The Guardian-Founders: The Co-Creators of our Nebadon Universe

The Guardian-Founders: The Co-Creators of our Nebadon Universe Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D. Abstract An overview of the Guardian-Founders of (our) Nebadon Universe together with its holographic structure has been presented. It is explicated that consistent with all universal systems, the co-creation of the Nebadon Universe is governed by a Trinity wave structure and an open-loop free-energetic system that, herein, is composed of higher order Christos Angelic Oraphim Light Beings referred to as The Emerald Order, The Amethyst Order, and The Gold Order, which are, respectively, comprised of the Elohei, the Seraph, and Ra Confederacy. These, together, give rise to a Threefold Founder Flame composed of the Magenta-Violet, the Blue, and the Gold rays that together form the Trinity Ray aspect of our Universe. This Threefold Founder Flame gives rise to the advent of a holographic structure composed of 4 Harmonic Universes with a ray system with their own distinct Triad of sound frequency and Light quotients or colors. And, the Guardian-Founders of our Universe, also referred to as the Rishi Suns, reside just outside the Universal Time Matrix and the energetic system of the Nebadon Universe that is referred to as the 5th Harmonic Universe composed of D13-D15. Furthermore, each Harmonic Universe represents a Tri-union of universes composed of Particle World of Matter, Anti-particle World of Anti-Matter, and the In-between World composed of both Matter and Antimatter that epitomizes a Neutral World or the World of ZeroPoint energetic that represents the Neural Network of God or the Unity Consciousness of the Godhead. • • • • • • Introduction The terms “Guardians” or “Founders” may refer to a number of different groups having the same or similar objectives. For example, the term ‘Founders’ can refer to a group of Light Beings who possess an extremely high vibration frequencies-Light quotients of consciousness who are responsible for creating or seeding an entire new Universe, or a species or group of species, to founding a new group such a council dedicated to a cause or movement, etc. By the vernacular of ‘Founders,’ we are primarily referring, herein, to entities who have created or seeded our (Nebadon) Universe as well as the human form. As for the terms “Guardians,” it may refer to the same individuals that are dedicated to uphold and preserve a certain doctrine of belief or principles, or to a group who are the ‘keepers,’ ‘watchers’ or ‘preservers’ of something akin to proper maintenance of say a Stargate, a Grid, etc. ensuring that it is kept out of the outside influences of harm by others. Through the use of the term ‘Guardians,’ herein, we are primarily referring to those who are dedicated in preserving and upholding the provisions of the Law of One [1] to ensure the Right of Sovereignty and Free Will of all solar sentient organic consciousness beings [2-3], as well as providing support and safeguarding them to be able to expand their consciousness [4-6] to evolve and transmigrate to higher planes of consciousness (referred to as ‘Ascension’) [7-10] according to a plan pertaining to the ‘12D Grid,’ or the naturalorganic ‘Tree of Life,’ by ‘hosting’ the ‘Time Matrix’ of the Nebadon Universe. As such, the ‘Guardians-Founders’ of the Nebadon Universe are also referred to as the ‘Guardian Host,’ ultimately responsible for the Ascension of all sentient beings that in particular include the angelic humans who play the most important role in ensuring the longevity and survival of the Nebadon Universe at large. • • • • • The God-SOURCE and the Conscious Cosmos At the center of ALL THERE IS (thereafter referred to as the ‘Cosmos’ [11-25]), there exists the most incredible, magnificent reservoirfountain of perfectly crystalline, coherent, intelligible energy (referred to as the consciousness) that we identify as the GodSOURCE [26]. The God-SOURCE epitomizes the fundamental or incipient fountain of energy that supports and supplies the entire ALL THERE IS that is identified as ‘organic,’ with an infinite open loop of consciousness energy [27]. As the God-SOURCE is the ultimate Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, fully self-aware, Conscious Entity, and being of SINGULAR nature initially occupying a single point and being impervious to spatiality or temporality, HE-SHE-IT explodes-implodes upon ITSELF as to create the Cosmos as ITS ‘body’ of existence [2831]. And, in order to accomplish the task of Creation, being originally of total NEUTRALITY, some of ITS Quanta of Energy split into expansive (electric-male) and contractive (magnetic-female) constituent parts to form a Trinity aspect of ITSELF [32]. In this respect, via s sequential expansive-contracting action through which ITS electric Quanta of Energy could expand and ITS magnetic Quanta of energy could contract, IT undergoes an exhalation (breathing out)-inhalation (breathing in) process, that we refer to as organic ‘life.’ • Alternatively, it may be surmised that the God-SOURCE epitomizes the heart-brain of the Cosmos as ITS body of existence, undergoing a beating or animating process that again epitomizes organic life [33]. • In all, the action of electric-expansion of ITS Quanta of Energy facilitates the dissemination of ITS energy throughout the Cosmos, while the process of magnetic-contraction ensures that all ITS quanta of energy return back to the SOURCE [34]. • This describes the commonly perceived ‘Law of Conservation of Energy,’ which may alternatively states as ‘What expands away from the SOURCE must, inevitably, contract back or return to the SOURCE.’ • This forms the underlying scheme in which Creation proceeds or is governed by, which is referred to as the ‘Dualism Principle of Creation’ [35]. • Alternatively, it may be stated that consistent with the very principle of Trinity and formation of dual or conjugate electric-magnetic quanta of energy from ITS incipient NEUTRAL status, the Dualism Principle of Creation asserts that everything must be created as a conjugate pair. • This will ensure the overall system remains in a state of balance as well as recoverability [36]. • Note that the energetic state of the God-SOURCE stems from ITS initial kinetics, with ITS quanta of energy eternally spinning isotropically about ITSELF, pulsating or vibrating between the forward-backward eternity that is referred to as the NOW Moment [37]. • Thus, initially the God-SOURCE is impervious to temporality, yet as IT explodes-implodes about ITSELF as to spearhead the process of Creation, this gives rise to the dawn of time [38-44] that according to the Dualism Principle of Creation is of bidirectional nature. • From there on, ITS quanta of energy perpetually vibrate in time undergoing a sequential expansion-contraction, or spinning backward-forward, which is referred to as torsional vibration [4546], which defines or perpetuates the very concept of organic life and the action of animation-pulsation or exhalation-inhalation. • Note also that velocity of spin of the fundamental quanta of energy is referred to as ‘frequency’ [47] defining consciousness as a wave that propagates back and forth in time in a quantum manner. • And, further note that the frequency of vibration defining the state of consciousness or sensation of rate of propagation of time diminishes as the quanta of energy get disseminated into what is referred to as ‘space’ [48-49]. • This is what is referred to as energetic (or etheric) congealment [50] that defines the very concept of ‘constitution’ [51-53]. • In this respect, a portion of the incipient Consciousness Quanta of energy converts into their Constitutive counterpart that fills the fabric of space [54]. • Furthermore, the very nature of vibrational concept asserts that the congealment of the incipient pure Consciousness Quanta of energy into Constitutive Quanta in a DISCRETE manner forms a series of nested contours of energy within the Cosmos that are referred to as ‘space-time dimensions’ [55-59]. • In this regard, the author has illustrated that a maximum of 356 such main space-time dimensions are formed, with each epitomizing a realm specific to a certain unique consciousness state. • Accordingly, the Consciousness Quanta of energy anchor themselves to such DISCRETE dimensions of consciousness, sequentially vibrating in time, that describes the very phenomenon of Quantum Consciousness [60-62]. • In this respect, the half wavelength of the torsional vibrations defining the wave of consciousness are found to be closely commensurate with the Planck’s Constant of 10-43 earthly seconds. • Furthermore, it may be deduced that by virtue of the Dualism Principle of Creation and its consequent bi-directional nature of time, each DISCRETE contour of energy is associated with a set of ‘conjugate space-times’ mirroring one another with respect to time [63-64]. • In this respect, ‘space’ is defined by the spherical surface contour of energy or such dimension, and the concept of ‘time’ defines the curvature (inverse of the spherical radius about the central SOURCE) of the space-time dimension. • Thus, a sentient being [65-67] as the offspring of the God-SOURCE anchors its consciousness to a particular dimension, sequentially vibrating between the two conjugate space-times on a quantum manner. • Note also that the fabrics of the two conjugate-mirrored space-times rotate in opposition to one another about the SOURCE defining the concept of matter and antimatter. • Thus, a sentient being sequentially undergoes quantum consciousness vibration between the Worlds of Matter and Antimatter [68] that, in essence, epitomize two mutually antiparallel worlds [69-70]. The Sun Bodies • Every world of existence that can support life such as our Nebadon Universe, its Creation is facilitated by a series of offspring of the central God-SOURCE, Light beings of extremely high Light quotients. • In physicality, such entities often take the form of ‘Suns’ or planetary bodies that actually anchor their Light of consciousness in a domain, often just above the said universal system. • Accordingly, the Light of these Sun bodies cause the Creation of such universal systems. • And, under the auspices of their Light of consciousness, the life system of such universal bodies that include the conglomerate set of all its living solar organic consciousness beings and their longevity is maintained. • Such a system also exists with regard to the Nebadon Universe that is comprised of the so-called “Rishi Suns” who reside in dimensions 13-15, and just outside the universal timeline matrix of Nebadon. • In this respect, being indigenous of a realm that is just outside the space-time matrix of Nebadon Universe, it is considered as to have a pure energetic form, existing above the level of ‘form’ (matterantimatter) associated with that particular lower density of constitution. • However, there exist 7 particular ascending levels of consciousness with a characteristic of gradually having lower DISCRETE levels of constitutional spectral density, which are commonly referred to as the “Seven Higher Heavens” [71]. • In this respect, the Nebadon Universe resides at the bottom of such a group of physical systems with the lowest level of consciousness as may be measured by Light quotient, frequency of vibration, and propinquity [72-73], as well as the highest density of constitution. • And, what transpires is that these universal systems are governed by totally distinct physical and alchemical laws that entail distinctly different forms of fundamental chemical elements. • This concept is akin to a full spectrum of all frequencies and Light quotients of consciousness being arranged in a DISCRETE, ORDERED, and graduated structure, each comprised of a series of dimensional space-times that have their own unique characteristic traits and being governed by their own level of physical and alchemical laws that are referred to as the “Seven Higher Heavens.” • • • • • • • • The Nebadon Universe and the 7 Higher Heavens The name ‘Nebadon was given to Creation of a comparatively new universe residing at the edge of the Cosmos. This is a constituent part of all physical universal system referred to as the 7 Superuniverses or ‘7 Higher Heavens.’ It is a part of the inhabited Superuniverse of Orvonton that is located at the outermost edge of all the 7 Superuniverses. Furthermore, Nebadon exists at the outermost edge of Orvonton Superuniverse. These 7 Superuniverses consist of the physical system of universes in which the quanta of energy forming their fabrics of space-times congeal to an extent that they form particles of matter and antiparticles of antimatter. Yet each has its own constitutive structure governed by their own alchemical and physical laws. All together, they form the 92=81 outermost space-time dimensions out of a total of 356 possible ‘main’ cosmological DISCRETE dimensions with the addition of another 3 innermost dimensions among all forming the holographic Harmonic Universe for a total of 84 discrete non-fractal cosmological dimensions within the nested spherical edifice of the Cosmos. And, these 84 dimensions, that all arranged as a set of 3 DISCRETE dimensions, form the basis for the structural arrangement of a set of 7 Superuniverses, composed of 4 Harmonic Universes each giving rise to 7x12=84 outermost dimensions of the Cosmos or 21 Harmonic Universes. • So, the Nebadon Universe being composed of 4 Harmonic Universes, each comprised of a holographic set of 3 dimensions, is formed by a 12D Grid system or a ‘Tree of Life’ that describes its inhabited domain of physical existence. • • • • • • • • • The Co-creation of the Nebadon Universe The Nebadon Universe was formed and seeded by a group of individual consciousness beings of very high frequency-Light quotient referred to as the Christos beings. Christos beings are crystalline consciousness Light Beings with the sound tone of KA RA YA SA TA AA LA or KRYSTAL (alternatively referred to as Krystallah) or “Christ” beings from the 7 Higher Heavens with the designation of sound and Light making up the holographic aspect of their solar organic consciousness. These Angelic Christos beings are known as the Oraphim. These Oraphim originate from the 7 Higher Heavens. At the lowest level, a Christos being is composed of 12 fully assembled and activated crystalline silicate-based DNA strand structure that is also referred to as ‘Diamond Sun DNA’ structure. These Oraphim have often completed their education enlightenment within the first level of 7 Higher Heavens at least once. Accordingly, they are also referred to as ‘Ascended Masters.’ The next level of Oraphim beings are composed of Light Beings who have an additional 12 DNA strands fully assembled and often function with 24-36 DNA strands fully activated, who are referred to as having ‘Double Diamond Sun DNA’ structure. And, as we have heard of, been exposed to, or interfaced with, another group of Oraphim who are referred to as having the • • • • • • ‘Emerald Sun DNA’ structure who function with fully assembled and activated 48 crystalline DNA strands. And, it goes to say, one may perceive of higher order Christos or Oraphim Angelic Beings with as much as their full 84 crystalline DNA strands assembled and activated residing within the much lower constitutive density plane of consciousness of the 7th highest Heaven. The aforementioned Christos Oraphim Angelics with 12-48 fully activated crystalline DNA strands form the ‘Master Christos Collective.’ These are Architects and Builders from the ‘Higher Heavens,’ who function in the capacity of ‘Founders,’ often seeding new universes turning them to ‘Inhabited Worlds.’ The Master Christos Collective beings are the devout advocates of the ‘Cosmic Sovereign Law of One’ that defines the Law of God, who have sworn to protect and preserve its doctrine of conduct and belief system in order to ensure that Divine ORDER [74-75] is observed and carried out throughout the proverbial land, thus making the Law of One as the ‘Law of the Land,’ wherever that may be. And, the Law of One counsels all beings to recognize, decipher, and subscribe to the principle of ‘interconnectedness through the GodSOURCE’ [76-77] that forms the basis of ‘Unity Consciousness’ [7880] and implies revering solar organic consciousness or ‘life.’ Furthermore, it asserts showing utter respect for the ‘Right of Free Will and Sovereignty’ of all other beings, and entirely abstain from violating the ‘Mandate of Non-interference’ with respect to sabotaging or preventing the consciousness expansion and evolution of all solar organic consciousness beings. • Note that the God-SOURCE is non-judgmental and describes being the epitome of love [81], kindness, compassion, and empathy, having ordained utter ‘Consciousness Freedom for the All,’ subject to the ‘Law of Karma’ [82-83] that functions as a ‘fail-safe’ mechanism within the Cosmos, ensuring Cosmic ORDER . • Accordingly, the main provisions of the Law of one are having compassion, empathy, unconditional love for all sentient beings, regarding them as your siblings, and having commitment for SERVICE TO OTHERS. • And, in Light of all the ‘gifts’ that the God-SOURCE has bestowed upon all solar organic consciousness beings, as the Prime Creator, the God-SOURCE only makes one demands from ITS offspring that to strive to expand their consciousness and evolve as to be able to discover more marvels of consciousness and existence. • That is, for every being to be able to evolve through expanding their consciousness and Ascend as well as being able to live as a Sovereign and a Free being. • And, with this mandate of striving to acquire one’s own consciousness expansion, comes the assertion as to help others do the same, but only with their consent and disclosure and only when solicited as to not infringe on the Principle of Non-interference. • Accordingly, the Founders are also Guardians of the Law of One that are collectively referred to as the Guardian-Founders of the Universe. • These Christos Oraphim Angelics Guardian-Founders have the capability of readily interfacing with the Neural Network and the Divine Mind of the Prime Creator. • Thus, they are of energetic form (of various constitutive as well as frequential orders) capable of shapeshifting to any desired form and transmigrating to and fro all dimensional levels of the 7 Higher Heavens that are referred to as ‘Cosmic (physical) Citizens.’ • Note that the least constitutive density and the highest frequentialLight quotient level an Angelic being may be composed of, the higher Superuniversal level one can belong to and travel to and fro. • Within the domains of the lowest 4 Superuniverses or “heavens” that we are privy to at most interface with at this particular time, there are 3 orders of beings that make up the Trinity structure of functioning as Light beings [84]. • • • • • • • • The Trinity Aspect of the God-SOURCE Consciousness emanates from the Trinity aspect of the God-SOURCE that epitomizes the Godhead or the Prime Creator. This is disseminated in the form of a Tri-Wave system that form our Tri-Wave Consciousness. To better understand Tri-wave Consciousness, visualize three sources of the original primal sound frequencies as well as their Light quotients that project rays of distinct colors. These together represent the holographic aspect of Universal Creation. This is what is known as the ‘Threefold Founder Flame.’ The Three Flames are all One, yet represent distinct tones and Light colors on their own. The Three Flames as a SINGULAR unit, epitomizes an Energy Matrix Unit or a Tri-Wave that encompasses potentials for all energetic polarities, either expansive-electric-male-transmitter or contractivemagnetic-female-receiver, as well as neutral or no polarity. In this respect, ‘no polarity’ represents neutral charge, or the ‘Zero Point.’ • And, the Godhead epitomizes that central point of all union, something that our planet is currently moving towards through the process of Ascension to become in direct alignment with. • However, ordinarily, consciousness vibration occurs within the Worlds of Matter and Antimatter in which the quanta of energy sequentially torsionally oscillate, via a spiraling action, about the central point of Godhead that is the neural Zero-Point Energetic. • The female and the male aspects of the Godhead are respectively referred to as the Holy Mother and the Holy Father. • In this respect, the Zero-Point of the Godhead represents the Holy Sun that is the ONE Godhead referred to as ITS ‘Christos-Sophia’ as ITS male + female aspects all rolled into one centralized aspect, which describes the embodiment of the consciousness of the Godhead. • Note that, however, the Mother is not the Father, nor Father is the Mother, and neither is the Sun. • In fact, there is an ‘Energy Matrix’ composed of the sound frequencies- Light colors that is in the form of a tri-wave tone/Tricolor Light, which makes our Universal Time Matrix. • And, this Energy Matrix describes the core of consciousnesssubstance of the ALL that is interdimensional, as each inimitable sound frequency- Light color describes the holographic aspect of each unique ‘dimension.’ • Thus, the Cosmic Trinity (and in turn, Universal Trinity) is represented by three emanations. • For our Universe, these include: the ‘Emerald Order,’ ‘The Gold Order,’ and the ‘Amethyst Order.’ • The first emanation of the Primal Sound-Light Field, which represents the first individuation of the God Source, is referred to as the Emerald Order. • The second emanation of the Primal Sound-Light Field, which represents the second individuation of the God Source, is called the Gold Order. • And, the third emanation of the Primal Sound-Light Field, which represents the third individuation of the God Source, is known as the Amethyst Order. • These three Original Primal Order Sound-Light Fields make up the Ray Aspects of our entire Universal creation in the Universal Time Matrix. • Collectively, this Triad is referred to as the Threefold Founder Flame that form our Universal Time Matrix. • The Threefold Founder Flame gestalt of Universal consciousness also represents the Guardian-Founders of our Nebadon Universe that is alternatively referred to as the Guardian Host. • These three Universal Founder Rays are the 13D Blue Ray Mother Arc, 14D Golden Ray Sun of Christos-Sophia, and the 15D VioletMagenta Ray Father Arc. • The Guardian-Founders and their family are the Christos Elders Angelic Oraphim who are composed of the Holy Emerald Order of Elohei, the Gold Order RA Confederacy, and the Amethyst Order of the Ancient Master Builders and Architects of the ancient builder templates of God creator code. • These races all collectively stem from the Master Christos Collective that are the protectors and preservers of the Law of One, which is the path for any being to be able to Ascend, evolve their consciousness and exist as God, Sovereign and Free. • The Trinity SOURCE of Godhead represents a system of Tri-wave Consciousness. Guardian-Founders • The ‘Guardian-Founders,’ as a group of highly advanced ‘Christos’ consciousness transdimensional Light beings, created the 12D Grid • • • • • • • • • • • (or Universal Tree of Life) and the Time Matrix for our Nebadon Universe. They are the individuals who are the ‘Founders’ or co-creators of the Nebadon Universe. The Guardian Founders are originally of the pedigree of the angelic Oraphim, Christos beings from the Higher Heavens (dimensions above 12th). The Guardian Founders are Oraphim that at least carry the Double Diamond Sun Body that is comprised of 24-36 strands of DNA. When the Oraphim DNA potential is activated, it allows for physical body immortality and the ability for the consciousness bodies full transmutation out of dimensional time. There are also Emerald Order Oraphim who have Emerald Sun DNA comprised of up to 48 strands of DNA. The Emerald Order Oraphim and the Double Diamond Oraphim as well the Diamond Sun angelic humans are from the Christos lines. The Guardian-Founders are also called the Ancient Master builders as they are capable to jump start and set up a whole new universe. In the context of our Nebadon Universe, the Oraphim blueprint is a shapeshifter consciousness that has the ability to biologically transmute itself in and out of our 12D universal dimensionalized time matrix. The Guardian-Founders hold all the Threefold Founder Flames or the Trinity Waves, including the Primal Fields of the Blue Ray, Gold Ray and Magenta/Violet Ray that direct the Spectrum of Frequency of all of the Founder Races of the Christos Consciousness. These Oraphim are, therefore, full Rainbow Crystal Matrix Light Beings. The Male Oraphim form carries a stronger electrical field and specializes in electrical field transmission. • In contrast, the Female Oraphim carries the magnetic field and specializes in magnetic reception. • Together, they have the greatest ability of any biological species to transmit and receive the Threefold Founder Flame (Founder Frequencies). • This gives them the capability to structurally repair the Universal Blueprint Bodies of all entities, all the way down to our highest density of constitution (D1-D3). • They are the Keepers of the Universal Time Matrix. • And, in this capacity, they have the creational purpose for the genetic repair of all beings within the Nebadon Universe. • • • • The Structure of the Nebadon Universe As a physical Universe and a constituent highest constitutional density realm and the conglomerate part of the 7 Superuniverses or the 7 Higher Heavens, the Nebadon Universe is comprised of a Universal Time Matrix. This Universal Time Matrix runs a system composed of 12 DISCRETE non-fractal dimensional space-times [85-86], each characterized by a unique sound frequency-Light quotient that is referred to as the 12D Grid or Tree of Life that describes the ray or consciousness aspects of the Universe. Consistent with the rest of the Cosmos, and indeed, the 7 Higher Heavens, a system of 3 consecutive rays of Light in terms of their DISCRETE frequencies and colors form a triad system of waves that constructively interfere with one another to give rise to a holographic domain referred to as a Harmonic Universe (HU). Therefore, there are 4 distinct holographic domains or Harmonic Universes within the system of the Nebadon Universe [87-89]. • These holographic Harmonic Universes designated as HU4 to HU1 are respectively arranged as domains with increasing constitutive densities from HU4 to HU1. • At the same time, the curvature of space-times associated with lower dimensions become progressively less and less giving the illusion of a vaster space and slower moving time as one moves from higher to lower space-time dimensions. • This indicates that the velocity of quantum spin of the fundamental quanta of energies (or frequency) within each dimensional domain becomes progressively less and less, respectively, as one moves from the higher to lower designated dimensions. • This, in turn, signifies that as far as a sentient being is concerned, the notion of speed of progression of time becomes increasing lower as one moves from HU4 to HU1. • Furthermore, to conform with the ‘Dualism of Creation’ that asserts everything and every consciousness event (reality) must be formed in a conjugate pair, and consistent with what the author has introduced as ‘Conjugate-Mirrored Space Times,’ at each dimensional level, apart from a central neutral plane corresponding to each DISCRETE space-time or contour of energy, there also exist the advent of two contrasting worlds each of which being stealth to the other. • And, these may be envisioned as being situated at each side of the aforementioned contoured curvature, one concave (outer or ‘physical’), and one convex (inner or ‘ethereal’) with respect to one another, and when viewed from the central Zero-Point Plane. • This is akin to looking at the two sides of the same coin. • With the spinning of the quanta of energy having the tendency to spiral ‘outwards’ when spinning counterclockwise and having the proclivity to spiral ‘inwards’ when spinning clockwise, as the quanta of energy congeal, these give rise to the Worlds of Matter and Antimatter, respectively. • And, these may be alternatively referred to as, respectively, the ‘Particle’ and ‘Antiparticle’ Worlds, within which the direction of time progression is reversed with respect to one another, forming the ‘mirrored aspects’ of each space-time dimensions. • Accordingly, each Harmonic Universe may be considered as be a conglomerate set of a Tri-union of three universes that are referred to as the World of Matter, World of Antimatter and the Neutral or the In-between World (where both matter and antimatter exist simultaneously together). • Thus, for example, the Earth upon which we perceive to thrive, is composed of a series of Omni Earths, some of which are the Worlds of Matter (Particle Worlds) and some are World of Antimatter (Antiparticle Worlds). • And, what distinguishes one apart from another is a change in the ‘phase angle’ between them that emanates from the spinning of the quanta of energy that form the fabric of space-times in each, relevant to the distinct rotational spinning of the quanta of energy of the consciousness within each domain, as well as the nature of quantum spin of the particles-antiparticles that form the core manifestation body and its template in each domain. • These are also referred to as the ‘Parallel and Antiparallel Worlds.’ • • • • The Fifth Harmonic Universe Note that strictly speaking, the similarly, the Nebadon Universe is associated with the first 15 dimensions of the Cosmos. Yet, dimensions D12-D15 reside outside its Universal Matrix and what may be considered as Nebadon spectrum of matter-antimatter. More specifically, the Threefold Founder Flame exist as the three Layers of the Rishi matrix in the Fifth Harmonic Universe (D13-D15). Note also that these collective consciousness bodies also exist on the planet Earth throughout the densities and are aspects of the future timelines (higher dimensions) and the Lightbody of the planet Earth. • The Earth consciousness body is directly interconnected in all Harmonic Universes to interface with the human consciousness, which is its life form expression in all densities. • In the Fifth Harmonic Universe there is no dimensionalization into Nebadon physical matter forms. • Therefore, there is no planetary body or human forms. • In the fifth density, as the consciousness does not manifest into Nebadon physical matter, this area is called pre-matter. • The three primal Light and sound fields hold the ray expressions of Mother Arc, Father Arc, and Golden Ray Sun of Christos-Sophia, the Trinity of the Godhead, from which all biological forms are created in all of the Harmonic Universes. • • • • • Getting Connected back to the God-Worlds Much work has been done by the Guardian-Founders, to once gain, bring Earth back to the God’s Worlds. The Triad Communication Stations in the planetary grid network now has an opening access connected through the astral layers that can be entered through the Giza location. The portal access then moves through Sirius 6D, Arcturus 7D, Orion 8D (Galactic Core), into the Andromeda 9D, and then finally out of this system entirely. This is the Meta-galactic layers aligned to the luminaries of the next Universe which are connected to our Krystal Star communication networks. This opening portal allows access to Krystal Star Guardians from the Next Universe, the Seven Higher Heavens, and to the Trinity Wave blueprints of the Creation. Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Publishing 2020. This article has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a SERVICE to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for the sole purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their condemnation to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’ It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or any public forum. It is expected that when it is re-blogged or displayed, it is carried out without changing its content, preferably in its entirety, and without any paltering intent, and only if its content is not disseminated for the purpose of personal financial gains or ‘service to self only.’ Helpful Statement: For those of you who are not familiar with the work of the author and his contribution in aiding the Ascension movement, Dr. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi has been engaged in educating the public with regard to the mysteries of Consciousness, Creation and Cosmos, ever since 2011. This effort has also included the consciousness affairs of our Universe as well as on the galactic and planetary levels, and their relevant history, as well as a discussion of the human embodied consciousness and sentient vibration, with the emphasis on human bioenergetics, morphogenetics, genetics, physiognomy, health, psychology, and spirituality, that are the particular subjects of his current interest and emphasis. Dr. Sarfarazi has several groups on the Facebook that are dedicated to specialized aspects of Cosmos, consciousness, and spirituality and human bioenergetics-genetics and physiognomy. He regularly posts tutorial slides in these groups the links to which may be found below. You can look forward to seeing at least several new slides each day as well as links to new papers and essays continuously being published, including certain papers that are expressly written as to respond to particular questions posed and addressed to him. A menu on specific topics with links to his papers may be found on the blog pages on You can also see the pdf version of some of these papers on To search a topic of interest please google his name or refer to the said menu. May you always be continuously spiritually enlightened and grow in your consciousness. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi on Multidimensional Consciousness Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi on Mechanics of Cosmos Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi on Human Physiognomy, Genetics, and Energetics Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi on Humanity, Spirituality, and Psychology Dr. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi (Australia) pdf Papers on References 1. Who are the Guardian Hosts? – The Updated Ascension Program (Plan B) 2. On the Cosmic and Universal Aspects of Experiencing Life as a Solar Organic Consciousness Being as a Human 3. A Closer Look at Organic Life and Earth Humanity 4. Syntropy and the Cosmological Law of Consciousness Expansion and ORDER 5. Towards Higher Consciousness and Higher Dimensional Existence 6. Consciousness Studies 101: Getting Prepared for a New Age of Expanded Consciousness 7. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ascension Earth 2012, Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Press, 2012. 8. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions -Part I: Fundamentals of the Dimensional Time-Space Consciousness and Reality 9. Crystalline Consciousness and the Dawn of Ascension 10. Who are the Fallen Melchizedeks – Part III: The False Ascension (5D) Matrix 11. The Prime Creator 12. An Overview of Cosmos 13. Consciousness, Creation and Cosmos 14. The Mechanics of Cosmos – Part I: The Edifice of Cosmos 15. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System 16. On the Creation of the Cosmos and the Advent of Light 17. On the Quantum Mechanics of Creation of the Electromagnetic Cosmos 18. Further Insights on the Quantum Energetics of the Cosmos 19. On the Quantum Mechanics of Formation of the Edifice of Cosmos 20. Fundamental Laws of Cosmos Inter-relating Consciousness, Constitution [Matter-Antimatter] and Energy 21. Further Insights in Deciphering the Dimensional Space-Time of the Cosmos 22. A Unified Theory for the Creation of Cosmos and Vibration of all that it contains 23. Void-Singularity-Vacuum, Generation of Torsion Fields in Dimensional Continuums and its Relevance to the Spinning of the Cosmos 24. The Cosmos and ‘Consciousness’ 25. Cosmos and the Structure of Reality 26. The God-SOURCE: The Prime Creator and the Foundation of Divine Creation 27. On the Issue of the Perpetuity of the Universe and Closed versus Open Source of Energy 28. Fundamentals of Mechanics of Creation 29. Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Creation: THEORY OF EVERYTHING 30. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part I: Light of Consciousness 31. On the Quantum Energetic Mechanics of Creation: Microcosm to Macrocosm and the Concept of Hologram-within-Hologram 32. Trinity 33. The Phenomenon of Natural (Organic) – Creational (Constructive) Time Effectuating Consciousness Expansion 34. The Foundation of Electric – Magnetic Energetics 35. The Dualism Principle of Creation 36. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation: The Equation of Dualism 37. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part V: The Local and Absolute NOW Moment and the Advent of Torsion Waves 38. On the Nature of Time Progression and its Relevance to Conscious Vibration 39. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time Part – I: On the Fundamental Blunder of the Theories of Classical Physics 40. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part II: Time and Consciousness 41. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part IV: The Time Program Server of Reality 42. Interdimensional Physics: Concepts of Time, Space, Dimensions, Quantum Consciousness and Sentient Vibration 43. On the Nature of Time Progression and its Relevance to Conscious Vibration 44. Further Insights into the Concepts of Time, Space, Innerspace, and Frequency of Vibration 45. Consciousness Quanta of Energy, Matter-Antimatter and Consciousness Vibration within the Innerspace of Space-Time Dimensions 46. The Fundamental Laws Governing Creation, Dimensional Space-Time, MatterAntimatter, Conscious Vibration, and Entanglement 47. On the Concept of Frequency: The Proposed Cosmological Law of Frequential Dimensional Shift 48. The Space-Time Fundamentals 49. Space-Time-Revisited 50. The Dual Sides of Existence: Congealment versus Free-Flow 51. A Theory of Everything: Matter – Antimatter 52. A Cosmic Constitutive Theory: Matter-Antimatter 53. The Relevance of Matter-Antimatter Particle Mechanics to the Dimensional Space-Times of the Physical Universe 54. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part III: The Fabric of Space-Time 55. A Model for the Graphical Depiction of Dimensional Time Space Continuum 56. Graphical Depiction of Dimensional Time Space Continuum – Revisited 57. Dimensions of Consciousness 58. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XI: The Innerspace and the Dimensional Aspect of Consciousness 59. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part I: ‘Dimensions’ and the ‘Parallels’ 60. Mechanics of [Discrete-Quantum-Multidimensional] Consciousness 61. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time Part III: Multidimensional (Quantum) Consciousness 62. The Mechanics of Cosmos – Part II: Cosmic (Quantum) Consciousness and Sentient Vibration 63. The Phenomenon of ‘Conjugate’ or ‘Mirrored’ Space-Times 64. On the Cosmological Laws of Entanglement of the Conjugate or Mirrored Dimensional Space-Time and the Conservative Law of Cyclic Constitutional Conversion 65. Essays on Humanity – Part II: Sentience 66. Essays on Humanity – Part V: Living as Sentient Beings 67. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VII: The Mechanics of Sentience 68. The Worlds of Matter-Antimatter of the Parallel and Antiparallel Omni Earths 69. The Concept of ‘Phase Angle’ and the Equivalence of the ‘Worlds Above-Below’ and the ‘Outer-Inner Worlds’ 70. Parallel Dimensions 71. The Physical Domains: the “Seven Higher Heavens” or “Superuniverses” 72. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part X: Consciousness 73. Consciousness 74. Divine Order: Quantum Non-locality 75. We are ALL bound by a Divine Order 76. We are ALL Connected: The Principle of Local and Non-local Entanglement 77. Quantum Entanglement 78. Unity Consciousness: Its Quantum Nature, Dissemination and Expansion 79. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part IV: Attaining Unity Consciousness (Oneness) 80. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part III: The Mechanics of Collective (Unity) Consciousness 81. Unconditional Love 82. The True Meaning and Purpose of Karma 83. The Interconnection of Vibration, ‘Consciousness Expansibility,’ ‘Soul Compliance,’ and Karma and their Relevance to Consciousness 84. We are Beings of Light! 85. A Unified Model for Depiction of the Twelve Physical Time-Space Continuums 86. Further Insights on Depiction of the 12 Physical Time-Space Continuums 87. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XII: The First Harmonic Universe 88. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XIII: The Second Harmonic Universe 89. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation- Part-XXII: The Third to Fifth Harmonic Universes and The Innerspace beyond The 9th Dimension