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2010, Urbanismo e natureza - os desafios
6 pages
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Urban planning is more than urban design. It organizes built and free areas linking different uses that must be felt as a balanced environmental space. In this way, and green áreas (gardens, parks and agricultural and forest areas) are essential to a better urban environment. And to adpat urbance spaces face to climatic change effets.
An urban policy that includes ecological concerns should target in 2 basic directions: a) each city as a system should be evolving within the limits of the bigger ecosystem that supports the 'real' needs of people (mental, social, financial, technical) and b) there should be an inner ecological restructure of the developing urban planning for the preservation and the promotion of its architectural cultural heritage, redesign of its deprived areas and the application of the principles of the eco-design in the new areas of expansion. The ecological city has the direct democracy as their foundation. Democracy can't be meant without community. For the fulfillment of this goal, a community organization of the space of the city is needed, using as a foundation the neighborhood as the smallest cell of community organization according to the cultural tradition of each country. For Greece, this cell is the neighborhood-parish, a place where all the mental, social, financial and technical needs of its habitant must be fulfilled according to the principles of greek tradition scientific ecology. For an ecological transformation of the society in each city, active citizens with ecological conscience are needed. For the application of the principles of an ecological urban policy, mainly in the transitional stage, the specialized scientists play a major role (planners, architects, sociologists etc).
Terr Plural, 2020
Many articles and essays about urban ecology have similar introduction, their opening sentence states that, for the first time in human history, the number of urbanites
Planning Cities with Nature, 2019
With the understanding of nature in terms of ecosystem services and the recognition of the vital role these play for human wellbeing (Millennium Assessment, 2005), the value of the natural realm is scientifically and socially defined while at the same time institutionalised. Within this frame of interpretation, nature is a supplier of provision-ing, regulating, supporting welfare and cultural services, thus becoming not only a life-enabling factor for humanity but also a conceptual construct comparable to cornerstones of democracy, such as equality, freedom and citizenship. The idea of green infrastructure is another recently coined term envisioning nature in cities in the form of a net-work and enabling a broad life-furthering vision of society. Standards for green open spaces embedded in some planning frameworks further state the right for all to a common good. Yet, evidence shows that this common right is not always met. Within the current context of advanced and neoliberal capit...
ABSTR AC T The concepts of Landscape Ecology applied to urban planning may favor the hierarchical classification of vegetation fragments, identifying the most important ones according to the city zones' land use. We present the case study of São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo, a town that is going through a deep transformation process due to the iron mining activities in the Iron Quadrangle in the state of Minas Gerais. The methodological process presupposes the classification of RapidEye satellite images and mapping of use and land cover; application of landscape metrics (area, perimeter, distance to nearest neighbor, core area, shape index and NRVI); and the integration of metrics using multi-criteria evaluation. Areas that are appropriate for the application of public policies, which promote the management of the vegetation cover, have been identified. These comprise not only the institutional green areas but also private properties, since the vegetation cover must be understood as a systemic network.
Advantages of urbanization such as access to clean water, health, and overall easier life in cities, as well as the disadvantages or its negative effects on environment cannot be ignored. Today, there are numerous environmental problems due to the reduction in ecologically valuable places within urban areas. Bringing nature to the cities appears to be essential to enhance urban environment and to reduce environmental problems in urban communities. In fact, issues resulting from the idea of "sustainability" as a policy-making goal require an integrated environmental policy-making approach. The innovations of new environmental policy-making require policy-making mechanisms that can deal with interdependent characteristics of environmental problems. To this end, new structures have emerged known as Environmental Planning and Management and Strategic Environmental planning and management. This analytical – descriptive article aims to re-examine the origins and concepts related...
It was only 10 years ago that the European Council launched the Landscape Convention which has been approved since then by most of European countries, among them Hungary. Landscape architecture as a mean in improving urban environment was born in the 18th-19th century English landscape movement which opened and widened the scope of urban planning. On the other hand by the second half of the 19th century the urban erosion of industrial cities cried for direct intervention and curing. The methods developed, either along an urban or an anti-urban philosophy, resulted in the new urban structure models of garden cities and later the green belt systems. These systems have been drown up not only on an urban level, but on large scale, regional level as well, first of all in the garden city plan of Ebenezer Howard, and aimed to solve all the main urban problems with restructuring the city’s fabric, controlling the urban spread into rural landscape, dealing with the lack of green areas and open spaces for recreation and the improvement of social life, and the lack of green spaces for ventilation and air quality protection. The garden city movement arrived by the 20th century to the next step, to new concept of urban green belt systems. At this point the urban development gave up its strong technical-economical definiteness, and involved the natural landscape elements into its concept so as to create a sustainable, social friend and healthy, all together a liveable urban landscape.
E3S web of conferences, 2022
The urban ecological framework is the systematisation of several frameworks in the city and beyond, connected with each other by actual bonds. However, they are often torn apart and not joined in urban planning documents and rules. This especially affected the Soviet and post-Soviet school of planning, both in theory and in practice. Having a rich knowledge base in practical and scientific fields, there are systemic inconsistencies in regulatory documents. This seriously impacts on the design and implementation results. Strong negative consequences of not being connected into a single mechanism of urban-ecological frameworks are revealed during the operation of finished objects. All this leads to an increase in costs in the long run. All these factors add up to negative consequences for human health and together result in economic losses and costs. The outcomes summed up by economists and doctors only fix the actual state, but medical and economic theory does not have methods for changing the situation in cities seriously. This requires an alliance with the methods of planning and development of urban and adjacent territories, as well as making changes to the regulatory and legal documents of cities.
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