Rock Climbing
Recent papers in Rock Climbing
This pilot study compared the energy expenditure required to climb an indoor rock wall, in amputees utilizing five prosthetic configurations. Three experienced climbers (1M age 21 yr, 2F ages 30 and 49 yr) with unilateral transfemoral... more
Four cases of upper limb injuries secondary to rock-climbing or training for rock climbing are presented. All four cases had diagnosis and treatment delayed because of unawareness of the range of injuries seen in high grade rock climbing.
Feature Article.
Author: Kazyua Hiraide and Kei Taniguchi
Translation from Japanese into English by Yoko Omuro, Leif Faber & Junko Faber.
Author: Kazyua Hiraide and Kei Taniguchi
Translation from Japanese into English by Yoko Omuro, Leif Faber & Junko Faber.
In this narrative essay, I draw from Bakhtin (1990) and Baxter (2004, 2011) to forward writing aesthetic moments in autoethnographic inquiry. Through storying experiences with my father, I offer writing aesthetic moments as an approach to... more
The goal of this study was to (i) assess the physical and anthropometric differences between three levels of climbers and (ii) predict climbing ability by using a multiple regression model. The participants were divided into novice (n =... more
abstract The first consideration in maintaining or enhancing performance is to endeavor to ensure That climber's are in a well-hydrated, rested and well-nourished state, including optimal Amounts of all essential micronutrients, plus the... more
Masticatory muscle activity during teeth clenching is associated with changes in many physiological parameters throughout the body. Clenching can improve muscle activity, force production, rate of force development, and joint fixation.... more
Devido ao considerável aumento de praticantes de escalada no nosso país, principalmente nas camadas jovens que participam no Desporto Escolar, torna-se fundamental a publicação de um livro relativo à modalidade. Há a realçar que, até aos... more
Objective.-Rock climbing is a challenging and demanding sport that requires specialized equipment and training. One significant area of training involves being familiar with first aid and rescue skills. This study reports climbers'... more
This paper analyzes the skilled performance of rock climbing through the frame- work of Embodied and Enacted Cognitive Science. It introduces a notion of enactive planning that is part of one mindful activity of ongoing responsiveness to... more
En el contexto de la clase de educación física usualmente se trabajan diferentes propuestas de enseñanza a través de juegos y tareas que presentan un grado de planificación acorde a los propósitos docentes especificados en cada año. Ahora... more
Traditionally, spatial knowledge has been conceptualised and explained through the use of the cognitive map hypothesis, in which the metaphor of the topographic map is used to construct an explanation of the way in which knowledge about... more
Influence of regular climbing on depression, generalized anxiety and lower back pain. Ann Agric Environ Med.
García-Rodríguez, M. 2017. Escalada de adherencia y geología. Conferencia. RockGame Moralzarzal (Madrid) 23 febrero 2017.
Nicola Masciandaro, Interview on Bergmetal, with Tristan Vivian Adams, Notes from the Vomitorium
Limited research exists exploring the relationship between climbing and spirituality. This study aims to understand how experienced climbers develop spiritually, in the context of rock climbing. Semi-structured interviews were carried out... more
The Lake District has played a central role in the development of the sport of rock climbing in the British Isles, the late Nineteenth Century witnessing increasingly athletic and gymnastic approaches to the crags and fells of the Lake... more
The scope of this thesis is to explore the attitudes of climbing women towards niche media. Few studies were conducted so far on issues key for this task: climbing as a lifestyle sport, femininies in lifestyle sports and the role of niche... more
Drawing on findings from an in-depth qualitative study of 19 women climbers, this chapter explores climbing subculture in relation to gender and identity. Whilst the data suggests that some structural boundaries relating to gender persist... more
Kekayaan alam yang kita miliki merupakan suatu aset yang tak ternilai harganya. Apabila dimanfaatkan dengan cara yang salah, maka akan merugikan bagi seluruh manusia. Keterkaitan dengan hal itu, maka muncul lah para penggiat alam dengan... more
Dari perincian diatas sehingga dapat di simpulkan Tingkat kesulitan (grade) dari titik awal sampai pitch 1 yaitu 5.7 karena dari titik awal sampai pitch 1 masih banyak pijakan dan pegangan tetapi jarak per hanger sekitar 3-7 meter. Dan... more
Untuk kalian yang suka panjat tebing, berikut ini adalah materi dasar yang wajib anda pelajari sebelum memulai hobi anda.
This article closely interrogates the cultural meanings and embodied history of climbing Beachy Head on the south coast of England. The history is traced through the escapades and accounts of leading protagonists, such as Edward Whymper... more
Academic Duties/Recognition/Esteem Markers: Dr Clive Palmer Principal Fellow Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) 2022 PhD Supervisor of the Year: The Postgrad Awards Winner (2022) Times Higher Award for Research... more
The present-day Slovenian Alps aroused the interest of individual domestic and international natural scientists in the 18th century mostly due to the richness of their flora, fauna and geological features. Giovanni Antonio Scopoli,... more
Cine eşti tu, la urma urmei, spune?" "O parte din acea putere Ce veşnic răul îl voieşte Şi veşnic face numai bine." Goethe, Faust prăvălea învăluit într-o pâclă uscată undeva, dincolo de Sadovoe Kolţo, nimeni nu poposea sub umbra teilor,... more
Alex Honnold, the death-defying rock climber known for scaling thousand-foot granite walls without a rope, has a well-rehearsed rule for survival: The key to climbing, he likes to say, is knowing when to quit. This applies in the small... more
Kozina Zh., Ryepko O.A., Prusik Krzysztof, Prusik Katarzyna, Cieślicka Mirosława. Theoreticalmethodological study of development of power-speed in climbing. Purpose: of the work was to develop theoretical and methodological... more
A paper delivered at the Thinking Mountains conference in Jasper, Alberta in May 2015, examining Michael Roberts' (1939) contention that it is difficult to write good poetry about the act of climbing.
Gracía Rodríguez, M. (2019).La Pedriza. Geología y escalada. Ed. Cordillera Cantábrica, 120 pág. "Muchos, bueno, todos los montañeros y escaladores conocen bien lo que es un garbancito, un orejón o una placa rugosa; frecuentemente les ha... more
Articolo dedicato alla rappresentazione della donna alpinista nel fascicolo "La Paula" (1934), firmato da Vittorio Varale.
Divisi Rock Climbing STAPALA atau yang sering disebut divisi RC kali ini melakukan perjalanan ke Tebing berbatu karang yang berada di tepi pantai laut selatan. Disini kami ingin berbagi cerita mengenai perjalanan kami.
BAC KG ROUND There have not been many studies on the role of muscular strength and finger strength and their relationship to climbing ability. O BJ E C T I V E To evaluate the role major muscle groups and finger strength... more
Background: Success in sport climbing depends both on physiological and psychological factors. Personality, a psychological factor influencing daily functioning, is connected with sport activities such as the choice of discipline and the... more
An overview of the ancient sources that might offer evidence for climbing and mountaineering in antiquity.
Our cultural concept of the ideal rock climber has lately shifted from the mythic, countercultural "dirtbag," concerned only with climbing, to the politically and socially invested, brand-based entity engaged with social media as a... more
Sport climbing relies materially on the existence of routes equipped with bolts: vertical itineraries with anchors that allow climbers a safe ascent. Without bolting, sport climbing simply would not exist. In many countries, bolting is an... more