SoftwareX 11 (2020) 100400
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Original software publication
Isula: A java framework for ant colony algorithms
Carlos Gavidia-Calderon a , , César Beltrán Castañon b
University College London, Department of Computer Science, Gower Street, London, UK
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Department of Engineering, Av. Universitaria 1801 San Miguel, Lima, Peru
Article history:
Received 5 March 2019
Received in revised form 25 November 2019
Accepted 10 January 2020
Ant colony optimisation
Travelling salesman problem
Image segmentation
a b s t r a c t
Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) algorithms emulate the foraging behaviour of ants to solve optimisation
problems. They have proven effective in both academic and industrial settings. ACO algorithms share
many features among them. Isula encapsulates these commonalities and exposes them for reuse in the
form of a Java library. In this paper, we use the travelling salesman problem and image segmentation to
showcase the framework capabilities using three top-performing ACO algorithms implemented in Isula.
This framework is an open-source project available at GitHub, where is currently the most popular
ACO java repository.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
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1. Motivation and significance
Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) algorithms, proposed by Dorigo
et al. [1], solve optimisation problems by emulating the behaviour
of ants in nature. When ants traverse a territory searching for
food, they mark their path with pheromone. After they have
located food, they make several trips from the food source to
the nest, increasing the intensity of their path’s pheromone trail.
In case several ants have located the same food source and are
also transporting food to the nest, the pheromone trail of the
ant with the shortest path is more intense. The shortest path, in
the same amount of time, has more two-way trips than longer
paths that require more time for their traversal. Fellow ants are
sensitive to pheromone and tend to select the path with the
most intense pheromone trail. This behaviour also increases the
pheromone intensity of the shortest path. Over time, the whole
colony converges towards the optimal solution.
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (C. Gavidia-Calderon), (C. Beltrán Castañon).
MIT Licence
Apache Maven
ACO algorithms are well-suited for generating high-quality solutions for computationally expensive problems. They have been
successfully applied to a wide array of domains. Let us take path
planning, an NP-complete problem, as an example. ACO algorithms have proven effective in producing short and collision-free
routes [2,3], even in dynamic environments [4]. ACO algorithms
are not limited to academic research: practitioners are using them
in real-world scenarios – like industry and telecommunications –
to solve optimisation problems [5].
Ant System (AS) is the first ACO algorithm proposed [1]. Researchers later developed new algorithms – also inspired by
ant behaviour – either by improving, extending or adapting AS.
Although these algorithms differ, given their common inspiration
they have several commonalities. We rely on this reutilisation
potential to offer a software framework – called Isula1 – for quick
implementation of ant colony algorithms [6]. We choose Java as
programming language since is the most popular programming
language at the time of this publication [7]. Isula includes several
1 The Paraponera clavata species of ant is called ‘‘isula’’ in Peru.
2352-7110/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
C. Gavidia-Calderon and C. Beltrán Castañon / SoftwareX 11 (2020) 100400
Table 1
Daemon actions and policies included in Isula.
Isula type
Offline Pheromone Update (AS)
After each ant has built a solution, it deposits the corresponding pheromone increment to each solution component.
Perform Evaporation (AS)
Applies the evaporation ratio, hence reducing the pheromone amount in all the elements of the pheromone matrix.
Random Node Selection (AS)
Dictates how ants select the components to add to their current solution. The ant selects the component at
random, where the probability of selection is a function of the pheromone value of the component and its heuristic
Online Pheromone Update (ACS)
While antsystem.OfflinePheromoneUpdate updates the pheromone values when the whole colony has finished
building solutions, this ant policy updates the value as soon as individual ants finish constructing a candidate
Pseudo-Random Node Selection (ACS)
While adding a component to a solution, the ant faces two possible options which it chooses at random: adopt
antsystem.RandomNodeSelection or select the node with best values regarding pheromone and heuristic
Start Pheromone Matrix (MMAS)
MMAS keeps pheromone values between a range, restricting the evaporation and deposit of pheromone. At the
beginning of the algorithm, this daemon action sets pheromones values to the maximum value.
Update Pheromone Matrix (MMAS)
A MMAS implementation only allows the best performing ant to deposit pheromone at the end of the iteration.
building blocks of ACO algorithms, which can be used out-ofthe box or adapted in case the problem requires it. Among the
building blocks available in the framework, we can mention node
selection policies, pheromone update strategies, and ant colony
initialisation procedures. Table 1 contains a subset of them. Isula
currently supports the three top performing ACO algorithms [5]:
Ant System (AS), Ant Colony Systems (ACS) and Max–Min Ant
System (MMAS). We envision two use cases for Isula: (1) use Isula
implementations of ACO algorithms out-of-the box, and (2) Built
new ACO algorithms by reusing and adapting components already
available in the framework.
Section 2 illustrates the first use case. The Travelling Salesman
Problem (TSP) is usually used to showcase ACO algorithms [8].
We approach it to illustrate the framework internals by solving
a TSP instance using AS. We also show how to reutilise the code
we built for AS for a quick implementation of ACS for TSP.
Section 3 shows the second use case. We describe how to
develop a medical image segmentation method by composing and
adapting Isula components. We segment a brain MRI (magnetic
resonance image) by combining two ant colony algorithms: an
image thresholding algorithm [9] and an image segmentation
one [10].
Our contribution follows:
• An introduction to Isula, a java framework for ACO algorithms (Section 2.1).
• A detailed description of how to use Isula’s components outof-the box to solve the travelling salesman problem using
two well-established ACO algorithms (Ant System and Ant
Colony System in Section 2.2).
• A complete example of how to use Isula to develop new
algorithms by composing and adapting algorithm components. We implemented an brain MRI segmentation method
(Section 3).
2. Software description
In this section, we start by giving a high-level overview of the
main characteristics of the algorithms in the ACO metaheuristic,
to later use the Travelling Salesman Problem to illustrate how to
implement Java ACO algorithms using the Isula framework.
Algorithm 1 The ACO metaheuristic is pseudo-code
procedure ACOMetaheuristic
procedure ScheduleActivities
▷ Optional
this framework [11]. The algorithms that belong to the metaheuristic follow the structure depicted in Algorithm 1, taken from
the book from Dorigo [8].
The ScheduleActivities function coordinates algorithm execution. During an iteration, the artificial ants traverse the problem
graph and build a candidate solution each. While traversing the
problem graph, ants randomly select which solution component
to add to the candidate solution under construction. Depending
on the algorithm, solution components can correspond to nodes
or edges of the problem graph. The transition probability of
each solution component guides this random selection process.
This probability is a function the amount of pheromone on the
solution component and a domain-dependent metric, also called
heuristic information. The ConstructAntSolutions function represents the solution building process in Algorithm 1. The solution
building process impacts the amount of pheromone available in
each solution component. Ants deposit pheromone on the components of their candidate solution. Also, pheromone evaporation
can be part of ACO algorithms to avoid rapid convergence and
favour graph exploration. The UpdatePheromones function controls the pheromone update process. Finally, the DaemonActions
functions implement behaviours on a global scale, instead of at
Isula’s goal is to accelerate the programming of instances of
the ACO metaheuristic. It is a Java library that contains working
implementations of the most common components of ACO algorithms. We show how to use Isula to solve optimisation problems
in Fig. 1. It involves four steps:
Environment Definition Define a problem context by extending
the Environment class.
2.1. Implementing ACO algorithms with isula
Artificial Ant Definition Extend the Ant class to provide information necessary for building solutions.
Dorigo et al. proposed the ACO metaheuristic as an algorithmic
framework for ACO algorithms, who would be then instances of
Algorithm Configuration Configure an AcoProblemSolver instance according to the algorithm to use. This includes
C. Gavidia-Calderon and C. Beltrán Castañon / SoftwareX 11 (2020) 100400
Fig. 1. Solving optimisation problems with Isula. This process has four steps: environment definition, artificial ant definition, algorithm configuration and algorithm
daemon actions, node selection policies, and parameters
like number of ants or evaporation rate. We show a subset
of the types available at Isula in Table 1.
Algorithm Execution Call the AcoProblemSolver. solveProblem() method to obtain a result.
In the next subsection, we take a deep look at Isula internals
and see how researchers and practitioners can use it to solve
combinatorial optimisation problems.
2.2. Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem
TspProblemConfiguration config = new
AntColony<Integer, TspEnvironment> colony =
TspEnvironment env = new TspEnvironment(problem);
AcoProblemSolver<Integer, TspEnvironment> solver = new
solver.initialize(env, colony, config);
solver.addDaemonActions(new StartPheromoneMatrix<Integer,
new PerformEvaporation<Integer, TspEnvironment>());
Let us explore how to approach optimisation problems with
Isula by solving an instance of the Travelling Salesman Problem
(TSP). Given a list of cities the salesman needs to visit, we want
to know in what order to visit them – i.e obtain a permutation of
the cities – in order to minimise the distance travelled.
Environment and artificial ant definition. The first two steps for
Isula problem solving require the definition of the environment
and artificial ants. In the case of TSP, the environment would
contain a matrix-like data structure for the storage of distance
between cities, as well as its corresponding pheromone matrix. An artificial ant for solving TSP would need information
about the distance travelled so far, and if it has already traversed all cities. For TSP, we developed AntForTsp and TspEnvironment, extending the abstract classes Ant and Environment available in the framework. These classes are available in
GitHub at, along with
all the code contained in this section.
Algorithm configuration. Listing 1 address the algorithm configuration step using the Ant System (AS) algorithm [1] to solve the
berlin52 problem of the TSPLIB library [12].
Listing 1: Solving the Travelling Salesmen Problem, using an
Isula-based implementation of Ant System.
double[][] problem = getRepresentationFromFile(fileName);
RandomNodeSelection<Integer, TspEnvironment>());
The TspProblemConfiguration class implements the
ConfigurationProvider interface from Isula. ConfigurationProvider instances contain the parameters of the ACO
algorithm to execute, like the number of ants, pheromone evaporation ratio and the number of iterations. The TspEnvironment
class extends the Environment class from the framework, which
represents the environment the ants traverse while building
solutions. It also stores the pheromone matrix that contains the
pheromone value per solution component. To use AS we need to
provide our AcoProblemSolver instance with the appropriate
daemon actions and ant policies. AS was the first ACO algorithm
proposed, and its main feature is that all the ants that build a
solution after an iteration have the right to perform pheromone
deposits. Other ACO algorithms prefer to restrict this behaviour.
We rely on the types antsystem.OfflinePheromoneUpdate
(getPheromoneUpdatePolicy() returns an instance of this
class), antsystem.PerformEvaporation and antsystem.
StartPheromoneMatrix to update pheromone values according to AS requirements. Table 1 contains a description of each of
these classes.
The ants in the colony are the ones in charge of making candidate solutions. Hence, a key component in algorithm implementation with Isula is constructing the ant colony and its members.
C. Gavidia-Calderon and C. Beltrán Castañon / SoftwareX 11 (2020) 100400
In Listing 1, the getAntColony() method produces an instance
of the AntColony class of the framework, but overriding the
createAnt() method to produce instances of the AntForTsp
class. This class is tailored for TSP solution construction. We have
also added the antsystem.RandomNodeSelection policy to all
the ants in the colony. This policy guides the criteria the ants use
to add components to their candidate solution. Listing 2, available
in Github at , is a snippet
from this class.
Listing 2: Obtaining transition probabilities in Isula using a
Random Node Selection policy.
private Double getHeuristicTimesPheromone(E env,
ConfigurationProvider config, C component) {
Double heuristicValue =
getAnt().getCurrentIndex(), env);
Double pheromoneTrailValue =
getAnt().getCurrentIndex(), env);
An Ant subclass for the ants that traverse the environment and
build candidate solutions, and (3) a ConfigurationProvider
implementation containing the algorithm parameters. The Isula
framework handles the rest.
Code reuse opportunities. Now that we solved TSP using an Isula
implementation, we can reuse the code we developed to use
other ACO algorithms to solve TSP problems. We will use Ant
Colony System (ACS) and Ant System (AS) to showcase the reuse
potential between ACO algorithms and their Isula implementations. ACS changes the way pheromone updates: It happens both
when ants are building solutions (called local pheromone update)
and when the whole colony has finished (called global pheromone
update). Also, ants in an ACS algorithm use a pseudo-random
node selection policy, unlike the random node selection policy
used in AS. Listing 3, available in Github at
cptanalatriste/aco-acs-tsp, shows how to solve a TSP using Ant
Colony System (ACS) [13], reusing the types we developed while
applying AS.
Listing 3: Solving the Travelling Salesmen Problem, using an
Isula-based implementation of Ant Colony System.
if (heuristicValue == null || pheromoneTrailValue == null) {
throw new SolutionConstructionException();
double[][] problem =
return Math.pow(heuristicValue,
config.getHeuristicImportance()) *
AcsTspProblemConfiguration config = new
AntColony<Integer, TspEnvironment> colony =
TspEnvironment env = new TspEnvironment(problem);
As mentioned in Section 2.1, ants select components for their
solutions randomly, with a transition probability dependant on
pheromone values and heuristic information. antsystem.
RandomNodeSelection obtains this probability for all valid solution components and randomly selects one according to the
transition probability values. This class is a part of the Isula
framework and is ready to use without modifications in the case
of TSP. The AntForTsp class is tailored to build solutions for
the TSP. Hence, its getHeuristicValue() method returns the
distance of a potential solution component, with respect to the
ant’s position in the problem graph. When using Isula to solve
a novel optimisation problem, framework users should extend
the base Ant class and provide an adequate implementation
of getHeuristicValue() to guide the solution construction
Algorithm execution. Lets now address the algorithm execution
step to look in detail how Isula approaches combinatorial optimisation. Fig. 2 is a sequence diagram of the AcoProblemSolver.solveProblem() method, which is the Isula’s implementation of the procedure described in Algorithm 1. Isula distributes most of the ScheduleActivities responsibilities between
the AcoProblemSolver class and the AntColony class. The
AcoProblemSolver class delegates the solution building responsibilities to the AntColony class, while it keeps track of the
best solution produced so far. The AcoProblemSolver class is
also in charge of triggering DaemonActions, that can happen either before or after the ConstructAntSolutions phase, implemented
by the AntColony.buildSolutions() method. Users of the
framework can instantiate the AcoProblemSolver class without
modifications, as it should support most of the ACO algorithms.
If is not the case, Isula supports its extension.
In summary, in order to solve a combinatorial optimisation
problem Isula requires its users to implement three types: (1) A
Environment subclass for representing the problem context, (2)
AcoProblemSolver<Integer, TspEnvironment> solver = new
solver.initialize(env, colony, config);
solver.addDaemonActions(new StartPheromoneMatrix<Integer,
PseudoRandomNodeSelection<Integer, TspEnvironment>());
We can use the AntForTsp and TspEnvironment classes
without modifications. We can also reuse the antsystem.
OfflinePheromoneUpdate and antsystem.StartPheromoneMatrix during pheromone update process. Due to the nature
of the ACS algorithm, we need to include two additional policies
already present in the Isula framework: acs.PseudoRandomNodeSelection and antsystem.OnlinePheromoneUpdate.
We detail the behaviour of these classes in Table 1.
3. Illustrative example
In the previous section, we applied well-known ant colony
algorithms to a well-known problem. Here, we implement an ant
colony algorithm for the medical imaging domain, proposed by
us in previous work [14]. As shown in Fig. 3, our method takes
as input a magnetic resonance (MR) image of a brain (like Fig. 5
from the BrainWeb [15]) to produce three segments from it: grey
matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid (CF). Fig. 4 contains
the grey matter segment our method extracted from the MR brain
image in Fig. 5. This segmentation task is useful for computerassisted surgery, anomaly detection and the quantification of
sclerosis lesions [16].
Our method is a composition of two ACO algorithms. After
image pre-processing, the ACO image thresholding algorithm extracts the cerebrum – our region of interest – and excludes the
C. Gavidia-Calderon and C. Beltrán Castañon / SoftwareX 11 (2020) 100400
Fig. 2. Sequence diagram of the AcoProblemSolver.solveProblem() method.
Fig. 3. MR Brain image segmentation method based on ACO algorithms [14].
pixels corresponding to skull, muscle and fat. Then, the cerebrum pixels are then processed by the ACO image segmentation
algorithm, which produces images corresponding to each relevant segment. The image segmentation algorithm is resource
intensive, so it benefits greatly from the reduced input produced by image thresholding. The implementation of our method
in Isula is available at GitHub (
aco-image-segmentation), including image pre-processing. In this
section, we do not cover image pre-processing and focus only on
the two ACO algorithm components.
ACO Image thresholding. Malisia and Tizhoosh proposed the ACO
algorithm we selected for thresholding [9]. They based their
algorithm on Ant System, discussed in Section 2. The algorithm
divides the input image in two regions: region of interest – the
cerebrum – and background. To accomplish this, they assign artificial ants to each image pixel, making them seek low-greyscale
pixel values. While traversing the image they deposit pheromone
in each pixel. Pixel pheromone is used as feature for the clustering
algorithm that produce the final segments. We show the image
thresholding algorithm configuration code in Listing 4. This code
C. Gavidia-Calderon and C. Beltrán Castañon / SoftwareX 11 (2020) 100400
EnvironmentForImageThresholding env = new
imageGraph, ProblemConfiguration.NUMBER_OF_STEPS);
ImageThresholdingAntColony colony = new
new RandomizeHive(), new PerformEvaporation<ImagePixel>());
colony.addAntPolicies(new NodeSelectionForImageThresholding(),
new OnlinePheromoneUpdateForThresholding());
We reutilise Isula types like ConfigurationProvider and
AcoProblemSolver. Also, since the algorithm is an extension of
AS we can also rely on the antsystem.PerformEvaporation
and antsystem.StartPheromoneMatrix daemon actions. Due
Fig. 4. Grey matter segment extracted from Fig. 5 using our proposed ACO
to the new domain, we require further customisation. We designed Isula with these scenarios in mind, and it supports its
extension and modification. For image thresholding with AS, we
developed a specialised ant colony type (ImageThresholdingAntColony). We also adapted the pseudo-random node selection
(NodeSelectionForImageThresholding) and online pheromone updated policies available in Isula (OnlinePheromoneUpdateForThresholding). Since we based these extensions on
existing Isula implementations, only the relevant methods were
over-written. The algorithm requires to place ants at random
pixels at the beginning of each iteration. We developed the
RandomizeHive daemon action to accomplish this.
ACO Image segmentation. Once the image thresholding algorithm
extracts the cerebrum, the image segmentation algorithm can
start processing it. We implemented the algorithm proposed by
Ouadfel and Batouche [10]. In their approach, each artificial ant
is in charge of building a partition. They based their algorithm
on Max–Min Ant System (MMAS) [17] – another classic ACO
algorithm – so we can rely on Isula types for its implementation.
In MMAS, only the best performing ant can deposit pheromone at
the end of the iteration. Also, the pheromone values per solution
component must belong to a specific range. Listing 5 shows how
to configure the solver:
Listing 5: Implementing image segmentation, using an Isulabased implementation of Max–Min Ant System.
is also available in GitHub at
ConfigurationProvider config = ProblemConfiguration
int numberOfClusters =
EnvironmentForImageSegmentation env = new
imageGraph, numberOfClusters);
Listing 4: Implementing image thresholding, using an Isulabased implementation of Ant System.
ImageSegmentationAntColony antColony = new
config.getNumberOfAnts(), env.getNumberOfClusters());
Fig. 5. An axial MR brain image, obtained from the BrainWeb database [15].
ConfigurationProvider config = new ProblemConfiguration();
AcoProblemSolver<ImagePixel> solver = new
AcoProblemSolver solver = new
C. Gavidia-Calderon and C. Beltrán Castañon / SoftwareX 11 (2020) 100400
Table 2
Isula-based implementations of ACO algorithms at GitHub.
Problem and ACO Algorithm
GitHub Project
Travelling Salesman with Ant System
(Brownle [22])
Travelling Salesman with Ant Colony
System (Brownlee [22])
Flow-Shop Scheduling with Max–Min
Ant System (Stützle [23])
Image Thresholding with Ant System
(Malisia and Tizhoosh [9])
Image Clustering with Max–Min Ant
System (Ouadfel and Batouche [22])
new StartPheromoneMatrixForMaxMin<ClusteredPixel>(),
new ImageSegmentationUpdatePheromoneMatrix());
ClusteredPixel[] bestPartition = solver.getBestSolution();
The complete implementation is available in GitHub at https:
// Like with
the thresholding algorithm, the segmentation algorithm also uses
the pseudo-random node selection policy from ACS, so ImageSegmentationNodeSelection extends acs.PseudoRandomNodeSelection. The pheromone update process follows MMAS
rules, so we use the Isula types maxmin.StartPheromoneMatrixForMaxMin and maxmin.UpdatePheromoneMatrixForMaxMin (extended by ImageSegmentationUpdatePheromoneMatrix). We describe these types in Table 1. Like in the previous examples, we developed subclasses of Environment, Ant
and AntColony, adapted to the problem domain. This custom
code can be used along with Isula’s built-in types.
4. Impact
ACO algorithms are not restricted to the academic domain:
they are actively used to solve optimisation problems at industry [5]. Being Java the most popular programming language [7],
there is a need for a robust java library for quick ACO implementations. The development of Isula started as part of one of
the author’s Master dissertation in 2015 [14]. At the time of
publication, Isula has been used for implementing ACO algorithms
for image segmentation [18] and road extraction [19].
Isula is an open source project at GitHub, the world’s largest
coding platform. Table 2 contains the Isula implementations of
ACO algorithms we have developed so far. We built these opensource projects to showcase Isula capabilities, so the code follows
a tutorial-style and its fully documented. At the time of this
publication, Isula is the most popular ant colony optimisation
project in Java at GitHub, in both forks and stars, among 24 code
repositories in the area [20]. Without considering programming
language, is the third most popular project [21] among 98 code
repositories .
Thanks to the feedback received over the years we have
greatly improved Isula’s tutorials and documentation. We hope to
continue enabling the practitioners and research community on
the implementation of ACO algorithms. As seen in this paper, the
framework is flexible enough to support several problem domains
and different ACO algorithms.
4.1. Isula roadmap
In this subsection, we present the extensions of the Isula
framework we have planned.
Multi-objective optimisation. The ACO metaheuristic (Section 2.1)
was originally designed to support single-objective combinatorial optimisation problems [24]. The current version of Isula has
the same limitation: it does not provide multi-objective support
out-of-the-box. Researchers have later developed ant-inspired algorithms that can produce a set of Pareto-optimal solutions for a
given multi-objective optimisation problem [25]. The architecture
of such algorithms differs the original ACO metaheuristic proposal, requiring multiple pheromone matrices, multiple colonies
and multi-dimensional heuristic information. López-Ibáñez and
Stützle proposed MOACO as an algorithmic framework for multiobjective ACO algorithms [24]. As part of our roadmap, we plan
for Isula to support MOACO algorithms in the future.
Parallel ACO. Our roadmap also includes extending Isula to support parallel implementations of ACO algorithms. Current proposals require the concurrent execution of ant sub-colonies over
multiple processors, along with a policy for information exchange
between them [25]. This information can be the best solution
found by each sub-colony, or even the entirety of the pheromone
matrix [26]. The current version of Isula does not support these
architectures, but we expect a future release addressing these
Parameter optimisation. The performance of ACO algorithms is
highly dependent of their parameter values [27]. The current
version of Isula, as most ACO algorithms in the literature, keep
parameter values constant during algorithm execution. A new
generation of ACO algorithms are able to adapt parameter values
at runtime [28–30]. These algorithms can be grouped in two categories: Those that schedule parameter update before algorithm
execution, and those that update parameters according to the
current search state. We planned to extend Isula to support these
parameter update strategies.
5. Conclusion
The ACO metaheuristic has proven effective in solving optimisation problems. The instances of this algorithmic framework
share many features: Isula relies on this to offer ready-to-use
building blocks in the form of a robust Java library. This way, the
implementation of new ACO algorithms is faster. Isula supports
multiple domains and ACO algorithms, and is easily extensible as shown in this paper. It is currently the most popular
GitHub project for ant colony optimisation in Java, and we hope
more researchers and practitioners adopt Isula and help with its
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
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