Chapter 7
Slow and Stopped Light in Coupled
Resonator Systems
Shanhui Fan, Sunil Sandhu, Clayton R. Otey, and Michelle L. Povinelli
Abstract In the first part of this chapter, a theoretical overview is presented on the
different approaches to the use of dynamic tuning for coherent optical pulse stopping and storage in coupled resonator systems, which are amenable to fabrication
in on-chip devices such as photonic crystals. The use of such dynamic tuning overcomes the delay-bandwidth constraint of slow-light structures. The second part of
this chapter presents a discussion on recent experimental work that has demonstrated
the possibility of such dynamic tuning in on-chip systems.
7.1 Introduction
This chapter describes how coupled resonator systems can be used to stop light –
that is, to controllably trap and release light pulses in localized, standing wave
modes. The inspiration for this work lies in previous research on stopped light in
atomic gasses using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) [1], in which
light is captured in “dark states” of the atomic system via adiabatic tuning [2–4].
However, such atomic systems are severely constrained to operate only at particular wavelengths corresponding to available atomic resonances and have only very
limited bandwidth. The coupled resonator systems described in this chapter are
amenable to fabrication in on-chip devices such as photonic crystals (PCs) [5–9]
or microring resonators [10]. As such, the operating wavelength and other operating parameters can be engineered to meet flexible specifications, such as for optical
communications applications.
The idea of using dynamic tuning in a coupled resonator system is to modulate the properties of the resonators (e.g., the resonator frequencies) while a light
pulse is in the system. In so doing, the spectrum of the pulse can be molded almost
arbitrarily, leading to highly non-trivial information processing capabilities. In past
S. Fan (B)
Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 94305, USA
I. Chremmos et al. (eds.), Photonic Microresonator Research and Applications,
Springer Series in Optical Sciences 156, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1744-7_7,
C Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
S. Fan et al.
work [11], it was shown that dynamic tuning can be used for time reversal of pulses.
This chapter focuses on approaches to stopping light [12–17]. A wide variety of
work has been done on slow-light structures employing coupled resonators [18–28].
However, in all such systems, the maximum achievable time delay scales inversely
with the operating bandwidth [21]. As will be seen below, the use of dynamic tuning overcomes this constraint by manipulation of the photon spectrum in time. This
chapter starts with an overview of theoretical work on light stopping in dynamically
tuned coupled resonator systems. This is followed by a discussion on quite recent
experimental results that have demonstrated the possibility of adiabatic tuning in
on-chip systems and a review of the growing body of work inspired by dynamic
optical modulation ideas.
7.2 Theory
7.2.1 Tuning the Spectrum of Light
Here a simple example is provided to show how the spectrum of an electromagnetic
wave can be modified by a dynamic photonic structure. Consider a linearly polarized
electromagnetic wave in one dimension. The wave equation for the electric field is
∂ 2E
∂ 2E
− (ε0 + ε (t)) μ0 2 = 0.
Here ε (t) represents the dielectric modulation and ε0 is the background dielectric constant. Both ε0 and ε (t) are assumed to be independent of position. Hence
different wave vector components do not mix in the modulation process. For a
specific wave vector component at k0 , with electric field described by E (t) =
f (t) ei(ω0 t−k0 x) , where ω0 = k0 / μ0 ε0 , we have
−k02 f − [ε0 + ε (t)] μ0
∂ 2f
= 0.
By using a slowly varying envelope approximation, i.e., ignoring the ∂ 2 f /∂t2
term, and by further assuming that the index modulations are weak, i.e., ε(t) << εo ,
(7.2) simplifies to
ε (t) ω0
ε (t) ω0
f ≈
2 [ε (t) + ε0 ]
which has an exact analytic solution:
f (t) = f (t0 ) exp ⎣−iω0
ε t′ ′
dt ⎦ ,
Slow and Stopped Light in Coupled Resonator Systems
where t0 is the starting time of the modulation. Thus the “instantaneous frequency”
of the electric field for this wave vector component is
ω (t) = ω0 1 −
ε (t)
Note that the frequency change is proportional to the magnitude of the refractive index shift alone. Thus, the process defined here differs in a fundamental way
from traditional nonlinear optical processes. For example, in a conventional sum
frequency conversion process, in order to convert the frequency of light from ω1 to
ω2 , modulations at a frequency ω2 − ω1 need to be provided. In contrast, regardless
of how slow the modulation is in the process described here, as long as light is in
the system, the frequency shift can always be accomplished. Below, some spectacular consequences of such frequency shifts will be demonstrated, in particular when
applied to stopping light pulses all optically in dynamic PC systems.
The existence of the frequency shift in dynamic PC structures [29] and in laser
resonators [30, 31] was also pointed out in a number of previous works. In practical optoelectronic or nonlinear optical devices, the achievable refractive index shift
is generally quite small. Thus, in most practical situations the effect of dynamics is prominent only in structures in which the spectral feature is sensitive to
small refractive index modulations. This motivates the design of Fano interference
schemes described below, which are employed to enhance the sensitivity of photonic
structures to small index modulations.
7.2.2 General Conditions for Stopping Light
The aim of stopping light is to reduce the group velocity of a light pulse to zero,
while completely preserving all the coherent information encoded in the pulse. Such
ability holds the key to the ultimate control of light and has profound implications
for optical communications and quantum information processing.
There has been extensive work attempting to control the speed of light using
optical resonances in static PC structures. Group velocities as low as 10−2 c have
been experimentally observed at waveguide band edges [32, 33] or with coupled resonator optical waveguides (CROWs) [34–37]. Nevertheless, such structures
are fundamentally limited by the delay-bandwidth product constraint – the group
delay from an optical resonance is inversely proportional to the bandwidth within
which the delay occurs. Therefore, for a given optical pulse with a certain temporal duration and corresponding frequency bandwidth, the minimum group velocity
achievable is limited. In a CROW waveguide structure, for example, the minimum
group velocity that can be accomplished for pulses at 10 Gbit/s rate at a wavelength
of 1.55 μm is no smaller than 10−2 c. For this reason, static photonic structures can
not be used to stop light.
To stop light, it is necessary to use a dynamic system. The general condition for
stopping light [12] is illustrated in Fig. 7.1. Imagine a dynamic PC system, with an
S. Fan et al.
Fig. 7.1 The general conditions for stopping a light pulse. (a) The large-bandwidth state that
is used to accommodate an incident light pulse. (b) The narrow-bandwidth state that is used to
hold the light pulse. An adiabatic transition between these two states stops a light pulse inside the
system [63]. Reprinted with permission. Copyright 2006 IEEE
initial band structure possessing a sufficiently wide bandwidth. Such a state is used
to accommodate an incident pulse, for which each frequency component occupies
a unique wave vector component. After the pulse has entered the system, one can
then stop the pulse by flattening the dispersion relation of the crystal adiabatically,
while preserving the translational invariance. In doing so, the spectrum of the pulse
is compressed, and its group velocity is reduced. In the meantime, since the translational symmetry is still preserved, the wave vector components of the pulse remain
unchanged, and thus one actually preserves the dimensionality of the phase space.
This is crucial in preserving all the coherent information encoded in the original
pulse during the dynamic process.
7.2.3 Tunable Fano Resonance
To create a dynamic PC, one needs to adjust its properties as a function of time. This
can be accomplished by modulating the refractive index, either with electro-optic or
with nonlinear optic means. However, the amount of refractive index tuning that
can be achieved with standard optoelectronics technology is generally quite small,
with a fractional change typically on the order of δn/n ≈ 10−4 . Therefore, Fano
interference schemes are employed in which a small refractive index modulation
leads to a very large change of the bandwidth of the system. The essence of a Fano
interference scheme is the presence of multi-path interference, where at least one
of the paths includes a resonant tunneling process [38]. Such interference can be
used to greatly enhance the sensitivity of resonant devices to small refractive index
modulation [14, 39, 40].
Here a waveguide side-coupled to two cavities is considered [41]. The cavities
have resonant frequencies ωa,b ≡ ω0 ± δω/2. (This system represents an all-optical
analogue of atomic systems exhibiting EIT [1]. Each optical resonance here is analogous to the polarization between the energy levels in the EIT system [26].) For
simplicity, it is assumed that the cavities coupled to the waveguide with an equal
coupling rate of γ , and the direct coupling between the side-cavities is ignored.
Slow and Stopped Light in Coupled Resonator Systems
Fig. 7.2 (a) Transmission spectrum through a waveguide side-coupled to a single-mode cavity. (b)
and (c) Transmission spectra through a waveguide side-coupled to two cavities. The parameters
for the cavities are ω0 = 2π c/L, γ = 0.05ω0 . The waveguide satisfies a dispersion relation
β (ω) = ω/c, where c is the speed of light in the waveguide and L is the distance between the
cavities. In (b), ωa,b = ω0 ± 1.5γ . In (c), ωa,b = ω0 ± 0.2γ [63]. Reprinted with permission.
Copyright 2006 IEEE
Consider a mode in the waveguide passing through the cavities. The transmission
and reflection coefficients for a single side cavity can be derived using the Green’s
function method [42] and are used to calculate the two-cavity transmission spectrum
via the transfer matrix method [41].
The transmission spectra of one- and two-cavity structures are plotted in Fig. 7.2.
In the case of one-cavity structure, the transmission features a dip in the vicinity
of the resonant frequency, with the width of the dip controlled by the strength of
waveguide-cavity coupling (Fig. 7.2a). With two cavities, when the condition
2β (ω0 ) L = 2nπ
is satisfied, the transmission spectrum features a peak centered at ω0 . The width of
the peak is highly sensitive to the frequency spacing between the resonances δω.
When the cavities are lossless, the center peak can be tuned from a wide peak when
δω is large (Fig. 7.2b), to a peak that is arbitrarily narrow with δω→0 (Fig. 7.2c).
The two-cavity structure, appropriately designed, therefore behaves as a tunable
bandwidth filter (as well as a tunable delay element with delay proportional to the
inverse peak width [26]), in which the bandwidth can in principle be adjusted by
any order of magnitude with very small refractive index modulation.
7.2.4 From Tunable Bandwidth Filter to Light-Stopping System
By cascading the tunable bandwidth filter structure described in the previous section, one can configure a structure that is capable of stopping light (Fig. 7.3a). In
S. Fan et al.
Fig. 7.3 (a) Schematic of a coupled-cavity structure used to stop light. (b) and (c) Band structures
for the system shown in (a), as the frequency separation between the cavities are varied, using
the same waveguide and cavity parameters as in Fig. 7.2b and c, with the additional parameter
L2 = 0.7L1 . The thicker lines highlight the middle band that will be used to stop a light pulse [63].
Reprinted with permission. Copyright 2006 IEEE
such a light-stopping device, the photonic band diagram becomes highly sensitive
to small refractive index modulation.
The photonic bands for the structure in Fig. 7.3a can be calculated using a transmission matrix method [13]. The band diagrams are shown in Fig. 7.3, in which the
waveguide and cavity parameters are the same as those used to generate the transmission spectrum in Fig. 7.2. In the vicinity of the resonances, the system supports
three photonic bands, with two gaps occurring around ωa and ωb . The width of the
middle band depends strongly on the resonant frequencies ωa , ωb . By modulating
the frequency spacing between the cavities, one goes from a system with a large
bandwidth (Fig. 7.3b), to a system with a very narrow bandwidth (Fig. 7.3c). In
fact, it can be analytically proven that the system supports a band that is completely
flat in the entire first Brillouin zone [13], allowing a light pulse to be frozen inside
the structure with the group velocity reduced to zero. Moreover, the gaps surrounding the middle band have sizes on the order of the cavity-waveguide coupling rate
γ and are approximately independent of the slope of the middle band. Thus, by
increasing the waveguide-cavity coupling rate, this gap can be made large, which
is important for preserving the coherent information during the dynamic bandwidth
compression process [12].
7.2.5 Numerical Demonstration in a Photonic Crystal
The system presented above can be implemented in a PC of a square lattice of
dielectric rods n = 3.5 with a radius of 0.2a (a is the lattice constant) embedded in
air n = 1 [13] (Fig. 7.4). The photonic crystal possesses a band gap for TM modes
with electric field parallel to the rod axis. Removing one row of rods along the pulse
propagation direction generates a single-mode waveguide. Decreasing the radius of
Slow and Stopped Light in Coupled Resonator Systems
Fig. 7.4 Light-stopping process in a PC simulated using the FDTD method. The crystal consists
of a waveguide side-coupled to 100 cavity pairs. Fragments of the PC are shown in part b. The
three fragments correspond to unit cells 12–13, 55–56, 97–98. The dots indicate the positions of
the dielectric rods. The black dots represent the cavities. (a) The middle dashed horizontal and
vertical lines (with “pulsed released” and “pulse stopped” points indicated) represent the variation
of ωa and ωb as a function of time, respectively. The far left pulse (solid line) is the incident pulse
as recorded at the beginning of the waveguide. The pulse centered at ∼1.65. tpass (dotted line) and
the far-right pulse (solid line) are both the output pulses at the end of the waveguide, in the absence
and in the presence of modulation, respectively. tpass is the passage time of the pulse in the absence
of modulation. (b) Snapshots of the electric field distributions in the PC at the indicated times [13].
Reprinted with permission. Copyright 2004 American Physical Society
a rod to 0.1a and the dielectric constant to n = 2.24
+ provides a single-mode cavity
with resonance frequency at ωc = 0.357 · (2π c a). The nearest neighbor cavities
are separated by a distance of l1 = 2a along the propagation direction, and the unit
cell periodicity is l = 8a. The waveguide-cavity coupling occurs through a barrier
of one rod, with a coupling rate of γ = ωc /235.8. The resonant frequencies of the
cavities are tuned by refractive index modulation of the cavity rods.
The entire process of stopping light for N = 100 pairs of cavities is simulated
with the FDTD method, which solves Maxwell’s equations without approximation
[43]. The dynamic process for stopping light is shown in Fig. 7.4. A Gaussian pulse
is generated in the waveguide (the process is independent of the pulse shape). The
S. Fan et al.
excitation reaches its peak at t = 0.8 tpass , where tpass is the traversal time of the pulse
through the static structure. During pulse generation, the cavities have a large frequency separation. The field is concentrated in both the waveguide and the cavities
(Fig. 7.4b, t = 1.0 tpass ), and the pulse propagates at a relatively high speed of vg =
0.082c. After the pulse is generated, the frequency separation is gradually reduced
to zero. During this process, the speed of light is drastically reduced to zero. As the
bandwidth of the pulse is reduced, the field concentrates in the cavities (Fig. 7.4b,
t = 5.2 tpass ). When zero group velocity is reached, the photon pulse can be kept
in the system as a stationary waveform for any time duration. In this simulation,
the pulse is stored for a time delay of 5.0 tpass , and the pulse is then released by
repeating the same index modulation in reverse (Fig. 7.4b, t = 6.3 tpass ). The pulse
intensity as a function of time at the right end of the waveguide is plotted in Fig. 7.4a
and shows the same temporal shape as both the pulse that propagates through the
unmodulated system, and the initial pulse recorded at the left end of the waveguide.
7.2.6 Dispersion Suppression Through Dynamic Tuning
The dynamic tuning scheme largely eliminates the dispersive effects associated
with static delay lines. The time-varying dispersion relation ω(k,t) can be expanded
around a central wave vector kc as
ω(k,t) ≈
ω(kc ,t) + ωkc (t)(k
− kc ) +
ωkc (t)
(k − kc )2 ,
where ωkc (t) ≡ dn ω(k,t)/dkn |k=kc . It can be shown [16] that the output width of the
pulse in time ( tout ) after a total delay time τ is given by
/ τ
ωkc (t′ )dt′
v2g (0) tin
where it is assumed that vg (τ ) = vg (0). For a static system, this reduces to the result
ωkc (0)τ
v2g (0) tin
and the pulse spreads with increasing delay. For the dynamic system, however,
ωkc (t) (and all higher order derivatives) are identically zero in the flat band state. If
the bandwidth compression and decompression processes each occupy a duration T,
ωkc (t′ )dt′ ⎥
⎢ 0
+⎢ 2
⎥ .
⎣ vg (0) tin ⎦
Slow and Stopped Light in Coupled Resonator Systems
The pulse spreading is independent of the delay time τ , since it only occurs
during spectrum compression and decompression. The delay can thus be increased
arbitrarily without any additional increase in dispersion.
7.2.7 Capturing Light Pulses Using Few Dynamically Tuned
Instead of using the many resonators approach shown in Fig. 7.4, the capture
and release of light pulses can also be performed using a dynamically tuned system with few resonators [44]. An example of such a system, shown in Fig. 7.5a,
consists of two resonators coupled to a waveguide. The key feature to the pulse
capturing/releasing process lies in the presence of a state that is decoupled from
the waveguide, which we refer to as the dark state. When ω1 = ω2 = ω0 and
γ1 = γ2 = γ0 , the system has an eigenstate, with eigenfrequency ω0 − β and
resonator amplitudes α1 = −α2 , which does not leak into the waveguide. Starting
from this dark state, if the resonators are tuned to ω1 = ω2 , the energy from the
resonators leaks into the waveguide, generating a released pulse. Since the underlying physics of the system is time-reversal invariant, performing the time-reversed
temporal detuning trajectory allows for the complete capture of the time-reversed
pulse into the dark state.
The entire pulse capture/release process is simulated using the system shown
in Fig. 7.5b with the FDTD method [44]. The dynamic process for pulse capture/release is shown in Fig. 7.6. A Gaussian pulse is generated with carrier
frequency ωc = ω0 − β = 200 THz and width T = 4 ps in the waveguide. These
pulse parameters are for a system with lattice constant a = 370 nm. During the
pulse generation, the resonators have zero detuning and the waveguide is decoupled from the resonators (dark state). As the pulse approaches the resonators are
detuned by gradually tuning the dielectric constants within a region 1.25a around
Fig. 7.5 Schematic of double resonator system used for pulse capture/release process: (a) On the
left is the waveguide with mode amplitude awg coupled to two resonators with modal amplitudes
a1,2 ; γ 1,2 are the coupling constants between the waveguide and the resonators, while β is the
coupling constant between the two resonators. (b) Actual structure used in FDTD simulations
[44]. Reprinted with permission. Copyright 2009 American Institute of Physics
S. Fan et al.
Fig. 7.6 Dynamics of the pulse capture/release process simulated using the FDTD method.
(a) The out-of-plane Hz field during the pulse capture process. (b) The Hz field in the dark state
of the system. (c) The dielectric modulation curves for the two resonators, used in the simulation.
ε0 is the dielectric constant in the absence of any dielectric modulation. (d) The pulse amplitude
measured in the waveguide in a pulse release simulation from FDTD (solid line) and coupled mode
theory (circles) [44]. Reprinted with permission. Copyright 2009 American Institute of Physics
the resonators in order to couple the incident pulse energy into the resonators.
Figure 7.6c shows how proper tuning of the resonators results in the near complete capture (99.61%) of the incident pulse energy by the resonators. Details of the
generation of a resonators tuning trajectory, which results in negligible reflection of
the incident pulse, are discussed in [45]. The pulse field during and after this pulse
capture process are shown in Fig. 7.6a, b. At the end of the pulse capture process,
the pulse energy is in the resonators and the system can be kept in this dark state
for any duration. In addition, there is high spatial compression of the pulse energy
in the two resonators and consequently, very high nonlinearity enhancement may be
achieved in this pulse capture regime [45].
In order to release the pulse energy trapped in the resonators, the time-reverse
of the tuning trajectory shown in Fig. 7.6c is used. This results in the release of the
Gaussian pulse that is the time-reverse of the captured pulse, and the near complete
transfer of energy from the resonators to the waveguide. Figure 7.6d shows the pulse
amplitude measured in the waveguide at the end of the release process.
Here a brief comment is given on the differences between the use of a resonator
array or only two resonators. In the case when an array is used, the dynamic modulation process can start after the entire pulse is contained in the array. As a result,
the temporal profile of the modulation is independent of the pulse format, as long
as the modulation remains adiabatic. Moreover, there is no spatial compression of
electromagnetic energy during the light-stopping process. In contrast, with the use
of two cavities, in order to completely capture a pulse, the temporal profile of the
modulation is strongly dependent upon the format of the pulse.
Slow and Stopped Light in Coupled Resonator Systems
7.3 Experimental Progress
7.3.1 General Requirements for Microresonators
The numerical examples above have demonstrated the use of PC microresonators
for slowing and stopping light. However, the phenomena described are quite general
and apply to arbitrary coupled resonator systems. To be useful for stopping light, the
particular resonator implementation should satisfy several criteria.
First, the resonator should be highly tunable on the time scale of operation
of the device. The resonance frequency can be tuned by changing the refractive
index of the material via electro-optic methods. For a small refractive index shift
of δn/n = 10−4 , achievable in practical optoelectronic devices [46], and assuming
a carrier frequency of approximately 200 THz, as used in optical communications,
the achievable bandwidths are on the order of 20 GHz, which is comparable to the
bandwidth of a single wavelength channel in high-speed optical systems.
Second, the intrinsic quality factor of the resonator should be as high as possible,
since it limits the delay time. Light stopped for longer than the cavity lifetime will
substantially decay. However, the optical loss might be counteracted with the use of
gain media within or external to the cavities.
Third, small size of the resonator is generally desirable, since shorter length
devices tend to consume less power. Moreover, for fixed device length, decreasing
the size of the resonator increases the storage capacity [24].
7.3.2 Experiments with Microring Resonators
Experiments with silicon microring resonators have demonstrated the use of a tunable Fano resonance in a double-resonator system [47] to controllably trap and
release light pulses [48]. Initially, the frequencies of the two microring resonators
are slightly detuned, as in Fig. 7.2b. In this state, input light couples into a “supermode” of the two resonators. The frequencies of the two resonators are then tuned
into resonance with one another, as in Fig. 7.2c. In this state, the supermode is
isolated from the input and output waveguides, and light is stored in and between
the two resonators. After a given storage time, the resonator frequencies are again
detuned to release the light.
The resonators are tuned using the free-carrier dispersion effect in silicon [49]
to blue-shift the resonant wavelength. In this experiment, an optical pump pulse at
415 nm was used to excite free carriers in the microrings. Electro-optic tuning of the
ring resonances via built-in p-i-n junctions [50] should allow electrically controlled
storage, with an expected bandwidth of over 10 GHz.
In the experiment, the storage time was limited to < 100 ps by the intrinsic Q of
the microresonators (Q = 143,000). However, the demonstration of Q ∼ 4.8 × 106
in a silicon ring resonator [51] suggests that storage times of several nanoseconds
may be possible.
S. Fan et al.
The detailed theory for light pulse capturing in such double-resonator system
has been discussed in [44, 45] and reproduced in a previous section in this chapter. One drawback of using this double-resonator system for pulse delay is that
the pulse shape and spectrum are not preserved in the process. The information
encoded in the shape of the original pulse can be retained using a cascaded multiresonator system [12, 13]. Nevertheless, this experiment represents a major first step
toward the realization of the theoretical ideas for stopping light that was presented
7.3.3 Experiments with Photonic Crystals
PC microcavities may represent the ultimate limit of miniaturization for resonator
modes. Such microcavities have been demonstrated with Q up to 2 × 106 and modal
volumes as small as a cubic wavelength [52].
A recent experiment has demonstrated the fundamental requirement for dynamic
trapping and delay: the ability to tune between a supermode that is strongly coupled
to an input waveguide, and one that is decoupled, or isolated [53]. The geometry
used is shown schematically in Fig. 7.7. A single cavity is side-coupled to a waveguide that is terminated by a mirror. The coupling between the input waveguide and
the supermode of the resonator–waveguide–mirror complex is determined by the
reflection phase from the mirror. When the wave emitted from the cavity in the
backward direction interferes constructively with the wave emitted from the cavity in the forward direction and reflected backwards by the mirror, light can easily
couple from the supermode to the input waveguide. Conversely, when the waves
interfere destructively, the coupling is reduced. We note that this structure is in fact
conceptually very similar to the structure shown in Fig. 7.2b. The mirror, in essence,
creates a mirror image of the first resonator.
In the experiment, a pump pulse was used to dynamically tune the refractive
index of the waveguide between the nanocavity and the mirror, adjusting the reflection phase. Pump-probe measurements of the power emitted from the cavity to free
space show that the coupling properties of the supermode could be tuned on the
picosecond timescale.
Fig. 7.7 Schematic of system used for experiments on dynamic light trapping in PCs
Slow and Stopped Light in Coupled Resonator Systems
7.3.4 Aligning Microresonator Resonances Using Differential
Thermal Tuning
An important pre-requisite for the experimental demonstration of multiple microresonators in PC structures that have been proposed for slowing and stopping light is
the ability to tune the different microresonators to a desired resonance frequency.
Due to geometrical errors during fabrication, it is generally not possible to fabricate
two PC resonators with identical resonances. Hence, practical resonant frequency
tuning methods are important for removing slight fabrication differences in nominally identical microresonators, relaxing fabrication tolerances required to realize
multiple microresonators in PC structures. One example of such a post-fabrication
tuning method is differential thermal tuning [54], which does not require any extra
materials or structures and, consequently, avoids the potential quality degradation
of PC microresonators and excess fabrication complexity.
The differential thermal tuning technique generally involves focusing the output
of a pump laser in the vicinity of a microresonator, which as a result experiences a
shift in resonance frequency due to the induced thermal gradient. In the experiments
demonstrated in [54], an initial difference of 3.15 nm in the resonant wavelength of
two closely separated micro-resonators in a Si PC slab was decreased to zero using
this thermal tuning technique.
7.4 Outlook and Concluding Remarks
Beyond the work described above, the idea of using dynamic tuning of the refractive
index for stopping, storing, and time-reversing pulses has sparked a wide range of
research. For example, alternate dynamic tuning schemes that do not require translational invariance have recently been investigated [55]. Moreover, the generality
of the physics governing coupled resonators has suggested the possibility of light
stopping and time reversal in quite diverse physical systems. In semiconductor multiple quantum well structures, tuning of the excitonic resonance via the AC Stark
effect can potentially flatten the photonic band structure to stop light pulses in a
similar fashion as described here [56, 57]. In superconducting qubit systems, tuning
of the qubit transition frequency can theoretically stop pulses on the single photon
level [58]. Such an ability to manipulate single photons is of increasing interest for
quantum information processing and quantum computing.
The concept of using dynamic index tuning for frequency conversion is also
being actively explored. Ideally, one could use a coupled resonator system to change
the center frequency of a pulse while leaving its shape unchanged, a feat achieved
via a uniform shift of the band structure [59]. While experiments are not yet feasible, a similar effect can be observed in single cavity systems. For a single cavity,
changing the resonance frequency of the cavity mode on a timescale faster than
the cavity decay time results in frequency conversion [60]. The frequency shift is
linearly proportional to the index shift. The phenomenon has been demonstrated
experimentally in both silicon microring resonators [61] and PC microcavities [62].
S. Fan et al.
In summary, dynamic tuning of coupled resonator systems opens the possibility
for coherent optical pulse stopping and storage. More generally, dynamic processes
in coupled resonator systems allow one to mold the spectrum of a photon pulse
almost at will, while preserving coherent information in the optical domain. In the
future, the use of dynamic photonic structures, as envisioned here, may provide a
unifying platform for diverse optical information processing tasks.
Acknowledgments The work is supported in part by NSF, DARPA, and the Lucile and Packard
Foundation. The authors acknowledge the important contributions of Prof. Mehmet Fatih Yanik to
the works presented here.
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