Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
Chapitre 27
Alpine axes and early metallurgy
Haches alpines et première métallurgie
Lutz Klassen, Serge Cassen and Pierre Pétrequin
Abstract :
At the same time as large axes made of Alpine jade
(i.e. jadeitite, eclogite, omphacitite and other rock types) were circulating around much of western and
central Europe, early metallurgy was undergoing a major development in south-east Europe. Heavy copper
shafthole tools and abundant artefacts of gold played
a significant role in the social and ritual life of the Chalcolithic populations there, just as the Alpine jade axes
did at the opposite end of Europe. Even though the
distribution areas of these two groups of artefacts are
generally separated by a zone, several hundred kilometres wide, that is devoid of any finds of the categories
in question, nevertheless various kinds of contact, both
direct and indirect, between the two areas be can observed. This paper discusses these relations through
an investigation of artefacts that were exchanged, in
either direction, between the two groups. These may
include a few copper and gold objects found in France
as well as a comparatively large group of Alpine axes
found in south-east Europe, especially Bulgaria. The
paper also deals with imitations of Alpine jade axes in
copper. These are extremely rare and are only known
from Denmark and Italy. Direct imitations of early metal
tools in Alpine rock are unknown, but several types of
Alpine jade axes show clear typological influences from
early metal artefacts. The same is true the other way
around, as a comparatively large number of copper flat
axes from central Germany, Bosnia-Herzegovina and
Croatia and northern and central Italy are clearly inspired by the shape of Alpine jade axes, without being
true imitations. In the final part of the paper these observations are interpreted in an attempt, on one hand,
to describe the role of Alpine jade axes in the early
history of metallurgy in Europe, and on the other, to
understand the importance of early metallurgy in the
European perception of jade.
Keywords : copper, gold, jade, early metallurgy, 5th
millennium BC, objects of power.
Résumé :
Au moment où les grandes haches en roches alpines (c’està-dire des jadéitites, des éclogites, des omphacitites et
d’autres types de roches encore) étaient en circulation dans
une grande partie de l’Europe occidentale et centrale, la première métallurgie connaissait un développement majeur en
l’Europe du Sud-Est. Là-bas, de lourds outils perforés en cuivre et de nombreux objets en or jouaient un rôle important
dans la vie sociale et rituelle des populations du Chalcolithique, exactement comme les haches en jades alpins à l’autre
extrémité de l’Europe. Bien que les aires de répartition de
ces deux groupes d’objets soient en général séparées par
une zone vide, large de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres,
on observe pourtant différents types de contacts, directs ou
indirects, entre ces deux zones de répartition. C’est de ces
relations que nous discuterons, en étudiant les artefacts qui
ont pu être échangés entre les deux groupes, dans l’une
et l’autre direction. Ces relations pourraient inclure de rares
objets en cuivre ou en or trouvés en France, tout aussi bien
qu’un nombre relativement important de haches alpines découvertes en Europe sud-orientale, en particulier en Bulgarie. Cet article traite également de haches en cuivre imitant
les haches en jades alpins. Ce type d’imitation est très rare
et n’est connu qu’au Danemark et en Italie. A l’opposé, on
ne connaît pas, en roches alpines, de strictes imitations de
haches en cuivre ; mais plusieurs types de haches en jades alpins montrent d’évidentes influences typologiques en
rapport avec les premiers objets en métal. Le phénomène
se vérifie également en sens inverse, car un nombre assez
important de haches plates en cuivre (trouvées en Allemagne centrale, au nord-ouest de l’ancienne Yougoslavie, en
Italie septentrionale et centrale) s’inspirent clairement de la
forme des haches en jades alpins, sans être pour autant des
copies à l’identique. A la fin de notre article, nous tenterons
de synthétiser ces observations, d’une part en décrivant
le rôle des haches en jades alpins dans l’histoire de la première métallurgie en Europe, d’autre part en cherchant à
comprendre l’importance de la métallurgie précoce dans la
perception des jades en Europe.
(traduction : Pierre Pétrequin)
Mots clés : cuivre, or, métallurgie précoce, V e millénaire
av. J.-C., objets de pouvoir.
n their 2002 paper, Pétrequin, Cassen et al. (2002 : 88ff. ;
see also Pétrequin and Jeunesse 1995 : 120) concluded that the circulation of large Alpine jade axes (the
term ‘jade’ being used to encompass jadeitite, eclogite,
omphacitite and other Alpine rock types) around large
parts of western and central Europe, and the circulation
of heavy copper tools in south-east Europe, reflect two
independent systems in which social inequalities were
represented. This fundamental observation, which demonstrates why we need to revise our concept of a Cop-
per Age with a single, south-east European epicentre of
social evolution, can be illustrated by a distribution map of
the objects in question -namely, on the one side, large Alpine jade axes over 13.5 cm long, and on the other, heavy
copper tools, along with 5th and early 4th millennium gold
finds (fig. 1). As regards the copper tools, the representation has been restricted to types with shaftholes (axeadzes and axe-hammers). From a chronological point of
view, the western part of the map spans approximately a
millennium between 4800 and 3800 BC, with a few large
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
Alpine jade axes in northern Italy being up to c 400 years older
and a few others (mainly in Germany and Denmark) circulating for up to 500 years longer. The depicted copper and
gold artefacts date to between c 4700 and c 3800 BC and are
therefore generally contemporary with the Alpine jade axes.
This chapter sets out to explore the relationship between
the production and circulation of Alpine axes, on the
one hand, and of early metal objects on the other. Several parts of this contribution offer a synthesis of the large
amount of information currently available, and for further
background information on specific topics the reader is directed to various publications by Pétrequin et al., namely :
i) Pétrequin, Cassen et al. this book, on the chronology
and distribution of the different types of Alpine axe, p. 574 ;
ii) Pétrequin; Cassen et al. this book, on Alpine axes in
Bulgaria, p. 1231 ; and iii) Pétrequin, Cassen et al. this
book, on the general theoretical concepts employed in
understanding the phenomenon of Alpine axe production
and distribution, p. 1354
• 1. Early metallurgy and its relation to Alpine
jade axes
Three different kinds of relationship between the early
metal objects of south-east Europe and the large Alpine jade
axes will be investigated below : the importation of metal
artefacts into the distribution area of the stone axes ; the
making of imitations in copper of Alpine jade axes ; and
the production of copper axes whose design is clearly
influenced by the shape of Alpine jade axes, even though
they do not represent true imitations.
1. 1. Imported metal finds within the main distribution
area of Alpine jade axes
1. 1. 1. Copper shafthole tools
Recently, a drawing of a shafthole axe from the region of
Fougères (Ille-et-Vilaine) in Brittany, which had been mentioned in the literature several times before (Briard 1965,
Briard, Tuarze et al. 1999), has been published (Briard and
Roussot-Larroque 2002 : 137, fig. 1. 1). This find differs
clearly from the other west European shafthole axes,
with which it was associated by the authors referred to.
A control of the drawing by comparing it to the object in
question, which was kindly conducted by Henri Gandois,
showed the illustration to be somewhat erroneous, as
the cross-section of the object is much more roundedoval than it appears. Based on these new observations,
FIG. 1
The distribution of large Alpine jade axes and of heavy copper shafthole tools and gold objects in Europe from the early 5th to the early 4th millennium BC.
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
the object can be identified as a round-armed hammer
axe of the south-east European Čoka type as defined by
Schubert (1965) with certainty (Klassen, Gandois et al. in
preparation). Axes of this type can be dated to the time
of the transition between the Tiszapolgar- and Bodrogkeresztúr-cultures in the Carpathian Basin (Kuna 1981,
24f.), i.e. around 4000 BC. The best typological parallels
are known from Hungary (Patay 1984 : Taf. 24, no. 279,
281), which consequently can be identified as most likely
region of origin. The axe from the region of Fougères thus
represents the westernmost find of a heavy southeast
European copper artefact and is contemporary with the
latest types of Alpine jade axes (the Puy type).
Furthermore, two imported early 4 millennium copper
axe-adzes of the Jászladány-type are known from the Paris Basin (Rowlette 1965, Eluère 1972 : 8ff. fig. 7, Ruiz
1984 : no. 63, Briard and Verron 1976 : 11 f. fig. 1-2). The
find spot of one of these axes (fig. 2) can be located precisely at Meaux, while no information is available for the
second object, stored in the museum of Chartres. The
latter find is part of a collection that also contains artefacts bought in the antiquities trade and therefore has to
be treated with caution.
The French copper tools referred to above are the westernmost known items of their kind. They penetrated
well into the main distribution area of Alpine jade axes at
the time of their importation. The contemporary use of
both the metal and jade artefacts in question furthermore is known from two other regions : Saxony-Anhalt/Thuringia in eastern Germany, and the Adriatic coast and its
hinterland in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
(fig. 1). Both of these areas are situated at the extreme
eastern border of the closed distribution area of Alpine
jade axes. In both areas metallurgy was introduced as a
result of impulses from the area where the heavy shafthole tools originated ; metalworking arrived along with
the imported implements at the very beginning of the
4th millennium BC. The earliest products of this metalworking activity show typological influence from Alpine
jade axes and will be dealt with below (section 1. 3).
The number of known imported copper tools in each
area appears to be directly related to their distance from
the copper artefacts' region of origin : while finds from
the Adriatic coast are comparatively abundant (Žeravica
1993), only two are known from the distribution area of
Alpine jade axes in eastern Germany (finds from Auleben and Kleinprießnitz : Mania 1977).
A single axe-adze with probable find place in Denmark
(unknown location) might constitute another example
of an early 4th millennium import into a region in which
Alpine jade axes circulated (Klassen and Pernicka 1998),
even though in this case only in very modest numbers.
Furthermore, contrary to what could be observed above
for the central parts of Germany and the Adriatic coast
and its hinterland, metallurgy was not introduced to
south Scandinavia at the time of the import of the heavy
shafthole axe.
In the literature, the presence of four heavy south-east
European copper shafthole-axes of the fifth/early fourth
millennium BC has been claimed for Italy. Two of these,
both axe-adzes, shall have been found in the province of
Torino and thus very close to the point of origin of the
alpine jade axes, while a third object of the same type
was found at Pollenzo (Krause 2003 : 148 with 205 Anm.
1, Gleirscher 2007 : 98). A closer look at the metal analyses available for all three items reveals tin contents
of between 3.6 and 7.4%, nevertheless (analyses SAM
7995, 7998 and 8056). Therefore these three objects
can’t have anything to do with the time in question here,
but must be dated to the Bronze Age (see also Boroffka
2009 : 250, fig. 4). A drawing only is published for one
of the three finds (Pollenza, Junghans et al. 1968 : Taf.
50.8056) and shows an object that in shape is very close,
but not identical to early fourth millennium axe-adzes
from the Carpathian Basin.
The last claim for an early copper object of southeast European provenance in Italy, a hammer axe of the Pločnik
type, refers to a find from Trento (Govedarica 2001 : 156
with Anm. 22, Dobeš and Peška 2010 : 121, Obr. 3). No
metal analysis is available for this object that only has
been published in an old photo (Menghin 1912 : 71, fig.
18). The strong reduction of width of this artefact right
behind the shafthole is in conflict with Govedarica’s own
classification of the Pločnik type. Furthermore the neck of
the axe appears to be damaged and its original shape therefore can’t be assessed with certainty. In consequence,
this find can’t be classified as hammer axe of the Pločniktype, but it may well represent a different type of early
southeast European hammer axe, a closer identification
of which isn’t possible at the moment. Finds of such
items have generally to be reckoned with in north-eastern
Italy (Gleirscher 2007 : 98).
With regard to the presumably early imports of southeast
European metal objects in Italy, it must therefore be
concluded that none of the four artefacts in question can
be identified as such. In three cases the claims with certainty can be rejected, while it is not possible at present
to decide on the last case.
Before concluding this subchapter, an isolated find of
an axe-hammer of the early fourth millennium BC Şiria
type from Überlingen, on the western shores of Lake
Constance in south-west Germany (Matuschik 1997),
must be mentioned. However, this find is not directly relevant here, because it is situated just outside the closed
distribution area of large Alpine jade axes.
In summary it can be concluded that imported southeast
European copper tools of the late 5th and early 4th millennium BC are known from a number of regions where Alpine jade axes circulated at the same time. The finds can be
grouped in two different entities. The first is made up of
the items from the Adriatic coast and its hinterland, from
eastern Germany as well as probably from Denmark and
possibly also from north-eastern Italy. All of these regions
constitute the eastern border of the closed distribution
area of Alpine jade axes. The second group is made up
of up to three finds from France, which appear isolated
from the remainder of artefacts. While the first group of
items thus can be understood as a kind of contact-phenomenon, a different explanation is required for the isolated
artefacts from the Paris Basin and even Brittany.
1. 1. 2. Gold objects
A potentially comparable picture emerges when imported
gold objects are considered. Three find complexes, each
comprising several artefacts, are known from south-west
and north-west France, but unfortunately doubts remain
in every case regarding the objects' origin and date.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
The finds from Pauilhac (Gers) (fig. 3, 1) in south-west
France are well known and have recently - and not for the
first time - been the subject of a larger study (Roussot-Larroque 2008). They originally comprised seven gold beads
and one gold diadem, together with two large Alpine axes,
six very large flint blades, two objects made from boars'
tusks, possibly the bones of a horse and at least one human skeleton. As it is a very old find, discovered in 1865,
that was made by chance and subsequently dispersed
over two different collections ; uncertainty remains over
whether all the objects really represent one closed find.
However, the fact that many of the items show traces of
the same type of sediment and have a uniform patina might
well point in that direction. The gold diadem has long been
compared to a find from Moigrad in Romania, which represents the best known parallel although it is not identical
(see Roussot-Larroque 2008 : 122 ff. for discussion with
references). Unfortunately, however, the specific shape of
the golden beads has no precise parallel among the vast
numbers of gold beads from south-east Europe (see Todorova and Vajsov 2001). Therefore it is not presently possible to assign the gold finds from Pauilhac with certainty
FIG. 2
Copper axe-adze of Jászladány-type from Meaux in the Paris Basin, France.
Photo P. Pétrequin
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
to a south-east European origin and a 5th millennium date.
Nevertheless, since Bulgarian objects of copper and gold
must have been known in France at the transition between
the 5th and 4th millennium BC (see below), since copper objects from south-east Europe indeed reached France at the
time in question, and since at least an exchange of ideas
can be demonstrated to have taken place between the Morbihan region of Brittany and Varna in Bulgaria in the mid5th millennium BC (Cassen 1991, see below), a south-east
European origin and a 5th/early 4th millennium date of the
gold finds from Pauilhac does indeed seem probable. Other
possible interpretations, such as a much younger date for
the gold items or an origin in the Iberian Peninsula (Cassen
and Pétrequin 1999 : 15ff., Cassen 2000a : 407f.) cannot be
ruled out at the moment, however, even though no convincing parallels are known from there either (cf. Pingel 1992).
from a typological point of view, must date to the end of
the Neolithic or even the early Bronze Age and therefore
cannot have anything to do with the period in question
here. As there is no evidence for the presence of a secondary interment in the chamber it seems most likely
that the Chaplain-Duparc collection had become mixed
with other material in the museum of Le Mans. Another
possibility is that Le Rouzic made a mistake in his publication and that only the gold finds nos. 1-3, all representing
small and typologically rather uncharacteristic strips of gold
sheet with folded ends (fig. 3, 3), belong to the chamber in
question. This uncertainty cannot be resolved, due to the
fact that the excavation took place in the 19th century and
no further documentation is available. At present it must
be assumed that the three pieces of gold sheet with folded ends belonged to the burial with Castellic ceramics.
As long as no convincing typological parallels for the
Pauilhac gold objects can be cited, the best way of identifying the origin and age of the objects would seem to lie
in the trace element analysis of the gold. It is clear that
such analysis has already been undertaken, at least for
the diadem (Eluère 2002), but unfortunately the results
seem not to have been published fully.
While not overtly complex with regard to their shape, it
should be noted that closely related finds, which have
been interpreted as either parts of composite arm rings
or mountings for bows, are known from the 5th millennium BC in Southeast Europe. The closest parallels are
several pieces made of copper from the large deposition of
Cărbuna in Moldavia (Sergeev 1963, Dergačev 2002 : 11ff.,
Taf. 3, nr. 45-52), while at least related artefacts of gold
are known from Giurgiuleşti, also in Moldavia (Dergačev
2002 : Taf. 13, nr. 3-5).
Once more, the only way to find out more about the French
finds is to undertake compositional analysis of the gold.
The second possible 5th millennium gold find from the
distribution area of Alpine jade axes is that of several objects from a grave in St. Germain en Erdeven (Morbihan)
(Cassen 2000b : 471ff.). Excavated by G. Chaplain-Duparc
in 1877, the stone chamber under an earthen mound in
which the gold items were found also produced typical
Castellic-style pottery as well as some bird bone and imported lignite beads that may well date to the same period as the pottery. No demonstrably later artefacts were
present, according to the investigation and restoration of
the monument by Z. Le Rouzic in 1926, who discovered a
second stone chamber (“coffre”) below the first. The gold
objects have been published by Le Rouzic (1930 : fig. 6,
1-3, 5-6), but unfortunately there are some uncertainties
regarding the actual number of finds. Le Rouzic cites five
pieces, while the original records by Chaplain-Duparc refer
only to three (depicted as nos. 1-3 in Le Rouzic’s publication). Among the remaining two pieces at least one (no. 6),
The third and last potential example of 5th millennium gold
artefacts in the main distribution area of axes of Alpine
jade is that of a flat, ring-shaped bracelet and a piece
of bent thick wire (fig. 3, 2), discovered during peat cutting in Guern ar Floc’h, Maël-Pestivien (Côtes-d'Armor)
in Brittany together with two cakes of bronze (Micault
1877). In the absence of typological parallels in gold for
the ring-shaped bracelet, Micault (1877 : 144) compared
it to the few ring-bangles of jadeitite and serpentinite
that had been discovered alongside large jade axes in
graves in Brittany (Herbaut and Pailler 2000 : fig. 122).
This idea has recently been revived by Herbaut and Pailler
(2000 : 373, 375 and fig. 122), while others had previously
FIG. 3
Gold finds from France, representing possible 5th millennium imports from south-east Europe.
1 : Pauilhac, Gers (after Roussot-Larroque 2008) ; 2 : Guern-an-Floc’h, Côtes-d'Armor (after Micault 1877) ; 3 : St. Germain en Erdeven, Morbihan
(photo Marianne Thauré, museum Le Mans).
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
chosen to assign them to various periods of the
Bronze Age (e.g. Giot and Briard 1956, Briard 1965).
Since it cannot be demonstrated beyond doubt that the
bronze cakes and gold artefacts constituted a closed
find, one cannot rule out the possibility that the gold
artefacts date to the Neolithic, even though they cannot
be paralleled exactly. The numerous golden bracelets
from Varna (Todorova and Vajsov 2001 : no. 399-412)
are clearly of different shape. However, there are copper bracelets from the Durankulak cemetery in Bulgaria
(Todorova and Vajsov 2001 : no. 413-418, Dimitrov 2002 :
141ff.) as well as from several sites in Romania (Horedt 1976 : 179, Abb. 2) which are comparable with the
Guern an Floc’h gold ring and closely comparable with
jadeitite and serpentinite rings.
It has to be admitted that the typology of such simple
ring-shaped bracelets is not complex, and so it could
well be that the resemblances between gold and jadeitite/serpentinite examples are coincidental. Nevertheless, the question of whether they are related
deserves to be considered. The lack of exact parallels
with, for example, the gold bracelets in Varna could
simply be due to the re-shaping of the objects in Brittany or elsewhere in western Europe ; after all, many
Alpine axes had been reshaped, both in Brittany and
Bulgaria (Pétrequin et al. this book, chapter 11, p. 574
and chapter 26, p. 1231). This applies too, of course, to
the other gold objects discussed above. In every case,
metal analysis appears to be the only way to solve the
Finally, mention should be made here of a round haematite pendant from a passage tomb in Renongar en Plovan (Finistère) in Brittany (fig. 4), even though it is only a
local imitation of a copper or gold artefact, and not itself
an import (Cassen 2003 : 261f.). The existence of this
exceptional object probably testifies to the presence of
south-east European metal artefacts of the type in question in Brittany, and thereby lends support to the suggestion that one or more of the finds discussed above
might really represent a 5th millennium import.
FIG. 4
Haematite pendant from Renongar, Finistère and possible model from Chotnica,
Bulgaria (after Cassen 2003).
1. 1. 3. Summary
To summarize, it can be concluded that heavy copper
tools of southeast European origin were imported into
the closed distribution area of Alpine stone axes. Most
of the imports are restricted to regions that either border the area where the copper tools were produced (Slovenia, Croatia and parts of Bosnia-Herzegovina) or that
are known to have received strong influences from the
core area of early metallurgy (east-central Germany : see
Behrens 1969). There are, however, also three of these
artefacts known from France, together with a local imitation of a gold or copper ornament. These last finds were
discovered in regions with huge concentrations of Alpine
axes (Paris Basin, Brittany). The fact that two out of the
three possible sets of imported 5th millennium gold finds
(St. Germain and Guern ar Floc’h) were also discovered
in Brittany may not be coincidental. Almost all the finds
in question may well have reached the region due to the
power of attraction of the mid-5th millennium social elites ; we
know that these elites were able to amass large numbers
of fine jade axes from the Italian Alps, together with variscite beads and fibrolite axes from different parts of Spain
(see Cassen et al. this book, chapter 16, p. 918). In each
of the cases discussed above, trace element analyses of
the copper or gold should be undertaken to clarify the age
and origin of the objects.
1. 2. Imitations of Alpine stone axes and disc-shaped
bracelets in copper
1. 2. 1. Axes
Copper axes that are faithful imitations of Alpine jade
axes, including their oval cross-sections, are extremely
rare. If we restrict our survey to imitations of large Alpine
axes as mapped in fig. 1, there are only two candidates,
both from eastern Denmark (fig. 5, Klassen 2000 : nos. 33
and 34). If the survey is widened to include possible imitations of smaller Alpine axes, some examples from Italy
could be cited. However, with these it is not always easy
to decide whether they really are precise representations
of Alpine axes or were simply inspired by their design.
These axes will be dealt with separately below.
FIG. 5
Copper flat axes from Pilegård (1) and Vester Bedegadegård (2), Denmark
(after Klassen 2000).
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
In the literature, copper axes that resemble stone
axes are often interpreted as the earliest products of
a newly established local metallurgy. They are thought
to represent initial experiments, in which old typological models still ruled and the possibilities of the new
material had not yet been fully exploited (e.g. Todorova
1981 : 25, Colini 1900 : 232). This evolutionary line of
thought is problematic, however, since it can arguably
only be applied to regions in which metallurgy developed locally. In regions where the first metallurgical
activities resulted from influences from an existing metalworking centre, the first artefacts to be made ought
to reflect designs used in the existing centre. This can
easily be demonstrated for many regions in Europe, for
example the Mondsee Group in Austria with its copper daggers, awls, spirals and flat axes, all of which
copy south-east European models (Matuschik 1996,
1998). In the parts of Europe under discussion here,
the 'experimentation' model could only apply in Serbia,
Bulgaria and northern Greece. But even here it is possible to demonstrate that metallurgy had already been
practised several centuries before the first metal axes
were produced (Šljivar et al. 2006, Borič 2009, Todorova 1999), and so the resemblance between copper
and stone axes cannot be accounted for in terms of
the makers' lack of experience in working with copper.
Since the spread of metalworking through our area of
interest is exclusively linked to the early metallurgy of
the Balkans and Carpathians - we are not concerned
here with the question of whether metallurgy had developed independently in southern Spain (Ruiz-Taboada
and Montero-Ruiz 1999) - then we must conclude that
the copying of stone axe design in copper was not the
product of an unconscious process, but rather a deliberate choice. Consequently, the axes in question are of
considerable importance to our evaluation of the relationship between the two different value systems that
characterised Europe during the period in question.
The two Danish flat axes, from Pilegård in Varpelev parish
on eastern Zealand and Vester Bedegadegård in Klemensker parish on the island of Bornholm (fig. 5), are both single
finds and are made of east-Alpine Mondsee copper that
was imported to southern Scandinavia in huge quantities
between c 3750 and 3300 BC. Between 3500 and 3300
BC, a very intense local metallurgy, based on this imported metal, developed in the late Early Neolithic Funnel
Beaker Culture in Denmark, southern Sweden and northern Germany (Klassen 2000). It is highly likely that both
axes are local products that were probably made around
3500 BC on Zealand. This island has a minor concentration of Alpine jade axes that could have been the subject
of the imitation (fig. 1). No comparable copper axes have
ever have been found in the remainder of the huge central European area in which Mondsee copper was used
around the middle of the 4th millennium BC.
The fact that Alpine jade axes were imitated in copper
testifies to the enormous importance the jade axes must
have had in Denmark, as the metal itself was of Alpine
provenance and had to be acquired from a source at a distance of c 900 km. The metal must have had great social
value and probably also ritual significance for the local population. Contrary to the situation in most parts of Europe
where a clear opposition existed between the social valorisation of either metal axes and trinkets or of Alpine jade
axes, both categories of items and both materials seem
to have been accorded special value in the Early Neolithic
of southern Scandinavia. This can probably be explained
by two distinct factors. One is its geographical position,
to the north of and in between the two circulation zones
in Europe visible on fig. 1. The map also shows that the
region attracted a few items from both zones, and in fact
the adoption of cultural influences from both central and
south-eastern Europe on the one hand, and western Europe on the other, is typical for the prehistory of southern
Scandinavia. The second important factor is chronology.
Metallurgy was adopted in south Scandinavia as late as
c 3500 BC - around 300 years after the major decline of
metallurgy in south-east Europe and also after the production of large Alpine jade axes ceased in the quarries of
Mont Viso and Mont Beigua in northern Italy. This means
that when the copper imitations of Alpine jade axes were
being made, the latter must have been in circulation for
several centuries ; indeed, in the case of the Vester Bedegadegård axe, its prototype could have been as much
as a thousand years old (see below). These Alpine jade
axes must have been true objects of power (Pétrequin
and Pétrequin 2006) that had been passed down through
many generations, possibly with a name and a biography
attached to each.
A closer look at the two Danish copper imitations allows us to identify their models. The Pilegård axe
seems to imitate the late Chelles type, while the find
from Vester Bedegadegård seems to copy either a
long Bégude type axe, or a repolished version of this
type (known as a Bernon type axe). In fact, Alpine jade
axes that are typologically almost identical (apart from
their size) are known from the hoard at La Bégude-deMazenc (Drôme) in the Middle Rhône valley in France
(axe JADE 2008_443, in this book, p. 602, fig. 26), and
also from the tumulus of Mané er Hroëck in Locmariaquer, Morbihan (axe JADE 2008_702, in this book,
p 615, fig. 41). The latter axe is the best parallel to the
Vester Bedegadegård specimen and it might offer a further explanation as to why an imitation in a precious
material such as copper had been made in Denmark :
the model could well have been an hache carnacéenne
that was charged with ritual values that related to megalithic ideas, inter alia. In fact, it can be demonstrated
that there exists an intimate relationship between the
importation of Alpine jade axes and the geographical
distribution of the earliest megalithic graves in southern
Scandinavia (Klassen, Pétrequin et al. in press ; in this
book, chapter 18, p. 1014). While there are no haches
carnacéennes among the known Alpine axes from
southern Scandinavia, their importation is testified by
a flint imitation of an axe of Saint-Michel type from Varpelev on Zealand (Pétrequin, Cassen et al. this book,
chapter 18, p. 1014), the same parish in which the copper imitation from Pilegård has been found. Furthermore, the possibility of the importation of repolished
Bégude type axes to southern Scandinavia is indicated
by a find from Einbeck-Salzderhelden in Lower Saxony,
just a few hundred kilometres to the south (axe JADE
2008_192). The cited parallels to the copper axe from
Vester Bedegadegård date to the mid- 5th millennium (in
the case of Mané er Hroëck) and even the first half (La
Bégude-de-Mazenc) of that millennium, indicating that
the model for the Vester Bedegadegård copper axe may
have been in circulation for as long as a millennium.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
1. 2. 2. Disc-shaped bracelets
From the Bulgarian necropolis of Durankulak, a number
of disc-shaped copper bracelets are known (Todorova and
Vajsov 2001 : 79, Dimitrov 2002 : 141ff.). This type of
bracelet only appears here, while other types of bracelet
in copper, gold and spondylus shell are known in large
numbers from many sites in south-east Europe. Some
copper bracelets from Romania (Horedt 1976 : 179, Abb.
2) come rather close from a typological point of view. The
Durankulak-type bracelets, especially the find from grave
245 (fig. 6), resemble the west European stone rings,
which in some exceptional cases were made of jades and
found together with large Alpine jade axes in elite burials
and hoards in Brittany (Herbaut and Pailler 2000 : 372ff. ;
in this book, chapter 11, p. 627-641). As demonstrated
by the copper axes from the region of Fougères and the
Paris Basin, the pendant from Renongar and possibly by
some of the gold finds listed above, it is possible that artefacts were exchanged between Bulgaria and Brittany at
opposite ends of Europe. West European stone rings of
jadeitite or other materials might therefore well have reached Durankulak and been imitated there. The production
of the stone rings of jadeitite, eclogite and serpentinite is
attested by numerous finds from northern Italy (Rossi et
al. 2008), and an exchange towards Bulgaria could therefore have started in the Alpine region, and not necessarily
as far away as Brittany. The presence of several Alpine
jade axes in graves from Durankulak demonstrates that
an exchange between these two regions did indeed take
place (Pétrequin, Cassen et al. this book, chapter 26, p.
1246). Therefore, the disc-shaped copper bracelets of
Durankulak type may very well be imitations of Alpine
models. Unfortunately, however, the simplicity of their
form makes it hard to be certain that this was the case.
1. 3. Copper flat axes influenced by Alpine jade axes
While precise imitations of Alpine jade axes are distinctive and in most cases can easily be recognized as such,
the same does not follow for those copper flat axes that
are not faithful imitations, but whose design was inspired
by Alpine jade axes. These can lack the distinctive oval
cross-section of Alpine jade axes. Their most characteristic trait is their triangular, straight-sided outline, which
is often but not invariably combined with a blade that is
neither splayed nor has any protruding edge corners. Therefore, an important factor for identifying the copper axes
in question is not only the presence of characteristic traits
of Alpine axes, but also the absence of traits otherwise
characteristic for copper flat axes (i.e. blade shape). The
problems of identification are exacerbated by the fact
that Alpine jade axes are not the only stone axes with a
triangular outline. Consequently, without additional corroborative evidence such as the nearby presence of Alpine
jade axes, it can be hard to demonstrate that a particular
axe had been inspired by such axes. Because of these
uncertainties, we shall disregard the isolated finds of
straight-sided triangular copper flat axes which are known
from a number of regions (e.g. Bulgaria : Todorova 1984, no.
66, Romania : Vulpe 197 : no. 250, Austria : Mayer 197: no.
121, Moravia : Řihovský 19 : no. 130). It may well be that
some or all these finds do indeed owe their existence to
typological influences from Alpine jade axes, but none
shows characteristics that are sufficiently distinctive to
dispel doubt.
A minor concentration of triangular copper flat axes in
southern France (Chardenoux and Courtois 1979 : nos.
13–19, 33, Roussot-Larroque 1985 : fig. 6, 1) is also
disregarded here, even though possible Alpine models
are present in the region. Since -as far as we know- metallurgy was unknown in this area until the second half
of the 4th millennium (with copper flat axes appearing
possibly no earlier than 3000 BC), then it is unlikely that
the shape of the metal axes in question reflects influences from Alpine jade axes, since there is no evidence in
this region that the latter had been circulating over many
Only in one case, an isolated find, from Hungary but
unfortunately otherwise unprovenanced, can be cited
as a probable example of inspiration from Alpine jade
axes (Patay 1984 : no. 92). In addition to having a very
triangular outline, this axe shows a combination of slightly S-shaped sides, a very narrow, more or less flat
butt and a blade with minimally-protruding ends. These
elements are typical for Rarogne/Saint-Michel/Krk type
axes that are known to have been present in various
parts of south-east Europe (the Krk variant, cf. finds
from Varna II, grave 1 in Bulgaria : axe JADE 2009_133,
in this book, p. 1241, fig. 8 ; from Vrbnik in Croatia :
axe JADE 2008_1589, ibid., p. 1261, fig. 27 and probably also from Semerovce in Slovakia : Mitscha-Märheim and Pittioni 1934, Taf. VIII.5 ). The same traits
are also present in at least one other known imitation
of the Alpine jade axe type in question, namely the
aforementioned flint axe from Varpelev in Denmark.
The more or less regular production of copper flat axes
whose design had probably or definitely been influenced
by Alpine jade axes can be seen in just three regions
of Europe. Two of these -east-central Germany and the
north-western parts of the Balkans (Croatia, BosniaHerzegovina)- are exactly the same as those that have
already been discussed as the only regions in which both
Alpine jade axes and heavy south-east European copper
tools circulated, and in which local metalworking began
thanks to influences from south-east Europe around 4000
BC. This cannot be a coincidence, but must be seen as
an indicator of the conditions that were necessary for the
FIG. 6
Disc-shaped copper bracelet from grave 245 at Durankulak, Bulgaria
(after Todorova and Vajsov 2001).
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
emergence of these 'hybrid' copper axes that show
symbiosis between Alpine jade axes and typical copper
flat axes. While one could argue that direct imitations
of Alpine jade axes in copper were only produced in regions where metallurgy was flourishing and where Alpine axes were rare, it seems equally evident that the
regular production of 'hybrid' copper axes seems only to
have occurred in regions with a more even relationship
between Alpine axes and metallurgy, in terms of both
their presence and their social value. These conditions
only existed in the two regions referred to above, and
obviously also in the third region of interest here, Italy.
But while a regular production of the same types of
triangular copper flat axes can be demonstrated to have
taken place in east-central Germany and parts of Croatia
and Bosnia-Herzegovina, this was not the case in Italy.
Since it is harder to judge whether the Italian copper
axes represent faithful imitations or 'hybrid' versions,
these will be discussed separately below.
1. 3. 1. East-central Germany
In east-central Germany (modern day Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt), between c 4100 and 3500/3300 BC, numerous 'hybrid' flat copper axes, inspired by various types of
Alpine jade axe, were produced. No fewer than 20 examples have recently been identified and discussed in detail
(Klassen, Dobeš et al. in press b). Several had been exchanged to the north (southern Scandinavia), west (Westphalia) and south-east (Bohemia and Moravia) (fig. 7).
Virtually all the axes in question were discovered as single finds ; in two cases, we may be dealing with disturbed
hoards of pairs of axes. Determining their date therefore
has to rely on a combination of typological and compositional analysis ; from these one can propose a bracket
between c 4100 and 3500/3300 BC. Within this rather
long period we can perceive a typological development
(fig. 8). The earliest, Kaka type axes, are closely related
to the Greenlaw and Chenoise types of Alpine jade axe
and were probably produced between c 4100 and 3900
BC. They are made from a distinctive copper, Nógrádmarcal copper, from the ore-mountains of western Slovakia.
FIG. 7
Distribution of copper flat axes showing typological elements derived from large Alpine jade axes in east-central Germany and neighbouring regions.
Almost all probably originate in the small region with the highest density of finds.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
FIG. 8
Types of copper flat axes from east-central Germany and Bohemia influenced by large Alpine jade axes.
1 : Vantore ; 2 : Schwabstedt ; 3 : Komořany ; 4 : Nechranice ; 5 : Rastenberg ; 6 : Steinbach ; 7 : Belsdorf ; 8 : Jedovnice (adapted after Klassen et al. in press b).
The same material was also used for the axes of the slightly later Rödigen-type, although at least one such axe
seems to have been made from Slovakian Handlova copper, and another possibly of east-Alpine Mondsee copper. The production can tentatively be placed between
ca. 4000 and 3800/3700 BC. Compared to the Kakatype axes, those of the Rödigen type show a less marked influence from the triangular Alpine axes, but their
very trapezoidal outline still diverges clearly from that
of south-east European copper flat axes. In contrast,
those of the subsequent type, Steinbach - which were
probably produced between 3900 and 3700 BC - show a
strong influence from the Rarogne/Saint-Michel type of
Alpine jade axe. In particular, an example from Rastenberg shows the characteristic S-shaped sides and narrow
flat butt as seen in the Hungarian axe discussed above.
The Steinbach type is also the only type to have the
distinctive, slightly protruding edge-corners as seen on
Alpine jade axes in question. Steinbach type axes were
produced from copper imported from both Slovakia and
the eastern Alps (Handlova and Mondsee copper). Two
examples have a median ridge as seen on several types
of hache carnacéenne (Pétrequin, Cassen et al. this book,
chapter 18, p. 1017).
Almost all the axes discussed so far probably originated
in the rather small Burgenlandkreis-district of Saxony-Anhalt. Further examples had probably been made around
100 km further north, in the Altmark region (also in Saxony-Anhalt). These Belsdorf type axeheads were also
made from Mondsee copper and can be dated to c 37003500/3300 BC. Their production implies the prolonged
circulation of Alpine stone axes in the region. A mapping
of all known Alpine jade axes and of the copper axes in
question in this region shows that the respective distribution areas overlap considerably. This lends weight to the
suggestion that the copper axe design was inspired by
Alpine jade axes (fig. 9).
Two copper axes from Ballstädt in Thuringia, which represent one of the two probable hoards of pairs of axes,
deserve special attention (fig. 10). One has slightly protruding edge corners and is of Steinbach type, while the second is a unique object, characterised by a long, narrow
trapeze shape, an unusual thinness, and the presence of
two holes at the butt end. While at first sight this strange
object does not seem to have anything to do with Alpine
stone axes, it can in fact be paralleled in the perforated
Tumiac type of Alpine jade axe and compared with the
Cangas type axes found in the north-western part of
the Iberian Peninsula (Fábregas Valcarce et al. this book,
chapter 21, p. 1108, and Pétrequin, Cassen et al., chapter
18, p. 1028). The latter are clear copies of the perforated
Tumiac type axes as found in Brittany. Most are triangular
in outline, but there is one that is closely comparable with
the Ballstädt axe, from the dolmen Santa Cruz in Cangas
de Onis. A comparable phenomenon can be seen in the
stone axes of Zug type, found in parts of Switzerland and
south-west Germany : these, too, are obvious copies of
the perforated Tumiac-type axe form (Pétrequin, Cassen
et al. 2006). The abundance and widespread occurrence
of these various imitations of perforated Tumiac axes
clearly indicate that this type of hache carnacéenne must
have had considerable significance as a socially-valorised
object (fig. 11).
The probable hoard from Ballstädt therefore comprises
two axes that reflect inspiration from two different Carnac-style Alpine axes : the perforated Tumiac type and
the Saint-Michel type. Neither has yet been found in the
region, but two axes from Mönchpfiffel-Nikolausrieth
(axe JADE 2008_270, p. 1490,) and Harras (axe JADE
2008_227) belong - with varying degrees of certainty - to
the group of Alpine jade axes that had been re-shaped in
the Carnac region in Morbihan. These suggest that axes
of perforated Tumiac type and of Saint-Michel type might
also have been circulating in east-central Germany.
1. 3. 2 Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
In the north-western part of the Balkans - the second
area in which copper axes inspired by Alpine jade axes
were being produced on a more or less regular basis - the
hybrid axes are far fewer, and less distinctive, than
those from east-central Germany. This is probably because this region is immediately adjacent to the core
zone of early metallurgy, and relatively few Alpine jade
axes were circulating there. The hybrid axes reflect
the characteristics of south-east European flat copper
axes more strongly, and show fewer elements that
can be attributed to influence from Alpine jade axes.
It is thus harder to identify the specific types of Alpine
axe that could have acted as models in the design of
the axes in question.
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
The copper axes of interest here have been classified in
various ways and can either be grouped together under
the general type name of Dugo Selo (Kuna 1981), or else
attributed to a number of different variants and types
(Žeravica 1993). As far as the present study is concerned,
they can be divided into two groups. The first comprises
very narrow triangular axes with completely straight, narrow sides and a blade that neither splays nor has expanded
ends (fig. 12. 1-2). Only the two flat axes from the hoard
of Split-Gripe (Marovič 1953 : Taf. III, Žeravica 1993 : no.
158/159) can be attributed to this group. In Austria, Mayer
has labelled several finds of unknown provenance as “type
Split” after this hoard (Mayer 1977 : nos. 116-120). While
these Austrian finds share some features in common with
the eponymous axes, there are differences, especially regarding blade shape.
The second group (fig. 12. 3-7) comprises axes from
Ždralovac, Kladari-Karavid, Vojnič, Dugo Selo and Mikleuš
(Žeravica 1993 : nos. 132-134, Marovič 1953, Brunšmid
1902). All show some characteristics of the local Boljun and
Szakálhát types of flat copper axe, particularly their asymmetrical longitudinal section and their straight and very narrow butt. Where they differ from these local types is in the
shape of the blade : the local types have splaying blades
with clearly developed edge corners, while the hybrid axes
FIG. 9
The distribution of large and small Alpine jade axes, and of copper flat axes whose design was influenced by Alpine jade axes, in Thuringia, Saxony and
Saxony-Anhalt (Germany). The intimate spatial relationship between the two groups of finds strengthens the idea that the shape of the copper flat axes
is influenced by that of Alpine jade axes.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
have a somewhat broad, in some cases very deep and
rounded blade. Furthermore, at least one of the finds
(Mikleuš) appears to have somewhat rounded narrow
sides, giving it an almost oval cross-section. This crosssection, as well as the deep rounded shape of the blade
and the rather straight narrow sides are clearly elements
that may be derived from Alpine jade axes.
The typological distinction between these two groups of
axe is also reflected in their divergent distribution (fig. 13).
Where analysed, all the hybrid axes have been found
to consist of pure copper or copper with faint traces of
silver as the only impurity. Both of these kinds of copper are very widespread, making it impossible to trace
the precise origin of the metal without additional lead
isotope analysis.
FIG. 10
Two copper flat axes from Ballstädt (Thuringia), probably from a ploughed-up
hoard (after Klassen et al. in print b). Both are typologically related to two different
types (perforated Tumiac and Saint-Michel) of haches carnacéennes.
Due to the presence of clear typological elements of
the Boljun and Szakálhát-type axes, the hybrid axes
described above can be dated to between c 4000 and
3800 BC. This is confirmed by the fact that one of the
pieces (from Kladari-Karavid) was found together with
a copper axe-adze of this date in a probable hoard.
The same date applies to the axes from Split-Gripe,
which were also from a hoard, found alongside heavy
shafthole tools of various types.
FIG. 11
Map showing the distribution of perforated Tumiac type axes from the Morbihan and their copies in Iberia (Cangas type), Switzerland/south-west Germany
(Zug type) and Thuringia (at Ballstädt), and the suggested route by which the idea of making this type of axe reached Thuringia.
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
1. 3. 3. Italy
From Italy there are 9-12 triangular flat copper axes whose
design may have been influenced by Alpine jade axes. Unfortunately it is not possible to be more precise, as no drawings
or photographs are available for three potential finds which
were claimed to have a triangular outline : one, unprovenanced, from the museum at Bergamo (De Marinis 1992 : 389)
and two from Perugia and Umbria (Carancini (1993 : 126).
From the geographical distribution of these axes it is clear
that their design reflects a conscious decision ; they are
not the product of primitive stages of early metallurgy.
Two clusters of finds exist : one at the southern edge of
the Alps, the other in Umbria and Tuscany (fig. 14).
All the axes are single finds. As only a few of them seem
to have been analysed and since the state of archaeo-metallurgical research in Italy is generally not as advanced
as that north of the Alps or in south-east Europe, the following observations can only be preliminary in nature.
FIG. 12
Copper flat axes from Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina showing typological elements derived from Alpine jade axes.
1, 2 : Split-Gripe ; 3 : Ždralovac ; 4 : Vojnič ; 5 : Dugo Selo ; 6 : Kladari-Karavid ; 7 : Mikleuš. 1-4, 6 after Žeravica 1993, 5 after unpublished catalogue of the
SAM project, university of Freiburg, 7 after Brunšmid 1902.
Two of the axes -from Campegine (Malavolti 1946), and
Valle Fontega (Broglio and Fasani 1975 : fig. 25, 3)- have
lenticular cross-sections and therefore could well be direct
imitations of stone axes (fig. 15). The latter's cross-section,
pointed-oval on one side and oblique-straight on the other,
appears to mark a transition to axes with rectangular crosssections. As copper flat axes of rectangular cross-section
(Bocca Lorenza type) appear in the same region around
4000 BC (Klassen 2010), this observation could point towards a late 5th millennium date for the axe.
FIG. 13
Distribution of copper flat axes showing typological elements derived from large
Alpine jade axes in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Both axes are typologically different from each other and
rather short with lengths of only 7.7 cm (Campegine) and
9.0 cm (Valle Fontega). Neither closely resembles any of
the types of large Alpine jade axe that have been defined. This is not surprising, as these large axes (apart
from some exceptions, such as the imported (haches
carnacéennes) obviously served as common tools in Italy
and only gained in social and ritual value mostly after their
exchange across the Alps. It is therefore unlikely that the
large axes would have been the target of imitation in
copper. From grave assemblages belonging to the VBQ
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
Culture, however, it is clear that small triangular axes of
jadeitite were socially valorised during the 5th millennium
BC in northern Italy (Bernabò Brea, Errera et al. this book,
tome 1, p. 816) and so might well have been the object
of imitations. The axe (type Collecchio) from grave 24 of
the cemetery of Le Mose is one such possible model
(Bernabò Brea, Errera et al. this book, tome 1, p. 847, fig.
48). The fact that both the Campegine and Valle Fontega
axes are from northern Italy, while none of the Umbrian
and Tuscan finds have lenticular cross-sections, may well
support this interpretation.
While the earliest copper mines currently known in Italy do
not date further back than c 3500 BC (Maggi and Pearce
2005), metallurgy had been introduced approximately 800
years earlier, as demonstrated in northern Italy by the recent
find of two copper awls and a fragment of a crucible with
copper slag adhering to it from Parma/Botteghino (Mazzieri
and Dal Santo 2007). It had appeared that the only copper
objects to be found in definite and secure VBQ contexts
were small items, principally awls (Pessina and Tiné
2008 : 132ff. with fig. 14, Pearce 2000). However, according to the original reports by the excavator (Pellegrini
1910 : 74ff.) and the detailed investigations of the available
evidence by Pearce (2007 : 42ff.), the three flat copper axes
from the Bocca Lorenza cave probably also belong to this
culture. Furthermore, several flat copper axes have been
found very close to major VBQ sites, or else in them but
unstratified (Barfield 1996 : 66, Pearce 2007 : 38ff.). The
Campegine axe and a find from Pizzo di Bodio (discussed
below) fall into this category. It is therefore possible that flat
copper axes could have been produced as early as 4500 BC.
The compositional analysis of the Valle Fontega axe (Matteoli and Storti 1982) shows that it consists of a very characteristic type of copper, which is only known from a
few other objects. It probably originates in the Lessinian
Alps in northern Italy (Klassen 2010). At least one find
made of this metal (the bossed copper disc from Hornstaad in south-west Germany : Dieckmann 1987) can be
dated firmly to the early 4th millennium (namely by the
dendrochronological date of 3917 BC for the Hornstaad
settlement : Billamboz 1998) ; this provides indirect evidence for the Valle Fontega axe. Due to its peculiar cross-
FIG. 14
Distribution of copper flat axes showing typological elements derived from large
Alpine jade axes in Italy.
section (see above), however, this find may be slightly
earlier and date to the end of the 5th millennium.
For the Campegine axe, only a preliminary metal analysis, of
insufficient quality, is currently available (unpublished, G. Artioli and R.C. De Marinis, pers. comm.). The axe appears to
be of a different, very pure type of copper. Nothing can be
deduced from this regarding the origin or date of this metal.
Four of the remaining triangular flat axes with rectangular
cross-section seem at first to form a relatively homogeneous group, thanks to their markedly oblong shape (fig.
16). On closer inspection, however, there are clear differences between at least some of these axes. The 10 cm
long unprovenanced axe in Bergamo Museum (De Marinis
1992 : Abb. 1.2) is distinguished by its rounded neck and
slightly splayed blade, while the 13.2 cm long axe from
Collelungo (Colini 1898-1902 : fig. 120) has slightly convex
sides. The remainder, from Gemignanello (Colini 18981902 : Tav. XIII.10) and Sgurgola (Colini 1898-1902 : Tav.
XV.4), with lengths of 15.3 and 13.3 cm respectively, closely
resemble each other and might well share a common origin.
The convex sides of the Collelungo axe are rather distinctive. As this is the only axe in the group of finds discussed
here with this specific trait, it is quite possible that it is an
import. A survey of all flat copper axes produces only one
generally comparable axe, a find from the Bulgarian tell
Goljamo Delčevo (Todorova 1981 : Taf. 4. 65) that is dated
to the middle phase of the KGK VI-culture, i.e. c 4400/4300
BC. It is therefore possible that the Collelungo axe is a fifth
millennium import from Bulgaria, but the scarcity of comparable finds and the absence of compositional data make
it impossible to verify this. The general, somewhat chisellike outline of the axe and its rather thick cross-section
indicate that the axe probably dates to before or around
4000 BC, since no axe of this general form was produced
anywhere after the turn of the fourth millennium BC.
The axe from the Bergamo Museum closely resembles
the larger of the two axes from the Split-Gripe hoard in
Croatia (see above). The only, but significant difference
is the shape of the longitudinal section, which is symmetrical in the Italian find but typically asymmetrical in the
find from Split. While the resemblances are close enough
FIG. 15
Copper flat axes from 1 : Campegine and 2 : Valle Fontega that are probably
imitations of small jadeitite axes (after De Marinis 1992).
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
to suggest that the Bergamo Museum and Split axes
are probably contemporary, around 4000 BC, it is impossible to say whether the former is an import.
No metal analysis is available and therefore no precise identification of the origin of this find is possible.
Due to their strong similarity, the two axes from Gemignanello and Sgurgola can be treated together. Their characteristic triangular shape is unparalleled and suggests
that they are likely to have been produced somewhere in
central Italy. However, the metal analysis of the Sgurgola
axe (SAM 19801) showed it to have been made from pure
copper. This composition is not matched by any other flat
axe from Italy. Five other analysed flat axes are also of pure
copper, but with traces of several other elements (Otto
and Witter 1952 : nos. 30-34). However, as these analyses were made in the 1930s, when the detection limit of
the elements in question was probably much higher than
that of the SAM-analyses (Klassen 2010), it may be that
these axes are not made of copper as pure as that of the
Sgurgola axe. Therefore, the chemical composition of the
Sgurgola axe may well indicate that it is imported, but due
to the lack of typological parallels outside Italy it is not possible to suggest a place of origin. Notwithstanding the lack
of parallels, on typological grounds the Gemignanello and
Sgurgola axes should in theory date to around 4000 BC.
The remaining three triangular copper flat axes of which
drawings were available (fig. 17) all are very small -they
measure not more than ca. 4.5 cm (Panicarola : Carancini
1993 : fig. 2, 3), 4.8 cm (Pizzo di Bodio : Banchieri 1999 :
fig. 4, 2) and ca. 6.0 cm (Badiola : Carancini 1993 : fig. 2, 1).
In each case the available drawings are not sufficiently good
to show the cross-section shape clearly, but it appears that
the central Italian pieces from Badiola and Panicarola might
have rounded rectangular cross-sections while that of the
Pizzo di Bodio axe could be either rectangular or oval. The
latter is an unstratified find from a settlement that has
produced, in addition to Early Neolithic and Eneolithic
material, finds of the VBQ Culture. The metal analysis published by Banchieri (1999) is of insufficient quality and
only allows one to state that the axe consists of rather
pure copper. This is well in line with its suspected date
of c 4000 BC rather than Banchieri's proposed Eneolithic
date, since most Eneolithic axes contain sizable quantities
of arsenic. The most remarkable feature of this object is
the somewhat splayed blade. This trait may well relate to
the copper flat axes of Bocca Lorenza type, which have a
more easterly distribution area in the foreland of the Lessinian Alps (Klassen 2010). This might indicate that the Pizzo
di Bodio find dates to the very early 4th millennium, as the
Bocca Lorenza axes belong to the period c 4000-3800 BC.
In summary one can conclude that, at the present state of
knowledge, it is difficult to make precise statements regarding the triangular flat copper axes from Italy. A few small
finds with lenticular cross-sections from northern Italy are
probably direct imitations of the small triangular jadeitite
axes that were socially valorised in (among others) the VBQ
Culture. The remaining axes, with rectangular or roundedrectangular cross-sections, could well have been inspired
by Alpine jade axes -in terms not only of their design but
also their symbolic meaning. This interpretation is supported by the overall distribution of triangular copper flat axes,
which shows two separate distribution areas in northern
Italy and in Umbria/Tuscany. The latter distribution is almost
perfectly matched by a concentration of large Alpine jade
axes. As regards the date of the copper axes, in two cases
there are indications that they may date to the very early
4th millennium BC, but others - at least the Campegine and
Valle Fontega axes, with their lenticular cross-sections may be as early as the 5th millennium. The remaining axes,
with rectangular cross-sections, are likely to date to c 4000
BC. The Collelungo axe might be an exception, as it could
represent a 5th millennium import from Bulgaria. All the
other axes must be judged to have been produced in Italy.
FIG. 16
Copper flat axes with rectangular cross-sections showing typological elements derived from Alpine jade axes. 1 : Unknown origin, museum of Bergamo
(after De Marinis 1992) ; 2 : Sgurgola (after Carancini 1993) ; 3 : Collelungo (after Colini 1898-1902). The finds from the museum of Bergamo and Sgurgola
were probably made locally around 4000 BC while the axe from Collelungo may well be a 5th millennium import from Bulgaria.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
• 2. Alpine axes and their relation to early metallurgy
2. 1. Imported Alpine axes in the distribution area of
heavy copper tools and gold artefacts
At the moment, only preliminary observations regarding
imported Alpine jade axes in south-east Europe are possible, as the area has not yet been surveyed as intensively as western Europe. However, it is not expected that
the picture will change significantly with the addition of
new data. According to our present state of knowledge,
two different developments can be recognized. The first
concerns mainly small axes from rich graves of the early
Lengyel culture (e.g. Zengövarkony graves 110 and 206 :
FIG. 17
Small Italian copper flat axes showing typological elements derived from Alpine
jade axes. 1 : Badiola ; 2 : Panicarola (after Carancini 1993) ; 3 : Pizzo di Bodio
(after Banchieri 1999).
Dombay 1960 : Tabl. XLI.14 and LIX.7 ; Alsónyék-Kanizsa,
grave 792 : Zalai-Gaál 2008 : fig. 19 ; note, however, that
the axes have only been seen in photographs, and direct
investigation is needed to confirm the observations). A
few larger axes were presumably also exchanged at this
early date : fragments of two such axes were definitely
found in a ring ditch site in Golianovo in Slovakia (Hovorka
et al. 2008) and one may have been found in grave 3060
at Alsónyék-Kanizsa (Zalai-Gaál 2008 : Abb. 15). It is possible that these early imports are also present in areas
beyond the distribution area of the Lengyel culture.
While metal was certainly present and even widely used
during the early 5th millennium in south-east Europe (see for
example Zalai-Gaál 1996, Todorova 1999 : 237), the early
phase of importation of Alpine axes predates that of the
heavy shafthole-tools and gold artefacts as depicted in fig.
1. These early finds are therefore not directly relevant here.
The second relevant development is that of the importation of Alpine jade axes in comparatively large numbers to
Bulgaria. As this is described in detail by Pétrequin, Cassen
et al. (this book, chapter 26, p. 1231), a few comments will
suffice here. Their chronology is well established due to the
fact that many axes were found either in graves or stratified settlement contexts. Alpine jade axes appear to have
reached the coast of the Black Sea between the Karanovo
V/Hamangia IV/Sava IV period and the late KodzadermenGumelnița-Karanovo VI (KGK VI) Culture (late Varna Culture),
FIG. 18
Types of Alpine jade axes that show typological elements derived from early copper axes.
1 : Varna II, grave 1 (Bulgaria: Krk-variant of the Rarogne type) ; 2 : Schweicheln (Germany: St. Michel type) ; 3 : Peyriac-de-Mer (France: Pauilhac type) ;
4 : Zealand (Denmark: Puy type). 1, 3 photos P. Pétrequin, 2 photo Steen Hendriksen, Haderslev Museum, 4 photo Rogvi Johansen, Moesgård Museum.
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
that is, in absolute dates, between 4600/4500 und
4200/4100 BC. They are therefore exactly contemporaneous with the metallurgical phase of interest here,
which had started slightly earlier (see below).
Axes of the following types/variants can be recognized
among the imports : Krk, Chelles, Durrington, Bégude and
small axes. However, it is important to note that many of
the axes have been re-shaped locally. In some cases this
process of re-shaping mainly affected the shape of the
cross-section, which generally changed from oval to (rounded-) rectangular ; in other cases the entire shape was
changed, resulting in the creation of a completely new
type with strictly rectangular cross-section, the Varna type.
It may be that some of these Varna-type axes were exchanged back towards Italy, as indicated by possible finds
of this type from Sinj in Croatia (Milosevic 1998). This observation still needs to be confirmed, however.
Finally it should be noted that the importation of Alpine
jade axes to Bulgaria seems to be linked closely to the
power of the elite leaders buried in the Varna cemeteries
to attract exotic luxuries. Alpine jade axes appear in some
of the very richest graves of the famous Varna I necropolis (Pétrequin, Cassen et al. this book, chapter 26, p. 1231).
2. 2. Imitations of metal artefacts in Alpine rock
No direct imitations of any artefacts of copper or gold in Alpine jade are known. The only definite example of any imitation of such objects in western Europe is the aforementioned
haematite pendant from Renongar in Brittany, which copies
the south-east European 'idols' made from gold and copper.
2. 3. Alpine jade axes inspired by early metal axes
Several of the large Alpine jade axe types show clear typological characteristics of early metal axes (fig. 18), namely
expanded blade ends (seen in the Rarogne, Saint-Michel
and Pauilhac types as well as in the Krk-variant of the Rarogne type) and rectangular cross-sections (types Pauilhac
and Puy). The former have long been recognised and have
played a key role in the dating of these types of Alpine
jade axe in the Morbihan, where they concentrate (see for
example Roussot-Larroque 2008 : 106ff., with references
to older literature). While the parallels between the jade and
the metal axes were initially interpreted as evidence that
the massive tumuli of the Morbihan were of Bronze Age
construction, our improved knowledge both of the dating
of the tumuli themselves and of the chronology of early
copper axes means that we are dealing with a much older
phenomenon (Pétrequin, Cassen et al. 2002, Roussot-Larroque 2008 : 110). In the most recent publications, there
unfortunately still are misconceptions regarding the chronology applied for jade and copper axes in question. Furthermore, not enough attention has been paid to the difference between copper axes with protruding blade ends and
those with splaying blades in comparisons with jade axes.
It would appear that the earliest Alpine jade axes with
protruding blade ends -the Rarogne type and its Krk variant as well as the St. Michel type- appeared around
4600 BC while the Pauilhac-type axes, with their protruding blade ends and rectangular cross-section, were produced from c 4300 BC onwards, possibly a bit later. The
regular production of axes with rectangular cross-section,
the Puy type, is of approximately the same age as that of
the Pauilhac type (see Pétrequin, Cassen et al. this book,
chapter 11, p. 648 and fig. 97, p. 689-692).
The copper flat axes that have hitherto been proposed
in the literature as probable models for the production
of Alpine jade axes with protruding blade ends cannot
have played this role, as they post-date the earliest jade
examples by at least 500 years (Klassen 2010). This is
true for the copper flat axes of the Balaton-Lasinja Culture
(c 4000-3800 BC : Pétrequin, Cassen et al. 2002 : 89) as
well as for the axes of Bocca Lorenza type, belonging to
the late VBQ Culture or the earliest Lagozza Culture (c
4000-3800 BC : Roussot-Larroque 2008 : 110).
The typological problem alluded to above means that care
needs to be taken to compare axes with the exact same
trait. All jade axes with protruding blade ends have sides
that are almost completely straight, so that only the very
ends of the blade jut out. This means that it is not valid
to compare them with copper axes where the splaying
of the blade is partly due to the concavity of the sides.
This, along with the chronological disjunction mentioned
above, rules out the Bocca Lorenza type copper axes as
the models for the jade axes.
As a result we must reject all the previous claims regarding the relationship between metal axes and Alpine jade
axes with metallic attributes. But this is not the same as
saying that metal artefacts didn’t serve as models for the
Alpine axes in question. For a fresh evaluation of the problem, it is important to start with the chronological framework as currently established for the Alpine axes. The
first copper flat axes of Europe appear indeed just around
4700/4600 BC -the same date as the oldest Alpine jade
axes with metallic attributes.
These early copper axes can be found in two different
metallurgical centres. The first is located in northern
Greece and Bulgaria, from where a handful of objects is
known (Todorova 1999 : Abb. 4). The second is in Serbia,
from where a much larger number of finds is known from
the depositions at Pločnik (Grbič 1929, Stalio 1964). These have recently convincingly been dated to the period
in question here (Šljivar et al. 2009, Borič 2009). Several
of the Greek/Bulgarian and the majority of the Serbian
finds in question show faintly developed protruding edge
corners, while their blades do not splay (fig. 19.1). Therefore they are well comparable to the Alpine axe types
under discussion with regard to this important trait, and
they could well have played a role in the creation of the
Rarogne, St. Michel and Krk types/variants. If so, it should
be possible to demonstrate a connection between the
production area of the Alpine axes at Mont Viso and Mont
Beigua in north-west Italy and the distribution area of the
metal axes in Bulgaria/northern Greece and/or Serbia. It is
in fact possible to do so.
The key find for the assessment is the Alpine jade axe
that was found in grave 1 on the Varna II cemetery, which
can be dated to c 4500 BC (see Pétrequin, Cassen et al.
this book, chapter 26, p. 1241, fig. 8). This axe is of the
Krk variant of the Rarogne type with protruding edge corners (fig. 18.1). If such an axe could go from the Alps
to Varna at the time in question, then the same could
have been the case for an early copper axe in the opposite direction. Even though possibly several hundred
years younger, the find from Collelungo referred to above
might well be an example of the exchange of Bulgarian
copper axes to Italy during the 5th millennium BC. The
exchange of artefacts from the Varna region towards Italy
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
might furthermore be attested by re-shaped Alpine axes
of the Varna type found in Croatia (see above).
There is therefore every reason to believe that an early
Bulgarian or Greek (or Serbian) copper axe could have
reached north Italy around 4600 BC and inspired the production of the Rarogne, St. Michel and Krk types/variants
of Alpine axes with protruding blade ends in the Mont
Viso and Mont Beigua quarries.
Strictly rectangular cross-sections are an innovation linked
to the earliest copper flat axes in southeast Europe. The
rectangular cross-sections of the Pauilhac and Puy types are
therefore very likely to reflect the increased incorporation
of metal-related ideas of southeast European origin into the
production of Alpine axes. This assumption is clearly corroborated by the fact that the appearance of the very earliest
Alpine axes showing rectangular cross-sections - finds of
the Puy type from the Chasséen settlement of Parma/Botteghino - is of exactly the same age as the introduction of
metallurgy in northern Italy. Besides early Puy type axes,
a crucible with adhering copper slag as well as two copper awls were excavated at Parma/ Botteghino (Mazzieri
and Santo 2007, Mazzieri, Occhi et al. à paraître). This crucible at present is the earliest proof of metallurgy in Italy,
while the awls, which also are characteristic for practically
all other of the earliest north Italian copper finds (Klassen
2010, Fundliste 1), represent typical southeast European
types (see below). The idea that increased influences from
southeast Europe led to the introduction of metallurgy in
northern Italy around or a bit earlier than 4300 BC and at
the same time to the creation of new types of Alpine axes
with clear southeast European traits therefore is confirmed.
It should be noted that contrary to what has been argued
above for the Rarogne/Krk/St.-Michel types/variants, the
observed process not necessarily must be bound to metallurgical innovations in southeast Europe. At least it is
possible that Puy type axes are not imitations of southeast European copper axes, but rather copies of the Varna
type Alpine jade axes that were exchanged back towards
Italy after having been given their distinctive shape by repolishing in Bulgaria (fig. 19.2). Not only do these Varna
type axes lack the protruding edge corners as seen on
copper axes ; as Alpine jade artefacts, they might have
had a more profound design influence on the north Italian
communities who were quarrying jades on Viso and Beigua than would copper axes.
The fact that some of the newly created Alpine axes (the
Pauilhac type) show strongly accentuated protruding blade
ends, while the majority of these new axes (the Puy) type
does not, may well be a reflection of different groups’ divergent reaction to the incoming influences. At least it is
possible that the relatively small production of Pauilhac-type axes could be linked to a single group, working a separate quarry at Mont Viso/Barant (see Pétrequin, Pétrequin
et al., this book, chapter 2, p. 70-80).
The first appearance of rectangular cross-sections in flint
axes in Bulgaria can be dated to approximately the same
time as the first appearance of rectangular cross-sections
in Alpine axes (see below). This is hardly a coincidence,
put strongly hints at the power of the idea behind this
innovation. The changes seen in the production of Alpine
axes around or slightly before 4300 BC may therefore
neither be linked directly to metallurgical innovations, nor
direct imitations of possibly imported re-shaped artefacts
(the Varna type), but to the mere power of a new ideas,
possibly created by the Varna elites.
• 3. Discussion
3. 1. General remarks
Any evaluation of the evidence presented above must
take its point of departure in the overall distribution map
fig. 1. This clearly reveals the division of Europe into a
western and an eastern cultural area. The origins of this
division predate the phenomenon discussed here, and it
also continues to exist for millennia afterwards. At the
time of interest here (c. 4800-3800 BC), the map shows
that in general, the distribution areas of large Alpine jade
axes on the one hand, and of heavy copper shafthole
tools and gold artefacts on the other, are distinct and
mutually exclusive. The exceptions that exist can be accounted for by the power of attraction of the social elites in the Varna centre in Bulgaria at one end of Europe,
and in the Morbihan and Paris Basin regions at the other.
FIG. 19
Possible models for the types of Alpine axe depicted in fig. 18. 1 : The earliest copper flat axes from Bulgaria and Greece (after Todorova 1999).
2 : Alpine axe of type Varna from Varna I, grave 43 (photo P. Pétrequin).
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
The gold finds from Pauilhac, while found outside these regions, were clearly connected to a social elite also, to judge
from their find context. The key question to be addressed
is : what can we deduce about the significance of this
two-part division of Europe between c 4800 and 3800 BC.
There is no doubt that the objects that we have been
considering all held a considerable prestige value, thanks
to the exotic and rare nature of the raw materials involved (Taffinder 1998). However, this prestige value does
not account for the mutual exclusivity of the distribution
areas : if all elites had desired Alpine jade on the one
hand, and copper and gold on the other, the distributions
would have been mixed. A second set of values must
therefore have been in play. Another point to consider is
the very large distances covered in the exchange of some
of these objects - mostly large Alpine jade axes, but to a
certain degree also some of the metal artefacts. These
distances far exceed those normally covered by the exchange of prestige goods in the European Neolithic. It is
thus obvious that both the Alpine jade axes and the metal
artefacts in question must have had a very strong ritual
connotation that was recognized in huge areas of western and central Europe and in south-eastern Europe respectively. The items may have fulfilled a comparable role
in their respective societies and therefore would have
excluded each other, leading to the observed division of
Europe into opposing parts. The different colours -green
in western and central Europe, and yellow and red in
south-east Europe- may have played a key role in leading
elites to select objects of the one colour, and to reject (in
general) the objects made of the other colour.
It is very easy to demonstrate that the Alpine jade axes had
a strong ritual connotation, as demonstrated, for example,
by the fact that the vast majority are not found in settlements or graves, but rather as isolated finds, many in
conspicuous locations in the landscape. Furthermore, the
vertical deposition of jade axes that has been observed
throughout their entire distribution area, including the raw
material quarries on Mont Viso, demonstrates the existence of universally-held beliefs relating to these exceptional
objects (Pétrequin, Cassen et al. 2009, Pétrequin, Cassen
et al. this book, chapter 29, p. 1354).
While comparable deposition practices have not been
observed for the heavy copper tools and gold artefacts, which were furthermore produced in many locations, rather than at few centres like the Alpine axes,
it is nevertheless possible to show that these items
must also have been invested with strong ritual beliefs.
How else could it be explained that at Durankulak in Bulgaria,
a metal workshop was found in a building interpreted as a
temple (Todorova 1999 : 244) ? Furthermore the ritual role
of gold artefacts is obvious from the fact that in Varna, investigations of the objects demonstrated that at least a large
part of them were made specifically for the burial of high
ranking individuals and thus did not serve as everyday adornment (Hartmann 1982 : 39f., Lichardus-Itten 2007 : 17, 20).
As described by Pétrequin et al. (this book, chapter 29, p.
1354), due to its indestructibility jade is associated with
beliefs in immortality in societies in south-east Asia and
central America. It is reserved for the elite and the gods in
very complex societies. Exactly the same is true for gold :
due to its indestructibility, it symbolises eternity and was
used in elite burials to achieve immortality for the deceased, especially by covering the face, but also other
body parts. Examples for this practice are numerous and
widespread, for example in Africa (in the gold masks of
Egyptian pharaohs) ; in Europe (in the gold masks from
the shaft graves of Mycenae) and in South America (e.g. at
Sipán and Trujillo in Peru : Gebhard 2001 : 10ff.). It is likely
that the same beliefs also were bound up in the ritual use
of gold in Varna, where some of the famous symbolic graves with clay masks show golden objects covering (inter
alia) the eyes, mouth and ears (graves 2 and 3 : see, for
example, Biegel 1986).
This specific ritual use of gold can be compared to the
famous burial suits and masks of jade (nephrite) from
the western Han dynasty in China, which were made to
achieve immortality for the deceased emperors. Mayan
jade (jadeitite, serpentinite) masks from Central America
may constitute another possible example, but in addition
to being used for death masks in graves these objects also
had other ritual uses, which were related to their colour.
The fact that jade and gold, in an amazing range of different cultures and through many millennia, were associated with comparable ritual beliefs around the world
indicates that the same was probably also the case in 5th
millennium Europe. This lends support to the proposition
that objects of jade and gold, and some copper objects,
may have fulfilled a comparable role in their respective
distribution areas.
The fact that ritual beliefs relating to jade and its green
colour were widespread in the distribution area of the large Alpine axes can therefore be seen as one of the main
reasons why early metallurgy, in the specific form that
existed in south-east Europe, did not spread further west
during the 5th millennium than it did. Here it is important
to distinguish between the spread of metallurgy in general and that of the production of ritually charged shafthole
tools and gold artefacts in particular, as demonstrated by
the fact that metallurgy was introduced as early as c 45004300 BC in northern Italy (Pessina and Tiné 2008 : 132ff.,
Klassen 2010 and see above). It is certainly no coincidence
that, before c 4000 BC, the products of this earliest metallurgy seem to be limited to small objects -awls and pinsand to axes that probably imitated Alpine jade axes. The
awls and pins, for which a function in flint working has
been proposed (Pearce 2000), indicate conclusively that
the impulse for the beginnings of metallurgy in Italy came
from south-east Europe. Here these items were very common and had been in use from Karanovo II-times (early
6th millennium BC) onwards (Kuna 1981 : 16f. with list of
finds). While metalworking was thus introduced in Italy
shortly after the middle of the 5th millennium, the products
were limited to items with a profane function, or objects
that were associated with rituals that did not conflict with
those involving jade. No shafthole tools and no flat axes
with rectangular cross-sections were made, and gold finds
are missing too. These types of artefact were actively rejected by the Neolithic groups of northern Italy who valued
jade objects and the ritual beliefs attaching to them.
While the general rejection of heavy shafthole tools of various types in western Europe is evident from the map fig.
1 despite a few exceptions in France, a few comments
are necessary with regard to copper flat axes with rectangular cross-sections. This shape of the cross-section is
hardly ever merely a question of “fashion”, of production
technique or of the way of hafting the axes. It is a novelty
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
introduced with the first copper flat axes and it certainly
had a specific symbolic meaning. This is obvious from
the phenomenon of flint axes with rectangular crosssections, which are invented by Gumelnița communities
around 4400 BC and which spread northwards from the
Danube as far as the Baltic (Klimscha 2007, Klimscha this
book, chapter 25, p. 1208). As producing a flint axe with
rectangular cross-section required a completely different
and much more complicated technique than producing an
axe with an oval cross-section, this spread of axes with
rectangular cross-sections is remarkable and can only be
explained by the attraction of the specific inherent meaning of the shape. Nor is it coincidental that the new type
of jade axe that was created by elites in Varna through reshaping imported Alpine axes, the Varna type, has been
given a strictly rectangular cross-section.
3. 2. Jade-metal interaction in the production area of
the Alpine jade axes
With these considerations in mind it is now possible to
evaluate the dynamics of the relationship between jade
and metal using groups in 5th millennium BC Europe as
apparent from the evidence of imports, imitations and
typologically inspired objects. Before the onset of the widespread circulation of large, ritually charged Alpine jade
axes (c 4800 BC) and the beginnings of the production of
massive copper tools with rectangular cross-sections (c
4700/4600 BC), both Alpine axes and copper items had
been in circulation for a long time.
Quarries at Mont Viso started to be opened as early as
the late 6th millennium BC, but the products - mostly
small workaday axes - were only used more or less locally by the Neolithic communities of the Po valley in
northern Italy (Errera, Pétrequin et al. this book, chapter
13, p. 744). While these items may well have had some
ritual significance for the local communities, these beliefs
were clearly of regional importance only.
In south-east Europe, copper had been in use from Karanovo
II/ late Criş-times (early 6th millennium BC) onwards (e.g. Horedt 1976). Before 4700/4600 BC, only small items such as
beads, pins and awls were produced. Such artefacts were
comparatively widespread and common, being found for
example in the Lengyel culture (Zalai-Gaál 1996). This clearly
demonstrates that at this early time, the opposition between
metal and jade as bearers of comparable, yet mutually exclusive ritual beliefs did not yet exist, as jade axes seem
to appear rather regularly in Lengyel contexts (see above).
The same may well be true beyond the Slovakian and Hungarian territory of the Lengyel culture, but since no systematic search for Alpine jade axes has yet been undertaken
in south-east Europe, it is impossible to say. The regular coappearance of jade axes and metal artefacts is yet another
clear indication of the fact that it was not just metal artefacts
or metallurgy in general that was charged with ritual beliefs
comparable to those connected to Alpine jade axes. On the
contrary, the present example clearly underlines that these specific beliefs were bound to the production of heavy
copper tools (flat axes with rectangular cross-section and
shafthole tools). Copper working was thus an innovation
promoted by social elites, for whom the ritual manipulation
of metal artefacts offered a way of enhancing their power.
As described in a previous section, the earliest ritually
charged copper tools were made from c 4700/4600 BC in
two different regions (southern Bulgaria/northern Greece
and Serbia), but around 4400 BC, production spread to
other parts of Bulgaria and possibly also Romania. Gold
begins to appear in graves in Bulgaria (Varna II, grave 3)
around 4600 BC and has not yet been found in comparatively early contexts in other regions.
By c 4300/4200 BC, the copper tools in question also
were produced in parts of Hungary and Slovakia (Šiška
1964, Bognár-Kutzian 1972, Vizdal 1977, Točik 1991) and
gold was used in large quantities especially in the Varna
centre, but also in the remainder of the area in which
heavy copper tools were made. This phase marks the
maximum spread of the production of shafthole tools,
while the production of copper flat axes with rectangular
cross-section spread further west by c 4000 BC.
Long distance, trans-Alpine exchange of large Alpine jade
axes started around 4800 BC, as did their transformation
from woodworking tools into ritual objects. The emergence of social elites in the Morbihan with their enormous
power of attraction by c 4700-4600 BC led to an intensification of this exchange ; and the manipulation of the imported objects by re-shaping added to the complexity of
ritual beliefs bound to them. Somewhat later, after c 4500
BC, the area in which jade axes circulated was enlarged
considerably to the north-west and - east by the appearance of the northern family of Alpine jade axe types.
With the creation of the Alpine Rarogne type and its Krk
variant, as well as the appearance of the St.-Michel type, all
with protruding blade ends, in the quarries at Mont Beigua
and Mont Viso c 4600 BC, we see the first signs of interaction between the jade-using groups on one side and the
metal-using groups on the other side that went beyond a
simple exchange. The expanded blade ends, while not exclusively linked to metal objects (see for instance a stone
axe with this feature from the Mesolithic Sandarna culture
in Sweden, c 5000 BC : Hernek 2005 : fig. 7 : 8/9), must
have had a specific meaning. It cannot be a coincidence
that one of the earliest known Alpine jade axes in Bulgaria is of the Krk variant of the Rarogne type, and that this
axe was found in the grave of a member of the social elite
(Varna II, grave 1). At the opposite end of Europe, Rarogne
and St.-Michel type axes show a marked concentration in
Morbihan (fig. 20). Obviously these objects had a special
significance to the elites there, who must have made considerable efforts to attract them. The frequent re-shaping of
Rarogne type axes into axes of the Tumiac type (possibly
also the St.-Michel type) might therefore represent an attempt by the Morbihan elites to adapt and incorporate within their own symbol system the ritual ideas and thoughts
from the Varna elites, drawing as they did on the earliest
heavy copper flat axes. The marked concentration of Alpine
jade axes with protruding blade ends in the Morbihan region clearly underlines the role of the local elites in creating
new sets of ritual values and in transcending the opposition
between the two major groups of objects of power in 5th
millennium BC Europe. The people controlling the quarries
in the Mont Viso and Mont Beigua area of northern Italy
held a key position in this process. They acted as transmitters of ritual ideas between the two European centres
of social evolution in Varna and the Morbihan. The various
golden items and shafthole axes found in France - as far
as they really do belong to the period in question here - will
almost certainly have been transmitted from south-east Europe to France by these Italian groups (fig. 21), even though
possibly only at a somewhat later date around 4000 BC.
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
With the creation of the Pauilhac and Puy types of Alpine
axes in the quarries at Mont Viso c 4400/4300 BC, the
process of integration of south-eastern ritual symbols into
the Alpine jade axes reached a new level. There is every
reason to believe that this process reflects the dynamics
of metal using groups in Bulgaria and the power of the
ritual ideas created by social elites in that area, which not
only led to the start of production of heavy copper tools in
Serbia and Romania at the same time, but probably also
to the introduction of metallurgy in Italy.
The number of Alpine axes with protruding blade ends and
rectangular cross-section (the Pauilhac type) that were produced is rather restricted, however, as is their distribution,
which is confined to the southern parts of the overall distribution area of large Alpine axes (fig. 22). This may reflect
the fact that the south-eastern ideas were only adopted by
some of the groups that used the quarries at Mont Viso and
that these groups had some specific trans-Alpine contacts.
These contacts led to an influx and acceptance of ritual elements of south-eastern European origin in southern France. But as demonstrated by the (probable) association of
two axes of Pauilhac type with golden artefacts at Pauilhac
itself, the influx was not restricted to ideas alone, but also
comprised physical objects. It thus appears that the social
elite that is reflected in the finds from Pauilhac played a
role similar to that of its Morbihan counterparts.
The Pauilhac type axes are true symbiotic objects : while
taking on several elements of ritually charged south-east European metal artefacts, they still retain a clear jade identity
in the choice of raw material, the quality of workmanship,
the size and the overall triangular shape. The combination
of western and south-eastern elements may reflect the
fact that both ideologies had some clear overall commonalities and indicates that at least some groups, to a certain
degree, overcame the opposition between green and red/
yellow that is demonstrated so clearly in the overall distribution map fig. 1. Through the Rückstrom of re-shaped
axes, the Morbihan elites may well have played a decisive
role in this process (Pétrequin, Cassen et al., in this book,
chapter 18, p. 1014). The Pauilhac type axes can best be
compared to those copper flat axes that were made as
equally symbiotic objects by groups in central Germany
and Croatia/Bosnia-Herzegovina after 4000 BC (see above).
While some groups in north Italy thus intensified relations with south-east Europe from around 4600 BC, the
majority kept on producing traditional Alpine axes with
oval cross-sections (types Durrington and Puymirol) in the
FIG. 20
Distribution of Alpine jade axes of Saint-Michel and Rarogne type including the Krk-variant of the Rarogne-type.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
FIG. 21
Schematic representation of possible exchange system across Europe. The axe-producing groups in northern Italy held a key position for the proposed transmission
of metal artefacts from south-east Europe to Brittany.
quarries at Mont Viso and Mont Beigua for several hundred years. In fact, the production of these “normal” axes
reached its apogee in the middle of the 5th millennium
BC, with a huge enlargement of the total circulation area
into Germany and Britain and Ireland. The latter relates
ultimately to the activities of groups in the Paris Basin ;
these people attracted the 'traditional' axes in large numbers and re-shaped them into the typical northern type
axes (Altenstadt/Greenlaw and Chenoise).
The Altenstadt/Greenlaw type was probably made by reshaping jade axes of Durrington type and the longest are
around 30 cm. The Altenstadt variant emerged slightly before 4500 BC, while the Greenlaw variant probably is a bit
younger. The Chenoise type differs from the Altenstadt/
Greenlaw type in several ways besides its shape. From
a chronological point of view it is clearly younger than the
Altenstadt/Greenlaw type and probably emerges in the last
quarter of the 5th millennium BC. The number of known
axes of Chenoise type is much lower than that of the other
two types, suggesting that its production was of limited
scale. The most obvious difference is in their length, with
Chenoise type axes regularly approaching 40 cm. It may be
that this marked increase in length reflects a reaction, by
the people who quarried at Mont Viso, to the ever-growing
influences from south-east Europe. It may represent an
attempt to keep traditional beliefs alive by producing ever
more extreme traditional Alpine jade axes.
Around 4300 BC, the development of the Varna centre reached its apogee, to judge from the wealth of the graves and
the complexity of rituals involved (including the creation of
symbolic graves). The further enlargement of the area in
which heavy copper shafthole tools, flat copper axes with
rectangular cross-section and gold objects were made and
used - expanding north-west into eastern Hungary and Slovakia- is probably an expression of this development. The
overall dynamics of south-east Europe were clearly also
felt among the communities using the quarries at Mont
Viso and Mont Beigua, since this was the time when the
production of Alpine axes with oval cross-sections came
to a complete stop and was replaced by the production of
the Puy type axes with rectangular cross-section. With the
exception of Britain and Ireland (where these axes, with
their metal-related symbolic meaning, were either actively
rejected or - more likely - present in only small numbers,
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
thanks to a disruption in contacts with the proximate source area in France during the early 4th millennium), the Puy
type spread in large numbers over the entire distribution
area of large Alpine jade axes, thus overcoming an old,
north-south distributional divide between various kinds of
Alpine jade axe (fig. 23). This is also clearly seen in the
use of a wide range of different raw materials for Puy type
axes, as opposed to the preferred use of dark green rocks
for southern type axes and pale/light green rocks for northern type axes (Pétrequin, Croutsch et al. 1998, Pétrequin,
Sheridan et al. 2011). This probably reflects the beginning
of the end for the value system that had been linked to
Alpine jade axes. It is an appealing thought that the elites
in Varna may have played an active and rather direct role in
this process, as they created the Varna type of Alpine axe
with its clear rectangular cross-section but absence of protruding blade ends. As already mentioned above, some of
FIG. 22
Distribution of Alpine jade axes of Pauilhac type.
these axes may have been exchanged back towards Italy
where they might have inspired the creation of the Puy
type, a few centuries before copper flat axes with rectangular cross-sections began to be produced in Italy.
The largest of all known axes made of jadeitite, a 44.4 cm
long item found in Geitelde in northern Germany (axe JADE
2008_203, p. 479, fig.37), is a Puy type axe. The size of
this piece is absolutely exceptional, as few other Puy type
axes reach lengths of 30 cm and most are much smaller.
The Geitelde axe may represent the onset of Puy type production, as it may be an attempt of its producers to compete with the oversized Chenoise-type axes (see above).
When the Varna centre ceased to operate c 4100 BC, this
did not bring the dynamics of the metal-using communities in south-east Europe to a halt. The Bodrogkeresztúr
Culture in eastern Hungary displays a massive production
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
FIG. 23
Distribution of Alpine jade axes of Puy type.
of ritually charged heavy copper tools with and without
shaftholes, together with an abundant use of gold (Patay
1975). The emergence of the Jordanów culture in southern
Poland, Moravia and Bohemia is clearly a result of Bodrogkeresztúr-dynamics, as is that of the Balaton-Lasinja Culture
in western Hungary (Kalicz 1991). The latter cultures actively
produced copper flat axes with rectangular cross-sections
related to the Szakálhát-type as found in the Bodrogkeresztúr
culture ; and in the Balaton-Lasinja Culture, golden objects
of ritual function (the bossed discs of Csáford-Stollhof type Makkay 1985) also played an important role. As already described above, these dynamics also led to the production of
copper flat axes with rectangular cross-sections as far away
as central Germany from c 4000 BC onwards. Due to the
distance to the origin of the cultural impulse as well as the
circulation of large amounts of huge Alpine axes in that area,
these copper axes are not identical to those made in the
neighbouring Jordanów culture, but their triangular shape
clearly reflects symbolic values bound to the Alpine axes.
The cultural dynamics in the south-east were so strong at
this time (at the beginning of the 4th millennium BC) that
it arguably triggered the production of copper flat axes
with rectangular cross-section even in a restricted region
of northern Italy (Klassen 2010). These axes (of Bocca
Lorenza type) are practically identical to those produced
in the Jordanów culture and would seem to demonstrate
that by this time, north Italian groups had started to accept completely the ritual beliefs of south-east Europe
and to reject those originally tied to the Alpine jade axes.
Within a few centuries this shift in beliefs had spread
Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
throughout northern Italy so that, by 3600 BC at the latest,
the production of large, ritually charged Alpine axes in the
quarries of Mont Viso and Mont Beigua had ceased completely. From that point in time and for several centuries more,
only ordinary small woodworking tools were produced
here until the quarries were abandoned around 2300 BC.
• 3. 3. Jade-metal interaction in the periphery :
the example of Germany
The opposition between groups that accepted and groups
that rejected the ritual ideas from south-east Europe
FIG. 24
Certain and probable axes of Saint-Michel type from Germany with deliberately
destroyed cutting edges. 1 : Saarburg ; 2 : Mettmann.
can be demonstrated not only for the production area of
Alpine axes in northern Italy, but also far away in Germany and northern France. Possibly after the decline of the
mid-5th millennium elite in the Morbihan, a number of
large axes that had been re-shaped in this region entered circulation and were exchanged in various directions,
including eastwards (Pétrequin, Cassen et al. this book,
chapter 18, p. 1014). Many of these axes possessed
features, such as projecting blade edges, that suggest
influence from south-east Europe. In Germany, the deliberate destruction of the blade of one of these axes (of
Saint-Michel type, from Saarburg : axe JADE 2008_296,
fig. 24, n°1) by precise blows that removed the protruding blade ends could signify the rejection of the specific ideas associated with this type of axe. A second
German axe (Mettmann, axe JADE 2008_268, fig. 24,
n°2) shows an almost identical destruction of the cutting
edge, echoing the Saarburg axe, but in this case destruction is so severe that it cannot be decided with certainty
whether the axe had originally been of Saint-Michel
type, with protruding blade ends - although it probably
had been, given the dark green stone used for this axe.
While dark green rocks regularly appear among the stone used to make axes in the Morbihan, they were practically never used to make the northern type axes found
in Germany. It is therefore likely that the Mettmann axe
had originally been a carnacéenne Saint-Michel type axe
and not a northern-style axe of Chenoise type. Finally it
is hardly a coincidence that the third known Saint-Michel
type axe from Germany, an intact example from Schweicheln (axe JADE 2008_301, fig. 18.2) was deposited vertically in the ground (as apparent from its patination),
but not with its blade upwards - the usual manner in
which axes were ‘planted’. Instead, the blade, complete with its protruding ends, was hidden in the ground.
FIG. 25
Examples of large northern type Alpine axes from Germany that have been re-shaped into Puy-type axes. 1 : Cloppenburg ; 2 : Södel ; 3 : Coesfeld.
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines - Chapitre 27 - Alpine axes and early metallurgy
The opposite reaction, whereby “common” Alpine jade
axes with oval cross-section were transformed into objects
with metal-related ritual connotations, can also be observed (fig. 25). In Germany and France, several axes of the
northern Altenstadt/Greenlaw type were re-shaped into
Puy type axes by re-polishing their narrow sides (Coesfeld,
axe JADE 2008_184, p. 1486 ; Mainz-Gonsenheim : axe
JADE 2008_210, p. 1488 ; Södel, axe JADE 2008_306 ;
southern Germany : axe JADE 2008_150 ; Cloppenburg,
axe JADE 2008_182 ; Baye : axe JADE 2008_431). In Germany, at least, only the very largest axes were chosen
for this transformation, clearly underlining an intention to
maintain the importance of these extremely valuable objects. The resulting symbiotic artefacts, which in Germany
only are known from the western parts of the country, can
be regarded as the counterpart of the triangular copper flat
axes in east-central Germany, as both represent symbiotic
objects that combined ritual values traditionally associated
with either jade or metal. The re-shaped Alpine axes are
therefore probably contemporary with the copper finds in
question, which dates their re-shaping to the first 200-300
years of the 4th millennium. What can be observed here is
a process similar to that described for the development of
pottery shapes (Klassen 2004, 288 ff.) in Central Europe,
with regionally divergent reactions to western and southeastern impulses reaching the area.
While some groups thus obviously tried to adapt their
objects of power to new ritual beliefs, this action seems
only to have had a temporary and limited effect. There
seems to be a clear connection between the appearance of Puy type axes -either imported, or else created
locally by re-shaping northern type axes- and the deposition (and thus removal from circulation) of some of
the largest collections of Alpine jade axe known from
Germany, as seen in the hoards from Erfurt-Büssleben
(axes JADE 2008_177-181, p. 1485), Mainz-Gonsenheim
(axes JADE 2008_206-210, p. 1488) and Coesfeld (axes
JADE 2008_183-184, p. 1486). These all contain a single
Puy type axe alongside one or several traditional northern type axes. It would appear that the latter lost their
high ritual value when the metal-related Puy-type axes
appeared in the early 4th millennium BC. An even more
explicit example is known from a hoard from Großheubach in Bavaria, where in addition to Alpine jade axes
of Chelles and Puy type there was an early 4th millennium copper flat axe with rectangular cross-section
(axes JADE 2008_216-220, p. 1489). All these hoards
indicate that most large Alpine axes had probably gone
out of circulation by c 3800/3700 BC. It is only in remote
areas, such as the Altmark (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) or
Denmark, that we see the traditional Alpine axes with
oval cross-sections still circulating and having a social
value until at least 3500 BC, as apparent from the fact
that people were making copper axes in these regions
that were either direct imitations (in Denmark) or whose
design was heavily influenced by them (in the Altmark).
• 4. Conclusion
By following the distribution and typological development
of symbols of power made from Alpine jade on the one
hand and from copper and gold on the other between the
early 5th and early 4th millennium BC, it is possible to demonstrate how two related sets of ritual beliefs competed
with each other over large parts of Europe. It is also pos-
sible to show how the elites in the two centres of social
evolution in Europe at the time - Varna on the Black Sea
and the Morbihan region on the Atlantic coast - created
and manipulated these beliefs and thereby indirectly exerted a profound influence on the life of Neolithic groups in
large parts of Europe through the circulation of the objects
bearing ritual messages. The effects and dynamics of this
process are even felt far beyond the main distribution
areas of the large Alpine jade axes and ritually charged metal objects. They arguably led, for example, to the Neolithisation of the north European lowlands through the creation
of the Funnel Beaker Culture as a mélange of western and
south-eastern ideas (Klassen 2004, Klassen, Dobeš et al. in
press). Over the course of almost one millennium of interaction, metal-related ideas gradually replaced those linked
to Alpine jade, and by the middle of the 4th millennium they
led to the demise of Alpine jade as a socially valued material. It is a fascinating thought that jade could still have
been as much appreciated in western and central Europe
as it is today in south-east Asia and central America, had it
not been for the ingenuity of the Varna elites.
Aknowledgments :
The authors wish to thank Alison Sheridan for the revision
of the English language in this paper.
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Jade Grandes haches alpines du Néolithique européen Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
Grandes haches alpines
du Néolithique européen.
Ve et IVe millénaires av. J.-C.
sous la direction de Pierre Pétrequin, Serge Cassen, Michel Errera,
Lutz Klassen, Alison Sheridan et Anne-Marie Pétrequin
Tome 2
PAO, conception et réalisation : Claude Schmitt - Arcom
© Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté n°1224
Collection Les cahiers de la MSHE Ledoux n°17
Série Dynamiques territoriales n°6
UFR des Sciences du Langage, de l'Homme et de la Société
47, rue Mégevand - 25030 Besançon cedex
© Centre de Recherche Archéologique de la Vallée de l'Ain - 2012
69, Grande Rue - 70100 Gray
CID : 18-20, rue Robert Schuman - 94220 Charenton-le-Pont
ISBN : 978-2-84867-412-4
ISSN : 1772-6220
Sommaire tome 1 et 2
tome 1
Pierre Pétrequin
JADE : Inégalités sociales et espace européen
au Néolithique : la circulation des grandes
haches en jades alpins
A propos des archives et des bases de données
Sources de matières premières
Chapitre 1
Anne-Marie Pétrequin et Pierre Pétrequin
Les modèles ethnoarchéologiques
de Nouvelle-Guinée
Chapitre 2
Pierre Pétrequin, Anne-Marie Pétrequin,
Michel Errera et Frédéric Prodéo
Prospections alpines et sources de matières
premières. Historique et résultats
Chapitre 3
Pierre Pétrequin, Christophe Croutsch,
Michel Errera, Matthieu Honegger, Luc Jaccottey,
François Mariétoz et Pierre-Jérôme Rey
Approche des productions valaisannes
en amphibolite calcique (néphrite)
Chapitre 4
Pierre Pétrequin et Anne-Marie Pétrequin
Chronologie et organisation de la production
dans le massif du Mont Viso
Chapitre 5
Pierre Pétrequin, Christophe Bontemps,
Daniel Buthod-Ruffier et Nicolas Le Maux
Approche expérimentale de la production
des haches alpines
Chapitre 6
Pierre Pétrequin, Michel Errera et Michel Rossy
avec la collaboration de Claudio D'Amico
et Massimo Ghedini
Viso ou Beigua : approche pétrographique
du référentiel des "jades alpins"
Chapitre 7
Claudio D'Amico
Jades and other greenstones from the Western
Alps. A petrographic study of the geological
sampling Jade
Chapitre 8
Michel Errera, Pierre Pétrequin
et Anne-Marie Pétrequin
Spectroradiométrie, référentiel naturel et étude
de la diffusion des haches alpines
Les haches en jades, de l'Italie à l'Atlantique
535 Chapitre 9
Pierre Pétrequin
Une source de confusion : les haches
ethnographiques et les réutilisations tardives
dans les séries néolithiques européennes
544 Chapitre 10
Pierre Pétrequin, Estelle Gauthier, Luc Jaccottey,
Françoise Jeudy, Alain Maitre et Jean Vaquer
Les exploitations de Réquista (Aveyron)
et de Plancher-les-Mines (Haute-Saône, France).
Exemples de diffusion de haches à moyenne
574 Chapitre 11
Pierre Pétrequin, Serge Cassen, Estelle Gauthier,
Lutz Klassen, Yvan Pailler et Alison Sheridan avec
la collaboration de Jonathan Desmeulles, Pierre-Alain
Gillioz, Nicolas Le Maux, Annabelle Milleville,
Anne-Marie Pétrequin, Frédéric Prodéo,
Anaïck Samzun et Ramon Fabregas Valcarce
Typologie, chronologie et répartition des
grandes haches alpines en Europe occidentale
728 Chapitre 12
Claudio D'Amico and Elisabetta Starnini
Circulation and provenance of the Neolithic
"greenstone" in Italy
tome 2
750 Chapitre 13
Michel Errera, Pierre Pétrequin
et Anne-Marie Pétrequin
Origine des jades alpins entre Provence
et Adriatique
822 Chapitre 14
Maria Bernabò Brea, Michel Errera, Paola Mazzieri,
Simone Occhi et Pierre Pétrequin
Les haches alpines dans la culture des VBQ
en Emilie occidentale : contexte, typologie,
chronologie et origine des matières premières
872 Chapitre 15
Jean Vaquer, Araceli Martín, Pierre Pétrequin,
Anne-Marie Pétrequin et Michel Errera
Les haches alpines dans les sépultures
du Néolithique moyen pyrénéen : importations
et influences
918 Chapitre 16
Serge Cassen, Christine Boujot, Salvador Dominguez
Bella, Mikaël Guiavarc'h, Christophe Le Pennec,
Maria Pilar Prieto Martinez, Guirec Querré,
Marie-Hélène Santrot et Emmanuelle Vigier
Dépôts bretons, tumulus carnacéens
et circulations à longue distance
996 Chapitre 17
Peter A.C. Schut and Henk Kars
Jade axes in the Netherlands : some observations
concerning distribution, date and typology
Sommaire tome 1 et 2
tome 2
Les signes en jades alpins et leurs imitations
Valorisation sociale des haches alpines
1015 Chapitre 18
Pierre Pétrequin, Serge Cassen, Lutz Klassen
et Ramon Fábregas Valcarce
La circulation des haches carnacéennes
en Europe
1046 Chapitre 19
Alison Sheridan et Yvan Pailler
Les haches alpines et leurs imitations
en Grande-Bretagne, dans l'île de Man,
en Irlande et dans les îles Anglo-Normandes
1088 Chapitre 20
Christian Servelle et Jean Vaquer
Imitations et contrefaçons de longues haches
polies d’origine alpine dans le Néolithique
du sud-ouest de la France et de l’Andorre
1108 Chapitre 21
Ramón Fábregas Valcarce, Arturo de Lombera
Hermida and Carlos Rodríguez Rellán
Spain and Portugal : long chisels and perforated
axes. Their context and distribution
1231 Chapitre 26
Pierre Pétrequin, Serge Cassen, Michel Errera,
Tsoni Tsonev, Kalin Dimitrov, Lutz Klassen
et Rositsa Mitkova
Les haches en « jades alpins » en Bulgarie
1280 Chapitre 27
Lutz Klassen, Serge Cassen and Pierre Pétrequin
Alpine axes and early metallurgy
1310 Chapitre 28
Serge Cassen
L’objet possédé, sa représentation :
mise en contexte général avec stèles et gravures.
1354 Chapitre 29
Pierre Pétrequin, Serge Cassen, Michel Errera,
Lutz Klassen et Alison Sheridan
Des choses sacrées… fonctions idéelles
des jades alpins en Europe occidentale
Résumé général et bases de données
1425 Résumé / Abstract
Pierre Pétrequin, Serge Cassen, Michel Errera,
Lutz Klassen, Anne-Marie Pétrequin
et Alison Sheridan
1136 Chapitre 22
François Giligny, Françoise Bostyn
1438 Inventaire 2008 des associations de grandes
et Nicolas Le Maux
haches en jades en Europe occidentale
Production et importation de haches polies dans
Pierre Pétrequin, Serge Cassen, Michel Errera,
le Bassin parisien : typologie, chronologie
Lutz Klassen, Yvan Pailler, Anne-Marie Pétrequin
et influences
et Alison Sheridan
1168 Chapitre 23
Yvan Pailler
L’exploitation des fibrolites en Bretagne
et ses liens avec les productions alpines
1194 Chapitre 24
Mark Edmonds
Axes and Mountains : a view from the West
1208 Chapitre 25
Florian Klimscha
« Des goûts et des couleurs, on ne discute pas ».
Datation, répartition et valeur sociale des haches
en silex de la culture Gumelniţa
1462 Planches dessin des grandes haches trouvées
en dépôt
Pierre Pétrequin, Annabelle Milleville
et Anne-Marie Pétrequin
1504 A propos des auteurs et des collaborateurs