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This paper presents a new multiplier with possibility to achieve an arbitrary accuracy. The multiplier is based upon the same idea of numbers representation as Mitchell's algorithm, but does not use logarithm approximation. The proposed iterative algorithm is simple and efficient, achieving an error percentage as small as required, until the exact result. Hardware solution involves adders and shifters, so it is not gate and power consuming. Parallel circuits are used for error correction. The error summary for operands ranging from 8-bits to 16-bits operands indicates very low error percentage with only two parallel correction circuits.
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2014
A multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most digital and high performance systems such as FIR filters, digital signal processors and microprocessors etc. many researchers have tried and are trying to design multipliers which offer either of the following-high speed, low power consumption, less area, more accuracy or even combination of them in multiplier. This paper presents a simple and efficient logarithmic multiplier with the possibility to achieve a maximum accuracy with less area and low power Consumption through an iterative procedure with recursive logic. The proposed modified iterative logarithmic multiplier is based on the same form of number representation as Mitchell's algorithm [1962], but for error correction it uses different algorithm proposed by Z. Babic, A. Avramovic , P. Bulic [2011]. And to make it more efficient instead of array of basic block proposed by Z. Babic, A. Avramovic , P. Bulic [2011] it contain only single basic block with recursive logic which finds approximate product and also error correction terms. Due to that it is less area and power consuming in expense of slightly increase in delay. Because there is always trade off between Area and delay. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed multiplier and compare it with previous works, we implemented four 16-bit multipliers proposed by Z. Babic, A. Avramovic , P. Bulic [2011]: a pipelined multiplier with no correction terms and three pipelined multipliers with one, two and three correction terms and one 16-bit proposed Modified iterative logarithmic multiplier on the Xilinx xc3s1500-5fg676 FPGA.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
For energy effective and high performance design, the low power VLSI circuit is used. Multiplier is an essential part of low power VLSI design, since the effectiveness of the digital signal processor depends upon the multiplier. In multiplier circuit, utmost of the power is dissipated across in full adder circuits. Multiplication is one of the important process in microprocessor and there will be a lot of delay because of array multiplier, which can be compressed with the help of the column compressor approach. It uses a selection of half adders, full adders and compressors to sum the partial products in stages until two numbers are left. An 8 * 8 and 16 * 16 bit multiplier design is executed by assigning the adder and compressor. Partial product totality is the speed limiting operation in multiplication due to the propagation detention in adder networks. In order to reduce the propagation detention, compressors are introduced. Compressors calculate the sum and carry at each position concurrently. The attendant carry is added with a advanced significant sum bit in the coming stage. This is continued until the final product is generated. The partial product tree of the multiplier is estimated by the proposed tree compressor (
2018 New Generation of CAS (NGCAS), 2018
Power consumption is a crucial design aspect in multimedia and machine learning applications. Approximate computing offers an energy-efficient approach for both power reduction and area optimization. In this paper, a hybrid approximation methodology based on error tolerant multipliers (ETMs) is introduced. The proposed design splits the approximation process into two parts: (1) approximating the most significant bits (MSBs) using approximate logarithms and (2) approximating the least significant bits (LSBs) using truncation. A prototype of the proposed multiplier is demonstrated with an image processing application (JPEG compression) using a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) where the power delay product (PDP) is improved by 1.9X. And the area utilization is reduced by 2.7X with only 20% reduction in the output image peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR).
2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2019
Logarithmic multipliers take the base-2 logarithm of the operands and perform multiplication by only using shift and addition operations. Since computing the logarithm is often an approximate process, some accuracy loss is inevitable in such designs. However, the area, latency, and power consumption can be significantly improved at the cost of accuracy loss. This paper presents a novel method to approximate log2N that, unlike the existing approaches, rounds N to its nearest power of two instead of the highest power of two smaller than or equal to N. This approximation technique is then used to design two improved 16×16 logarithmic multipliers that use exact and approximate adders (ILM-EA and ILM-AA, respectively). These multipliers achieve up to 24.42% and 9.82% savings in area and power-delay product, respectively, compared to the state-of-the-art design in the literature with similar accuracy. The proposed designs are evaluated in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image compression algorithm and their advantages over other approximate logarithmic multipliers are shown.
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2016
In VLSI technology, power consumption and delay becomes a major problem in multipliers. To reduce these issues we propose a new multiplier algorithm that combines numerical transformation and shift and add technique. In this design N X N bitmultiplication is done by using successive approximation of (N-1) X (N-1) bit multiplier. The strength of the multiplication is reduced by weight reduction technique.The performance of N-bit multiplier using successive approximation of N-1 bit multiplier is compared with the existing techniques and evaluated through simulation in order to highlight the speed superiority by reducing the number of components and interconnections. N-bit successive approximation is an excellent choice for low area and high speed applications. All the above mentioned multipliers are coded in VHDL and simulated in ModelSim and synthesized in EDA tool Xilinx_ISE 9.2i. This method is suitable for higher order bits. The analysis of power report is also presented here the proposed design is suitable for high speed, low area applications.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, 2004. ICCD 2004. Proceedings., 2004
We present a twin-precision multiplier that in normal operation mode efficiently performs N-b multiplications. For applications where the demand on precision is relaxed, the multiplier can perform N/2-b multiplications while expending only a fraction of the energy of a conventional N-b multiplier. For applications with high demands on throughput, the multiplier is capable of performing two independent N/2-b multiplications in parallel. A comparison between two signed 16-b multipliers, where both perform single 8-b multiplications, shows that the twin-precision multiplier has 72% lower power dissipation and 15% higher speed than the conventional one, while only requiring 8% more transistors.
2019 IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE)
We propose two approximate leading one detector (LOD) designs and an approximate adder (for summing two logarithms) that can be used to improve the hardware efficiency of the Mitchell logarithmic multiplier. The first LOD design uses a single fixed value to approximate the 'd' least significant bits (LSBs). For d=16 this design reduces the hardware cost by 19.91% compared to the conventional 32-bit Mitchell multiplier and by 15.19% when compared to a recent design in the literature. Our design is smaller by 32.33% and more energyefficient by 56.77% with respect to a conventional Mitchell design. The second design partitions the 'd' bits into smaller fields and increases the accuracy by using a multiplexing scheme that selects a closer approximation to the actual input value. This design reduces the hardware cost by 17.98% compared to the original Mitchell multiplier and by 13.15% when compared to the other recent design. Our design is smaller by 29.17% and more energyefficient by 56.18% with respect to the conventional Mitchell design. In the approximate adder, the 'm' least significant bits are set to a fixed bias of alternating ones and zeros. The optimal values of 'd' and 'm' are chosen to preserve the full accuracy of the conventional Mitchell multiplier while reducing the hardware cost. The new designs produce increased signed errors for inputs less than or equal to 2 16 but for larger numbers the accuracy is equal to that of the conventional Mitchell multiplier. The approximation affects only the 2 16-1 smallest input values out of 2 32-1. The new approximate multipliers are suitable for applications where approximation errors affecting the least significant digits can be tolerated.
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2017
We propose a new multiplier design that fulfills the need for low-power circuit blocks used in error-tolerant applications on energy-constrained devices. The design trades accuracy for higher speed, lower energy consumption, and lower transistor count. The average relative error of an N-bit multiplier is modeled as a function of N and saturates at a constant (around 17%) as the multiplier width increases. An 8-bit implementation simulated in HSPICE achieved almost 90% energy savings for a random sample of operands as compared to a conventional parallel multiplier. The design is flexible whereby simple variations to the circuit structure lead to a perfectly accurate multiplier. Tests performed on multimedia applications such as JPEG compression showed a promising outcome.
Multiplier is a key component which is majorly used in Digital electronics and Digital Signal Processing.Multiplier is a component or electronic circuit which gives product of two binary numbers. Multiplier with high speed, low power consumption and less size is preferred in the Digital Electronic field. That's why Multipliers with low power consumption and low hardware complexity got huge demand and it is always challenging to create a multiplier with these specifications. There are different Multipliers but most popular among them are Wallace Multiplier,Braun Multiplier and Dadda Multiplier.These Multipliers are differed according to their respective algorithms.Here we majorly discussed about 90 nm technology. In this paper, we discuss and review on low power multipliers with it's hardware and performance with comparisons.
Se examina la interpretación del pensamiento de Paul Ricoeur propuesta por María Belén Tell, según la cual en la antropología filosófica del pensador francés se hallan elementos que permiten conectarla de manera original con la antropología proveniente de la hermenéutica bíblica. Con ello intenta mostrar una manera novedosa de relacionar la fe bíblica con la filosofía. Se evalúa la propuesta como una forma de «filosofía cristiana», y se propone entenderla como una apologética de la seducción perteneciente al campo de la teología.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2012
Vestigia, Bd. 74, 2021
In A. Toom, M. Rautiainen, & J. Tähtinen (Eds.), Toiveet ja todellisuus : kasvatus osallisuutta ja oppimista rakentamassa, 2017
European Journal of Marketing, 2014
Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica, 2025
Clinics in orthopedic surgery, 2017
Media Watch, 2019
Iconos. Revista de ciencias sociales, 2011
Mediterranean Marine Science, 2012