Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 917–935, 2008
available online at
Role of the anaesthetist in obstetric
critical care
Felicity Plaat *
Consultant Anaesthetist
Department of Anaesthesia, 5th Floor, Hammersmith House, Hammersmith Hospital,
Du Cane Road, London W12 0HS, UK
Sarah Wray
Locum Consultant Anaesthetist
Department of Anaesthesia, 2nd Floor, Alex Wing, Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, London E1 1BB, UK
The anaesthetist plays a key role in the management of high-risk pregnancies, and must be
a member of the multidisciplinary team that is required to care for the critically ill obstetric
patient. Anaesthetists are trained in advanced life support and resuscitation. They are
experienced in the management of the critically ill, and provide anaesthesia, sedation and pain
management. The obstetric anaesthetist should undertake education of medical and midwifery
staff in the early recognition, monitoring and treatment of the sick mother, resuscitation training,
running ‘skills drills’ for emergency simulations, risk management and audit of maternal
morbidity on the labour ward. To date, there is little evidence to inform the anaesthetic
management of the critically ill obstetric patient; most recommendations and guidelines are
based on the management of non-obstetric, critically ill patients. Management must be adapted
to encompass the physiological changes of pregnancy. Evidence-based guidelines on management
of the critically ill woman with specific obstetric conditions are also lacking.
Key words: pregnancy; critical care; obstetric anaesthesia; haemorrhage; pre-eclampsia;
respiratory failure; resuscitation.
In both the high-dependency and intensive care settings, the anaesthetist can
contribute in terms of resuscitation skills, organ support, pain management and knowledge of maternal physiology. Anaesthetists are trained in airway management, the use
of non-invasive and invasive ventilation, vascular access, advanced haemodynamic
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44 (0) 208 383 3991; Fax: þ44 (0) 208 383 5373.
E-mail address: (F. Plaat).
1521-6934/$ - see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
918 F. Plaat and S. Wray
monitoring and cardiovascular support. The obstetric anaesthetist should participate
in the planning and care of the high-risk pregnancy, and should be involved at an early
stage if complications arise.
Although some of the physiological changes of pregnancy increase the ability to
withstand physiological stresses, others can make the parturient more vulnerable to
developing critical illness, such as the increase in oxygen consumption and enhanced
coagulability. Women with pre-existing medical disease are at particular risk. For
example, parturients with cardiac disease tolerate the normal alterations in cardiovascular physiology, such as the increase in blood volume and cardiac output, poorly.
Those caring for the critically ill obstetric patient on the delivery suite itself face
unique challenges. A multidisciplinary approach is essential, with input from obstetricians, anaesthetists, physicians, neonatologists and midwives. Providing such a level of
care on the delivery suite, where traditionally, the emphasis has been on promoting
delivery as a normal process with minimal medical intervention, can be difficult. The
relative rarity of severe illness in the obstetric population increases the challenge of
early detection should it arise. In the antenatal period, the consequences of any
maternal medical interventions on the fetus must be taken into consideration.
Critical care outside the intensive care unit
Ideally, high-dependency care should be delivered on or near the delivery suite to
minimize the need to transfer patients, ensure the proximity of appropriately trained
staff, and enable mother and baby to remain together.1 If this is unachievable, women
should be transferred to a general high-dependency unit in the same hospital. Adult
intensive care facilities should be available on site.2 A survey of consultant-led obstetric units in the UK found that only 41% of units had specific obstetric high-dependency
beds, although 92% of those units without dedicated obstetric beds reported that they
could provide temporary high-dependency facilities.3 A more recent survey found very
similar results.4 The admission of obstetric patients to intensive care facilities in the
developed world occurs in approximately two to four per 1000 deliveries.5 Ryan
et al reported a trend towards reduced intensive care admissions once a dedicated
obstetric high-dependency unit had been established within their unit.1
It is essential that the obstetric anaesthetist is involved in the planning of high-risk
pregnancies, and is informed at an early stage should complications occur. There
should be clear, comprehensive and explicit guidelines for all staff caring for pregnant
women regarding which mothers require anaesthetic review antenatally (Table 1).
Dedicated anaesthetic antenatal clinics allow assessment and optimization of the
patient by an experienced anaesthetist well in advance of delivery. Early antenatal
care provides an opportunity for expert consultation where unusual disorders are
concerned. The advantages of such early anaesthetic intervention are well illustrated
by the high-risk cardiac parturient. Accounts of the peripartum management of
women with pulmonary hypertension undergoing caesarean section reveal the complexity of antenatal preparation. Patients receive antenatal input from obstetricians,
Role of the anaesthetist in obstetric critical care
Table 1. Indications for antenatal anaesthetic assessment.
Congenital heart disease
Ischaemic heart disease
Cystic fibrosis
Acute or chronicrenal failure
Spinal cord injury
Spina bifida
Multiple sclerosis
Previous neurosurgery
Previous spinal surgery
Connective tissue disorders
Previous anaesthetic problem
Suxamethonium apnoea
Needle phobia
Jehovah’s Witness
Valvular heart disease
Pulmonary hypertension
Severe asthma
Severe epilepsy
Myasthenia gravis
Cerebrovascular disease
Ankylosing spondylitis
Severe rheumatoid arthritis
Allergy to anaesthetic agents
Severe obesity
anaesthetists, intensivists, cardiologists and obstetric physicians, with optimization on
the intensive care unit prior to delivery in some cases.6,7
Currently in the UK, only a minority of units run such clinics. This makes it all
the more necessary for robust referral systems to be in place, allowing staff caring
for the high-risk parturient to access anaesthetic services reliably. In centres without dedicated antenatal anaesthetic clinics, obstetric anaesthetists may attend the
obstetric antenatal clinic regularly, or arrangements may be in place for high-risk
women to be referred to the senior on-call anaesthetist covering the delivery
In conjunction with the obstetric team, management plans for both elective and
emergency delivery should be discussed and, most importantly, disseminated, along
with appropriate contingency plans. A written plan of care for anaesthesia or labour
analgesia should be in the patient’s notes, and a copy should be available on the delivery suite should the patient present as an emergency, especially out of hours, when
access to hospital-held notes can be unreliable.
Labour pain and the stress response
Labour pain initiates a neuro-endocrine response involving the secretion of
adrenocorticotrophic hormone, endorphins and vasopressin. Stimulation of the
sympathetic nervous system increases plasma catecholamines. The magnitude of this
response is related to pain intensity.8 This stress response leads to an increase in
metabolic rate and oxygen consumption. This increases the likelihood of hyperventilation. The accompanying respiratory alkalosis will cause a left shift of the maternal
920 F. Plaat and S. Wray
oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve, impairing oxygen delivery to the fetus. At the
same time, the rise in circulating maternal catecholamines stimulates an increase in
systemic vascular resistance, which may compromise placental blood flow. In late
labour, the mother develops metabolic acidosis, worsened by hyperventilation, which
is passed on to the fetus thus reducing its ability to withstand the detrimental effects of
intra-uterine hypoxia. The critically ill mother and her fetus are especially vulnerable to
these detrimental consequences of labour pain, particularly the parturient with pulmonary hypertension or a cardiac condition associated with impaired ventricular function
or a fixed cardiac output.
Labour analgesia for the critically ill parturient
Only neuraxial blockade can abolish labour pain (Table 2). In the absence of contra-indications, regional analgesia should be offered early in labour and kept under close review to ensure that analgesia is effective throughout. Effective regional analgesia
minimizes the cardiovascular effects of labour pain, but a rapid onset of sympathetic
blockade must be avoided. Sympathetic blockade causes vasodilatation and reduced
venous return, and may reduce cardiac output, especially in women whose compensatory mechanisms are obtunded by critical illness. These effects will be compounded
by aortocaval compression; the supine position should be scrupulously avoided and
the parturient should be nursed in the sitting or lateral position.
The successful use of low-dose epidural analgesia has been described in parturients with fixed cardiac output states.9 In order to minimize sympathetic blockade,
the amount of local anaesthetic is reduced through the use of boluses rather than
infusion to maintain analgesia, and the addition of an opioid to the epidural solution.
The use of a mixture of bupivacaine 0.1% and fentanyl 2 mg/mL has been described
It should be remembered that neuraxial opioids are also associated with side-effects that are potentially hazardous to the high-risk parturient. A meta-analysis of
the use of epidural analgesia compared with systemic opioid analgesia in labour has
shown an improved neonatal acid-base status at delivery with epidural analgesia,
suggesting that placental exchange can be well preserved in association with (minimal)
maternal sympathetic blockade and good analgesia.10 The contra-indications to regional analgesia are shown in Table 3. Although there is little supporting data, most
anaesthetists would site an epidural with a platelet count >100 109/L or
>80 109/L with a normal coagulation screen.11
Some parturients with cardiac disease require anticoagulation throughout
pregnancy, most commonly with low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs). Neuraxial anaesthesia can be safely administered to the patient receiving LMWHs provided
that certain precautions are met. The American Society of Regional Anaesthesia
recommends that in patients receiving prophylactic doses of LMWH, neuraxial
blockade should occur at least 10–12 h after the last dose of LMWH, and in patients
receiving a treatment dose of LMWH, e.g. enoxaparin 1 mg/kg twice a day, neuraxial
block should be delayed for 24 h after the last dose.12 A 10-year review of reported
clinical practice suggested the incidence of spinal haematoma to be one in 190 000
epidurals, and the use of therapeutic but not prophylactic LMWHs was found to be
a predominant risk factor.13 The decision to perform a regional technique for labour
or delivery in a patient receiving LMWH must be made on an individual basis,
Role of the anaesthetist in obstetric critical care
Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of different methods of labour analgesia in the critically ill.
Perceived as effective by
Does not attenuate stress response
May interfere with required level of
Cannot use with other methods
Does not attenuate stress response
May prevent required level of
electrical nerve
Gives parturient a sense
of control
May interfere with monitoring
Minimal evidence for efficacy
Does not attenuate stress response
Some weak evidence for
Needs trained operator
Does not attenuate stress response
Gives parturient a sense
of control
Some evidence for
analgesic efficacy
Widespread availability
Maternal hyperventilation
Does not abolish stress response
Possible bone marrow suppression
Improved analgesia
compared with Entonox
Maternal sedation
Continuous maternal monitoring
Possible cardiovascular consequences
Does not attenuate stress response
Not widely available
Parenteral opioids:
Readily available
Alternative when regional
technique contra-indicated
Sedative not analgesic
Does not attenuate stress response
Respiratory depression
Delayed gastric emptying, (increasing
hazards of general anaesthesia)
Risk of accumulation with
repeat dosing
Suppression of stress response
Ensures anaesthetic involvement
May be topped-up if operative
delivery required
Sympathetic blockade e hypotension
Risk of severe cardiovascular
instability if inadvertent intrathecal
or intravascular local anaesthetic
Not always fully effective
922 F. Plaat and S. Wray
Table 3. Contra-indications to regional anaesthesia more likely to occur in the critically ill parturient.
(pathological or iatrogenic)
Increased incidence in the critically ill
Severe systemic infection
Raised intracranial pressure
Hypovolaemia with cardiovascular instability
Maternal pyrexia e may be performed after
systemic antibiotic therapy commenced
Fixed cardiac output states: severe aortic/mitral
stenosis, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
weighing the risk of spinal haematoma against the benefits of regional anaesthesia in
each individual case.
Anaesthesia for the critically ill parturient
Single-shot spinal, combined spinal-epidural (CSE), ‘topped-up’ epidural or general
anaesthesia have been used to provide anaesthesia for the ill obstetric patient. The
choice of technique depends on the urgency of delivery and maternal state of health.
There is a trend towards the wider use of regional anaesthesia in the ill parturient as
techniques ensuring greater haemodynamic stability have been developed. The singleshot spinal is the most commonly used technique for caesarean section. This necessitates the use of a relatively high dose of local anaesthetic to ensure that the duration of
anaesthesia is adequate (up to 15 mg bupivicaine), which is associated with the rapid
onset of a dense sympathetic block, vasodilation and hypotension. It is therefore
unsuitable for the parturient with impaired cardiovascular function. CSE has become
increasingly popular as the preferred technique in the sick mother, as it has the
advantage of a small initial spinal dose with later extension of the block by incremental
epidural top-ups. This achieves greater cardiovascular stability, and the epidural
catheter allows anaesthesia to be prolonged as necessary and can be used for postoperative analgesia.
Cardiac disease
Cardiac disease remains the most common cause of maternal mortality in the UK14,
and the anaesthetist should be made aware of any patient with significant congenital or
acquired cardiac disease early in pregnancy. Estimation of risk in pregnancy and
delivery in the parturient with cardiac disease is based upon the New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification, shown in Table 4. It should be noted that
this classification was developed for the non-obstetric patient.
Table 4. New York Heart Association functional classification.
Uncompromised, no functional limitation
Slightly compromised, some functional limitation but asymptomatic at rest
Moderately compromised, limitation of most activity but asymptomatic at rest
Severely compromised, inability to perform any physical activity and symptomatic at rest
Role of the anaesthetist in obstetric critical care
Women with NYHA Class I or II disease usually present little problem in pregnancy,
and the method of delivery is based purely on obstetric indications. However, parturients with NYHA Class III and IV disease have a high risk of deterioration in pregnancy
and need detailed, multidisciplinary management. There should be detailed plans for
each stage of pregnancy and delivery, which should cover a variable amount of the
postpartum period. There should be agreed contingency plans if conditions change
or added complications arise, and the mode, time and place of delivery should be
The anaesthetic management of NYHA Class III and IV can be very challenging, as
alterations in heart rate, preload and afterload may be catastrophic. It is difficult to
justify and extremely difficult to perform randomized controlled trials in such
a high-risk population, and therefore evidence for management options is based on
case series and reports.
Women with moderate to severe cardiac disease require careful monitoring that
may include both invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring, central venous pressure
(CVP) monitoring and serial echocardiography throughout labour and the puerperium.
Postpartum monitoring should continue for at least 48 h in a high-dependency or
intensive care unit, and patients with pulmonary hypertension should ideally be monitored closely for up to 9 days postnatally, as late deaths in this group are not
In labour, epidural analgesia should be instituted early to minimize the stress
response to the pain. A low-dose solution, as described previously, is well tolerated
if titrated slowly against analgesic requirements. Labour should be conducted in the
full left lateral position to minimize the effects of aortocaval compression.
As epidural analgesia is associated with a fall in systemic vascular resistance and
afterload, it is particularly beneficial in ischaemic heart conditions and regurgitant valvular lesions, as this improves forward flow and reduces ventricular work. However,
a fall in afterload is particularly hazardous in pulmonary hypertension, fixed cardiac
output states (e.g. severe aortic and mitral stenosis) and right-to-left cyanotic shunts
(e.g. Eisenmenger’s syndrome).
It is rare even in those with severe disease to require delivery by caesarean section
for non-obstetric reasons, except when there is a significant deterioration in maternal
condition (e.g. Marfan’s syndrome with aortic root dilatation). However, prolonged or
difficult labour should be avoided. A shortened second stage with an assisted vaginal
delivery will reduce or avoid the cardiovascular effects of the Valsalva manoeuvre
when pushing. Reduced venous return, resulting from increased intrathoracic pressure
during straining, is particularly poorly tolerated by those with a fixed cardiac output.
The risk from a potentially severe drop in systemic vascular resistance induced by
regional anaesthesia should be balanced against the negatively inotropic effects of general anaesthesia.16 Whichever technique is chosen, close monitoring, meticulous fluid
balance and vigilance when changing position is necessary (e.g. turning the patient from
full left lateral to wedged supine position or positioning head down for central venous
The UK registry of high-risk obstetric anaesthesia17, a database set up in 1996,
shows that slow incremental epidural anaesthesia and incremental CSE are both
popular techniques for parturients with cardiac disease, combining the advantages
of reduction of afterload with relative haemodynamic stability.18
The successful use of continuous spinal anaesthesia, with a 28-gauge subarachnoid
microcatheter and incremental boluses of 0.5% heavy bupivacaine, was first reported
in a parturient with aortic stenosis undergoing caesarean section by Pittard and
924 F. Plaat and S. Wray
Vucevic.19 This technique allows close control of block height and provides cardiovascular stability, but remains an unfamiliar technique to many anaesthetists in the UK and
CSE is more widely used.20 Incremental epidural anaesthesia provides a gradual onset
of anaesthesia with associated cardiovascular stability, and has also been used successfully in patients with cardiac disease.21
Some authorities argue that general anaesthesia remains the anaesthetic of choice
in the severely compromised patient, as it bypasses the complication of sympathetic
blockade.22 When general anaesthesia is used, the cardiac patient may not tolerate
the cardiovascular instability associated with the traditional obstetric rapid sequence
induction of anaesthesia. The rapidly administered induction agent causes hypotension,
and laryngoscopy and intubation hypertension. A modified ‘cardiac’ anaesthetic utilizing high-dose opiates (e.g. fentanyl, alfentanil, remifentanil) and a small induction dose
of thiopentone or etomidate should be performed. As the mother remains vulnerable
to acid aspiration, a rapidly acting muscle relaxant is required. Although suxamethonium remains the most widely used agent, the non-depolarizing relaxant rocuronium
has been advocated for obstetric patients and may afford greater haemodynamic
stability.23 Short-acting opioids have been reported to attenuate the pressor response
to intubation successfully in these patients and provide cardiovascular stability.24,25
High-dose opioids may cause significant neonatal respiratory depression, and the
paediatrician should be made aware that systemic opiates have been given.
Uterotonics. Uterotonics can have deleterious side-effects in the cardiovascularly
compromised parturient. Oxytocin is the most haemodynamically upsetting and may
be associated with profound tachycardia and hypotension when administered as a
5 U bolus.26,27 This effect is exaggerated by hypovolaemia and in those with compromised cardiac function. If syntocinon is necessary, bolus dosing should be avoided and
the dose reduced, although some authorities argue that it should not be used at all in
such patients.
Ergometrine may cause hypertension and pulmonary vasoconstriction, and must be
avoided in pulmonary hypertension. Carboprost (prostaglandin F2a), a potent smooth
muscle constrictor, may cause bronchospasm, hypertension and (rarely) pulmonary
oedema. The prophylactic placement of a uterine compression suture has been
used to reduce the need for oxytocics.
Cardiovascular emergencies
Massive obstetric haemorrhage
Massive obstetric haemorrhage is one of the most common reasons for obstetric
patients to require critical care. The recognition and management of haemorrhage
and hypovolaemia is fundamental to anaesthetic practice. The classical signs of haemorrhage in a young fit patient are shown in Table 5. However, in the obstetric patient, the
clinical manifestations of bleeding develop later due to the altered physiology of
pregnancy. Reports of the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths (CEMACH)
repeatedly highlight the need for greater awareness that tachycardia, tachypnoea
and signs of peripheral shutdown can signal concealed intra-abdominal bleeding,
with hypotension a late sign of imminent catastrophe.14
In some respects, the challenges of the bleeding obstetric patient are more akin to
those of haemorrhage in a trauma patient, rather than the patient bleeding in theatre.
Traumatic and obstetric haemorrhage often occur outside the operating theatre, in an
Role of the anaesthetist in obstetric critical care
Table 5. Classification of severity of haemorrhage in a previously fit young patient.
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV
Blood loss
(% blood volume)
Blood loss
Pulse rate
<750 (in a
70-kg patient)
Blood pressure
(mm Hg)
Respiratory rate
Urine output (mL/h)
Central nervous
>140 (thready),
may be
Decreased, may
be unrecordable
by non-invasive
Drowsy, confused
environment not conducive to management (the delivery room). This necessitates
removal of an unstable patient to a different environment. Initially, the woman may
not have any monitoring, may have had no or few baseline investigations, and may
be surrounded by relatives.
The trauma patient may have multiple life-threatening injuries, whereas the
obstetric patient may have concurrent obstetric problems that will complicate the
management of haemorrhage (e.g. pre-eclampsia). In both the obstetric and trauma
patient, haemorrhage may be concealed, torrential and very difficult to estimate.
All departments should plan for obstetric haemorrhage in advance, have
management protocols in place (Table 6), and practice multidisciplinary major haemorrhage drills regularly. It is helpful to have a designated ‘haemorrhage trolley’ on the delivery suite, where all the required equipment can be accessed rapidly in an emergency.
The initial aim of anaesthetic management is rapid resuscitation and restoration of
oxygen supplies to the tissues. The anaesthetic options for operative management are
determined by maternal condition. If haemorrhage is severe and there is hypovolaemia
and possible coagulopathy, regional anaesthesia is contra-indicated. In a patient who is
already cardiovascularly compromised, general anaesthesia offers greater stability than
regional techniques as sympathetic blockade, which may compound hypotension, is
avoided. If the patient has an epidural catheter in situ and is stable with no signs of
ongoing bleeding, the epidural may be ‘topped-up’ using cautious, incremental boluses
of local anaesthetic and opioid.
For elective cases where heavy bleeding is anticipated (e.g. caesarean section for
placenta praevia), a regional technique such as CSE may be employed. Evidence
suggests that estimated blood loss and fall in haematocrit are reduced when regional
anaesthesia is used compared with general anaesthesia.28 A retrospective study by Parekh et al found a significantly reduced blood loss and need for transfusion in women
with placenta praevia undergoing caesarean section under regional anaesthesia.29 It is
essential that the patient is made aware that conversion to general anaesthesia may be
926 F. Plaat and S. Wray
Table 6. Management of massive obstetric haemorrhage.
Activate staff
- ‘Massive obstetric haemorrhage’ call to hospital switchboard summons: obstetric team,
labour ward anaesthetist, labour ward operating department assistant, senior midwife,
porters, blood transfusion service staff
- Low threshold for calling consultant staff
Basic non-invasive monitoring should be applied rapidly:
- electrocardiogram, NIBP, pulse oximetry
- Urinary catheter with hourly urine output monitoring
Invasive monitoring as required:
- Arterial line if cardiovascularly unstable
- Central venous pressure monitoring if ongoing blood loss
- Consider cardiac output monitoring, e.g. Doppler
Use of near patient testing to guide ongoing management:
- Haemacue
- Arterial blood gases
- Thromboelastography
Initial resuscitation
- Left lateral position if antenatal
- Secure airway if required, otherwise high-flow oxygen 10 L/min via face mask
- Insert two large bore (14-gauge) intravenous cannulae, send urgent samples for full blood
count and coagulation screen, cross-match at least 6 U blood
Fluid management: warm all fluids
Crystalloids: up to 2 L blood loss
Colloids (starches or gelatines): if EBL >1500 mL
Blood: O negative or group-specific blood while awaiting fully cross-matched blood
Clotting products: FFP, cryoprecipitate and platelets, need determined by clinical
situation, laboratory results and haematology advice
- Use active fluid warming and high-pressure infusing devices
- Consider the use of cell salvage and recombinant factor VIIa
Stop the bleeding
Medical therapies:
- Uterotonics (oxytocin, ergometrine, prostaglandins)
Surgical therapies:
- Ensure no retained products or genital tract trauma
- Bimanual compression/B-lynch suture
- Uterine packing, e.g. Rusch balloon
- Arterial ligation/interventional radiology procedures
- Hysterectomy
Continuing care
- Continuing multidisciplinary input on high-dependency or intensive care unit
- Serial haemoglobin, coagulation arterial blood gas studies until corrected
NIBP, Non invasive blood pressure measurement; EBL, Estimated blood loss; FFP, Fresh frozen plasma.
Role of the anaesthetist in obstetric critical care
required. The indications for converting a regional to a general anaesthetic include
severe cardiovascular instability, inadequate anaesthesia and maternal anxiety. With
the increasingly reported use of emergency interventional radiology procedures for
uncontrolled obstetric haemorrhage30,31, the anaesthetist will increasingly face the
challenge of safely transferring the cardiovascularly unstable, bleeding patient to the
interventional radiology suite.
In severe obstetric haemorrhage, invasive monitoring is indicated to allow close
observation of haemodynamic parameters and also to facilitate sampling for frequent
haemoglobin and coagulation studies, until haematological variables normalize. Adequacy of resuscitation can be assessed by improving cardiovascular variables and urine
output, and correcting metabolic acidosis, anaemia and coagulopathy. It is vital that
measures are actively taken to prevent and correct hypothermia (warmed fluids,
warming blankets), as left untreated this will exacerbate coagulopathy. If the patient
remains unstable, requires inotrope or ventilatory support, or is acidotic or coagulopathic with ongoing blood loss, admission to the intensive care unit may become necessary. If the pregnant patient survives the initial insult and is resuscitated, the
prognosis is very good although secondary haemorrhage and infection can be late
Special attention should be paid to the parturient who refuses blood and blood
products. The majority are Jehovah’s Witnesses who are generally well informed
and carry a clear ‘advance directive’ with them. Many hospitals have consent forms
specifically designed for Jehovah’s Witnesses that include a section for detailing specific
exclusions. Pre-operatively, the precise details of what is acceptable or unacceptable
must be documented. Although whole blood, packed red cells and plasma are
generally unacceptable, most Jehovah’s Witnesses will accept recombinant products
(erythropoietin, factor VIIa), antifibrinolytics, acute hypervolaemic haemodilution
and intra-operative red cell salvage.
The role of the anaesthetist in severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia is to provide safe,
effective analgesia and anaesthesia for delivery, to establish appropriate monitoring,
and to manage fluid balance. Severe pre-eclampsia remains an important cause of
maternal mortality, particularly from intracerebral haemorrhage.14 There has been
a reduction in deaths resulting from pulmonary oedema over the last 20 years in
the UK, as successive triennial reports have emphasized the importance of fluid balance and avoiding aggressive fluid therapy to treat oliguria. This is in contrast to the
aggressive fluid administration widely used to maximize oxygen delivery in the general
intensive care setting. As cerebral haemorrhage is now the leading cause of death in
pre-eclampsia, improved (systolic) blood pressure control is still needed.
There should be guidelines in place for the management of fluid balance,
antihypertensive regimen, seizure prophylaxis and anaesthesia in the pre-eclamptic
patient. The patient should be cared for in a high-dependency environment. She
requires an appropriate level of monitoring with one-to-one care by an experienced
and appropriately trained midwife and input from senior members of a multidisciplinary
team. Women with severe pre-eclampsia should have their blood pressure measured
every 15 min until it stabilizes and subsequently every 30 min. Readings from automated blood pressure cuffs should be treated with caution in pre-eclampsia as they
can under-read. If in doubt, the readings should be verified with a manual mercury
928 F. Plaat and S. Wray
Magnesium sulphate has become the drug of choice for seizure prophylaxis and treatment.33 Labetalol, hydralazine or nifedipine may be used for the acute treatment of severe hypertension.34 Close attention must be paid to fluid balance with a strict fluid
input–output chart, and total fluid input restricted to 1 mL/kg/h. Studies have shown
poor correlation between CVP and left atrial pressure in severe pre-eclampsia35, particularly at pressures >6 mm Hg. Pulmonary artery flotation catheters may be needed in
some cases, although these are associated with maternal morbidity and mortality and
careful consideration should be given to their use. Optimum fluid therapy is difficult
to achieve since the combination of low colloid oncotic pressure and left ventricular
dysfunction in severe pre-eclampsia makes pulmonary oedema a great risk.
It is essential that a pre-eclamptic patient is stabilized prior to delivery. The
appropriate level of monitoring should be instituted, the results of baseline investigations known, and blood pressure should be brought under control.
Low-dose epidural analgesia is advantageous for optimal blood pressure control
during labour, and may be administered safely provided that there is no coagulopathy
or thrombocytopenia. Coagulation tests may be normal in the presence of abnormal
platelet function or low platelet counts. Two monitors that have recently become
available as bedside tests to assess platelet and coagulation function are thromboelastography (TEG) and the platelet function analyser (PFA-100 platelet function analyser).
TEG is a monitor of whole blood coagulation and the interaction between the
coagulation cascade, fibrinogen and platelets, providing information on both the
process of clot initiation/formation and clot strength/stability. Studies have found
that at platelet counts >54–75 103/L, the thromboelastogram suggests normal function.36,37 The PFA-100 is an in vitro analyser of platelet function. It measures the time
it takes for a sample of whole blood to occlude a hole in a membrane coated with
platelet agonists at 37 C. One study has suggested that the TEG may be a better
tool with which to monitor platelet function in pregnancy.38
It is now recognized that pre-eclamptic patients demonstrate greater
haemodynamic stability during regional blockade compared with their healthy
counterparts. Spinal anaesthesia has been shown to be safe in the context of preeclampsia.39,40 Regional anaesthesia is the preferred technique as general anaesthesia
may be complicated by difficult airway management due to laryngeal oedema, or large
fluctuations in blood pressure during induction of anaesthesia and endotracheal
intubation. Regional anaesthesia is contra-indicated in the presence of coagulopathy
or severe pulmonary oedema.
Prior to general anaesthesia, a detailed assessment of the airway is indicated. Signs
of upper body oedema, especially facial, are particularly worrying. Awake intubation
may be considered to be the safest approach, although nasal intubation could precipitate significant bleeding due to the combination of venous engorgement of the upper
airway and disordered coagulation, and should therefore be avoided.
The hypertensive pressor response to laryngoscopy and intubation must be
obtunded. Failure to do so in the pre-eclamptic or eclamptic patient has been identified
as substandard care with fatal consequences.14 Pharmacological therapy includes
short-acting opiates (e.g. alfentanil 10 mg/kg), beta-blockade (e.g. esmolol 0.5 mg/kg
or labetalol 10–20 mg) and lidocaine (1.5 mg/kg given 5 min prior to intubation).
Extubation may also cause an exaggerated cardiovascular response which should be
Magnesium may prolong the effects of depolarizing and non-depolarizing muscle
relaxants. Following intubation, reduced bolus doses of non-depolarizing muscle relaxant should be given and neuromuscular blockade monitored.
Role of the anaesthetist in obstetric critical care
Following delivery, the parturient should be nursed in a high-dependency setting for
up to 48 h. If an epidural catheter had been sited for labour or delivery, it may be left in
situ to be used for postoperative analgesia. An alternative analgesic regimen would be
regular paracetamol with an opiate. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated in pre-eclampsia as they may exacerbate renal impairment and platelet
Non-haemorrhagic shock: maternal collapse
Cardiac arrest is a very uncommon event in pregnancy. The causes of nonhaemorrhagic shock in the obstetric patient (amniotic fluid embolization, pulmonary
thromboembolism, sepsis, acute uterine inversion) are rare but a significant cause of
maternal death in the developed world.41 Immediate management of the collapsed
woman requires a multidisciplinary team. Standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation protocols should be followed, with important modifications for the pregnancy. Aortocaval
compression must be minimized by applying left lateral tilt or displacing the uterus
manually. Expert obstetric and neonatal assistance should be summoned urgently.
Chest compressions should be performed with the hands higher on the chest, to
make allowance for the elevated diaphragm in pregnancy, and early intubation is
needed due to the risk of pulmonary aspiration. If spontaneous cardiac output does
not return, delivery within 5 min by caesarean section may improve maternal outcome
by relieving aortocaval compression.42
Respiratory disease
Patients with limited respiratory reserve may not be able to cope with the increased
physiological demands of pregnancy. The most common respiratory problems seen in
pregnant women are asthma and cystic fibrosis.
In the second trimester of pregnancy, airway closure may occur within normal tidal
ventilation in a significant number of women in the supine position, and towards the
end of pregnancy, the enlarging uterus displaces the diaphragm and reduces functional
residual capacity by approximately 18% at term.43 At the same time, oxygen consumption increases. The effects of these changes may severely compromise the woman with
respiratory disease. Lung function tests should be carried out in early pregnancy to
give baseline values, and should be repeated at regular intervals if clinically indicated.
Asthma is the most common respiratory condition seen in pregnancy. Asthmatics
should be encouraged to deliver vaginally with effective regional analgesia to minimize
pain and hyperventilation. During labour, the mother should maintain adequate hydration and receive supplemental oxygen as needed.
Regional anaesthesia is the technique of choice in asthmatics if there are no contraindications and the patient is able to lie supine. General anaesthesia is often poorly
tolerated, as intubation and mechanical ventilation may exacerbate bronchospasm
and cause basal atelectasis and subsequent chest infection.
Postoperatively, the asthmatic patient should be nursed in a high-dependency area
with humidified oxygen, inhaled bronchodilators, regular monitoring of respiratory
function and adequate analgesia to allow chest physiotherapy and early mobilization.
The number of parturients with cystic fibrosis is increasing as, due to advances in
treatment, life expectancy now extends well into the reproductive years, and the rates
of conception have increased dramatically. The main aim of anaesthetic management in
these patients is to maintain optimum respiratory function.
930 F. Plaat and S. Wray
For vaginal delivery, a carefully controlled low-dose epidural block should be
established early in labour. It is important to encourage mobility in these women, as
many of them need regular postural drainage. Howell et al described successful vaginal
delivery with regional analgesia in women with moderate to severe respiratory failure.44 If operative delivery is indicated, regional anaesthesia is preferred. Effective
regional anaesthesia for caesarean section requires blockade to the higher thoracic
dermatomes, which may temporarily impair the ability of these patients to cough
and clear secretions. In cases where maternal respiratory function deteriorates, general anaesthesia followed by transfer to intensive care may be indicated. Cameron and
Skinner described the anaesthetic management of a parturient, delivered by caesarean
section, with severe respiratory failure (FEV1 17% of predicted value) and pulmonary
hypertension secondary to cystic fibrosis. Invasive arterial monitoring and non-invasive
bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) ventilation were established in the operating
theatre, before sequential CSE was performed. Postoperatively, the parturient was
transferred to intensive care for monitoring and ongoing non-invasive respiratory
support. Low-dose epidural infusion was used successfully for postoperative analgesia,
enabling compliance with chest physiotherapy.45 In the authors’ opinion, patients with
chronic severe respiratory disease are highly experienced at managing their condition
themselves, and may bring their own non-invasive ventilator [continuous positive
airway pressure (CPAP)/BiPAP] into hospital, to be used as needed.
Limits of critical care within the delivery suite
The early provision of intensive care management to the sick parturient can minimize
progression of the condition to multi-organ failure, and reduce morbidity and mortality. One of the important roles of the anaesthetist on a delivery suite is to identify, as
early as possible, when the need to step up to intensive care occurs. The limits to what
care can be safely provided on the delivery suite will, to some extent, be determined
by local resources. Indications for transfer to intensive care in the obstetric patient are
shown in Table 7, and include the need for mechanical ventilation, renal replacement
therapy, the presence of multi-organ failure and the need for intensive cardiovascular
Table 7. Indications for transfer to the intensive care unit.
Inotrope support
Pulmonary oedema
Mechanical ventilation
Airway protection
Tracheal toilet
Renal replacement therapy
Significantly depressed conscious level
Multi-organ failure
Uncorrected acidosis
Role of the anaesthetist in obstetric critical care
support. The effects of intensive care management on the fetus should also be considered, with attention being paid to optimizing maternal oxygen carrying capacity, considering the effects of pharmacological agents on uteroplacental blood flow, ensuring
adequate maternal nutrition and minimizing radiological investigations.
Cardiovascular monitoring on the delivery suite
All critically ill patients should have continuous electrocardiogram monitoring, with
the CMV5 electrode positions that are best placed to detect arrhythmias and left ventricular ischaemia. The CMV5 lead configuration is obtained by attaching the right arm
electrode over the suprasternal notch, the left arm electrode over the apex of the
heart (V5 position), and the left leg electrode on the left shoulder to act as the indifferent lead.
When using non-invasive blood pressure monitoring, care should be taken to
ensure that the correct sized cuff for the patient is used. If the patient is unstable
or repeated arterial blood samples are required, an arterial line should be sited to
allow invasive arterial pressure monitoring. The radial artery is most commonly cannulated, but the brachial, femoral and dorsalis pedis arteries offer alternative sites.
A CVP monitoring line may be placed in the internal jugular, subclavian or femoral
veins, and used as a guide to right ventricular filling pressures. Central venous cannulation using a long line via the antecubital fossa avoids some of the risks associated with
the central sites, but correct positioning of the catheter is more difficult and many
anaesthetists are less experienced in this method. Titrating fluid challenges against
CVP should be performed cautiously, due to poor correlation between right- and
left-sided filling pressures. Femoral lines are less reliable as a monitoring aid in the
obstetric patient due to increased intra-abdominal pressure from the gravid uterus.
The use of invasive cardiac output monitoring with pulmonary artery floatation
catheters (PAFC) has declined, as concerns grow about the well-documented associated hazards compared with unproven clinical benefits. The risks of insertion and use
include pneumothorax, arrhythmias, valve damage, pulmonary artery rupture and pulmonary infarction.46 The PAC-Man study, a randomized controlled trial of 1041 critical
care patients in the UK, found no difference in mortality between patients treated with
or without a PAFC.47 Similarly, a Cochrane Database Systematic Review on the use of
PAFCs for adult patients in intensive care could not demonstrate any difference in
mortality or hospital length of stay associated with their use.48
Less-invasive monitoring techniques, including Doppler, intermittent
transpulmonary thermodilution (PiCCO) and lithium chloride dilution (LiDCO) which
allow trends in cardiac output, filling status and systemic vascular resistance to be
monitored, have gained popularity. Doppler provides a means of real-time continuous
cardiac output monitoring by measuring the velocity of blood flow in the aorta. The
oesophageal Doppler incorporates a Doppler transducer at the tip of a flexible probe,
which is inserted into the oesophagus via the oral route. Until recently, insertion of
the probe required the patient to be sedated or anaesthetized, but newer models
have been designed for use in the awake patient, and non-invasive suprasternal probes
have also been developed recently. The suprasternal Doppler measures cardiac output
via a handheld stationary probe which directs a continuous ultrasound beam at the
ascending or aortic arch. The measurement of cardiac output by Doppler has been
validated against thermodilution methods, and has been used to monitor cardiac function successfully in a range of physiological states including pregnancy.49,50
932 F. Plaat and S. Wray
Table 8. Causes of respiratory failure in the obstetric patient.
Amniotic fluid embolism
Pulmonary embolism
Aspiration pneumonitis
Massive haemorrhage/transfusion
Pulmonary oedema
Severe trauma
Peripartum cardiomyopathy
Drugs and toxins
Pulse contour cardiac output monitoring is also less invasive than PAFC as it utilizes
information from central venous (usually femoral) and arterial lines. This method
involves both pulse contour analysis of the arterial trace, and PiCCO or LiDCO to
provide a continuous display of cardiac output.51
Respiratory support on the delivery suite
The causes and management of respiratory failure in the obstetric patient are similar
to those of the non-pregnant patient, with the addition of some specific obstetric
causes of acute lung injury (shown in Table 8). The need for mechanical ventilation
is very rare in pregnancy, and indications include airway protection, pulmonary toilet,
hypoxia and ventilatory failure.52
The aim of ventilatory support is to improve gas exchange, allowing optimal oxygen
delivery to the tissues whilst maintaining normocarbia. The choice between noninvasive and invasive ventilation with tracheal intubation depends on the level of
consciousness of the patient and the severity of respiratory impairment. Although
invasive ventilation can only be managed on the intensive care unit, non-invasive ventilation with CPAP or BiPAP may be managed in the obstetric high-dependency setting,
depending on the familiarity of midwifery and nursing staff with the technique.
Non-invasive ventilation delivered through a tight-fitting face or nasal mask is
advantageous compared with invasive ventilation, as sedation is not required and it
carries a reduced risk of developing ventilator-acquired pneumonia. However, there
is an increased risk of vomiting and subsequent pulmonary aspiration with the use
of non-invasive ventilation in late pregnancy.53 CPAP provides positive airway pressure
throughout all phases of spontaneous ventilation. It is an effective treatment for pulmonary oedema and increases functional residual capacity, opening collapsed alveoli.
CPAP pressures are usually limited to 5–10 cmH2O. BiPAP administers both positive
end expiratory pressure and pressure support during the inspiratory phase. Cycling
between inspiratory and expiratory modes may be triggered by patient breaths or
can be preset.
The anaesthetist is involved in some way in the care of >50% of women who enter the
delivery suite, and the role has expanded considerably over the last 20 years. In
addition to providing analgesia and anaesthesia for labour and delivery, the anaesthetist
plays an integral role in the obstetric team and in managing mothers who become seriously ill. In order to minimize maternal morbidity and mortality, high-risk mothers
need to be highlighted early in the antenatal period, and followed through their
Role of the anaesthetist in obstetric critical care
pregnancy by a multidisciplinary team. The most recent CEMACH report has emphasized the need for more timely recognition, treatment and referral of women who are
developing a critical illness.14 Anaesthetists can use their knowledge and skills to
educate medical and midwifery staff on how to recognize the sick patient. High-dependency obstetric care should be delivered on or near the delivery suite where possible,
to allow mother and baby to stay together, and to avoid the unnecessary transfer of
a sick patient around the hospital. Hospitals offering obstetric services should have
an intensive care unit on site.
Low-dose epidural or CSE offers optimal analgesia for labour, and is safe in
parturients with cardiac or respiratory compromise. Regional anaesthesia remains
the technique of choice for caesarean section, except in the presence of cardiovascular
instability or coagulopathy. Unless specifically indicated, general anaesthesia is avoided
due to the risk of difficult intubation and pulmonary aspiration in the obstetric patient.
Practice points
obstetric critical care requires a multidisciplinary approach, with
communication and co-operation between all specialties involved
the anaesthetist must be involved as early as possible in the planning and
management of high-risk pregnancies
due to the specific physiological changes of pregnancy, the care of the sick
obstetric patient should involve an obstetric anaesthetist as well as a general
standard analgesic and anaesthetic techniques for delivery need to be modified
in the face of maternal disease
Research agenda
further investigation of the haemodynamic consequences of different regional
anaesthetic techniques in the parturient with cardiac compromise
establish the safety of regional blockade in parturients with thrombocytopenia
or receiving LMWHs
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