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2004, Historia de un Mito
91 pages
1 file, 2022
Because many coin researchers of Dutch finds origins from outside The Netherlands, I thought it would be helpful to point out the locations as to where to find these coins. The places you can find coins I divided in six categories: coin and archeological repositories, museum collections and platforms, social media platforms, determination fora, and personal websites, auction houses and (private) collections, numismatic and archeological publications. - Enjoy your research!
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024
Fluids such as water, oil, and gas are transported using pipelines in industries. Because of society's social, health, and economic importance, pipelines transporting these fluids should be properly managed. This paper presents a review of the anomaly detection of fluid transported via pipelines using Machine Learning (ML) approaches. We used the conventional method to search, filter, and include relevant papers available in the literature. We classified the included papers based on the fluids category, which includes water, oil, and gas. Numerous researchers propose solutions for detecting anomalies of fluid in pipelines in a generic way. Despite significant contributions from the available works in the literature, we identified the following gaps: lack of research available in the context of water abnormality detection; human and environmental factors are not considered in many works during experiments; lack of research on detection of the anomaly of fluid transported beneath soil.
Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, 2005
Las reformas borbónicas son uno de los temas más estudiados y debatidos porlos historiadores que se ocupan de la época colonial. Las razones para este fuerteinterés son múltiples: las transformaciones socioeconómicas de fines del XVIII, lafacilidad de las fuentes, los antecedentes de la independencia y muchas otras. Parala profesora La France, la motivación se centra en dilucidar los efectos de lasreformas en una región periférica del imperio español; buscando con esto matizarlas extrapolaciones que se han hecho de las hipótesis sobre el Perú y Nueva España,creyéndolas válidas para el resto del Continente. Por esta razón, su análisis se basaen el Tolima Grande, es decir en el valle del Magdalena que cubría las provinciasde Neiva y Mariquita durante la época colonial.
Va. Tax Rev., 1999
Nor Aisyah, 2020
This is a Call for Papers for panels to be held at the 2023 meeting of the International Medieval Congress at Leeds University ( The general theme of the panels will be "Disease in the Medieval Islamicate World." Update: thanks to all who helped advertise this CFP. Five panels were submitted, and all five were run on 4 July 2023 at Leeds IMC. The program for the Congress can be found at this link: Our sessions are numbers 542, 642, 742, 842, and 942. Contact or for further information.
The conversation between Étienne Balibar and Nicholas De Genova engages with the Mediterranean of migration as a multifaceted, productive, and contested space, which can represent a counterpoint to a deep-rooted Eurocentric imaginary. Looking at the Mediterranean as a space produced by the mobility of the bodies crossing it and by the combination of different struggles, Balibar and De Genova comment on some of the political movements that have taken center stage in the Mediterranean region in the past few years and suggest that the most important challenge today is to mobilize a "Mediterranean point of view" whereby the political borders of Europe and its selfcentered referentiality can be challenged.
The speed of processes and the amount of data to be used in defending the cyber space cannot be handled by humans without considerable automation. However, it is difficult to develop software with conventional fixed algorithms (hard-wired logic on decision making level) for effectively defending against the dynamically evolving attacks in networks. This situation can be handled by applying methods of artificial intelligence that provide flexibility and learning capability to software. This paper presents a brief survey of artificial intelligence applications in cyber defense (CD), and analyzes the prospects of enhancing the cyber defense capabilities by means of increasing the intelligence of the defense systems. After surveying the papers available about artificial intelligence applications in CD, we can conclude that useful applications already exist. They belong, first of all, to applications of artificial neural nets in perimeter defense and some other CD areas. From the other side – it has become obvious that many CD problems can be solved successfully only when methods of artificial intelligence are being used. For example, wide knowledge usage is necessary in decision making, and intelligent decision support is one of yet unsolved problems in CD. Keywords: applied artificial intelligence; intelligent cyber defense methods; neural nets in cyber defense; expert systems in cyber defense. .
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - UFOP, 2017
Jean Fourier, at 1820, discovered that the Earth planet should not be as warm as it were in that time. Decades after his discover, John Tyndall would make extensions to environmental studies, followed by Arrhenius and Arvid Hogbom, Hulburt, Keeling and many more scientists that contributed to the creation of one of the most important areas of knowledge in recent science: the environmental studies of Greenhouse effects. This paper aims to study, briefly, the impact of Per Capita GDP measured in 1990 International Dollars of Geary-Khamis (Int. GK$), from 1800-2010 in the case of United States, and from 1950-2010 in the case of World GDP, over the Greenhouse Gases Emissions. After this, the paper studies the effects of Population over this emissions, and tries to find relations amongst this variables, by constructing VAR and VEC models and testing for Granger Causality. This test was almost all conclusive, and evidences of feedback Granger-causality of CO2 and N2O, unilateral Granger-Causality of CH4 to World Per Capita GDP, CH4 to N2O, Population to CO2 and Population to CH4. Evidences of Granger-Causality of US or World Per Capita GDP over Greenhouse emissions was not conclusive, contrarely to the most part of the current literature, but this may be caused by problems with data structure. New studies proposals are made, and extensions for this study are expected to be made next.
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Estudos Bíblicos/Estudos bíblicos, 2024
cts em foco | v. 03 n. 01, jan-mar 2023, 2023
Šmíd, M. (eds.): Právo na rovné zacházení: Deset let antidiskriminačního zákona (Right to Equal Treatment. Ten Years of Anti-Discrimination Law), p. 66-105. Prague: Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 978-80-7598-850-8., 2020
Síntesis. Revista de Filosofía, 2023
Revista de Letras Norte@mentos
International Journal of Higher Education, 2021
Biochemical Pharmacology, 1980
Health Science Journal
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2008
Fuel, 1984
Results in Mathematics, 2016