Slow Light
Recent papers in Slow Light
We demonstrate a technique for generating tunable all-optical delays in room temperature single-mode optical fibers at telecommunication wavelengths using the stimulated Brillouin scattering process. This technique makes use of the rapid... more
We theoretically demonstrate the slow light capabilities of 2D silicon carbide based photonic crystal W1 waveguides (SiC-PhC-W1Ws) with numerical simulations. The PhC is assumed to be created by devising air-holes with hexagonal lattice... more
Optical micromanipulation stands for contact-free handling of microscopic particles by light. Optical forces can manipulate non-absorbing objects in a large range of sizes, e.g., from biological cells down to cold atoms. Recently much... more
We demonstrate that fast tunable optical switches and tunable slow-light devices can be designed as optical cavities entangled with quantum dots. We derive the analytical conditions for switching and tuning the filter transmittance,... more
We present a planar design of a metamaterial exhibiting electromagnetically induced transparency that is amenable to experimental verification in the microwave frequency band. The design is based on the coupling of a split-ring resonator... more
Slow light, EIT, photonic band gap. (left) Anita R Warrier is a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. Her research interests are in photothermal effect studies, semiconductors and... more
The phenomenon of slow light is interesting not only from a fundamental physics standpoint, but also because it introduces the possibility of new applications in telecommunications 1 . For a practical slow-light device, the important... more
A light beam normally incident upon an uniformly moving dielectric medium is in general subject to bendings due to a transverse Fresnel-Fizeau light drag effect. In conventional dielectrics, the magnitude of this bending effect is very... more
We study the resonant transmission of light in a coupled-resonator optical waveguide interacting with two nearly identical side cavities. We reveal and describe a novel effect of the coupled-resonator-induced reflection (CRIR)... more
We demonstrate that planar metamaterial lacking of mirror symmetry shows asymmetric transmission of terahertz waves and bands of positive, negative and zero phase and group velocities indicating a polarization sensitive negative index and... more
We study the dispersion and absorption spectra of a weak probe in a ⌳-type three-level atomic system with closely ground sublevels driven by a strong field and damped by a broadband squeezed vacuum. We analyze the interplay between the... more
Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) [1, 2] provides a powerful mechanism for controlling light propagation in a dielectric medium, and for producing slow and fast light. EIT traditionally arises from destructive interference... more
Le ralentissement de la lumière est le résultat d'une forte dispersion de l'indice de réfraction. Nous observons un tel effet obtenu par oscillation cohérente de population dans un cristal dopé aux ions d'Erbium triplement ionisés. La... more
An integrated configuration is proposed to convert tunable slow light from signal to another frequency in a wide bandwidth by using a 70 m-long highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (HN-PCF). A 10 GHz RZ signal is delayed by a 10 Gbit/s... more
We present a theoretical model for electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in vapor, that incorporates atomic motion and velocity-changing collisions into the dynamics of the densitymatrix distribution. Within a unified formalism... more
The epsilon-near-zero ͑ENZ͒ tunneling phenomenon allows full transmission of waves through a narrow channel even in the presence of a strong geometric mismatch. Here we experimentally demonstrate nonlinear control of the ENZ tunneling by... more
Coupling two lasers of different intensities and wavelengths inside bulk matter, also known as EIT, has applications in slowing down light. EIT essentially transforms an opaque material to a given radiation into a transparent one, and can... more
We study the manipulation of slow light with an orbital angular momentum propagating in a cloud of cold atoms. Atoms are affected by four co-propagating control laser beams in a double tripod configuration of the atomic energy levels... more
We propose a "channelization" architecture to achieve wide-band electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and ultra-slow light propagation in atomic 87 Rb vapors. EIT and slow light are achieved by shining a strong, resonant "pump"... more
We consider two-component "spinor" slow light in an ensemble of atoms coherently driven by two pairs of counterpropagating control laser fields in a double tripod-type linkage scheme. We derive an equation of motion for the spinor slow... more
We consider the coupling into a slow mode that appears near an inflection point in the band structure of a photonic crystal waveguide. Remarkably, the coupling into this slow mode, which has a group index n g Ͼ 1000, can be essentially... more
We show for the first time that a planar metamaterial, an array of coupled metal split-ring resonators with a unit cell lacking mirror symmetry, exhibits asymmetric transmission of terahertz radiation (0.25-2.5 THz) propagating through it... more
We generate correlated photon pairs in the telecom band from an 80 µm long dispersion-engineered silicon photonic crystal waveguide. The spontaneous four-wave mixing process producing the photon pairs is enhanced by slow light propagation.
Recent experimental results on slow light heighten interest in nonlinear Maxwell theories. We obtain Galilei covariant equations for electromagnetism by allowing special nonlinearities in the constitutive equations only, keeping Maxwell's... more
We demonstrate an all-optical delay line in hot cesium vapor that tunably delays 275 ps input pulses up to 6.8 ns and 740 input ps pulses up to 59 ns (group index of approximately 200) with little pulse distortion. The delay is made... more
We calculate electric susceptibility of a laser-dressed atomic medium. The model adopted in this work refers to the experiment with cold 85 Rb atoms, where the states F′ = 1, 2, 3 of the hyperfine manifold 5P 3/2 (F′) are strongly coupled... more
We demonstrate efficient generation of slow-light in As 2 S 3 single-mode fibers through stimulated Brillouin scattering using a 1548 nm DFB laser. Sinusoidal pulses with a 40-ns period have been delayed 19 ns with only 31 mW of launched... more
Even as we advance the frontiers of physics knowledge, our understanding of how this knowledge evolves remains at the descriptive levels of Popper and Kuhn. Using the Ameri-can Physical Society (APS) publications data sets, we ask in this... more
Periodic silicon nanostructures can be used for different kinds of gas sensors depending on the analyte concentration. First we present an optical gas sensor based on the classical non-dispersive infrared technique for ppm-concentration... more
We demonstrate that the resonance of metallic split-ring resonators can interact with Bragg phase interference effects in a surrounding one-dimensional photonic crystal in such a way that a zero-bandwidth mode arises within the photonic... more
The maximum total gain in slow-light silicon Raman amplifiers is obtained when arranging for the largest-possible Stokes slow-down factor and a pump-power-dependent optimal pump slow-down factor.
We report on the investigation of four-wave mixing (FWM) in a long (1.3 mm) dispersion-engineered Gallium Indium Phosphide (GaInP) photonic crystal (PhC) waveguide. A comparison with a non-engineered design is made with respect to... more
We analyze the resonant linear and nonlinear transmission through a photonic crystal waveguide sidecoupled to a Kerr-nonlinear photonic crystal resonator. First, we extend the standard coupled-mode theory analysis to photonic crystal... more
Large and periodically corrugated optical waveguide structures are shown to possess specific modal regimes of slow-light propagation that are easily attainable. The very multimode nature of the coupling is studied by employing... more
We review the different types of dispersion engineered photonic crystal waveguides that have been developed for slow light applications. We introduce the group index bandwidth product (GBP) and the loss per delay in terms of dB ns −1 as... more
We consider the propagation of slow light with an orbital angular momentum (OAM) in a moving atomic medium. We have derived a general equation of motion and applied it in analysing propagation of slow light with an OAM in a rotating... more
We consider the interaction of two weak probe fields of light with an atomic ensemble coherently driven by two pairs of standing wave laser fields in a tripod-type linkage scheme. The system is shown to exhibit a Dirac-like spectrum for... more
PACS 42.50.Gy-Effects of atomic coherence on propagation, absorption, and amplification of light; electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption PACS 42.25.Bs-Wave propagation, transmission and absorption PACS 42.50.Nn-Quantum... more
We analyse the three-colour electromagnetically induced transparency for the D 1 transition in cold 87 Rb atoms. We report an enhancement of the electromagnetically induced emission of a drive field as an exclusive enhancement of the... more
We present an optical gas sensor based on the classical nondispersive infrared technique using ultracompact photonic crystal gas cells. The ultracompact device is conceptually based on low group velocities inside a photonic crystal gas... more