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The notion that ‘sound doctrine’ is defensible as ‘sound doctrine’ undermines the metaphorical/allegorical religious reading of the New Testament. ‘Sound doctrine’ is taken as second-order practice (theological reflection and ecclesial action) of first-order language (the ‘word’ or ‘scripture’), but not read as simply the same thing as that first-order language. In this scenario ‘sound doctrine’ can be understood as literally alive (live-it-out well [as second-order discourse] and fulfilling what is read [scripture as first-order discourse]). Got that?
Authority in the Roman Catholic Church, 2017
As Christians we believe that the Word of God has been spoken into human history from the beginning of creation and that, "in the fullness of time," this Word became flesh as Jesus of Nazareth, the Word incarnate. The sacred scriptures are the church's inspired, written testimony to that Word. Roman Catholicism, along with the Orthodox and Anglican communions, also affirms that as these scriptures are proclaimed, prayed, studied and applied in the life of Christian communities a living tradition emerges. The apostolic character of this Reception-2 9
Modern Theology, 2014
It is now thirty years since George Lindbeck provided, in The Nature of Doctrine, an epitome of his approach to ecumenical dialogue, and an affirmation of related ways of studying religion and practicing theology. 1 The approach that he set out was one that had been growing on him through two decades of involvement in ecumenical dialogues, and the book was intended as a brief prolegomenon to a much longer work that would summarise those dialogues' achievements and prospects. 2 Despite its brevity and its introductory nature, however, the argument of the book is unexpectedly knotty: its various strands require careful teasing out, and the ways in which they are woven together are sometimes difficult to unravel. This article is an attempt to do this teasing out and unravelling: to reconstruct the argument of The Nature of Doctrine, both by offering a redescription of its overall shape, and by suggesting clarifications and reorderings that can untangle some of its most significant knots.
Faith and Philosophy, 1997
I argue that theological doctrine, the output of philosophical theology, is not a natural tool for thinking about biblical/rabbinic Judaism. Fundamental to my argument is the claim that there is a tension between constellations of theological doctrine of medieval vintage and the primary religious literature-the Hebrew Bible as understood through, and supplemented by, the Rabbis of the Talmud. This tension is a product of the genesis of philosophical theology, the application of Greek philosophical thought to a very different tradition, one that emerged from a very different world.
A research paper exploring the Doctrine of the Word of God. Covers the authority of Scripture, the inerrancy of Scripture, and the perspicuity of Scripture.
Angelicum, 2016
The development in the 20th c. as to how the development of doctrine was conceived is traced from the initial reaction to Modernism to the consensus position of the 60's, the socalled "theological" theory of development. Special attention is devoted to four of its expositors who played a role in the formation of Dei Verbum: Henri de Lubac, Karl Rahner, Edward Schillebeeckx, and Yves Congar. The article criticizes the idea that there is a nonconceptual, non-propositional possession of the deposit of faith; it praises de Lubac and Congar for bringing to light the patristic and medieval sense of the inexhaustibility of the design or economy of revelation, precisely as it is inscribed in the words and deeds recorded conceptually and propositionally in Scripture.
Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology, 2014
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 1987
Organic Geochemistry, 2001
Cadernos Cemarx, 2021
Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UFMG, 2023
Culture Matters, 2023
… de Madagascar. ORSTOM, Paris, France, 1996
Frontiers in Psychology, 2023
Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2020
Toplum ve Kültür, 2024
Research on Crops, 2014
Journal of strength and conditioning research, 2018
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 1994
Journal of Materials Science, 2020
ERSA conference papers, 2004