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Slow light
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2010 J. Opt. 12 100301
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J. Opt. 12 (2010) 100301 (1pp)
Slow Light
Guest Editors
Robert Boyd
University of Rochester, NY,
Ortwin Hess
University of Surrey,
Guildford, UK
Cornelia Denz
Münster, Germany
Emmanuel Paspalakis
University of Patras, Greece
Research into slow light began theoretically in 1880 with the paper [1] of
H A Lorentz, who is best known for his work on relativity and the speed of light.
Experimental work started some 60 years later with the work of S L McCall and
E L Hahn [2] who explored non-linear self-induced transparency in ruby. This
field of research has burgeoned in the last 10 years, starting with the work of
L Vestergaard Hau and coworkers on slow light via electromagnetically induced
transparency in a Bose–Einstein condensate [3]. Many groups are now able to
slow light down to a few metres per second or even stop the motion of light
entirely [4]. Today, slow light – or more often ‘slow and fast light’ – has become
its own vibrant field with a strongly increasing number of publications.
In broad scope, slow light research can be categorized in terms of the sort of
physical mechanism used to slow down the light. One sort of slow light makes
use of material dispersion. This dispersion can be the natural dispersion of the
ordinary refractive index or can be the frequency dependence of some nonlinear
optical process, such as electromagnetically induced transparency, coherent
population oscillations, stimulated light scattering, or four-wave mixing
processes. The second sort of slow light makes use of the wavelength dependence
of artificially structured materials, such as photonic crystals, optical waveguides,
and collections of microresonators. Material systems in which slow light has been
observed include metal vapours, rare-earth-doped materials, Raman and Brillioun
gain media, photonic crystals, microresonators and, more recently, metamaterials.
A common feature of all of these schemes is the presence of a sharp single
resonance or multiple resonances produced by an atomic transition, a resonance
in a photonic structure, or in a nonlinear optical process.
Current applications of slow light include a series of attractive topics in optical
information processing, such as optical data storage, optical memories, quantum
information devices, and optical communication systems in which the use of slow
light will allow all-optical processing with less wasted heat. To implement these
applications, devices such as buffers, memories, interferometers and switches that
utilize slow light need to be developed. Future challenges include the need for
improved coupling of light into slow light modes, overcoming propagation losses,
and mitigating the influence of large dispersion of the group velocity.
The collection of papers in this special issue of Journal of Optics features a broad
spectrum of articles that highlight actual developments in many of the material
types and schemes described above. It represents therefore an excellent up to date
snapshot of the current state of the field of slow light research.
[1] Lorentz H A 1880 Uber die Beziehung zwischen der Fortpflanzung des Lichtes und der
Körperdichte Wiedemann Ann. 9 641–64
[2] McCall S L and Hahn E L 1967 Self-induced transparency by pulsed coherent light Phys. Rev.
Lett. 18 908–11
[3] Vestergaard Hau L, Harris S E, Dutton Z and Behroozi C H 1999 Nature 397 594
[4] Philips D F, Fleischhauer A, Mair A, Walsworth R L and Lukin M D 2001 Storage of light in
atomic vapor Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 783–6
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