Karl Barth
Recent papers in Karl Barth
Reading Thomas Joseph White’s The Incarnate Lord is a very great pleasure. His carefully argued and measured theology draws on the thinking of St. Thomas Aquinas in original and fruitful ways. As a lover of the theology of Hans Urs von... more
In this essay the integralist tendency in theological anthropology underlying the universalist tendency in eschatology is explored. Hence, there are certain eschatological implications to one's position on the question of the natural... more
Although the long-standing debate about the meaning of hilastērion in Rom. 3.25 has led to no consensus, readings are nearly always either (1) metaphorical (hilastērion as place of atonement/expiation) or (2) metonymic (hilastērion as a... more
"Indeed the mystery of Christ runs the risk of being disbelieved precisely because it is so incredibly wonderful."-- Cyril, the Pillar of Faith The concept and doctrine of kenosis as it was expounded in the writings of Origen,... more
We owe to Karl Barth's masterful treatment of the doctrine of reconciliation in the fourth volume of the Church Dogmatics a sketch that is at once beautifully clear and remarkably comprehensive. It is not without shortcomings, however.... more
An original translation of Karl Barth's The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life.
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
A Journey Through Christian Theology: With Texts from the First to the Twenty-First Century, 2nd edition, William P. Anderson (ed.), Fortress Press, 2010 (ISBN 978-0-8006-9697-9), xxii + 454 pp., pb $39
This work is concerned with some basic problems which historical criticism poses to biblical interpretation. The first chapter deals with historical criticism in relation to problems of the text’s historical distance and contemporary... more
In this article, I reconsider the relation between revelation and prophetic political witness by means of a critical correlation between George Hunsinger's retrieval of Karl Barth's "Chalcedonian imagination" and the defense of verbal... more
An all-too-brief reflection on the fundamental importance of friendship for the doing of theology.
O presente artigo trabalha a questão do fenômeno religioso no início do século XX mostrando sua realidade e apontando caminhos para o dado fenômeno nos dias atuais. O século XX, logo em seu início, levantou questionamentos no campo... more
Review of Michael P. DeJonge, Bonhoeffer's Theological Formation: Berlin, Barth, & Protestant Theology (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012) in Calvin Theological Journal 48, no. 2 (November 2013): 345-48.
In the most wide-ranging history of phenomenology since Herbert Spiegelberg’s The Phenomenological Movement over fifty years ago, Baring uncovers a new and unexpected force―Catholic intellectuals―behind the growth of phenomenology in the... more
Christians have long understood grace both as a declaration of acceptance and as a power that transforms. This article illumines two theses while investigating the relationship between these understandings of grace in Luther, Calvin, and... more
Any theory of the atonement is fundamentally shaped by one's view of the identity of Christ. Depending on how one thinks of his person and nature will determine how one thinks of the cross. In this essay, I will explain the person of... more
the final version of proof reading, forthcoming in: Theo-Politics? Conversing with Barth in Western and Asian Contexts, edited by Markus Höfner, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books-Fortress Academic (2020).
From youth to retirement and from Romans to Final Testimonies, Karl Barth's biography and writings bear witness both to an uncommon interest in war and to war's considerable influence upon his theological development. This chapter... more
Der am Institut für Evangelische Theologie der Universität Osnabrück lehrende Systematiker Gregor Etzelmüller (E.) legt eine theologische Anthropologie vor, die ihren interdisziplinären Sitz im Leben im Heidelberger Marsilius-Projekt... more
Demythologisering en existentialistische interpretatie van het Nieuwe Testament De relevantie van de theologie van Rudolf Bultmann voor vandaag door Marcel van der Bolt-Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976) was een van de meest invloedrijke... more
Theologians seeking to respond to the ecological crisis seldom turn to the theology of Karl Barth as a resource. In fact, some suggest that his doctrine of God is too monarchical and leads to unnecessary hierarchies between God and... more
Prezentăm în textul de față câteva aspecte ale antropologiei teologului protestant Karl Barth (1886-1968), pe care le-am considerat a fi mai importante. Antropologia lui Barth trebuie pusă în legătură cu gândirea sa teologică, o gândire... more
A few years ago, WWJD was all the rage in Christian circles. What would Jesus do? was the question, so I asked the follow-up - About what? What would be so important for Jesus to do today? Of course, everyone has an idea - that's the... more
1. Vorbemerkung
2. Martin Luther gegen Johann Agricola
3. Karl Barth gegen Paul Althaus
4. Christof Gestrich und Walter Sparn
5. Fazit
2. Martin Luther gegen Johann Agricola
3. Karl Barth gegen Paul Althaus
4. Christof Gestrich und Walter Sparn
5. Fazit
Als onze geesten haperen, blijven de letters (van liturgie en Schrift) hun werk verrichten (De Kruijf, 1991a, 69)
According to Bruce McCormack, the greatest contribution of Karl Barth to the development of Christian theology is his doctrine of election. 1 McCormack's optimistic appraisal of Barth's doctrine of election is not universally shared,... more
In Dietrich Bonhoeffer's writings, Martin Luther is ubiquitous. Too often, however, Bonhoeffer's Lutheranism has been set aside with much less argumentative work than is appropriate in light of his sustained engagement with Luther. As a... more
Through an analysis of the Scriptural treatment of usury, a constructive theological analysis of the question of the friend-enemy distinction as a political category, its relationship to a Christian conception of universalism as... more
Abstract: Filling a gap in the study of ecclesiology by addressing ecclesiological method, this paper examines the work of Scottish theologian Thomas Forsyth Torrance specifically with the World Council of Churches. Modern ecclesiologies... more
Oliver O’Donovan, Entering into Rest: Ethics as Theology, Volume 3
(Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2017). x + 236 pp. £22.99/US$32.00. ISBN 978-0-8028-7359-0
Reviewed by: David Elliot, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
(Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2017). x + 236 pp. £22.99/US$32.00. ISBN 978-0-8028-7359-0
Reviewed by: David Elliot, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
Er zijn veel redenen waarom geloven in God niet overtuigend is. Hoe kan God nou goed zijn terwijl er zoveel kwaad is? En wat te denken van de Bijbel; er zijn toch zoveel heilige boeken? En een intuïtie dat God bestaat, dat is biologisch... more
Se Deus é todo poderoso, onisciente e todo bom, por que ele permite a existência do mal? Se não vem dele, então de onde vem? O problema do mal tem sido o principal empecilho para a crença de diversas pessoas, no decorrer da história, em... more
In leading academic publications, Oxford theologian Andrew Moore has systematically developed new objections to natural theology based on Karl Barth's methodological arguments, historical considerations as well as theological... more