Proposing a roadmap for HealthGrids
Vincent Breton1, Ignacio Blanquer2, Vicente Hernandez2, Yannick Legré1 and Tony
LPC, CNRS-IN2P3, Campus des Cézeaux, 63177 Aubière Cedex, France
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia,
University of West England, Bristol, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY,United
Abstract. With the regular progress of technology and infrastructures, a growing
number of grid applications are developed and deployed for life science and
medical research. At the last HealthGrid conference in April 2005 in Oxford, many
groups described successful usage of grids for compute intensive calculations.
Very large scale deployment of a biomedical application in the area of drug
discovery has been achieved on EGEE during 2005. On the other hand, beside a
few pioneers, very few data grids have been deployed so far and knowledge grids
are still at a conceptual level. This situation is expected to evolve quickly as many
projects are focussed on developing data management services and knowledge
management tools relevant to biomedical sciences. At this stage, it is important to
identify the potential bottlenecks and to define a roadmap for the wide adoption of
grids for healthcare. This article presents an analysis of the present adoption of
grids for biomedical sciences and healthcare in Europe: it identifies bottlenecks
and proposes actions that will be further assessed within the framework of the
SHARE European project dedicated to the definition of a roadmap for HealthGrids.
1. Introduction
The emergence of grid technology opens new perspectives to enable
interdisciplinary research at the cross roads of medical informatics, bioinformatics and
system biology impacting healthcare.
A HealthGrid is an environment where data of medical interest can be stored,
processed and made easily available to the different actors of healthcare, physicians,
healthcare centres and administrations, and of course citizens. If such an infrastructure
offers all guarantees in terms of security, respect for ethics and observance of
regulations, it allows the association of post-genomic information and medical data and
opens up the possibility of individualized healthcare [1].
This enabling integration tool for medical applications provides also the
infrastructure for navigation space. Access to many different sources of medical data,
usually geographically distributed, and the availability of computer-based tools that can
extract the knowledge from these data are key requirements for providing an equal
healthcare provision of high quality.
Born from discussions between grid application developers and medical
informaticians, the concept of HealthGrid is now 3 years old. The yearly HealthGrid
conferences are an opportunity to evaluate the growing usage of grids for life science
and medical research. They allow also identifying the obstacles to a wider adoption. In
chapter 2, we illustrate the concept of HealthGrid on a very simple example where we
highlight key issues related to the deployment of grids for healthcare. In chapter 3, we
propose an analysis of the present adoption of grids by biomedical sciences. Recent
accomplishments are also critically reviewed. Based on this analysis, we will propose
some actions to address the present bottlenecks. In chapter 5, we will describe the
SHARE project which aims at proposing a roadmap for HealthGrids. While the
SHARE project will address all dimensions of a roadmap including legal, social and
ethical issues, this paper will restrict itself to technical issues.
2. Concept of HealthGrid: illustration by an example
One of eHealth important goals is to allow the transfer of information between
hospitals in Europe. A very simple example is a practitioner in Hospital 1 needing to
transfer a patient Electronic Health Record (EHR) to Hospital 2 (figure 1). In this very
simple use case, we consider that there is no legal issue for sake of simplicity.
Hospital 1
EHR system 1
Hospital 2
EHR system 2
Figure 1.
To achieve this transfer, a first simple idea is to use a standard File Transfer
Protocol. It will work only if the two hospitals EHR systems have the same data model.
The EHR data model describes the content of each data field. If the data models are
different, a mediator is needed to interpret the data coming out of the EHR system 1
and to translate it into the format used by the EHR system 2. This mediator is able to
handle this translation provided the data models used by the 2 EHR systems are known.
The mediator can not invent information so if the 2 EHR systems have different data
fields, some data fields will not be filled or some data field may be unused and the data
This use case illustrates very simply different needs for the transfer of information
between healthcare centres in Europe:
• for Hospital 2 to request a patient record, it has to provide an identifier for this
patient. This illustrates the need for a unique patient identifier allowing
querying patient records while preserving their anonymity.
• For the mediator to be able to translate patient record stored in Hospital 1, the
data models of both EHR systems 1 and 2 must be known. Even if the two
EHR systems can be completely different, the mediator will reorganize
information as needed. EHR data models must be made publicly available.
Even the precise definition of the data fields must be provided in order to
allow the reliable translation. This requires a common vocabulary to define the
data fields.
• EHR system 1 has most probably specific data fields which have no
equivalent for EHR system 2. Therefore some data fields will not be filled for
the patient record at Hospital 2. However, it is of utmost importance to have
the most important data fields filled. This requires an agreed patient summary
with an agreed vocabulary to describe it.
The HealthGrid is going to be the environment on which services and resources
needed to enable the above picture are provided:
• when hospital 2 looks for a patient record, it does not know necessarily that
hospital 1 is holding the patient record it is looking for. An information
service is needed to provide the localization of the patient records in Europe.
This critical service must be constantly updated and needs to be replicated in
order to avoid being a single point of failure. The information service needs to
have the relevant security features so that only authorized healthcare
professionals are allowed to consult it.
• Another information service is needed to provide the data models for each
healthcare centre storing medical patient record. This information service is
consulted by the mediator before translating a patient record
• a network of mediators is needed to address all the requests for patient record
transfers in Europe. These mediators must also be updated to follow the
evolution of the EHR data models
This very simple example illustrates the role of a HealthGrid and the bottlenecks
towards its deployment, including the interoperability of HER systems and the
definition of a unique patient identifier and an agreed patient summary. These issues
are presently addressed at a European level.
3. A perspective on the present adoption of grids
Grids benefit from a large funding from the European Commission and the
member states. Among the present projects, the ones relevant to health can be roughly
classified in three categories:
• infrastructure projects aim at offering a stable distributed environment for
scientific production. Examples of such infrastructures are EGEE [2] and
DEISA [3] in Europe. These infrastructures offer a generic multidisciplinary
environment where biomedical applications can be deployed.
• Technology projects aim at developing new grid-enabled services and
environments relevant to the needs of life science and healthcare. Examples of
such projects are SIMDAT [4] and MyGrid [5]
• End user projects focus on specific life science or healthcare issues and
integrate grid technology wherever they feel relevant. Examples of such
projects are Mammogrid [6] and GEMSS [7].
3.1. Adoption of grids for biomedical sciences
Biomedical sciences have been identified very early as potential adopters of the
grid technology. The wealth of data produced by life sciences in the last 10 years and
its complexity requires more and more resources and services for their storage and
analysis. Medical research is also evolving quickly with the generalized use of images
and the growing integration of molecular biology in the perspective of individualized
3.1.1. Life science
Molecular biologists are facing a daunting challenge: the relevance of their
research requires a constant access to the databases containing all the knowledge
acquired up today. Comparative analysis is a mandatory step in most of the molecular
biology data analysis workflows. This analysis has to be frequently repeated to keep up
with the exponentially growing volume of data stored in the databases. Comparative
analysis is often the first step of complex workflows needed to extract information
from the data in genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics. At a basic level, grids can
help distribute the databases in order to make them accessible to the biologists [11] and
provide the computing resources required by data analysis. Bioinformatics portals like
GPS@ [9] are presently under development on top of grid infrastructures.
The grid technology is also very promising to address biological data complexity.
Indeed, the last years have witnessed the development of hundreds of databases
providing specific representations of biological data. Interoperability of these
databases is a key to the development of integrated approaches needed to start
modelling living organisms. Projects such as Embrace [8] focus on addressing this
interoperability issue using the grid technology.
Other projects such as MyGrid [5] have been developing tools and environments to
ease the design of data analysis workflows for biologists. The next step is to achieve
the integration and deployment of these high level interfaces on grid infrastructures so
as to offer to the biologists the data and computing resources needed for their analysis.
3.1.2. Medical research
Grid technology entry points into medical research have been most often related to
the need to manipulate large cohorts of medical images. The volume of medical images
produced in European hospitals is comparable to the volume of data expected from the
CERN Large Hadron Collider which is of the order of several Peta Bytes per year.
Storing these images and running algorithms to extract their features require more and
more resources. Attempts to distribute storage of medical image databases on the grid
have been confronted with the very limited data management services made available
on the grid infrastructures in Europe. Encouraging perspectives are opening with the
addition of data management services on infrastructures like EGEE but adoption of
grids in medical research depends heavily on the availability and extension of such
Attempts to use grids to confront patient medical and biological data are presently
under exploration in several projects presented at this conference. The success of these
approaches depends again on the capacity of the grid to provide the tools needed to
manipulate these data.
3.1.3. Drug Discovery
In silico drug discovery is one of the most promising strategies to speed-up the
drug development process. Virtual screening is about selecting in silico the best
candidate drugs acting on a given target protein. Screening can be done in vitro but it is
very expensive as they are now millions of chemicals that can be synthesized. If it
could be done in silico in a reliable way, one could reduce the number of molecules
requiring in vitro and then in vitro
testing from a few millions to a few hundreds.
In silico drug discovery should foster collaboration between public and private
laboratories. It should also have an important societal impact by lowering the barrier to
develop new drugs for rare and neglected diseases. New drugs are needed for neglected
diseases like Malaria where parasites keep developing resistance to the existing drugs
or Sleeping sickness for which no new drug has been produced for years. New drugs
against Tuberculosis are also needed as the treatment now takes several months and is
therefore hard to manage in developing countries.
In silico drug discovery on grids is a growing field. Grids like EGEE are ideally
suited for the first step where docking probabilities are computed for millions of
ligands. Grid relevance has been clearly demonstrated during the summer 2005 by the
WISDOM initiative on malaria [12] where 46 million ligands were docked for a total
amount of 80 CPU years (1 TFlop during 6 weeks).
A foreseeable future is to enable a complete in silico drug discovery pipeline on
the grid. Such pipeline would allow very quickly identifying promising compounds.
The first stage, which will be explored notably within European projects like
BioInfoGrid, EGEE and Embrace, is the deployment of a virtual screening platform
that would take advantage of the European grid infrastructures for docking and of a
supercomputer for Molecular Dynamics computations.
3.2. Adoption of grids for healthcare
Adoption of grids for healthcare is still in its infancy. There are many reasons to
this situation. A first obvious reason is that grid technology is still immature and is
neither robust nor secure enough to offer the quality of service required for clinical
routine. Another important reason is that all grid infrastructure projects are deployed on
National Research and Education Networks which are separate from the networks used
by healthcare structures. Another major obstacle is the legal framework in the EC
member states which has to be evolved to allow the transfer of medical data on a
European HealthGrid.
This did not stop pioneer projects to explore and demonstrate the potential impact
and relevance of grids to address such outstanding healthcare issues as the early
diagnosis of breast cancer [6] or to improve radiotherapy treatment planning [7].
Grids are expected to bring a significant added value in the development of
individual medicine which requires the exploitation of biological and medical data, but
this is still a research field.
Adoption of grids for healthcare will follow their adoption for life sciences and
medical research provided the legal and ethical framework of the member states allows
their deployment.
4. Technical bottlenecks and proposed actions for a wider adoption of grids
The HealthGrid vision relies on the setting up of grid infrastructures for medical
research and healthcare. The present bottlenecks towards this vision are the following:
• the availability of grid services, most notably for data and knowledge
• the deployment of these services on infrastructures involving healthcare
centres such as hospitals, medical research laboratories, public health
• the definition and adoption of international standards and interoperability
mechanisms for medical information stored on the HealthGrid
The HealthGrid vision can not be achieved without a close collaboration of the
projects developing grid middleware, deploying grid infrastructures and developing
end-user oriented biomedical grid applications.
4.1. Technical bottlenecks
Two worlds are today coexisting: the information world extensively using web
services and the grid infrastructure world which is slowly migrating to the web services.
Existing infrastructures in Europe are not yet based on this agreed standard because it
takes years to develop a robust middleware and the migration to web services is a
recent evolution of the grid standards.
4.1.1. Lack of grid data management services
Adoption of grids for medical research and clinical routine depends on the capacity
of grids to manipulate data in a secure and efficient way. Medical data are complex,
highly sensitive and presented in multiple formats. Data management services offered
by grid infrastructures must be very significantly improved in order to allow such
manipulations. Importance of a large coordinated effort must be stressed to achieve this
4.1.2. Lack of grid nodes in healthcare centres
Another bottleneck is related to the installation and maintenance of grid nodes in
healthcare centres. Such deployment is still in its infancy because the configuration of a
grid node is rather complex and requires significant manpower. Moreover, as stressed
above, secure services for data management are still under development.
4.1.3. Lack of standards in medical informatics
Chapter 2 of this paper illustrated on a very simple example the role of a
HealthGrid to exchange information between two hospitals in Europe. It also
highlighted the need for a unique patient identifier allowing querying patient records
while preserving their anonymity, for EHR data models publicly available and for an
agreed patient summary with an agreed vocabulary to describe it. Work is under way at
a European level to address these issues. For the HealthGrid vision to happen,
standards must be agreed upon in the medical informatics community. This precludes
the development of applications obeying to these standards, using the grid services and
available from the grid nodes located in the healthcare centres.
4.2. Organizational bottlenecks
4.2.1. Insufficient technology transfer between EC projects
As a consequence of the technical bottlenecks previously identified, very few
projects led by biomedical end users are deployed on the European grid infrastructures
available today. This is due most notably to the limited data management services
offered by the infrastructures, their still user-unfriendly interfaces and the lack of
information and training on grids in the biomedical community. Interesting data
management services are under development by some technology oriented projects but
the mechanism by which they will be deployed on existing grid infrastructures is
4.2.2. Lack of coordinating bodies
We have demonstrated in chapter 2 how a European infrastructure such as a
HealthGrid depends on the definition of standards. These standards are needed to
achieve interoperability of healthcare systems and records. The development of these
standards requires coordination. The lack of agreed standards in medical informatics
will be an obstacle to any large scale infrastructure deployment. The absence of a
reference body or structure in charge of defining such standards is a clear bottleneck to
the development of grid technologies in healthcare.
4.3. First proposed actions
We recommend the creation of a dedicated infrastructure for medical research.
From the beginning, the infrastructure should offer services such as database
federations, distributed computing and data replication. Nodes of this infrastructure
should be located in hospitals and healthcare centres. This infrastructure should host
pilot medical research applications.
A model for such an infrastructure is the BIRN project [13] of the National
Institutes of Health's National Center for Research Resources.
Launched in 2001 as an initiative, the BIRN is prototyping a collaborative
environment for biomedical research and clinical information management. The
growing BIRN consortium currently involves 30 research sites from 21 universities and
hospitals that participate in one or more of three test bed projects: Morphometry BIRN,
Function BIRN, and Mouse BIRN. These projects are centered around structural and/or
functional brain imaging of human neurological disorders and associated animal
models of disorders including Alzheimer's disease, depression, schizophrenia, multiple
sclerosis, attention deficit disorder, brain cancer, and Parkinson's disease.
BIRN is an end user driven project based on a robust middleware and it addresses
all dimensions from capacity building to service development. It is important to have
projects on the model of BIRN where user communities can build grid infrastructures.
We also recommend to set-up a HealthGrid coordination body with a real power to
make choices for standards and middleware deployment on this dedicated infrastructure.
5. Proposing a roadmap for HealthGrid: the SHARE project
European leadership on grid deployment is recognized at a world level. This
leadership is also internationally acknowledged in the area of HealthGrid. The concept
of grids for health was born in Europe in 2002 and has been carried forward through
the HealthGrid initiative. This European initiative has edited, in collaboration with
CISCO, a short version of the white paper setting out for senior decision makers the
concept, benefits and opportunities offered by applying newly emerging Grid
technologies in a number of different applications in healthcare.
Starting from the conclusions of the White Paper, the EU funded Share project
aims at identifying the important milestones to achieve the wide deployment and
adoption of HealthGrids in Europe. The project will devise a strategy to address the
issues identified in the action plan for a European e-Health [10]. It will also set up a
roadmap for technological developments needed for successful take up of HealthGrids
in the next 10 years. The widest audience will be solicited for comments and validation
during most of the preparation phases.
Grid infrastructures are designed at a world level and the consortium is therefore
planning to involve at a later stage American and Asian participants in order for the
resulting roadmap to have relevance beyond Europe.
The HealthGrid roadmap will cover the domain of RTD and uptake of Grid
applications in healthcare comprehensively, including infrastructure, security, legal,
financial, economic and other policy issues.
Each section of the roadmap will detail actions to be taken in terms of objectives
and possible methods or approach as well as recommended milestones for completion,
stakeholders responsible, appropriate methods of coordination etc.
As a first view, the sections of the roadmap will cover the following domains:
networks, infrastructure deployment, Grid operating systems, services to end users,
standards requirements, security measures, legislative development and economic
The conceptual work during the start-up phase of the project will also specify in
detail both the general scope and specific features of the roadmap. The roadmap will
focus on identifying requirements for further research and technology development, but
it will also sketch a realistic picture with respect to desirable applications/ICT
implementations and indicate which technologies may have the potential to make a
substantial contribution in this context. This will be supported through the presentation
of good practice examples. To ensure that the RTD roadmap ultimately to be generated
will actually yield positive results and desired impacts it will be based upon and,
wherever possible, justified by empirical evidence from the research domain and a
bottom-up assessment involving relevant stakeholders. In a sequential process, relevant
research communities and communities of practice at EU, national and global levels
will be joined up to enable an iterative refinement and extension of the initial road map.
The HealthGrid roadmap is to be developed in a three stage process based on two
iterations (roadmaps I & II) and one synthesis, resulting in a full-scale validated and
integrated roadmap. The technical roadmap component has to address the different
levels relevant to such an infrastructure:
• The network must provide end-to-end high bandwidth connectivity between
the Grid nodes. The services offered to the HealthGrid users will ultimately
depend on the service level agreements between the network providers and the
resources providers at each of the HealthGrid site.
The Grid infrastructure is made of resources distributed geographically on the
different Grid nodes. These resources share the Grid common operating
system which is the hidden low-level part of the middleware, called
sometimes “underware”. The services offered to the HealthGrid users depend
on the functionalities offered by this operating system, the amount and nature
of the resources made available to the Grid. At this “underware” level, most of
the functionalities needed are common to all Grid infrastructures just like the
DOS operating system used for PCs in hospitals is the same as for all other
PCs. However, HealthGrid exceeds already e-science requirements at this
level in areas such as security features for Access, Authentication and
Authorization, performances and quality of service.
The tools offered to the HealthGrid end users are made available through Grid
interfaces. They are specific to medical research and healthcare. Their
relevance, conviviality and performances are keys to the HealthGrid success.
User friendliness of these services requires calling high level services taking
care of knowledge management which themselves call lower level Grid
services for access to distributed data and resources. Most of these high level
middleware services, sometimes called upperware, are specific to HealthGrids.
In the definition of the roadmap, particular attention must be paid to security and
standards in the choice of HealthGrid operating system and technology:
• Security is not a choice but a mandate for HealthGrids. Security is an issue at
all technical levels: networks need to provide protocols for secure data transfer,
Grid infrastructure needs to provide secure mechanisms for Access,
Authentication and Authorization, sites for secure data storage. The Grid
operating system needs to insure access control to individual files stored on
the Grid. High level services need to properly manage legal issues related to
the protection of medical data.
• Standards must be respected and promoted on the road to HealthGrids.
Standards are needed for European wide compatibility and faster take-up.
High level middleware services dealing with medical data need to conform to
Grid standards but also medical informatics standards such as HL7.or DICOM.
RTD activities to address issues limiting the full exploitation of HealthGrid
technologies across Europe will be structured into a first version of the technology
roadmap to be discussed at the HealthGrid conference in Valencia and submitted to the
European Commission in the fall of 2006. .
The roadmap will identify key short-term (2-5 years) and medium-term (4-10
years) RTD needs to achieve deployment of e-health systems in a Grid environment. It
will also
analyse unsolved RTD issues arising in the context of realistic approaches
to priority clinical and public health settings (reflecting on models of use, benefits
expected, concrete application experience and lessons learned; relevance of open
source model) and detail actions to be taken for networks, infrastructure deployment,
Grid operating systems, services to end users, standards requirements and security
This first roadmap will recommend a number of case studies on specific aspects of
technology issues requiring further investigation because they are identified as
potential bottlenecks.
Its recommendations will be validated against several use case scenarios. As a
result of this validation, new technological bottlenecks should be identified, requiring
further RTD activities and a revision of the proposed technology roadmap.
The revised roadmap will implement a process to present, discuss, and validate the
identified RTD needs and the resulting roadmap with the relevant RTD community.
Actors of the Grid development will be asked to validate and prioritise areas of future
work on the basis of highest expected short and medium term impact. Their
endorsement is critical to the successful achievement of the proposed roadmap at the
levels which are hidden to the user: networks, infrastructure deployment and Grid
operating systems. Security as well must be implemented at all levels. The project
technology partners will present and promote the revised roadmap in the different
consortia where they are involved (EGEE, DEISA, UK e-science, Globus, national
Grid initiatives…) to trigger RTD activities identified.
6. Conclusion
This paper aimed at giving an overall analysis of the present status of HealthGrids
in Europe. Through the simple example of the transfer of a patent health record
between two hospitals, we have demonstrated the importance of a unique patient
identifier allowing querying patient records while preserving their anonymity, the need
for EHR data models publicly available and for an agreed patient summary with an
agreed vocabulary to describe it as well as for interoperability mechanisms.
We have also stressed the need for improved data management services on grid
infrastructures. Indeed, the last HealthGrid conference has witnessed several success
stories in the usage of grids for compute intensive tasks but data grids are still to come.
The analysis work started in this document will be further developed and enlarged
to social, legal and ethical issues within the framework of the EU funded Share project
in order to produce a roadmap for the adoption of HealthGrids in Europe.
Many of the ideas expressed in this document have been further refined in
discussions with members of the HealthGrid consortium. We particularly acknowledge
fruitful exchanges with Veli Stroetman and Sofie Nørager.
[1] V. Breton, K. Dean and T. Solomonides, editors on behalf of the HealthGrid White Paper
collaboration,”The HealthGrid White Paper”, Proceedings of HealthGrid conference, IOS Press, Vol
112, 2005
[2] Fabrizio Gagliardi, Bob Jones, François Grey, Marc-Elian Bégin, Matti Heikkurinen, "Building an
infrastructure for scientific Grid computing: status and goals of the EGEE project". Philosophical
Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Issue: Volume 363, Number 1833 /
August 15, 2005, Pages: 1729 – 1742, DOI:10.1098/rsta.2005.1603
[3] DEISA,
[5] MyGrid,
[6] Mammogrid,
[7] GEMSS,
[8] Embrace,
[9] GPS@, C. Blanchet et al, proceedings of HealthGrid conference, IOS Press, Vol 112, 2005
[10] Action plan for a European e-Health Area, COM(2004) 356, European Commission,
[11] J. Salzemann, V. Breton, N. Jacq and G. Le Mahec, “Replication and Update of molecular biology
databases in a grid environment”, submitted to FGCS, 2006
[12] N. Jacq, J. Salzemann, Y. Legré, M. Reichstadt, F. Jacq, M. Zimmermann, A. Maas, M. Sridhar, K.
Vinodkusam, H. Schwichtenberg, M. Hofmann and V. Breton, In silico docking on grid infrastructures:
the case of WISDOM, submitted to FGCS, 2006.
[13] BIRN:
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