Recent papers in Anesthesiology
Background: Perioperative pain after abdominal surgery is difficult to manage. Despite the advent of multimodal analgesia techniques, the opioids remain the cornerstone of treatment. Since the opioids' adverse effects are of concern... more
Purpose of the Review-The present review is intended to give an overview of fibromyalgia for the anesthesiologist. While the basics of the treatment of fibromyalgia are included, the intent is to provide context to discuss the potential... more
Different definitions of cancellation exist in the international literature .Some authors define 'cancellation' as only those procedures that were cancelled on the day on which surgery was scheduled [8], whereas others also include those... more
With the growing requirement of echocardiography in the perioperative management, the anesthesiologists need to be well trained in transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). Lack of formal, structured teaching program precludes the same. The... more
Background. The aim of this study was to explore difficulties at work from anaesthetists' own perspective and to examine how anaesthetists handle and cope with situations that are perceived as difficult and potentially stressful. Methods.... more
We read with interest the study by Scavone et al. 1 that demonstrates the absence of efficacy of a prophylactic epidural blood patch after inadvertent dural puncture. We suggest that two factors could have influenced the negative result... more
The anaesthetist plays a key role in the management of high-risk pregnancies, and must be a member of the multidisciplinary team that is required to care for the critically ill obstetric patient. Anaesthetists are trained in advanced life... more
Background: Recurrent complex regional pain syndrome I is not rare in the pediatric population. The authors conducted this study to evaluate the efficacy of continuous peripheral nerve blocks with elastomeric disposable pumps associated... more
F ROM its origins as a modified ureteral catheter, the epidural catheter has evolved into versions made with silk, rubber, plastic, and coiled stainless steel. These changes resulted from a growing recognition that particular design... more
Abstract: A total of 13 cadavers (12 men and 1 women) of different age group were used for the study with the purpose to determine the prevalence of femoral vein duplication. Lower limb regions (26 sides) were carefully dissected as per... more
Different modes of death are described in selected populations, but few data report the characteristics of death in a general intensive care unit population. This study analyzed the causes and characteristics of death of critically ill... more
Editor's key points † The ASA physical status classification was designed as a measure of preoperative health status, not operative risk. † This study found good agreement with how different anaesthetists rate a patient's ASA... more
Melatonin possesses sedative, hypnotic, analgesic, antiinflammatory, antioxidative, and chronobiotic properties that distinguish it as an attractive alternative premedicant. A qualitative systematic review of the literature concerning the... more
The anesthesiology profession may one day serve as a cautionary tale of how power, politics and privilege can perturb science and progress. Previous anesthesia practitioners possessed a superior understanding of physiology and... more
Incident Reporting Systems (IRS) continue to be an important influence on improving patient safety. IRS can provide valuable insights into how to prevent patients from being harmed at the organizational level. But inadequate expectations... more
Practice guidelines on weaning should be based on the results of several well-designed randomized studies performed over the last decade. One of those studies demonstrated that immediate extubation after successful trials of spontaneous... more
Purpose of review Patient care in the operating room is a dynamic interaction that requires cooperation among team members and reliance upon sophisticated technology. Most human factors research in medicine has been focused on analyzing... more
Background In low-income countries, unmet surgical needs lead to a high incidence of death. Information on the incidence and safety of current surgical care in low-income countries is limited by the paucity of data in the literature.
Informed consent in medical practice is essential and a global standard that should be sought at all the times doctors interact with patients. Its intensity would vary depending on the invasiveness and risks associated with the... more
To study the patients' characteristics, outcomes, contributory factors, factors minimizing the incidence and suggested corrective strategies for perioperative pulmonary aspiration in Thailand. This is a prospective descriptive... more
Background and Objectives: The assessment and quantification of postoperative pain is more difficult in children than adults. Regional anesthesia and analgesia has shown to provide excellent analgesia and also provide benefits, which... more
Successful and sustainable training and learning of the management of difficult and normal airway is essential for all clinically active anesthesiologists. We emphasize the importance of a continuously updated learning and training... more
There are many simulators available for use in anaesthetic-related education and research. Those who wish to purchase a simulator or to establish a simulation facility face a daunting task in understanding the differences between... more
Мельник А.А., к.б.н.
Lehrmethoden in der Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin Chancen der neuen Approbationsordnung für das Fachgebiet
Many surgical patients are anxious while waiting to go to the operating theatre in spite of the best preparation with drugs, information and reassurance. It is possible that patients could be more comfortable if allowed a choice of... more
In einem Zeitraum von 36 Monaten (August 1999 bis Juli 2002) wurden alle Pati-Die Arbeit enthält Teile der Inaugural-Dissertation von Herrn S. Küster an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
Background: Patients with initial mild acute respiratory distress syndrome are often underrecognized and mistakenly considered to have low disease severity and favorable outcomes. They represent a relatively poorly characterized... more
T HE liver plays a key role in the synthesis of proteins, metabolism of toxins and drugs, and in modulation of immunity. In critically ill patients, hypoxic, toxic, and inflammatory insults can affect hepatic excretory, synthetic, and/or... more
BACKGROUND: Team size and composition provide essential data for the study of operating room (OR) efficiency.
Chronic kidney disease is one of the leading co-morbidity at present. With the increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension, more and more peoples are developing diabetic and hypertensive nephropathy. As chronic kidney... more
Context: LB03002 is a novel sustained-release GH preparation administered once weekly.
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