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2021, Religie zonder verrassingen
32 pages
1 file
BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, 1987
Leidschrift : Religieus geweld vanaf de oudheid tot in de nieuwe tijd, 2005
Hij verklaart de nieuwe benadering in de jaren '70 onder meer met verwijzing naar de ervaring van de christelijke bevrijdingstheologie, die gewelddadige opstanden in Zuid-en Midden-Amerika rechtvaardigde. 67 Riley-Smith, First crusaders, vii.
Het oudste adagium van een scheiding van kerk en staat was gericht op het tot stand brengen van vrijheid van godsdienst voor alle burgers en luidde: ‘geen heersende kerk’. De r.-k. kerk kon aanvankelijk geen aangepast theologisch antwoord formuleren op de nieuwe politiek-maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen omdat voor theologische reflectie veel tijd en een stabiel kader noodzakelijk zijn. Desondanks formuleerde de kerk juridisch-bestuurlijke antwoorden op de nieuwe uitdagingen. Theologische reflectie werd pas (veel) later mogelijk. De voorbeelden van de wijze van reageren van de kerk zijn legio: de oprichting van de Heilige Congregatie voor de kerkelijke zaken in het koninkrijk Frankrijk in 1790, het sluiten van een concordaat tussen de Heilige Stoel en Frankrijk in 1801 – en vele soortgelijke concordaten met andere staten – de ontwikkeling van een eigen kerkelijk publiekrecht en van een leer over de wederzijdse onafhankelijkheid van kerk en staat, maar ook de afkondiging van de Codex I...
Religie & Samenleving, 2021
Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in church building, De Nieuwe Stad in Amsterdam Zuidoost, including serving free meals for everyone who wanted them. When this was no longer possible because of the Covid-19 measures, the international churches Treasures International Ministries and Maranatha Community Transformation Centre and Diaconie Evangelisch-Lutherse Gemeente Amsterdam decided to work together and start delivering meals to people’s houses. As one, relatively small project, operating alongside other aid initiatives, the meals project soon received many more enlistments than anticipated, and the Covid-19 crisis lasted longer than expected, which raised questions regarding the underlying needs and how to proceed in the long term. Together with researchers, they started a practical theological research project. On the basis of this project, that included action research, this article describes the meals project, its context and the research method tha...
Religie & Samenleving, 2020
In the past century, many different developments have taken place in what is nowadays the Apostolic Society – a Dutch religious denomination founded in 1951. The oldest members of this religious community have experienced lots of changes in beliefs, practices, rituals, and liturgy. Also, the belief in God underwent a series of changes. In this article, I will look at how members of the Apostolic Society used to relate to God and how they relate to God nowadays – and which differences have taken place in the course of time. I will do this by analyzing data gathered from interviews with 18 members of the Apostolic Society. The data will be presented according to the six different social generations to which the interviewees belong. None of the interviewees currently have a theistic image of God: some of them see God as a creative force whereas others see it as a loving power between people.
Religie & Samenleving
Homo religiosus, homo ludens afscheidscollege, uitgesproken op 31 mei 2011 Henk Tieleman *
Rede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van persoonlijk hoogleraar voor de leerstoel Systematische Theologie met bijzondere aandacht voor genderstudies aan de Protestantse Theologische Universiteit op 30 oktober 2014 te Amsterdam.
In the 1950'sand 1960's, the Roman Catholic priest Han Fortmann (1912-1970) was the first to teach such not uncontroversial topics as the psychology and anthropology of religion at the Catholic University, at Nijmegen. However, through his newspaper articles and his radio broadcasts, his influence reached far beyond Academia. Articulating his own views and doubts on contemporary (Dutch) Catholicism, he became a popular figure, an icon almost of critical Catholicism. As this essay shows, both in his major study, Als Ziende de Onzienlijke (1964-1968) and in subsequent publications, he felt increasingly disenchanted with the cultural and moral-religious vitality of the western world. Consequently, he stressed the need for an exploration of and a dialogue with eastern religions, mainly Hinduism and Buddhism, to regenerate the life and culture of western man, to show him the way from the 'I' to the 'not-I'. His own research seems to have led him to accept that man...
Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2019
Biological Trace Element Research, 2018
Alexander Zorin, Charles Ramble “Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit”, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 71, June 2024, pp. 33-92., 2024
Policy and Society , 2017
Journal of Marine Research, 2013
Reading Religion, 2020
Advances in Media, Entertainment, and the Arts
The Astrophysical Journal, 2018
Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 1992
Pharmaceutics, 2021
Studii și Cercetări Lingvistice (SCL), 2024
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2013
The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 2019
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 2021
Læring og Medier (LOM), 2016
Journal of Textiles, Coloration and Polymer Science, 2021