Michael C. Everett1
Marina C. Elliott2,3
David Gaynor4
Austin C. Hill1,5
Samar M. Syeda6
Jesse Casana1
Bernhard Zipfel7
Jeremy M. DeSilva1,7
Nathaniel J. Dominy1
Department of Anthropology,
Dartmouth College, Hanover, New
Hampshire, USA
Department of Archaeology, Simon
Fraser University, Burnaby, British
Columbia, Canada
Centre for the Exploration of the
Deep Human Journey, University of
the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,
South Africa
Mammal Research Institute,
University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South
Department of Anthropology,
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Skeletal Biology Research Centre,
School of Anthropology and
Conservation, University of Kent,
Canterbury, UK
Evolutionary Studies Institute,
University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Michael Everett
Received: 13 Mar. 2021
Revised: 28 July 2021
Accepted: 02 Aug. 2021
Published: 29 Nov. 2021
Everett MC, Elliott MC, Gaynor D,
Hill AC, Syeda SM, Casana J, et
al. Mechanical loading of primate
fingers on vertical rock surfaces.
S Afr J Sci. 2021;117(11/12), Art.
☒ Peer review
☒ Supplementary material
☐ Open data set
☒ All data included
☐ On request from author(s)
☐ Not available
☐ Not applicable
Margaret Avery
Jemma Finch
human evolution, locomotion,
climbing, suspension, bone curvature
Claire Garber Goodman Fund,
Department of Anthropology,
Dartmouth College; Stamps Scholars
Program, Dartmouth College
Mechanical loading of primate fingers on vertical
rock surfaces
Mechanical loading of finger bones (phalanges) can induce angular curvature, which benefits arboreal
primates by dissipating forces and economising the recruitment of muscles during climbing. The recent
discovery of extremely curved phalanges in a hominin, Homo naledi, is puzzling, for it suggests life in an
arboreal milieu, or, alternatively, habitual climbing on vertical rock surfaces. The importance of climbing
rock walls is attested by several populations of baboons, one of which uses a 7-m vertical surface to enter
and exit Dronkvlei Cave, De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa. This rock surface is an attractive model
for estimating the probability of extreme mechanical loading on the phalanges of rock-climbing primates.
Here we use three-dimensional photogrammetry to show that 82–91% of the climbable surface would
generate high forces on the flexor tendon pulley system and severely load the phalanges of baboons and
H. naledi. If such proportions are representative of vertical rock surfaces elsewhere, it may be sufficient
to induce stress-mitigating curvature in the phalanges of primates.
We present the first three-dimensional photogrammetric analysis of a vertical rock surface climbed by a
non-human primate, the chacma baboon (Papio ursinus).
Our results show that a large proportion of a vertical rock wall would compel crimp and slope hand
positions during climbing – grips that could explain the extraordinary phalangeal curvature expressed by a
Middle Pleistocene hominin, Homo naledi.
Bone is a dynamic tissue, and repeated mechanical loading can induce changes to its density and angular curvature.
For example, loading stresses from vertical climbing and suspensory locomotion can increase the curvature of
primate finger bones (phalanges) during growth and development.1-3 Greater curvature is advantageous to arboreal
primates because it dissipates forces and dampens recruitment of muscles during finger flexion, thus economising
energetic costs and simultaneously lowering the risk of falling. Phalangeal curvature is therefore widely viewed as
a measure of arboreality among primates – it is a classic form-functional trait that informs our interpretations of
behaviour and ecology in the fossil record1-7 (but see Wallace et al.8 for a counterexample).
Upsetting this orthodoxy is the hand of Homo naledi, recovered from Rising Star Cave, South Africa, in 2013–14
and described in 2015.9 The degree of phalangeal curvature is astounding, with an included angle (θ) that far
exceeds that of modern humans (Figure 1). Such curvature would normally and unequivocally suggest an arboreal
milieu3, but there are at least two reasons to doubt such an inference for H. naledi. First, the phalanges are relatively
short, resulting in humanlike hand proportions.9 No arboreal primate has phalanges that are both short and curved;
it is an aberration that confounds conventional interpretation. Second, existing specimens of H. naledi are dated to
the Middle Pleistocene between 335 kya and 241 kya.12 Nearby faunal assemblages of comparable age – those of
Gladysvale13 and Lincoln Cave, Sterkfontein14 – favour habitat conditions that resemble those of today, i.e. a mix of
acacia woodland and grassland, neither of which would incentivise a strongly arboreal ecology.15
So, what was H. naledi doing with its hands? Voisin et al.16 examined the shoulder girdle of H. naledi and reported
morphological traits associated with vertical climbing and suspension. But given the inferred habitat conditions,
they discounted arboreal activities and argued instead for ‘movement across and climbing on rocky walls’16(p.2).
Voisin et al.’s hypothesis is intriguing given that rock climbing puts high forces on finger flexor tendons, especially
during the ‘crimp’ position (Figure 2).17-20 This position puts extreme stress on the flexor tendon pulley system, a
series of five annular (A1–A5) and three cruciate ligaments (C1–C3) that resist bowstringing of the tendons. In
other words, the pulley system holds the tendons close to the bone, effectively converting linear force into torque
that produces flexion at the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints (Supplementary figure 1).
Ruptures of A217 and other severe pulley injuries are common among human rock climbers21, and a testament to
the mechanical loading of phalanges. Indeed, frequent rock climbing is known to cause geometric and cortical
thickening of the phalanges22 and it may induce greater curvature, at least hypothetically. Tan et al.18 calculated the
benefits of greater phalangeal curvature for reducing tendon and pulley stresses of fingers in the crimp position;
however, affirming increased curvature among rock climbers is difficult because it is challenging to measure angles
from radiographs of living subjects. Another model system is needed.
Research Article
Volume 117| Number 11/12
November/December 2021
Mechanical loading of primate fingers on vertical rock surfaces
Page 2 of 6
Some populations of baboons and chimpanzees enter cave systems
to avoid predators and/or regulate body temperature.23-34 Some caves
are only accessible by climbing sheer cliffs.28 For example, Marais23
described a group of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) and their daily
ascent to a cliffside cave opening ≈150 m high. His vivid account
speaks to the mechanical loading of fingers: ‘they had to go more
than a mile hanging only by their fingers to the [cliff] ledge; their hind
feet against the smooth surface’23(p.63). In some cases, baboons must
negotiate vertical rock surfaces within a cave. For example, at Misgrot
Cave in Thabazimbi, South Africa, baboons face a perilous 17-m vertical
descent from ground level (Figure 3)32, whereas those entering Dronkvlei
Cave, De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa, descend 7 m to access
the interior (Figure 4). Baboons use both caves regularly as overnight
sleeping sites; Dronkvlei is used on 28% of nights.30
Study aims and design
Figure 1:
Dronkvlei Cave is an appealing model system for exploring the
topography of a vertical rock surface and its potential to load primate
fingers. Here we ask a basic question: what proportion of a vertical
rock wall would, when climbed, force the distal phalanges of P. ursinus
(and, hypothetically, H. naledi) into a crimp or slope grip position? It
is a thought experiment that leaves formal comparative measures of
phalangeal curvature in P. ursinus as a priority for future research. To
answer our question, we used three-dimensional (3D) photogrammetry
to detect and quantify concavities in the surface that range from a
minimum graspable depth (determined as the length of the third distal
phalanx) to a minimum crimpable depth (determined as the sum length
of the third intermediate and distal phalanx) – i.e. depths of 11–25 mm
for P. ursinus and 14–37 mm for H. naledi (Table 1).
Cladogram of baboons (Papio), gibbons (Hylobates),
orangutans (Pongo), gorillas (Gorilla), chimpanzees (Pan),
an indeterminate hominin (OH 86), and genus Homo. The
branches are tipped with representative photographs of
manual proximal phalanges in lateral view, together with mean
degrees of curvature of the proximal phalanx, as measured by
computing the included angle (θ). Data sources for θ: Stern
et al.10 (humans), Jungers et al.6 (non-human primates), and
Domínguez-Rodrigo et al.11 (OH 86). The θ value for H. naledi
was calculated by one of us (S.M.S.) as the mean of digits II
(42.71), III (46.49), IV (48.44), and V (31.88) of hand 1, the
right hand of an adult (see Kivell et al.9 for further details).
Data acquisition
Photogrammetry is a low-cost method for extracting accurate
measurements from photographs. It is well suited for producing 3D models
of irregular surfaces, such as cave walls.36 To obtain photographs of the
rock surface climbed by baboons, we used metal irrigation piping to
construct a temporary T-shaped scaffold. The cross pipe was mounted
Illustration: ©William Scavone, reproduced with permission.
Anatomical labels: MC, metacarpal; PP, proximal phalanx; IP, intermediate phalanx; DP, distal phalanx; FDS, flexor digitorum superficialis; FDP, flexor digitorum profundus
Figure 2:
Common handholds on rock surfaces and the underlying flexor tendon pulley system. Up to 90% of climbers use the crimp grip (left), where
the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints are flexed from 90° to 100° and the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints are either fully extended or
hyperextended.17 The second most common grip is the slope grip or open hand grip (right), which is distinguished by extended or slightly flexed
PIP joints and flexion (50° to 70°) of the DIP joints.17
Research Article
Volume 117| Number 11/12
November/December 2021
Mechanical loading of primate fingers on vertical rock surfaces
Page 3 of 6
Photographs: Jason L. Heaton, reproduced with permission.
Figure 3:
Misgrot Cave in Thabazimbi, South Africa. Chacma baboons (a) enter the cave at ground level before negotiating (b) a steep vertical descent of 17 m.
Figure 4:
Dronkvlei Cave, De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa. Chacma baboons (a) enter the cave through a 1-m opening at ground level before
negotiating (b) a vertical descent of 7 m. The preferred surface of the baboons is clearly differentiated by a dark patina. This surface area is
the focus of our analysis. In addition, we produced (c) a map of the interior, noting the presence of skeletal remains. Some remains are now
accessioned at the University of the Witwatersrand (repository prefix U.W., site designation 116, see Zipfel and Berger35 for cataloguing details).
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Volume 117| Number 11/12
November/December 2021
Mechanical loading of primate fingers on vertical rock surfaces
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at the cave opening and fixed to a vertical pipe that extended to the shaft
floor (Figure 4a), where it was weighted to minimise lateral excursions. We
hitched a digital camera to this pipe so that photography occurred from
a fixed central axis, and we mounted ground control points to the rock
surface. We abseiled into the cave to operate the camera, aiming for 80%
overlap between serial photos in the horizontal and vertical planes.
Table 1:
real-world dimensions by using the targets as scale bars, and manually
oriented. Manual orientation is suboptimal for any calculations that
rely on the slope of the wall, but it should not affect the local depth
calculations described below. After alignment, dense cloud construction,
and texture application, we trimmed the 3D model to the area used for
climbing (Figure 4b) and exported it as an orthophoto (Figure 5a) and
digital elevation model (DEM) with an arbitrary local coordinate system.
We brought the resulting geotiffs, both with sub-millimetre resolution,
into ArcGIS and SAGA GIS for further processing and visualisation.
Lengths (in mm) of the third intermediate and distal phalanx of
the hand. Most measures of Papio ursinus were obtained from
specimens in the School of Anatomical Sciences, University of
the Witwatersrand (see Supplementary table 1 for catalogue
numbers and corresponding measurements).
Species (N
Intermediate phalanx
mean ± 1 SD
Distal phalanx
mean ± 1 SD
14.4 ± 1.7
10.8 ± 1.3
Depth processing
In ArcGIS, the DEM raster treats the surface of the rock wall as vertical
elevation data. To calculate the local relative depth of each raster cell
in the rock wall, we used focal statistics with a small neighborhood,
and maximum elevation as the statistics type, to create a raster of the
local maximum height of the wall, and then smoothed that raster again
with focal statistics over a wider neighborhood, creating a smoothed
idealised model of the maximum height of the local surface of the cave.
We subtracted the original DEM from this idealised surface to find the
local difference between each cell and the average nearest ‘maximum’
value. Finally, we queried this raster of local depths for cells in two
ranges (11–25 mm for P. ursinus and 14–37 mm for H. naledi) and used
this value to calculate the total area of each range.
This study
Papio ursinus (19)
Homo naledi (2)
Kivell et
al.9, Kivell,
Results and discussion
The entrance to Dronkvlei Cave is a useful model for exploring potential
stresses on the flexor tendon pulley system and phalanges of primates.
We focused our analysis on the surface area climbed by baboons –
representing 5.98 m2 (Figure 5a) – and we show that crimp- and slopeinducing handholds are distributed relatively evenly across a nearly
vertical plane (Figure 5b). However, the total area of such holds differed
between the two species.
We processed the image set (n=354) with Agisoft Metashape Pro
(formerly Photoscan Pro), a common package used in archaeological
research.37-39 Due to logistical constraints in the field, we did not record
spatial data for each ground control point, so the model was scaled to
Figure 5:
Section of vertical rock wall at the entrance to Dronkvlei Cave, South Africa. It is a surface that baboons climb regularly (Figure 4b) and the
focus of our analysis. (a) Composite orthophoto and ground control points. (b) Digital elevation model to visualise the rugosity and verticality
of the surface (the cross-sectional profile on the left corresponds to the black line). Red surfaces slope outward, whereas green surfaces
are relatively flat. (c) Hillshaded visualisation; the colours correspond to handholds that are likely to compel weight-bearing finger flexion by
chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) and Homo naledi. The 3D mesh and raw photo are available in MorphoSource (
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Volume 117| Number 11/12
November/December 2021
Mechanical loading of primate fingers on vertical rock surfaces
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For P. ursinus, we calculated an area of 0.494 m2 (2 514 603 cells of
0.44 mm x 0.44 mm), and for H. naledi an area of 0.353 m2 (1 795 106
cells of 0.44 mm x 0.44 mm), with an overlap of 0.282 m2 (Figure 3c).
Thus, 6–8% of the total surface area, when gripped, is expected to
generate high forces on the flexor tendon pulley system and severely
load the phalanges of both primate species. Such an estimate is
conservative, however, as a large proportion of the rock surface is
smooth and unclimbable. When we subtract surface depths of <11 mm
and <14 mm from the total, the total graspable surface area is reduced
to 0.602 m2 and 0.390 m2, respectively, meaning that as much as 82%
(P. ursinus) or 91% (H. naledi) of usable handholds would produce
forces that would favour greater phalangeal curvature.
The significance of our finding is a matter of speculation – even at 8%
of the total surface area, the rock wall of Dronkvlei Cave is a non-trivial
source of phalangeal loading when extrapolated over a lifetime. The
average life expectancy of a female baboon that survives to adulthood is
12.1 years in Amboseli, Kenya, and 19.7 years in Gombe, Tanzania (with
record longevities of 27 years at both sites).40 If we use these parameters
to estimate an average life expectancy of ≈16 years for P. ursinus, and
given that animals climb 12 m to enter and exit Dronkvlei Cave on 28%
of days30, an individual would encounter ≈1.6 km of crimp- and slopegrip-inducing surfaces over its lifetime [(16 years × 365 days × 0.28)
× (12 m × 0.08 m)]. It is a crude estimate of mechanical ‘loading’ on
the flexor tendon pulley system and distal phalanges, but it invites an
analysis of phalangeal curvature in this population.
Competing interests
We are grateful to Sergio Almécija, Louise Barrett, Lee-Anne Benjamin,
Jackson Dolphin, Elli Goudzwaard, Caitlyn Hauke, Jason Heaton, Peter
Henzi, Kudakwashe Jakata, Ashley Kehoe, Tracy Kivell, Scott McGraw,
Maureen O’Leary, Randall Susman, and Mary Wilde for generous
practical assistance. For access to comparative baboon remains, our
thanks go to Brendon Billings, School of Anatomical Sciences, University
of the Witwatersrand. This research was approved by CapeNature
(permit no. CN44-30-184) and funded by the Claire Garber Goodman
Fund, Department of Anthropology, Dartmouth College (to M.C.E) and
the Stamps Scholars Program, Dartmouth College (to M.C.E.).
We have no competing interests to declare.
Authors’ contributions
M.C.Everett: Conceptualisation, methodology, data collection, data
curation, data analysis, writing – the initial draft, writing – revisions,
project leadership. M.C.Elliott: Methodology, data collection, writing
– revisions. D.G.: Methodology, data collection, writing – revisions.
A.C.H.: Methodology, data analysis, writing – the initial draft. S.M.S.:
Data collection. J.C.: Methodology, writing – the initial draft. B.Z.: Data
curation, data collection, writing – revisions. J.M.D.: Conceptualisation,
student supervision, writing – the initial draft, writing – revisions. N.J.D.:
Conceptualisation, student supervision, writing – the initial draft, writing
– revisions.
More instructive perhaps are the mummified/skeletal remains of
baboons in Misgrot Cave.34 These individuals climb greater distances
than those at Dronkvlei (Figure 3b), but the frequency of overnight use
is unknown. Still, each climbing bout carries great risk. Falling from
heights as high as 17 m is likely to cause severe morbidity or outright
mortality15, although the rugosity of the dolomitic surface may differ
from the limestone surface of Dronkvlei Cave in crucial ways, affecting
risk. Misgrot Cave is a promising site for studying the natural history of
why, and the mechanics of how, baboons climb vertical rock surfaces,
as well as the effects on their finger bones. Another promising study
system lies in the lava tubes of Mount Suswa, Kenya, the site of an
oft-cited analysis by Simons24, who described the skeletal remains of
baboons (P. anubis) and leopards, sometimes commingled, at the base
of vertical shafts. Remains of baboons continue to accumulate there,
serving as a tourist attraction.
So, did H. naledi climb vertical rock surfaces regularly? Answering this
question is beyond reach at present, but their bodies, alive or dead,
negotiated at least two steep walls of dolomite to arrive in the Dinaledi
Chamber of Rising Star Cave: an entry point through the roof of Postbox
Chamber and a 12-m fissure (‘The Chute’).12 Our results suggest that
climbing these surfaces would have compelled the use of crimp or slope
grips to some extent, and Tan et al.’s18 model of flexor tendon pulley
forces suggests that H. naledi would have enjoyed a 23% reduction
in phalangeal forces compared to modern humans (Supplementary
figure 2). Such findings indicate that high phalangeal curvature – whether
mechanically induced or genetically mediated8 – would have conferred
advantages to H. naledi during rock climbing.
A limitation of our model system approach is that H. naledi (weighing
~40 kg41) was heavier than P. ursinus is now and probably longerlived, factors that would load its fingers to a greater extent. Yet the pedal
phalanges of H. naledi express the same curvature as those of Papio,
which is ‘[possibly] indicative of elevated pedal grasping ability’42(p.4).
Thus, both species are equipped to grip vertical rock surfaces with their
feet – a prudent means of distributing body mass and mitigating forces
on the fingers during climbing.
We conclude by acknowledging that rock-climbing baboons are an
imperfect model for interpreting the curious anatomy of H. naledi, but
we would argue that detailed studies of their functional anatomy and
climbing kinematics, together with systematic measures of the rock
surfaces used, are promising areas of future research.
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Volume 117| Number 11/12
November/December 2021