
2020, Kaizen

The goal of Kaizen is to eliminate waste in the value stream. You accomplish that through performing just-in-time delivery, leveling production, achieving standardized work, pacing (takt time) of moving lines, right-sizing of equipment, reducing inventory and work-in-process, and more. The reason you do Kaizen is to improve quality and safety and to reduce cost.

_ Kaizen maintenance establishes the policies and rules that help maintain the performance levels set by the present managerial and operating standards. _ Kaizen improvement focuses efforts on the continuous improvement of existing standards and processes or the innovation of new ones. Kaizen has been attributed as the basis for the many successes of the Japanese in global automotive, electronics, and other business and consumer markets. In Japan, Kaizen is the overarching strategy for business. Everyone is encouraged to make regular suggestions for improvements. In companies like Toyota and Canon, 100 suggestions per employee per year are defined, written, shared, and implemented. That’s two per person per week! And these suggestions aren’t limited to anyone’s specific work area. Kaizen is based on making changes anywhere that they might lead to business improvement.