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HIV gp120 receptors on human dendritic cells
Article in Blood · November 2001
DOI: 10.1182/blood.V98.8.2482 · Source: PubMed
8 authors, including:
Garry William Lynch
Hassan M Naif
University of Sydney
Al-Nahrain University
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2001 98: 2482-2488
HIV gp120 receptors on human dendritic cells
Stuart G. Turville, Jim Arthos, Kelli Mac Donald, Garry Lynch, Hassan Naif, Georgina Clark, Derek Hart and
Anthony L. Cunningham
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From by guest on June 6, 2013. For personal use only.
HIV gp120 receptors on human dendritic cells
Stuart G. Turville, Jim Arthos, Kelli Mac Donald, Garry Lynch, Hassan Naif, Georgina Clark, Derek Hart, and Anthony L. Cunningham
Dendritic cells (DCs) are important targets for human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) because of their roles during transmission and also maintenance of immune
competence. Furthermore, DCs are a key
cell in the development of HIV vaccines.
In both these settings the mechanism of
binding of the HIV envelope protein gp120
to DCs is of importance. Recently a single
C-type lectin receptor (CLR), DC-SIGN,
has been reported to be the predominant
receptor on monocyte-derived DCs (MD-
DCs) rather than CD4. In this study a
novel biotinylated gp120 assay was used
to determine whether CLR or CD4 were
predominant receptors on MDDCs and ex
vivo blood DCs. CLR bound more than
80% of gp120 on MDDCs, with residual
binding attributable to CD4, reconfirming
that CLRs were the major receptors for
gp120 on MDDCs. However, in contrast to
recent reports, gp120 binding to at least 3
CLRs was observed: DC-SIGN, mannose receptor, and unidentified trypsin
resistant CLR(s). In marked contrast,
freshly isolated and cultured CD11c1ve
and CD11c2ve blood DCs only bound
gp120 via CD4. In view of these marked
differences between MDDCs and blood
DCs, HIV capture by DCs and transfer
mechanisms to T cells as well as potential antigenic processing pathways will
need to be determined for each DC
phenotype. (Blood. 2001;98:2482-2488)
© 2001 by The American Society of Hematology
Dendritic cells (DCs) play a major role in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pathogenesis. Peripheral or surveillance mucosal DCs are one of the first cell types infected and are distributed in
the vaginal, ectocervical, and anal mucosa,1,2 allowing contact with
HIV during mucosal exposure. Thus, after vaginal inoculation with
simian immunodeficiency virus in macaques, DCs are the predominant cell type infected.3 Furthermore, the ability of DCs to cluster
with and stimulate T cells may also play a key role in establishing
infection. DCs from skin, mucosa, and blood of humans and
macaques can participate in highly productive HIV and simian
immunodeficiency virus infection in DC–T-cell cocultures and
illustrates the importance of this natural DC–T-cell synergy.4-7
Key aspects of HIV binding to DC via gp120 are ill-defined,
particularly to the different types of DCs. CD11c1ve and CD11c2ve
blood DCs, Langerhans cells (LCs), and in vitro–derived monocytederived DCs (MDDCs) all express CD4 and CCR5 and can be
productively infected in vitro.8-12 However, HIV also bound several
DC populations independently of CD4.8,13,14 The heavy glycosylation of gp120 with mannose and fucose saccharides suggested HIV
bound to cells also via lectin receptors. Binding of gp120 to a novel
C-type lectin receptor (CLR), originally identified from a placental
complementary DNA (cDNA) library15 on the basis of HIV gp120
binding and named clone 11, on MDDCs was recently reported.14,16
The adhesion properties of this CLR were also defined and the
receptor subsequently renamed DC-SIGN (dendritic cell specific
ICAM-3 grabbing nonintegrin). Although MDDCs express a diverse
and abundant array of CLRs in addition to DC-SIGN,16-24 and given
substantial overlap in saccharide recognition by such CLRs, they
may also serve as receptors for gp120 on MDDCs. The roles of
CD4 and CLRs on most other in vivo DC types are unknown.
This study aimed to define the contributions of CD4 and CLRs
in binding gp120, to address and identify the capacity of other
CLRs including DC-SIGN during monocyte differentiation to
mature MDDCs and, more importantly, to compare such populations with ex vivo blood DCs. Understanding the mechanisms of
gp120 binding to different DC populations would help define the
early events of HIV transmission via DCs in blood or mucosal
tissue and improve intervention strategies. Definition of the
mechanisms of HIV/gp120 binding and processing by DCs will
also assist future HIV vaccine strategies and immunotherapy.
From the Center For Virus Research, Westmead Millennium Institute, Sydney,
Australia; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; and Mater Medical Research Institute,
Brisbane, Australia.
Reprints: Anthony L. Cunningham, Westmead Millennium Institute, PO Box 412,
Darcy Road, Westmead, NSW 2145, Australia; e-mail: tony_cunningham@
Submitted April 3, 2001; accepted June 14, 2001.
Supported by grants from the Westmead Millennium Foundation, Australian
National Center in HIV Virology Research, and the Mater Trust.
Materials and methods
MDDC generation and culture
Monocytes were isolated from 500 mL of blood (Parramatta Blood Bank,
Australia) by countercurrent elutriation as previously described.25,26 Monocytes
were further depleted of contaminating cells by using a monocyte-enrichment
cocktail (StemCell Technologies, Vancouver, BC, Canada). Monocyte fractions
were at least 97% CD11c1ve, at least 90% CD141ve, and 0.1% or less CD31ve.
DCs were converted as previously described27,28 using 500 U/mL interleukin-4
and 400 U/mL granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
(Schering-Plough, Kenilworth, NJ). At day 6 cells were at least 95% CD1a1ve,
CD11c1ve with no detectable CD14, CD3, or CD83 populations. MDDCs were
matured by culture for 48 hours with 10 ng/mL tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a)
(R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN).
Isolation and culture of blood DCs
Blood DCs were isolated from 500 mL of blood (Mater Hospital, Brisbane,
Australia) using Ficoll-Paque (Amersham Pharmacia-Biotech, Uppsala,
Sweden). Residual erythrocytes were removed by Vitalyze as per the
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payment. Therefore, and solely to indicate this fact, this article is hereby
marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734.
© 2001 by The American Society of Hematology
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manufacturer’s instructions (BioErgonomics, St Paul, MN). Peripheral
blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were labeled with a mixture of anti-CD3
(OKT3), CD14 (CMRF31), CD11b (OKM1), CD16 (HUNK-2), and CD19
(FMC63) monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). After incubation with Biomag
goat antimouse immunoglobulin–coated magnetic beads (Polysciences,
Warrington, PA), labeled cells were removed by first preclearing with a
MPC-1 magnet (Dynal, Oslo, Norway) and then passing through a Miltenyi
cell separation column using a Variomacs magnet (Miltenyi Biotech,
Gladbach, Germany). Depleted PBMCs were labeled with fluorescein
isothiocyanate (FITC)–goat antimouse (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA)
and negative cells separated by sorting on a FACSVantage (Becton
Dickinson). For cultured blood DCs, DCs were incubated overnight at a
concentration of 1 3 106 cells per milliliter in RPMI 1640 supplemented
with 10% fetal calf serum and 10 ng/mL interleukin-3 (Gibco, Grand Island,
NY) and 200 U/mL GM-CSF (Novartis, Basel, Switzerland).
HIV gp120 binding and inhibition studies
Purified HIV gp120 from the BaL isolate (courtesy of Ray Sweet,
SmithKline Beecham, King of Prussia, PA) was biotinylated with EZ-Link
NHS-LC-Biotin as per the manufacturer (Pierce, Rockford, IL). Biotinylation of gp120 did not affect the ability of the molecule to bind to CD4 and
was confirmed in an sCD4 capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
with detection via streptavidin horseradish peroxidase (data not shown). In
addition, nonbiotinylated gp120 material from the isolates BaL and
92MW959, using detection with purified and biotinylated human polyclonal antibodies from HIV-seropositive patients (Cellular Products, Buffalo, NY), produced equivalent results to biotinylated gp120 from respective isolates. In particular, the saturating concentrations of gp120 and the
relative binding of gp120 by CD4 and CLR on MDDCs were the same by
both methods. However, biotinylated gp120 binding assay was routinely
used because it reduced one additional antibody staining step, reduced the
variability of antibody binding, and allowed for flexibility when working
with blood DCs, which are labeled with multiple antibodies for detection of
multiple DC subsets.
For binding and inhibition studies, cells were preincubated for 40
minutes in binding media (RPMI 1640 without sodium bicarbonate [Gibco]
with 1% bovine serum albumin and 10 mM HEPES [Calbiochem, San
Diego, CA] pH 7.4) as above at 4°C with stated concentrations of inhibitors,
followed by incubation with b-gp120 (2-fold the predetermined concentration for cellular saturation). Levels of inhibitors, with the exception of
mAbs, were initially determined using a broad range of concentrations to
assess the maximal level of gp120 blocking. In the cases of mAb,
concentrations were routinely 5-fold that of cellular saturation. Cells were
then washed twice, and measurement of bound b-gp120 was carried out by
incubation of 1 3 106 cells (2 3 105 cells/200 mL) with 5 mg/mL streptavidin Oregon Green 488 (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) or avidin FITC
(Becton Dickinson) and detected by flow cytometry.
manufacturer (Miltenyi Biotech). The CD11c1ve and CD11c2ve blood DCs
selected Vantage fluorescent cell sorting. Total RNA was prepared from
10 000 cells using TRIzol (Gibco) as per the manufacturer. The cDNA was
synthesized from DNaseI-treated RNA with oligo-dT primers and Superscript II (Gibco). From 40 mL of RNase H–treated cDNA, 1 mL was
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–amplified with Taq polymerase (Qiagen,
Germany) using either the GAPDH primers, 59-ATGGGGAAGGTGAAGGTCGGA-39 and 59-AGGGGCCATCCACAGTCTTCTG-39, to ensure
equivalent amounts of cDNA in each cell type or using the first-round
DC-SIGN primers, 59AGAGTGGGGTGACATGAGTG-39 and 59-GAAGTTCTGCTACGCAGGAG-39, which yielded a fragment approximately 1.2
kilobases in size. A seminested round of PCR was performed for DC-SIGN
using the former 59 primer and 59-AGCTCCTGGTAGATCTCCTGC-39.
Electrophoresed products were transferred from a 1% agarose gel to
Hybond N1 and probed with digoxigenin-labeled internal oligonucleotide
59-CCAGAGAAATCTAAGCTGCAGG-39 as per the manufacturer (Roche
Biochemicals, Basel, Switzerland).
HIV gp120 internalization and tracking
To examine gp120 internalization, cells were labeled with b-gp120 as
described above, washed, and subsequently incubated at 37°C. For
short-term incubations (, 2 hours) cells were incubated in a 37°C water,
and for longer incubations (. 2 hours) cells were replated and cultured at
37°C in a 5% CO2 incubator. Aliquots were removed at the times outlined in
“Results” and terminated by incubation in 0.25% (wt/vol) paraformaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline at 4°C for 30 minutes. For internal
staining, cells were permeabilized with 0.2% (vol/vol) Tween 20, 1%
(vol/vol) fetal calf serum in phosphate-buffered saline for 15 minutes at
37°C. Detection of external or internal gp120 was via streptavidin Oregon
Green 488 as described above.
HIV gp120 binding to CLR and/or CD4 on immature MDDCs
For surface staining, cells were treated as previously described.29 In gp120
binding studies, cells were preincubated with b-gp120 at various concentrations for 40 minutes at 4°C in binding media. Antibodies used were
CD14-phycoerythrin (PE), immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1)–PE, IgG1-FITC,
CD3-FITC, IgG1, goat antimouse FITC (all from Becton Dickinson),
CD83, CD86, CD1a-FITC, MR (clones 19 and 3.29), and HLA-DR–PE/P5
(all from PharMingen, San Diego, CA, except anti-MR 3.29, which is from
Immunotech, Marseille, France). The CD4 mAbs used were Leu3a (Becton
Dickinson), OKT4 (American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA), and
Q4120 (a generous gift from Quentin Sattentau). The mAbs to DC-SIGN
(AZN-D1 and AZN-D2) and associated experiments were a part of the 7th
Leukocyte Differentiation DC Antigen Workshop (kindly donated by Yvette
van Kooyk). Detection of b-gp120 and biotinylated polyclonal sera to HIV
(Cellular Products) was via strepdavidin Oregon Green 488 or avidin FITC.
Because of its potent inhibition of CLRs15 and lack of interference
with gp120-CD4 binding, mannan was chosen as an inhibitory
ligand to determine the proportion of gp120 bound to CLRs in
MDDCs.15 In MDDCs, mannan inhibited gp120 by up to 84%
(Figure 1A). Higher levels of mannan were also used (up to 25
mg/mL), but further gp120 blocking was not observed (data not
shown). Nonbiotinylated Chinese hamster ovary cell–expressed
gp120 (detected via anti-HIV polyclonal antibodies) from the
primary R5 isolate MW959 was also inhibited with mannan by up
to 80% (data not shown). The other CLR inhibitor, a-methylmannopyranoside, and the calcium chelator, ethyleneglycotetraacetic acid (EGTA), inhibited gp120 binding by 82% and 77%,
respectively (Figure 2). The residual gp120 binding was initially
attributed to CD4. Therefore, the gp120-blocking CD4 mAbs
Leu3a and Q4120, with the nonblocking mAb OKT4 as a negative
control, were used to determine CD4 binding. However, neither
Leu3a nor Q4120 could block gp120 binding at concentrations up
to 25 mg/mL (Figure 1B). In view of this CLR-gp120 binding
predominance, incubation with CD4 mAbs after prior blocking of
CLR binding was examined. To achieve this, MDDCs were
preincubated with 5 mg/mL mannan and then with increasing
amounts of the Leu3a. In the absence of CLR binding, anti-Leu3a
was successful at inhibiting the residual 10% to 20% gp120 binding
to less than 1% of gp120 binding (Figure 1B).
DC-SIGN reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction
Inhibition of mAb binding to specific CLRs by gp120
Cells were prepared as above apart from monocytes that were positively
selected over a magnetic-activated cell separation column according to the
Candidate CLRs on MDDCs and other DCs for gp120 binding were
DC-SIGN and MR.14,30 Therefore, mAb DC-SIGN (AZN-D2)14,16 and
Flow cytometric analysis
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Figure 2. Inhibition of gp120 binding to MDDCs with a range of ligands. The
mAbs to CD4 2-Leu3a and 3-Q4120), MR (4-clones 19 and 5-3.29), and DC-SIGN
(AZN-5-D1 and 6-AZN-D2) were preincubated 5-fold above predetermined saturating
concentrations (5 mg/mL). Inhibitors mannan (8-mannan), a-methyl-mannopyranoside (9-M/P), and EGTA (10-EGTA) were incubated in excess at 5 mg/mL, 125 mM,
and 5mM, respectively. Dual Leu3a and mannan inhibition (11-2 and 8) included
Leu3a and mannan at levels used above for treatments 2 and 8. Positive and
negative controls (treatments 1 and 12) consisted of MDDCs incubated with or
without gp120, respectively. The b-gp120 was added and detected as in the legend to
Figure 1A.
Figure 1. Inhibition of gp120 binding on MDDC. (A) Inhibition of gp120 binding to
MDDCs by mannan; 1 3 106 cells/mL were incubated with mannan ranging from 50 mg to
5 mg/mL for 30 minutes at 4°C. The b-gp120 was added at 3-fold excess (9 mg/mL) and
incubated for 30 minutes at 4°C. The b-gp120 was detected via streptavidin Oregon Green
488 and fluorescence measured by flow cytometry as described. (B,C) Inhibition of gp120
binding to MDDCs by CD4 mAbs (Leu3a, Q4120, OKT4). In panel B, cells were
preincubated with mAbs to CD4 (ranging from 0.05 mg/mL to 25 mg/mL) for 30 minutes at
4°C. In panel C, cells were also incubated with 5 mg/mL mannan in addition to the CD4
mAb Leu3a. The b-gp120 was incubated and detected as in panel A. Percent DC-gp120
binding was calculated as follows: [(sample fluorescence intensity 2 mean negative control
fluorescence intensity)/mean positive control fluorescence intensity] 3 100. Positive
control cells were treated with b-gp120 in the absence of inhibitors. Negative controls
consisted of cells with identical inhibitors but no b-gp120.
shown). However, in the same assay mannan successfully reduced
gp120 binding below 20% and combined mannan and Leu3a to
below 1%. Because gp120 was used in excess in the above
experiments, further inhibitory studies with 5-fold saturating
concentrations of mAb (5 mg/mL) were carried out over a range of
gp120 concentrations (20 ng/mL to 5 mg/mL) to observe the effects
of MR and DC-SIGN mAbs (Figure 3B). However, no significant
inhibition of gp120 binding by MR and/or DC-SIGN antibodies
was observed at any concentration.
HIV gp120 binding to trypsin-insensitive CLRs
To address the possibility that MDDCs express several CLRs
capable of binding gp120, cells were trypsinized to denude them of
both the CD4-gp120 binding site and the carbohydrate recognition
MR (clone 19)31 were used because they have been shown
previously to block ligand binding. Preincubation of MDDCs with
gp120 inhibited DC-SIGN (AZN-D2), MR (clone 19), and CD4
(Leu3a) mAbs in a dose-dependent manner (Figure 3A). As gp120
approached cellular saturation, binding of the mAbs to all 3
receptors approached zero. The gp120 concentrations that inhibited
mAb binding by 50% (Ki) mAb were, for DC-SIGN (AZN-D2), 1
nM; MR (clone 19), 4 nM; and CD4 (Leu3a), 14 nM. The
approximate dissociation constant (Kd) for BaL gp120 from the
gp120 saturation curve is 6 nM for 1 3 106/mL MDDCs.
The role of individual CLRs in binding gp120
In reciprocal experiments, the effects of prior incubation with MR
(clones 19 and 3.29) and DC-SIGN (AZN-D1 and AZN-D2)
blocking mAbs on gp120 binding14,16,31,32 were examined to
determine relative importance of DC-SIGN and MR in gp120
binding. However, anti-MR (clones 19 and 3.29) and anti–DCSIGN (AZN-D1 and AZN-D2) mAbs could not inhibit gp120
binding (at levels up to 5 mg/mL). The antibody bound was
confirmed in each assay by goat antimouse PE, and it was
confirmed that gp120 and the blocking antibodies were each bound
to saturating levels on the entire MDDC population (data not
Figure 3. Interaction between gp120 and mAbs to CD4, DC-SIGN, and MR. (A)
Inhibition of mAbs with increasing concentrations of gp120. MDDCs were incubated
with increasing concentrations of b-gp120 under conditions outlined in Figure 1A. The
availability of CD4 and CLR epitopes (those not blocked by gp120 binding) was
detected by mAbs to CD4 (Leu3a), DC-SIGN (AZN-D2), and MR (clone 19) all at 1
mg/mL. For comparison, binding of b-gp120 alone at increasing concentrations is
shown. Detection and incubation of bound b-gp120 was performed as outlined in
Figure 1A. Percent binding of mAbs to DCs was calculated as per Figure 1 with
positive and negative controls defined as follows. Positive controls were cells
incubated with mAbs in the absence of gp120. Negative controls were cells incubated
with the appropriate mAb isotype control (IgG1 for all 3 mAbs listed above). (B)
Inhibition of gp120 binding to CLRs by mannan, DC-SIGN (AZN-D2), and MR (clone
19) mAbs at various concentrations of gp120. MDDCs were preincubated with mAbs
as in Figure 2. After washing, b-gp120 was incubated with cells at concentrations
ranging from 20 ng/mL to 5 mg/mL and detected as outlined in Figure 1A.
From by guest on June 6, 2013. For personal use only.
domains (CRDs) of either DC-SIGN and/or the MR. As expected,
the CD4 Leu3a epitope was cleaved. The CRD for DC-SIGN was
also trypsin-sensitive, whereas the MR clone 19 epitope was not
(Figure 4Biii). When trypsinized MDDCs were exposed to gp120,
they retained the ability to bind gp120 at a reduced level (Figure
4Di). If trypsinized cells were preexposed to mannan or EGTA,
they lost their ability to bind to gp120, indicating binding was
carbohydrate- and calcium-dependent, characteristic of a trypsinresistant CLR but clearly not DC-SIGN (Figure 4Dii, iii, respectively). To address whether this CLR might be MR, the anti-MR
mAb clones 19 and 3.29 were used to block the trypsin-insensitive
gp120 binding. However, MR mAb clones 19 and 3.29 could not
significantly reduce trypsin-insensitive gp120 binding (Figure
4Div). To ensure that the mAbs can block gp120 binding, parallel
studies were carried out with a transfected cell line expressing
macrophage mannose receptor (MMR).33 The MMR mAbs could
inhibit gp120 binding to 50% regardless of whether these cells
were trypsinized (data not shown); ie, the mAbs were partial
inhibitors of gp120 binding to MMR on the transfected cell line but
Figure 5. Kinetics of CD4, DC-SIGN, and MR expression and gp120 binding
during differentiation of monocytes to immature and mature MDDCs. (A) CD4
and CLR expression and b-gp120 binding. Monocytes were stimulated to immature
MDDCs as described in “Materials and methods.” Mature MDDCs were generated
from day 6 to 8 by addition of 10 ng/mL TNF-a and expressed both maturation
markers CD83 and CD86 by day 8 (. 70% 1ve for both markers). The b-gp120, MAb
to CD4 (leu3a), DC-SIGN (AZN-D2), and MR (clone 19) were added, incubated, and
detected at days 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 as outlined in Figures 1A and 4. The mean relative
intensity of the isotype or negative control was subtracted from the mean fluorescent
intensity for 10 000 cells. (B) HIV gp120 binding to CD4 and CLRs. At days 0, 2, 4, 6,
and 8, cells were preincubated with either saturating levels of Leu3a (10 mg/mL) or
mannan (5 mg/mL) and subsequently exposed to saturating levels of b-gp120 as
outlined in Figures 1 and 2.
had no effect on MDDCs regardless of whether they were
HIV gp120 binding during differentiation of
monocytes to MDDCs
Figure 4. Effect of trypsin on CD4, MR, and DC-SIGN mAbs and b-gp120 binding
to MDDCs. (A) CD4 (Leu3a) (Ai), DC-SIGN (AZN-D2) (Aii), and MR (clone 19) (Aiii)
staining before trypsinization. A total of 2 mg/mL of mAb to CD4, DC-SIGN, and MR
was added as outlined in “Materials and methods.” The mAb binding was detected via
goat antimouse FITC (1 mg/mL) (Becton Dickinson) and fluorescence measured as in
Figure 1. Gray histograms represent antibody staining with open overlaid histogram
staining by matching isotype controls. (B) CD4 (Leu3a) (Bi), DC-SIGN (AZN-D2) (Bii),
and MR (clone 19) (Biii) staining after trypsinization. Cells were treated with 0.25%
trypsin at 37°C for 5 minutes and subsequently washed in normal media before the
addition of mAbs to CD4, DC-SIGN, and MR as in panel A. (C) The b-gp120 binding
before trypsinization. (D) The b-gp120 binding to MDDCs after trypsinization: effect of
inhibitors. Trypsinized cells were mock-treated (Di) or treated with excess mannan (5
mg/mL) (Dii), EGTA (5 mM) (Diii), or anti-MR (clones 19 and 3.29) (5 mg/mL) (Div) for
30 minutes at 4°C. The b-gp120 was added and detected as in Figure 1A. Gray
histograms represent gp120 staining and open overlays matched negative controls
(treatment without addition of b-gp120).
The switch from gp120 binding to CD4 on monocytes to CLRs on
MDDCs was examined during in vitro differentiation over 6 days.
By day 2, CLR binding was predominant (Figure 5B) and
correlated with a rise in MR expression and CD4 down-regulation
(Figure 5A). Over day 2 to day 6 of differentiation, there was a
continuous increase in binding of gp120 to CLR with a corresponding decrease in CD4 binding. Over the same period, there was a
continuous increase in DC-SIGN, CD4, and MR expression. The
peak expression of all 3 receptors at day 6 coincided with the peak
in gp120 binding (Figure 5A). Mature MDDCs were generated by
stimulation with TNF-a for 2 days. After maturation, MR, DCSIGN, and CD4 were all down-regulated, but this was more
marked with MR (Figure 5A). In mature MDDCs, the pattern of
gp120 binding to CLRs and CD4 converged, with intermediate
levels of binding to both (Figures 5B and 7B).
HIV gp120 binding on ex vivo blood DCs
Because MDDCs are derived in vitro, it was important to determine
the gp120 binding receptors on ex vivo blood DCs. Blood DCs
were separated, incubated with gp120, and triple-stained for
b-gp120, CD11c, and HLA-DR, which allowed identification of 2
blood DC populations based on the presence or absence of CD11c
From by guest on June 6, 2013. For personal use only.
Figure 6. CD4 and DC-SIGN expression on blood DC. (A) CD4 and DC-SIGN
surface expression on blood DC subsets. Blood DCs were freshly isolated as outlined
in “Materials and methods.” The mAb to CD4 (Leu3a) or DC-SIGN (AZN-D1) was
added and then incubated and detected as outlined in Figure 4. Cultured DCs were
DC-incubated overnight in the presence of interleukin-3/GM-CSF. Blood DC subsets
were further distinguished by CD11c staining. (B) DC-SIGN expression on blood DCs
by RT-PCR. Top panel: ethidium bromide–stained gel (top) of PCR products for
DC-SIGN from cDNA. Lane 1: 1-kilobase ladder; lane 2: CD11c1ve blood DCs; lane 3:
CD11c2ve blood DCs; lane 4: monocytes; lane 5: MDDCs; lane 6: MDDCs cultured
with lipopolysaccharide; Lane 7: PBMCs; lane 8: H2O. Bottom panel: the autoradiograph of the Southern blot probed with a digoxigenin oligonucleotide specific
for DC-SIGN.
expression. The CD11c2ve population expressed much higher
levels of CD4 (Figure 6A) and bound greater amounts of gp120
than the CD11c1ve population (Figure 7A). CD4 was downregulated on both blood DC subsets after overnight culture (data
not shown) and was reflected by the reduced capacity to bind gp120
(Figure 7A). The importance of CLRs and CD4 for gp120 binding
was determined by blocking experiments with mannan and antiCD4 (Leu3a) mAbs (Figure 7B). The pattern of binding was similar
on both blood DC subsets—both fresh and after overnight culture—
with a predominance of gp120 binding to CD4 rather than CLRs.
The lack of CLR binding was supported by the lack of MR (data
not shown) and DC-SIGN surface expression (Figure 6A). Seminested reverse transcriptase (RT)–PCR for DC-SIGN confirmed
lack of messenger RNA transcripts in both blood DC subsets.
However, transcripts were seen in PBMC and CD141ve monocyte
populations (Figure 6B).
Figure 7. Binding of gp120 on several DC subsets. (A) Relative gp120 binding
levels within blood DC subsets. Blood DCs were freshly isolated as outlined in
“Materials and methods.” The b-gp120 (Leu3a) was added and then incubated and
detected as outlined in Figure 1A. Cultured blood DCs were incubated as outlined in
Figure 6. Blood DC subsets were further analyzed by CD11c staining after b-gp120
staining. (B) Inhibition of gp120 binding by anti-CD4 (Leu3a) and mannan to MDDCs
and blood DCs. Inhibitors were preincubated with blood DCs as follows: (1) No
inhibitors, (2) CD4 (Leu3a) (10 mg/mL), (3) mannan (5 mg/mL), and (4) dual
mannan/Leu3a were preincubated with blood DCs. The b-gp120 was added as outlined
in Figure 1A and DC subsets analyzed for gp120 binding after CD11c staining.
60-minute period. Rapid external loss of gp120 correlated with
rapid appearance of internalized gp120 as observed in permeabilized MDDCs (Figure 8).
MDDCs were used in the current studies as a model for immature
tissue DCs such as skin LCs and mucosal DCs. They are a
HIV gp120 internalization
Internalization was rapid, with less than 50% of surface gp120
present after 5 minutes. After 1 hour no external gp120 could be
observed on MDDCs (Figure 8). MDDCs were reexamined for
surface gp120 over 2, 6, 18, and 24 hours. There was no
reappearance of external gp120 over the period of 1 to 24 hours.
The kinetics of gp120 internalization mediated by CD4 and CLRs
was also investigated. First, the CLR pathway was blocked by
mannan, and gp120 bound to CD4 was examined for internalization. Conversely, the role of CLRs in internalization was also
examined by blocking CD4 with Leu3a and gp120 subsequently
tracked. Both CD4 and CLR pathways exhibited rapid internalization with no external gp120 evident after 60 minutes. The
CD4-mediated internalization pathway showed a single rapid
phase, but CLR internalization was biphasic. The first phase rapidly
internalized most of the gp120 within the first 15 minutes, and the
second phase internalized the residual gp120 over the 15- to
Figure 8. Internalization of gp120 by MDDCs. Cells were preincubated with
anti-CD4 (Leu3a) to detect CLR-bound gp120 and with mannan to detect CD4-bound
gp120 or binding media for total external or internal gp120 for 30 minutes at 4°C.
Cells were then incubated with 5 mg/mL b-gp120 for 30 minutes at 4°C, washed twice
in binding media, and incubated in culture media for the indicated times and stained
to detect extracellular or intracellular gp120 as outlined in “Materials and methods.”
From by guest on June 6, 2013. For personal use only.
convenient model for in vitro studies but also may have relevance
in vivo: Monocytes are observed to develop into MDDCs at sites of
inflammation as a second recruitment of antigen-presenting cells.34
Nethertheless, they show marked phenotypic difference to other
blood and tissue DCs.35 Therefore, we defined the receptors for
binding gp120 on MDDCs in vitro and then compared them with ex
vivo blood DCs.
In MDDCs, 2 groups of receptors capable of binding gp120
were defined. MDDCs bound gp120 predominantly via CLRs: the
mannose saccharides, mannan and mannopyranoside, and also
calcium depletion were capable of markedly inhibiting gp120
binding. Monocytes only bound gp120 via CD4 and did not express
MR or DC-SIGN. Conversion to the predominant CLR binding
pattern seen in MDDCs occurred on monocytes after 2 days of
culture in interleukin-4/GM-CSF and peaked at day 6. During
MDDC differentiation, the kinetics of DC-SIGN, MR, and CD4
expression and gp120 binding via CLRs were discordant, which
supports a more complex gp120 binding pattern than previously
described. TNF-a–induced MDDC maturation increased CD4gp120 binding at the expense of CLR binding and also significantly
reduced MR but only slightly decreased CD4 and DC-SIGN
Both CD11c1ve and CD11c2ve blood DCs lacked both DCSIGN and MR expression, and gp120 bound exclusively by CD4.
Culture of both blood DC subsets down-regulated CD4 expression
and gp120 binding but did not induce MR, DC-SIGN expression,
or gp120 binding via CLRs.
The 2 CLRs, DC-SIGN and the MR, have been previously
observed to bind gp120,14,15,30 and both are expressed on MDDCs.
HIV gp120 bound to the surface of MDDCs and inhibited
anti-CD4, anti-MR, and anti-DC-SIGN mAb binding, supporting
gp120 binding to the above 3 receptors. DC-SIGN mAb was most
readily inhibited at low gp120 concentrations, consistent with high
affinity for gp120.15 However, neither CD4, DC-SIGN, nor MR
mAb inhibited gp120 binding to MDDCs. Trypsin treatment of
MDDCs completely cleaved both the CD4 (Leu3a) and DC-SIGN
(AZN-D2) mAb epitopes but only partially inhibited gp120
binding to MDDCs. Both MR mAb clones 19 and 3.29 still bound
to trypsinized MDDCs, probably to CRDs 4 or 5, which are
protease-insensitive.33 Residual gp120 binding, in trypsinized
MDDCs, was blocked by mannan and EGTA but not by either MR
mAbs. These results suggest gp120 could bind to other CLRs
and/or other CRDs of MR (not recognized by the mAbs). However,
the latter seems unlikely because both mAbs block binding of
mannose ligands to MR31,32 and, more specifically, partially block
gp120 in a trypsinized MMR cell line (data not shown). If several
CLRs, including DC-SIGN and MR, can bind gp120, blocking one
CLR with mAbs may not significantly reduce gp120 binding. This
notion is further supported by the inability of either CD4 or CLR
mAbs alone to inhibit binding. In addition, the binding of gp120 to
CD4 differed in the presence or absence (mannan block) of CLRs.
This might reflect the much higher binding affinity of the CLRs
(MMR and DC-SIGN, Kd , 4 nM) compared with the CD4 affinity
for BaL gp120 (Kd 5 30 nM).
Experiments on gp120 internalization independently confirmed
that gp120 bound predominantly via CLRs. The rapid internalization of gp120 in COS-7–DC-SIGN transfectants observed by
Curtis et al15 and in HeLa transfectants (A. J. Watson, written
communication, August 2000), together with internalization of the
MR,36 supports our observation of a rapid CLR-mediated phase of
gp120 internalization. The biphasic nature of this CLR-based
internalization could reflect multiple CLRs capable of binding and
internalizing gp120. Electron microscopic studies by Blauvelt et
al,8 Dezutter-Dambuyant and Schmitt,37 and Hladik et al7 showed
internalization of virions into vacuoles and is consistent with
current observations of gp120 internalization. In electron microscopy studies by Dezutter-Dambuyant and Schmitt,37 HIV gp120
internalization was correlated with whole virions, because both
were observed in clathrin-coated pits of epidermal LCs. Similarly
stable HeLa clone 11 (DC-SIGN) transfectants also internalized
HIV into vacuoles, suggesting that CLR binding results in endocytosis (A. J. Watson, written communication, August 2000). In our
recent work, mannan was also shown to markedly inhibit accumulation of full-length HIV proviral DNA transcripts within MDDCs,
showing a close correlation between gp120 internalization and HIV
infection (unpublished observations, 2001). In the current study
there was no reappearance of gp120 on the surface of MDDCs,
suggesting there was degradation after internalization.
There are many reports of the ability of gp120 to bind to various
cell types independently of CD4. Macrophages,30 trypsinized
LCs,13,38 MDDCs,16 and cells within the placenta15 are examples.
Only the studies of Curtis et al15 and Larkin et al30 identified the
specific receptors as CLRs. Geijtenbeek et al14,16 recently reported
that placental CLR clone 11 (DC-SIGN) previously described by
Curtis et al15 was expressed on MDDCs. While the observations
described here support CLRs as predominant receptors for gp120
binding to MDDCs, CLR binding of gp120 was not restricted to
one receptor as reported previously14 but instead to multiple CLRs,
including DC-SIGN and MR. A further CLR related to DC-SIGN,
named DC-SIGNR, has recently been indentified on MDDCs,21
and the potential expression and binding by numerous other CLRs
on MDDCs17-20 further supports our current hypothesis that multiple CLRs can bind gp120.
Although CLRs bound most gp120 in MDDCs, CD4 is the
predominant receptor in blood DCs. This observation expands
previously described phenotypic differences between MDDCs and
blood DCs.35 Thus, the fate of internalized gp120 or of HIV is
highly likely to be determined by initial binding to CLRs (MDDCs)
or CD4 and then the appropriate chemokine receptors (blood DCs).
Transfer of HIV from blood DCs to T cells as shown by Cameron et
al4 must involve initial binding by CD4. In contrast, Blauvelt et al8
observed that in vitro–derived DCs have the capacity to capture and
transfer HIV independently of the CD4/chemokine receptor infection pathway. The current work and recent work by Geijtenbeek et
al14 suggest that this previously unknown capture pathway is by
CLRs. However, both MDDCs and blood DCs capture and transfer
HIV to CD4 T lymphocytes effectively in coculture assays. In light
of the current observations, it is obvious that blood DCs could not
capture and transfer HIV via both pathways. Further viral binding
mechanisms independent of CD4 and CLR may also be present.
For instance, HIV can acquire T cell–specific molecules during
budding,39,40 and DCs may be able to bind virions via the same
mechanism they use in clustering to T cells. Another DC in vivo,
the follicular DC, predominantly binds HIV virions via the
adhesion molecules CD54 (ICAM-1) and CD11a (LFA-1).41 Macropinocytosis must also be considered as another mechanism of
gp120/viral uptake by DCs.
In view of the discordant findings for gp120 binding between
MDDCs and blood DCs, future work must focus on which CLRs
are expressed in vivo on LCs and mucosal DCs and whether CLRs
or CD4 are the major receptors for gp120 in these cells. LCs do not
express DC-SIGN16 and expression of the MR is controversial,24,42
but they do express a mannose-fucose binding receptor(s)42 and can
bind gp120 independently of CD4.13 Therefore, other CLRs and/or
From by guest on June 6, 2013. For personal use only.
CD4/CCR5 could be even more important than DC-SIGN in
studies of DC-mediated HIV mucosal transmission. The study of
the relevant receptors in appropriate surveillance DCs is essential
to understanding both mucosal HIV transmission and systemic or
mucosal gp120 antigenic processing pathways. These results are
relevant to the design of effective antivirals: Care must be taken to
ensure that all routes of HIV-DC binding are blocked, because DCs
may bind and transfer HIV to responding CD4 T cells via several of
their cell surface receptors.
We thank Ray Sweet for his generous gift of BaL gp120, Yvette van
Kooyk for the supply of both antibodies AZN-D1 and AZN-D2 to
DC-SIGN, Belinda Herring for her help and assistance, Parramatta
Red Cross Blood Bank for its continued support, and Nancy
Haigwood and Andrew Watson for helpful discussions on the
placental clone 11.
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