Participation, Process, and Partnerships
Climate Change and Long-term Stakeholder Engagement
Carrie Furman, Wendy-Lin Bartels and Jessica Bolson
ABSTRACT: As awareness of the potential threats posed by climate change increases, researchers and agricultural advisors are being called upon to determine the risks that different
stakeholder groups will likely confront and to develop adaptive strategies. Yet, engaging with
stakeholders takes time. It also requires a clear and detailed plan to ensure that research and
outreach activities yield useful outputs. In this article, we focus on the role of anthropologists
as researchers and conveners in stakeholder engagement and provide a generalised overview
of a long-term engagement process proceeding in three stages: (1) fact-finding and relationship-building; (2) incubation and collaborative learning; and (3) informed engagement and
broad dissemination. We conclude with a discussion of perspectives and challenges that were
encountered during two engagement experiences in the south-eastern United States.
KEYWORDS: agriculture, climate, engagement, methods, participation, stakeholder groups
As awareness of the potential impacts of climate
change increases, scientists and professional consultants are being called upon to determine potential
risks and adaptation options for different stakeholder groups. Scholars and agricultural advisory
professionals (also known as extension agents) are
providing stakeholders with climate-related information and tools (e.g. climate forecasts, models of
future scenarios, drought/heat indices) as guidance
for enhancing climate risk management and community resilience (Diehl et al. 2015; Fraisse et al. 2006).
Evidence suggests, however, that mismatches between the supply side of climate-related information
(research outputs) and the demand side (user needs)
can result in scientific products that stakeholder
groups do not adopt widely (Averyt 2010; Buzier et
al. 2010; Dilling and Lemos 2011).
In order to align cu ing-edge science with stakeholder needs, biophysical scientists, social scientists
(and increasingly anthropologists), professional advisors and key stakeholder groups must identify mutually beneficial approaches for co-producing climate
information and adaptation options (Bartels et al. 2012;
Prokopy and Power 2015). Successful knowledge coproduction emerges through purposeful engagement
which entails thoughtfully designed and sustained
stakeholder–scientist interactions that are iterative in
nature (Bartels et al. 2017). In addition, climate information is trusted, processed and utilised differently
depending on cultural backgrounds, histories and
experiences (Roncoli 2006; Roncoli et al. 2009). We
argue that an anthropological perspective can guide
co-production in a way that is be er tailored to the
diverse needs and experiences of stakeholders by
both deepening discussions and broadening relevant
In this article, we highlight the many ways in which
anthropologists can contribute to such knowledge
co-production processes. We begin by describing the
vital role that anthropologists play in exploring and
revealing the o en unnoticed and underappreciated
diversity within and across stakeholder groups. We
then provide a generalised overview for stakeholder
engagement that has served as a model in southeastern US climate services efforts. We discuss how
to structure engagement at various levels, examining
Anthropology in Action, 25, no. 3 (Winter 2018): 1–12 © Berghahn Books and the Association for Anthropology in Action
ISSN 0967-201X (Print) ISSN 1752-2285 (Online)
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons A ribution Noncommercial No
Derivatives 4.0 International license (h ps:// For uses
beyond those covered in the license contact Berghahn Books.
AiA | Carrie Furman, Wendy-Lin Bartels and Jessica Bolson
the linkages between desired project outcomes and
specific types of activities. We offer a description of
three stages associated with long-term engagement,
including (1) fact-finding and relationship-building;
(2) incubation and collaborative learning; and (3) informed engagement and broad dissemination. These
three stages require an iterative process that examines the needs of specific stakeholder groups and
creates spaces for biophysical scientists to learn from
and with stakeholders before they develop broader
outreach materials and decision-support tools.
We developed the engagement model from 10 years
of interactions as anthropologists amongst biophysical
scientists within the Southeast Climate Consortium
(SECC), a network of universities implementing climate-related projects, between 2000 and 2015. During
that time, SECC scientists collaborated with diverse
water, coastal and agricultural stakeholder communities across three states, Alabama, Florida and Georgia.
We draw strongly on two specific SECC engagement
experiences in agriculture from the tri-state region
to highlight the complexities of successfully implementing a long-term engagement process in different
contexts. In doing so, we highlight the key roles that
anthropologists can play as ethnographers and facilitators. Anthropologists are involved in (a) conducting preliminary research with all groups to assess
their diverse interests and needs; (b) creating spaces
to convene multiple actors (scientists, practitioners
and end-users); (c) facilitating dialogue amongst participants to enhance communication and build mutual understanding; and (d) guiding and evaluating
the entire process using ethnographic and other anthropological methods.
The Value of Highlighting Stakeholder
Diversity in Developing Climate Services
Anthropologists working on climate communication
have noted that, all stakeholder groups perceive,
seek, and utilize climate information differently. This
diversity has to do with various technical and social
factors (Bolson and Broad 2013; Fiske et al. 2015).
As expected, disparities are most evident amongst
stakeholder groups that represent different sectors
(water managers, agriculturalists, city managers)
(Bartels et al. 2012; Cabrera et al. 2006; Furman et
al. 2011; Furman et al. 2014). For example, forest
managers might find longer-term climate forecasts
more relevant to their production systems due to
the perennial nature of their crops. Row-crop farm-
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ers, on the other hand, may be more interested in
seasonal variability timescales to guide incremental
changes. Even within a single sector, like agriculture,
stakeholder groups differ in their ability and willingness to access, learn and use climate information. For
instance, within a sub-sector like row-crop farming,
the presence of dryland versus irrigated agricultural
systems can affect a grower’s interest in different climate topics and tools.
Although technical aspects may appear at first
to be the most important factors to consider when
creating climate services, it is critical to recognise
the social diversity within stakeholder groups. Social
factors cut across sectoral, ethnic and class lines, and
include a ention to personal histories, political affiliation, economic status and ability to respond to
market fluctuations (Furman and Bartels 2017). Anthropologists play a vital role in teasing out the o en
unnoticed and underappreciated diversity within
a stakeholder group (Roncoli 2006). Valuing this
diversity can result in tailored climate services that
incorporate the differential needs and interests of
stakeholders. Additionally, anthropology’s disciplinary framework, which values longitudinal research,
and our 10 years conducting ethnographic research
towards climate co-production urges us to argue
for long-term engagement strategies as ideal for
developing an environment where stakeholders and
scientists can learn from one another. Unlike in cases
where the anthropology is relegated to needs assessment and evaluation, here anthropology is integral
to the scientific process and guides the co-production
(Verma et al. 2010).
Structuring Engagement: How Do
We Engage, When, and Why?
This article argues for the development and implementation of a long-term engagement process guided
by an anthropological perspective. How engagement
becomes structured and activities developed, however, differs depending on the project team’s goals,
resource constraints (e.g. funding restrictions, project
timelines, team skill sets/capacities), and stakeholders’ interest in and commitment to the project. Determining the range of expected team outcomes helps
inform both the potential actions and the potential
methods. A purposeful plan designed at the beginning of a project that takes into account both the current and possible future stakeholder opportunities
also has the potential to grow and expand towards
Participation, Process, and Partnerships |
long-term engagement even in cases where a more
incremental approach is needed.
Levels of Engagement and Research Goals
There have been a number of proposed engagement
typologies in the literature dating back to the 1960s
(Arnstein 1969). Since that time, ladders, pyramids
and wheels of participation have helped applied
scientists across multiple disciplines contextualise,
shape and conduct projects that focus on local
knowledge, stakeholder participation and the coproduction of decision-support tools (De Vente et
al. 2016; Reed et al. 2018; Rowe and Frewer 2004).
Mark Reed provides a more complete review of this
literature and argues that ‘the quality of decisions
made through stakeholder participation is strongly
dependent on the nature of the process leading to
them’ (2008: 2426). Our view of engagement follows
these examples. It recognises that background planning and research play an integral role in project
success, as highlighted by Reed, but also as rooted in
anthropology, which incorporates a holistic perspective and the use of ethnographic methods, both of
which favour a long-term perspective.
Anthropologists are o en incorporated into participatory projects to conduct stakeholder-related research (using surveys, interviews and focus groups)
and to facilitate communication between those stakeholders and the rest of the research team (through
assessment and participant observation). Since engagement is an integral part of the process, plans
for stakeholder outreach and research should coincide with other aspects of the research design (e.g.
when writing the grant proposal) and not be tagged
on in the final stages (Reed 2008). To help ensure
that stakeholder outreach fits the rest of the project design, discussions are needed concerning the
group’s expected outcomes and the desired level of
stakeholder input. These discussions delineate the
types of actions that the engagement team needs to
design. For example, when a project goal is geared
towards delivering information (as indicated in the
first row of Figure 1), the inherent flow of knowledge moves in one direction – from the biophysical
scientist to the stakeholders. As such, the actions of
the anthropologist are focused on gathering information from stakeholders and on helping inform them
about the project. The inclusion of evaluation into
outcomes (second row, Figure 1), which provides
the stakeholders with the opportunity to share some
ideas and provide feedback, creates a space for some
two-way communication. However, their input is
restricted to products already conceived of by the
research team, as indicated by the short stakeholder
input arrow. By bringing the stakeholders into the
research process early on as partners, as indicated in
the third row, the space for knowledge exchange is
created and stakeholders and biophysical scientists
work together to develop outputs from the beginning
of the project. The result is a more equitable balance of
knowledge exchange that can lead to the shared development of the research process and to outcomes
that are co-produced and therefore more relevant to
the stakeholder population (Reed et al. 2018; Rowe
and Frewer 2004).
The anthropological perspective incorporates a
holistic approach that shi s the focus and widens
the scope of research, and instead of treating the actions and outcomes outlined in Figure 1 as distinct
or isolated it combines them into a series of steps
that lead to a more holistic, long-term engagement
process. Understanding the social history and needs
of a community (as indicated in the first row) and
further building relationships and sharing ideas (as
indicated in the second row) constitute the important
work that needs to precede actions associated with
knowledge exchange. Therefore, if the goal of the
research is to bring stakeholders into the research
process and co-produce intended outputs through
knowledge exchange, then collecting preliminary
information and beginning the assessment process is
just the first step. Preliminary data helps shape the
environment for knowledge co-production between
biophysical scientists and stakeholders that will ultimately provide useable scientific outcomes. This
process is however not linear, as each stage in the
Figure 1. Potential Outcomes and Corresponding Actions
for Participatory Projects
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AiA | Carrie Furman, Wendy-Lin Bartels and Jessica Bolson
engagement can overlap with another stage and/or
be revisited later on in the process.
Stage 1: Fact-Finding and Relationship-Building
The initial stage aligns closely with traditional anthropological methods and theory, wherein the problem is identified, the community is defined, and
the social context begins to be developed. As with
many applied projects, the initial interactions with
stakeholders can be initiated by community champions seeking guidance on a specific problem (e.g.
climate risk management). In other cases, biophysical scientists themselves may identify the absence
of certain stakeholder group perspectives and reach
out to community leaders. Early activities include
(a) recording and chronicling stakeholder experiences, knowledge and a itudes; (b) assessing needs
and identifying general concerns and questions; and
(c) relationship-building and goal-se ing. Sample
size is dependent on the characteristics of the community and aims to capture a wide range of perspectives and insights, and therefore methods can
be revisited if specific questions arise later on in the
course of the project. Methods commonly used to
guide the preliminary development of information
services include key-informant interviews, rapid
assessments, surveys, and focus groups that reach
large numbers of stakeholders (Furman et al. 2011).
It is important to reiterate that the methods in Stage
1 primarily constitute one-way flows of information
and provide limited space and time to explore deeper
questions or problems. Even with focus groups and
the facilitation of open dialogue in workshops, these
actions and methods have a limited ability to generate full two-way communication. As such, biophysical scientists may sometimes miss important cues
or misinterpret data during Stage 1. Therefore, it is
ill-advised to jump from Stage 1 directly to Stage 3
without exploring Stage 2, where a more in-depth
analysis of stakeholder expertise, activities and interests intersects with what the academic community
can offer.
Figure 2. Long-Term Engagement. The chart tracks the
long-term engagement process through time for climate
engagement. Each phase is represented by a shaded block,
and the relative number of stakeholders engaged is represented by the area shaded in light grey.
Stage 2: Incubation and Collaborative Learning
Based on interactions in Stage 1, incubation activities
can be conducted with those motivated individuals
from both academia and the identified stakeholder
group. Due to the high level of time commitment
and the intensity of interactions, the sample size is
small. A team of anthropologists and outreach specialists works to develop and assess the incubation
process. One anthropologist is generally positioned
as participant-observer with other members (depending on group composition) acting as facilitators
and coordinators (see Furman and Bartels 2017). This
ethnographic team approach is critical. While Stage
1 findings inform facilitation, the continued participant observation, analysis of assessment surveys
(typically administered during incubator activities)
and stakeholder interviews all shape and shi specific agendas and activities.
Engagement Stages and Non-Linear Iteration
The stakeholder engagement process discussed here
is a long-term process, not a one-time messaging
opportunity (Bartels et al. 2012). We propose three
distinct stages to engagement: (1) fact-finding and
relationship-building; (2) incubation and collaborative learning; and (3) informed engagement and
broad dissemination (Figure 2). Each stage, with the
exception of the first, builds on the one before it,
and the objectives of each stage drive the selection
of methods. Furthermore, the types of stakeholder
groups engaged and the goals of the project shape
the design of interactions, the number of participants
involved, and the range of activities pursued. Although the model of long-term engagement appears
linear in Figure 3, it calls for flexibility and iteration,
such that activities move back and forth across stages
according to need. For example, discussions in Stage
2 may necessitate a need to revisit and explore findings from Stage 1. Furthermore, Stage 2 learning
continues during Stage 3 activities, as the incubator
group is expected to assess outputs. Group composition is also designed to be somewhat elastic (adding
not subtracting members) to allow for new perspectives or the needed infusion of expertise.
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Participation, Process, and Partnerships |
Incubation and collaborative learning processes
occur in small groups or communities of practice
that are developed to enhance knowledge exchange
and problem-solving. This stage features interactive methods such as farm-based field trips, collaborative experimentation, systematic evaluation of
adaptation options, scenario-building and/or simulation games. The uniting factor amongst these
activities is a commitment by participants to meet
regularly over time to discuss and reflect on questions and findings. Interactions are designed to facilitate safe spaces where listening is valued so that
all participant perspectives are heard and validated,
and to ensure open dialogue between biophysical
scientists and stakeholders. Repeated direct contact
between scientists and stakeholders spark new understandings and questions that catalyse unexpected
research directions or reframe outreach products.
Scientists benefit by reassessing their research and
outreach, while stakeholders obtain deeper understandings of what science can offer and how their
insights might guide the development of new tools
and information.
Stage 3: Informed Engagement and Dissemination
Insights and findings from Stage 2 can turn into
stakeholder-driven climate tools, information, and
outreach activities. The role of the anthropologist
in Stage 3 is to help facilitate communication flows,
direct a ention to ideas and concepts from underrepresented groups, and guide assessment and feedback for products to ensure appropriate tailoring.
The products that arise in Stage 3 are co-developed
and come about because of the close work conducted
in Stage 2. In other words, they are developed by or
directly arise from biophysical scientist and decisionmaker interaction that the anthropologists designed
and facilitated. These co-developed products are
tested amongst broader groups of stakeholders who
have similar interests and needs. In this way, although tailoring is done within small incubation
groups, findings and lessons can be expanded to
reach wider populations of stakeholders with similar
characteristics. Ideally, multiple incubator groups
both within and across sectors would concurrently
be developed. Coordination across these groups
can reveal places where ideas, tools and processes
overlap so that efforts in form, process and dissemination might permeate from one group to another.
Although activities move to Stage 3, maintaining
a Stage 2 group can allow biophysical scientists to
continue to develop, test, assess and modify products. This process is therefore not linear but iterative,
which is illustrated in these experiences that we review from the south-eastern United States.
Creating useful information and tools requires the
collaborative work of many people and the integration of multiple knowledge systems. O en, the anthropology team organises efforts and brings diverse
experiences together. Therefore, it is valuable to consider the roles of the other participants. Depending
on their experiences and interests, other types of
scientists may play an active role in Stage 1 needs
assessments as relationship brokers, designers of interview questions, or presenters – and always as active listeners. Others may be more involved during
the examination of adaptation options in Stage 2. The
extent to which technical- and disciplinary-oriented
biophysical scientists participate in Stage 1 and Stage
2 can help ensure that products generated in Stage 3
are more grounded in stakeholder needs and interests. Stakeholders can also play more active roles as
well. For example, an auxiliary stakeholder team can
form in Stage 1 that helps develop research objectives
and suggests Stage 2 participants. This same group
can also participate with the Stage 2 incubator group
as Stage 3 products are assessed and refined. In general, the key is to consider the backgrounds and interests of the biophysical scientists and stakeholders
when proposing how they will engage with another.
Climate Engagement Experiences
from the South-Eastern United States
To illustrate the three-stage model of long-term engagement, we share experiences from two agriculture
stakeholder communities in the tri-state region of the
south-eastern United States. For 15 years, anthropologists have worked with multi-disciplinary teams
of biophysical scientists and stakeholders on various
agriculture- and climate-related projects within the
Southeast Climate Consortium (SECC). The region’s
major row crops (peanut, co on, soybean and corn)
are affected significantly by inter-annual climate variability and the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
SECC scientists studied ENSO climate pa erns and
provided probabilistic seasonal forecasts to producers with the assistance of extension agents (agricultural advisory specialists employed by the university
system) (Bartels et al. 2012; Breuer et al. 2008; Cabrera
et al. 2006).
Seasonal forecasts represent an important step
towards helping farmers reduce risks. However,
anthropology research illustrates that this information is much more useful when farmers’ planning is
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AiA | Carrie Furman, Wendy-Lin Bartels and Jessica Bolson
strategic and when they have skills and the ability to
improvise, experiment and learn and to adjust their
practices in relation to the climate information. Research into different agricultural systems in this region have shown that growers remaining productive
on the landscape have been able to overcome market
instabilities, unfavourable policy changes and variations in climate and weather by using a variety of
adaptation strategies specific to their production type
and available resources (Crane et al. 2010; Furman et
al. 2011; Furman et al. 2014).
Since the two engagement processes that we feature in this article occurred in the same region, with
the same SECC science team, and with overlapping
funding, they appear to be very similar in nature.
However, an ethnographic lens reveals how stakeholder group differences, varying community histories, and funding specificities related to each project
shaped the pathways and engagement outcomes.
Furthermore, and rather importantly, anthropology
reveals ethical and political dimensions that can provide insights that can challenge and improve project
design as well as subsequent research development.
Experience 1: Limited Resource Farmers
In 2008, the SECC began a project with African
American farmers, an agricultural community that
land grant universities had not previously reached
through extension or with climate outreach. SECC
anthropologists partnered with the Federation of
Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund (FSC/
LAF), which represents farmers from across the
south-eastern United States, has an interest in risk
management, and had expressed interest in climate
The focus for the initial National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration/Sectoral Applications
Research Program (NOAA/SARP) funded research
centred on fact-finding and relationship-building
(Stage 1) to initiate climate research and outreach.
Headed by anthropologists who reported to the SECC
team, interactions focused on collecting background
information and insights that would eventually inform progression into Stage 2 (collaborative learning) and Stage 3 (tool development). Fact-finding
research conducted through surveys and interviews
with African American farmers explored climate
needs, adaptation strategies, extant sources related to
weather and climate information, sources of climate
knowledge, and potential uses for climate information. In addition, anthropologists participated in and
observed interactions of farmers at small conferences
and field days, which helped them define protocols
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for data collection, informed them about group norms,
and helped them build and maintain relationships
with farmers and other agricultural advisors who
served this community (Furman et al. 2014).
Following the completion of the SARP project, a
second project, funded by the United States Department of Agriculture/National Institute of Food and
Agriculture (USDA/NIFA) (which also funded Experience 2 below) allowed biophysical scientists to
engage with this same community. However, budget constraints greatly limited the amount of funds
available for the FSC/LAF, restraining staff members’
availability to participate in the project. Regardless
of this setback, the anthropology team and FSC/LAF
staff conducted two climate workshops (one in Georgia and one in Alabama) to convene farmers, FSC/
LAF extension professionals and SECC biophysical scientists. The anthropology team designed the
workshops to build relationships amongst farmers
and between farmers and scientists, moving the process from a one-way exchange of information towards
consulting and exchange. Farmers shared their farming history, focusing on climate and information
access, to enlighten scientists about the particular
barriers and opportunities that their community
had faced. Climate scientists explained the El Niño
Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle and discussed the
upcoming climate outlook, all of which was information of expressed interest to the farmers present (see
Furman and Bartels 2017).
Following the workshops and by request of the
FSC/LAF board, key members of the FSC/LAF staff
and SECC scientists participated in a round-table conference in 2014. The anthropology team facilitated
the round table, the goals of which focused on (1)
developing a common framework for working together in the future; (2) envisioning a way to conduct
responsible research, build capacity and maintain
relationships with both the FSC/LAF and African
American farmers in the south-eastern United States;
and (3) establishing a common language to aid in
developing an enduring risk management climate
partnership. This round table further solidified relationships and helped communicate to all participants
(biophysical scientists and stakeholders) the need to
continue to engage with this community.
Since the FSC/LAF and associated African American farmers were a new stakeholder group for the
SECC, research focused primarily on fact-finding
and relationship-building. The round-table did, however, advance interactions to Stage 2, incubation and
collaborative learning. Discussions began to incorporate stakeholder-identified issues and set the stage
Participation, Process, and Partnerships |
for brainstorming creative new directions for research and outreach. Yet, an additional infusion of
funding (distributed equally between the organisations and universities) was needed to move forward
and deepen idea incubation. A new project would
support the maintenance of the emerging learning
network to cover the costs associated with workshop
planning and coordination, biophysical scientists’
and stakeholders’ time, and logistics costs (meals,
venue rental, travel, etc.).
Experience 2: Tri-State Row-Crop
Climate Learning Network
In 2007, the SECC climate research team focused
on fact-finding and relationship-building (Stage 1)
with row-crop farmers in Georgia and surrounding
regions. Anthropologists conducted interviews and
participant observation to determine specific needs
related to climate services (Crane et al. 2010). Partnerships with extension agents and professionals helped
the biophysical scientists establish contact with farmers. In addition, the extension agents themselves
became key consultants, contributing their expertise
and experiences.
In 2010, based on the findings and conclusions
from Stage 1 activities, a new SECC anthropologist
team propelled the partnership to Stage 2 of engagement. A tri-state climate learning network began to
convene agricultural stakeholders from Florida, Alabama and Georgia for a collaborative assessment of
adaptive strategies to reduce climate risks. An anthropologist designed and facilitated network workshops
biannually to promote ongoing interactions amongst
scientists, producers and extension professionals for
knowledge exchange, dialogue and learning. Activities emphasised hands-on, peer-to-peer discovery
and included on-farm field visits, in-depth reflection
and discussion, as well as critical analysis of seasonal
climate forecasts, decision-support tools, and experimentation. The goal was to allow local experiences to
influence research directions (and vice versa), thereby
cultivating more resilient row-crop production systems and sustainable rural livelihoods.
Network activities were funded by the Bipartisan Policy Center, National Oceanic Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), and the Department of
Agriculture/National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA/NIFA) project discussed above. Participant observation, project assessment, and interviews
with participants were key anthropological datagenerating methods that shaped the activities of the
tri-state learning network. Between 2010 and 2018,
the network held 18 workshops, reached 173 partici-
pants, and examined a range of potential adaptation
options, such as drip irrigation, pond-water harvesting, and planting new drought-tolerant crops, like
sesame. Participants explored climate risks across
multiple timescales from seasonal variability to longterm climate change (see Bartels et al. 2012).
Stage 3 outputs included peer-reviewed publications, videos, conference presentations as well as
sustained relationships. Members of the learning
network informed and/or assessed each of these outputs. Since the network is constantly evolving, it has
strengthened partnerships and expanded expertise
beyond academia and extension to include government agencies, farmers’ associations, private companies, and civic groups focused on soil and water
The eight-year lifespan of the tri-state network
successfully demonstrates a new and powerful role
that anthropologists can play in conducting interviews with extension agents and producers in Stage 1
to guide the design of Stage 2. As conveners and facilitators of engagement, they also use ethnographic
methods to study the group experience and promote
learning amongst participants, informing Stage 3 outputs. Today, anthropologists in the tri-state network
have transferred ownership of workshop coordination to extension partners as participants continue to
meet even past the lifespan of the funded projects.
Evaluating SECC Engagement Processes:
Perspectives from Participants
Upon completion of the USDA/NIFA-funded project,
which provided at least some funding to both the tristate learning network and limited-resource farmers,
anthropologists conducted a survey amongst participating SECC scientists. Findings provide insight on
how they interacted with stakeholders, perceptions
about participatory research, and lessons learned.
Figure 3 illustrates responses from scientists concerning their motivation to engage with stakeholders. Although funders o en favour projects that have
explicit designs for stakeholder engagement, more
than half of the scientists did not indicate that as a
motivator for engagement. Responses (agree and
strongly agree) indicate that research interests drive
them to incorporate stakeholder perspectives for locally appropriate outputs, research design guidance,
and consensus-building.
The following discussion focuses on questions pertaining to the tri-state network as the Federation of
Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund (FSC/
LAF) had not transitioned extensively into Stage 2,
and therefore few scientists felt that they had gained
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AiA | Carrie Furman, Wendy-Lin Bartels and Jessica Bolson
Figure 3: Motivation. What motivated biophysical scientists to engage with stakeholders during the NIFA/USDA project
that encompassed both the tri-state network and FSC/LAF stakeholders?
much from the partnership beyond obtaining some
basic information and a sense of how stakeholder engagement contributes to their outputs. When asked
‘did participation in the tri-state network impact
your outputs or work?’ (n=11), 55% of the respondents indicated ‘yes’, 28% were not sure and 17%
indicated ‘no’. Those who indicated ‘no’ or who were
not sure had li le direct involvement with stakeholders. Those who indicated ‘yes’ were more actively
engaged, with one of them making the following
Working with the tri-state group helped me be er
understand some of the agro-climate resources as educational, rather than strictly decision-support. The
tri-state network also produced research questions
and methods that led to some interesting extension
materials and peer-reviewed publication.
And another scientist remarked:
[A specific website developed] was a product that
resulted from my understanding of perceived needs
for information [expressed by] Georgia farmers participating in the tri-state group.
Post workshop, tri-state stakeholders completed
exit surveys to shape subsequent workshop design
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and direction. When asked what motivated a endance, 61% reported that networking (relationshipbuilding) and information, the key goals of Stage 2,
kept them engaged (n=46) and 39% cited an external
factor (free lunch 4%, boss 7%, project facilitator
encouragement 28%). In a 2016 exit survey, 15 of 16
stakeholders reported having changed an agricultural
decision based upon the previous seasonal forecast,
rating that information as somewhat, very or extremely useful.
Feedback concerning the form of engagement and
information was positive. Scientists reported personal
and project work benefits. Stakeholders expressed the
value of agricultural insights, which justified their
time commitment. However, several constraints centred on issues of funding and the culture of academia.
Limitations and Challenges
The first main constraint to long-term engagement
relates to research team composition, which is defined during the initial proposal-writing phase of the
project. Yet, during engagement, as stakeholders become involved, new and divergent requests emerge
Participation, Process, and Partnerships |
that even the most multi-disciplinary group of scientists may be unable to meet. In the case of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund
(FSC/LAF) experience, the staff wanted to link questions of climate services to concerns of rural poverty
and land ownership, which the Southeast Climate
Consortium (SECC) team lacked the expertise to
address. Therefore, successful collaboration entails
spending more time during Stage 1 to establish appropriate expertise, having the flexibility to expand
the research team during Stage 2 and redirecting
project goals, and situating key stakeholder partners
as active proponents of the proposal-writing process.
The second challenge relates to sufficient, timely
and sequential funding. Project cycles do not match
the time needed to move through the three stages of a
long-term engagement process. Funders tend to support research for one to five years, which may only
sustain activities for needs assessment in Stage 1 or
catalyse initial Stage 2 interactions, as illustrated with
the limited-resource farmers. Multiple multi-year
grants funded the experiences we describe, which
suggests that if project participants have a long view
of research in mind, they can work together to get
the different stages funded separately but in succession. However, such an approach requires a great
deal of commitment and coordination. The FSC/
LAF experience shows that, although Stage 1 was
funded, the team was unable to expand the project
into Stage 2 due to a lack of participant commitment
to seek additional funding. This is partly because the
FSC/LAF is a non-governmental organisation and
therefore does not have large institutional budgets to
leverage staff salaries and travel. This is a common
problem that could be resolved if funding agencies would set aside separate funds that minority
or limited-resource groups could access when they
partner with larger institutions. Because the tri-state
network is tied more directly to university extension
systems and because those stakeholders had longer
histories with the scientists, it was able to leverage
funding and reach Stage 3. As such, both scientists
and stakeholders were able to realise the benefits
of engagement. Also, short funding cycles demand
rapidly developed outputs, which is uncharacteristic
of typical anthropological enquiry. In these cases, the
anthropologists need to work with the larger group
and negotiate expectations early.
A final critical issue relates to the culture of
academia. Engaging with stakeholders and bringing
them into the research and outreach process o en
results in requests for information and products that
scientists do not have the desire, time or expertise to
develop. The academic reward system of prioritising
innovative outputs that drive peer-reviewed publications and presentations shapes how biophysical scientists interact with stakeholders. In our experiences,
stakeholders o en asked for information or tools
which, while locally relevant, were not innovative
in scholarly terms or were not scientifically cu ingedge. For example, many farmers preferred print
material over high-tech computer-based solutions.
Furthermore, for biophysical scientists and scientists, participation in the climate network sometimes
meant a ending meetings to listen and not present.
Although scientists found listening to be valuable,
reporting listening as an activity to their home departments was difficult. Due to these constraints,
they were o en limited in their ability to participate.
Our findings resonate strongly with Juan Pablo
Alperin and colleagues (2018), who call for systemic
change to how research and tenure procedures incentivise scholarship for the public good. They suggest
re-conceptualising public-oriented work as central to
knowledge generation, rewarding alternative outputs,
and appreciating unquantifiable research-related activities. Our work highlights the need for placing an
equal value on Stage 1 and 2 engagement activities
(such as relationship-building and listening) as those
outputs from Stage 3. Furthermore, we advocate for
a deeper appreciation of academic staff involvement
in the entirety of long-term engagement processes towards continued learning and knowledge generation
with stakeholders (versus extractive data collection/
presentation from/to stakeholders). Funding agencies
could help the process by placing a value on activities
that focus on listening and learning.
Engaging with stakeholders about the effects of climate change and exploring adaptation options takes
time and necessitates a clear and detailed plan to ensure that outreach and research activities yield outputs that are useful to stakeholder groups. This is
further complicated by the fact that stakeholders use
climate information and services in decision-making
differently depending on factors such as sector and
role (e.g. county agricultural Extension agent, municipal water manager, coastal development planner),
sub-sector composition (e.g. farm/municipality size,
production type, previous experience, perception of
risk, resources available), and political, ethnic or class
affiliation. This means that work towards co-production needs to dig deep into community dynam-
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AiA | Carrie Furman, Wendy-Lin Bartels and Jessica Bolson
ics, cultural differences and diverse ways in which
climate services are understood, interpreted and
used. As argued by Carla Roncoli and colleagues,
‘anthropology’s potential contributions to climate
research are the description and analysis of [the various] layers of cultural meaning and social practice,
which cannot be easily captured by methods of other
disciplines, such as structured surveys and quantitative parameters’ (2009: 87). The work we discuss in
this article was developed within the disciplinary
ethos of anthropology and deployed into multi-disciplinary research projects as a way to be er inform
the production of climate services. We work to tailor
engagement so that we reach and learn from the widest span of stakeholder groups, which requires the
development of purposeful engagement strategies
that are appropriately suited to user needs (demand)
with relevant information (supply). We recommend
tackling the problem of matching the supply and
demand of climate services by pursuing engagement
as a long-term process, akin to deep ethnographic
investigation, and focusing on building partnerships and networks versus viewing the endeavour
as a one-time workshop or meeting. The application of anthropology’s holistic approach to research
(and facilitation) takes into account stakeholder and
scientist histories, perspectives, and needs, and it
focuses on long-term relationship-building. We offer a long-term engagement framework and argue
that this approach can result in the development of
novel understandings, co-produced knowledge, and
expanded programmatic directions. It is important
to emphasise that focusing on dialogue and partnership-building takes concerted effort, time, skills and
resources; but the reward is a more nuanced array
of climate services and emergent, productive stakeholder–scientist networks.
CARRIE FURMAN, PhD, is an anthropologist in the
Crop and Soil Sciences Department at the University
of Georgia and Visiting Scholar in Anthropology at
Georgia State University. She works on multi-disciplinary projects focused on sustainability issues such
as climate change, water resource management, and
local sustainable food production. She explores the
collaborative relationships developed amongst various stakeholder groups in the south-eastern United
States. Email:
WENDY-LIN BARTELS, PhD, is based out of the School
of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida, where she focuses on community
engagement, knowledge co-production, and interorganisational partnerships. She explores the convening role that universities play to facilitate knowledge
exchange and dialogue within scientist–stakeholder
collaborative networks and examines how participatory methods and novel institutional arrangements can link researchers with practitioners to
bridge society–academia divides, expand understandings and generate demand-driven science.
JESSICA BOLSON, PhD, is based out of the Southeast
Environmental Research Center (SERC) at Florida
International University. She conducts interdisciplinary research examining the linkages between technical solutions and socio-political transitions in the
water sector. Her interests include the adoption of
technology by diverse individuals and groups, the
integration of climate science into decision-making,
climate risk management, and institutional barriers/
bridges to sustainability. Email:
This work was supported by the US National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Sector
Applications Research Program (SARP) and by the
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
with grants to the Southeast Climate Consortium
(SECC). We are grateful for all of the support provided by land grant extension professionals and Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance
Fund staff, and SECC scientists. Finally, we thank all
participating farmers, partnering institutions, and
project team members for their time.
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