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In a field experiment, numbers of flower and siliqua, reproductive efficiency, and fruit and seed sizes were compared in proximmal (basal) and distal (top) end of the raceme of nine Brassica spp. Result revealed that generally, irrespective of genotypes, fewer flowers and increased number of silqua were set at proximal than in the distal end of the raceme while fruits and seeds were heavier at former than in the latter in some genotypes. In others, siliqua and seeds were of equal sizes both in proximal and distal region of the raceme. Proximal and distal position in the raceme influenced pod and seed size, and seed yield in mustard.
Euphytica, 2013
Understanding the relationship between floral and reproductive traits are critical to understand the evolution of plant species in brassica and need for selecting lines as parental lines in hybrid seed prodcution. The protogyny nature of Brassica species are characterized based on the variations in floral morphology, protogyny interval, stigma receptivity, pollen biology, compatibility and seeds set. The variation in stigma morphology features (stigma exsertion prior to anthesis) and protogyny interval (ranged from 8 to 10 days) formed phenotypically distinct. Studies on stigma receptivity and pollen viability revealed significant variability and found to be at its peak up to 3 days after anthesis and reduced drastically thereafter. Compatibility crosses and post pollination events such as pollen deposition on the surface of the stigma and culminating with the entry of the pollen tube into the embryo sac, was rapid and completed within 2 days after pollination, whereas in in-compatible cross not even single pollen was germinated on stigmatic surface and consequently no pollen tube growth even after sixth day of pollination.
Annals of Agricultural Research, 2007
Heterosis was examined for earliness, days to 50 per cent flowering, number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, number of siliqua on main axis, number of seed per siliqua, days to maturity, biological yield and seed yield from the material generated from 12 x 12 diallel mating design of Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss. Negative significant heterosis considered desirable for days to 50 per cent flowering and days to maturity. Highest heterosis was found in crosses IC-199715X EJ-3 (-21.03), Krishna X DIRA-313-6 (-2.89), EJ-2 X IC-199714 (60.42), EJ-2X IC-199714 (70.0), EJ-IX Pusa Agrani (37.96), EJ-3X RH-30 (34.88), EJ-2X EJ-1 (151.6) and Pusa Agrani X EC-28 (179.75) for days to 50 per cent flowering, days to maturity, number of siliqua on main axis, number of seed per siliqua, biological yield and seed yield, respectively.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2019
The maximum value of heritability and genetic advance were found for days to 50% flowering, length of main raceme and 1000-seed weight. Grain yield showed highly significant and positive association with harvest index, while negative and highly significant association with number of secondary branches per plant at both genotypic and phenotypic level. Number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, oil content and 1000-seed weight had positive direct effects whereas; days to 50% flowering, plant height, days to maturity and seed yield per plant had negative direct effect on seed yield.
The Agriculturists, 2016
Twenty four genotypes including four check varieties of mustard (Brassica rapaL.) were collected for estimating the genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance of different characters related to the yield and yield components. The experiment was conducted at the Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University research farm, Dhaka during 2013-2014. Days to 50% flowering and days to 80% maturity showed moderate difference between the phenotypic and genotypic variance whereas, minimum differences were found in number of primary branches plant-1, number of secondary branches plant-1, number of seeds siliqua-1, siliqua length and thousand seed weight and yield plant-1. Number of secondary branches plant-1 showed high heritability coupled with high genetic advance in percentage of mean. On the other hand, days to 50% flowering, no. of siliqua plant-1, yield plant-1 showed high heritability with moderate genetic advance in percentage of mean. Days to 80% maturity, no. of primary branches pl...
Fifty four genotypes of rapeseed-mustard were evaluated during rabi season 2009-10 at Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal for nine yield and its attributing traits. The genotypes were grouped into ten clusters based on D2 values. The intra-cluster distance was highest in cluster-X and lowest in cluster-IV. The maximum inter-cluster distance was found between clusters-I and IX followed by the distance between the clusters-I and V, clusters-Ill and IX and clusters-IX and X Seed yield plant! contributed the maximum to total divergence and some other traits with appreciable contribution were plant height, primary branches plant", seeds siliqua! at top and seeds siliqua' at bottom. Significant varietal differences were observed for all the characters except siliqua on main raceme. The GCV was less than PCV for all the characters indicating considerable influence of the environment on their expression. High PCV and GCV were observed for secondary branches plant" and siliqua on branches whereas, the remaining characters expressed low to medium GCV High heritability along with high genetic advance as percentage of mean were exhibited by plant height, seed yield, secondary branches plan(1, siliqua on branches and seeds siliquae" at top of the plant indicating their control by additiv; gene action and chances of further improvement by selection. Among the yield attributing traits siliqua on main raceme was significantly correlated with seed yield both at genotypic and phenotypic level whereas, seeds siliquae" at bottom was positively associated with seed yield only at the genotypic level. The highest direct effect at genotypic level on seed yield was equally exhibited by seeds siliquae" at middle and secondary branches plant". ABSTRACT AINP on Jute & Allied Fibres,
Agriways, 2020
The twenty eight genotypes of Indian mustard were collected from different locations to estimate genetic variability and genetic divergence for thirteen quantitative traits. Genetic divergence determine in twenty eight genotypes of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) by applying D 2 statistics for thirteen traits facilitate grouping of all the genotypes into five clusters. Days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, number of primary branches, number of secondary branches ,plant height, number of siliqua per plant, siliqua length, number of seed per siliqua, days to maturity, biological yield per plant, seed yield per plant, harvest index and test weight were the main contributors for genetic diversity among the genotypes. Out of 5 clusters, cluster V contained the highest 8 genotypes followed by cluster III consisting of seven genotypes, cluster II comprising 6 genotypes, cluster 4 comprising 4 genotypes and cluster I has 3genotypes. The cluster II presented maximum intra-cluster distance (2.829), while maximum intercluster distance was detected between cluster IV and I (5.338). The cluster IV had highest mean value for days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, number of primary branches, siliqua length and seed yield per plant. Therefore the result suggested that these, genotype would be utilized as donor parent for accumulation of favorable genes in future breeding program.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018
The doubled haploids of Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun) were evaluated along with mustard under two environments during rabi, 2010-11. Analysis of variance for different traits such as days to flower initiation, days to 50 per cent flowering, days to 75 per cent maturity, plant height, number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, siliquae per plant, length of main shoot, siliquae on main shoot, siliqua length, seeds per siliqua, 1000-seed weight, seed yield per plant, biological yield per plant, harvest index and per cent oil content revealed the presence of sufficient genetic variability for all characters except siliqua length and per cent oil content in Env. I. On the other hand in Env. II, the presence of sufficient genetic variability for most of the traits was observed. Pooled analysis over environments revealed the presence of g x e interactions for all characters except days to flower initiation and per cent oil content. The estimates of PCV were found to be higher than their corresponding GCV for all characters. In pooled over the environments, high PCV values were observed for siliquae per plant and harvest index. The estimates of GCV were found to be moderate for siliquae per plant. High heritability values were observed for days to 50 per cent flowering followed by days to 75 per cent maturity and days to flower initiation. Expected genetic advance expressed as per cent of mean were moderate for siliquae per plant followed by 1000-seed weight, days to flower initiation and plant height.
The present investigations ware carried out to evaluate different accessions of Brassica juncea for yield improvement. The experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design with three replication at the Oilseeds Research Institute, Faisalabad, (Pakistan) during 2013-2014. Ten genotypes of Brassica juncea were sown to evaluate the components of variability (genotypic and phenotypic), heritability (h2 B.S), correlation (genotypic and phenotypic) and path analysis for yield and various yield components. High heritability (h2 B.S) was calculated for seeds plant-1 (0.99) and plant height (0.95). Maximum genotypic and phenotypic variance was found for seeds plant-1 (7874.22 and 7919.26) and maximum genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation for silique plant-1 (21.60 and 23.32%) respectively. Seed yield plant-1had significantly positive correlation with plant height, branches plant- 1and seeds plant-1at both the phenotypic and genotypic levels. Days to maturity had significantly positive association with days to flowering and branches plant-1. Significantly positive correlation of seeds siliqua-1 was found for siliques plant-1and siliqua length. Plant height also had positive and significant association with 1000-seed weight and seeds plant-1. Path analysis indicated that seeds siliqua-1 (1.05), 1000-seed weight (2.16) and days to maturity (1.11) had directly positive inputs in determining seed yield plant-1. The seeds plant-1 and 1000-seed weight variables were the traits with the best prospective of selection of high seed production because these characters obsessed of a high h2 B.S, a strong positive association and direct effect with seed production.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2020
An experiment consisting twenty one single crosses derived from 7 x7 diallel cross and seven parents of Indian mustard was conducted at Oilseed research Farm of C. S. Azad Univ. of Ag. & Tech., Kanpur during Rabi 2015-16. Each parent and F1s was sown in two rows of 5 meter long spaced at 45x10 cm between rows and plants respectively during the month of December in three replications. The data were recorded on 5 randomly selected plants for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height (cm), number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, number of siliquae per plant, number of seeds per siliqua, 1000-seed weight (g), biological yield per plant (g), harvest index (%), oil content (%) and seed yield per plant (g). The analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among parents and crosses revealing sufficient quantity of variations in the genetic materials used in study. The Analysis of Variance for Combining Ability revealed highly s...
Journal of entomology and zoology studies, 2018
The present study was conducted to determine the effect of different modes of pollination on seed set of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) in three different sowing dates. The studies were conducted in mustard crop by inducing the plant to flower early or late through different sowing dates. Open mode of pollination was superior to hand pollination and pollinators exclusion. Higher seed set percentage was observed in open pollination (81.89 %) as compared to hand pollination (58.61 %) and pollinator’s exclusion (45.96 %). This shows an increase of 35. 93 and 12.56 per cent seed set under open pollination and hand pollination modes over pollinators exclusion. Delayed sowing of mustard resulted into reduction in the seed set. Highest seed siliqua -1 and 1000-seed weight was obtained in open pollination followed by hand pollination. The minimum seed/ siliqua and 1000 seed weight was observed in case of pollinator’s exclusion. The mean number of seed siliqua -1 and 1000-seed weight did not v...
Political Ecologies of the Far Right
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