c o r t e x 1 1 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e4
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Special issue: Editorial
Number cognition
Fabrizio Doricchi a,b,*, Klaus Willmes c and David Burr d
degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Universita
Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS, Roma, Italy
Department of Neurology, Medical Faculty, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Pharmacology and Child Health, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
article info
Article history:
Received 20 March 2019
Revised 30 March 2019
Accepted 1 April 2019
From our very early school years we start to realize that
numbers govern much of our life. A glance at the headlines
will tell us a crucial parliamentary bill was defeated by 149
votes, that inflation is steady at .9%, that the GNP has
declined by 1% and so on. A flick of our telephone gives us the
time (in digits) and date, the telephone numbers of our
friends, with apps to furnish our bank balance, and how
many steps we have made today. However, these symbolic
representations of quantity, usually by Arabic numerals,
capture only a small fragment of our daily experience with
numerable quantities, and how these quantities guide our
behaviour, and the ways we exploit our inner ability to
“sense” the numerosity of these quantities.
By showing that birds can perform both simultaneous
visuo-spatial and temporal-sequential coding of the numerosity of simple visual items (clouds of dots), the German
zoologist Otto Koehler (1941; 1950) was among the first to
suggest that the symbolic mathematical competence that
characterises much human activity might be grounded in
phylogenetically older systems that allow approximate, but
behaviourally adaptive, estimates of numerosity. During biological evolution these rudimentary mathematical abilities
might have been crucial for survival and adaptation by
allowing, for example, the recognition and memorization of
environments with more or fewer food items, or by favouring
rapid “fight or flight” decisions dependent on the relative
numerosities of conspecific allies and opponents.
Over the past 25 years the study of the neural bases and the
functional mechanisms that regulate mathematical cognition
in animals and humans has proliferated. In this special issue,
we offer an overview of some promising lines of ongoing
research on number processing in the brain. The various
contributions cover different aspects of mathematical cognition, including studies of the basic neural and functional
mechanisms that underlie the sense of numerosity, the
interaction between number and the representation of space
or time (a field pioneered by Galton's (1880 a,b) description of
mental number lines and revitalised by the discovery of the
Spatial-Number Association of Response Codes, i.e., the
SNARC effect, by Dehaene et al., 1993), the neural regulation of
mathematical operations and the correlates of normal or
abnormal development of mathematical competence.
Numbers: interaction with space and time
Numerosity and numbers convey, more or less inherently, an
idea of quantity and magnitude: 5 is greater than 2. Magnitude
is shared with other dimensions, such as space e is it larger,
longer? e and time e did it last longer? A number of studies
reported in this issue clarify how magnitude estimates of
numerosities overlap or interact with magnitude estimates in
other domains. Tsouli, Dumoulin, te Pas, and van der Smagt
(2019) used an adaptation technique, exposing subjects to
large and small numerosities, and to long and short durations;
they reported partial cross-talk between the two dimensions,
pointing to partially overlapping neural mechanisms.
degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Via dei Marsi 78, 00185 Roma, Italy.
* Corresponding author. Dipartimento di Psicologia 39, Universita
E-mail address: fabrizio.doricchi@uniroma1.it (F. Doricchi).
0010-9452/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
c o r t e x 1 1 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e4
Borghesani et al. (2019) adopted a different approach,
recording by fMRI BOLD responses from parietal cortex while
participants made length or numerosity judgements. Decoding the responses showed magnitude-dependency to both
numerosity and length in much of parietal and occipital
cortices, but no cross-talk between the two. Thus while length
and numerosity may share neural resources, their representations seem not to active a common neural code. Sahan,
Majerus, Andres, and Fias (2019) present an fMRI imaging
study that attempts to distinguish parietal areas representing
number-related information for magnitude processing from
working memory. They generated an internal numerical
landmark task to be used in a fragmented trial event-related
fMRI design, which solves the often-discussed problem of
separating encoding from decision processes. This approach
allowed them to separate number magnitude encoding subserved by the right anterior intraparietal sulcus from working
memory and internal spatial orienting processes involved
during number processing, the latter relying on more posterior partly bilateral parietal regions.
frontal number network? The paper by Lasne, Piazza,
Dehaene, Kleinschmidt, and Eger (2019) suggests that they
are: the accuracy decoding of number from the BOLD response
of right parietal cortex correlated well with precision in
discriminating numerosities. Subjects with higher precision
for discrimination of numerosities also showed better
decoding accuracy of numerosity in this region.
The cultural invention of symbols to indicate empty sets
(“0”) has provided crucial support for the development of positional number systems. Ramirez-Cardenas and Nieder (2019)
report the results of a single cell recording study in the monkey that help clarify how empty sets, as a precursor of 0, are
represented in working memory. The study shows that activity in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) best correlates with
behavioural performance with empty sets. Moreover, while
during the retention interval the tuning curves of PFC remain
stable, neurons in the ventral parietal cortex progressively
bias their tuning preference towards empty sets, thus producing a corresponding overrepresentation of zero.
Basic neural and functional mechanisms
of numerosity and numerical processing
Investigating the neural foundations of numerical competence has both theoretical and empirical implications. The
role played by a parietal-frontal network that includes the
intraparietal sulcus and the prefrontal cortex in the representation of number magnitudes is now well established. De
Wind, Park, Woldorff, and Brannon (2019) report an fMRI
study showing that number is also encoded in occipital cortex,
in areas V1, V2 and V3, with careful controls to ensure that the
response is not driven by covarying factors such as density.
This suggests that number is encoded rapidly and directly
very early in the visual processing stream, and that output
from this early elaboration probably feeds parietal and prefrontal number areas.
In recent years there has been debate on whether the visual number sense depends on the activity of a functionally
independent system dedicated to numerosity extraction, or
whether the visual number sense is essentially nonnumerical and depends on weighted integration of continuous magnitude features that covary with numerosity. Using
TMS, Karolis et al. (2019) provide evidence that superior parietal areas play a role in weighting stimulus features, whereas
the intraparietal region contains an abstract ‘read-out’ of
numerosity. Using an original approach, Fornaciai, Farrel, and
Park (2019) show that the effect of the size of simple circular
visual items on the perception of numerosity depends on
whether the items are interpreted as apples or human faces,
showing that numerosity perception can be influenced by the
semantic interpretation of a non-numerical visual feature as
size. Matejko, Hutchison, and Ansari (2019) investigate hemispheric specialization in the activity of the intraparietal sulcus
in humans: they provide evidence for developmental trends in
the left hemispheric specialization for numerical ordering of
symbolic magnitudes. Are inter-individual differences in
mathematical performance reflected in differences in the activity and anatomo-functional organization of the parietal-
Operating on numbers
Establishing the organization of brain networks that underpin
number processing can furnish focused insights into the
anatomical correlates of normal or defective mathematical
competence, and the neural changes that match improvements of mathematical competence due to education and
training. In the normal brain, white matter pathways support
the integrated function of cortical networks. Some neuropsychological syndromes, such as neglect and aphasia, can
result from white matter lesion disrupting anatomical and
functional connectivity. Using DTI, Klein, Willmes, Bieck,
Bloechle, and Moeller (2019) provide evidence that intensive
multiplication training increases the structural connectivity
of the left hippocampus, a structure that, together with the
parietal cortex of the angular gyrus, is implicated in the
retrieval of arithmetic facts. The authors conclude that while
the hippocampus might subserve fact-encoding and retrieval,
the angular gyrus could be in charge of choosing whether to
employ arithmetic knowledge as a function of the mathematical context and task at hand. In a study related to this
special issue, Zhao et al. (2019) used functional near-infrared
spectroscopy to investigate changes in resting state functional connectivity following learning of new subtraction and
multiplication problems. Learning produced a shift from left
parietal-right frontal resting state connectivity to right
parietal-left frontal connectivity. Interesting inter-individual
differences were also highlighted in this study, as participants with stronger right parietal e left frontal connectivity
showed better subtraction learning, while those with poor left
parietal-right frontal connectivity learned multiplication better. Together with other evidence (see for example investigations with functional intraoperative neurosurgical
mapping; Della Puppa et al., 2013), this type of investigations is
starting to shed new light on the neural dynamics that underpin different mathematical operations. Along this line of
inquiry, Pinheiro-Chagas, Piazza, and Dehaene (2019) used a
multivariate pattern analysis approach to characterise the
temporal development of MEG signals during the solving of
c o r t e x 1 1 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e4
simple additions and subtractions of Arabic numerals presented sequentially in central fixation. The authors could
decode, at the single-trial level, the specific brain topographies
associated with the visual and numerical-magnitude features
of the two operands. Most importantly, they were able to
decode topographies that were specifically associated with
the on-going operation. These results importantly expand on
previous investigations that have investigated the brain correlates of mathematical computations with conventional
univariate ERP techniques.
Popescu et al. (2019) looked at another aspect of mathematical competence by undertaking one of the first few
comprehensive cross-sectional comparisons of professional
mathematicians and non-mathematicians with regard to
functional cognitive and grey and white matter structural
characteristics related to experience-dependent plasticity. Not
only did they find mathematical expertise to be associated
with better performance in domain-specific and also domaingeneral aspects, but also specific grey matter density level
differences and brain region specific correlations of performance with grey matter density. No structural differences
were apparent for white matter tracts. The authors also stress
that longitudinal research designs combined with training
studies would be required to disentangle mutual dependencies
between structural brain changes and experience, which
themselves are seen as dynamic across the lifespan. Dotan and
Friedmann (2019) report neuropsychological dissociations to
inquire whether number-reading and word-reading rely on the
same cognitive and neural mechanisms. They summarise an
in-depth study of two cases with selective deficits in number
reading, the specific locus of their number reading deficits
being impaired parsing Arabic digit strings into triplets. The
authors employed their own recent cognitive model for number reading, to show that even specific homologous subprocesses of number as compared to word reading can be
selectively impaired, leading them to conclude that word and
number reading pathways are almost entirely separate.
Developmental issues
The functional correlates of normal or abnormal mathematical competence in children have an important place in the
field of mathematical cognition. Using a novel task, Cicchini,
Anobile, and Burr (2019) measured the reproduction of dot
arrays that varied simultaneously in numerosity, area and
density, in normal and dyscalculic pre-adolescents. In participants with normal mathematical abilities, errors in the
reproduction of area and density were negatively correlated, a
finding that suggests numerosity-based performance. In
contrast, dyscalculic participants showed significantly
enhanced reliance on area during reproduction. These findings are in line with studies pointing at the existence of a
“dedicated” numerosity sense that does not depend on covarying visual attributes of numerosity as area or density.
A few years ago, Doricchi, Merola, Aiello, Guariglia,
Bruschini, Gevers, Gasaparini and Tomaiuolo (2009) highlighted that healthy adults show typical error biases during
the mental bisection of number intervals: for intervals positioned at the beginning of tens the subjective interval
midpoint is shifted toward values that are higher than those
of the true midpoint, whereas for intervals at the end of tens
the direction of the error bias is reversed toward values lower
than the true midpoint. In this issue, Rotondaro, Ponticorvo,
Gigliotta, Gazzellini, Dolce, Pinto, Miglino and Doricchi (2019)
demonstrate that the same error biases are present in preschoolers and remain unchanged in first-, second-, thirdand fifth-grade school children. Through a biologically plausible computational model, they propose that these biases
reflect the modifications produced by the use of the decimal
system on the Gaussian representations of numerosity in
parietal and prefrontal number neurons.
One of the most fascinating aspects of science is “what to
expect next”. As our intuition of the significance of the data
and observations that we keep collecting is often incomplete,
we look for future investigations for fuller insight into the
interpretation of our efforts. This special issue demonstrates
how the field of math cognition is becoming differentiated and
polymorphous. The results provided by such a wide variety of
lines of inquiry, ranging from the perception of numerosity to
the performance of different types of mathematical operations with Arabic numbers and the use of mathematical
symbols and operands, renew and advance the understanding
of math tools that biological and cultural evolution have
jointly forged in our brains. These improvements will positively impact math education and re-education, and plausibly
optimise the interaction of humans and machines. So we
conclude by expressing our gratitude to our colleagues who
contributed to this Special issue, and hope that their joint
efforts will set solid bases for improving our “reasoned”
intuition of numbers.
Borghesani, V., de Hevia, M. D., Viarouge, A., Pinheiro-Chagas, P.,
Eger, E., & Piazza, M. (2019). Processing number and length in the
parietal cortex: Sharing resources, not a common code. Cortex,
114, 17e27.
Cicchini, G. M., Anobile, G., & Burr, D. C. (2019). Spontaneous
representation of numerosity in typical and dyscalculic
development. Cortex, 114, 151e163.
De Wind, N. K., Park, J., Woldorff, M. G., & Brannon, E. M. (2019).
Numerical encoding in early visual cortex. Cortex, 114, 76e89.
Dehaene, S., Bossini, S., & Giraux, P. (1993). The mental
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Experimental Psychology: General, 122(3), 371e396.
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cortex and calculation processing: Intraoperative functional
mapping of multiplication and addition in patients affected by
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numeral system. Current Biology, 19(8), 682e687.
Dotan, D., & Friedmann, N. (2019). Separate mechanisms for
number reading and word reading: Evidence from selective
impairments. Cortex, 114, 176e192.
c o r t e x 1 1 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e4
Fornaciai, M., Farrell, A., & Park, J. (2019). Looking for more food or
more people? Task context influences basic numerosity
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Klein, E., Willmes, K., Bieck, S. M., Bloechle, J., & Moeller, K. (2019).
White matter neuro-plasticity in mental arithmetic: Changes
in hippocampal connectivity following arithmetic drill
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(2019). Discriminability of numerosity-evoked fMRI activity
patterns in human intra-parietal cortex reflects behavioral
numerical acuity. Cortex, 114, 90e101.
Matejko, A. A., Hutchison, J., & Ansari, D. (2019). Developmental
specialization of the left intraparietal sulcus for symbolic
ordinal processing. Cortex, 114, 41e53.
Pinheiro-Chagas, P., Piazza, M., & Dehaene, S. (2019). Decoding
the processing stages of mental arithmetic with
magnetoencephalography. Cortex, 114, 124e139.
Popescu, T., Sader, E., Schaer, M., Thomas, A., Terhune, D. B.,
Dowker, A., et al. (2019). The brain-structural correlates of
mathematical expertise. Cortex, 114, 140e150.
Ramirez-Cardenas, A., & Nieder, A. (2019). Working memory
representation of empty sets in the primate parietal and
prefrontal cortices. Cortex, 114, 102e114.
Rotondaro, F., Ponticorvo, M., Gigliotta, O., Pinto, M.,
Pellegrino, M., Gazzellini, S., & Doricchi, F. (2019). The number
interval position effect (NIPE) in the mental bisection of
numerical intervals might reflect the influence of the decimalnumber system on the Gaussian representations of
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Sahan, M. I., Majerus, S., Andres, M., & Fias, W. (2019).
Functionally distinct contributions of parietal cortex to a
numerical landmark task: An fMRI study. Cortex, 114, 28e40.
Tsouli, A., Dumoulin, S. O., te Pas, S. F., & van der Smagt, M. J.
(2019). Adaptation reveals unbalanced interaction between
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(2019). Arithmetic learning modifies the functional
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