TOWN PLANNING There are many considerations and processes when it comes to starting a new township. The first would be to set out aims to give a sense of direction. Then come the critical analysis research which is vital to any project. Research includes architecture, public consultation, urban design, management and strategic thinking. Moreover, there are many plans involved as well. They come in ranges starting from neighbourhood plan, comprehensive plan and strategic planning. All these intensive planning play an important role as the quality of the town planning in the neighbourhood and community will give a long-term impact. The main objectives on creating the ideal town would be, creating a place where people would want to live and raise up their families. Moreover, having quality homes and good neighbourhood make the area liveable. Lastly would be making a place that would cater to the current users and for future generations. (John Gormly, T.D, Guidelines for Planning Authorities on Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas). Residential Area There are certain rules that need to be followed when it comes to town planning. For instance, the government of Ireland has set a target which is to reduce 3% of the greenhouse emissions yearly. This can be done by properly planning the residential development. There are a certain criteria’s that need to be followed in order to achieve the highest quality rate for a residential development. For example the developer must prioritise public transportation to reduce using cars that is bad for the environment. They should also encourage walking or bike riding within the area. This can be done by providing walkways, bicycle paths and also arranging the amenities close by so that everything within the area can be accessible for the residence. Safety must always be a top priority for developers. Nowadays, the place is no longer safe as there are always cases occurring on a daily basis. This issue is highly important as they are dealing with people’s lives. Moreover, good amenities and facilities should be provided within the area. As the residence are entitled to receive what they have paid for. Furthermore, the developers should provide accommodation for all the range of social hierarchy and also different age groups. Not only does it promote social integration, the developer would also get a profit increase as it could cater to many people. Not only do the criteria’s above cater to clients right now, but it also suitable for long term planning as there would not be any need for costly renovations in the future. This idea would benefit parties, the developer and the client as they would not need to worry about their future. Town Planning In Malaysia From the researched done by Dasimah Bt Omar, Planning Principles and Control Mechanisms of New Town Development in Malaysia she finds that there is an important need to understanding the planning principles that are required for a new town development. It is found in a survey conducted that majority of the town planners are still not satisfied with the current policy. There is a strong need to reinforce the national policy for a new town as it seems to be lacking here in Malaysia. In conclusion, proper town planning is indeed an important issue that all countries would have to consider as it will benefit the citizens and also provide a better future. Moreover bringing good economical growth to the country.