The lndependence Period and Actors of Central Asia

2020, The Changing Perspectives of Central Asia in the 21 st Century

lntroduction The Cold War, which constitutes one of the basic logics of international relations, when it unexpectedly ended, revealed a signifıcant uncertainty tor all actors of the system. The bipolar intemational system came to an end, and, as the one of the greatest states of the time, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was completely dissolved. That disintegration, while creating extremely signifıcant effects on the international system, also led to radical changes in the political life of the regions and countries that the USSR had ruled or controlled before. East Germany, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, the Baltic, the Caucasus and Central Asia were the regions most affected by this process. As a result of these developments in Central Asia, five separate states (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan) gained their independence and region's political structure changed radically. Both the · experience gained in the process of independence and the developments in the post-independence process determined the transition period of these states. When the USSR and the Eastem Block system are considered as a chain, states in Central Asia, which was the last link of this chain, achieved their independence at the last stage of the disintegration process, and they closely observed-all processes and tried to experience the most conflict-free method leading to independence. In this study, the independence process of the Central Asian states will be examined. When the whole book is considered, it is important to carry out this study in the context of the necessity to retum to the beginning of the process, that is, to independence, in order to make a comprehensive analysis of the foreign policy behavior and strategies of these states. For this purpose, the study has been prepared under three main subheadings. in the fırst subheading, disintegration process of the USSR will be addressed, since the independence of the Central Asian states is essentially the result of the dissolution of the it and the Eastern Block. The atmosphere of autonomy created by the changing governing approach will be examined as the main element of disintegration. in the second part, after evaluating the cautious and silent independence processes of the Central Asian states, the individual experiences of the five states and their policies in the post-independence process will be discussed.

rHE CHANGING PERSPECTIVES OF GENTRAL ASIA iN THE 21ST CENTURY Editors Murat YORULMAZ & Serdar YILMAZ -~--~-.,,,..,,~..,_..-.~---'l. . . . . . ., . . . . . . ~;&:,~~f -~;,f1. ;,;w;""""".,._,, . .,, .·"\ ____ ..,._,,.,_, . ~ • ~ . :;.r ı · t".ç~-;,_/( ~~>:•j·r-\~:.~~!.\~:,, .•_~- -·,. ,._-"J:;ı\ ... '-1. . . ..;; ., . . ,-_t.i•• - · ~ ~.... ✓.:~ ·~- •. ·~ .' ~ ... .. ), "'ı \. ____ -~..,.-..-~ • ·_ -_ ._._. .- \ :-.-_\·, _)_- . ... . ~. • • . . ,.i·-~ .,_. w,,. " ı~t= ' -' . ' ·~ ~ ')/ ~- li .Afghan l stan """"' • KRiTER • • ' ;·:. .;.,-.. __ ·ı.: . ....-_. ,,·.":" . . CbinaC::: The Changing Perspectives of Central Asia in the 21st Century Editors: Murat YORULMAZ & Serdar YILMAZ Contributors Farkhod AMINJONOV; Emre ÇITAK ve Sami KiRAZ; Saltanat KYDYRALIEVA; Ainur NOGAYEVA; Güngör ŞAHİN; Murat YORULMAZ; Serdar YILMAZ; Dana AKHMEDYANOVA; Nur ÇETİN; ; Sina KISACIK; Gamze HELVACIKÖYLÜ; Burulkan ABDIBAITOVA PALA M. Cem OĞULTÜRK ISBN: 978-625-7130-24-0 2020 lstanbul First Edition: Kriter Yayınevi No: 11413 Publisher Certifıca First Edition, 292 p. 16 cm x 23,5 cm Cover Design: Ahmed Baran Layout: Kriter Yayınevi Ozalit ve Büro Malzemeleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Printing: Birlik Fotokopi Baskı stanbulİ Beşikta/ Cad. No: 51 Nolu Mağz Printing Press Certificate no: 20179 Yıldz Mahallesi Çırağn © Kriter Yayınevi AII rights reserved. Except tor the quotation of short passages no part of this publication of this may be Film Müzik Dağıtm Yayın reproduced without the prior permission of the Publisher: Kriter Basım Sanayi ve Tic. ve Ltd. Şti . Yapım Reklamcı Contact lnformation: Hobyar Mah. Ankara Cad. Güncer Han No: 17 Daire 306 Fatih/ İSTANBUL Tel/Fax: O212 527 31 89 www.kriteryayinevi .com The Changing Perspectives of Central Asia in the 21 st Century Editors: Murat YORULMAZ & Serdar YILMAZ Contributors: Farkhod AMINJONOV Emre ÇITAK ve Sami KİRAZ Saltanat KYDYRALIEVA Ainur NOGAYEVA Murat YORULMAZ Serdar YILMAZ DanaAKHMEDYANOVA Nur ÇETİN Güngör ŞAHİN M. Cem OĞUL TÜRK Sina KISACIK Gamze HELVACIKÖYLÜ Burulkan ABDIBAITOVA PALA First Edition 2020 - İstanbul ~ KRiTER FOREWORD it is widely accepted that the 19th century was described as European century and 20th century was characterized as the American century. 21 s ı century does not have, as yet. a generally acknowledged name as we are in a post-Cold War or post twentieth century. However, these labels do not portray the current period of transition through which the intemational system moves. Where should we look for this transition? The answer may be ftsia st where 21 century can be labelled as Asian century due to its size, population, underground/upperground resources, conflict zones, military expenditures and Asia's growing importance in the global economy. Almost three decades ago, the world had heard of Central Asia region which was a source of vast undeveloped gas, oil, mineral resources as well as economic, water, border, minorities, security, statehood and regional integration problems left from the Soviet Union. After independence in 1991, Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan started to appear in the world news as their vast size, oil, gas and their pivotal geography make them of strategic importance ta the post-Cold War era. At a significant location on which many civilisation and ideas intersected throughout history, the Central Asia region actualizes the distinctive mission of construction ofa bridge between West and East states in the era of globalisation. A foreword should not anticipate a book but describe it's intention. The book -THE CHANGING PERSPECTIVES OF CENTRAL ASIA iN THE 21 st CENTURY- is intended to provide readers with prominent knowledge of independence period, actors, minority issue, nation-state building process, energy, security, water, boundary, regional integration and the Central Asian Countries With one another and with Russia, China, foreign policy of the fıve America, the European Union and Turkey. The book combines the latest available information with contemporary debates in Central Asia to prepare academics, students, business persons and those who are interested in to know the past and to assess the possibilities for the future and its potential impact on world politics. it aims to raise some questions by presenting a picture of the evolving relations of these Central Asian countries with global actors, both historical and current developments that fıve affect those actors' relationships, and ostensible contemporary global trends that those transitions produce. We would hereby like to convey our genuine thanks ta ali of the contributors for their flexibility and their personable and constructive cooperation in the submission of their significant and valuable chapters. far their help and feedback. Last but not least, we are also grateful ta "Kriter Yayınlr" we would like to state our sincere respect and appreciation ta our families for their tor endless patience and support. V As the world's attention focuses increasingly on Central Asia in the aftermath of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and September 11, 2001, THE CHANGING PERSPECTIVES contribution to the OF CENTRAL ASIA iN THE 21 st CENTURY will make a signfıcat understanding of fundamental issues of the fıve Central Asian states. Dr. Murat YORULMAZ Dr. Serdar YILMAZ 2020 Ağusto vi Conteı lntroductlon Dr. Farkhod AMINJONOV E Emerging Security Threats in Cemral Asia: Enviroomentaf D~ rada:oo, Cyber lnsecurity, and Social Unrest Triggered by Sovereign DecA Traps ...,,...,. ..,,...,, ... ,,.,,,. 1 Part 1 Setting the New Stage Dr. Emre ÇITAK & Dr. Sami KİRAZ The lndependence Period and Actors of Central Asia .................,. ....................,,.....,, ..... ,. ..,. 13 Dr. Saltanat KYDYRALIEVA Nation-State Building Process in Central Asian States and The Russiart fıtori / Basic lssues ......... ............... ................. ............................................................ ..,. ..... ,,.,,........ 30 Assoc. Prof. Ainur Nogeyeva Central Asian States' Security Policies ............................. ., ............... .....................,,, .. ,, ......,.. 44 Dr. Murat YORULMAZ People's Republic of China's Geo-economic Targets and Pragmansm io Car ır al Asa ......... ~ Dr. Serdar YILMAZ Fundamental lssues of Central Asian States Since Thetr l nd eprıd e oc.: ............................ ,,. 89 Part il Regional Crou - RelatiOM Assoc. Prof. Dana AKHMEDYANOVA Central Asian States' Relations to Each Other (1991-2020) ........ ......................,,............... .107 vı Prof. Dr. Nur ÇETİN Central Asian States' Relations with Turkey (1991-2020) .................................................... 147 Dr. Güngör ŞAHİN Public Diplomacy Activities and Actors of Turkey towards Central Asian States (1991-2020) .......................................................................................................................... 170 Dr. Mehmet Cem OĞUL TÜRK Central Asian States' Relations with U.S. (1991-2020) ........................................................ 189 Dr. Sina KISA CIK The Relations between Russia and Central Asian Republics since 1990s: Strong Historical Legacy versus Competing lnterests ..................................................................................... 211 Dr. Gamze Helvacıköyü The Relations between China and Central Asian Republics since 1990s: A Case of Cooperation or Domination ................................................................................................... 234 Dr. Buru/kan Abdibaitova PALA Central Asian States' Relations with EU (1991-2020) .......................................................... 255 Dr. Murat Yorulmaz & Dr. Serdar Yılmaz Conclusion ........... ................................................................................................................. 275 Contributors ... ... ............. .................. ............................................. ,..................................... 279 viii The lndependence Period and Actors of Central Asia Emre ÇITAK and Sami KİRAZ• lntroduction The Cold War, which constitutes one of the basic logics of international relations, when uncertainty tor all actors of the system. The bipolar it unexpectedly ended, revealed a signfıcat intemational system came to an end, and, as the one of the greatest states of the time, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was completely dissolved. That disintegration, effects on the international system, also led to radical while creating extremely signfıcat changes in the political life of the regions and countries that the USSR had ruled or controlled before. East Germany, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, the Baltic, the Caucasus and Central Asia were the regions most affected by this process. As a result of these developments in Central Asia, five separate states (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan , Turkmenistan and Tajikistan) gained their independence and region's political structure changed radically. Both the · experience gained in the process of independence and the developments in the post-independence process determined the transition period of these states. When the USSR and the Eastem Block system are considered as a chain, states in Central Asia, which was the last link of this chain, achieved their independence at the last stage of the disintegration process, and they closely observed-all processes and tried to experience the most conflict-free method leading to independence. in this study, the independence process of the Central Asian states will be examined. When the whole book is considered, it is important to carry out this study in the context of the necessity to retum to the beginning of the process, that is, to independence, in order to make a comprehensive analysis of the foreign policy behavior and strategies of these states. For this subheading, purpose, the study has been prepared under three main subheadings. in the fırst disintegration process of the USSR will be addressed, since the independence of the Central Asian states is essentially the result of the dissolution of the it and the Eastern Block. The atmosphere of autonomy created by the changing governing approach will be examined as the main element of disintegration. in the second part, after evaluating the cautious and silent independence processes of the Central Asian states, the individual experiences of the fıve states and their policies in the post-independence process will be discussed. in this section, • PhD, Assistant Professor, Hitit University, Department of lntemational Relations, Çorum-Turkey, emrecitti<, ORCID 1D: 0000-0002-8704-6495. PhD, Assistant Professor, Hitit University, Department of lnternational Relations, Çorum-Turkey,, ORCID 10: 0000-0002-6987-9856. 13