Spin Foam Models for Quantum Gravity
arXiv:gr-qc/0301113v2 14 Feb 2003
Alejandro Perez
Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry,
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802, USA
Erwin Schrödinger International
Institute for Mathematical Physics
Boltzmanngasse 9,A-1090, Wien, Austria
February 4, 2008
In this article we review the present status of the spin foam formulation of nonperturbative (background independent) quantum gravity. The article is divided in
two parts. In the first part we present a general introduction to the main ideas
emphasizing their motivations from various perspectives. Riemannian 3-dimensional
gravity is used as a simple example to illustrate conceptual issues and the main goals
of the approach. The main features of the various existing models for 4-dimensional
gravity are also presented here. We conclude with a discussion of important questions
to be addressed in four dimensions (gauge invariance, discretization independence,
In the second part we concentrate on the definition of the Barrett-Crane model.
We present the main results obtained in this framework from a critical perspective.
Finally we review the combinatorial formulation of spin foam models based on the
dual group field theory technology. We present the Barrett-Crane model in this
framework and review the finiteness results obtained for both its Riemannian as well
as its Lorentzian variants.
1 Introduction
Main ideas
2 Loop Quantum Gravity and Quantum Geometry
3 Spin Foams and the path integral for gravity
3.1 Spin foams and the projection operator into Hphys
3.2 Spin foams from lattice gravity . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Spin foams for gravity from BF theory . . . . . .
3.4 Spin foams as Feynman diagrams . . . . . . . . .
4 Spin foams for 3-dimensional gravity
4.1 The classical theory . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Canonical quantization . . . . . . . .
4.3 Spin foam quantization of 3d gravity
4.3.1 Discretization independence .
4.3.2 Transition amplitudes . . . .
4.3.3 The generalized projector . .
4.3.4 The continuum limit . . . . .
4.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Spin foams for 4-dimensional quantum gravity
5.1 The Reisenberger model . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 The Freidel-Krasnov prescription . . . . . . . .
5.3 The Iwasaki model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 The Barrett-Crane model . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5 Markopoulou-Smolin causal spin networks . . .
5.6 Gambini-Pullin model . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.7 Capovilla-Dell-Jacobson theory on the lattice . .
6 Some conceptual issues
6.1 Anomalies and gauge fixing . . . .
6.2 Discretization dependence . . . . .
6.3 Physical scalar product revisited . .
6.4 Contact with the low energy world
The Barrett-Crane model
7 SO(4) Plebanski’s action and the Barrett-Crane model
7.1 Quantum Spin(4) BF theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 Classical SO(4) Plebanski action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3 Discretized Plebanski’s constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4 The quantum tetrahedron in 4d and the Barrett-Crane intertwiner
7.5 An integral expression for the 10j-symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.6 The asymptotics for the vertex amplitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.7 Area and Volume in the Barrett-Crane model . . . . . . . . . . .
7.8 Lorentzian generalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.9 Positivity of spin foam amplitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.10 Degenerate Sectors of Spin(4) Plebanski’s formulation . . . . . .
8 The group field theory (GFT) ansatz
9 The Barrett-Crane model and its dual GFT-formulation
9.1 The general GFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.1.1 The field theory action and its regularization . . . .
9.1.2 Evaluation in configuration space . . . . . . . . . .
9.1.3 The spin foam representation . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.1.4 Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.2 GFT dual to the Riemannian Barret-Crane model . . . . .
9.2.1 Finiteness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.3 Lorentzian models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.3.1 GFT dual to the Lorentzian Barrett-Crane model .
9.3.2 Finiteness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.3.3 A new Lorentzian model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Discussion
11 Acknowledgments
Quantum gravity, the theory expected to reconcile the principles of quantum mechanics
and general relativity, remains a major challenge in theoretical physics (for a review of the
history of quantum gravity see [1]). The main lesson of general relativity is that, unlike
in any other interaction, space-time geometry is fully dynamical. This special feature of
gravity precludes the possibility of representing fields on a fixed background geometry
and severely constrains the applicability of standard techniques that are successful in the
description of other interactions. Although the necessity of a background independent
formulation of quantum gravity is widely recognized, there is a current debate about the
means by which it should be implemented. In particular, it is not clear whether the non
renormalizability of perturbative quantum gravity should be interpreted as an indication of
the inconsistency of general relativity at high energies, the inconsistency of the backgrounddependent framework applied to gravity, or a combination of both.
According to the (background dependent) perspective of standard QFT [2], non renormalizability signals the inconsistency of the theory at high energies to be corrected by a
more fundamental theory in the UV regime. A classical example of this is Fermi’s fourfermion theory as an effective description of the weak interaction. According to this view
different approaches to quantum gravity have been defined in terms of modifications of
general relativity based on supersymmetry, higher dimensions, strings, etc. The finiteness
properties of the perturbative expansions (which are background dependent from the onset) are improved in these theories; however, the definition of a background independent
quantization of such modifications remains open.
The approach of non perturbative quantum gravity is based on a different interpretation of the infinities in perturbative quantum gravity: it is precisely the perturbative
(background dependent) techniques which are inconsistent with the fundamental nature of
gravity. This view is strongly suggested by the predictions of the background independent
canonical quantization of general relativity defined by loop quantum gravity. Loop quantum gravity (LQG) is a non perturbative formulation of quantum gravity based on the
connection formulation of general relativity (for an reviews on the subject see [3, 4, 5, 6]).
A great deal of progress has been made within the theory. At the mathematical level, the
main achievement is the rigorous definition of the Hilbert space of quantum geometry, the
regularization of geometric operators and the rigorous definition of the quantum Hamiltonian constraint (defining the quantum dynamics). States of quantum geometry are given
by polymer-like excitations supported on graphs (spin network states). From the physical
viewpoint its main prediction is the discreteness of geometry at the Planck scale. This
provides a clear-cut understanding of the problem of UV divergences in perturbative general relativity: at the Planck scale the classical notion of space and time simply ceases to
exist; therefore, it is the assumption of a fixed smooth background geometry (typically flat
space-time) in perturbation theory that becomes inconsistent at high energies. The theory
successfully incorporates interactions between quantum geometry and quantum matter in
a way that is completely free of divergences [7]. The quantum nature of space appears as
a physical regulator for the other interactions.
Dynamics is governed by the quantum Hamiltonian constraint. Even when this operator is rigorously defined [8] it is technically difficult to characterize its solution space.
This is partly because the 3 + 1-decomposition of space-time (necessary in the canonical
formulation) breaks the manifest 4-diffeomorphism invariance of the theory making awkward the analysis of dynamics. The situation is somewhat analogous to that in standard
quantum field theory. In the Hamiltonian formulation of standard quantum field theory
manifest Lorentz invariance is lost due to a particular choice of time slicing of Minkowski
space-time. The formalism is certainly Lorentz invariant, but one has to work harder to
show it explicitly. Manifest Lorentz invariance can be kept only in the Lagrangian (pathintegral) quantization making the (formal) path integral a powerful device for analyzing
relativistic dynamics.
Consequently, there has been growing interest in trying to define dynamics in loop
quantum gravity from a 4-dimensional covariant perspective. This has given rise to the
so-called spin foam approach to quantum gravity. Its main idea is the construction of a
rigorous definition of the path integral for gravity based on the deep insights obtained in
the canonical framework of loop quantum gravity. In turn, the path integral provides a
device to explicitly solve the dynamics: path-integral transition amplitudes can be shown
to correspond to solutions of the quantum Hamiltonian constraint.
The underlying discreteness discovered in loop quantum gravity is crucial: in spin foam
models the formal Misner-Hawking functional integral for gravity is replaced by a sum
over combinatorial objects given by foam-like configurations (spin foams). A spin foam
represents a possible history of the gravitational field and can be interpreted as a set of
transitions through different quantum states of space. Boundary data in the path integral
are given by the polymer-like excitations (spin network states) representing 3-geometry
states in loop quantum gravity. General covariance implies the absence of a meaningful
notion of time and transition amplitudes are to be interpreted as defining the physical
scalar product.
While the construction can be explicitly carried out in three dimensions there are
additional technical difficulties in four dimensions. Various models have been proposed. A
natural question is whether the infinite sums over geometries defining transition amplitudes
would converge. In fact, there is no UV problem due to the fundamental discreteness and
potential divergences are associated to the IR regime. There are recent results in the
context of the Barrett-Crane model showing that amplitudes are well defined when the
topology of the histories is restricted in a certain way.
The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive review of the progress that has
been achieved in the spin foam approach over the last few years and provide as well a
self contained introduction for the interested reader that is not familiar with the subject.
The article is divided into two fundamental parts. In the first part we present a general
introduction to the subject including a brief summary of LQG in Section 2. We introduce
the spin foam formulation from different perspectives in Section 3. In Section 4 we present
a simple example of spin foam model: Riemannian 3-dimensional gravity. We use this
example as the basic tool to introduce the main ideas and to illustrate various conceptual
issues. We review the different proposed models for 4-dimensional quantum gravity in Sec5
tion 5. Finally, in Section 6 we conclude the first part by analyzing the various conceptual
issues that arise in the approach. The first part is a general introduction to the formalism;
it is self contained and could be read independently.
One of the simplest and most studied spin foam model for 4-dimensional gravity is
the Barrett-Crane model [9, 10]. The main purpose of the second part is to present a
critical survey of the different results that have been obtained in this framework and its
combinatorial generalizations [11, 12, 13] based on the dual group field theory (GFT)
formulation. In Section 7 we present a systematic derivation of the Barrett-Crane model
from the Spin(4) Plebanski’s formulation. This derivation follows an alternative path from
that of [14, 15]; here we emphasize the connection to a simplicial action.
Spin foams can be thought of as Feynman diagrams. In fact a wide class of spin foam
models can be derived from the perturbative (Feynman) expansion of certain dual group
field theories (GFT) [16, 17]. A brief review of the main ideas involved is presented in
Section 8. We conclude the second part by studying the GFT formulation of the BarrettCrane model for both Riemannian and Lorentzian geometry. The definition of the actual
models and the sketch of the corresponding finiteness proofs [18, 19, 20] are given in Section
Part I
Main ideas
Loop Quantum Gravity and Quantum Geometry
Loop quantum gravity is a rigorous realization of the quantization program established in
the 60’s by Dirac, Wheeler, De-Witt, among others (for recent reviews see [3, 4, 6]). The
technical difficulties of Wheeler’s ‘geometrodynamics’ are circumvent by the use of connection variables instead of metrics [21, 22, 23]. At the kinematical level, the formulation
is similar to that of standard gauge theories. The fundamental difference is however the
absence of any non-dynamical background field in the theory.
The configuration variable is an SU(2)-connection Aia on a 3-manifold Σ representing
space. The canonical momenta are given by the densitized triad Eia . The latter encode
the (fully dynamical) Riemannian geometry of Σ and are the analog of the ‘electric fields’
of Yang-Mills theory.
In addition to diffeomorphisms there is the local SU(2) gauge freedom that rotates the
triad and transforms the connection in the usual way. According to Dirac, gauge freedoms
result in constraints among the phase space variables which conversely are the generating
functionals of infinitesimal gauge transformations. In terms of connection variables the
constraints are
Gi = Da Eia = 0,
Ca = Ekb Fba
= 0,
S = ǫijk Eia Ejb Fab k + · · · = 0,
where Da is the covariant derivative and Fba is the curvature of Aia . Gi is the familiar Gauss constraint—analogous to the Gauss law of electromagnetism—generating infinitesimal SU(2) gauge transformations, Ca is the vector constraint generating spacediffeomorphism, and S is the scalar constraint generating ‘time’ reparameterization (there
is an additional term that we have omitted for simplicity).
Loop quantum gravity is defined using Dirac quantization. One first represents (1) as
operators in an auxiliary Hilbert space H and then solves the constraint equations
Ĝi Ψ = 0,
Cˆa Ψ = 0,
ŜΨ = 0.
The Hilbert space of solutions is the so-called physical Hilbert space Hphys . In a generally
covariant system quantum dynamics is fully governed by constraint equations. In the case
of loop quantum gravity they represent quantum Einstein’s equations.
States in the auxiliary Hilbert space are represented by wave functionals of the connection Ψ(A) which are square integrable with respect to a natural diffeomorphism invariant
measure, the Ashtekar-Lewandowski measure [24] (we denote it L2 [A] where A is the space
of (generalized) connections).
This space can be decomposed into a direct sum of orthogL
onal subspaces H = γ Hγ labeled by a graph γ in Σ. The fundamental excitations are
given by the holonomy hℓ (A) ∈ SU(2) along a path ℓ in Σ:
hℓ (A) = P exp
Elements of Hγ are given by functions
Ψf,γ (A) = f (hℓ1 (A), hℓ2 (A), . . . , hℓn (A)),
where hℓ is the holonomy along the links ℓ ∈ γ and f : SU(2)n → C is (Haar measure)
square integrable. They are called cylindrical functions and represent a dense set in H
denoted Cyl.
Gauge transformations generated by the Gauss constraint act non-trivially at the endpoints of the holonomy, i.e., at nodes of graphs. The Gauss constraint (in (1)) is solved by
looking at SU(2) gauge invariant functionals of the connection (L2 [A]/G). The fundamental gauge invariant quantity is given by the holonomy around closed loops. An orthonormal
basis of the kernel of the Gauss constraint is defined by the so called spin network states
Ψγ,{jℓ },{ιn } (A) [25, 26, 27]. Spin-networks 1 are defined by a graph γ in Σ, a collection of
spins {jℓ }—unitary irreducible representations of SU(2)—associated with links ℓ ∈ γ and
a collection of SU(2) intertwiners {ιn } associated to nodes n ∈ γ (see Figure 1). The spinnetwork gauge invariant wave functional Ψγ,{jℓ },{ιn } (A) is constructed by first associating
an SU(2) matrix in the jℓ -representation to the holonomies hℓ (A) corresponding to the
Spin-networks were introduced by Penrose [28] in a attempt to define 3-dimensional Euclidean quantum
geometry from the combinatorics of angular momentum in QM. Independently they have been used in
lattice gauge theory [29, 30] as a natural basis for gauge invariant functions on the lattice. For an account
of their applications in various contexts see [31].
link ℓ, and then contracting the representation matrices at nodes with the corresponding
intertwiners ιn , namely
Ψγ,{jℓ },{ιn } (A) =
jℓ [hℓ (A)],
where jℓ [hℓ (A)] denotes the corresponding jℓ -representation matrix evaluated at corresponding link holonomy and the matrix index contraction is left implicit.
Figure 1: Spin-network state: At 3-valent nodes the intertwiner is uniquely specified by the
corresponding spins. At 4 or higher valent nodes an intertwiner has to be specified. Choosing an intertwiner corresponds to decompose the n-valent node in terms of 3-valent ones
adding new virtual links (dashed lines) and their corresponding spins. This is illustrated
explicitly in the figure for the two 4-valent nodes.
The solution of the vector constraint is more subtle [24]. One uses group averaging
techniques and the existence of the diffeomorphism invariant measure. The fact that
zero lies in the continuous spectrum of the diffeomorphism constraint implies solutions to
correspond to generalized states. These are not in H but are elements of the topological
dual Cyl∗2 . However, the intuitive idea is quite simple: solutions to the vector constraint
are given by equivalence classes of spin-network states up to diffeomorphism. Two spinnetwork states are considered equivalent if their underlying graphs can be deformed into
each other by the action of a diffeomorphism.
This can be regarded as an indication that the smooth spin-network category could
be replaced by something which is more combinatorial in nature so that diffeomorphism
invariance becomes a derived property of the classical limit. LQG has been modified
along these lines by replacing the smooth manifold structure of the standard theory by
the weaker concept of piecewise linear manifold [32]. In this context, graphs defining
spin-network states can be completely characterized using the combinatorics of cellular
decompositions of space. Only a discrete analog of the diffeomorphism symmetry survives
which can be dealt with in a fully combinatorial manner. We will take this point of view
when we introduce the notion of spin foam in the following section.
According to the triple Cyl ⊂ H ⊂ Cyl∗ .
Quantum geometry
The generalized states described above solve all of the constraints (1) but the scalar constraint. They are regarded as quantum states of the Riemannian geometry on Σ. They
define the kinematical sector of the theory known as quantum geometry.
Geometric operators acting on spin network states can be defined in terms of the fundamental triad operators Êia . The simplest of such operators is the area of a surface S
classically given by
AS (E) =
dx2 Tr[na nb E a E b ]
where n is a co normal. The geometric operator ÂS (E) can be rigorously defined by its
action on spin network states [33, 34, 35]. The area operator gives a clear geometrical
interpretation to spin-network states: the fundamental 1-dimensional excitations defining
a spin-network state can be thought of as quantized ‘flux lines’ of area. More precisely,
if the surface S ⊂ Σ is punctured by a spin-network link carrying
a spin j, this state
is an eigenstate of ÂS (E) with eigenvalue proportional to ℓP j(j + 1). In the generic
sector—where no node lies on the surface—the spectrum takes the simple form
aS ({j}) = 8πιℓ2P
ji (ji + 1),
where i labels punctures and ι is the Imirzi parameter [36] 3 . aS ({j}) is the sum of single
puncture contributions. The general form of the spectrum including the cases where nodes
lie on S has been computed in closed form [35].
The spectrum of the volume operator is also discrete [33, 34, 38, 39]. If we define the
volume operator V̂σ (E) of a 3-dimensional region σ ⊂ Σ then non vanishing eigenstates are
given by spin-networks containing n-valent nodes in σ for n > 3. Volume is concentrated
in nodes.
Quantum dynamics
In contrast to the Gauss and vector constraints, the scalar constraint does not have a simple
geometrical meaning. This makes its quantization more involved. Regularization choices
have to be made and the result is not unique. After Thiemann’s first rigorous quantization
[40] other well defined possibilities have been found [41, 42, 43]. This ambiguity affects
dynamics governed by
ŜΨ = 0.
The difficulty in dealing with the scalar constraint is not surprising. The vector
constraint—generating space diffeomorphisms—and the scalar constraint—generating time
reparameterizations—arise from the underlying 4-diffeomorphism invariance of gravity. In
The Imirzi parameter ι is a free parameter in the theory. This ambiguity is purely quantum mechanical
(it disappears in the classical limit). It has to be fixed in terms of physical predictions. The computation
of black hole entropy in LQG fixes the value of ι (see [37]).
the canonical formulation the 3 + 1 splitting breaks the manifest 4-dimensional symmetry.
The price paid is the complexity of the time re-parameterization constraint S. The situation is somewhat reminiscent of that in standard quantum field theory where manifest
Lorentz invariance is lost in the Hamiltonian formulation 4 .
From this perspective, there has been growing interest in approaching the problem
of dynamics by defining a covariant formulation of quantum gravity. The idea is that
(as in the QFT case) one can keep manifest 4-dimensional covariance in the path integral
formulation. The spin foam approach is an attempt to define the path integral quantization
of gravity using what we have learn from LQG.
In standard quantum mechanics path integrals provide the solution of dynamics as
a device to compute the time evolution operator. Similarly, in the generally covariant
context it provides a tool to find solutions to the constraint equations (this has been
emphasized formally in various places: in the case of gravity see for example [44], for a
detailed discussion of this in the context of quantum mechanics see [45]). We will come
back to this issue later.
Let us finish by stating some properties of Ŝ that do not depend on the ambiguities
mentioned above. One is the discovery that smooth loop states naturally solve the scalar
constraint operator [46, 47]. This set of states is clearly to small to represent the physical
Hilbert space (e.g., they span a zero volume sector). However, this implies that Ŝ acts only
on spin network nodes. Its action modifies spin networks at nodes by creating new links
according to Figure 2 5 . This is crucial in the construction of the spin foam approach of
the next section.
Figure 2: A typical transition generated by the action of the scalar constraint
Spin Foams and the path integral for gravity
The possibility of defining quantum gravity using Feynman’s path integral approach has
been considered long ago by Misner and later extensively studied by Hawking, Hartle and
others [48, 49]. Given a 4-manifold M with boundaries Σ1 and Σ2 , and denoting by G the
There is however an additional complication here: the canonical constraint algebra does not reproduce
the 4-diffeomorphism Lie algebra. This complicates the geometrical meaning of S.
This is not the case in all the available definitions of the scalar constraints as for example the one
defined in [42, 43].
space of metrics on M, the transition amplitude between |[qab ]i on Σ1 and |[qab
]i on Σ2 is
h[qab ] |[ qab ]i = D[g] eiS([g]) ,
where the integration on the right is performed over all space-time metrics up to 4diffeomorphisms [g] ∈ G/Dif f (M) with fixed boundary values up to 3-diffeomorphisms [qab ],
], respectively.
There are various difficulties associated with (9). Technically there is the problem of
defining the functional integration over [g] on the RHS. This is partially because of the
difficulties in defining infinite dimensional functional integration beyond the perturbative
framework. In addition, there is the issue of having to deal with the space G/Dif f (M), i.e.,
how to characterize the diffeomorphism invariant information in the metric. This gauge
problem (3-diffeomorphisms) is also present in the definition of the boundary data. There
is no well defined notion of kinematical state |[qab ]i as the notion of kinematical Hilbert
space in standard metric variables has never been defined.
We can be more optimistic in the framework of loop quantum gravity. The notion of
quantum state of 3-geometry is rigorously defined in terms of spin-network states. They
carry the diff-invariant information of the Riemannian structure of Σ. In addition, and
very importantly, these states are intrinsically discrete (colored graphs on Σ) suggesting
a possible solution to the functional measure problem, i.e., the possibility of constructing
a notion of Feynman ‘path integral’ in a combinatorial manner involving sums over spin
network world sheets amplitudes. Heuristically, ‘4-geometries’ are to be represented by
‘histories’ of quantum states of 3-geometries or spin network states. These ‘histories’
involve a series of transitions between spin network states (Figure 3), and define a foamlike structure (a ‘2-graph’ or 2-complex) whose components inherit the spin representations
from the underlying spin networks. These spin network world sheets are the so-called spin
The precise definition of spin foams was introduced by Baez in [14] emphasizing their
role as morphisms in the category defined by spin networks6 . A spin foam F : s → s′ ,
representing a transition from the spin-network s = (γ, {jℓ }, {ιn }) into s′ = (γ ′ , {jℓ′ }, {ιn′ }),
is defined by a 2-complex 7 J bordered by the graphs of γ and γ ′ respectively, a collection
of spins {jf } associated with faces f ∈ J and a collection of intertwiners {ιe } associated to
edges e ∈ J . Both spins and intertwiners of exterior faces and edges match the boundary
values defined by the spin networks s and s′ respectively. Spin foams F : s → s′ and
F ′ : s′ → s′′ can be composed into F F ′ : s → s′′ by gluing together the two corresponding
2-complexes at s′ . A spin foam model is an assignment of amplitudes A[F ] which is
consistent with this composition rule in the sense that
A[F F ′ ] = A[F ]A[F ′ ].
The role of category theory for quantum gravity had been emphasized by Crane in [50, 51, 52].
In most of the paper we use the concept of piecewise linear 2-complexes as in [14]; in Section 8 we
shall study a formulation of spin foam in terms of certain combinatorial 2-complexes.
Transition amplitudes between spin network states are defined by
hs, s′ iphys =
A[F ],
F :s→s′
where the notation anticipates the interpretation of such amplitudes as defining the physical
scalar product. The domain of the previous sum is left unspecified at this stage. We shall
discuss this question further in Section 6. This last equation is the spin foam counterpart
of equation (9). This definition remains formal until we specify what the set of allowed
spin foams in the sum are and define the corresponding amplitudes.
Figure 3: A typical path in a path integral version of loop quantum gravity is given
by a series of transitions through different spin-network states representing a state of 3geometries. Nodes and links in the spin network evolve into 1-dimensional edges and faces.
New links are created and spins are reassigned at vertexes (emphasized on the right). The
‘topological’ structure is provided by the underlying 2-complex while the geometric degrees
of freedom are encoded in the labeling of its elements with irreducible representations and
In standard quantum mechanics the path integral is used to compute the matrix elements of the evolution operator U(t). It provides in this way the solution for dynamics
since for any kinematical state Ψ the state U(t)Ψ is a solution to Schrödinger’s equation.
Analogously, in a generally covariant theory the path integral provides a device for constructing solutions to the quantum constraints. Transition amplitudes represent the matrix
elements of the so-called generalized ‘projection’ operator P (Sections 3.1 and 6.3) such
that P Ψ is a physical state for any kinematical state Ψ. As in the case of the vector
constraint the solutions of the scalar constraint correspond to distributional states (zero
is in the continuum part of its spectrum). Therefore, Hphys is not a proper subspace of H
and the operator P is not a projector (P 2 is ill defined)8 . In Section 4 we give an explicit
example of this construction.
The background-independent character of spin foams is manifest. The 2-complex can be
thought of as representing ‘space-time’ while the boundary graphs as representing ‘space’.
In the notation of the previous section states in Hphys are elements of Cyl∗ .
They do not carry any geometrical information in contrast with the standard concept of a
lattice. Geometry is encoded in the spin labelings which represent the degrees of freedom
of the gravitational field.
Spin foams and the projection operator into Hphys
Spin foams naturally arise in the formal definition of the exponentiation of the scalar
constraint as studied by Reisenberger and Rovelli in [53] and Rovelli [54]. The basic idea
consists of constructing the ‘projection’ operator P providing a definition of the formal
δ(Ŝ(x)) = D[N] eiS[N ] ,
P =
where Ŝ[N] = dx3 N(x)S(x),
with N(x) the lapse function. P defines the physical scalar
product according to
hs, s′ iphys = hsP, s′i ,
where the RHS is defined using the kinematical scalar product. Reisenberger and Rovelli
make progress toward a definition of (12) by constructing a truncated version PΛ (where Λ
can be regarded as an infrared cutoff). One of the main ingredients is Rovelli’s definition
of a diffeomorphism invariant measure D[N] generalizing the techniques of [55].
The starting point is the expansion of the exponential in (12) in powers
* ∞
X in
n ′
(S[N]) , s .
hsPΛ , s i =
D[N] s
|N (x)|≤Λ
The construction works for a generic form of quantum scalar constraint as long as it acts
locally on spin network nodes both creating and destroying links (this local action generates
a vertex of the type emphasized in Figure 2). The action of Ŝ[N] depends on the value
of the lapse at nodes. Integration over the lapse can be performed and the final result is
given by a power series in the cutoff Λ, namely
hsPΛ , s′ i =
in Λn X
A[Fn ]
Fn :s→s
i Λ
Av (ρv , ιv ),
where Fn : s → s′ are spin foams generated by n actions of the scalar constraint, i.e., spin
foams with n vertices. The spin foam amplitude A[Fn ] factorizes in a product of vertex
contributions Av (ρv , ιv ) depending of the spins jv and ιv neighboring faces and edges. The
spin foam shown in Figure 3 corresponds in this context to two actions of S and would
contribute to the amplitude in the order Λ2 .
Physical observables can be constructed out of kinematical operators using P . If Okin
represents an operator commuting with all but the scalar constraint then Ophys = P Okin P
defines a physical observable. Its expectation value is
hOphysi =
hsPΛ Okin PΛ , si
hsP Okin P, si
:= lim
hsP, si
hsPΛ , si
where the limit of the ratio of truncated quantities is expected to converge for suitable
operators Okin . Issues of convergence have not been studied and they would clearly be
regularization dependent.
Spin foams from lattice gravity
Spin foam models naturally arise in lattice-discretizations of the path integral of gravity and generally covariant gauge theories. This was originally studied by Reisenberger
[25]. The space-time manifold is replaced by a lattice given by a cellular complex. The
discretization allows for the definition of the functional measure reducing the number of
degrees of freedom to finitely many. The formulation is similar to that of standard lattice
gauge theory. However, the nature of this truncation is fundamentally different: background independence implies that it cannot be simply interpreted as a UV regulator (we
will be more explicit in the sequel).
We present a brief outline of the formulation for details see [25, 56, 57]. Start from the
action of gravity in some first order formulation (S(e, A)). The formal path integral takes
the form
Z = D[e] D[A] e
= D[A] eiSeff (A) ,
where in the second line we have formally integrated over the tetrad e obtaining an effective
action Seff 9 . From this point on, the derivation is analogous to that of generally covariant
gauge theory. The next step is to define the previous equation on a ‘lattice’.
As for Wilson’s action for standard lattice gauge theory the relevant structure for the
discretization is a 2-complex J . We assume the 2-complex to be defined in terms of the dual
2-skeleton J∆ of a simplicial complex ∆. Denoting the edges e ∈ J∆ and the plaquettes
or faces f ∈ J∆ one discretizes the connection by assigning a group element ge to edges
A → {ge }.
The Haar measure on the group is used to represent the connection integration:
dge .
D[A] →
This is a simplifying assumption in the derivation. One could put the full action in the lattice [56]
and then integrate over the discrete e to obtain the discretized version of the quantity on the right of (17).
This is what we will do in Section 4.
The action of gravity depends on the connection A only through the curvature F (A) so
that upon discretization the action is expressed as a function of the holonomy around faces
gf corresponding to the product of the ge ’s which we denote gf = ge(1) · · · ge(n) :
F (A) → {gf }.
In this way, Seff (A) → Seff ({gf }). Thus the lattice path integral becomes:
dge exp [iSeff ({gf })] .
Reisenberger assumes that Seff ({gf }) is local in the following sense: the amplitude of
any piece of the 2-complex obtained as its intersection with a ball depends only on the
value of the connection on the corresponding boundary. Degrees of freedom communicate
through the lattice connection on the boundary. One can compute amplitudes of pieces of
J∆ (at fixed boundary data) and then obtain the full J∆ amplitude by gluing the pieces
together and integrating out the mutual boundary connections along common boundaries.
The boundary of a portion of J∆ is a graph. The boundary value is an assignment of
group elements to its links. The amplitude is a function of the boundary connection,
i.e., an element of Cyl. In the case of a cellular 2-complex there is a maximal splitting
corresponding to cutting out a neighborhood around each vertex. If the discretization is
based on the dual of a triangulation these elementary building blocks are all alike and
denoted atoms. Such an atom in four dimensions is represented in Figure 4.
0 111111111
Figure 4: A fundamental atom is defined by the intersection of a dual vertex in J∆ (corresponding to a 4-simplex in ∆) with a 3-sphere. The thick lines represent the internal edges
while the thin lines the intersections of the internal faces with the boundary. They define
the boundary graph denoted γ5 below. One of the faces has been emphasized.
The atom amplitude depends on the boundary data given by the value of the holonomies
on the ten links of the pentagonal boundary graph γ5 shown in the figure. This amplitude
can be represented by a function
V(αij ) for αij ∈ G and i 6= j = 1, . . . , 5
where αij represents the boundary lattice connection along the link ij in Figure 4. Gauge
invariance (V (αij ) = V (gi αij gj−1 )) implies that the function can be spanned in terms of
spin networks functions Ψγ5 ,{ρij },{ιi } (αij ) based on the pentagonal graph γ5 , namely
V(αij ) =
Ṽ({ρij }, {ιi }) Ψγ5 ,{ρij },{ιi } (αij )
where Ṽ({ρij }, {ιi }) is the atom amplitude in ‘momentum’ space depending on ten spins
ρij labeling the faces and five intertwiners ιi labeling the edges. Gluing the atoms together
the integral over common boundaries is replaced by the sum over common values of spin
labels and intertwiners10 . The total amplitude becomes
Ṽ({ρv }, {ιv }),
Z[J∆ ] =
Af (ρf , ιf )
Cf :{f }→{ρf } Ce :{e}→{ιe } f ∈J∆
where Ce : {e} → {ιe } denotes the assignment of intertwiners to edges, Cf : {ρf } → {f }
the assignment of spins ρf to faces, and Af (ρf , ιf ) is the face amplitude arising in the
integration over the lattice connection. The lattice definition of the path integral for
gravity and covariant gauge theories becomes a discrete sum of spin foam amplitudes!
Spin foams for gravity from BF theory
The integration over the tetrad we formally performed in (17) is not always possible in
practice. There is however a type of generally covariant theory for which the analog
integration is trivial. This is the case of a class of theories called BF theory. General
relativity in three dimensions is of this type. Consequently, BF theory can be quantized
along the lines of the previous section. BF spin foam amplitudes are simply given by
certain invariants in the representation theory of the gauge group. We shall study in some
detail the case of 3-dimensional Riemannian quantum gravity in the next section.
The relevance of BF theory is its close relation to general relativity in four dimensions.
In fact, general relativity can be described by certain BF theory action plus Lagrange
multiplier terms imposing certain algebraic constraints on the fields [58]. This is the
starting point for the definition of several of the models we will present in this article:
a spin foam model for gravity can be defined by imposing restrictions on the spin foams
that enter in the partition function of the BF theory. These restrictions are essentially the
translation into representation theory of the constraints that reduce BF theory to general
This is a consequence of the basic orthogonality of unitary representations, namely
δαγ δβµ .
j[g]αβ k[g]γµ dg =
2j + 1
Spin foams as Feynman diagrams
As already pointed out in [14] spin foams can be interpreted in close analogy to Feynman
diagrams. Standard Feynman graphs are generalized to 2-complexes and the labeling of
propagators by momenta to the assignment of spins to faces. Finally, momentum conservation at vertices in standard Feynmanology is now represented by spin-conservation at
edges, ensured by the assignment of the corresponding intertwiners. In spin foam models
the non-trivial content of amplitudes is contained in the vertex amplitude as pointed out
in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 which in the language of Feynman diagrams can be interpreted as
an interaction. We shall see that this analogy is indeed realized in the formulation of spin
foam models in terms of a group field theory (GFT) [16, 17].
Spin foams for 3-dimensional gravity
Three dimensional gravity is an example of BF theory for which the spin foam approach
can be implemented in a rather simple way. Despite its simplicity the theory allows for the
study of many of the conceptual issues to be addressed in four dimensions. In addition,
as we mentioned in Section 3.3, spin foams for BF theory are the basic building block of
4-dimensional gravity models. For a beautiful presentation of BF theory and its relation
to spin foams see [59]. For simplicity we study the Riemannian theory; the Lorentzian
generalization of the results of this section have been studied in [60].
The classical theory
Riemannian gravity in 3 dimensions is a theory with no local degrees of freedom, i.e., no
gravitons. Its action is given by
S(e, A) = T r(e ∧ F (A)),
where the field A is an SU(2)-connection and the triad e is a Lie algebra valued 1-form.
The local symmetries of the action are SU(2) gauge transformations
δe = [e, ω] ,
δA = dA ω,
where ω is a su(2)-valued 0-form, and ‘topological’ gauge transformation
δe = dA η,
δA = 0,
where dA denotes the covariant exterior derivative and η is a su(2)-valued 0-form. The
first invariance is manifest from the form of the action, while the second is a consequence
of the Bianchi identity, dA F = 0. The gauge freedom is so big that the theory has only
global degrees of freedom. This can be checked directly by writing the equations of motion
F (A) = dA A = 0,
dAe = 0.
The first implies that the connection is flat which in turn means that it is locally gauge
(A = dA ω). The solutions of the second equation are also locally gauge as any closed form
is locally exact (e = dA η) 11 . This very simple theory can be quantized in a direct manner.
Canonical quantization
Assuming M = Σ × R where Σ is a Riemann surface representing space, the phase space
of the theory is parameterized by the spatial connection A (for simplicity we use the same
notation as for the space-time connection) and its conjugate momentum E. The constraints
that result from the gauge freedoms (23) and (24) are
Da Eia = 0,
F (A) = 0.
The first is the familiar Gauss constraint (in the notation of equation (1)), and we call the
second the curvature constraint. There are 6 independent constraints for the 6 components
of the connection, i.e., no local degrees of freedom. The kinematical setting is analogous to
that of 4-dimensional gravity and the quantum theory is defined along similar lines. The
kinematical Hilbert space (quantum geometry) is spanned by SU(2) spin-network states
on Σ which automatically solve the Gauss constraint. “Dynamics” is governed by the
curvature constraint. The physical Hilbert space is obtained by restricting the connection
to be flat and the physical scalar product is defined by a natural measure in the space of flat
connections [59]. The distributional character of the solutions of the curvature constraint
is manifest here. Different spin network states are physically equivalent when they differ
by a null state (states with vanishing physical scalar product with all spin network states).
This happens when the spin networks are related by certain skein relations. One can
reconstruct Hphys directly from the skein relations which in turn can be found by studying
the covariant spin foam formulation of the theory.
Spin foam quantization of 3d gravity
Here we apply the general framework of Section 3.2. This has been studied by Iwasaki in
[61, 62]. The partition function, Z, is formally given by12
Z = D[e]D[A] ei M Tr[e∧F (A)] ,
where for the moment we assume M to be a compact and orientable. Integrating over the
e field in (27) we obtain
Z = D[A] δ (F (A)) .
One can easily check that the infinitesimal diffeomorphism gauge action δe = Lv e, and δA = Lv A,
where Lv is the Lie derivative in the v direction, is a combination of (23) and (24) for ω = v a Aa and
η = v a ea , respectively, acting on the space of solutions, i.e. when (25) holds.
We are dealing with Riemannian 3-dimensional gravity. This should not be confused with the approach
of Euclidean quantum gravity formally obtained by a Wick rotation of Lorentzian gravity. Notice the
imaginary unit in front of the action. The theory of Riemannian quantum gravity should be regarded as
a toy model with no obvious connection to the Lorentzian sector.
The partition function Z corresponds to the ‘volume’ of the space of flat connections on
In order to give a meaning to the formal expressions above, we replace the 3-dimensional
manifold M with an arbitrary cellular decomposition ∆. We also need the notion of the
associated dual 2-complex of ∆ denoted by J∆ . The dual 2-complex J∆ is a combinatorial
object defined by a set of vertices v ∈ J∆ (dual to 3-cells in ∆) edges e ∈ J∆ (dual to
2-cells in ∆) and faces f ∈ J∆ (dual to 1-cells in ∆).
The fields e and A have support on these discrete structures. The su(2)-valued 1-form
field e is represented by the assignment of an e ∈ su(2) to each 1-cell in ∆. The connection
field A is represented by the assignment of group elements ge ∈ SU(2) to each edge in J∆ .
The partition function is defined by
dge eiTr[ef Uf ] ,
Z(∆) =
f ∈J∆
where def is the regular Lebesgue measure on R3 , dge is the Haar measure on SU(2), and
Uf denotes the holonomy around faces, i.e., Uf = ge1 . . . geN for N being the number of edges
bounding the corresponding face. Since Uf ∈ SU(2) we can write it as Uf = u0f 1 + Ff
where u0f ∈ C and Ff ∈ su(2). Ff is interpreted as the discrete curvature around the
face f . Clearly Tr[ef Uf ] = Tr[ef Ff ]. An arbitrary orientation is assigned to faces when
computing Uf . We use the fact that faces in J∆ are in one-to-one correspondence with
1-cells in ∆ and label ef with a face subindex.
Integrating over ef , we obtain
δ(ge1 . . . geN ),
Z(∆) =
f ∈J∆
where δ corresponds to the delta distribution defined on L2 (SU(2)). Notice that the
previous equation corresponds to the discrete version
Q of equation (28).
The integration over the discrete connection ( e dge ) can be performed expanding first
the delta function in the previous equation using the Peter-Weyl decomposition [63]
δ(g) =
∆j Tr [j(g)] ,
j∈irrep(SU (2))
where ∆j = 2j + 1 denotes the dimension of the unitary representation j, and j(g) is
the corresponding representation matrix. Using equation (31), the partition function (30)
∆jf Tr jf (ge1 . . . geN ) ,
Z(∆) =
C:{j}→{f }
f ∈J∆
where the sum is over coloring of faces in the notation of (21).
Going from equation (29) to (32) we have replaced the continuous integration over the
e’s by the sum over representations of SU(2). Roughly speaking, the degrees of freedom
of e are now encoded in the representation being summed over in (32).
Now it remains to integrate over the lattice connection {ge }. If an edge e ∈ J∆ bounds
n faces there are n traces of the form Tr[jf (· · · ge · · · )] in (32) containing ge in the argument.
The relevant formula is
Pinv := dg j1 (g) ⊗ j2 (g) ⊗ · · · ⊗ jn (g) =
Cjι1 j2 ···jn Cj∗1ιj2 ···jn ,
where Pinv
is the projector onto Inv[j1 ⊗ j2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ jn ]. On the RHS we have chosen
an orthonormal basis of invariant vectors (intertwiners) to express the projector. Notice
that the assignment of intertwiners to edges is a consequence of the integration over the
connection. This is not a particularity of this example but rather a general property of
local spin foams as pointed out in Section 3.2. Finally (30) can be written as a sum over
spin foam amplitudes
Av (ιv , jv ),
Z(∆) =
C:{j}→{f } C:{ι}→{e} f ∈J∆
where Av (ιv , jv ) is given by the appropriate trace of the intertwiners ιv corresponding
to the edges bounded by the vertex and jv are the corresponding representations. This
amplitude is given in general by an SU(2) 3Nj-symbol corresponding to the flat evaluation
of the spin network defined by the intersection of the corresponding vertex with a 2-sphere.
When ∆ is a simplicial complex all the edges in J∆ are 3-valent and vertices are 4-valent
(one such vertex is emphasized in Figure 3, the intersection with the surrounding S 2 is
shown in dotted lines). Consequently, the vertex amplitude is given by the contraction of
the corresponding four 3-valent intertwiners, i.e., a 6j-symbol. In that case the partition
function takes the familiar Ponzano-Regge [64] form
Z(∆) =
C:{j}→{f } f ∈J∆
were the sum over intertwiners disappears since dim(Inv[j1 ⊗ j2 ⊗ j3 ]) = 1 for SU(2) and
there is only one term in (33). Ponzano and Regge originally defined the amplitude (35)
from the study of the asymptotic properties of the 6j-symbol.
Discretization independence
A crucial property of the partition function (and transition amplitudes in general) is that
it does not depend on the discretization ∆. Given two different cellular decompositions ∆
and ∆′ (not necessarily simplicial)
τ −n0 Z(∆) = τ −n0 Z(∆′ ),
wherePn0 is the number of 0-simplexes in ∆ (hence the number of bubbles in J∆ ), and
τ =
j (2j + 1) is clearly divergent which makes discretization independence a formal
statement without a suitable regularization.
The sum over spins in (35) is typically divergent, as indicated by the previous equation.
Divergences occur due to infinite volume factors corresponding to the topological gauge
freedom (24)(see [65])13 . The factor τ in (36) represents such volume factor. It can also be
interpreted as a δ(0) coming from the existence of a redundant delta function in (30). One
can partially gauge fix this freedom at the level of the discretization. This has the effect
of eliminating bubbles from the 2-complex.
In the case of simply connected Σ the gauge fixing is complete. One can eliminate
bubbles and compute finite transition amplitudes. The result is equivalent to the physical
scalar product defined in the canonical picture in terms of the delta measure14 .
In the case of gravity with cosmological constant the state-sum generalizes to the
Turaev-Viro model [66] defined in terms of SUq (2) with q n = 1 where the representations are finitely many. Heuristically, the presence of the cosmological constant introduces
a physical infrared cutoff. Equation (36) has been proved in this case for the case of simplicial decompositions in [66], see also [67, 68]. The generalization for arbitrary cellular
decomposition was obtained in [69].
For simplicity we concentrate on the Abelian case G = U (1). The analysis can be extended to the
non-Abelian case. Writing g ∈ U (1) as g = eiθ the analog of the gravity simplicial action is
S(∆, {ef }, {θe }) =
ef Ff ({θe }),
f ∈J∆
where Ff ({θe }) = e∈f θe . Gauge transformations corresponding to (23) act at the end points of edges
e ∈ J∆ by the action of group elements {β} in the following way
Bf → Bf ,
θ e → θ e + βs − βt ,
where the sub-index s (respectively t) labels the source vertex (respectively target vertex) according to the
orientation of the edge. The gauge invariance of the simplicial action is manifest. The gauge transformation
corresponding to (24) acts on vertices of the triangulation ∆ and is given by
Bf → Bf + ηs − ηt ,
θe → θe .
According to the discrete analog of Stokes theorem
Ff ({θe }) = 0,
f ∈Bubble
which implies the invariance of the action under the transformation above. The divergence of the corresponding spin foam amplitudes is due to this last freedom. Alternatively, one can understand it from the
fact that Stokes theorem implies a redundant delta function in (30) per bubble in J∆ [65].
If M = S 2 × [0, 1] one can construct a cellular decomposition interpolating any two graphs on the
boundaries without having internal bubbles and hence no divergences.
Transition amplitudes
Transition amplitudes can be defined along similar lines using a manifold with boundaries.
Given ∆, J∆ then defines graphs on the boundaries. Consequently, spin foams induce
spin networks on the boundaries. The amplitudes have to be modified concerning the
boundaries to have the correct composition property (10). This is achieved by changing
the face amplitude from (∆jf ) to (∆jℓ )1/2 on external faces.
The crucial property of this spin foam model is that the amplitudes are independent of
the chosen cellular decomposition [67, 69]. This allows for computing transition amplitudes
between any spin network states s = (γ, {j}, {ι}) and s′ = (γ, {j ′ }, {ι′ }) according to the
following rules15 :
• Given M = Σ × [0, 1] (piecewise linear) and spin network states s = (γ, {j}, {ι}) and
s′ = (γ, {j ′ }, {ι′ }) on the boundaries—for γ and γ ′ piecewise linear graphs in Σ—
choose any cellular decomposition ∆ such that the dual 2-complex J∆ is bordered
by the corresponding graphs γ and γ ′ respectively (existence can be shown easily).
• Compute the transition amplitude between s and s′ by summing over all spin foam
amplitudes (rescaled as in (36)) for the spin foams F : s → s′ defined on the 2complex J∆ .
The generalized projector
We can compute the transition amplitudes between any element of the kinematical Hilbert
space H16 . Transition amplitudes define the physical scalar product by reproducing the
skein relations of the canonical analysis. We can construct the physical Hilbert space by
considering equivalence classes under states with zero transition amplitude with all the
elements of H, i.e., null states.
Figure 5: Elementary spin foams used to prove skein relations.
Here we are ignoring various technical issues in order to emphasize the relevant ideas. The most
delicate is that of the divergences due to gauge factors mentioned above. For a more rigorous treatment
see [70].
The sense in which this is achieved should be apparent from our previous definition of transition
amplitudes. For a rigorous statement see [70].
Here we explicitly construct a few examples of null states. For any contractible Wilson
loop in the j representation the state
ψ = (2j + 1) s −
⊗ s phys
for any spin network state s, has vanishing transition amplitude with any element of H.
This can be easily checked by using the rules stated above and the portion of spin foam
illustrated in Figure 5 to show that the two terms in the previous equation have the same
transition amplitude (with opposite sign) for any spin-network state in H. Using the second
elementary spin foam in Figure 5 one can similarly show that
or the re-coupling identity using the elementary spin foam on the right of Figure 5
2s + 1 2e + 1
i j s
k l e
where the quantity in brackets represents an SU(2) 6j-symbol. All skein relations can
be found in this way. The transition amplitudes imply the skein relations that define the
physical Hilbert space! The spin foam quantization is equivalent to the canonical one.
The continuum limit
Recently Zapata [70] formalized the idea of a continuum spin foam description of 3dimensional gravity using projective techniques inspired by those utilized in the canonical
picture [24]. The heuristic idea is that due to the discretization invariance one can define
the model in an ‘infinitely’ refined cellular decomposition that contains any possible spin
network state on the boundary (this intuition is implicit in our rules for computing transition amplitudes above). Zapata concentrates on the case with non-vanishing cosmological
constant and constructs the continuum extension of the Turaev-Viro model.
We have illustrated the general notion of the spin foam quantization in the simple case of
3 dimensional Riemannian gravity (for the generalization to the Lorentzian case see [60]).
The main goal of the approach is to provide a definition of the physical Hilbert space. The
example of this section sets the guiding principles of what one would like to realize in four
dimensions. However, as should be expected, there are various new issues that make the
task by far more involved.
Spin foams for 4-dimensional quantum gravity
In this section we briefly describe the various spin foam models for quantum gravity in the
The Reisenberger model
According to Plebanski [58] the action of self dual Riemannian gravity can be written as
a constrained SU(2) BF theory
1 ij k
S(B, A) = Tr [B ∧ F (A)] − ψij B ∧ B − δ B ∧ Bk ,
where variations with respect to the symmetric (Lagrange multiplier) tensor ψij imposes
the constraints
Ωij = B i ∧ B j − δ ij B k ∧ Bk = 0.
When B is non degenerate the constraints are satisfied if and only if B i = ±(e0 ∧ei + 21 ǫi jk ej ∧
ek ) which reduces the previous action to that of self-dual general relativity. Reisenberger
studied the simplicial discretization of this action in [56] as a preliminary step toward the
definition of the corresponding spin foam model. The consistency of the simplicial action
is argued by showing that the simplicial theory converges to the continuum formulation
when the triangulation is refined: both the action and its variations (equations of motion)
converge to those of the continuum theory.
In reference [57] Reisenberger constructs a spin foam model for this simplicial theory
by imposing the constraints Ωij directly on the SU(2) BF amplitudes. The spin foam
path integral for BF theory is obtained as in Section 4. The constraints are imposed by
promoting the B i to operators χi (combinations of left/right invariant vector fields) acting
on the discrete connection 17 . The model is defined as
D[ψ] eiψij Ω
z }| {
δ(Ω̂ij )
C:{j}→{f } f ∈J∆
∆jf Tr jf (ge1 . . . geN ) ,
D[B] ei
Tr[B∧F (A)]
where Ω̂ = J i ∧ J j − 31 δ ij J k ∧ Jk and we have indicated the correspondence of the
different terms with the continuum formulation. The preceding equation is rather formal;
Notice that (for example) the right invariant vector field J i (U ) = σ iBA U BC ∂/∂U AC has a well defined
action at the level of equation (32) and acts as a B operator at the level of (29) since
− iχi (U ) eiTr[BU] |U∼1 = Tr[σ i U B]eiTr[BU] |U∼1 ∼ B i eiTr[BU] ,
where σ i are Pauli matrices.
for the rigorous implementation see [57]. Reisenberger uses locality so that constraints
are implemented on a single 4-simplex amplitude. There is however a difficulty with the
this procedure: the algebra of operators Ω̂ij do not close so that imposing the constraints
sharply becomes a too strong condition on the BF configurations18 . In order to avoid this,
Reisenberger defines a one-parameter family of models by inserting the operator
e− 2z2 Ω̂
instead of the delta function above. In the limit z → ∞ the constraints are sharply
imposed. This introduces an extra parameter to the model. The properties of the kernel
of Ω̂ have not been studied in detail.
The Freidel-Krasnov prescription
In reference [71] Freidel and Krasnov define a general framework to construct spin foam
models corresponding to theories whose action has the general form
S(B, A) = Tr [B ∧ F (A)] + Φ(B),
where the first term is the BF action while Φ(B) is a certain polynomial function of the B
field. The formulation is constructed for compact internal groups. The definition is based
on the formal equation
D[B]D[A] ei Tr[B∧F (A)]+Φ(B) := ei Φ( δJ ) Z[J]
where the generating functional Z[J] is defined as
Z[J] := D[B]D[A] ei Tr[B∧F (A)]+Tr[B∧J] ,
where J is an algebra valued 2-form field. They provide a rigorous definition of the generating functional by introducing a discretization of M in the same spirit of the other spin
foam models discussed here. Their formulation can be used to describe various theories of
interest such as BF theories with cosmological terms, Yang-Mills theories (in 2 dimensions)
and Riemannian self-dual gravity. In the case of self dual gravity B and A are valued in
su(2), while
1 ij k
Φ(B) = ψij B ∧ B − δ B ∧ Bk
according to equation (43). The model obtained in this way is very similar to Reisenberger’s
one. There are however some technical differences. One of the more obvious one is that
the non-commutative invariant vector fields J i representing B i are replaced here by the
commutative functional derivatives δ/δJ i. The explicit properties of these models have
not been studied further.
This difficulty also arises in the Barrett-Crane model as we shall see in Section 7.
The Iwasaki model
Iwasaki defines a spin foam model of self dual Riemannian gravity 19 by a direct lattice
discretization of the continuous Ashtekar formulation of general relativity. This model
constitutes an example of the general prescription of Section 3.2. The action is
S(e, A) = dx4 ǫµνλσ 2 e0[µ eν]i + ǫ0ijk ejµ ekν 2 ∂[λ Aiσ] + ǫ0i lm Alλ Am
σ ,
where Aia is an SU(2) connection. The fundamental observation of [73] is that one can write
the discrete action in a very compact form if we encode part of the degrees of freedom of
the tetrad in an SU(2) group element. More precisely, if we take gµµ = eiµ ejµ δij = 1 we can
define eµ := e0µ + iσi eiµ ∈ SU(2) where σi are the Pauli matrices. In this parameterization
of the ‘angular’ components of the tetrad and using a hypercubic lattice the discrete action
S∆ = −β
ǫµνλσ rµ rν Tr e†µ eν Uλσ ,
where rµ := (β 1/2 ℓp )−1 ǫ gµµ , Uµν is the holonomy around the µν-plaquette, ǫ the lattice
constant and β is a cutoff for rµ used as a regulator (rµ ≤ β 1/2 ℓp ǫ−1 ). The lattice path
integral is defined by using the Haar measure both for the connection and the ‘spherical’
part of the tetrad e’s and the radial part drµ := drµ rµ3 . The key formula to obtain an
expression involving spin foams is
eixTr[U ] =
(2j + 1)
J2j+1 (2x)
χj (U).
Iwasaki writes down an expression for the spin foam amplitudes in which the integration
over the connection and the e’s can be computed explicitly. Unfortunately, the integration
over the radial variables r involves products of Bessel functions and its behavior is not
analyzed in detail. In 3 dimensions the radial integration can be done and the corresponding
amplitudes coincide with the results of Section (4.3).
The Barrett-Crane model
The appealing feature of the previous models is the clear connection to loop quantum
gravity, since they are defined directly using the self dual formulation of gravity (boundary
states are SU(2)-spin networks). The drawback is the lack of closed simple expressions
for the amplitudes which complicates their analysis. There is however a simple model
that can be obtained as a systematic quantization of simplicial SO(4) Plebanski’s action.
This model was introduced by Barrett and Crane in [9] and further motivated by Baez in
[14]. The basic idea behind the definition was that of the quantum tetrahedron introduced
Iwasaki defines another model involving multiple cellular complexes to provide a simpler representation
of wedge products in the continuum action. A more detail presentation of this model would require the
introduction of various technicalities at this stage so we refer the reader to [72].
by Barbieri in [74] and generalized to 4d in [15]. The beauty of the model resides in its
remarkable simplicity. This has stimulated a great deal of explorations and produced many
interesting results. We will review most of these in Section 7.
Markopoulou-Smolin causal spin networks
Using the kinematical setting of LQG with the assumption of the existence of a micro-local
(in the sense of Planck scale) causal structure Markopoulou and Smolin define a general
class of (causal) spin foam models for gravity [75, 76] (see also [77]). The elementary transition amplitude AsI →sI+1 from an initial spin network sI to another spin network sI+1 is
defined by a set of simple combinatorial rules based on a definition of causal propagation of
the information at nodes. The rules and amplitudes have to satisfy certain causal restrictions (motivated by the standard concepts in classical Lorentzian physics). These rules
generate surface-like excitations of the same kind we encounter in the more standard spin
foam model but endow the foam with a notion of causality. Spin foams FsNi →sf are labeled
by the number of times these elementary transitions take place. Transition amplitudes are
defined as
hsi , sf i =
AsI →sI+1 .
The models are not related to any continuum action. The only guiding principles are
the restrictions imposed by causality, simplicity and the requirement of the existence of a
non-trivial critical behavior that would reproduce general relativity at large scales. Some
indirect evidence of a possible non trivial continuum limit has been obtained in some
versions of the model in 1 + 1 dimensions.
Gambini-Pullin model
In reference [78] Gambini and Pullin introduced a very simple model obtained by modification of the BF theory skein relations. As we argued in Section 4 skein relations defining
the physical Hilbert space of BF theory are implied by the spin foam transition amplitudes.
These relations reduce the large kinematical Hilbert space of BF theory (analogous to that
of quantum gravity) to a physical Hilbert space corresponding to the quantization of a finite number of degrees of freedom. Gambini and Pullin define a model by modifying these
amplitudes so that some of the skein relations are now forbidden. This simple modification
frees local excitations of a field theory. A remarkable feature is that the corresponding
physical states are (in a certain sense) solutions to various regularizations of the scalar
constraint for (Riemannian) LQG. The fact that physical states of BF theory solve the
scalar constraint is well known [79], since roughly F (A) = 0 implies EEF (A) = 0. The
situation here is of a similar nature, and—as the authors argue—one should interpret this
result as an indication that some ‘degenerate’ sector of quantum gravity might be represented by this model. The definition of this spin foam model is not explicit since the theory
is directly defined by the physical skein relations.
Capovilla-Dell-Jacobson theory on the lattice
The main technical difficulty that we gain in going from 3-dimensional general relativity to the 4-dimensional one is that the integration over the e’s becomes intricate. In
the Capovilla-Dell-Jacobson [80, 81] formulation of general relativity this ‘integration’ is
partially performed at the continuum level. The action is
S(η, A) = ηTr [ǫ · F (A) ∧ F (A)ǫ · F (A) ∧ F (A)] ,
where ǫ · F ∧ F := ǫabcd Fab Fcd . Integration over η can be formally performed in the path
integral and we obtain
δ (Tr [ǫ · F (A) ∧ F (A)ǫ · F (A) ∧ F (A)]) ,
This last expression is of the form (17) and can be easily discretized along the lines of
Section 3.2. The final expression (after integrating over the lattice connection) involves
a sum over spin configurations with no implicit integrations. One serious problem of this
formulation is that it corresponds to a sector of gravity where the Weyl tensor satisfy certain
algebraic requirements. In particular flat geometries are not contained in this sector.
Some conceptual issues
Anomalies and gauge fixing
As we mentioned before and illustrated with the example of Section 4, the spin foam path
integral is meant to provide a definition of the physical Hilbert space. Spin foam transition
amplitudes are not interpreted as defining propagation in time but rather as defining the
physical scalar product. This interpretation of spin foam models is the only one consistent
with general covariance. However, in the path integral formulation, this property relies on
the gauge invariance of the path integral measure. If the measure meets this property we
say it is anomaly free. It is well known that in addition to the invariance of the measure,
one must provide appropriate gauge fixing conditions for the amplitudes to be well defined.
In this section we analyze these issues in the context of the spin foam approach.
Since we are interested in gravity in the first order formalism, in addition to diffeomorphism invariance one has to deal with the gauge transformations in the internal space. Let
us first describe the situation for the latter. If this gauge group is compact then anomaly
free measures are defined using appropriate variables and invariant measures. In this case
gauge fixing is not necessary for the amplitudes to be well defined. Examples where this
happens are: the models of Riemannian gravity considered in this paper (the internal gauge
group being SO(4) or SU(2)), and standard lattice gauge theory. In these cases, one represents the connection in terms of group elements (holonomies) and uses the (normalized)
Haar measure in the integration. In the Lorentzian sector (internal gauge group SL(2, C))
the internal gauge orbits have infinite volume and the lattice path integral would diverge
without an appropriate gauge fixing condition. These conditions generally exist in spin
foam models and we will study an example in Section 9 (for a general treatment see [82]).
The remaining gauge freedom is diffeomorphism invariance. It is generally assumed
that spin foam encode diff-invariant information about 4-geometries. Thus, no gauge fixing would be necessary as one would be already summing over physical configurations.
To illustrate this perspective we concentrate on the case of a model defined on a fixed
discretization ∆ as described in Section 3.2.
Let us start by considering the spin network states, at ∂∆: boundary of ∆, for which
we want to define the transition amplitudes. According to what we have learned from
the canonical approach, 3-diffeomorphism invariance is implemented by considering (diffeomorphism) equivalence classes of spin-network states. In the context of spin foams, the
underlying discretization ∆ restricts the graphs on the boundary to be contained on the
dual 1-skeleton of the boundary complex ∂∆. These states are regarded as representative
elements of the corresponding 3-diffeomorphism equivalence class. The discretization can
be interpreted, in this way, as a gauge fixing of 3-diffeomorphisms on the boundary. This
gauge fixing is partial in the sense that, generically, there will remain a discrete symmetry
remnant given by the discrete symmetries of the spin network. This remaining symmetry
has to be factored out when computing transition amplitudes (in fact this also plays a role
in the definition of the kinematical Hilbert space of Section 2).
The standard view point (consistent with LQG and quantum geometry) is that this
should naturally generalize to 4-diffeomorphisms for spin foams. The underlying 2-complex
J∆ on which spin foams are defined represents a partial gauge fixing for the configurations
(spin foams) entering in the path integral. The remaining symmetry, to be factored out in
the computation of transition amplitudes, corresponds simply to the finite group of discrete
symmetries of the corresponding spin foams20 . This factorization is well defined since the
number of equivalent spin foams can be characterized in a fully combinatorial manner,
and is finite for any spin foam defined on a finite discretization. In addition, a spin foam
model is anomaly free if the amplitudes are invariant under this discrete symmetry. This
requirement is met by all the spin foam models we considered in this article.
We illustrate the intuitive idea of the previous paragraph in Figure 6. On the diagram
(a) a continuum configuration is represented by a discrete (spin foam) configuration on
the lattice. On (b) two configurations are shown. In the background dependent context
(e.g., lattice gauge theory) these two configurations would be physically inequivalent as
the lattice carries metric information (length of the edges). In the context of spin foam
models there is no geometric information encoded in the discretization and in an anomaly
free spin foam model the two configurations should be regarded as equivalent.
The discretization of the manifold ∆ is seen as a regulator introduced to define the
spin foam model. Even when the regulator (or the discretization dependence) eventually
has to be removed (see next subsection), the theory remains discrete at the fundamental
Baez [14] points out this equivalence relation between spin foams as a necessary condition for the
definition of the category of spin foams.
Figure 6: Diffeomorphisms are replaced by discrete symmetries in spin foams. In this
simplified picture there are two possible colorings of 0 or 1, the latter represented by the
darkening of the corresponding lattice element. The two configurations on (b) are regarded
as physically equivalent in the background independent context.
level. The smooth manifold diffeomorphism invariant description is regarded in this context
as a derived concept in the (low energy) continuum limit. Fundamental excitations are
intrinsically discrete. From this viewpoint, the precise meaning of the gauge symmetries
of such a theory would have to be formulated directly at the discrete level. We have seen
that this can be achieved in the case of 3-dimensional gravity (recall Section 4.3.1). From
this perspective, the discrete symmetries of colored 2-complexes (spin foams) represent the
fundamental ‘gauge’ freedom. This symmetry would manifest itself as diffeomorphisms
only in the continuum limit.
The viewpoint stated above is consistent with recent results obtained by Gambini and
Pullin [83, 84]. They study the canonical formulation of theories defined on a lattice from
the onset. This provides a way to analyze the meaning of gauge symmetries directly à
la Dirac. Their results indicate that diff-invariance is indeed broken by the discretization
in the sense that there is no infinitesimal generator of diffeomorphism. This is consistent
with our covariant picture of discrete symmetries above. In their formulation the canonical
equations of motion fix the value of what were Lagrange multipliers in the continuum (e.g.
lapse and shift). This is interpreted as a breaking of diffeomorphism invariance; however,
the solutions of the multiplier equations are highly non unique. The ambiguity in selecting
a particular solution corresponds to the remnant diffeomorphism invariance of the discrete
However, the notion of anomaly freeness stated at the beginning of this section should
be strengthened. In fact according to our tentative definition, an anomaly free measure
can be multiplied by any gauge invariant function and yield a new anomaly free measure.
This kind of ambiguity is not what we want; however, it is in fact present in most of the
spin foam models defined so far. In standard QFT theory, the formal (phase space) path
integral measure in the continuum has a unique meaning (up to a constant normalization) emerging from the canonical formulation. Provided an appropriate gauge fixing, the
corresponding Dirac bracket determines the formal measure on the gauge fixed constraint
surface. As we will see later, there is a certain degree of ambiguity in the definition of
various spin foam models in four dimensions. This ambiguity concerns the evaluation of
lower dimensional simplexes and is directly related to the definition of measure in the spin
foam sum. One would expect that a strengthened definition of anomaly freeness should
resolve these ambiguities. This possibility is studied in [85].
Finally let us briefly recall the situation in 3-dimensional gravity. In three dimensions
the discrete action is invariant under transformations that are in correspondence with the
continuum gauge freedoms (23) and (24). As we mentioned in Section 4.3.1 spin foam
amplitudes diverge due to (24). This means that spin foams do not fix (24) up to a ‘finite
volume’ discrete symmetry, which seems to be in conflict with the argument stated above as
diffeomorphism can be obtained combining the transformations (23) and (24). However,
the topological gauge symmetry (24) involves more than just diffeomorphisms. Indeed,
only on shell one can express diffeomorphisms as a combination of (23) and (24). This
representation of diffeomorphisms turns out to be field dependent (recall Footnote 11). At
the canonical level we have seen that the topological symmetry (24) acts in away that is
totally different from diffeomorphisms. In particular spin network states defined on graphs
which which differ in the number of edges and vertices can be physically equivalent (recall
Section 4.3.3). Thus 3-dimensional gravity is a degenerate example and extrapolation of
its gauge properties to four dimensions seems misleading.
In Section 7.1 we will study the spin foam quantization of BF theory—a topological
theory which corresponds to a generalization of 3-dimensional gravity to four dimensions.
The spin foam amplitudes are also divergent in this case due to the analog of the gauge
symmetry (24). Some of the spin foam models in Section 5 are defined from BF theory
by implementing constraints that reduce the topological theory to general relativity. The
implementation of the constraints breaks the topological symmetry (24) and the resulting
model is no longer topological invariant. At the continuum level it is clear that the remnant
gauge symmetry is diffeomorphism invariance. Whether in the the resulting spin foam
model for gravity remnant is larger than the discrete spin foam symmetries advocated
above has not been studied in detail.
The action of diffeomorphism is far from understood at a rigorous level in the context
of spin foam models. Here we have presented an account of some of the ideas under
consideration, and we tried to point out the relevance of an issue that certainly deserves
detailed investigation.
Discretization dependence
The spin foam models we have introduced so far are defined on a fixed cellular decomposition of M. This is to be interpreted as an intermediate step toward the definition
of the theory. The discretization reduces the infinite dimensional functional integral to a
multiple integration over a finite number of variables. This cutoff is reflected by the fact
that only a restrictive set of spin foams (spin network histories) is allowed in the path
integral: those that can be obtained by all possible coloring of the underlying 2-complex.
In addition it restricts the number of possible 3-geometry states (spin network states) on
the boundary by fixing a finite underlying boundary graph. This represents a truncation
in the allowed fluctuations and the set of states of the theory that can be interpreted
as a regulator. However, the nature of this regulator is fundamentally different from the
standard concept in the background independent framework: since geometry is encoded in
the coloring (that can take any spin values) the configurations involve fluctuations all the
way to Plank scale21 . This scenario is different in lattice gauge theories where the lattice
introduces an effective UV cutoff given by the lattice spacing. Transition amplitudes are
however discretization dependent now. A consistent definition of the path integral using
spin foams should include a prescription to eliminate this discretization dependence.
A special case is that of topological theories such as gravity in 3 dimensions. In this
case, one can define the sum over spin foams with the aid of a fixed cellular decomposition
∆ of the manifold. Since the theory has no local excitations (no gravitons), the result is
independent of the chosen cellular decomposition. A single discretization suffices to capture
the degrees of freedom of the topological theory.
In lattice gauge theory the solution to the problem is implemented through the so-called
continuum limit. In this case the existence of a background geometry is crucial, since it
allows one to define the limit when the lattice constant (length of links) goes to zero. In
addition the possibility of working in the Euclidean regime allows the implementation of
statistical mechanical methods.
None of these structures are available in the background independent context. The
lattice (triangulation) contains only topological information and there is no geometrical
meaning associated to its components. As we mentioned above this has the novel consequence that the truncation can not be regarded as an UV cutoff as in the background
dependent context. This in turn represents a conceptual obstacle to the implementation
of standard techniques. Moreover, no Euclidean formulation seems meaningful in a background independent scenario. New means to eliminate the truncation introduced by the
lattice have to be developed.
This is a major issue where concrete results have not been obtained so far beyond the
topological case. Here we explain the two main approaches to recover general covariance
corresponding to the realization of the notion of ‘summing over discretizations’ of [54].
• Refinement of the discretization:
According to this idea topology is fixed by the simplicial decomposition. The truncation in the number of degrees of freedom should be removed by considering triangulations of increasing number of simplexes for that fixed topology. The flow in
the space of possible triangulations is controlled by the Pachner moves. The formal
idea is to take a limit in which the number of four simplexes goes to infinity together
with the number of tetrahedra on the boundary. Given a 2-complex J2 which is a
refinement of a 2-complex J1 then the set of all possible spin foams defined on J1
is naturally contained in those defined on J2 (taking into account the equivalence
relations for spin foams mentioned in the previous section). The refinement process
should also enlarge the space of possible 3-geometry states (spin networks) on the
boundary recovering the full kinematical sector in the limit of infinite refinements.
An example where this procedure is well defined is Zapata’s treatment of the TuraevViro model [70]. The key point in this case is that amplitudes are independent of the
Changing the label of a face from j to j + 1 amounts to changing an area eigenvalue by an amount of
the order of Planck length squared according to (7).
discretization (due to the topological character of the theory) so that the refinement
limit is trivial. In the general case there is a great deal of ambiguity involved in the
definition of refinement22 . The hope is that the nature of the transition amplitudes
would be such that these ambiguities will not affect the final result. The Turaev-Viro
model is an example where this prescription works.
If the refinement limit is well defined one would expect that working with a ‘sufficiently refined’ but fixed discretization would serve as an approximation that could
be used to extract physical information with some quantifiable precision.
• Spin foams as Feynman diagrams:
This idea has been motivated by the generalized matrix models of Boulatov and
Ooguri [86, 87]. The fundamental observation is that spin foams admit a dual formulation in terms of a field theory over a group manifold [11, 16, 17]. The duality
holds in the sense that spin foam amplitudes correspond to Feynman diagram amplitudes of the GFT. The perturbative Feynman expansion of the GFT (expansion in a
fiducial coupling constant λ) provides a definition of sum over discretizations which
is fully combinatorial and hence independent of any manifold structure23 . The latter
is most appealing feature of this approach.
However, the convergence issues clearly become more involved. The perturbative
series are generically divergent. This is not necessarily a definite obstruction as
divergent series can often be given an asymptotic meaning and provide physical
information. Moreover, there are standard techniques that can allow to ‘re-sum’ a
divergent series in order to obtain non perturbative information. Recently, Freidel
and Louapre [89] have shown that this is indeed possible for certain GFT’s in three
dimensions. Other possibilities have been proposed in [16].
It is not clear how the notion of diffeomorphism would be addressed in this framework.
Diffeomorphism equivalent configurations (in the discrete sense described above) ap-
It is not difficult to define the refinement in the case of a hypercubic lattice. In the case of a simplicial
complex a tentative definition can be attempted using Pachner moves. To illustrate we can concentrate on
the simple 2-dimensional case. Given an initial triangulation of a surface with boundary ∆1 define ∆′1 by
implementing a 1−3 Pachner move to each triangle in ∆1 . ∆′1 is a homogeneous refinement of ∆1 ; however,
the boundary triangulation remain unchanged so that they will support the same space of boundary data
or spin networks. As mentioned above, in the refinement process one also wants to refine the boundary
triangulation so that the corresponding dual graph will get refined and the space of possible boundary
data will become bigger (it should involve all of Cyl in the limit). In order to achieve this we define ∆2 by
erasing from ∆′1 triangles sharing a 1-simplex with the boundary. This amounts to carrying out a 1 − 2
Pachner move on the boundary. This completes the refinement ∆1 → ∆2 . This refinement procedure
seems however not fully satisfactory as the refinement keeps the memory of the initial triangulation. This
can be easily visualized in the dual 2-complex. An improvement of this prescription could involve the
random implementation of 2 − 2 Pachner moves between refinements.
This is more than a ‘sum over topologies’ as many of the 2-complex appearing in the perturbative
expansion cannot be associated to any manifold [88].
pear at all orders in the perturbation series24 . From this perspective (and leaving
aside the issue of convergence) the sum of different order amplitudes corresponding
to equivalent spin foams should be interpreted as the definition of the physical amplitude. The discussion of the previous section does not apply in the GFT formulation,
i.e., there is no need for gauge fixing.
The GFT formulation resolves by definition the two fundamental conceptual problems of the spin foam approach: diffeomorphism gauge symmetry and discretization
dependence. The difficulties are shifted to the question of the physical role of λ and
the convergence of the corresponding perturbative series. The GFT formulation has
also been very useful in the definition of a simple normalization of the Barret-Crane
model and has simplified its generalizations to the Lorentzian sector. We will study
this formulation in detail in Section 8.
Physical scalar product revisited
In this subsection we study the properties of the generalized projection operator P introduced before. The generalized projection operator is a linear map from the kinematical
Hilbert space into the physical Hilbert space (states annihilated by the scalar constraint).
These states are not contained in the kinematical Hilbert space but are rather elements of
the dual space Cyl∗. For this reason the operator P 2 is not well defined. We have briefly
mentioned the construction of the generalized projection operator in the particular context
of Rovelli’s model of Section (3.1). After the above discussion of gauge and discretization
dependence we want to revisit the construction of the P operator. We consider the case in
which discretization independence is obtained by a refinement procedure.
The number of 4-simplexes N in the triangulation plays the role of cutoff. The matrix
elements of the P operator is expected to be defined by the refinement limit of fixed
discretization transition amplitudes (hsPN , s′ i), namely
hs, s′ iphys = hsP, s′ i = lim hsPN , s′ i .
N →∞
If we have a well defined operator P (formally corresponding to δ[Ŝ]) the reconstruction
of the physical Hilbert space goes along the lines of the GNS construction [91] where the
algebra is given by Cyl and the state ω(Ψ) for Ψ ∈ Cyl is defined by P as
ω(Ψ) =
h0P, Ψi
h0P, 0i
In the spin foam language this corresponds to the transition amplitude from the state Ψ
to the ‘vacuum’. The representation of this algebra implied by the GNS construction has
been used in [92] to define observables in the theory.
The GFT formulation is clearly non trivial already in the case of topological theories. There has been
attempts to make sense of the GFT formulation dual to BF theories in lower dimensions [90].
In Section 3.1 we mentioned another way to obtain observables according to the definition
hsOphys , s′ i = hsP Okin P, s′i,
where Okin is a kinematical observable. This construction is expected to be well defined
only for some suitable kinematical operators Okin (e.g., the previous equation is clearly
divergent for the kinematical identity). There are kinematical operators which can be used
as regulators 25 . They corresponds to Rovelli’s ‘sufficiently localized in time’ operators [54].
In [93] it is argued that in posing a physical question one is led to conditioning the path
integral and in this way improving the convergence properties. Conditioning is represented
here by the regulator operators (see previous footnote).
Consider the following simple example. Take the torus S 1 × S 1 represented by [0, 2π] × [0, 2π] ∈ R2
with periodic boundary conditions. An orthonormal basis of states is given by the (‘spin network’) wave
1 inx imy
functions hxy, nmi = 2π
e e
for n, m ∈ Z. Take the scalar constraint to be given by X̂ so that the
generalized projection P simply becomes
nm, P̂ =
hαm| .
The RHS is no longer in Hkin since is not normalizable: it is meaningful as a distributional state. The
physical scalar product is defined as in (58), namely
hnm, n′ m′ iphys = hnmP, n′ m′ i =
hαm, n′ m′ i = δmm′ .
Therefore we have that |nmi phys
|kmi ∀k. We can define physical observables by means of the formula
m, Ôph m′ i = nm, P̂ ÔP̂ n′ m′ i ,
for suitable kinematic observables O. If for example we take O = 1 the previous equation would involve
P̂ 2 which is not defined. However, take the following family of kinematical observables
|Ok , nmi = δn,k |kmi ,
then m, Ôph m′ i = δm,m′ , i.e., Ôph is just the physical identity operator for any value of k. The whole
family of kinematic operators define a single physical operator. The key of the convergence of the previous
definition is in the fact that Ok is a projection operator into an eigenstate of the operator P̂x canonically
conjugate to the constraint X̂. In particular any operator that decays sufficiently fast along going to ±∞ in
the spectrum of p̂x will do. This illustrates what kind of operators will be suitable for the above definition
to work: they have to be sufficiently localized along the gauge orbit, hence ‘sufficiently localized in time’
in the case of the scalar constraint. For example, one may also use the Gaussian Ôk |nmi = e ǫ
which also projects down to a multiple of the physical identity. Moreover, availability of such a kinematical
operator can serve as a regulator of non suitable operators, for instance
m, Ôph m′ i = nm, P̂ Ôk ÔÔk P̂ n′ m′ i ,
will converge even for Ô = 1. The operator Ôk can be regarded as a quantum gauge fixing: it selects a
point along the gauge orbit generated by the constraint.
Contact with the low energy world
A basic test to any theory of quantum gravity is the existence of a well defined classical
limit corresponding to general relativity. In the case of the spin foam approach this should
be accomplished simultaneously with a limiting procedure that bridges the fundamental
discrete theory with the smooth description of classical physics. That operation is sometimes referred to as the continuum limit but it should not be confused with the issues
analyzed in the previous subsection.
There is debate on how one would actually setup the definition of the ‘low energy
limit’ in the background independent context. The general strategy—in fact motivated by
our experience in background physics—is to setup a renormalization scheme (à la Wilson)
where microscopic degrees of freedom are summed out to obtain a coarse grained effective
description. The previous strategy is to be regarded as heuristic until a clear-cut definition
is found which encompasses all the issues discussed in this section. It should be emphasized
that even when various spin foam models for quantum gravity have been defined, none of
them has been show to reproduce gravity at ‘low energies’. This is a major open question
that deserves all our efforts.
Interesting ideas on how to define the renormalization program for spin foams have
been proposed by Markopoulou [94, 95]. They make use of novel mathematical techniques
shown to be useful in dealing with Feynman diagrams in standard QFT [96, 97]. In this
approach Pachner moves on the underlying 2-complex are regarded as radiative corrections
in standard QFT26 . In order to understand the ‘scaling’ properties of the theory one has to
study the behavior of amplitudes under the action of these elementary moves. Amplitudes
for this elementary moves in the Barrett-Crane model have been computed in [12]. A full
implementation of Markopoulou’s proposal to a concrete model remains to be studied.
Recently Oeckl [98] has studied the issue of renormalization in the context of spin foam
models containing a coupling parameter. These models include generalized covariant gauge
theories [99, 100], the Reisenberger model, and the so called interpolating model (defined by
Oeckl). The latter is given by a one-parameter family of models that interpolate between
the trivial BF topological model and the Barrett-Crane model according to the value of
a ‘coupling constant’. Qualitative aspects of the renormalization groupoid flow of the
couplings are studied in the various models.
this interpretation becomes completely precise in the GFT formulation of spin foams presented in
Section 9.
Part II
The Barrett-Crane model
SO(4) Plebanski’s action and the Barrett-Crane model
The Barrett-Crane model is one of the most extensively studied spin foam models for
quantum gravity. In this section we concentrate on the definition of the model in the
Riemannian sector and sketch its generalization to the Lorentzian sector.
The Barrett-Crane model can be viewed as a spin foam quantization of SO(4) Plebanski’s formulation of general relativity. The general idea is analogous to the one implemented
in the model of Section 5.1. We introduce the model from this perspective in the Riemannian sector so we need to start with the study of Spin(4) BF theory.
Quantum Spin(4) BF theory
Classical (Spin(4)) BF theory is defined by the action
S[B, A] = Tr [B ∧ F (A)] ,
where Bab
is a Spin(4) Lie-algebra valued 2-form, AIJ
a is a connection on a Spin(4) principal
bundle over M. The theory has no local excitations. Its properties are very much analogous
to the case of 3-dimensional gravity studied in Section 4.
A discretization ∆ of M can be introduced along the same lines presented in Section
4. For simplicity we concentrate in the case when ∆ is a triangulation. The field B is
associated with Lie algebra elements Bt assigned to triangles t ∈ ∆. In four dimensions
triangles t ∈ ∆ are dual to faces f ∈ J∆ . This one-to-one correspondence allows us to
denote the discrete B by either a face (Bf ) or a triangle (Bt ) subindex respectively. Bf
can be interpreted as the ‘smearing’ of the continuous 2-form B on triangles in ∆. The
connection A is discretized by the assignment of group elements ge ∈ Spin(4) to edges
e ∈ J∆ . The path integral becomes
iBf Uf
δ(ge1 · · · gen ),
dBf e
Z(∆) =
f ∈J∆
f ∈J∆
where the first equality is the analog of (29) while the second is the result of the B integration [101]. Using Peter-Weyl’s theorem as in (32) one obtains
∆ρf Tr ρf (ge1 . . . geN ) ,
Z(∆) =
C:{ρ}→{f }
f ∈J∆
where ρ are Spin(4) irreducible representations. Integration over the connection can be
performed as in the case of 3-dimensional gravity. In a triangulation ∆, the edges e ∈ J∆
bound precisely four different faces; therefore, the ge ’s in (62) appear in four different
traces. The relevant formula is
Pinv := dg ρ1 (g) ⊗ ρ2 (g) ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρ4 (g) =
Cρι1 ρ2 ···ρ4 Cρ∗1ιρ2 ···ρ4 ,
where Pinv
is the projector onto Inv[ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρn ] and on the RHS we have expressed
the projector in terms of normalized intertwiners as in (33). Finally, integration over the
connection yields
ZBF (∆) =
Cf :{f }→ρf Ce :{e}→{ιe } f ∈J∆
where the pentagonal diagram representing the vertex amplitude denotes the trace of the
product of five normalized 4-intertwiners Cρι1 ρ2 ρ3 ρ4 . As in the model for 3-dimensional
gravity, the vertex amplitude corresponds to the flat evaluation of the spin network state
defined by the pentagonal diagram in (64), a 15j-symbol. Vertices v ∈ J∆ are in one-to-one
correspondence to 4-simplexes in the triangulation ∆. In addition we have Ce : {e} → {ιe }
representing the assignment of intertwiners to edges coming from (63).
The state sum (64) is generically divergent (due to the gauge freedom analogous to
(24)). A regularized version defined in terms of SUq (2) × SUq (2) was introduced by Crane
and Yetter [52, 102]. As in three dimensions (64) is topologically invariant and the spin
foam path integral is discretization independent.
Classical SO(4) Plebanski action
Plebanski’s Riemannian action can be thought of as Spin(4) BF theory plus constraints
on the B-field. It depends on an so(4) connection A, a Lie-algebra-valued 2-form B and
Lagrange multiplier fields λ and µ. Writing explicitly the Lie-algebra indexes, the action
is given by
S[B, A, λ, µ] =
B ∧ FIJ (A) + λIJKL B IJ ∧ B KL + µǫIJKL λIJKL ,
where µ is a 4-form and λIJKL = −λJIKL = −λIJLK = λKLIJ is a tensor in the internal
space. Variation with respect to µ imposes the constraint ǫIJKLλIJKL = 0 on λIJKL. The
Lagrange multiplier tensor λIJKL has then 20 independent components. Variation with
respect to λ imposes 20 algebraic equations on the 36 components of B. Solving for µ they
ǫµνρσ Bµν
Bρσ = e ǫIJKL
which is equivalent to
Bρσ = e ǫµνρσ ,
for e 6= 0 where e =
QR µνρσ
B OP Bρσ
4! OP QR µν
B = ±∗ (e ∧ e),
[103]. The solutions to these equations are
and B = ±e ∧ e,
in terms of the 16 remaining degrees of freedom of the tetrad field eIa . If one substitutes the
first solution into the original action one obtains Palatini’s formulation of general relativity
S[e, A] = Tr [e ∧ e ∧ ∗ F (A)] .
This property is the key to the definition of the spin foam model for gravity of the next
Discretized Plebanski’s constraints
In Section 7.1 we have derived the spin foam model for Spin(4) BF theory. We have
seen that the sum over B-configurations is encoded in the sum over unitary irreducible
representations of Spin(4). Can we restrict the spin foam configurations to those that
satisfy Plebanski’s constraints? To answer this question one first needs to translate the
constraints of Plebanski’s formulation into the simplicial framework. There are two ways
in which we can approach the problem. One is by looking at the constraints in the form
(65) the other is by using (67).
The first version of the constraints is of the type of Ωij of Section 5.1. This possibility
has not been explored in the literature. A simple representation of the constraints is
obtained if we choose to discretize (67), for which there are no free algebra indexes.
As explained in Section 7.1 in the discretization of the B field we replace the space-time
indexes of the 2-form by a triangle:
µν → t = triangle
Using this it is easy to translate (67) into the simplicial framework. The RHS of (67)
vanishes when there are repeated space-time indexes. At the discrete level, this means
that whenever the triangles t and t′ belong to the same tetrahedron T , t, t′ ∈ T , (i.e.,
either t = t′ or t and t′ share an edge) we have
= 0,
The remaining constraints correspond to the situation when t and t′ do not lie on the same
tetrahedron (no ‘repeated space-time indexes’). We can write these constraints as follows.
If we label a vertex in a given 4-simplex, 0 · · · 4 we can label the six triangles 0jk containing
the vertex 0 simply as jk (j, k = 1 · · · 4). Only these are needed to express the independent
B23 ∝ e.
B42 = ǫIJKLB14
B34 = ǫIJKL B13
Now we want to implement the constraints. The strategy is to impose them directly
on the BF spin foam sum, (62), after the B-integration has been performed. Formally one
would associate the discrete Bf to the differential operator −i∂/∂Uf in (61). More precisely,
the observation is that the Spin(4) left invariant vector field −iX IJ (U) := U µ ν X IJ ν σ ∂U∂µ σ
acts as a quantum B IJ on (61) since
iTr[BU ]
|U ∼1 =
µ e
∂U σ
∼ B IJ eiTr[BU ] ,
−iX IJ (U) eiTr[BU ] |U ∼1 = U µ ν X IJ
= Tr[UX IJ B]eiTr[BU ] |U ∼1
where X IJ are elements of an orthonormal basis in the SO(4) Lie-algebra. The evaluation
at U = 1 is motivated by the fact that configurations in the BF partition function (61)
have support on flat connections. This approximation is made in order to motivate our
definition but it plays no role in the implementation of the constraints.
The constraints (67) are quadratic in the B’s. We have to worry about cross terms; the
nontrivial case corresponds to:
ǫIJKLX IJ (U)X KL(U) eiTr[BU ] |U ∼1
= −ǫIJKL Tr[X IJ UB]Tr[X KLUB]eiTr[BU ] + iTr[X IJ X KL UB]eiTr[BU ] |U ∼1
∼ ǫIJKLB IJ B KL eiTr[BU ] ,
where the second term on the second line can be dropped using that ǫIJKL X IJ X KL ∝ 1
(one of the two SO(4) Casimir operators) and U ∼ 1. Therefore, we define the Bf field
associated to a face at the level of equation (32) as the appropriate left invariant vector
field −iX IJ (Uf ) acting on the corresponding discrete holonomy Uf , namely
BfIJ → −iX IJ (Uf ).
Gauge invariance of the BF partition function implies that for every tetrahedron
BtIJ = 0
where t ∈ T denotes the triangles in the corresponding tetrahedron.
In order to implement (71) we concentrate on a single 4-simplex amplitude, i.e., the
fundamental atom of Figure 4. Once the constrained 4-simplex amplitude is constructed
any spin foam amplitude can be obtained by gluing atoms together along faces by integration over common boundary data as in Section 3.2. The BF 4-simplex wave function
is obtained using (61) on the dual 2-complex with boundary defined by the intersection of
the dual of a single 4-simplex with a 3-sphere, see Figure 4.
The amplitude of the fundamental atom is a (cylindrical) function depending on the
boundary values of the connection on the boundary graph γ5 . We denote as hij ∈ Spin(4)
(i 6= j, i, j = 1 · · · 5 and hij = h−1
ji ) the corresponding 10 boundary variables (associated
to thin boundary edges in Figure 4)27 and gi ∈ Spin(4) (i = 1, · · · , 5) the internal connection (corresponding to the thick edges in Figure 4). According to (61) the 4-simplex BF
amplitude 4SIMBF (hij ) is given by
4SIMBF (hij ) =
δ(gihij gj ),
where Uij = gi hij gj is the holonomy around the triangular face 0ij. With the definition of
the B fields given in (75) the constrained amplitude, 4SIMconst(hij ), formally becomes
4SIMconst (hij ) =
dgiδ [Constraints(−iX (Uij ))]
δ(gi hij gj ).
It is easy to verify, using an equation analogous to (73) and the invariance of ǫIJKL , that
one can define the B’s by simply acting with the left invariant vector fields on the boundary
connection hij . Therefore, the previous equation is equivalent to
4SIMconst (hij ) = δ [Constraints(−iX (hij ))]
δ(gi hij gj ),
where we have taken the delta function out of the integral. The quantity on which the
formal delta distribution acts is simply 4SIMBF (hij ). The amplitude 4SIMBF (hij ) can be
expressed in a more convenient way if we expand the delta functions in modes as in (62)
and then integrate over the internal connection gi . The integration is analogous to the one
in (63), for example integration over g1 yields
h 12
h 13
ρ12 (h12 ) ⊗ ρ13 (h13 ) ⊗ ρ14 (h14 ) ⊗ ρ15 (h15 ) =
, (80)
h 14
h 15
where on the RHS we have chosen a particular basis of 4-intertwiners to span the pro4
jector Pinv
into Inv [ρ12 · · · ρ15 ]. The 4-intertwiners are explicitly given as contractions of
normalized intertwiners using the graphical notation introduced in Section 4. The circles
Strictly speaking, the boundary connections hij are defined as the product h′ij hij where h′ and h are
associated to half paths as follows: take the edge ij for simplicity and assume it is oriented from i to j.
Then h′ij is the discrete holonomy from i to some point in the center of the path and hij is the holonomy
from that center point to j. This splitting of variables is necessary when matching different atoms to
reconstruct the simplicial amplitude [57, 56].
represent the corresponding ρ-representation matrices evaluated on the the corresponding
boundary connection h. The 4-simplex amplitude becomes
4SIMBF (hij ) =
ρij ,ιi
ρ51 h15
h34 ρ
In the previous equation 4-valent nodes denote normalized 4-intertwiners and the tree
decomposition is left implicit (the factors ∆ι in (80) have been absorbed into the notation).
The term on the left is a 15j-symbol as in (64) while the term on the right is the trace of
five 4-intertwiners with the respective boundary connection insertions.
The 4-simplex amplitude for the constrained spin foam model is then defined as the
restriction of 4SIMBF (hij ) imposed by the quantum version of the constraints (71) defined
by the following set of differential equations
4SIMconst (hij ) = ǫIJKL X IJ (hij )X KL(hik ) 4SIMconst (hij ) = 0 ∀ j, k,
and where the index i = 1, · · · , 5 is held fixed and Ĉij, ik denotes the corresponding constraint operator.
There are six independent constraints (82) for each value of i = 1, · · · , 5. If we consider
all the equations for the 4-simplex amplitude then some of them are redundant due to
(76). The total number of independent conditions is 20, in agreement with the number of
classical constraints (67). For a given i in (82) (i.e., a given tetrahedron) and for j = k the
equation becomes
ǫIJKL X IJ (hij )X KL(hij ) 4SIMconst (hij ) =
= δik J i (hℓij )J k (hℓij ) − J i (hrij )J k (hrij ) 4SIMconst(hℓij , hrij ) =
= jijℓ (jijℓ + 1) − jijr (jijr + 1) 4SIMconst (hij ) = 0,
where we have used that: Spin(4) = SU(2) × SU(2) so that for h ∈ Spin(4), hℓ , hr ∈
SU(2) denote its right and left components, irreducible representation can be expressed as
ρ = j ℓ ⊗ j r for j ℓ , j r ∈ Irrep[SU(2)], and the left invariant vector field
X IJ (h) = Pi+IJ J i (hℓ ) + Pi−IJ J i (hr ),
for ǫIJ KLP ±IJ = ±P ±KL and J i ’s being left invariant vector fields on the corresponding
left and right SU(2) copies of Spin(4). The previous constraints are solved by requiring
the corresponding representation ρij to be simple, i.e.,
ρij = jij ⊗ jij∗
or ρij = jij ⊗ jij .
This ambiguity is analogous to the classical one in (68). We take ρij = jij ⊗ jij∗ in correspondence to the choice ∗ (e ∧ e) that produces the gravity sector 28 . This solves 10 of the
20 equations. The next non-trivial conditions imposed by (82) is when j 6= k. In this case
we have
2ǫIJKL X IJ (hij )X KL(hik ) 4SIMconst(hij )
= ǫIJKL X IJ (hij ) + X IJ (hik ) X KL(hij ) + X KL(hik ) 4SIMconst (hij )
= ιℓ (ιℓ + 1) − ιr (ιr + 1) 4SIMconst(hij )
= 0,
where in the second line we used the fact that we have already solved (83). In the third
line we have used the gauge invariance (or the analog of (76) for the 3-valent node in the
tree decomposition that pairs the representation ρij with the ρik ) in order to express the
sum of invariant vector fields as the invariant vector filed acting on the virtual link labeled
by ι. This choice of tree decomposition in the case ij = 12 and ik = 13 is the one used in
equation (80). The solution is clearly ι = ι ⊗ ι∗ .
What happens now to any of the two remaining conditions (only one is independent),
for example, Ĉij ′ , ik′ for k 6= k ′ , j 6= j ′ and j ′ 6= k ′ ? At first sight it looks like this equations cannot be (generically) satisfied because an intertwiner that has simple ι in one tree
decomposition does not have only simple ι′ components in a different tree decomposition
as a consequence of the recoupling identity (42). There is however a linear combination of
intertwiners found by Barrett and Crane in [9] which is simple in any tree decomposition,
|ΨBC i =
Cρι 1 ,··· ,ρ4 .
simple ι
Cρι 1 ,··· ,ρ4 is a normalized 4-intertwiner and the summation is over simple ι (i.e. ι = ι ⊗ ι∗ )
and the ρi are also simple (ρi = ji ⊗ ji∗ for i = 1..4). This is clearly a solution to all
the constraints and has been shown to be the unique one (up to an overall factor) by
Reisenberger in [104]. |ΨBC i defines the so-called Barrett-Crane intertwiner. Now the
projector Pinv
in (80)—the building block of the BF amplitude—can be written as
= |ΨBC i hΨBC | + orthogonal terms,
using the standard Gram-Schmidt construction of a basis in Inv [ρ1 · · · ρ4 ]. In other words
is the sum of 1-dimensional projector to the solutions of the constraints (82) plus the
orthogonal complement. The solution to (82) is then unique (up to scaling) and can be
In a detailed analysis Baez and Barrett [15] justify this choice in a rigorous way. This restriction (imposed by the so-called chirality constraint, Section 7.7) implies that the ‘fake tetrahedron’ configurations—
corresponding to solutions of the constraints on the right of equation (68)—are dropped from the state
written as
ρ51 h15
h34 ρ
jij ,ιi
4SIMconst(hij ) =
where the ρij = jij ⊗ jij∗ and we graphically represent |ΨBC i by
The amplitude of an arbitrary simplicial complex is computed by putting together
4-simplexes with consistent boundary connections and gluing them by integration over
boundary data. If we do that we obtain the Barrett-Crane state sum on a fixed triangulation
ZBC (J∆ ) =
Cf :{f }→jf
(2jf + 1)
f ∈J∆
where we have made the replacement ∆ρ = (2j + 1)2 for ρ = j ⊗ j ∗ . The vertex amplitude
depends on the ten representations labeling the ten faces in a 4-simplex and it is referred
to as 10j-symbol. Using the definition (87) of the Barrett-Crane intertwiner,
, the
10j-symbol can be written explicitly in terms of 15j-symbols as
ι1 ···ι5
j 13
j 14
j *23
j *13
ι 3 ι 1*
j 24
j 23
ι *2
j 34
j 15
ι *3
j 24
j *14
j *34
j 45
ι *4
where we represent the normalized SO(4)-intertwiners Cρι 1 ···ρ4 in (87) in terms of the corresponding pair of left-right SU(2)-intertwiners.
Ae denotes a possible edge amplitude which is not determined by our argument. The
implementation of constraints in the path integral should be supplemented with the appropriate modification of the measure. This should affect the values of lower dimensional
simplexes such as face and edge amplitudes. Constraints (82) act on each edge (tetrahedron) separately; heuristically one would expect a Jacobian factor to modify and so
determine the value of the edge amplitude Ae . As we pointed out in Section 6.1, the resolution of this ambiguity is related to the question of how to define the correct anomaly-free
measure. In Section 9 we will see how the GFT formulation provides a natural definition
of Ae .
Constraints that involve different tetrahedra in a given 4-simplex—corresponding to
(72)—are automatically satisfied as operator equations on the Barrett-Crane solutions.
This can be checked using (82) and (76).
The quantum tetrahedron in 4d and the Barrett-Crane intertwiner
We have re-derived the Barrett-Crane model directly from a simplicial formulation of Plebanski’s action. The original definition makes use of the concept of the ‘quantum tetrahedron’ [15, 14]. In that context, the analog of our B’s is given by the bivectors associated
with the triangles of a classical tetrahedron. A Hilbert space is defined using geometric
quantization and the classical triangle bivectors are promoted to operators. This Hilbert
space is reduced by implementation of constraints—quantization of the geometric constraints satisfied by the classical tetrahedron—to the Hilbert space of the so-called ‘quantum tetrahedron’. These constraints are precisely of the form (72). For fixed triangle
quantum numbers the state of the quantum tetrahedron is defined by the Barrett-Crane
intertwiner (87). There is however no systematic prescription for the construction of the
state sum and even the single 4-simplex amplitude has to be given as an, although natural,
ad hoc definition.
As we have shown in the previous sections all this can be obtained from the path integral approach applied to (65). In addition to simplifying the derivation—no additional
quantization principle is required—our framework provides a direct and systematic definition of the state sum. In [15, 14] one can only access the constraint operator algebra of a
single tetrahedron and conclude that this sub-algebra is closed. The full constraint algebra
of (82) can only be studied in the formalism presented here. Finally, since our prescription
is directly derived from an action principle it is conceivable that a rigorous derivation of
the undetermined amplitudes (such as Ae in (90)) could exist. These important questions
remain to be investigated.
An integral expression for the 10j-symbol
In Section 9 we will present a discretization independent formulation of the Barrett-Crane
model based on a GFT. The realization by Barrett [105] that the vertex amplitude (91)
admits an integral representation plays a key role in the construction. The integral formula
is also important in the computation of the 10j-symbol asymptotics that we briefly describe
in the next subsection.
The basic observation in the construction of an integral expression for (91) is that
equation (87) has precisely the form (33) (for n = 4) if we write the Spin(4) intertwiners
as tensor products of SU(2) ones. Therefore,
|ΨBC i =
du j1 (u) ⊗ j2 (u) ⊗ j3 (u) ⊗ j4 (u),
SU (2)
where j(u) denotes SU(2) representation matrices in the representation j. Each one of the
five pairs of intertwiners in (91) can be obtained as an integral (92) over SU(2). Each of the
ten representation matrices jik (i 6= k = 1 · · · 5) appears in two integrals corresponding to
the intertwiners at the node i and j respectively. Contracting thematrix indexes
to (91) these two representation matrices combine into a trace Tr jik (ui u−1
Parameterizing SU(2) with spherical coordinates on S
sin(2jik + 1)ψik
:= (2jik + 1)Kjik (yi, yk ),
Tr jik (ui u−1
k ) =
sin(ψik )
where ψik is the azimuthal angle between the points yi , yk on the sphere corresponding to
ui and uk respectively. We have also introduced the definition of the kernel Kjik (yi , yk ) in
terms of which the Barret-Crane vertex amplitude (91) becomes
Av (jik ) =
(S 3 )5
(2jik + 1)Kjik (yi , yk ).
Each of the five integration variables in S 3 can be regarded as a unit vector in R4 . They
are interpreted as unit normal vectors to the 3-dimensional hyperplanes spanned by the
corresponding five tetrahedra. The angles ψik is defined by cos ψik = yi ·yk and corresponds
to the exterior angle between two hyperplanes (analogous to the dihedral angles of Regge
calculus). These normals determine a 4-simplex in R4 up to translations and scaling [105].
The asymptotics for the vertex amplitude
The large spin behavior of the spin foam amplitudes provides information about the low
‘energy’ or semi-classical limit of the model[106] in the naive sense ~ → ∞ while geometric
quantities such as the area (7) are held fixed. Evidence showing a connection between the
asymptotics of the Barrett-Crane vertex and the action of general relativity was found by
Crane and Yetter in [107].
A computation of the asymptotic (large j) expression of the Barrett-Crane vertex amplitude for non-degenerate configurations was obtained by Barrett and Williams in [108].
They computed Av (jik ) for large jik by looking at the stationary phase approximation of
the oscillatory integral (94). The large spin behavior of the vertex amplitude is given by
Av (jik ) ∼
P (σ) cos SRegge (σ) + κ + D
where the sum is over geometric 4-simplexes σ whose face areas are fixed by the spins. The
action in the argument of the
P cosine corresponds to Regge action which in four dimensions
is defined by SRegge (σ) = i<k Aik ψik (σ) where Aik is the area of the ik-triangle. P (σ)
is a normalization factor which does not oscillate with the spins. D is the contribution
of degenerate configurations, i.e. those for which some of the hyperplane normals defined
above coincide. However, in a recent paper [109] Baez, Christensen and Egan show that
the term D is in fact dominant in the previous equation, i.e. the leading order terms are
contained in the set of degenerate configurations! This has been later confirmed by the
results of Freidel and Louapre [110] and Barrett and Steele [111].
Area and Volume in the Barrett-Crane model
Using the representation of the discrete B of Section 7.3 we can define the operator corresponding to the square of Bt corresponding to any triangle t ∈ ∆, namely
B̂t IJ B̂tIJ = −XIJ (Uf )X IJ (Uf ),
where f is the face dual to t ∈ ∆. Acting on the modes of the expansion (62) this is simply
the Casimir
B̂t IJ B̂tIJ = j ℓ (j ℓ + 1) + j r (j r + 1) 1.
It is easy to check that this operator commutes with all the constraints and therefore is
well defined on the space of solutions of the constraints. Its geometrical meaning is clear
if we recall that at the classical level Bt represent the bivector associate to the triangle
t ∈ ∆. Once the constraints are imposed (96) is proportional to square of the area of the
corresponding triangle. The simplicity constraint implies jℓ = jr∗ = j so that the area of
the triangles have discrete eigenvalues aj given by
aj ∝ j(j + 1),
in agreement with the result of quantum geometry (7)29 .
Can we define the analog of volume operator of quantum geometry? The candidate for
the square of such operator are
U± = ǫijk JRi 1 JRj 2 JRk3 ± JLi 1 JLj 2 JLk3 ,
where J1 , J2 , and J3 are the operators defined in (84) corresponding to three different
triangles in the tetrahedron. The operator U+ vanishes identically on the solutions of the
quantum constraints. In fact it can be expressed as the commutator of the constraints
(82). This is the chirality constraint of [15].
One would like to define the volume operator as the square root of U− ; however, U−
is not a well defined operator on the Hilbert space of the quantum tetrahedron since it
Given a triangulation ∆ of M and the induced triangulation ∆Σ of a slice Σ ⊂ M any spin foam
defined on J∆ induces a spin network state on a graph γΣ dual to ∆Σ . Links of γΣ are dual to triangles
in ∆Σ . These triangles play the role of the surface S in the definition of the area operator (7).
does not commute with the simplicity constraints. In other words the action of the volume
operators map states out of the solution of the constraints. Only when the dimension
of Inv [j1 ⊗ j2 ⊗ j3 ⊗ j4 ] is one the commutator vanishes (this is in fact a necessary and
sufficient condition). The volume operator is well defined in this subspace but it vanishes.
In conclusion, generically the volume operator is not defined in the Barrett-Crane model.
Lorentzian generalization
A Lorentzian generalization of the Riemannian Barrett-Crane vertex amplitude was proposed in [10]. Using the spin foam model GFT duality of Section 8 a generalization of
the full model (including face and edge amplitudes) was found in [13]. The relevant representations of the Lorentz group are the unitary ones. Unitary irreducible representations
of SL(2, C) are infinite dimensional and labeled by n ∈ N and ρ ∈ R+ . The simplicity
constraints select the representations for which n = 0. The triangle area spectrum is given
aρ ∝ ρ2 + 1.
There is still a minimum eigenvalue but the spectrum is continuous. The derivation of the
model can be obtained from SO(3, 1) Plebanski’s action by generalizing the computations
of Section 7. We will study this model in Section 9.3 were we show that the Lorentzian
extension is not unique. In fact a new Lorentzian model can be defined following the
Barrett-Crane prescription [112].
Positivity of spin foam amplitudes
Baez and Christensen [113] showed that spin foam amplitudes of the (Riemannian) BarrettCrane model are positive for any closed 2-complex. For open spin foams they are real and
(if not zero) their sign is given by (−1)2J where J is the sum of the spin labels of the edges of
the boundary spin networks. This is a rather puzzling property since (as the authors point
out) this seems to imply the absence of quantum interference. Positivity of the Lorentzian
model seems to hold according to numerical evaluations of the vertex amplitude. The
positivity results have been generalized to generic 2-complexes (not necessarily dual to
a triangulation) by Pfeiffer in [114], who also showed that the sign (−1)2J is not really
present if one chooses the correct bases of intertwiners.
Degenerate Sectors of Spin(4) Plebanski’s formulation
In [56] Reisenberger showed that, solving the constraints (66) in the degenerated sector—
OP QR µνρσ
i.e., where e = 4!1 ǫOP QRBµν
Bρσ ǫ
= 0—and substituting the solution back into the
Plebanski action, the theory reduces to two sectors described by the actions
Sdeg = Bir ∧ (Fi (Ar ) ± Vij Fj (Aℓ )),
where the upper index r (respectively ℓ) denotes the self-dual (respectively anti-self-dual)
part of B and A in the internal space, and V ∈ SO(3). Let us concentrate on the sector
with the minus sign in the previous expression. Then it is straightforward to define the
discretized path integral along the same lines as BF theory in Section 7.1. The result is
ℓ−1 −1
r r
dgeℓ dger eiTr[Bf Uf vf Uf vf ] ,
Z(∆) =
dBfr(3) dvf
f ∈∆∗
where dgeℓ , dger , and dvf are defined in terms of the SU(2) Haar measure. Integrating over
the B field we obtain
dvf δ (3) (ger1 · · · gern vf (geℓ1 · · · geℓn )−1 vf−1 ),
dgeℓ dger
Z(∆) =
f ∈∆∗
where the delta function δ (3) denotes an SU(2) distribution.
Integration over geℓ , ger and vf yields a spin foam model where only face representations
are constrained to be simple while intertwiners are arbitrary. Explicitly
Zdeg (∆) =
Cf :{f }→jf Ce :{e}→{ιe }
where ρf = jf ⊗ jf∗ and jf ∈ Irrep[SU(2)]. This is precisely the spin foam obtained in [11]!
This model was obtained as a natural modification of the GFT that defines a variant of
the BC model. Here we have rediscovered the model from the simplicial quantization of
defined in (100). This establishes the relation of the model with a classical action! It
corresponds to spin foam quantization of the ‘−’ degenerate sector of SO(4) Plebanski’s
The + sector action (100) can be treated in a similar way. The only modification is
that of the subgroup. Instead of using the diagonal insertion defined above one has to
define u ∈ SU(2) ⊂ Spin(4) so that ug = (ug ℓ, u−1 g r ). This selects representations of the
form ρ = j ⊗ j instead of ρ = j ⊗ j ∗ for faces.
Notice that the allowed 4-simplex configurations of the model of Section 7.10 are fully
contained in the set of 4-simplex configurations of the model obtained here.
The group field theory (GFT) ansatz
In this section we present the motivation and main results of [16, 17] where the duality
relation between spin foam models and group field theories is established. This is the
formulation we referred to in Section 6.2 as one of the possible discretization independent
definitions of spin foam models. The result is based on the generalization of matrix models
introduced by Boulatov [86] and Ooguri [87] dual to BF theory in three and four dimensions
respectively. This formulation was first proposed for the Riemannian Barrett-Crane model
in [11] and then generalized to a wide class of spin foam models [16, 17].
Given a spin foam model defined on an arbitrary 2-complex J∆ (dual to a triangulation
∆) –thus the partition function Z[J∆ ] is of the form (21)– there exists a GFT such that the
perturbative expansion of the field theory partition function generalizes (21) to a sum over
2-complexes represented by the Feynman diagrams J of the field theory. These diagrams
look ‘locally’ as dual to triangulations (vertices are 5-valent, edges are 4-valent) but they
are no longer tied to any manifold structure [88].
We now motivate the duality using what we know of the model defined on a fixed
simplicial decomposition. The action of the GFT is of the form
I[φ] = I0 [φ] +
V [φ],
where I0 [φ] is the ‘kinetic’ term quadratic in the field and V [φ] denotes the interaction
term. The field φ is defined below. The expansion in λ of the partition function takes the
Z = D[φ]e−I[φ] =
Z[JN ],
where JN is a Feynman diagram (2-complex) with N vertices and Z[JN ] is the one given
by (21). In fact, the interaction term V [φ] is fixed uniquely by the 4-simplex amplitude of
the simplicial model while the kinetic term I0 [φ] is trivial as we argue below.
Expression (105) is taken as the discretization (and manifold) independent definition
of the model. Transition amplitudes between spin network states on boundary graphs γ1
and γ2 are shown to be given by the correlation functions
D[φ] φ · · · φ φ · · · φ e−I[φ] ,
| {z } | {z }
where boundary graphs are determined by the arrangement of fields in the product. The
field can be defined as operators creating four valent nodes of spin networks [115, 92]. In
[92] correlation functions hφ · · · φi are interpreted as a complete family of gauge invariant
observables for quantum gravity. They encode (in principle) the physical content of the
theory and can be used to reconstruct the physical Hilbert space in a way that mimics
Wightman’s procedure for standard QFT [116, 117].
How do we construct the GFT out of the spin foam model on a fixed 2-complex? In
(105) the combinatoric of diagrams is completely fixed by the form of the action (104).
To construct the action of the GFT one starts from the spin foam model defined on a
2-complex J∆ dual to a simplicial complex ∆. The sum over 2-complexes in (106) contains
only those 2-complexes that locally look like the dual of a simplicial decomposition.
Spin foams on such 2-complexes have edges e with which are associated a tensor product
of 4 representations ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 ⊗ ρ3 ⊗ ρ4 , since they bound four colored faces in J∆ . If we
want to think of the edge e as associated to the propagator of a field theory then such a
propagator should be a map
P : ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 ⊗ ρ3 ⊗ ρ4 → ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 ⊗ ρ3 ⊗ ρ4 .
According to Peter-Weyl theorem, elements of ρ1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρ4 naturally appear in the mode
expansion of a function φ(x1 , · · · , x4 ) for xi ∈ G. Spin labels arise as ‘momentum’ variables in the field theory. Intertwiners assigned to edges in spin foams impose compatibility
conditions on the representations. In the context of the GFT this is interpreted as ‘momentum conservation’ which is guaranteed by the requirement that the field be ‘translational
φ(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = φ(x1 g, x2 g, x3 g, x4 g) ∀ g ∈ G.
One also requires φ to be invariant under permutations of its arguments. One can equivalently take the field φ to be arbitrary and impose translation invariance by acting with P
defined as
Pφ(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = dg φ(x1 g, x2 g, x3g, x4 g).
All the information of local spin foams is in the vertex amplitude or fundamental atom
(4-simplex) amplitude of Section 3.2. Therefore, the kinetic term I0 [φ] is simply given by
d4 x [Pφ(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 )]2 ,
I0 [φ] =
Since vertices are 5-valent in our discretization the interaction term should contain the
product of five field operators. This is a function of 20 group elements. If we use the
compact notation φ(xi ) := φ(x1 , · · · , x4 ), then the general ‘translation invariant’ form is
V [φ] = d20 x V(xij [xji ]−1 ) Pφ(x1i )Pφ(x2i )Pφ(x3i )Pφ(x4i )Pφ(x5i ),
where V is a function of 10 variables evaluated on the ‘translation invariant’ combinations
αij := xij [xji ]−1 . For local spin foams the function V(αij ) is in one-to-one correspondence with the fundamental 4-simplex (atom) amplitude (19). If we represent the field
φ(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) by
we can write the action (104), using (110)and (111), as
d20 x
d4 x
S[φ] =
15 14 13 12
where the straight lines represent the field arguments (in the case of the interaction term,
the 20 corresponding xij for i 6= j = 1, · · · , 5).
The precise way in which 2-complexes are generated as Feynman diagrams of the GFT
will be illustrated in the following section. We have shown that any (local in the sense
of Section 3.2) spin foam model can be given a discretization independent formulation in
terms of a uniquely determined GFT theory.
The Barrett-Crane model and its dual GFT-formulation
In addition to providing a discretization independent formulation of the Barrett-Crane
model, the GFT formulation provides a natural completion of the definition of the model.
In Section 7 (equation (90)) we noticed that the model on a fixed discretization is defined
up to lower dimensional simplex amplitudes such as that for faces f (dual to triangles) and
edges e (dual to tetrahedra). The GFT formulation presented here resolves this ambiguity
in a natural way. This normalization of the Barrett-Crane model was also obtained in [118]
using similar techniques but on a fixed triangulation.
The general GFT
In this section we introduce the general GFT action that can be specialized to define the
various spin foam models described in the rest of the paper.
The field theory action and its regularization
Consider the Lie group G corresponding to either Spin(4) or SL(2, C) – for the GFT dual
to Riemannian or Lorentzian Barrett-Crane model respectively. The field φ(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 )
is denoted φ(xi ) where i = 1 . . . 4, and xi ∈ G, symmetric under permutations of its
arguments, i.e., φ(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = φ(xσ(1) , xσ(2) , xσ(3) , xσ(4) ), for σ any permutation of four
elements. Define the projectors P and R as
Pφ(xi ) ≡ dgφ(xig)
Rφ(xi ) ≡
dui φ(xi ui ),
where U ⊂ G is a fixed subgroup, and dg and du are the corresponding invariant measures.
The projector P imposes the translation invariance property (108).
Different choices of the subgroup yield different interesting GFT’s. When U = {1}
(R = 1) the GFT is dual to BF theory and we get the model of [87]. The GFT is dual
to the Riemannian BC model for U = SU(2) ⊂ Spin(4). Similarly for the GFT dual to
the Lorentzian models the subgroups U ⊂ SL(2, C) are U = SU(2) (leaving invariant a
time-like direction) or U = SU(1, 1) × Z2 (for an invariant space-like direction); they result
in two different models.
The GFT action is is of the general form (104) and simply given by
S[φ] =
dxi [Pφ(xi )] +
PRPφ(xij ),
where i, j = 1 . . . 5, i 6= j and dx is an invariant measure in G (the normalized Haar
measure in G is compact).
Strictly speaking the operators P and R are projectors only when the corresponding
groups are compact. Formally we have
P2 = volG × P,
and R2 = volU × R,
where volG , and volU denote the volume of G and U, respectively. These volume factors
can be taken to be one when the G and/or U are compact by using Haar measures. When
G and/or U are non compact the factors are infinite. This is a rather simple technical
problem with which we shall deal later. Essentially one must drop redundant projectors
in the functional integral.
The partition function can be computed as a perturbative expansion in Feynman diagrams JN , namely
A(JN ),
Z = Dφe−S[φ] =
where N is the number of vertexes in JN and sym(JN ) is the standard symmetry factor.
In what follows we explain the structure of the Feynman diagrams of the theory. If we
use the notation φ(x1j ) = φ(x12 , x13 , x14 , x15 ) we can write the action as in (110) and (111)
S[φ] =
dxi dx′i φ(xi ) K(xi , x′i ) φ(x′i )
dxij V(xij ) φ(x1j ) φ(x2j ) φ(x3j ) φ(x4j ) φ(x5j ),
where i 6= j and the kinetic K(xi , x′i ) and interaction V(xij ) operators a explicitly given
below. The kinetic operator K(xi , x′i ) is given by
K(xi , x′i )
dg ′dg
dg dg
δ(xi g ′′g ′−1 x′−1
σ(i) )
δ(xi gx′−1
σ(i) )
= volG ×
δ(xi gx′−1
σ(i) ),
where the g ′′ and g ′ integrations correspond to the action of the projectors P in (115).
Redefining the integration variables g = g ′′ g ′−1 we obtain the second line in the previous
equation. The volG factor comes from the g ′ integration as in (116). We regularize the
kinetic operator by simply dropping one of the G-integrations in the previous expression,
δ(xi gx′−1
K(xi , xi ) ≡
σ(i) ).
P acts by projecting the field φ into its ‘translation invariant’ part Pφ(xi ). The action
(115) depends only on the gauge invariant part of the field, namely S[φ] = S[Pφ] (recall
(108)). The inverse of K (in the subspace of right invariant fields) corresponds to itself;
therefore the propagator of the theory is simply
P(xi , x′i ) = K(xi , x′i ).
The propagator is defined by 4 delta functions (plus the symmetrization and the integration
over the group) and it can be represented as shown on the right diagram of Fig. 7. The
potential term (118) can be written as
dgidgi′ duij
V(xij ) =
ji gi uij gi gj uji gj xij ),
where the uij ∈ U correspond to the action of R in (115) and gi , gi′ ∈ G to the action of
the corresponding P’s, respectively. It is easy to check that in the evaluation of a closed
Feynman diagram the gi′ ’s can be absorbed by redefinition of the gi ’s in the corresponding
adjacent propagators. In this process, the gi′ ’s drop out of the integrand and each integral
over gi′ gives a volG factor. This means that the second P projector in (115) is redundant
in the computation of (117). The regularization is analogous to the one implemented in
equation (120): we drop redundant P’s. The regularized vertex amplitude (for a vertex in
the bulk of a diagram) is then defined as
V(xij ) =
dgi duij
ji uij gi gj uji xij ).
In the case of open diagrams g ′ ’s remain at external legs.
There is still a redundant gi integration in (123) which introduces a potentially infinite
volG factor in the vertex amplitude. Notice that the (123) depends on the ‘translational
invariant’ combinations gi−1gj so that one of the g-integrations is redundant. In other
words, one can absorb one of the gi by redefining the remaining four using the invariance
of the measure. In the non compact case this would yield another volG infinite factor. The
regularization now consists of removing an arbitrary gi from the expression of the vertex
amplitude. This results in the regularization scheme proposed by Barrett and Crane in
[10]. The regularization presented here can be applied to any non compact group model on
a lattice and can be regarded as a gauge fixing condition for the internal gauge invariance
+ ...
Figure 7: The structure of the propagator and the interaction vertex. Each line represents
a delta function as the ones in the integrand of (120) in the case of the propagator and
(123) in the case of the vertex. The shaded box in the propagator represents the sum
over permutations σ in (120). This sum is over diagrams including crossings, we have
represented three of this terms in the diagram below the propagator.
(recall Section 6.1). For notational simplicity we do not implement the regularization
explicitly in (123). The structure of the vertex is represented on the left diagram in Fig. 7.
Each of the lines represent a delta function appearing in the integrand of (123) (compare
with 112).
The Feynman diagrams of the theory are obtained by connecting the 5-valent vertexes
with propagators (see Fig. 7). At the open ends of propagators and vertexes there are the
four group variables x corresponding to the arguments of the field (in addition to the integration variables gi and uij coming from P and R respectively). For a fixed permutation σ
in each propagator, one can follow the sequence of delta functions with common arguments
across vertexes and propagators. On a closed graph, each such sequence must close. By
associating a surface to each such sequence of propagators, we construct a 2-complex J
[11]. Thus, by expanding in Feynman diagrams and in the sum over permutations in (119),
we obtain a sum over 2-complexes. Each 2-complex is given by a certain vertex-propagator
topology plus a fixed choice of a permutation on each propagator.
Evaluation in configuration space
Combining (121) and (123) and integrating over internal variables xij the sequence of delta
functions associated to a face f ∈ J reduces to a single delta function. Denoting v1 . . . vn
the ordered set of n vertices bounding f , and eij the edge connecting vi with vj , the delta
function corresponding to the face f becomes
δ [ufv1n gv−1
e12 v21 v21 v23 v23 e23
e(n−1)n vn(n−1) vn(n−1) vn1 vn1 en1 , (124)
1n v12 v12
where geij ∈ G is the integration variable in (120) associated to the edge eij , gvij ∈ G
denotes the integration variable in (123) associated with the leg ij of the vertex vi connected
to the edge eij , and ufvij ∈ U is the corresponding subgroup integration in one of the delta
functions in (123). We use the supra index f to emphasize that the u’s appear on single
delta functions in (123) and therefore do not contribute to more than one face. In the
previous equation, the product of group elements between brackets correspond to the
vertex contribution to the face (see (123)) while the geij comes from the corresponding
propagators (121), also we have that geij = ge−1
. Using (124) the amplitude A(J ) of an
arbitrary closed 2-complex becomes a multiple integral of the form
A(J ) =
dgv dgv
duv duv δ([uv1n gv−1
g uf ]ge12 [ufv21 gv−1
ĝ uf ]ge23
1n v12 v12
21 v23 v23
· · · ge(n−1)n [ûfvn(n−1) gv−1
g uf ]gen1 ).
n(n−1) vn1 vn1
Notice that if the subgroup U = {1} the previous expression coincides with the BF amplitude (61) if we make the change of variables ge′ ij = gvij geij gv−1
. For U = {1} we recover
Ooguri’s GFT [87].
The spin foam representation
The spin foam representation for the amplitude can be obtained by expanding the delta
functions in terms of irreducible unitary representations of G, namely
δ(g) =
∆ρ Tr [ρ(g)] ,
where ρ labels unitary irreducible representations and the rest of the notation is that of
(31) when G is compact. In the non compact case representations are infinite-dimensional
so a formally equivalent expression holds where ∆ρ correspond to the so-called Pancharel
measure [112].
Using (126) in (124) the face contribution is
g ) · ρ(ufv12 ) · ρ(ge12 ) · ρ(ufv21 ) · ρ(gv−1
∆ρ Tr ρ(ufv1n ) · ρ(gv−1
g )·
1n v12
21 v23
ρ(uv23 ) · ρ(ge23 ) · · · ρ(uvn(n−1) ) ·
g )
n(n−1) vn1
· ρ(uvn1 ) · ρ(gen1 ) ,
where we have dropped the integration symbols for simplicity. The u’s appear just once
R face so we can perform the u-integrations independently of other faces. Notice that
duρ(u) is the projection onto the invariant subspace under the action of U in the Hilbert
space Hρ . When U = {1} the projector is the identity. In the other cases the subspace
turns out to be 1-dimensional. Consequently the projector can be written as
du ρ(u) = |wρ i hwρ | ,
where |wρ i is the corresponding invariant vector. Equation (127) becomes
∆ρ hwρ | ρ(gv−1
g ) wρ i hwρ | ρ(ge12 ) wρ i hwρ | ρ(gv−1
g ) wρ i · · · hwρ | ρ(gen1 ) wρ i . (129)
1n v12
21 v23
There are two types of terms in the previous equation: those corresponding to edges
for which the representation ρ is evaluated at the single geij group variable, and those
corresponding to vertices for which ρ is evaluated at the product gv−1
g . Let us integrate
ij vik
over the edge variables first. The group element ge associated to an edge e ∈ J appears
four times as there are four delta functions in the propagator (121). Therefore, integrals
over such g’s have the general form
Ae (ρe , . . . , ρe ) = hwρ1 | ρ1 (g) wρ1 i hwρ2 | ρ2 (g) wρ2 i hwρ3 | ρ3 (g) wρ3 i hwρ4 | ρ4 (g) wρ4 i ,
and define the edge amplitude. If we define the kernel Kρ (g) as
Kρ (g) ≡ hwρ | ρ(g) wρ i ,
then using the subgroup invariance of the |wρ i’s the previous equation becomes
Ae (ρ1 , . . . , ρ4 ) = volU ×
dy Kρ1 (y)Kρ2 (y)Kρ3 (y)Kρ4 (y),
where the integration is over the homogeneous space G/U. Integration over the group
elements associated to vertices are of the general form
Av (ρik ) =
(G/U )4
Kρik (yi , yk ).
This corresponds to the vertex amplitude. When U is non compact the preceding expressions have to be regularized as in Subsection 9.1.1 by dropping an arbitrary y-integration.
The amplitude of a 2-complex J is then given by
Ae (ρ1 , . . . , ρ4 )
Av (ρ1 , . . . , ρ10 )
A(J ) =
Cf :{f }→{ρ} f ∈J
As we shall see in the following the presence of R in (115) can be interpreted as imposing
the Barrett-Crane constraints on the GFT dual to BF theory.
The amplitude of an open diagram, that is, a diagram with a boundary, is a function of
the variables on the boundary, as for conventional QFT Feynman diagrams. The boundary
of a 2-complex is given by a graph. To start with, the amplitude of the open diagram is
a function of 4 group arguments per each external leg. However, consider a surface of an
open 2-complex and the link ab of the boundary graph that bounds it. Let a and b be the
nodes on the boundary graph that bounds ab. The surface determines a sequence of delta
functions that starts with one of the group elements in a, say ga , and ends with one of the
group elements in b, say gb . By integrating internal variables, all these delta functions can
be contracted to a single one of the form δ(ga · · · gb−1) = δ(gb−1ga · · · ). We can thus define
the group variable ρab = gb−1 ga , naturally associated to the link ab, and conclude that the
amplitude of an open 2-complex is a function A(ρab ) of one group element per each link of
its boundary graph. A(ρab ) is gauge invariant as can be easily checked, and ρab represents
the discrete boundary connection in the language of Section 3.2.
In “momentum space”, boundary degrees of freedom are encoded in spin-network states.
That is, if s is a spin network given by a coloring of the boundary graph, then
A(s) = dρab ψ̄s (ρab ) A(ρab ),
where ψs (ρab ) is the spin network function [26, 27]. The formula can be inverted
A(ρab ) =
A(s)ψs (ρab ),
where the sum is performed over all spin network states defined on the given boundary
graph. The argument presented here applies in general for any GFT of the kind introduced
in Section 8. In the case of the GFT’s defined here ρab = gb−1 ga will appear between Uintegrations. So strictly speaking, for each ρab = gb−1ga there correspond two point ya and
yb in the homogeneous space G/U and one cannot say that the amplitude depend on the
GFT dual to the Riemannian Barret-Crane model
The representation theory of Spin(4) is particularly simple due to the fact that Spin(4) =
SU(2)×SU(2). Unitary irreducible representations of ρ of Spin(4) are labeled by two halfintegers jl and jr , and are given by the tensor product of unitary irreducible representations
of SU(2), namely
ρjl jr = jl ⊗ jr .
In terms of representation matrices we have
Rjljr (g)mm′ qq′ = Dmm
′ (gr )Dqq ′ (gl ),
where g = (gl , gr ) ∈ Spin(4), and Dmm
′ are SU(2)-representation matrices. The subgroup
U of previous section is taken as U = SU(2) ⊂ Spin(4) defined by the diagonal action on
Spin(4) as follows
gu ≡ (gl u, gr u) for u ∈ U.
The projector (128) can be explicitly evaluated
δjl jr∗
δmq δm′ q′ = wjl
du ρjl jr (u) = du Dmm
′ (u)Dqq ′ (u) =
2jl + 1
wjl ,
where we have used the orthonormality of SU(2) representation matrices (Footnote 10).
The previous equation confirms that the invariant subspace for each ρjl jr is 1-dimensional
as anticipated above. An immediate consequence of (139) is that the kernel Kρ in (131)
δj ′ j ∗
Kj (g) = hwj | ρj ′ j (g) wj i =
Tr D j (gl gr ) .
2j + 1
The factor δj ′ j restricts the representation to the simple representations jl = jr∗ = j.
The projector R in (115) imposes the Barrett-Crane simplicity constraints of equation
(83)!. Simple representations appear in the harmonic analysis of functions on the 3-sphere,
S3 . The fact that we encounter them here is not surprising since S3 is the homogeneous
space S3 = Spin(4)/SU(2) under the SU(2) diagonal insertion (138). The presence of R
in (115) projects out those modes that are not simple or spherical. Indeed, hwj | ρj ′ j ∗ (g) wj i
can be thought of as a function on S3 : hwj | ρj ′ j ∗ (g) wj i depends on the product gl gr ∈ SU(2)
which is isomorphic to S3 . We will see below that in fact R imposes all the constraints of
Section 7.3 fixing in addition the value of the so far undetermined edge amplitude Ae .
The invariant measure on SU(2) can be written as a measure on S3 induced by the
τµ where τk = iσk
isomorphism SU(2) → S3 . We can parameterize h ∈ SU(2) as h = y(h)
for k = 1, 2, 3, {σk } is the set of Pauli matrices, and τ0 = 1. h ∈ SU(2) implies y(h)
y(h)µ = 1
(indexes are lowered and raised with δν ), i.e., y ∈ S3 . In this parameterization the SU(2)
Haar measure becomes
dh → dy = 2 dy 4δ(y µ yµ − 1),
We can simplify the measure using spherical coordinates for which an arbitrary point y ∈ S 3
is written
y = (cos(ψ), sin(ψ)sin(θ)cos(φ), sin(ψ)sin(θ)sin(φ), sin(ψ)cos(θ)) ,
where 0 ≤ ψ ≤ π, 0 ≤ θ ≤ π, and 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π. The Haar measure becomes
dy =
sin2 (ψ) sin(θ) dψ dθ dφ.
2π 2
Using the known formula for the trace of SU(2) representation matrices it is easy to check
that (140) becomes
δj ′ j sin((2j + 1)ψy )
Kj (ψy ) =
2j + 1
sin(ψy )
where ψh is the value of the coordinate ψ in (142) corresponding to y ∈ SU(2). Notice
that we have rediscovered the kernel (93) which together with equation (94) establishes
the claimed duality between the Barrett-Crane model and the GFT of this section.
Now, the general edge and vertex amplitudes ((132) and (133)) reduce to multiple
integrals over S3 . These can be interpreted as the evaluation of diagrams on the sphere
with propagator given by (144). This evaluation is referred to as relativistic spin network
evaluation in the literature. In the case of the edge amplitude the evaluation corresponds
to a θ4 graph with four links labeled by the four spins j1 , . . . , j4 . In the case of the vertex
amplitude the evaluation corresponds to the γ5 spin network of Figure 4 for which the ten
links are labeled by the corresponding ten spins j1 , . . . , j10 . There is no intertwiner label
at nodes as the projection R fixes the intertwiners to the unique Barrett-Crane one.
The amplitude Ae (j1 , . . . , j4 ) can be computed using (140) and (33), it follows that
Ae (j1 , . . . , j4 ) =
dim [Inv(j1 ⊗ j2 ⊗ j3 ⊗ j4 )]
dim [j1 ⊗ j2 ⊗ j3 ⊗ j4 ]
where dim [Inv(j1 ⊗ j2 ⊗ j3 ⊗ j4 )] denotes the dimension of the trivial component of Hj1 ⊗
Hj2 ⊗ Hj3 ⊗ Hj4 and dim [j1 ⊗ j2 ⊗ j3 ⊗ j4 ] the dimension of the full space30 . So finally,
A(J ) =
(2jf + 1)2
Ae (j1 , . . . , j4 )
Av (j1 , . . . , j10 ),
Cf :{f }→{j} f ∈J
where the vertex amplitude is given by (133) using (144). This is the Barrett-Crane model
(90) where the values of Ae and Af have been fixed by the GFT formulation.
In this section we prove that the infinite spin sum in (146) is convergent if the 2-complex J
is finite and non-degenerate. In order to do this we need to construct bounds for the terms
in the sum (edge and vertex amplitudes). These bounds are provided by the following
Lemma 9.1. [18] For any subset of κ elements j1 . . . jκ out of the corresponding four
representations appearing in Ae (j1 , . . . , j4 ), the following bounds hold:
1 f or κ ≤ 3
|Ae (j1 , . . . , j4 )| ≤ Q
, where ακ =
f or k = 4
(2ji + 1)
The inequality for κ ≤ 3 is sharp.
The proof of this lemma is elementary and can be found in [18].
Lemma 9.2. [18] For any 4 spins j1 . . . j4 labeling links converging at the same node in
the relativistic spin-network corresponding to Av (j1 , . . . , j10 ) the following bounds hold:
|Av (j1 , . . . , j10 )| ≤
(2j1 + 1)(2j2 + 1)(2j3 + 1)(2j4 + 1)
There was a mistake in the computation of the edge amplitude in [12] due to the propagation of a
typo in [11]. The erroneous expression of the edge amplitude contained dim [j1 ⊗ j2 ⊗ j3 ⊗ j4 ] in the
from which follows
|Av (j1 , . . . , j10 )| ≤
((2j1 + 1) . . . (2j10 + 1))2/5
Definition 9.1. A 2-complex J is said to be degenerate if it contains some faces bounded
by only one or two edges.
Theorem 9.1. [18] The state sum A(J ), (146), converges for any non degenerate 2complex J .
Proof. The amplitude (146) can be bounded in the following way:
((2jf + 1))2− 20 nf ,
|A(J )| ≤
((2jf + 1))2− 4 nf − 10 nf =
f ∈J
f ∈J
where nf denotes the number of edges of the corresponding face, and we have used the fact
the number of edges equals the number of vertices in a face of J . The term (2j+1)2 in (147)
comes from the face amplitude, (2j + 1)− 4 nf from Lemma 9.1 (κ = 4), and (2j + 1)− 10 nf
from Lemma (9.2) κ = 10. Notice that if the 2-complex contains faces with more than
two edges the previous bound for the amplitude is finite, since the sum on the RHS of the
previous equation converges for nf > 2.
The fact that the sum over spins converges for a fixed (non degenerate) 2-complex is an
very encouraging result. It means that for a fixed 2-complex the sum over the infinite set
of 4-geometry configurations, represented by the corresponding spin foams, is well defined.
Even though the result was obtained in the context of the GFT formulation, it can be
applied to the model defined on a simplicial decomposition of the space-time manifold. This
is because (146) refers to the amplitude of a single Feynman diagram. In this context, the
result is very encouraging and appears as a first necessary step for the construction of the
discretization independent generalized projector and physical scalar product by studying
the refinement limit of Section 6.2. On the other hand, if the discretization independent
formulation is to be obtained directly by means of the GFT formulation, this result means
that the perturbative expansion in λ (105) is finite order by order. The previous statement
has not been completely proved as degenerate 2-complexes—for which our proof does not
hold—will appear in the λ-expansion. However, we expect these diagrams to be finite also.
A proof of this is lacking at the moment but it should be feasible by strengthening the
bounds we have used in this section.
Lorentzian models
Unitary irreducible representations of SL(2, C) appearing in the general expression (126)
are the ones in the so-called principal series. They are labeled by a natural number n
and a positive real number ρ. Unitary irreducible representations of SL(2, C) are infinite
dimensional. Those in the principal series are defined by their action on the linear space
− 1, −n+iρ
− 1) of two complex variables z1
Dnρ of homogeneous functions of degree ( n+iρ
and z2 . Due to the homogeneity properties of the elements Dnρ they can be characterized
by giving their value on the sphere |z1 |2 + |z2 |2 = 1. The latter is isomorphic to SU(2).
The so called canonical basis is defined in terms of functions on SU(2) and is well suited
for studying the following model. The relevant facts about SL(2, C) representation theory
and the notation used in this section can be found in the appendix of reference [112] (for
all about SL(2, C) representation theory see [119]).
GFT dual to the Lorentzian Barrett-Crane model
Equation (128) becomes, in this case,
du ρnρ (u) =
′ m′ (u) = δn0 δℓ0 δℓ′ 0 = |wnρ i hwnρ | ,
SU (2)
in terms of the canonical basis [112]. The SU(2) invariant vectors |wnρ i are given by
hz1 , z2 |wnρ i = δn0 (|z1 |2 + |z2 |2 ) 2 ρ−1 which is indeed a homogeneous function of degree
( iρ2 − 1, iρ2 − 1).
An immediate consequence of (148) is that the kernel Kρ in (131) becomes
Knρ (g) = hwnρ | ρnρ (g) wnρ i = δn0 D0000
The kernel hw0ρ | ρ0ρ (g) w0ρ i can be thought of as a function on H + = SL(2, C)/SU(2)
(the upper sheet of 2-sheeted hyperboloid in Minkowski space). An arbitrary point y ∈ H +
can be written in hyperbolic coordinates as
y = (cosh(η), sinh(η)sin(θ)cos(φ), sinh(η)sin(θ)sin(φ), sinh(η)cos(θ)) ,
where 0 ≤ η ≤ ∞, 0 ≤ θ ≤ π, and 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π. The invariant measure in these coordinates
dy = 2 sinh2 (η) sin(θ) dη dθ dφ.
In these coordinates, (149) becomes
2 sin( 12 ρηy )
Kρ (ηy ) =
ρ sinh(ηy )
where ηy is the value of the coordinate η corresponding to y ∈ H + (this the generalization
of (93) proposed in [10]). Finally, the amplitude of an arbitrary diagram (133) becomes
A(J) =
ρ2f dρf
Ae ({ρe })
Av ({ρv }),
Cf :{f }→{ρ}
f ∈J
where the formal sum in the general expression (133) becomes a multiple integral over
the coloring Cf : {f } → {ρ} of faces, and the weight ∆ρ now is given by the Pancherel
measure, ρ2 dρ, of SL(2, C). The vertex amplitude was proposed in [10], the full state sum
amplitude including the previous normalization was obtained in [13].
The amplitude of a non degenerate 2-complex turns out to be finite as in the Euclidean
case. We state and prove the main result. Some of the following lemmas are stated without
proof; the reader interested in the details is referred to the references. As in the Riemannian
case the main idea is to construct appropriate bounds for the fundamental amplitudes.
Lemma 9.3. [19, 20] For any subset of κ elements ρ1 . . . ρκ out of the corresponding four
representations appearing in Ae (ρ1 , . . . , ρ4 ), the following bounds hold:
1 f or κ ≤ 3
|Ae (ρ1 , . . . , ρ4 )| ≤ κ ακ , where ακ =
f or k = 4
for some positive constant Cκ .
Lemma 9.4. [120] Ae (ρ1 , . . . , ρ4 ) and Av (ρ1 , . . . , ρ10 ) are bounded by a constant independent of the ρ’s.
Lemma 9.5. [19, 20] For any subset of κ elements ρ1 . . . ρκ out of the corresponding ten
representations appearing in Av (ρ1 , . . . , ρ10 ) the following bounds hold:
|Av (ρ1 , . . . , ρ10 )| ≤
for some positive constant Kκ .
Theorem 9.2. [19, 20] The state sum A(J ), (153), converges for any non degenerate
2-complex J .
Proof. We divide each integration region R+ into the intervals [0, 1), and [1, ∞) so that
the multiple integral decomposes into a finite sum of integrations of the following types:
i. All the integrations are in the range [0, 1). We denote this term T (F, 0), where F
is the number of 2-simplexes in the triangulation. This term in the sum is finite by
Lemma 9.4.
ii. All the integrations are in the range [1, ∞). This term T (0, F ) is also finite since,
using Lemmas 9.3 and 9.5 for κ = 4, and κ = 10 respectively, we have
T (0, F ) ≤
2− 34 ne − 10
dρf ρf
f ρ =1
ρf =1
− 40
dρf ρf
< ∞.
iii. m integrations in [0, 1), and F −m in [1, ∞). In this case T (m, F −m) can be bounded
using Lemmas (9.3) and (9.5) as before. The idea is to choose the appropriate
subset of representations in the bounds (and the corresponding values of κ) so that
only the m − F representations integrated over [1, ∞) appear in the corresponding
denominators. Since this is clearly possible, the T (m, F ) terms are all finite.
We have bounded Z by a finite sum of finite terms which concludes the proof.
The ‘scaling’ behavior of amplitudes in the model is very similar to that of the Riemannian version of the previous section. If one makes the substitution (2j + 1) = −iρ and
ψy = iηy in the Riemannian expression for the kernel (144) one obtains the Lorentzian
expression (152). In addition, with the same substitution the face amplitude (2j + 1)2 in
(146) takes the form ρ2 of the face amplitude in (153). From this viewpoint the finiteness of
the Lorentzian model is intimately related to the finiteness of the Riemannian counterpart.
The non compactness of SL(2, C) introduces potential divergences due to the fact that
volSL(2,C) = ∞. This problem can be dealt with in the GFT formulation by using the
appropriate gauge fixing conditions as explained in Section 9. If we define the model on a
simplicial decomposition the same gauge fixing can be implemented.
A new Lorentzian model
In the Euclidean case there was only one way of selecting the subgroup U of group elements
leaving invariant a fixed direction in Euclidean space-time. In the Lorentzian case there are
two possibilities. The case in which that direction is space-like was treated in the previous
section. When the direction is time-like the relevant subgroup is U = SU(1, 1) × Z2 .
This case is more complicated due to the non-compactness of U. Consequently, one
has to deal with additional infinite volume factors of the form U-volume in (116). Another consequence is that the invariant vectors defined in (128) are now distributional and
therefore no longer normalizable. All this makes more difficult the convergence analysis
performed in the previous models and the issue of finiteness remains open.
On the other hand, the model is very attractive as its state sum representation contains
simple representations in both the continuous and discrete series. As pointed out in [10] and
discussed in the following section one would expect both types of simple representations
to appear in a model of Lorentzian quantum gravity.
The difficulties introduced by the non-compactness of U make the calculation of the
relevant kernels (131) more involved. No explicit formulas are known and they are defined
by integral expressions. We will not derive these expressions here. A complete derivation
can be found in [112]. The idea is to use harmonic analysis on the homogeneous space
SL(2, C)/SU(1, 1)×Z2 which can be realized as the one-sheeted hyperboloid y µy ν ηµν = −1
where y and −y are identified (imaginary Lobachevskian space, from now on denoted H − ).
The kernels correspond to eigenfunctions of the massless wave equation on that space.
The corresponding kernel is given by the following expression:
Kρ,n (x, y) =
dω(δn,0 |y ν ξν |i 2 −1 |xν ξν |−i 2 −1
+ δ(ρ)δn,4k
32 πe−2ik[Θ(x,y)]
δ(xν ξν )δ(y ν ξν )),
where x, y ∈ H − and ξ ∈ C + is a normalized future pointing null vector in Minkowski
space-time. The integration is performed on the unit sphere defined by these vectors with
the standard invariant measure dω.
As in the previous cases the expressions for the edge and vertex amplitudes (equations (132) and (133)) reduce to integrals on the hyperboloid H − . The expression for the
amplitude (133) of an arbitrary diagram is [112]
(ρ2f + n2f )
Ae ({ne }, {ρe })
Av ({nv }, {ρv }),
A(J) =
nf ρ
where now there is a summation over the discrete representations n and an multiple integral
over the continuous representations ρ. For the discrete representations the triangle area
spectrum takes the form (97) if we define k = j+1/2. The finiteness properties of this model
have not been studied so far. There is a relative minus sign between the continuous and
discrete eigenvalues of the area squared operators that has been interpreted as providing a
notion of micro causality in [112]. It would be interesting to study this in connection with
the models of Section 5.5.
We conclude this article with some remarks and a discussion of recent results and future
perspectives in the subject. As we have devoted the second part of this paper almost
exclusively to the Barrett-Crane model we start by discussing open issues in this context.
We go to more general open questions toward the end of this section.
1. Normalization: The Barrett-Crane model is certainly the most well studied spin foam
model for 4-dimensional quantum gravity. However, as we pointed out at the end of
Section 7, the definition of the measure is incomplete since there remains to determine the
value of lower dimensional simplex amplitudes such as the edge (tetrahedron) amplitude
Ae . Although, the normalization (145, 146) of the Barrett-Crane model can be fixed in a
natural way using the GFT formulation—or using similar (subgroup averaging) arguments
[118, 121, 122]—one would really like to understand this prescription in relation to the
continuum theory.
In Section 7, we have shown that the Barrett-Crane model can in fact be interpreted
as a ‘lattice’ formulation of the gravity sector of the SO(4) Plebanski theory—this conclusion can be extended to the Lorentzian theory without further complications. This close
relationship between the model and a continuum action suggested the possibility of determining the correct spin foam measure by comparison with the formal continuum path
phase space path integral measure of Plebanski’s theory. If the value of the edge amplitude
(145) could be found in this way this would provide further evidence for the GFT-gravity
duality and strengthen the finiteness results. These considerations apply also for other spin
foam models in particular to those defined by constraining BF theory. A general prescription for the construction of an anomaly free measure for spin foam models is investigated
in [85].
2. Numerical results: A very attractive property of the normalization (146) is however the
finiteness of transition amplitudes on a fixed discretization. Having a well defined model—
for both Riemannian and Lorentzian gravity—has opened for the first time the possibility
for numerical explorations. An important step toward the numerical evaluation of the BC
model is the development of efficient algorithms for the computation of the 10j-symbols
[123]. Numerical calculations by Baez et al. [93] show that the sum over spin foams in
our normalization of the Barrett-Crane model converges very fast so that amplitudes are
dominated by spin foams where most of the faces are labeled by zero spin. The leading
contribution comes from spin foams made up from isolated ‘bubbles of geometry’. This
problem is however not present in the Lorentzian version (153) where simple representations
are in the continuum part of the spectrum. Baez, Christensen, Halford and Tsang propose
modifications of the normalization which still yield finite amplitudes but avoid this puzzling
feature. However, these modifications consist of ad hoc definitions of the value of edge and
face amplitudes. A clear understanding of this would have to come with the understanding
of the normalization issues discussed above.
If we take seriously the normalization (145), the previous result might not be so worrisome after all. According to Section 7.6, the asymptotic expression of the vertex amplitude
shows that for large spins it is dominated by degenerate 4-simplexes. These configurations
are however strongly suppressed by the form of the edge amplitude (145) in our normalization. Assuming that for small spin values the amplitudes behave appropriately, large
spin behavior might not be physically relevant after all.
As pointed out by Smolin [124], one could neglect spin zero representations according
to the argument that they represent ‘zero geometry states’ (all geometric operators vanish
on the spin zero subspace). If one does so, then transition amplitudes are dominated by
the spin one half representations and the model becomes very similar to a model of dynamical triangulations—in dynamical triangulations one sums over triangulations whose
1-simplexes have the same definite length, while here the amplitudes are dominated by
triangulations where triangles have the same fixed area given by (97) for j = 1/2. However
one should also point out an important difference: in our case, configurations are weighted
with complex amplitudes exp(iS) which no (a priori) connection to the Euclidean amplitude exp(−S) of dynamical triangulations. In the Lorentzian models the analogy simply
disappears as representation labels are continuous.
3. The connection with the canonical picture: We began this article motivating the spin
foam approach from the perspective of loop quantum gravity. Can we establish a rigorous
connection between the spin foam models presented here and the canonical formulation?
In all the models (for Riemannian gravity) introduced in Section 5, with the exception
of the Barrett-Crane model, this relationship is manifest at the kinematical level as the
boundary states are given by SU(2)-spin networks. This kinematic connection exists by
construction in these cases.
What happens in the case of the Barrett-Crane model? The Riemannian BC model is
defined in terms of Spin(4), so naturally one could expect the boundary data to be given
by Spin(4) spin networks (labeled by two half-integers (jℓ , jr )). The simplicity constraints
impose jℓ = jr = j which could be interpreted as the existence of an underlying SU(2)
connection. However, it can be shown that the boundary data of the model cannot be
interpreted as given by an SU(2) connection (recall the discussion of Section 9.1.4). Similarly, in the Lorentzian Barrett-Crane model boundary states could be naively related to
SL(2, C) spin networks. However similar considerations as in the Riemannian sector show
that the simplicity constraints (applied à la Barrett-Crane) reduce the boundary states in a
way that cannot be interpreted as a boundary connection. Alexandrov [125, 126] has been
studying the possibility of defining a SL(2, C) connection canonical formulation of general
relativity. The second class constraints of the theory—related to the simplicity constraints
of Plebanski’s formulation—are dealt with using the Dirac bracket in terms of which the
original connection becomes non commutative. In this sense there is no genuine or standard spin network representation of states. It seems that such approach could lead to the
understanding of the relationship of the Barrett-Crane model and a canonical formulation
of gravity. The are in fact some indications of this [127, 128].
Another difficulty in making contact with LQG is the fact that operators associated to
triangle-areas have continuous spectrum in the Lorentzian models which is in conflict with
the canonical result (7). From this perspective one is compelled to study the model we
have described in Section 9.3.3 for which part of the area spectrum coincides with (7).
In the canonical framework the compact SU(2) formulation is achieved by means of the
introduction of the Imirzi parameter ι which defines a one parameter family of unitarily
inequivalent representations of quantum gravity. In particular, geometric operators are
modulated by ι (see (7) for example). Can the spin foam approach say something about
ι? There is no conclusive answer to this question so far. The spin foam quantization
of generalizations of Plebanski’s action including the ι ambiguity [129] are analyzed in
[130, 131].
So far we have only compared spin foams with loop quantum gravity at the kinematical
level. However, one of the main motivations of the approach was the expected simplification in addressing dynamical questions. As we mentioned before, dynamics is not well
understood in the canonical formulation. This is mostly due to the difficulties associated to
regularization ambiguities in the construction of the scalar constraint, the understanding
of its space of solutions and the the definition of the physical scalar product. As we have
seen all these issues can be naturally addressed in the spin foam formulation. In turn, it
would be nice to understand whether the approach can help set a guiding principle that
would allow for the selection of a preferred regularization of the scalar constraint. Under67
standing of this question would strengthen the relationship between the two formulations.
An explicit analysis of the relation between the covariant (spin foam) and canonical formulation of BF theory is presented in [132]. The reconstruction of the corresponding scalar
constraint operator is studied and carried out explicitly in simple models.
4. Alternatives to the Barrett-Crane model: The fact that degenerate configurations dominate the asymptotics of the Barrett-Crane vertex amplitude [109] can be interpreted as a
serious problem. A possible solution to the apparent problem is proposed in [110], where
the evaluation of the vertex amplitude is modified in a simple way to avoid degenerate
contributions. The potential dominance of degenerate sectors of Plebanski’s real formulation over the gravity sector in a formal path integral has been emphasized on general
grounds by Reisenberger in [133]. There is so far no rigorous result linking the previous
two. The spin foam quantization of degenerate sectors (e = 0) of Section 7.10 is an attempt
to investigate this problem. A puzzling feature of the degenerate model is that, even when
the vertex and face amplitudes are different, it fully contains the Barrett-Crane 4-simplex
configurations. Is this an indication of the apparent problem raised by Reisenberger? This
motivates the question of whether e in (72) is well defined in the Barrett-Crane model, and
if so, whether it differs from zero. The vanishing of e would appear as a serious obstacle
to reproducing the gravity sector of Plebanski’s theory in the low energy limit.
5. Coupling with matter: The inclusion of matter into the spin foam formalism is of
clear importance. Here we review recent results obtained in this direction. A natural
generalization would be gravity with cosmological constant. The definition of the analog
of the Barrett-Crane model with cosmological constant has been explored by Roche and
Noui in [134]. The presence of the cosmological ‘matter’ is modeled using the quantum
deformation Uq (SL(2, C)) whose representation theory is well understood [135] and the
deformation parameter is determined by the value of the cosmological constant. In this
modification the homogeneous space H + is replaced by the quantum deformation of the
hyperboloid defined in terms of a pile of fuzzy spheres. In a recent paper Oriti and Pfeiffer
[136] proposed a model which couples the Riemannian Barrett-Crane model with YangMills theory. Their construction is likely to be generalizable to other models. In the
context of the GFT formulation of spin foam models Mikovic proposes a way to include
matter by adding certain matter fields into the GFT-action. In [137, 138] he generalizes the
GFT construction described in Section 8 by allowing for the inclusion of spinnor fields in
finite dimensional representations of SO(2) and SO(3) representing matter corresponding
to fermions and gauge fields. States in the theory are given by spin networks with open
links; this is consistent with results obtained in the canonical approach [139, 140, 141, 7].
More radical and very appealing possibilities are suggested by Crane. In [142] he proposes a topological QFT of the type of BF theory as fundamental theory. The gravitational
degrees of freedom are represented by subset of (constrained) representations while those
of matter are encoded in the remaining ones. The full spin foam model is topological (no
local degrees of freedom). In order to recover the low energy world (with local excitations)
the author appeals to certain “symmetry breaking” of topological invariance. Crane’s other
proposal consists of interpreting topological (conical) singularities naturally arising in the
structure of the Feynman diagrams of the GFT theory as representing matter degrees of
freedom [143]. These possibilities are very attractive for their purely geometric character.
6. Discretization dependence: In Section 4 we have seen that the discretization dependence
is trivial in three dimensions. In particular this has been nicely formalized in the definition
of continuum spin foams by Zapata [70]. Some definition of the refinement limit—discussed
in Section 6.2—should be investigated for the models which are not trivially discretization
independent. The model defined in Section 7.10 (corresponding to the degenerate sectors
of Plebanski’s theory) might be an interesting candidate. The model is not topological
and has a clear connection to a continuum action. It is somehow between the theory we
want to define and the simpler theories we understand well but that do not have local
excitations (such as BF theory and 3-dimensional gravity). From this viewpoint we believe
that it might be useful to explore its behavior under refinement as a ‘toy model’. The
simplicity of the model might even allow for analytic computations. Incidentally other
open issues in the spin foam approach—such as the problem of the continuum limit, gauge
and anomaly questions and the construction of the generalized projector into the physical
Hilbert space—should be investigated in this model.
Another proposal for a discretization independent formulation is given by the GFT
formulation. The GFT formulation is very attractive since it provides a discretization
independent formulation of spin foam models from the outset. Also it has been very
useful for the definition of the Lorentzian models of Sections 9.2 and 9.3 as a device for
formal manipulations. However, the mathematical consistency of this definition depends
on whether one can make sense of the expansion in λ of equation (105). Suggestions on
how the series could be summable by complexification of the coupling λ can be found in
[16]. A beautiful example showing that the λ-series can be summed in certain cases has
been constructed by Freidel and Louapre [89] for certain 3-dimensional GFT’s.
In the standard background dependent realm, the problem of removing the regulator
introduced by the discretization is referred to as the continuum limit. Notice that the
nature of the regulator in spin foams is totally different. The discretization introduces a
cut-off in the allowed configurations, but the discrete and combinatorial nature of the latter
is expected to be preserved when the regulator is removed. When the regulator is removed
we expect to obtain a definition of the generalized projection operator which allows for
the computation of physical transition amplitudes between spin-network states. On the
other hand, physical states are expected to lie outside the kinematical Hilbert space and
so they could be given by elements in the dual that resemble (in some sense) continuous
configurations. In order to avoid confusion about the matter we have consistently referred
to the notion of removal of the discretization dependence instead of that of the continuum
The approach of dynamical triangulations is a background independent formulation
of quantum gravity in which the removal of the regulator is similar in spirit to both the
problem in the spin foam context and that of (the background dependent) lattice gauge
theory. Here we present an account of the recent results and point out the conceptual dif69
ferences with the spin foam approach. We hope that, despite the differences, these results
might be helpful in developing useful techniques in the spin foam approach. In dynamical
triangulations the nature of the regulator is different from that of spin foam models. In
this approach, (diff-equivalent classes of) smooth metric configurations are approximated
by space-time triangulations where 1-simplexes have the same fixed proper length ℓ. The
smaller the length scale the better the approximation; therefore, the proper length represents the regulator in the theory to be removed in a certain ℓ → 0 limit. The phrase
continuum limit certainly has a clear-cut meaning here. The continuum limit in dynamical triangulations has been extensively studied. As we previously mentioned, dynamical
triangulations is a definition of quantum gravity based on the Euclidean path integral, i.e.,
configurations are weighted with real amplitudes exp(−S). In order to recover Lorentzian
quantum gravity one has to define what is meant by a Wick rotation in the background
independent framework. Once this is done, the continuum limit can be studied using
standard techniques of statistical mechanics. Results indicate that in Euclidean dynamical
triangulations there is no continuum limit [144]. The path integral is dominated by singular
Euclidean geometries. The situation improves in the Lorentzian models. This is because
of the restrictions imposed by the notion of Wick rotation defined. These restrictions are
such that in 1+1 gravity the model is exactly soluble and possesses a continuum limit.
There is some numerical evidence that could be the case in higher dimensions [145, 146].
7. Contact with the low energy world: In this article we have concentrated mostly on
mathematical and conceptual issues which are important in the construction of a consistent
spin foam model for gravity. However, one of the most pressing questions is whether the
spin foam models can reproduce the low energy world of general relativity. Although this is
certainly one of the most important questions, there is unfortunately no conclusive evidence
of this at present and most of the work lies ahead of us.
Some of the models presented in Section 5 satisfy some notion of ‘naive’ classical-limit
in the sense that they are derived from a continuous action of general relativity. Other
models are defined by postulating the fundamental dynamics and using the kinematical
structure discovered by the canonical formulation. If any of these models are to be taken
as strong candidates for theories of quantum gravity they must be able to reproduce the
physics of gravity at low energy and predict the corresponding semi classical corrections. In
this respect, it is still an unsettled issue whether the differences of the various models at the
fundamental level lead to different theories or rather are to be expected to disappear in the
continuum limit. After all, the latter happens in lattice gauge theory in the renormalization
process. Even when progress has been made in this direction, there is however no clear-cut
formulation of the analog of renormalization theory for spin foams. The reason for this is
the difficulty of applying standard techniques in the background independent context. In
Section 6.4 we mentioned some new ideas and attempts to tackle this problem. This is an
extremely important problem where new ideas will have to play an important role.
8. The generalized projection vs. the Feynman proper-time propagator: Throughout this
work we have advocated the viewpoint of the path integral as a device for the computation
of the generalized projection operator into the physical Hilbert space of quantum gravity.
We claimed that this picture is forced upon us by the general covariance of general relativity.
Although we have kept the term transition amplitude for notational convenience there is
no notion of time involved in our definitions.
In other path integral approaches one aims at the construction of the notion of transition amplitudes between 3-geometries at a definite time. Such transition amplitudes are
governed by the so-called proper time evolution operator or proper-time propagator.
This possibility has also been explored in the context of LQG [53] and is the perspective
in which the causal models of Section 5.5 are defined. There are also modifications of
the Barrett-Crane model which attempt to define such proper time evolution operator
[147, 148]. The main difficulty in such approach is how to give meaning to the notion of
‘time’ in the general covariant context.
The suggestion that quantum gravity should be described in terms of discrete combinatorial structures can be traced all the way back to Einstein [149]. In this review we have
described an approach inspired by the non-perturbative canonical quantization of general
relativity in which these suggestions are concretely realized. We have shown that a great
deal of progress has been achieved in understanding the conceptual issues involved. The
fundamental motivation was the construction of a theory that would provide a device to
analyze dynamics in quantum gravity. The conceptual setting is clear: spin foams should
provide the definition of the physical scalar product and hence the physical Hilbert space
of quantum gravity which encodes all the information about quantum dynamics. We have
seen that these models can be obtained as lattice quantizations of general relativity in
appropriate variables. The ‘lattice’ action being naively related to the continuum general
relativity action (or some equivalent classical formulation) in the sense as Wilson’s action
for lattice gauge theory. Some of these models have remarkable finiteness properties both
in the Riemannian and Lorentzian sectors. We have also shown how the basic structure of
spin foams arises from the canonical formulation of loop quantum gravity. In addition we
described models which are not related to a classical action and are constructed from the
basic properties of spin networks plus simple causality requirements. For all these models
the common structure arising is given by spin foams: colored 2-complexes where the geometric degrees of freedom are encoded in a fully combinatorial manner. Spin foam models
appear as a beautiful realization of Einstein’s idea. There are certainly many difficult open
questions and we have tried to point out those which we judge the most important ones.
We hope that new ideas and hard work will continue to contribute to their resolution in
the near future.
I thank Abhay Ashtekar, John Baez, Martin Bojowald, Dan Christensen, Rodolfo Gambini, Amit Ghosh, Jorge Pullin, Michael Reisenberger, Carlo Rovelli and Lee Smolin for
discussions. I thank Martin and Carlo for suggestions that helped improve the presentation
of this work. I am grateful to Florian Girelli, Josh Willis and Jacek Wisniewski for the
careful reading of the manuscript. I specially thank Carlo Rovelli for his strong support.
This work was supported in part by NSF Grant PHY-0090091, and Eberly Research Funds
of Penn State.
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