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The biblical portrayal of the cosmos (both its size and age) is significantly different from how we today understand the expanding universe over deep time. How might we go about interpreting the cosmology of the Bible in order to... more
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      Cosmology (Anthropology)Biblical TheologyBook of GenesisDoctrine of Creation
It is hard to think of an area of Christian theology that provides more scope for interdisciplinary conversation than the doctrine of creation. This doctrine not only invites reflection on an intellectual concept: it calls for... more
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      ChristianityPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyAristotle
Among the many psalms that refer to creation, Pss 8 and 104 stand out in being entirely devoted to this theme. Whereas Ps 8 highlights the prominent, even exalted, human role in the created order, Ps 104 contextualizes humanity as but one... more
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      TheologyHebrew BibleOld Testament TheologyBiblical Studies
The need to connect faith and work is perceived nowadays, among others, in some protestant movements in the USA. This has its origin in the reappraisal of ordinary life in the works of Luther and Calvin, which is not alien to the modern... more
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      Doctrine of CreationSpirituality of WorkJosemaría Escrivá
John Wesley brought together five key dynamics of the Christian faith, effectively combining in thought and practice these five elements: 1. Divine sovereignty and human freedom 2. Doctrine and experience 3. Experience and structure 4.... more
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      Theological HermeneuticsDoctrine of CreationWesleyan TheologyWesley Studies
Critique of Dawkins book - The God Delusion, 2nd edition
errata - pg 96, fourth sentence, should read - "Dawkins does mention the names of the one true God..."
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      AtheismDoctrine of CreationChristian ApologeticsRichard Dawkins
Alfa e Omega è un breve manuale che, come indicato dal titolo, studia la protologia e l’escatologia cristiana, alla luce del cristocentrismo trinitario e del principio sintetico. La luminosità di Cristo risorto si espande verso gli inizi... more
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      Theological AnthropologyDoctrine of CreationEschatologyTheology of Creation
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      PhilosophyPhilosophical TheologyThomas AquinasThomism
An early undergraduate piece dealing with the extent to which theological language is metaphorical. This draws on concepts of divine transcendence and immanence, creation, the imago dei and the incarnation. Biblical materials used to... more
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      HermeneuticsTheological AnthropologyBook of JobBook of Genesis
The problem of evil is not only a logical problem about God’s goodness but also an existential problem about the sense of God’s presence, which the Biblical book of Job conceives as a problem of aesthetic experience. Thus, just as theism... more
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      MysticismShaftesburyWittgensteinJean Paul Sartre
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      Jewish MysticismManuscript StudiesMysticismComparative Mysticism
May, A. (2010b): Buchbesprechung: 1119. Junker, R. & Scherer, S. (2006): Evolution. Ein kritisches Lehrbuch (mit Beitr. von H. Binder, M. Brandt, N. Crompton, J. Fehrer, S. Hartwig-Scherer, P. Imming, D. Keim, H. Kutzelnigg, R. Süßmuth,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionDoctrine of CreationCreationism
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      Environmental EducationDoctrine of GodEvangelicalismDoctrine of Creation
Before I launch into my argument, I'd like to make a couple opening remarks. First, it's an extreme pleasure to pastor at Calvary along with these two colleagues and to sit under the preaching of Pastor Todd, especially during these last... more
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      Human EvolutionEvolutionDoctrine of CreationCreationism
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      Doctrine of CreationBiblical HermeneuticsGenesis 1-2Christian ethics and apologetics
This article aims to outline al-Kindi's contribution in reconciling the disciplines of religion and philosophy, a perennial concern that has shaped the character of the tradition of Islamic philosophy since his time. The article's cen
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      Doctrine of CreationTheory of KnowledgeIslamic philosophy and theology
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      Doctrine of CreationPatristic Theology and Late-Antique Philosophy, Church and Power, Councliar HistoryVirtueLactantius
The article surveys recent scholarship on the use of creation imagery in the Gospel of John, with the aim of presenting rather exhaustive register of possible references. Both the obvious and the less clear-cut allusions to Gen 1–3 are... more
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      New TestamentIntertextualityRereading and IntertextualityBook of Genesis
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      Book of GenesisDoctrine of CreationSabbathImage of God
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      OntologyTrinityAugustineRichard of St. Victor
우종학 교수의 진화 창조론은 과학의 연구 결과를 “일반계시”와 혼동하는 오류를 보여주고 있고, 다윈주의 진화론과 자연주의의 틀에 너무 매여 있기 때문에 반기독교적 세계관을 내포하고 있으며, 주요 교리(아담론, 원죄론, 구원론, 신론, 인간론 등)에 있어서 전통적 개혁신학의 가르침과 심각한 불협화음을 일으키기에 개혁신학이 받아들일 수 없다.
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      Human EvolutionEvolutionReformed theologyDoctrine of Creation
Genesis 1-3 provides the foundation and context for the disciple-making task.  Making disciples is synonymous with multiplying worshippers.
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      Christian MissionsDoctrine of CreationDiscipleshipWorship
Un métarécit des origines fondateur de la vision du monde Toute civilisation est construite sur un métarécit des origines. Autrefois, l'Occident était façonné par le métarécit traditionnel de la Genèse et sa cosmologie associée.... more
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      Doctrine of CreationCreationismTranshumanism/PosthumanismScientific Creationism
Heated debates stemming from the confrontation of scientific knowledge with the biblical picture of the creation of man, which had followed the publication of Darwin's theory of evolution, became far less prominent in the second half of... more
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      Human EvolutionHistory of AnthropologyBook of GenesisDoctrine of Creation
The theories of Darwinian evolution and Intelligent Design appear to be locked in an intractable debate, partly because they offer rival scientific explanations for the phenomenon of descent with modification in biology. This paper... more
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      Theology and ScienceDoctrine of Creation
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese ReligionsDoctrine of CreationEarly China
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      Doctrine of CreationTheology of CreationPhilosophy of creation
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      TheologyTheological AnthropologyDoctrine of CreationEcotheology (Environment)
The historic view of heaven as the abode of the departed saints has recently been criticized as incompatible with the biblical idea of resurrection. The alternative view that heaven melds with earth in a 'resurrected' universe is shown to... more
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismApocrypha/PseudepigraphaDoctrine of CreationHeaven
Discussion about Copernicus and how some Lutherans may or may not have accepted his theory about the earth revolving around the sun.
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      Doctrine of CreationCreationismCopernicusLutheran Theology
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      MetaphysicsMedieval PhilosophyDoctrine of Creation
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      History of Biblical InterpretationDoctrine of CreationCreationismBiblical Interpretation
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology is a collection of twenty-six essays or articles edited by Thomas Flint, professor of philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, and Michael Rea, also a professor of philosophy at the same... more
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      TheodicyDoctrine of GodChristian PhilosophyDoctrine of Creation
The recent publication of Laudato si’ by Pope Francis offers a good opportunity to rethink on the theological relation between our faith in God the Creator and the fulfillment of creation in Christ. In this paper, taking as a point of... more
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      ChristologyDoctrine of CreationTheology of Creation
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    • Doctrine of Creation
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      Evolutionary BiologyHuman EvolutionEvolutionBook of Genesis
A review of Douglas J. Moo, and Jonathan A. Moo.
Creation Care: A Biblical Theology of the Natural World.
Biblical Theology for Life
Edited by Jonathan Lunde. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2018.
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      Doctrine of CreationEcotheology (Environment)Ecotheology
The uploaded version of the article is my PDF of the publication. One of the new constellations which, in my opinion, will be much debated on in the post-pandemic time will be the theological interpretation of Creation and of the aims of... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyTheologyTheological EthicsOld Testament Theology
This is the synopsis of my new book, which is now available from Stanford University Press, but also Amazon etc/. See further here on the SUP page: "A fresh and more capacious reading of the... more
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      History Of Platonic TraditionWilliam JamesEriugenaAugustine
In 2010, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society published a 32-page brochure, "The Origin of Life", with the intention of supporting its view that life was created by a divine source, as declared in the Hebrew Scriptures. The purpose of... more
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      EvolutionDoctrine of CreationCitationsScientists
This is the second in a series of courses that survey Orthodox dogmatic theology. Topics include the doctrine of the economy of the Holy Trinity: God in relation to His creation; time and eternity; the spiritual realm, including angels... more
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      Orthodox TheologyDogmatic theologyDoctrine of CreationCosmology
Christians, more than ever, need a basic introduction to Bible doctrine that is systematic and true to Scripture. This book is a popular introduction to the study of Bible doctrine firmly in the evangelical tradition. Each chapter covers... more
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      ChristianityHome SchoolingChristian EducationReligious Education
I differentiate between Thomas' metaphysical account of creation and his theological account of creation, with the later focusing on his interpretation of the Genesis creation story. I argue that, while Thomas is committed to harmonizing... more
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      Thomas AquinasBook of GenesisDoctrine of CreationCosmology
The structure of the tabernacle and the order of the divine service (תמיד) reflect the cosmology and ritual of creation. Through the divine service Israel actualizes the divinely created order, becoming partakers of God's "very good"... more
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      LiturgyRitualOld Testament TheologyDoctrine of Creation
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      Job SatisfactionDoctrine of CreationChristian MinistryPastoral Ministry
The city of Tyre, the significant center of wealth and trade in antiquity, becomes the target of prophetic critique in the prophets’ Oracles Against Foreign Nations (OAN). Amos, Isaiah and Ezekiel have a condemning word for Tyre... more
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      Doctrine of CreationBook of EzekielTyre
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismBook of GenesisDoctrine of CreationBook of Revelation
In this paper I examine the role of Thomas Aquinas’ cosmological arguments in the natural theologies of early modern Calvinism. Some of the first Calvinistic forays into theistic proofs make use of Thomist arguments which allow for the... more
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      CalvinismDoctrine of CreationInfinityCosmological Arguments
De probleemstelling van deze afstudeerverhandeling is: Waarom zouden we bij de christologie beginnen om de schepping uit te leggen? Het zal gaan over de verhouding tussen de christologie en de scheppingsleer. Hierbij komen de volgende... more
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      Systematic TheologyChristologyTrinitarian TheologyDoctrine of Creation