and for adjusting the value today for the possibility of failure. In the process, we argue that the venture capital approach to valuation that is widely used now is flawed and should be replaced.
Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal, 2.ª série, janeiro-junho de 2018, 2018
C. Sáiz Jiménez (ed.), The Conservation of the Subterranean Cultural Heritage, 2014
isara solutions, 2023
Військово-науковий вісник, 2019
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2011
Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 2012
Research, Society and Development, 2021
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Journal of Statistical Physics, 2018