An Evaluation of Mindful Psychological Skills Training Poster

An Evaluation of Mindful Psychological Skills Training Erica VanSteenhuyse: Aims Babich, Jeremy Meyers, Landon Rogers, & Michael Rhoads INTRODUCTION Sports are an integral part of lives throughout the world. Athletes spend a lot of time and money attempting to improve their performance. One, often overlooked, aspect of sports training is Psychological Skills Training (PST) and Mindfulness training. Studies examining PST have utilized techniques like goal-setting and self-talk which have been found to increase athletic performance control (Jackson et al, 2001; Dehghani, 2018). Mindfulness, a Buddhist philosophical concept, practices awareness and openness to the happenings around one’s body (Bishop et al, 2004). Athletes utilizing mindfulness were found to have better performance and lower injury frequency (Amemiya, Sakairi, 2019; Rusenhack, Vargas, & Jimenez, 2016; Josefsson, 2019; Buhlmayer, Birrer, Rothlin, Faude, & Donath, 2017; Gross, Moore, Gardner, Wolanin, Pess, & Marks, 2016; Zadeh, Ajilchi, Salman, 2019). We hypothesized Mindful Psychological Skills Training (MPST) would benefit athlete performance and sport-anxiety. METHOD Participants: All 10 participants were members of the MSU Denver volleyball teams. The participants were comprised of 6 females and 4 males. Procedure: This study will utilize a repeated measures quasiexperimental design. Prior to the mindfulness interventions, participants completed a pre-assessment battery, a Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, a Sport Anxiety Scale, a Thought Occurrence Questionnaire for Sport, a Performance Profile Indicator, and demographic questions. At the end of the final intervention session, this same assessment battery was administered. A total of 8 30-minute MPST sessions were administered. Each involved a mixture of mindfulness, psychological skills training, and sports performance enhancement activities. Assignments through the Smiling Mind cell phone app were also assigned in between sessions. Figure 1: MPST Activities FINDINGS After the MPST program, we conducted interviews with the athletes in order to obtain qualitative data. We, the researchers, then identified emergent or common themes. These themes were intervention effectiveness, difficulties, psychological skills that improved and recommendations to improve the program. Intervention effectiveness: This included topics such as helpful mindfulness exercises and practices that aided in group cohesion. • “Once we started all the sessions, I mean I learned how to breathe. How to start breathing and how to start making myself aware of my body” • “I was missing a lot of serves, and when Dr. Rhoads told us about the mindfulness of S.T.O.P., which is serving so fast, he told us a technique where you can stop, breathe, visualize where you are and everything, this really helped me” Difficulties: These were found to be subjects that inhibited mindfulness practices such as mental barriers and life barriers. • “The thing that affects me most is getting in my own head” • “Remembering to do them [the assignments] was difficult” Psychological skills that improved: This incapsulated personal attributes that improved; this category included improvements in visualization, self-talk, concentration, relaxation and emotional regulation. • “I think that in my lifetime, sometimes I’m not focused at all on the things that I was doing. Now I think I can keep my focus in everything that I’m doing” FINDINGS CONT. • “Breathing exercises really help with self-talk. If it starts to get more negative you can take a breath and say ‘no, this is not going to help me’ and kind of reset. Because I’ve noticed self-talk has always been a hard point for me.” Recommendation to improve : These were topics corresponding to session timing, lack of coach presence or the necessity for periods of anonymity during sessions, sport specific exercises and reminders for self-practice. • “Start earlier in the semester, so we could have more time” • “Maybe a little longer of a session because I think we only had like 30 minutes per session so maybe 45 minutes or so because some of them felt a little rushed” DISCUSSION Based on the interviews, athlete’s reported the MPST techniques to be helpful for sports performance, as well as personal mindfulness. Athlete’s also reported that longer MPST sessions or extending the sessions further into the semester could also be beneficial. This study had a few limitations. A major limitation was the administration of surveys online rather than in-person during the sessions. This resulted in response rates that were too low to analyze the quantitative data. Another limitation was that the tennis team was not currently competing, so their ability to apply these mindfulness tactics during competition was decreased in this session. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the MSU Denver Undergraduate Research Program for their financial assistance with this project. They study was funded by a $500 research grant award.