Thomas Reed Powell once commented that it is just as well that' the
law is full of collateral doctrines and devices that keep it from behaving
as badly as it sometimes talks '.1 Few areas of the law provide a better
example of his point than does that frequently neglected area of constitutional law which is concerned with the legal character of acts performed under an unconstitutional statute. The traditional doctrine is
that such a statute is an utter nullity. Perhaps the most famous statement of this doctrine is to be found in Norton v. Shelby County 2 where
Field J. stated that an unconstitutional statute 'confers no rights; it
imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it
is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been
passed '.3 Or as a Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia once
put it: 'A pretended law made in excess of power is not and never
has been a law at all . . . it is invalid ab initio'. 4
If such a doctrine were to be mechanistically applied in all of its
rigorous simplicity then the consequences attendant upon a judicial
declaration that a statute was unconstitutional would be dramatic
indeed. Taxes paid under its terms could be recovered. Public officers
would be liable in tort for all invasions of private rights which it purported to justify. Judgments, orders and convictions made or obtained
under its ostensible authority would be subject to collateral attack.
The official acts of any public body it established could be disregarded.
Thankfully the law is ' full of collateral doctrines and devices' which
operate to produce very different results. Thus the rule which prevents
the recovery of payments made under a mistake of law prevents the
recovery of unconstitutional taxes. 5 The doctrine of res judicata often
protects judgments based on unconstitutional statutes against collateral
attack. 6 Reliance in good faith on the terms of a statute which is later
* LL.B. (Hons.) (Melb.); LL.M. (Illinois); Senior Lecturer in Law in The
University of Melbourne. Presently Thayer Fellow, Harvard Law School. This
article was written in 1965 in partial fulfillment of the requiren1ents for the degree of
Doctor of the Science of Law in the Faculty of Law, Colun1bia University.
t (1935) 48 Harv. L. Rev. 1271, 1273.
2 (1886) 118 U.S. 425.
3 Ibid., 442.
4 South Australia v. The Commonwealth (1942) 65 C.L.R. 373, 408 per Latham C.J.
S See generally: Pannam, 'The Recovery of Unconstitutional Taxes in Australia
and the United States' (1964) 47 Texas L. Rev. 777.
6 See generally: Annot.,' Validity And Effect Of Judglnent Based Upon Erroneous
View As To Constitutionality Or Validity Of A Statute Or Ordinance Going To Merits'
(1945) 167 A.L.R. 517.
Federal Law Review
invalidated may protect public officers from liability in tort. 7 The
de facto officer doctrine validates many official acts of bodies which are
unconstitutionally created or staffed. These various 'doctrines and
devices' all operate to curb the drastic logical implications of the
traditional view that an unconstitutional statute is a complete nullity.
This paper is concerned with an analysis of one of these doctrinesthe de facto officer doctrine. Although the doctrine has roots deep
in the common law, it seems to have been almost forgotten by Australian
and English lawyers during the past hundred years. With the single
exception of one short article written by Sir Owen Dixon in 1938 8 the
doctrine is not mentioned in any modern decision, text book, encyclopaedia, or legal periodical. 9 This situation stands in marked contrast
to that which is to be found in the United States where there is a substantial body of case law dealing with all aspects of the de facto officer
doctrine. 1 0 It is also expounded at length in the legal literature. 11 A
critical analysis of the way in which the American courts have used the
doctrine to limit the retroactive invalidation of official action based on
an unconstitutional statute may therefore be of some value.
It is also intended to investigate a second, though related, subject.
Together with the other rules referred to above the de facto officer
doctrine fulfils something of a salvage operation in this area of the law.
Each one of them protects various forms of official activity from the
risk of possible invalidity stemming from a subsequent declaration that
the statutory authority upon which they are based is unconstitutional.
They are necessary to curb the thrust of the traditional view that a
declaration of unconstitutionality operates retroactively. The statute,
as it is said, is void ah initio. An alternative approach would be for a
court to specifically provide that its declaration of unconstitutionality
is only to have a prospective operation. This approach would obviate
the need to resort to salvage doctrines which is made necessary by the
void ab initio theory concerning the effect of an unconstitutional statute.
7 See generally: Pannam,' Tortious Liability for Acts Performed Under an Unconstitutional Statute' (1966) 5 Melb. U. L. Rev. 113.
8 , De Facto Officers' (1938) 1 Res Judicatae 285.
9 Indeed many of the cases in which the doctrine is discussed do not even appear
in The English and Empire Digest and even those that do appear are impossible to
find by use of the index.
10 For collections of the cases see: Annots.,' De Facto Officers' (1911) 140 Am. St.
Rep. 164-205; (1910) 19 Am. Rep. 63; 67 C.J.S. SSe 135-154; 43 Am. Jur. SSe 470-499.
11 The classic text is Constantineau, Public Officers and the De Facto Officer Doctrine
(1910). See also: Mechum, A Treatise on the Law ofPublic Office and Officers (1890)
SSe 315-346; Throop, Public Officers (1892) ch. 27; McQuillan, Municipal Corporation
Law (1958) 160 et seq.; Wallach, 'De Facto Office' (1891) 22 Pol. Sci. Q. 460;
Jarrett, 'De Facto Public Officers' (1936) 9 So. Cal. L. Rev. 189; Harris, 'The
Validity of Acts of Officers Occupying Offices Created Under Laws Declared Unconstitutional' (1938) 3 U. Newark L. Rev. 123; Comment, 'The De Facto Officer
Doctrine' (1963) 63 Columbo L. Rev. 909.
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
The Australian courts have never considered the use of this technique.
In the United States on the other hand it has been the subject of much
discussion and some significant judicial experimentation. It is intended
to examine the possible use of prospective declarations of unconstitutionality in conjunction with the de facto officer doctrine because
in a sense they represent two different methods of dealing with the same
problem. The one concedes that an unconstitutional statute is a complete nullity and operates to stem the consequences that seem to flow
from the concession. The other challenges the traditional view of an
unconstitutional statute and is prepared to admit that prior to a
declaration of unconstitutionality it is capable of giving rise to legal
rights and duties.
The De Facto Officer Doctrine
An officer de facto is a notional creature only, erected by the law,
in order to answer the ends of justice and equity under particular
circumstances. 12
Lord Ellenborough once described a de facto officer as ' one who has
the reputation of being the officer he assumes to be and yet is not a
good officer in point of law'.13 This terse description, which is constantly referred to in the American cases,14 contains a statement of the
central ingredient in the de facto officer doctrine and also indicates the
nature of the problem it is designed to solve. The problem concerns
the validity of acts performed by a person who appears to be clothed
with official authority but who in point of fact has none. A simple,
but harsh, solution to this problem would have been to make the validity
of all such acts dependent upon the legality of the person's title to the
office he purported to fill. Since at least the fifteenth century however
the common law has taken a different view. 15
12 R. v. Lisle (1738) And. 163, 166;
95 B.R. 345, 346 arguendo. 'The de facto
concept is a product of judicial invention based on considerations of policy and public
convenience rather than the dictates of strict logic.' Jersey City v. Department of
Civic Service (1959) 57 N.J. Super 13, 24; 153 A 2d. 757, 765.
13 R. v. Bedford Level (1805) 6 East 356, 368;
102 B.R. 1323, 1328. This is a
generalized version of Sir John Holt's description of a de facto steward in Parker v.
Kett (1697) 1 Ld. Raym. 658, 660; 91 E.R. 1338, 1340 as one' who has the reputation
of being steward, and yet is not a good steward in point of law'.
14 'This definition has been generally approved in this country.'
Ridout v. State
(1930) 161 Tenn. 248, 256; 30 S.W. 2d. 255, 257. See also: Oliver v. Mayor of Jersey
City (1899) 63 N.J.L. 634, 638; 44 AtI. 709, 712; State ex reI. Bockmeir v. Ely (1907)
16 N.D. 569,573; 113 N.W. 711,713; Annot., 'De Facto Officers' (1911) 140 Am. St.
Rep. 164, 165.
15 The first reported case on the de facto officer doctrine appears to be the Abbot of
Fountaine's Case (1431) Y.B. 9 H. VI., f. 32. See also Bagot's Case (1470) Y.B. 9
Bdw. IV, f. lb, pI. 5. This case is conveniently translated in Hale, Historia Placitorum Coronae (1736) L, 101 n. (f). The doctrine can also be seen reflected in the
statute 1 Edw. IV c.l. (1461). This statute was passed to 'eschew any Ambiguities,
Doubts and Diversities of Opinions' as to the validity of the official acts of the
Lancastrian kings Henry IV, V and VI. It described them as kings' en fait et nient
en droit', or ' in deed and not of right'.
Federal Law Review
The de facto officer doctrine operates to validate certain acts of those
in apparent, though not lawful, authority. Members of the public are
entitled to rely on the 'reputation ' of the officials they deal with and
are not required to run the risk that the officials do not have proper
title to their offices. A typical situation arose in Leak v. Howell in 1596. 16
There a merchant was prosecuted for landing' 144 pieces of buckram,
14 pieces of cloth of gold, 124 pieces of linen cloth, and divers other
parcels' without having agreed to pay customs duty on them. The
merchant alleged that he had entered an agreement to pay the customs
duty with one Richard Enys, who had acted as deputy customer at the
port of Penryn in Cornwall for three years. It appeared however that
Enys was not lawfully entitled to hold the office of deputy customer.
In spite of this the Court of Exchequer found that the agreement was
valid and directed acquittal of the merchant. The Barons stated the
following ground for their decision:
Here Richard Enys was deputy in facto, and exercised the place in
the customhouse; and although he were not de jure, that shall not
prejudice the merchants who made their compositions with him;
for it would be very mischievous unto them to examine by what
authority they sit and make their composition. 17
The doctrine thus appears to be based, in part at least, on the understandable reliance that the citizen places on the apparent authority of
persons who are actually exercising official power. This policy is
reflected in the old cases relating to copyhold tenure where some legal
defect was alleged to exist in the title of the steward of the manor. 18
It was held that the tenants and third persons were entitled to rely on
the apparent authority of the person who was acting as steward and
that surrenders and admittances made by him were valid. 19
Cro. Eliz. 533; 78 E.R. 780.
Ibid. 534, 781. Sir Roger Manwood C.B., Flowerdew, Gent and Ewens BB.
See also Costard v. Winder (1600) Cro. Eliz. 775; 78 E.R. 1005 where Popham C.J.
and Fenner J. stress that where a person is in possession of an office '. . . the people
cannot take notice of any other'. Ibid.
18 The steward usually held a manorial court which regulated and recorded these
tenures. If a copyholder wanted to dispose of his land it had to be surrendered to
the steward who would then admit the new tenant. Similarly this procedure regulated
the transmission of copyhold land on death. As Littleton points out ' the tenants are
called tenants by copy of court roll; because they have no other evidence concerning
their tenements, but only copies of court rolls'. Tenures (1481) f. 62. They were
thus 'copyholders'. See generally: Coke, Compleat Copyholder (1630); Fisher,
Copyhold Tenure (2nd ed. 1803); Gray, Copyhold Equity and the Common Law (1963).
19 E.g. Knowles v. Luce (1580) Moore (K.B.) 109; 72 E.R. 473; Parker v. Kett (1697)
1 Ld. Raym. 658; 91 E.R. 1338; Harris v. Jays (1599) Cro. Eliz. 699; 78 E.R. 934;
The Lord Dacre's Case (1584) 1 Leon. 288; 74 E.R. 263. However a purely voluntary
grant of copyhold land by a de facto steward would not bind the lord of the manor.
Harris v. Jays Ope cit.; Rous v. Arters (1587) 4 Co. Rep. 24a; 76 E.R. 927; Dillon
v. Freine (1589) 1 Co. Rep. 120a; 76 E.R. 270; Coke, Compleat Copyholder (1630)
ch. 5 s. 45.
JUNE 1966]
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
But perhaps the more important policy foundation on which the
doctrine rests is the protection of official action against collateral attack
by private individuals on the ground that it lacks a proper legal basis.
This appears clearly from the long line of cases in which the official
acts of local government bodies were challenged on the ground that
some member of the body was improperly elected. The de facto officer
doctrine was applied to validate these acts. Thus improperly elected
mayors are held to be capable of binding their corporations by normal
commercial contracts 20 and to validly administer the oath of office to
burgesses.21 Similarly, the vote of a de facto Justice of the Peace did
not invalidate the election of a County Treasurer,22 nor did the improper
appointment of a group of aldermen affect the validity of their appointment of a bailiff,23 nor that of an under-sheriff invalidate his assignment
of a bail bond. 24 Attempts to resist payments of tolls and rates on the
grounds that the persons who levied or fixed them, such as overseers,25
toll assessors,26 tithe valuers,27 churchwardens,28 or vestrymen,29 were
illegally elected or appointed all failed on the basis that they were de
facto officers. In other cases, the acts of de facto town clerks30 and a
deputy registrar of the prerogative office of Canterbury31 were upheld.
The policy behind the application of the de facto doctrine in these
cases is expressed in the following passage from the speech of the Lord
Chancellor, Lord Truro, in the House of Lords in Scadding v. Lorant. 32
He was inviting the House to adopt the unanimous opinion of the
judges, reported to them by Pollock L.C.B.,33 that a poor-rate was
20 De Grave v. Mayor and Corporation of Monmouth (1830) 4 C. & P. 111; 172 E.R.
630 (contract to purchase weights and measures for the corporation). Knight v.
Corporation of Wells (1695) Lutw. 508; 125 E.R. 267.
A de facto Bailiff was
21 R. v. Pursehouse (1733) 2 Barn. K.B. 264; 94 E.R. 490.
held to have the power to swear in burgesses in R. v. Slythe (1827) 6 B. & C. 240; 108
E.R. 441.
22 R. v. Justices of Herefordshire (1819) 1 Chitto 700.
23 R. V. Malden (1767) 4 Burr. 2135; 98 E.R. 113.
24 Kitton V. Fag (1714) 10 Mod. 288; 88 E.R. 732 expressly contradicts this statement but the note to that case by Michael Nolan at the end of the report in 1 Str.6O;
93 E.R. 384 reads: 'This case was denied to be law . . . by Lord Mansfield in the
case of Harris V. Ashley [unreported], sittings in Middlesex, Mich. Term 30 Geo.
2, B.R.' He notes that the' other Judges of the Court' in Harris V. Ashley' concurred' with this view.
25 Penney v. Slade (1834) 5 Bing. (N.C.) 319.
26 Waterloo Bridge Co. V. Cull (1858) 1 El. & EI. 213; 120 E.R. 888.
27 Lancaster and Carlisle Rly. Co. v. Heaton (1858) 8 EI. & BI. 952; 120 E.R. 354.
28 R. v. The Inhabitants of St. Clements (1840) 12 Ad. & E. 177; 113 E.R. 778.
also Turner V. Baynes (1795) 2 H. Black. 559; 3 R.R. 506.
29 Scadding V. Lorant (1851) 3 H.L.C. 418; 10 E.R. 164.
30 R. V. Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Calnbridge (1840) 12 Ad.
& E. 702; 113 E.R. 980; Milward V. Thatcher (1787) 2 T.R. 81; 1 R.R. 431.
31 Seymour V. Bennet (1742) 2 Atkyn 482; 26 E.R. 691.
32 (1851) 3 H.L.C. 418;
10 E.R. 164.
33 Sir Frederick Pollock tells the following story of his grandfather Pollock L.C.B.
When he was appointed Attorney-General in 1834 he was knighted and had to provide himself with a coat of arms. He applied to the College of Arms but found the
Federal Lal'v Review
valid despite the fact that one of the vestrymen who participated in
striking it was illegally appointed. He said:
. . . your Lordships will see at once the importance of that
objection, when you consider how many public officers and persons
there are who are charged with very important duties, and whose
title to the office on the part of the public cannot be ascertained
at the time. You will at once see to what it would lead if the validity
of their acts, when in such office, depended upon the propriety of
their election. It might tend, if doubts were cast upon them, to
consequences of the most destructive kind. It would create
uncertainty with respect to the obedience to public officers, and it
might also lead to persons, instead of resorting to ordinary legal
remedies to set right anything done by officers, taking the law into
their own hands. I think therefore, that the principle laid down
by the learned Judges, as the principle of law, is one that is in conformity with public convenience, with reference to the discharge of
the duties connected with the office. 34
The de facto officer doctrine thus constituted a clear rejection of the
view that the validity of official action depended upon the legality of
the officer's appointment. A person's title to any office could of course
be challenged directly in Quo Warranto proceedings. Defective title
however did not automatically invalidate all official acts that had been
performed. On the other hand the doctrine did not automatically
validate all of the de facto officer's acts. There were many exceptions.
To begin with the doctrine only validated official acts as far as the general
public or third persons were concerned. It did not give any protection
whatsoever to the officer himself. This is a fundamental limitation on
the doctrine. 35 The point may be illustrated by reference to Gahan v.
Lafite. 36
That was an action in which trespass and false imprisonment were
alleged against three men who purported to act as judges of the Royal
Court of the Island of St. Lucia. They had been illegally appointed
after the improper dismissal of the rightful judges. One of the rightful
fees very expensive. After a good deal of negotiation a messenger from the Garter
King-of-Arms called and informed him of the lowest price. Pollock answered:
, Tell Garter King-of-Arms, with my compliments, that he may go to the devil sable
in flames gules with a pitchfork ardent stuck into his backside proper'. For My
Grandson (1933) 171.
34 (1851) 3 H.L. 418, 447;
10 E.R. 164, 175. Abbot C.J. made the same points
in two important judgments on this topic. 'If this rule were made absolute [Le.
to invalidate the election and swearing in of a burgess by de facto bailiffs] we might be
called upon in the very next term to grant hundreds of the same description, to the
disturbance of almost every corporation in the kingdom.' R. v. Slythe (1827) 6
B. & C. 240, 247; 108 E.R. 441, 444. 'The interest of the public at large requires
that the acts done should be sustained: sufficient effect is given to the statutes [i.e.
requiring Justice of the Peace to take an oath] by considering them as penal upon the
party acting.' Margate Pier Co. v. Hannam (1829) 3 B. & Ald. 266, 271; 106 E.R.
661, 663.
35 Constantineau, Ope cit. ch. XVII, XXII.
36 (1841) 3 Moo. P.C. 382; 13 E.R. 155.
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
judges was imprisoned by them for two months for contempt because
he refused to swear them in. At the hearing he protested the legality
of the court but to no avail. The Privy Council upheld an award of
damages in his favour against the other judges and refused to accept
the contention that the committal for contempt was valid because they
were de facto judges. 37 To apply the doctrine here would give them
personal protection against the consequences of their own abuse of the
office. However it is clear that other judgments they might have given
where third persons were concerned would have been held to be valid. 38
Even where the interests of the public or third persons were concerned
the courts imposed several restrictions on the doctrine. Some of these
restrictions were quite vague but the point is that the courts never used
the de facto doctrine as an automatic validating technique. To begin
with where the defect in an officer's title violates a strong statutory policy
there is authority for the proposition that the doctrine cannot be applied.
Take, for example, the provisions of the first Test Act in 1672 under
which every holder of an office under the Crown was obliged to take the
oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and to receive the ' Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper according to the usages of the Church of England '.39
The officer also had to make a declaration that he did not believe in the
doctrine of transubstantiation. The Act, which was designed to prevent' the dangers which may happen from Popish recusants and quieting
the minds of His Majesty's good Subjects', further provided that if
these things were not done then the person was incapable of holding
any such office. If he persisted in exercising the powers of the office
he was liable to the then enormous fine of £500.
In Hipsley v. Tucke40 the question arose as to whether an officer's
failure to comply with the provisions of this Act resulted in the invalidity
of his subsequent official acts. A mayor had sat as judge and given
judgment in an inferior court without taking the requisite oaths. His
judgment was attacked on a writ of error before the Court of King's
Bench. It was argued that he was a de facto judge and that his
37 In In Re Aldridge (1893) 15 N.Z.L.R. 361 Richnlond J. states that the de facto
doctrine was not argued in this case. Ibid. 372. This is incorrect.
38 In point of fact two Orders In Council were issued declaring the proceedings
and acts of the court presided over by the three improperly appointed judges to be
valid. Gahan v. Lafite Ope cit. 395; 160. These were probably made ex abundanti
cautela. An interesting point is that although the Orders cover all proceedings and
were made before the Privy Council appeal the award of damages in this case was
nevertheless upheld. No reasons for this were given in the Advice although the
point was argued.
39 25 Car. 11, c. 2.
It also applied to persons who held offices under the Duke of
York. See generally: Holdsworth, History of English Law (3rd ed. 1963) vi, 199203, 223-226.
40 The case is variously reported as Hipsley v. Tucke, Hipsly v. Tuck, Hippesly v.
Tucke, and Ipsley v. Turk. It is also reported as having been decided in 1674, 1675
and 1676. 3, Keble 606, 665, 682, 121; 84 B.R. 905, 940, 950, 973; 2 Lev. 184; 83
E.R. 510; J. Jones 81; 84 B.R. 1157; 2 Mod. 193; 86 B.R. 1019.
Federal Law Review
judgments could not be collaterally attacked in this way. Sir Matthew'
Hale C.J., leading the majority of the Court, with Twisden J. dissenting"
accepted this argument. He is reported as having said that
as to the interest of a stranger as acts of jurisdiction they are not
void, as judgments here in Westminster would not be void by any
one, or all, not having duly taken the oaths; these matters are
,collateral and therefore not void. 41
This decision was later reversed by a Court composed of Raynsford C.J.,.
Twisden, Jones and Wild JJ. with Wild J. dissenting. 42 In the only
terse report of the reasons for this reversal, it appears that it was based
on a special construction of the Test Act in the light of the strength of
its anti-Roman Catholic objectives. The report reads:
But it was answered and resolved by the Court, 1. That by the not
taking of the oaths the office is void by the said Act, and all acts
done by colour of the office. And this was the principal intent of
the Act, not the penalty, which may be easily avoided by the covinous
action of a friend. And it was observed that the Act of 5 E. 6,
against the buying of offices, had a special proviso to make good
the acts of offiters; but here is no such provision. 43
Although Holt C.J.44 and Lee C.J.45 have denied the correctness of
this reversal of Sir Matthew Hale's decision, and despite the fact that
the reversal has bee strongly criticized,46 there is much to be said for
proper. What the 'udges seem to have said was that the statutory
policy embodied in the Test Act pointed so strongly to the complete
invalidity of OffiCi)) action taken in defiance of it that the de facto
doctrine could not e applied to validate these acts even if the interests
of third persons ere thereby prejudiced. This does not seem an
unreasonable limitation to place on the operation of the doctrine. 47
41 3 Keble 606; 84 E.R. 905.
He pointed out that 'there must be a conviction
[Le. under the Test Act] before this can be made a nullity'. Ibid.
42 3 Keble 721; 84 E.R. 973; 2 Lev. 184; 83 E.R. 510; J. Jones 81; 84 E.R. 1157;
2 Mod. 193; 86 E.R. 1019.
43 J. Jones 81; 84 E.R. 1157.
Jones the reporter was the Jones J. who sat in the case.
44 In the report of Andrews v. Linton (1702) 2 Ld. Raym. 884; 92 E.R. 91 there is the
following passage: '... he', [Holt C.J.] 'denied the case of Hippisley v. Tucke
to be the law.' Ibid.
45 During argument in R. v. Lisle (1738) And. 163; 95 E.R. 345 when counsel
cited this decision as reported in 2 Lev. 184 Lee C.J. said' that the case in fol. 184 is
against the law and has always been so held '. Ibid. 166; 346.
46 See the remarks of Thomas Leach the editor of the Modern Reports in a note
at the end of the judgment in Hipsely v. Tucke 2 Mod. 193, 194; 86 E.R. 1019, 1020.
Hawkins in his Pleas of the Crown (1739) argues that the mayor's acts should have
been held valid' For otherwise not only those who no way infringe this law, but even
those whose Benefit is intended to be advanced by it, might be sufferers for another's
Fault, to which they are in no way privy. . .' Ibid. Bk. 1, ch. 8, s. 16.
47 See below pp. 61-63.
A town clerk was held to be a de facto officer although
he had not taken an oath under the Test Act in R. v. Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses
of the Borough of Cambridge (1840) 12 Ad. & E. 702; 113 E.R. 980 and a justice of
the Peace was similarly treated in Margate Pier Co. v. Hannam (1819) 3 B. & Ald.
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
There were many other limitations on the doctrine. In the copyhold
cases which are referred to above it was clear that a de facto steward
could not make a voluntary grant of copyhold land although he could
validly perform such ministerial duties as taking a surrender and
,admitting a new tenant. Such a grant was not ' a thing of necessity'
and hence it was void as it might be contrary to the interest of the lord
of the manor. 48 Similarly in the de facto ecclesiastical officer cases it
was held that ' all judicial acts made by him, as admissions, institutions,
certificates, and such like shall be good; but not such voluntary acts as
tend to the de-pauperation of the successor '.49 Thus a lease of ecclesiastical land for 101 years by an improperly appointed bishop was held
to be invalid in O'Brian v. Knivan. 50 The same distinction is to be found
in the cases dealing with de facto mayors. In these cases a distinction is
drawn between' such acts as are necessary for the good of the body,
which comprehend judicial and ministerial acts, and such as are arbitrary
and voluntary'. 51 On this basis a de facto mayor can swear in a
successor,52 or other persons who have a right to their positions,53 but
.cannot appoint a friend as a burgess. 54
It is not intended to explore what is involved in these various exceptions.
The point to be made here is that they exist. This is important because
they demonstrate that the de facto officer doctrine is not inflexible. It is
based on public policy and yields when there are policy reasons why it
should not be applied. Another point that emerges from the English
cases is that the doctrine tends to be used as a convenient solution for
particular problems without the judges subjecting it to any very precise
analysis. Indeed in R. v. Lisle in 1738 counsel for the Crown was able
to state that 'an officer de facto is nowhere defined in the books '.55
That statement is almost as true to-day as it was then.
The only condition that seems to be necessary for the doctrine to
operate is that a person should have ' the reputation of being the officer
he assumes to be'. 56 This requirement is sometimes stated in slightly
266; 106 E.R. 661. It should be pointed out however that the Test Acts were not as
important in the mid-nineteenth century as they were at the end of the seventeenth
century. Indeed Lord Mansfield was able to say in 1777 that they were the product
of 'warmer times'. R. v. Monday (1777) 2 Cowp. 530, 540; 98 E.R. 1224, 1229.
48 Harris v. Jays (1599)' Cro. Eliz. 699; 71 E.R. 934, 935.
See the cases cited
ante n. 19.
49 O'Brian v. Knivan (1620) ero. Jac. 552; 79 E.R. 473.
50 Ibid.
51 R. v. Lisle (1738) And. 163,173; 95 E.R. 345,349.
52 R. v. Castle (1737) And. 119; 95 E.R. 325.
'An officer de facto may do such acts
as are for the preservation of the constitution.' Per Probyn J., 124; 328.
53 R. v. Pursehouse (1733) 2 Bam. K.B. 264; 94 B.R. 490.
54 R. v. Lisle (1738) And. 163; 95 E.R. 345.
55 And. 163, 165; 95 E.R. 345, 346.
56 Ante D. 13.
Federal Law Review
different language. A de facto officer is said to be one who carries out
official duties under a colourable title to the office. 57 The meaning of
these concepts has never been clarified by the English courts. The only
proposition that can be stated with any confidence is that a person who
is a manifest usurper and is known not to have any title to the office he
purports to fill cannot be a de facto officer. 58
In the United States the doctrine has received a far more detailed
analysis than is to be found in the English cases referred to above. The
courts have explored the meaning of ' reputation' or 'colour' which
is the central ingredient of the doctrine. They have considered the type
of official acts it validates and the personal rights and duties of a de facto
officer. There has also been a clear formulation of the policies the
doctrine serves. In State v. Carroll,59 which is the classic 60 American
authority on the de facto officer doctrine and the starting point of the
modern law on the subject, Butler C.l. explained these policies in the
following passage:
The de facto doctrine was introduced into the law as a matter of
policy and necessity, to protect the interests of the public and
individuals, where those interests were involved in the official acts
of persons exercising the duties of an office, without being lawful
officers. It was seen, . . . that the public could not reasonably be
compelled to enquire into the title of an officer, nor he compelled
to show a title, and these became settled principles in the law. But
to protect those who dealt with such officers when apparent incumbents of offices under such apparent circumstances of reputation
or colour as would lead men to suppose they were legal officers,
the law validated their acts as to the public and third persons, on
the ground that, as to them, although not officers de jure, they were
officers in fact, whose acts public policy required should be considered valid. It was not because of any quality or character conferred upon the officer, or attached to him by reason of any defective
election or appointment, but a name or character given to his acts
by the law, for the purpose of validating them. When, therefore,
in civil cases, the public or third persons had knowledge that the
officer was not an officer de jure, the reason for validating the acts
to which they submitted, or which they invoked, failed, and the law
no longer protected them. 61
57 See e.g. Knowles v. Luce (1580) Moore (K.B.) 109; 72 E.R. 473.
In this case
Manwood C.B. draws a distinction between a steward who has ' colour & nul droit'
and ' n'ad colour ne droit ' or one who has colour and no right as opposed to one who
has neither colour nor right.
58 R. v. Bedford Level (1805) 6 East 356; 102 E.R. 1323 (lack of title' notorious ');
R. v. Lisle Ope cit. (usurpation of office of mayor immediately contested in Quo Warranto
59 (1871) 38 Conn. 449; 9 Am. Rep. 409.
60 The case has been referred to as a 'landmark of the law' by Field J. in Norton
V. Shelby County (1886) 118 U.S. 425, 445.
61 (1871) 38 Conn. 449, 467; 9 Am. Rep. 409, 423.
See for similar statements:
Butler V. Phillips (1906) 38 Colo. 378; 88 P. 480; Ekern V. McGovern (1913) 154 Wis.
157; 142 N.W. 595; Petersilea v. Stone (1876) 119 Mass. 465; 20 Am. Rep. 335.
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
Butler e.J. went on to give a definition of de facto officers which has
been followed in both State and Federal courts ever since. 62 As one
judge has recently put it, 'the definition has had a remarkably concordant decisional lineage'. 63 The definition provides that:
An officer de facto is one whose acts, though not those of a lawful
officer, the law, upon principles of policy and justice, will hold
valid as far as they involve the interests of the public and third
persons, where the duties of the office were exercised,
First, without a known appointment or election, but under such
circumstances of reputation or acquiescence as were calculated to
induce people, without enquiry, to submit to or invoke his action,
supporting him to be the officer he assumed to be.
Second, under colour of a known and valid appointment or election,
but where the officer had failed to conform to some precedent
requirement or condition, as to take an oath, give a bond, or the
Third, under colour of a known void election or appointment,
because the officer was not eligible, or because there was a want of
power in the electing or appointing body, or by reason of some
defect or irregularity in its exercise, such ineligibility, want of power,
or defect being unknown to the public.
Fourth, under colour of an election or appointment by or pursuant
to a public unconstitutional law, before the same is adjudged to be
such. 64
Certain aspects of this definition will be considered in the next section
of this paper. The point to be noted here is that it allows the de facto
officer doctrine a very broad operation. Ever since State v. Carroll
there has been little debate in the American courts as to what is necessary
to constitute a de .facto officer. The development of the doctrine has
taken place in other areas. Questions have arisen as to the payment
of de facto officers. Are they entitled to be paid for their services?
Can a de jure officer recover the salary he should have been paid from
the de facto officer who has acted in his place or from the governmental
authority which employs him? These questions have generated much
litigation. 6s In the area of criminal law questions have arisen as to the
62 The compiler of the annotation on De Facto Officers in (1910) 19 Am. Rep. 63
was able to say that the definition 'was substantially recognized and adopted by
nearly all of the adjudications in the American courts of the present day'. Ibid., 65.
See also: Comment, 'The De Facto Officer Doctrine' (1963) 63 Columbo L. Rev.
909, 910-914.
63 De Fazio v. Mayor and Council of City of Hobokin (1953) 12 N.J. 515, 520; 79
At!. 877, 880.
64 State v. Carroll (1871) 38 Conn. 449, 471-472; 9 Am. Rep. 409, 427.
65 Constantineau, op. cit. ch. XIX;
Annot., 'Payment Of Salary To De Facto
Officer As Defence To Action By De Jure Officer For Salary' (1954) 64 A.L.R. 2d.
1375; Annot., , Right Of De Facto Officer To Salary Or Other Compensation Annexed
To Office' (1934) 93 A.L.R. 258, supp. (1944) 151 A.L.R. 952; (1950) 67 C.J.S.
, Officers's. 145; (1942) 43 Am. Jur. 'Public Officers' ss. 487-492.
Federal Law Review
responsibility for crimes committed by and against de facto officers in
their official capacities. 66 There has also been considerable attention
given to the kinds of official action that the doctrine validates. If, for
example, a de facto officer has any personal interest in the validity of
his acts they are void as against him. The doctrine only validates
official acts as far as members of the general public or third persons are
concerned. 67
Such then is the general nature of the de facto officer doctrine. It is
now necessary to consider its application in the situation where the
defect in an officer's title arises from an unconstitutional statutory
creation of his office or authorization of his appointment.
Unconstitutional Offices and Officers
Maxims and aphorisms are among the tritest, not to say cheapest
weapons, of legal contests. If one may annihilate an opponent's
position by attacking it with a maxim, or a phrase, the conquest is
easy, for the legal quiver is full of them. 68
Given the existence of the de facto officer doctrine several problems
concerned with its operation in connection with unconstitutional statutes
may now be posed. The first is whether a person who is appointed to a
legally existing office by, or pursuant to, the terms of an unconstitutional
statute can be regarded as a de facto officer. The second raises the same
enquiry in regard to a person who is appointed to an office which
is established by an unconstitutional statute. These problems are
peculiar to a constitutional system which delimits, defines and controls
the exercise of governmental powers. They could not arise in England,
for example, because there the concept of an unconstitutional statute is
The first problem may be illustrated by reference to the facts of State
v. Carroll which has already been referred to. That was an appeal from
a conviction for criminal libel and breach of the peace which ,had been
obtained before an acting judge of the City Court of New Haven, Connecticut. The basis of the appeal was that the statute which purported
to authorize a clerk of the court to request a justice of the peace to act
as judge of the court in the event of the normal judge's illness was unconstitutional. There was a legally constituted office but it was alleged that
the appointment of the acting judge was unconstitutional. The question
66 Constantineau, Ope cit. ch. XVIII & XXI; Annot., 'De Facto Status Of Officer
As Affecting His Criminal Responsibility' (1929) 64 A.L.R. 534; 43 Am. Jur. Ope cit.
s. 498; 67 C.J.S. Ope cit. S. 147.
67 Constantineau, Ope cit. ch. XVII & XXII; 43 Am. Jur. Ope cit. ss.493-496; 67
C.J.S. Ope cit. s. 146.
68 State v. Gardner (1896) 54 Ohio St. 24, 53; 43 N.E. 919, 1012 per Spear I. concurring.
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
before the Connecticut Supreme Court was whether, assuming the statute
was unconstitutional, the de facto officer doctrine validated the proceedings in the trial court. Could a person derive sufficient ' colour' or
, reputation ' to constitute him a de facto officer from an unconstitutional
appointment ?
There was some authority in the earlier American decisions for the
view that an unconstitutional statute could not be used to found a claim
to de facto status. This view was based on a supposed requirement
that in order to constitute a de facto officer there must be colour of
appointment or election by a body which has legal power to appoint.
An unconstitutional statute could confer no such power and therefore
it could give no colour to the appointment. 69 Butler e.J. rejected the
supposed limitation on the basis that it ignored the true character of the
doctrine. It was not concerned with the nature of the defect in an
officer's title but rather with whether third persons were entitled to rely
on its validity. On this basis even a usurper or a mere intruder could
become a de facto officer if there was evidence to show that there had
been such acquiescence in his exercise of official power as would lead
members of the public to assume that he was legally appointed. This
was included as the first limb of his definition of a de facto officer which
has already been set out. 70 Later cases have confirmed this view. 71
Reputation is enough.
It was then argued in State v. Carroll that nevertheless a ' manifestly'
unconstitutional statute could never give the necessary reputation or
colour because members of the public would not be acting reasonably
if they relied on the validity of its provisions. Butler e.J. rejected this
argument on the basis that it was not possible, or proper, to draw distinctions beween statutes which are 'manifestly' unconstitutional and
those which are of merely doubtful constitutionality. Any statute which
was later declared to be unconstitutional could operate to give colour
to a de facto officer because members of the public are entitled to rely
upon its ostensible validity. He thought it 'absurd' to say that such
statutes were incapable of conferring sufficient colour to constitute
de facto officer status.
69 The origin of this requirement was a passage from the report in Strange of the
decision in R. v. Lisle (1738) 2 Str. 1090; 93 E.R. 1051 which has the court saying that
, in order to constitute a man an officer de facto, there must be at least the form of an
election '. This report has been described as 'brief, inaccurate and deceptive'.
State v. Carroll 9 Am. Rep. 409,420. The report in And. 163; 95 E.R. 345 is much
better. It is there made clear that it was no defence to Lisle in Quo Warranto proceedings to claim he had been appointed by a de facto mayor because he knew that
the mayor had never been elected and had no valid title to the office. In this context
it is sensible to say that the mayor needed the colour of an election to give him de
facto status.
70 Ante p. 47.
71 Petersilea v. Stone (1876) 119 Mass. 465; 20 Am. Rep. 335; Van Amringe v.
Taylor (1891) 108 N.C. 196; 12 S.E. 1005; Constantineau, Ope cit. ch. 9.
Federal Law Review
Although in several earlier cases the same decision had been reached 72
it was State v. Carroll that became the leading case on the point. 73 The
conclusion has never been subsequently questioned and it is now settled
law in the United States that a person who is appointed to a legally
existing office pursuant to an unconstitutional statutory authorization
is a de facto officer. 74
With regard to the second problem posed above there is no such
unanimity in the authorities. Some courts hold that there cannot be a
de facto officer unless there is a legally constituted, or de jure, office
which he purports to fill. On the other hand there is just as much
authority for the proposition that there can be a de facto officer of a de
facto office. The trouble began with Norton v. Shelby County. 75
That was an action brought upon certain bonds which had been issued
on behalf of Shelby County in Tennessee by a Board of County Commissioners. Prior to 1867, when the statute was passed which created
the Board of Commissioners, responsibility for the administration of
county affairs in Tennessee was vested in a County Court which was
composed of elected justices of the peace. The County Court alone
had authority to issue bonds in the name of the County. The 1867
statute purported to abolish the County Courts and to transfer all of
their powers to Boards of County Commissioners. Within a month of
its passage the constitutionality of the statute was attacked by the
members of the County Court of Shelby County. Before the conclusion of this litigation the Board of County Commissioners for Shelby
County issued the bonds which were the subject of the present action.
Shortly thereafter the Supreme Court of Tennessee held that the Act
of 1867 was unconstitutional. When suit was brought on the bonds
in a federal court the County defended on the basis that it was not bound
by the acts of the members of the unconstitutional Board. The defence
The main argument addressed to the Supreme Court of the United
States on appeal was that the members of the Board were de facto
72 Taylor v. Skrine (1815) 3 Brevard (N. Carol.) 516 (judge); Coke v. Halsey (1842)
41 U.S. 71, (clerk of probate court); People v. White (1871) 24 Wend. 520 (judges);
Carleton v. People (1862) 10 Mich. 250 (county officers); Commonwealth v. McCombs
(1867) 56 Penn. 436 (legislative officer); Brown v. O'Connell (1870) 36 Conn. 432,
4 Am. Rep. 89 (judge of police court); Ex Parte Strang (1870) 21 Ohio St. 610 (judge
of police court).
73 Ante p. 46.
74 E.g. Smith v. Larsden (1963) 214 Tenn. 34; 370 S.W. 2d. 557 (Members of Civil
Service Commission); Book v. State Office Building Commission (1958) 238 Ind. 210;
149 N.E. 2d. 223; State ex rei Tamminnen v. City of Eveleth (1933) 189 Minn. 229;
249 N.W. 184. The earlier authorities are collected in Constantineau, Ope cit. ch.
XV and Annot., 'De Facto Officers' (1911) 140 Am. St. Rep. 164, 186 if. All of the
cases which are cited in connection with the next subject dealt with in the next support
this proposition as well.
75 (1886) 118 U.S. 425.
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
officers and therefore their acts bound the County. Field J., who wrote
the opinion for the Court, rejected this argument. After stressing the
general importance of the de .facto doctrine,76 he went on:
But the idea of an officer implies the existence of an office which he
holds. It would be a misapplication of terms to call one an officer
who holds no office, and a public office can exist only by force of
law. This seems to us so obvious that we should hardly feel called
upon to consider any adverse opinion on the subject but for the
earnest contention of plaintiff's counsel ... Their position is, that a
legislative act, though unconstitutional, may in terms create an
office, and nothing further than its apparent existence is necessary
to give validity to the acts of its assumed incumbent ... It is difficult
to meet it by any argument beyond this statement. An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no
duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is, in legal
contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed. 77
Norton v. Shelby County thus states a very serious limitation on the
operation of the de facto doctrine. It operates to deny the status of a
de facto officer to any person who purports to fill an office which has
been created by an unconstitutional statute. The decision was subsequently reaffirmed by the Supreme Court in U.S. v. Royer 78 but the
state courts are divided on the question. A majority of them have
approved the Norton rule, but there are many which have refused to
follow it. 79 One of the most curious aspects of the judgment delivered
by Field J. in Norton is that he does not question the validity of the rule
that a person appointed or elected to a de jure office by an unconstitutional
statute becomes a de facto officer. 80 So that although an unconstitutional
76 He pointed out that the doctrine is 'founded upon considerations of policy and
necessity, for the protection of the public and individuals whose interests may be
affected thereby. Offices are created for the benefit of the public, and private parties
are not permitted to inquire into the title of persons clothed with the evidence of such
offices and in apparent possession of their powers and functions.' Ibid. 441.
77 Ibid. 442.
At a later stage of his judgment Field J. said: 'Where no office legally
exists, the pretended officer is merely a usurper, to whose acts no validity can be
attached.' Ibid. 449.
78 (1925) 268 U.S. 394, 397 (obiter).
79 The cases are collected in McQuillan, Municipal Corporations (1949) s. 12.04;
Annots, ' De Jure Office As A Condition Of A De Facto Officer' (1908) 15 L.R.A.
(n.s.) 94 and (1935) 99 A.L.R. 294. To the cases therein cited should be added the
following. In favour of Norton:
Miller v. County Commissioners of Miller County (1961) 226 Md. 105; 172 A 2d.
867; State v. Ferguson (1959) 236 La. 589; 108 So. 2d. 520; Fee v. Bornhorn (1952)
251 S.W. 2d. 230 (Ky. C of A); Lowe v. City of Bowling Green (1952) 247 S.W. 2d.
376 (Ky. C of A); Idol v. Street (1951) 233 N.C. 730; 65 S.E. 2d. 313; Howell v.
Howell (1948) 213 Ark. 298; 208 S.W. 2d. 22; Bodcaw Lumber Co. v. Jordan (1943)
203 La. 482; 14 So. 2d. 98; Annoni v. Bias Nadal's Heirs (1938) 94 Fed. 513 (C.C.A.
1st); Brandon v. State (1936) 27 Ala. App. 176; 173 So. 240.
Against Norton:
In Re Hans (1963) 174 Neb. 612; 119 N.W. 2d 72; Jersey City v. Dept. of Civil"
Service (1959) 57 N.J. Super 13; 153 A 2d. 757; Anderson v. State (1946) 149 Tex. Cr. R.
423; 195 S.W. 2d. 368; Marckel Co. v. Zitzow (1944) 218 Minn. 305; 15 N.W. 2d. 777;,
Michigan City v. Brossman (1937) 105 Ind. App. 259; 11 N.E. 2d. 538.
80 (1886) 118 U.S. 425, 444-445.
Indeed he refers to the nineteenth century cases'"
cited in n. 71 ante, which establish the proposition with approval.
Federal Law Review
statute must be treated as if 'it had never been passed', nevertheless it
can confer sufficient colour to constitute a de facto officer. One would
have thought that this concession contradicted his dogmatic statement
that such a statute had no effect at all. 81 Putting that to one side, it is
clear that his whole judgment rests on the simple assertion that the
existence of a de jure office is a condition precedent to the application
of the de facto officer doctrine.
Field J. gives no reasons to justify this limitation on the doctrine and
almost all of the cases which follow his decision are content to merely
repeat his assertion. The few courts which have ever attempted to
rationalize it have not found the task easy. In Kimble v. Bender the
Supreme Court of Maryland explained it as follows:
The fundamental assumption of this theory is that the attempt to
create a new office is not likely to induce people, without enquiry,
to make or to submit to the action of a person on the assumption
that he is a duly accredited and empowered officer of the character
of his representation. 82
This is unconvincing. The question is whether, if people are induced
to deal with such a person, they should be protected against the risk
that a statute which creates his office will be later declared unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court of Kansas made a similar attempt in In Re
Norton. 83 It was there pointed out that
The strongest reasoning why the acts of de facto officers are sustained
is that the office is created by the public and put into operation as
part of a system of organized society, and a continued administration of the office becomes necessary to the proper adjustment of
its affairs and to the perpetuity of the system. This reasoning loses
force when we undertake to apply it to a de facto office. Such
office, not having been created by the public, and not having been
adopted into the organized system, never becomes a part of it, and
its displacement does not disturb the harmony of the organisation. 84
81 There are other unsatisfactory aspects of Field J.'s judgment which should be
noticed. He asserts that the fourth limb of Butler C.J.'s definition in State v. Carroll
was not intended to apply to an unconstitutional statute which purports to create an
office. This does not seem to be correct. State v. Poulin (1909) 105 Me 224, 229;
74 A 119, 124. Then again Hildreth's Heir v. McIntyre's Devisee (1829) 1 J.J. Marsh
(Ky.) 206; 19 Am. Dec. 61 which is the only authority Field J. cites to support his
central proposition does not really support it all. Wendt v. Berry (1913) 154 Ky.
586; 157 S.W. 1115. Finally he cites two cases, Carleton v. People (1862) 10 Mich.
250 and Fowler v. Beebe (1812) 9 Mass. 231; 6 Am. Dec. 62 with approval in which
persons are held to be de facto officers even though no office of any kind was in existence
at the time the acts in question were performed. It is difficult to see how a person
who acts where there is no office can be in a better position than one who acts where
the office is created by an ostensibly valid statute.
82 (1938) 173 Md. 608, 625; 196 Atl. 409, 417.
83 (1902) 64 Kan. 842; 68 N.W. 639.
,84 Ibid. 845; 640.
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
This is also unconvincing. The fact is that when an unconstitutional
statute ostensibly sets up an office it has been 'created by the public'.
Furthermore, if the office has been exercised and its existence acquiesced
in by the public, then it is unreal to say that it has not been 'adopted
into the organized system '. The real question is whether, if its displacement does ' disturb the harmony' of the organization, the de facto
doctrine can give limited validity to the purported acts of its incumbent.
The proposition stated by Field J. is thus seen to ultimately rest upon
an a priori assumption about the nature of an unconstitutional exercise
of legislative power. It is a complete nullity which must be entirely
ignored in order to preserve the constitutional balance. This argument
is stated in its most persuasive form by Judge Constantineau in his
classic book on the de facto officer doctrine as follows:
If a legislative body, whose powers are limited by a written instrument, be permitted to create offices in violation of such instrument, and the courts are to condone such wrongdoing by holding
the incumbents thereof officers de facto, it is easily seen that the
paramount rights of the people are unduly sacrificed to avoid
occasional evils to a few individuals or to a small portion of the
community. To sanction such usurpation of power, is to allow the
legislature to ignore and override the sovereign will and authority
of their masters. Where one of two evils must exist, reason,
justice, and expediency demand the adoption of the lesser one. 85
In this view the problem is precisely the same as that which would arise
if an individual purported to create an office for himself which was
completely unknown to the governmental system. The mere fact that
he exercised his invented powers would not make him a de facto officer
because there is no office in fact or in law which he purports to fill. That
is the thrust of the first part of the passage from the judgment of Field J.
which is set out above. 'The idea of an officer' does indeed 'imply
the existence of an office which he holds'. It is the next step which
gives rise to the difficulty. The proposition enunciated by Field J. is
that not only must the office have a factual existence, but it must have
a lawful existence as well.
There are several basic objections which can be made to any such
limitation on the de facto doctrine. The first is that it overlooks the
fact that before a statute is declared unconstitutional a citizen is not
acting unreasonably if he assumes its validity. This is the real vice of
Norton v. Shelby County. It throws upon the citizen the risk that the
public official with whom he had dealt lacks legal authority to conclude
the dealing. This is so even though the official is held out by the state
itself as having that authority. Gummere C.J. makes this point very
clearly during the course of his powerful judgment in Lang v. Bayonne. 86
Op. cit., 61.
(1907) 74 N.J.L. 455; 68 Atl. 90.
Federal Law Review
After pointing out that some 2,400 statutes had been passed in New
Jersey during the previous ten years, and that only 400 of these had
come before the courts, he said :
To require the citizen to determine for himself, at his peril, to what
extent, if at all, the legislature has overstepped the boundaries defined
by the constitution in passing this mass of statutes, would be to
place upon him an intolerable burden, one which it would be
absolutely impossible for him to bear-a duty infinitely beyond
his ability to perform. In my opinion the provisions of a solemn
act of the legislature, so long as it has not received judicial condemnation, are as binding on the citizen as is the judgment of a
court rendered against him so long as it remains unreversed. 87
This, in the present submission, goes to the very root of the problem.
The statement by Field J. that an unconstitutional statute is a complete
and utter nullity is one that can only be made after a court has made
its decision. It is easy to be wise at that point of time, but before then
the statute was an apparently valid constituent of the vast array of legal
provisions which each citizen refuses to obey at his peril. Looked at
from this point of view there is, as one commentator has put it, only
one effective answer to the statement of Field J.-' It is not true '.88
This sentiment was stated in a far more sophisticated form by
Hughes C.J. in Chicot County Drainage District v. Baxter State Bank 89
in the following passage which represents a clear repudiation of the
utter nullity doctrine by the Supreme Court of the United States.
It is quite clear, however, that such broad statements as to the
effect of a determination of unconstitutionality must be taken with
qualification. The actual existence of a statute, prior to such a
determination, is an operative fact and may have consequences which
cannot be justly ignored. The past cannot always be erased by a
new judicial declaration. The effect of the subsequent ruling as
to invalidity may have to be considered in various aspects,-with
respect to particular relations, individual and corporate, and particular conduct, private and official. Questions of rights claimed to
have become vested, of status, of prior determinations deemed to
have finality and acted upon accordingly, of public policy in the
light of the nature both of the statute and of its previous
application, demand examination. These questions are among the
most difficult of those which have engaged the attention of courts,
state and federal, and it is manifest from numerous decisions that
an all-inclusive statement of a principle of absolute retroactive
invalidity cannot be justified. 90
87 Ibid. 460; 102.
See the similar remarks of Carroll J. in Wendt v. Berry (1913)
154 Ky. 586, 590; 157 S.W. 1115, 1119; of Parke J. in Kimble v. Bender (1938) 173
Md. 608, 615; 196 A 409, 417; and of Spear J. in State v. Gardner (1896) 54 Ohio
St. 24, 38; 42 N.E. 999, 1005.
88 Field, The Effect of an Unconstitutional Statute (1935) 91.
89 (1939) 308 U.S. 371.
90 Ibid. 374-375.
JUNE 1966]
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
It is submitted that the application of this approach to the present
problem leads to the conclusion that there may be an office that can be
filled by a de facto officer in many situations where the office is established
by an unconstitutional statute. Those situations will be examined in
the next part of this article. The present concern is to combat the
conceptualism of Field J.'s view of an unconstitutional statute which
would deny the possibility of applying the doctrine in such a situation.
The second objection to Norton v. Shelby County is that it ignores the
fact that the de facto doctrine was designed to deal with effects and not
causes. It does not look at the nature of the defect in the officer's title
but rather at whether members of the public were justified in supposing
him to be a properly authorised officer. This was the precise basis of
the judgment of Butler C.J. in State v. Carroll and is the rationale of
the whole doctrine. The same considerations of public policy apply
whether a person has been invalidly appointed to a de jure office or
whether the office itself is invalidly created. Two Arkansas cases will
illustrate the point.
In Howell v. Howe1l 91 the Arkansas Supreme Court held that the statute
which established the Second Division of the Pulaski County Court of
Chancery was unconstitutional. It then adhered to the Norton rule
and declared that all of the decrees made by the Chancellor of the Second
Division were null and void. This decision created great consternation
in Arkansas 92 because the Chancellor had made more than 2000 decrees.
The outcry was such that within a few months the Supreme Court
reversed itself in Pope v. Pope 93 on the ground that the portions of the
statute which created the Second Division were valid and could be
severed from the rest of it. Thus the Chancellor could be treated as a
de facto judge. The Court went to great lengths to make it clear, however, that it was not doubting the validity of the Norton rule. 94
However, the confusion created by the application of the rule in Howell
v. Howell must surely be regarded as a powerful criticism of its validity.9s
It produces the very situation that the de facto doctrine was designed
to avoid by reference to the very technicalities that it was intended to
In 1909 the Supreme Court of Maine treated this consideration as
determinative when it was confronted with the choice of either following
the Norton rule or rejecting it. 96 Spear J. explained the Court's conclusion as follows:
(1948) 212 Ark. 600; 208 S.W. 2d. 22.
Note, (1949) 6 Wash. and Lee L. Rev. 84.
93 (1948) 213 Ark. 321; 210 S.W. 2d. 319.
94 The dissent of Griffen-Smith C.J. points out however that, in his view, the only
reason for reversing Howell v. Howell was the vociferous clamourings of the public
and the bar.
9S See Beaver v. Hall (1920) 142 Tenn. 416; 217 S.W. 649.
96 State v. Poulin (1909) 105 Me. 224; 74 Ad. 119.
Federal Law Review
Follow one or the other we must. Follow either we may. Our
concern here is to discover which the better coincides with the
reason for, and the purpose of, the de facto doctrine. And we
may say here ... that we are unable to discover any difference, in
reason, for declaring an officer to be de facto, whether he holds
de .facto or de jure office, if he has occupied it with the usual insignia
of a de facto officer. The authorities are in harmony that the de
facto doctrine was invented to deal with effects, not with causes.
The effects only can be reached. The causes cannot. The official acts
are accomplished. If the effects are alike, it is immaterial that the
causes differ. The effects, whether from a de jure or de facto office,
are alike. Hence, the acts of the officer occupying either position
should be declared de facto. 97
It is submitted then that whether the Norton rule is approached either
in terms of legitimate reliance on the ostensible validity of an unconstitutional statute or in terms of the purposes and policies of the de facto
doctrine the same result is reached. The rule just does not make sense.
There is also a third point to be made in relation to the rule which
is just as important a criticism of it as the two which have already been
discussed. This is that a great many of the courts which pay verbal
homage to the Norton rule have developed so many exceptions to it
that the rule is more honoured in statement than in application. In
some States, for example, it is held that, even if the statute authorizing the creation of an office is unconstitutional, nevertheless the incumbent
will be treated as a de facto officer if the office is one known to the laws
of that State. Norton's case is explained as being dependent upon the
fact that Boards of County Commissioners had never been known in
Tennessee. Using this technique, the acts of a Justice of the Peace,98 a
Judge of a County Court,99 and the Board of Supervisors of a County'
have been upheld. A similar exception has been created where a legal
office having functions of the same nature as the one in question is in
existence. Thus where the office of County Attorney was recognized
in the Constitution of Texas, a Criminal District Attorney whose office
was created by an unconstitutional statute, was held to be a de facto
officer because he performed the same functions as a County Attorney.2
Some States have even gone so far as to hold that if the office had a
Ibid. 231; 122.
Kimble v. Bender (1938) 173 Md. 608; 196 At!. 409 (Office referred to in Constitution).
99 Butler v. Phillips (1906) 38 Colo. 378; 84 P. 480 (Office referred to in Constitution).
1 Leach v. People (1887) 122 Ill. 420;
12 N.E. 726 (Office recognized by earlier
2 Anderson v. State (1946) 149 Tex. Crim. R. 423; 195 S.W. 2d. 368.
'. . . where
the office of similar functions does exist, and the name of the officer only is changed,
the duties being the same as that of the established de jure office, a mere change of
name of the officer would not destroy the office.' Ibid. 430; 371. See also: State
ex rei A.G. v. Judge of 8th Judicial Circuit (1905) 142 Ala. 87; 38 So. 835 (Statute
creating judge of 16th circuit unconstitutional but same tasks as judge of old valid
8th circuit).
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
potential legal existence then an unconstitutional attempt to establish
it by a particular statute does not exclude the de facto doctrine. 3
Other exceptions relate to situations where more officers than there
are de jure offices to fill have been appointed,4 where officers have been
appointed before the effective date of the statute authorizing the creation
of an office, s and where an officer continues to exercise the power of an
office after it has been abolished. 6 Then again the Supreme Court of
New Mexico has held that the Norton rule does not apply 'where
uncertainty, chaos and confusion' would result. 7 This last exception
is a superb example of both having one's cake and eating it. The
Norton rule is all right as long as it causes no confusion, but if it does,
then that confusion creates an exception to it! Finally, and probably
most important of all, it is settled law in every American jurisdiction
that the acts of a de facto municipal corporation organized under an
unconstitutional statute are valid. 8 The reason for this is that the
consequences of completely invalidating the acts of a municipal corporation would be very far reaching and catastrophic. 9 Field J. did
not mention this rule in Norton although it was well established and
contradicted the central proposition in his judgment. Later judicial and
academic critics of the Norton rule have not failed to point this out. 10
The fact that so many of the courts which verbally approve the Norton
rule have seen fit to formulate such a variety of exceptions to its operation
casts considerable doubt on its validity. All of the exceptions involve
statutes which make unconstitutional attempts to create offices. According to Field J. these statutes must be treated as though they had never
been passed. And yet, in each of these exceptions, courts have held
that the incumbent of the office must be treated as a de facto officer.
When this is taken in association with the other two objections to the
rule stated above, it is submitted that the Norton rule is revealed as a
threadbare exercise in juristic conceptualism. 11
3 Smith v. Lynch (1876) 29 Ohio St. 261 (Board of Health could be validly created);
Buck v. Eureka (1895) 109 Cal. 504; 42 Pac. 243 (Office of City Attorney could be
validly created); Clarke v. Easton (1888) 146 Mass. 43; 14 N .E. 795 (Office of Road
Supervisor could be validly created).
4 E.g. Walcott v. Wells (1890) 21 Nev. 47; 24 Pac. 247. (District Judges increased
from three to four under unconstitutional statute).
5 E.g. State ex reI Bockmeir v. Ely (1907) 16 N.D. 569; 113 N.W. 711.
6 E.g. Arnold v. Hilts (1916) 61 Colo. 8; 155 Pac. 316.
7 In Re Santillanes (1943) 47 N.M. 140; 138 P. 2d. 503.
(Unconstitutional statute
creating Juvenile Court which had been in existence for several years.)
8 See generally: Tooke,' De Facto Municipal Corporations' (1928) 37 Yale L. J.
9 City of Albuquerque v. Water Supply Co. (1918) 24 N.M. 368; 174 P. 217;
Ackerman v. Baird (1938) 42 N.M. 233; 76 P. 2d. 947; Annot. 99 A.L.R. 294, 314-317.
10 E.g. Lang v.Bayonne (1907) 74 N.J.L. 455, 470; 68 A 90, 105 per Gummere C.J.
See n. 11 post.
11 The Norton rule has had a vitriolic academic press.
See e.g. Field, The Effect
of an Unconstitutional Statute (1935) ch. IV; Jarrett,' De Facto Public Officers'
(1936) 9 S. Cal. L. Rev. 189; Harris, 'The Validity of Acts of Officers Occupying
Federal La}v Review
Some Relevant Criteria
The elements of a true claim to de .facto office are not described in
any pat formula but are to be looked for in all the attendant circumstances, the basic consideration being always the convenience or
necessity of the public or the prevntl0~1
of prejudice to disinterested
third persons. 12
The analysis this far has been directed to demonstrating that the
Norton rule places an unnecessary restriction on the operation of the
de facto officer doctrine in its relation to unconstitutional offices. There
has been no attempt to argue that the doctrine should be automatically
applied in such cases. The argument is rather that any limits which are
to be placed on the operation of the doctrine should be based on a more
rational foundation than the conceptualism of the Norton rule. It now
becomes necessary to ascertain the nature of the limits which may be
necessary. Furthermore the analysis will not be confined to the problem
of unconstitutional offices. It will also be necessary to consider the
validity of the view, which has been accepted ever since State v. Carroll,
that an unconstitutional appointment to an existing office automatically
confers de facto officer status on the appointee.
There are two preliminary difficulties associated with any attempt to
formulate criteria to govern the application of the doctrine in this area.
The first is that the decided cases give very little, if any, assistance. This
is only to be expected because the doctrine tends to be used rather than
subjected to any detailed judicial analysis. It is functional, in the sense
that it produces results, rather than analytical, in the sense that it ever
gets subjected to detailed investigation in its own right. Thus most of
the cases cited in the previous section are content to state the rules
governing the application of the doctrine in anyone of the following
forms. A person who is appointed to an established office by an unconstitutional statute is a de facto officer. There can be no de facto officer
if the statute creating the office he purports to fill is unconstitutional.
A person who purports to exercise the powers of an unconstitutional
office is a de facto officer. These rules are then applied to produce a
desired result without any discussion of the difficulties implicit in them.
The second difficulty stems from the fact that the consequence of
applying the doctrine in this area is to give limited validity to an unconstitutional exercise of power. In other words a common law doctrine
is being used to validate acts which a Constitution declares invalid. It
was argued in the previous section that this fact does not forbid the
Offices Created Under Laws Declared Unconstitutional' (1938) 3 U. Newark L. Rev.
123; Tooke,' De Facto Municipal Corporations' (1928) 37 Yale 935; Wallach, 'De
Facto Office' (1907) 22 Pol. Sci. Qu. 460; Comment, (1952) 12 La. L. Rev. 200;
Note, (1949) 1 Mercer L. Rev. 120; Note (1949) 6 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 84; Note,
(1944) 29 Minn. L. Rev. 36; Note, (1938) 86 U. Pa. L. Rev. 55t.
12 De Fazio v. City of Hobokin (1950) 9 N.J. Super 486, 489; 75A 2d. 551, 554
per Drewer C.J.
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
application of the doctrine, but is a relevant consideration. Even at
common law the de facto doctrine yielded when there were policies
involved which outweighed public inconvenience and the frustration of
legitimate reliance which are the foundation of the doctrine. 13 It would
be surprising therefore if there were not some basic policies reflected in
a constitutional document which overcome certain claims to de .facto
status. There is a tension between a constitutional provision which
invalidates an act and a common law doctrine which gives it limited
validity. This tension cannot be ignored by an automatic application
of the de facto officer doctrine any more than it can be by the automatic
refusal to apply it in these cases.
One relevant factor which should be taken into account is the length
of time the unconstitutional office or officer has acted without any legal
challenge. This may be important in two situations. In one where
there has been a considerable lapse of time the argument for the application of the doctrine is strong, almost conclusive. In the other where
there is an immediate and public legal challenge the argument is very
weak. Take for example the facts of Norton v. Shelby County because
it might be that the actual decision in that case was correct. There, it
will be remembered,14 the Justices of the Peace who composed the County
Court publicly refused to recognize the statutory abolition of their office.
They immediately instituted legal proceedings to challenge the validity of
the Board of County Commissioners which was established by the same
statute and to which the functions of the County Court had been transferred. The bonds in question were issued during the course of these
In these circumstances it might have been said that it was unreasonable
for a member of the public to rely upon the ostensible powers of the
Board to issue the bonds. 15 The colour conferred by the unconstitutional
statute seems to have been dimmed by the immediate challenge to its
validity. Such a view would have been consistent with the only decision
relied on by Field J. to support his decision. That was Hildreth's Heirs
v. McIntyre's Devisee 16 decided by the Kentucky Court of Appeals in
1829. There the Kentucky Legislature passed a statute which purported to abolish the Court of Appeals established by the State Constitution and to substitute a new court of the same name. The judges
of the existing court refused to recognize the constitutionality of this
Ante pp. 43-46.
Ante p. 50.
15 , The inarticulate ground for the decision must have been a strong policy against
unauthorized extensions of the public debt-a grave danger in that period. The
decision may have been influenced also by the fact that the constitutionality of the
statute in question was notoriously in grave doubt when the bonds were issued under
its authority.' Note, (1925) 39 Harv. L. Rev. 373, 374.
16 1 J. J. Marsh 206; 19 Am. Dec. 61.
Federal Law Review
legislative action and continued to publicly exercise their functions.
In Hildreth's case they had to consider the validity of an order of the
new court upon which it was sought to levy execution. It was held
that the statute creating the new court was unconstitutional and that
the members of it could not be regarded as de facto judges.
Although there are certain passages in the judgment which, if taken
out of context, support the Norton rule, it is clear that the decision turned
on the fact that there was an existing de jure court openly acting throughout the relevant period and openly questioning the constitutionality of
the new court. This is certainly the view of the case which has been
taken in the Kentucky decisions. 17 Such a limitation on the de facto
officer doctrine seems reasonable. It may be formulated as follows.
Where an unconstitutional statute purports to abolish an existing office,
and to transfer its functions to a new one, the incumbents of the new
office may not derive sufficient colour to give them de .facto status if the
old officers refuse to recognize the validity of the statute and openly
flout and challenge the validity of its provisions. Another closely
related limitation suggests itself. It might be said that whenever a substantial doubt has been raised to the constitutionality of the statutory
creation of an office, or appointment of an officer, by a well publicized
legal challenge the colour conferred by the statute is weakened. It
will be difficult to apply the doctrine in such a case because the person
concerned to uphold the validity of the official act in question will be
unable to demonstrate legitimate reliance. 18
On the other hand if there is no immediate challenge to the validity
of an office, and the incumbent purports to exercise the powers attached
to it for many years and without question, it seems a classic situation in
which the doctrine should be allowed to operate. Take for example
the constitutional vicissitudes of the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration. The Court was established by statute in 1904
and vested with both arbitral and judicial functions. It was to be
constituted by judges appointed for a term of seven years. Between
1904 and 1918 the Court exercised its powers of conciliation and arbitration in regard to industrial disputes without question. Then in 1918
the High Court held in Alexander's case 19 that the Court was unconsitutional because the judicial power of the Commonwealth could not
be exercised by judges who did not hold life appointments. The Court
was reconstituted to comply with this objection and continued to exercise
17 E.g. Wendt v. Berry (1913) 154 Ky. 586, 589; 157 S.W. 1115, 1117; Lowe v. City
of Bowling Green (1952) 247 S.W. 2d~
18 This is a question of fact however and there may even be cases where although
there is some doubt as to the constitutionality of the office the doctrine \vijI nevertheless apply.
19 Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia v. J. W. Alexander Ltd. (1918) 25
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
its arbitral and judicial function for almost forty years. Then in 1957
the Privy Council held that it was unconstitutionally created because it
violated the separation of powers embodied in the Australian Constitution. 20 A court exercising the judicial power of the Commonwealth
cannot be vested with non-judicial powers.
The validity of the judgments and orders of the Court between 1904
and 1918 and between 1918 and 1957 were never called in question
before the Australian courts. It seems clear however that if they had
the de facto doctrine would have validated them. Where there is a
general assumption of validity extending over a long period of time the
claim to de facto status cannot be stronger. The chaos and confusion
involved in a retroactive invalidation of acts performed over a long
period could not be countenanced.
Another factor which seems to be relevant is the nature of the constitutional defect in the office or the officer's appointment to it. Where
the defect is of a technical nature which could be corrected by the legislature the argument in favour of an application of the de facto officer
doctrine is very strong. This can be illustrated by reference to those
decisions referred to in the previous section where courts which normally
follow the Norton rule have created exceptions to it. 21 These exceptions
nearly all arise when the unconstitutional office is one recognized by
the laws of the jurisdiction in question. They appear to be based on
proposition that, even accepting the Norton rule, there is no objection
to conferring de facto status where the legislature could have created
a legal office. Defects might be described as technical for this purpose
if they relate to the manner and form in which admitted legislative powers
may be exercised.
At the other end of the constitutional scale are express limitations or
prohibitions on the extent of legislative power. Such limitations on
legislative power are far more common in the United States Constitution
and in the various State Constitutions than they are in their Australian
counterparts. We have no Bill of Rights or a Due Process clause. 22
The point however is the same in both countries. It is that there may
be constitutional policies and provisions which are deemed to be so
important that their thrust should not be curbed by the application of
the de facto doctrine. In other words there may be situations in which
public inconvenience and the frustration of legitimate reliance must give
way to the retroactive invalidation of official acts in order to vindicate
20 Attorney-General (Commonwealth) v. The Queen;
Ex parte The Boilermakers'
Society of Australia (1959) 95 C.L.R. 529.
21 Ante pp. 56-57.
22 See :ylaren~
Kadish,' Judicial Review in the High Court and the United States
Supreme Court' (1959) 2 Melb. U.L.R. 4 and 127; Pannam,' Travelling Section 116
with a U.S. Road Map' (1963) 4 Melb. U.L.R. 41, 43-48.
Federal Law Review
a constitutional boundary, or to guarantee a constitutional right. The
decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in Glidden v.
Zdanok 23 may be taken as an illustration.
There it was sought to attack the validity of the proceedings in the
court below on the basis that the judges had not been appointed under
Article III of the United States Constitution. It was argued that only
judges with the life tenure and guaranteed salaries provided for in that
Article could exercise the judicial power of the United States. The
point was not raised in the lower court and it was contended that the
de facto doctrine foreclosed the point being taken on appeal. This
contention reflected the traditional rule in the federal 24 and state 25
courts that the de facto doctrine prevented a conviction being either
attacked on appeal or collaterally on the basis that the judge had no
authority to try the case unless the point was raised at the trial. The
Supreme Court however refused to apply the rule in this case. Harlan J.,
who wrote the opinion of the Court, pointed out that :
The alleged defect of authority here relates to basic constitutional
protections designed in part for the benefit of litigants ... It should
be examinable at least on direct review, where its consideration
encounters none of the objections associated with the principle of
res judicata, that there be an end to litigation. At the most is weighed
in opposition the disruption to sound appellate process entailed by
entertaining objections not raised below, and that is plainly insufficient
to overcome the strong interest of the federal judiciary in maintaining
the constitutional plan of separation of powers. 26
This is an important decision because it recognizes that the de facto
doctrine cannot be automatically applied to preclude a challenge to an
officer's authority where that challenge is based on a fundamental constitutional policy. The fact that the prosecution has relied on the
ostensible authority of the judge and that the point was not raised by
the defence are not as important as the preservation of the constitutional
policy in question. Glidden was a case of appellate review of a conviction and Harlan J. referred to the additional res judicata difficulty
(1962) 370 U.S. 530.
Ex parte Ward (1899) 173 U.S. 452; McDowell v. U.S. (1895) 159 U.S. 596;
Manning v. Weeks (1881) 139 U.S. 504; In re Ah Lee (1880) 5 Fed. 899 (D.C. Oregon).
All of these cases involved the invalid appointment of judges to a de jure office because
the Norton rule forbade the application of the de facto doctrine to an unconstitutionally
established court.
25 In Re Hans (1963) 174 Neb. 612; 119 N.W. 2d. 72; State v. Ness (1954) 75 S.D.
373; 65 N.W. 2d. 923; Marckef Co. v. Zitzow (1944) 218 Minn. 305; 15 N.W. 2d.
777; In Re Santillanes (1943) 47 N.M. 140; 138 P 2d. 503; Ridout v. State (1930) 161
Tenn. 248; 30 S.W. 2d. 255; Nagel v. Bosworth (1912) 148 Ky. 807; 147 S.W. 840;
State ex ref. Bafes v. Bailey (1908) 106 Minn. 138; 118 N.W. 138; State ex ref. Bockmeir v. Ely (1907) 16 N.D. 569; 113 N.W. 711; Butler v. Phillips (1906) 38 Col. 378;
88 P. 480; Curtin v. Barton (1893) 139 N.Y. 505; 34 N.E. 1093; Burt v. Winona &
St. P. R. Co. (1884) 31 Minn. 472; 18 N.W. 285 ; State v. Carroll (1871) 38 Conn.
449; 9 Am. Rep. 409.
26 (1962) 370 U.S. 530, 536.
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
which might be met in applying the same rule in proceedings where a
conviction is attacked collaterally. However even in this area the
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, relying on Glidden, has recently
allowed a collateral attack on a conviction some six years after it was
obtained. 27 The attack was based upon an argument that the trial
judge was a recess appointment who had not been confirmed by the
Senate and hence did not have life er~nt
and a guaranteed salary. In
the result the Court refused to uphold the attack but the important point
is that it was allowed.
This decision has been criticized as an unjustified extension of Glidden. 28
There seems to be little merit in the criticism. After all if a person is
convicted and sentenced for committing a statutory crime and it later
transpires that the legislature had no constitutional power to enact the
statute almost all the American state courts hold that he can be released
on habeas corpus in spite of the res judicata objection. 29 It is therefore
difficult to appreciate why a convicted person ought to be automatically
foreclosed by the de facto doctrine from collaterally questioning the
validity of an equally important constituent element in his detention,
that is the tribunal which convicted him. The importance of Glidden
is that it denies the propriety of an automatic application of the de facto
doctrine and instead directs attention to the nature of the constitutional
defect which is alleged.
Another relevant factor to be taken into account in applying the de
facto doctrine in these cases would seem to be the nature of the particular act which is to be validated by reference to it. If the act in question
relates to personal status the pressures pointing towards an application
of the doctrines will be very strong indeed. Take for example official
acts like marriage, divorce, adoption or naturalization. Or again take
the situation where the validity of a normal commercial contract for the
supply of goods is in question. In such cases the hardship and confusion
which would inevitably follow a retroactive invalidation of such acts
make them classic cases where the de facto officer doctrine should operate.
On the other hand where an individual has been deprived of his property or liberty by governmental action the pressures point away from
an application of the doctrine. Examples of such action might be found
in the case of criminal convictions30 and the compulsory acquisition of
private property. In these cases members of the public have not relied
on the apparent authority of the office or officer to perform their functions.
U.S. v. Allocco (1962) 305 F. 2d. 704.
E.g. Note, (1963) 38 N.Y.U.L.Rev. 169.
29 Annot., "Validity And Effect Of Judgment Based Upon Erroneous View As
To Constitutionality Or Validity Of Statute Or Ordinance Going To The Merits'
(1945) 167 A.L.R. 517.
30 Note, ' The De Jure-De Facto Controversy and its Effect Upon Legal Rights'
(1961) 1 Washburn L.J. 458, where it is argued that the Norton rule should be retained
in criminal cases.
Federal Law Review
The only reliance has been by the government which wants to exercise
the compulsory power. In such a case the constitutional limitation
on the government's power which has been violated may have more
significance than the case where only the interests of members of the
public are concerned.
Because there is this distinction in terms of policy between the various
official acts which the doctrine may be called upon to validate it becomes
necessary to ascertain whether the doctrine is capable of partial application. That is to say can it be applied to validate a divorce or a grant
of probate and yet not applied so as to release a person who has been
convicted of a crime when all of these acts are performed by the same
unconstitutional court? There is no direct authority on the point. It is
submitted however that it should be capable of such an application. The
doctrine applies to the facts of a particular case and does not attach a
permanent de facto label on an officer for all purposes. This has been
recognized in general terms in the early common law cases which have
been discussed above. 31 Moreover such a view is consistent with the
flexibility essential to a concept which is rooted in considerations of
public policy.
It will have been noticed that the foregoing analysis has not drawn
any distinction between the application of the doctrine to an unconstitutional office and an unconstitutionally appointed officer. This has been
intentional because it is not believed that there is any basic difference
between the two situations. Although State v. Carroll seems to suggest
that the doctrine will automatically apply where an officer's appointment
is unconstitutional there seems to be little to commend that view. The
defect in an officer's appointment may be just as significant as the defect
in an office. Glidden v. Zdanok is a good example of just such a situation.
Of course it may be that in most cases a technical defect in an officer's
appointment will not prevent the operation of the doctrine. This provides no reason however for precluding the possibility that there may
be such serious constitutional defects as prevents its application in a
particular case.
The factors, or criteria, which have been discussed do not purport to
be exhaustive. Similarly the examples which have been given of them
are not put forward as dogmatic instances of situations where the de
facto officer doctrine will, or will not, be applied. They are put forward
as relevant considerations to be taken into account in applying the
doctrine as a validating technique when the defect to an officer's title is
a constitutional one. There is an almost complete absence of judicial
authority in this area and so the analysis can be no more than tentative
and exploratory. What is clear in the present submission is that the
doctrine should not be indiscriminately applied by invoking conceptual
Ante pp. 43-45.
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
formulae whether they be in terms of Norton, automatically denying its
application, or in terms of Carroll, automatically applying it. The
doctrine performs a sensitive task in a system of constitutionally limited
government and the task for a court in each case is to carefully isolate
and weigh the various policies pointing to, and away from, its application.
Prospective Overruling
In arriving at a new principle, the judicial process is not impotent
to define its scope and limits. Adjudication is not a mechanical
exercise nor does it compel 'either/or' determinations. We should
not indulge in the fiction that the law now announced has always
been the law.... It is much more conducive to law's self respect
to recognize candidly the considerations that give prospective
content to a new pronouncement. 32
A statute which authorizes the appointment of an officer, or which
creates an office, can be declared unconstitutional in two different
situations. First of all such a declaration may be made the first time
that the statute is attacked in the courts. Secondly a court might hold
the statute valid the first time it is attacked and then, on a subsequent
occasion, overrule itself and hold that it is unconstitutional. Thus far
no distinction has been drawn between these two situations. It has
been assumed that in both of them the appropriate method of determining the validity of official acts performed prior to the declaration of
unconstitutionality is by reference to the de facto officer doctrine. This
assumption must now be examined to see whether there may be a more
direct and simpler method of dealing with the second situation.
In a sense the de facto officer doctrine concedes that a declaration of
unconstitutionality is completely retroactive back to the date of its enactment. It is because the statute is regarded as always having been a
complete nullity that the doctrine is necessary. Acts which appeared
valid when performed are retroactively stripped of their legal foundation.
The only way they can be given limited validity is by reference to this
salvage doctrine which operates to staunch the drastic consequences
that would otherwise flow from this retroactive invalidity. In this view
nothing turns on whether a court reverses itself on the question of the
constitutionality of a statute or whether the statute is invalidated the
first time the question arises. It is void ab initio in both cases.
There is of course nothing peculiar to constitutional law in this regard.
After all the void ab initio doctrine is only the old declaratory theory of
the common law in another guise. Judges do not make law. Their
sole function is to discover what the rules are and then to apply them to
Griffin v. Illinois (1955) 351 U.S. 12, 26 per Frankfurter J. (Concurring opinion).
Federal Law Review
the facts of a particular case.
Blackstone explains:
If an earlier decision is overruled then as
.... the subsequent judges do not pretend to make a new law, but
to vindicate the old one from misrepresentation. For if it be found
that the former decision is manifestly absurd or unjust, it is declared,
not that such a decision was bad law, but that it was not law. ... 33
This theory insists that an overruling decision merely declares what the
common law has always been. The law is not changed; an earlier
mistaken view as to what it was has been corrected.
We no longer believe in these 'childish fictions', as Austin called
them,34 if anybody ever did. It is a platitude of modern legal philosophy
that the judicial process is inescapably creative. The influence of the
declaratory theory can however still be seen in the general rule that an
overruling decision has a retroactive operation. The public law analogue
of this rule is the void ab initio doctrine. Thus if a statute which establishes the Tennessee Valley Authority in the United States, or the Snowy
Mountains Authority in Australia, is held to be constitutional and then
that decision is reversed some forty years later the statute will be regarded
as a legal nullity from the date of its enactment. This is so even though
the highest judicial tribunal had decided that the statute was a valid
exercise of constitutional power. The void ab initio doctrine thus forces
the courts to use salvage techniques to minimize the resulting confusion.
There is however an alternative approach to these problems which is
both simple and direct. In the situation where a court decides to overrule an earlier decision that a statute is constitutional it could specify
that the decision would only operate prospectively and would have no
retroactive effect. This would preserve the validity of all official acts
which had been performed under the statute without the need for calling
in aid the de facto officer doctrine. The court would thus acknowledge
that the statute had the force of law up until the decision which had
upheld its constitutionality was overruled. This approach constitutes
a direct confrontation of the view that an unconstitutional statute is
void ab initio irrespectively of whether it has previously been upheld or
The basic objection to the void ab initio doctrine in this area is that it
is predicated on a fundamental misconception about the nature of law
and legal rules. The same misconception is at the root of the declaratory
theory of the common law. Both theories assume the existence of an
ideal, fixed, immutable, unchanging body of law. They both deny the
proposition that the decision of an ultimate appellate court is the law.
Decisions are merely evidence of the ' true' meaning of the constitution
33 Blackstone, Commentaries (7th ed. 1775) vi, 70.
Common Law (5th ed. 1794) 141.
34 Austin, Jurisprudence (4th ed. 1879) ii, 655.
See also Hale, History of the
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
or the' true' rules of the common law. An overruled decision in this
view was never the law because the overruling decision states what the
, true' rule has always been. This is palpably absurd. When an appellate court has upheld the constitutionality of a statute it is the law until
that decision is overruled. The constitution has provided for a court
to police the limits of the powers it allocates and controls. That court
has decided that a particular exercise of legislative power is valid and
therefore it satisfies the criteria of legality laid down in the constitution
itself. To say that such an exercise of power is not law is nonsense.
Of course it may be that when the law is changed there may be various
factors which persuade a court not to apply the old law to a fact situation
where it would seem to be applicable. But that is a different enquiry
and one that will be looked at a little later.
Once it is recognized that an overruling decision produces a dramatic
change in the law the injustice of allowing it to have an automatic retroactive operation is clearly revealed. The old rule will have been relied
on by many people and in various ways. It will have determined conduct
and been used as the basis of many transactions. This reliance will be
frustrated by a subsequent change in the law which, by hypothesis,
could not have been foreseen. On the other hand if the overruling
decision is only given a prospective operation then this reliance will be
protected and the creative nature of the court's action will not be camouflaged by a fictional formula.
Prospective overruling is unknown in the English and Australian
courts. In England one of the reasons explaining this may be that,
until recently, the House of Lords denied itself the power to reverse its
previous decisions. This reason however does not apply in Australia
where the High Court is free to overrule its earlier decisions, although
the power has been sparingly exercised. 3s On the other hand prospective
overruling has been known in the United States for more than a hundred
years although not always under that name.
The first cases were concerned to protect contract and property rights
against the retroactive operation of an overruling decision. A good
example can be found in the municipal bond cases decided by the
Supreme Court in the last half of the nineteenth century.36 These cases
concerned the validity of bonds issued by municipalities under the
provisions of an unconstitutional statute in the period after a decision
that it was constitutional and before that decision was overruled. It
was uniformly held that the validity of these bonds was to be determined in accordance with the law as it existed at the time they were
35 Australian Agricultural Co. v. Federated Engine-Drivers and Firemen's Association
of Australasia (1913) 17 C.L.R. 261; Attorney-General for N.S. W. v. Perpetual Trustee
Co. {1951) 85 C.L.R. 237; Hughes & Vale Pty. Ltd. v. N.S.W. (1953) 87 C.L.R. 49.
36 E.g. Gelpcke v. Dubuque (1863) 68 U.S. 520 (1 Wall 175); Anderson v. Santa
Anna (1886) 116 U.S. 356.
Federal Law Review
issued. The later change in the law did not affect them. There were
other cases that protected personal liberty against the retroactive operation of an overruling decision. When it was held that legislative divorces
were an unconstitutional usurpation of judicial power, after earlier
decisions that they were valid, the courts refused to allow such divorces
to be questioned. 37 Then again when a criminal statute was held to
be unconstitutional and later to be constitutional it was held that the
statute could not retroactively make criminal conduct that was innocent
when it took place. 38
These are only examples. There are many other situations in which
the courts limited the retroactive operation of overruling decisions. 39
It is important to note however that these exceptions to the general rule
of retroactivity were not put on any constitutional ground but on the
simple basis that it would be unfair and unjust to frustrate the legitimate
reliance which had been placed on the old rule. 40 The next step was for
the court which overruled an earlier decision to specifically limit the new
rule to a prospective operation. These earlier cases dealt with relief
against an assumed retroactivity of the new rule.
The technique of direct prospective overruling has been advocated
during this century by many distinguished scholars41 and judges. 42 It
involves a direct contradiction of the theory that an overruling decision
has a retroactive operation. The old rule is acknowledged as governing
all transactions and conduct that took place prior to the effective date
of the new decision. During the last decade this technique has been
increasingly used by the American courts. Thus a change in the law
E.g. Bingham v. Miller (1848) 17 Ohio 445.
E.g. State v. Stout (1949) 210 P. 2d. 199; State v. O'Neil (1910) 147 Iowa 513;
126 N. W. 454. See generally: Annot., , Reliance On Judicial Decision As Defence
To Prosecution' (1926) 49 A.L.R. 1273. In the converse situation where a person
was convicted under a statute later declared unconstitutional the retroactive theory
was normally applied because it protected personal liberty. See infra p. 70.
39 Freeman,
'The Protection Afforded Against The Retroactive Operation of
an Overruling Decision' (1918) 18 Columbo L. Rev. 230; Snyder, 'Retrospective
Operation of Overruling Decisions' (1940) 35 Ill. L. Rev. 121; Spruill,' The Effect
of an Overruling Decision' (1940) 18 N.C.L. Rev. 199; Note,' Prospective Operation
of Decisions Holding Statutes Unconstitutional or Overruling' (1947) 60 Har. L. Rev.
40 There was some attempt to claim that the retroactive operation of an overruling
decision would violate the provisions of Art. 1, s. 10 of the U.S. Constitution in that it
would constitute ex post facto legislation or an irnpairn1ent of contractual obligations.
This was unsucessful. Ross v. Oregon (1913) 227 U.S. 150; Frank v. Magnum (1915)
237 U.S. 309; Tidal Oil Co. v. Flanagan (1924) 263 U.S. 444. Retroactivity may
however occasionally invoke a due process problem. Brinkerhoff-Faris Trust &
Savings Co. v. Hill (1930) 281 U.S. 673.
41 For a survey of the academic writing see Levy, ' Realist Jurisprudence and Prospective Overruling' (1960) 109 U.Pa.L.Rev. 1.
42 Cardozo, Address to the New York State Bar Association (1932) 55 Report
of the New York State Bar Association 262; Great Northern Rly. v. Sunburst Refining
Co. (1932) 287 U.S. 358; Schaeffer, Precedent and Policy (1956) 12-15; Mosser v.
Darrow (1951) 341 U.S. 267, 276 (Black J.); Commissioner v. Hall's Estate (2nd Circ.
1946) 153 F 2d. 172, 173 (Frank J.); Griffin v. Illinois (1955) 351 U.S. 12, 25-26
(Frankfurter J.).
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
relating to the defence of insanity in criminal cases has been given prospective operation. 43 So too have overruling decisions in the area of
probate,44 taxation45 and commercial law. 46 The most widespread use
of prospective overruling however has been in the wave of cases since
1959 which have abolished the tort immunity of local government units,
charitable organizations and school districts. 47 In all of these cases
the reason for refusing to allow the new rule to have a retroactive operation is the unfairness of frustrating the reliance that was placed on the
old rule. Local governments had not insured against the risk of liability. Commercial transactions had taken place and testamentary
provisions had been made on the assumption that the old rule was the law.
The importance of a specific direction by a court as to whether an
overruling decision is to have a prospective or retroactive operation
can be illustrated by reference to the decision of the Supreme Court
in Mapp v. Ohio48 in 1961. In that case the court overruled Wo(f v.
Colorado and held that the Due Process clause of the United States
Constitution prohibited the use of evidence obtained by an illegal search
and seizure in a state criminal prosecution. The court gave no indication
as to whether the new rule was to be applied to future prosecutions or
whether it could be used to retroactively question previous convictions.
During the last four years there has been considerable debate in the lower
federal and state courts and by academic commentators on this question. 49 The dominant view at this stage seems to be that Mapp was
prospective and had no retroactive effect. 50 All of the uncertainty that
has been generated by the silence of the Supreme Court on this question
could have been avoided if a clear direction had have been given in
M app itself. 50A
Durham v. U.S. (1954) 214 F 2d. 862.
Phillips Exeter Academy v. Gleason (1960) 102 N.H. 369; 157 A 2d. 769.
45 Southern Pacific Co. v. Cochise (1963) 92 Ariz. 395; 377 P. 2d. 770.
46 State v. Martin (1963) 384 P. 2d. 833 (Washington).
47 Molitor v. Kaneland Community Unit District No. 302 (1959) 11 Ill. 2d. 11; 163
N.E. 2d. 88; Parker v. Port Huron Hospital (1960) 361 Mich. 1; 105 N.W. 2d. 1;
Williams v. City of Detroit (1961) 364 Mich. 231; 111 N.W. 2d. 1; Holytz v. City of
Milwaukee (1962) 17 Wise. 2d. 26; 115 N.W. 2d. 618; Spanel v. Mounds View School
District No. 621 (1962) 118 N.W. 2d. (Minn.); Stone v. Arizona Highway Commission
(1963) 93 Ariz. 384; 381 P. 2d. 107.
48 (1961) 367 U.S. 643.
49 E.g. Sisk v. Lane (1964) 331 F 2d. 235;
U.S. v. Fay (1964) 333 F 2d. 12; U.S.
v. Rundle (1964) 337 F 2d. 268; Comment,' Prospective Overruling and Retroactive
Application in the Federal Courts' (1962) 71 Yale L.J. 907; Bender,' The Retroactive
Effect of an Overruling Constitutional Decision' (1962) 110 U.Pa.L.Rev. 650.
50 It does apply however to all cases which were in the appellate process at the time
Mapp was decided. Dillon v. Peters (1965) 341 F 2d. 337; U.S. v. La Vallee (1964)
335 F 2d. 230.
50A Since the above was written the Supreme Court has held that the Mapp v. Ohio
rule does not apply to convictions which had become final by the date of its decision
in that case. Linkletter v. Walker (1965) 381 U.S. 618. The Court has also considered
the retroactive effect of some of its latest decisions which broaden the scope of the
Due Process clause in State criminal prosecutions. Tehan v. Shott (1966) 382 U.S.
406; . Johnson v. New Jersey (1966) 16 L. ed. 882.
Federal Law Review
There are still many matters that are unsettled about the use of the
technique of prospective overruling. For example, should the new
rule be applied to the facts of the case before the court or should it be
completely prospective. Irrespective of how that question is determined does the new rule apply to all causes of action that accrue after
the date of the overruling decision or should an ' effective date' on which
the new rule will come into operation be specified. Different courts
have approached these matters in different ways. 51
Then again there is the basic question as to whether the overruling
decision will be limited to a solely prospective application. This seems to
involve a consideration of the underlying purposes of the new rule and
whether they will be served by allowing it a retroactive operation. 52
In the post-Mapp cases the majority of the lower federal and state courts
have decided that the purpose of that rule was to deter undesirable police
conduct and not to exclude evidence because it was intrinsically unreliable.
They have held that this deterrent purpose would not be furthered by
allowing the reopening of earlier convictions. 53 On the other hand the
decisions in Gideon v. Wainwright 54 and Griffin v. Illinois 55 relating to
the right of an indigent accused to be provided with counsel and a free
transcript have been given a retroactive operation. The new rules they
state go to the very essence of the concept of a fair trial and they therefore cast doubt on the propriety of convictions obtained before they were
decided. 56
It is unnecessary to the present analysis to pursue any of these matters
further. The point to be made is simply that the technique of prospective overruling avoids the necessity of resorting to the de facto doctrine
in the situation where the constitutionality of a statute has been upheld
and then that decision is overruled on a subsequent occasion. Instead
of indulging in the fiction that the statute was void ab initio and then
applying a salvage doctrine to validate certain official acts it can be
recognized that the statute was valid until it was declared unconstitutional.
This is not merely a more satisfying doctrinal approach to the problem
but it also involves considerable substantive differences. It will be
remembered that the de facto doctrine only validates an officer's acts as
51 Littlefield, 'Stare Decisis, Prospective Overruling and Judicial Legislation in
the Context of Sovereign Immunity' (1964) 9 St. Louis L. J. 56; Note,' Limitation
of Judicial Decisions to Prospective Operation' (1961) 46 Iowa L. Rev. 600; Con1ment, 'The Prospective Decision-A Useful" Tool of the Trade" , (1961) 38 Wash.
L. Rev. 584.
52 Comment, 'Prospective Overruling and Retroactive Application in the Federal
Courts' (1962) 71 Yale L. J. 907, 942.
53 See the authorities in n. 50 and n. 50A. Linkletter v. Walker (1965) 381 U.S. 618.
54 (1963) 372 U.S. 335.
55 (1955) 351 U.S. 12.
56 Eskridge v. Washington State Board (1958) 357 U.S. 214 (Griffin); Doughty v.
Maxwell (1964) 376 U.S. 202 (Gideon); Palumbo v. State of New Jersey (1964) 334
F 2d. 524 (Gideon); U.S. ex reI. Durocher v. La Vallee (1964) 330 F 2d. 303. (Gideon).
Unconstitutional Statutes and De Facto Officers
far as third persons are concerned. The officer himself is not assisted
in any way. He is treated as a mere usurper liable for all of his acts
and is not entitled to pay for his services or anything else. 57 This is
most unfair in many cases as the officer has relied on the ostensibly valid
terms of a statute. 58 By using the technique of prospective overruling
in those cases where it is appropriate these difficulties are avoided. The
officer is protected because up until the statute is declared unconstitutional
he is a de jure and not a de facto officer.
The major submissions made in this paper may be summarized as
The de facto officer doctrine applies equally to a person who is
appointed to an office which has been created by an unconstitutional
statute and a person who is appointed pursuant to the terms of an
unconstitutional statute to a valid office. It thus protects the
official actions of both unconstitutional offices and officers.
It should not be used as an automatic validating technique in either
situation. There are limits on its operation that stem from the
fact that it is being used to validate an unconstitutional exercise of
power. The relevant criteria to be taken into account seem to
(a) The length of time the officer has carried out the duties of the
office without challenge.
(b) The nature of the constitutional defect in the relevant statute.
(c) The nature of the act that is sought to be validated by reference
to the doctrine.
When the relevant statute has been held constitutional and then
overruled the overruling decision should be limited to a prospective
operation in order to avoid the need for resort to the doctrine.
Ante pp. 42-43.
Pannam, 'Tortious Liability for Acts Performed Under an Unconstitutional
Statute' (1966) 5 Melb. U.L.Rev. 113.