Kalite Yönetimi

2021, Kalite Yönetimi

Kalite Yönetimi Kamu Yönetimi Ansiklopedisi 2. Cilt bölümü.

K Emre AKC Ankara, Ocak 2021 2 Ansiklopedisi Emre AKC Kapak ve Sayfa Ankara Ocak 2021 ISBN No: 2/A Tel: 0 312 230 04 85 7 KAVRAMLAR VE YAZARLARI YAZARLAR KAVRAMLAR Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Toplumsal KentProf. Dr. Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Yasemin Misyon, Stratejik Plan, Vizyon YAMAN -i Haldun, Diplomasi, Kamu Diplomasisi, Lobicilik Dost Kentler Ekonomisi Sosyal Politika PostKent Dr. Derin Ekoloji Siyasi Parti Liberal Ekonomi Modeli, Karma Ekonomi Modeli, Sosyalist Ekonomi Modeli 14 .......................................................... 264 ....................................................................... 272 Etnisite (Ethnicity).......................................................................................... 279 Farabi .............................................................................................................. 291 .................................................................... 301 ........................................................................... 306 .................................................................. 313 Hierarchy) ..................................................................................... 321 Hukuk Devleti (The Rule of Law) .................................................................. 327 -i Haldun.................................................................................................... 333 ............................................................... 341 Theory of Communicative Action) ..................... 351 ................................................................................... 363 ........................................................................ 369 ............................................................................................ 376 )............................................................................... 385 ......................................................... 395 (Woman Policies) .............................................................. 404 ......................................................... 415 es) ................................................ 425 Kameralizm (Cameralism) ............................................................................. 439 Kamu Diplomasisi (Public Diplomacy).......................................................... 448 Kamu Hukuku (Public Law)........................................................................... 455 ........................................................................ 462 ..................................................... 471 Control of Public Administration) ................. 482 ........................................................................ 490 Kamuoyu (Public Opinion) ............................................................................ 501 ......................................... 508 Kapitalizm (Capitalism) ................................................................................. 517 Karma Ekonomi Modeli (Mixed Economic Model) ...................................... 526 ...................................................... 534 415 Kal , -0002-1487-8717 , -0002-4116-9801 (Natarajan, 2017, s. , birey- kalit - 416 5; Goetsch ve Davis, 2014, s. 2), asla Cem, 1976: s. 34; Draft, 1994, s. 78; Stoner ve Wankel, 1986, s. 3), edilmesi (Hitt vd., 1989, s. 13) olarak ta faaliyetini ifade kabul ettikleri cisim olduysa da 417 erden ziyade Kontrol Ce i ve kalite noktada, Ishikawa a'ya Kanji, 2007, s. 72). ISO (International Standards Organisation) (Purushothama, 2010, s. 5). temel -Uygula- 418 Kontrol Et- 23 -1967); - eseridir. Joseph M. Juran (1904Ishikawa (1915- -2001) ise Kalitenin - Kontrol Et- -Uygula- (ISO, 2008, s. V-VI): 23 - -Analiz Et-Chow, 2010, s. 3). 419 sosyo- 154- sonu gerektirmektedir. 420 hem operasyonel stratejilerde hem de Kalite - - - 421 kadar Tavsiye Edilen Okumalar (ss. 115-153), Konya: Atlas Akademi Tapiero, C. S. (1996). The management of quality and its control, New York: Springer Science+Business Media. II (ss. 30- Kitabevi. , , Ankara: Gazi Akal, Z. (1992). Kamu 422 - , Avery, C., Zabel, D. (1997). The quality management sourcebook: an international guide to materials and resources, Londra: Routledge. Bauer, J. E., Duffy, G., Westcott, R. T. (2006). The quality improvement , Milwaukee: ASQ Quality Press. (26-27 may Cem, C. (1976). , Ankara: Ching-Chow, Y. (2010). Six Sigma and Total Quality Management, A. 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