International humanitarian law

INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW PROGRAMME 1. Introduction 1.1. International Humanitarian Law (IHL) as a Branch of Public International law 1.2. Fundamental Distinction between Ius ad Bellum (Legality of the Use of Force) and Ius in Bello (Humanitarian Rules to be Respected in Warfare) 1.3. Concept and Purpose of IHL 1.4. IHL: Governing the Conduct of States and Individuals 2. Sources of IHL 2.1. Origins of IHL 2.2. Treaties – The Main Currents: 2.2.1. The Hague 2.2.2. Geneva 2.2.3. New York 2.3. Customary Law 2.4. Fundamental Principles of IHL 2.5. The Martens clause 3. Applicability of IHL 3.1. International armed conflicts 3.2. Non-international armed conflicts 3.3. Internationalised non-international armed conflicts 3.4. Extra-conventional situations 4. Rules of IHL 4.1. The Fundamental Distinction between Civilians and Combatants 4.2. Basic Rules on Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts 4.2.1. The Application of Rules in all Circumstances 4.2.2. Protected Persons Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Prisoners of War Civilians 4.2.3. Protected objects 4.2.4. The emblems 4.2.5. Protecting Powers 4.3. The Ruels regulating the fighting 4.3.1. Targeting process 4.3.2. Principles of distinction and proportionallity 5. IHL and Human Rights 6. Implementation of IHL 7. IHL and international criminal law 7.1. From ad hoc Tribunals to the Permanent International Criminal Court 7.1.1. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 7.1.2. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 7.1.3. The International Criminal Court 7.2. Internationalized Criminal Courts 8. IHL facing new challenges 9. UN and IHL 10. The International Commitee of the Red Cross (ICRC) REQUIRED LITERATURE: - Kalshoven, Frits in Zegveld, Liesbeth: Constraints on the Waging of War, An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, International Commitee of the Red Cross, Geneva 2001. - Sassoli, Marco in Bouvier, Antoine A.: How Does Law Protect in War: Cases, Documents, and Teaching Materials on Contemporary Practice in International Humanitarian Law, Second Edition, Volume I and II, International Commitee of the Red Cross, Geneva 2006. - Henckaerts, Jean-Marie: Study on customary international humanitarian law: a contribution to the understanding and respect for the rule of law in armed conflict, International Review of the Red Cross, March 2005, ICRC, Geneva, available on-line at:$File/ICRC_002_0860.PDF . FINAL EXAMINATION: The final examination will be an oral exam