Lecture 9
Combined Hazards
Seismic Hazard Maps of Indonesia and
Geotechnical and Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Banda Aceh
Masyhur Irsyam1, M. Asrurifak1, Hendriyawan1, Hamzah Latif2, Nazili Razali3, Anita
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Center for Marine and Coastal Development, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Research Group on Eco-Hydraulic, Engineering Center for Industry, Institut Teknologi
Research Institute for Human Settlements, Indonesia Ministry of Public Works
It is targetted that the renewal of Indonesian Earthquake Resistant Building Code, the SNI
03-1726-2002, will be finished by mid of 2010. Two major expected revisions are it’s
Earthquake Hazard Map, to reflect the lattest advancement in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard
Analysis (PSHA) technology accounting for potential larger disasters predicted in the near
future, and changing the provision from UBC-97 concept to the lattest ASCE 7-05 and IBC2009 provisions. The main considerations are the much larger than maximum predicted the
2004 Aceh earthquake (Mw 9.0-9.3) and its following tsunami, and the fast destruction
observed in the 2005 Nias Earthquake (Mw 8.7) and other similar earthquake disaster
observed all over the country.
This paper presents research works carried out in developing the latest spectral hazard maps.
Improvement in seismic hazard analysis and careful inclusion of recent seismic records were
augmented. Seismic sources were modeled by background, fault, and subduction zones
considering truncated exponential model, pure characteristic model or both. Several well
known attenuation functions were selected including the Next Generation Attenuation
(NGA). Maps of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and Spectral Response Acceleration
(SRA) for 0.2 second (short periods) and 1-second period were developed using PSHA.
To better reflect Indonesia overall potential disaster, additional geotechnical and tsunami
hazard assessment researchs for Banda Aceh city, the capitol of Aceh Province, in particular
were also submitted. The 2004 Aceh tsunami has caused at least 148,873 people killed,
142,123 people missing, 31,907 people injured (WHO) and staggering regional economic
and social disasters. The earthquake and the following tsunami destroyed countless
engineered and non-engineered buildings, infrastructure, and utilities. The case triggered
the understanding for the need of better disaster mitigation strategy to anticipate future
similar natural hazards.
The research then focused on developing geotechnical and tsunami hazard maps for Banda
Aceh. Dynamic soil properties and resistance of soil to liquefaction were obtained from field
soil investigation consisted of deep borings and seismic downhole tests. Site specific
response analysis was carried out using one dimensional shear wave propagation approach
and evaluation of liquefaction potential was conducted using simplified empirical procedure.
The results of site response analysis and liquefaction study at several points were utilized to
generate contours of acceleration, amplification factor, design response spectra, and
potential of liquefaction for Banda Aceh.
The tsunami hazard study covered modeling of tsunami inundation, run-up, and developing
tsunami zonation map. It was conducted using mathematical simulation and modeling
leading to estimate the potential tsunami that may occur in the future. The output of
geotechnical and tsunami hazard assessment were then overlayed ontop of the land use city
planning in a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) database and used as criteria for
tsunami warning system, an input in developing land use management for Banda Aceh, and
enriching the basic regulation for new infrastructures and local building codes.
1. Background Research
Indonesia has been well known as one of the most seismically active countries in the world.
It is surrounded by three major active tectonic plates of the earth: Eurasian, Indo-Australian,
and Philippine plates. Therefore, the construction design in Indonesia should consider these
seismic activities. The most effective way to reduce disasters caused by earthquakes is to
estimate the seismic hazard and to implement this information on a seismic code for use in
building design and construction so that the structures possess adequate earthquake resistant
capacity (Hu 1996 and Irsyam et al., 2008).
The need to revise current Indonesian Seismic Hazard Map expressed as PGA contained in
our latest Indonesian Earthquake Resistant Building Code SNI 03-1726-2002 (Figure 1) was
driven among others by the desire to better reflect potential larger earthquake disasters faced
by the nation predictably in the future (Irsyam et al., 2008). Several great earthquake
occurrences in Indonesia in the last six years inquire revision of seismic hazard parameters.
Some of the great earthquakes are the 2004 Aceh Earthquake (Mw9.0-9.3) which was
followed by tsunami, the 2005 Nias Earthquake (Mw 8.7), the 2009 Tasik Earthquake (Mw
7.3), and the latest 2009 Padang Earthquake (Mw 7.6). The Aceh earthquake and the
following tsunami destroyed countless engineered and non-engineered buildings,
infrastructure, and utilities. Therefore, geotechnical and tsunami hazard assessment
researchs for Banda Aceh city in particular were also required to better reflect Indonesia
overall potential disaster.
This paper presents the latest research works for developing seismic hazard maps of
Indonesia. The maps are based on spectral acceleration rather than PGA, two maps of SRA
are selected: for short period (0.2 s) and for long-period (1.0 s). The purpose of this research
is to provide input for revision of the current seismic hazard map. The research also covers
geotechnical microzonation study for Banda Aceh city for estimating the effects of local soil
conditions to the surface ground motion and to the potential of liquefaction. Furthermore,
tsunami hazard study is also performed to obtain tsunami inundation and run-up for Banda
Aceh city.
2. Tectonic Setting of Indonesia
Indonesia is located in a tectonically very active area at the point of convergence of
three major plates and nine smaller plates as developed by Bird, P. (2003). The Eurasian,
Pacific and Australian-Indian plates, along with some smaller plates (i.e. Philippine Sea
plate), are all actively moving toward each other in the Southeast Asia region (Figure 2)
creating a complex network of plate boundaries.
Western Indonesia tectonically consists of the Sunda Shelf which includes the islands of
Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo, and the southwestern part of Sulawesi (Hamilton, 1979). The
active tectonics of western Indonesia is dominated by convergence of the Australia plate
with Sumatra and Java. Along Sumatra the direction of convergence is highly oblique to the
trench strike, and is partitioned into nearly arc-perpendicular thrusting at the trench and arcparallel, right lateral slip at the Sumatran fault (Bock et al., 2003).
Figure 1. Indonesia seismic hazard map (SNI 03-1726-2002).
Figure 2. Topographic and tectonic map of the Indonesian archipelago and surrounding
region (Bock et al., 2003).
For eastern Indonesia, the crustal composition south of Java and Bali and in the south Banda
Sea are oceanic, and that the Arafura sea and Timor trough are underlain by continental crust.
This, along with the geological evidence of exposed overthrust sheets of the Banda
allochthon on the island of Timor, indicates collision of a continent with an island arc along
the outer Banda arc, and suggests underthrusting of continental crust under Timor. Two
plates subduct beneath the Banda Sea, one from the south at the Timor and Aru troughs, and
the other from the north at the Seram trough, and that the two slabs are separated at the
Tarera-Aiduna fault, which acts as a transform (Bock et al., 2003).
Further East, the continental part of the Australian plate collides with the Banda arc, resulting in
widespread deformation throughout the Banda island-arc. Further complicating the tectonics of
East Indonesia, Australian continent also collides with the Pacific oceanic plate, resulting in
uplift and extensive faulting on the island of New Guinea. Australia-Pacific convergence is
highly oblique and appears to be partitioned into components perpendicular and parallel to the
margin. The perpendicular component is taken up by crustal shortening in the Highlands thrust
belt and very likely, subduction along the New Guinea and Manokwari trenches. The marginparallel component results in left-lateral shear zones along North New Guinea. The existence of
subduction zones have created zones of earthquakes that contribute to the event earthquakes
occurred in the Indonesian Region (Milsom et al., 1992).
There are some potential active fault distributions around Indonesia islands (Figure 3). The
Sumatran fault zone (SFZ) is a 1900-km-long structure that accommodates right lateral
shear associated with the oblique convergence along the plate margin and widely accepted
as highly segmented fault. The java Seismicity is significantly low compared to that along
the SFZ (Lasitha et al., 2006). The strike-slip events may account for the presence of the
Cimanderi, Lembang, Bumiayu, Semarang or Opak (Jogja) fault. The island of Sulawesi in
eastern Indonesia has more active faults as Palu-Koro, Matano, Walanae, Poso, Batui thrust,
Tolo thrust, Sulu thrust, Gorontalo and Lawanopo (Socquet et al., 2006). In the island of
Papua, faults that have been identified include Yapen, Tarera-Aiduna, Sorong, Ransiki,
Membrano thrust-belt, Manokwari trench, Lowland and Highland thrust-belt.
Development of Seismic Hazard Maps of Indonesia
3.1. Eartquake Catalog
Historical earthquake events from 1900 to 2008 are compiled from many sources such as:
a. Earthquake listings held by National Earthquake Information Service U.S. Geological Survey
(NEIS-USGS) of the United State, which is a compilation of several catalogs from sources
such as: The Bureau Central International de Séismologie (BCIS), the International
Seismological Summaries (ISSN), the International Seismological Center (ISC), the
Preliminary Determination of Epicenters (PDE), and The Advanced National Seismic System
(ANSS) catalog.
b. Indonesia earthquake listing prepared by the Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics (BMG),
Jakarta, Indonesia.
c. Centennial Catalog which is compiled from Newcomb & McCann (1987) where several large
event in Indonesia have been relocated and Pacheco & Sykes (1992) where the earthquakes
were corrected for heterogeneity’s caused presumably by changes in instrumentation,
reporting and/or detection capabilities.
Seismic Source Model
The seismic source model for input to PSHA was defined using earthquake catalogs,
tectonic boundaries, and fault information. The sources model was divided into subduction
source, fault source, and background seismicity. This division followed previous studies by
Irsyam et al. (a) (2009) and Irsyam et.al. (b) (2009). However, updating of seismic source
parameters used in the previous studies have been performed based upon the most recent
work in Indonesia. The updated parameters are already included in Figure 3.
Subduction mechanism occurred when an oceanic plate is being subducted under an island
arc or continent. Thrust fault mechanism may occur along the interface, while normal
faulting may occur toward and along the outer arc high and in the trench. The subduction
source models were limited to Megathrust zones (Figure 4). For earthquake events occurred
in the Benioff zones below the Megathrust were accounted in deep background sources.
Fault source represents individual fault for which data is sufficient to determine maximum
earthquake magnitudes distributions and slip rate estimates. The major tectonic feature and
sense of faulting, slip-rate, dip, width and maximum magnitude used in this work were
estimated based on published data. At present, continuous updating of seismic source
parameters is still conducted by the Indonesia Team for Revision of Seismisc Hazars Map.
Figure 3. Major tectonic features of Indonesia and their parameters.
Figure 4. Classification of main shocks based on type of seismic sources
Background seismicity is used to account for region in which lack of seismogenic data but
has seismic activities report from small to moderate earthquakes. Background source zones
were modeled using gridded seismicity based on spatially smoothed earthquake rates
(Frankel et al., 1995). This model consists of five depth intervals, i.e. shallow earthquakes
(0-50 km), intermediate earthquakes (50–100 km and 100–150 km), and deep earthquakes
(150–200 km and 200–300 km).
Attenuation Relations
Selection of attenuation relations were conducted based on earthquake mechanism, which is
generally categorized into background, fault and subduction source zones. This selection
followed previous studies by Irsyam et al. (a) (2009) and Irsyam et.al. (b) (2009).
Attenuation from Geomatrix subduction (Youngs et al., 1997), Atkinson-Boore BC rock and
global Source (Atkinson and Boore, 2003) and Zhao et al., with variable Vs-30 (Zhao et al,
2006) were chosen for Megathrust zone (subduction interface). Attenuation from BooreAtkinson NGA (Boore, D.M., and Atkinson, G.M., 2008), Campbell-Bozorgnia NGA
(Campbell, K.W., and Bozorgnia, Y., 2008) and Chiou-Young NGA (Chiou, B., and Youngs,
R., 2008) were selected for faults and background sources. Attenuation from AtkinsonBoore intraslab (Atkinson and Boore, 2003), Geomatrix slab seismicity rock (Youngs et al,
1997) and Atkinson-Boore intraslab seismicity world data BC-rock condition (Atkinson and
Boore, 1995) were used for Benioff (deep background sources).
3.4 Seismic Hazard Maps of Indonesia
Hazard maps of PGA at bedrock with 10% and 2% probability of axceedance in 50
years (500 years and 2500 years return period of earhquake) are presented in Figure 5
and Figure 6 and hazard maps of spectral acceleration at 0.2, and 1.0 sec for 2%
probability of exceedance in 50 years are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8. Near the
location of faults and subductions, results of this study are significantly higher than that of
the SNI 03-1726-2002 for the same return period of earthquake (10% probability of
axceedance in 50 years).
4. Geotechnical Microzonation Study for Banda Aceh
This paper also presents the results of seismic microzonation study of Banda Aceh to be
utilized for reconstrcution after the 2004 earthquake, enhanching land use management, and
improving the accuracy of currently available and proposed new seismic resistant
infrastructure and building codes. The map were obtained by performing ground response
analysis utilizing one-dimensional (1-D) shear wave propagation method considering the
nonlinearity of soil behavior and by evaluation the liquefaction resistance of soil deposits.
The ground response analysis was performed using NERA software developed from
SHAKE (Schnabel et. al., 1972) and EERA (Bardet et al., 1998) and based on material
model developed by Iwan (1967) and Mroz (1967). The nonlinearity of the shear modulus
and damping was accounted for by employing equivalent linear soil properties using an
iterative procedure to obtain values for modulus and damping compatible with the effective
strains in each layer.
Figure 5. Map of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of Indonesia for 10% probability of
exceedance in 50 years.
Figure 6. Map of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of Indonesia for 2% probability of
exceedance in 50 years.
Figure 7. Map of 0.2 sec spectral acceleration of Indonesia for 2% probability of exceedance
in 50 years.
Figure 8.. Map of 1.0 sec spectral acceleration of Indonesia for 2% probability of
exceedance in 50 years.
Shear wave propagation analysis was performed for 30 data of soil borings including 10
seismic downhole (SDH) test to obtain peak acceleration, amplification factor, and response
spectra at the ground surface. Shear wave velocity (VS) profiles were developed based on
interpretation of Bored Log and SDH (Figure 9), around site location down to 30m below
ground surface. Wave propagation analysis from bedrock to ground surface showed that
peak acceleration on the ground surface ranged from 0.50g to 0.58g and from 0.42g to 0.68g
for soil type SC and SD, respectively, for 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years. The
results were then plotted to develope peak acceleration contour maps for Banda Aceh as
shown in Figure 10.
Evaluation of the liquefaction resistance of soil deposits was also conducted in this study. It
was carried out using simplified empirical procedure proposed by Seed et al. (1971,1985)
and was modified by NCEER (1997). The corrected SPT resistance of in-site soil stratum
was compared with earthquake-induced cyclic shear stress. Proposed Iwasaki method
(Iwasaki et al., 1982) was then adopted to estimate the severity of liquefaction degree at a
given site based on the value of liquefaction potential index PL. The results of liqufaction
study is presented in Figure 11, Banda Aceh can be divided into three zones, i.e. high,
medium, and low liquefaction susceptibility.
Figure 9. Field investigations for microzonation study of Banda Aceh (Gitamandalaksana,
Figure 10. Microzonation map of peak surface acceleration of Banda Aceh for 10%
probability of exceedance in 50 years (Gitamandalaksana, 2009).
Figure 11. Microzonation map of liquefaction potential of Banda Aceh (Gitamandalaksana,
5. Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Banda Aceh
Historically, subduction earthquakes and associated tsunamis have occurred repeatedly in
Indonesia as reported by Ismail (1997) and by Puspito (2002) as shown in Figure 12. On
December 26, 2004 a devastating megathrust earthquake occurred on the interface area of
Indian plate that subducts beneath the overriding Burma plate with magnitude (Mw) of 9.1
to 9.3 and rupture length of 1600 km near Banda Aceh, Sumatra. The rupture propagated to
the north along Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Lay, et al., 2005). The earthquake generated
huge tsunami and attacked coastal area along the South and South East Asia and reached the
Eastern part of Africa that caused 283.000 deaths (Figure 13 to Figure 15).
Figure 12. Historical tsunami events in Indonesia (after Puspito, 2002)
Figure 13. Tsunami height and effect generated by the 2004 Aceh earthquake
(International Tsunami Survey Team-2005 and
Tsunami hazard criteria become essential as a basis for rehabilitation, reconstruction, and
longterm development, as well as for developing tsunami warning system. Therefore,
tsunami hazard assessment for Banda Aceh city were conducted. The 2004 Aceh tsunami
source was designed based on the slip distribution given by Subarya, et. al. (2006), as shown
on Figure 16. The fault of Aceh-Andaman earthquake was divided into 7 sub-faults as
shown in Figure 17, the velocity rupture propagation of the earthquake from Sumatra to
Andaman averagely was taken 1.7 km/s (Latief et. al., 2006).
Calculation of tsunami inundation of Banda Aceh city was conducted by using several
nested domains. The nested domains were used to calculate tsunami run-up and inundation
area using more detail bathymetric and topography data. To obtain more accurate results, 5
nested domains were utilized, from domain-A up to domain-E, as presented in Figure 18.
Figure 14. Vast destruction at Lhoknga due to the 2004 Aceh earthquake.
Figure 15. Tsunami damage to houses and buildings during the 2004 Aceh earthquake,
Lam Paseh.
There were 4 scenarios selected to simulate inundation model of Banda Aceh city. The first
one was backcalculation of the 2004 Aceh tsunami with Moment Magnitude (Mw) of 9.2
used to calibrate input parameters. The other 3 cases were used to account for diffrenet
magnitudes of earthquake; Mw=8.5, Mw=8.0, and Mw=7.5.
Calculation of tsunami inundation was conducted by using TUNAMI-Code (Goto, C. and
Ogawa, Y., 1992, and Imamura, F., 1995). The output of tsunami hazard assessment (Figure
19) was then overlayed ontop of the land use city planning in a Geographical Information
Systems (GIS) database as shown in Figure 20.
Figure 16. Coseismic slip distribution at
Sunda mega thrust estimated from inversion
geodetic data (Subarya et. al., 2006)
Figure 17. Sub-fault position (Latief et. al.,
Figure 18. Grid size of nested domains
(a) Inundation area for the 2004 Aceh tsunami
(b) Inundation area for Mw=8.5
(c) Inundation area for M=8.0
(d) Inundation area for Mw=7.5
Figure 19. Tsunami inundation for Mw= 9.2, 8.5, 8.0, and 7.5
Figure 20. Tsunami inundation map of Banda Aceh city (Gitamandalaksana, 2009).
A probabilistic hazard model for estimation of seismic hazard in Indonesia has been
developed based upon updated available seismotectonic data, implementing new fault
models, and incorporating new ground-motion prediction equations (NGA). Spectral hazard
maps for 10% and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years have been produced. Near the
location of faults and subductions, results of this study are significantly higher than that of
the SNI 03-1726-2002 for the same return period of earthquake. It indicates that the actual
seismic hazard in Indonesia is higher than it was expected before.
Geotechnical and tsunami hazard assessment for Banda Aceh have been conducted. The
results of seismic microzonation study and tsunami hazard assessment for Banda Aceh city
are used as a criteria for development of tsunami warning system, an input in developing
land use management, and enriching the basic regulation for new infrastructures and local
building codes.
Considering the potensial of big earthquakes followed by tsunami that can occur in
Indonesia in the near future, it suggests that microzonation of geotechnical and tsunami
hazard study is urgently required for big cities in Indonesia, particularly with high
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