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Research in the
author’s laboratory
was supported by
grants of the
Abstract representations of numbers in the
animal and human brain
Stanislas Dehaene, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz and Laurent Cohen
There is evidence to suggest that animals, young infants and adult humans possess a biologically
determined, domain-specific representation of number and of elementary arithmetic operations.
Behavioral studies in infants and animals reveal number perception,discrimination and elementary
calculation abilities in non-verbal organisms. Lesion and brain-imaging studies in humans indicate
that a specific neural substrate, located in the left and right intraparietal area, is associated with
knowledge of numbers and their relations (‘number sense’). The number domain is a prime
example where strong evidence points to an evolutionary endowment of abstract domain-specific
knowledge in the brain because there are parallels between number processing in animals and
humans.The numerical distance effect, which refers to the finding that the ability to discriminate
between two numbers improves as the numerical distance between them increases, has been
demonstrated in humans and animals, as has the number size effect, which refers to the finding that
for equal numerical distance,discrimination of two numbers worsens as their numerical size increases.
Trends Neurosci. (1998) 21, 355–361
OW SEMANTIC KNOWLEDGE is encoded in the
human brain is a central issue in cognitive neuroscience. Recent neuropsychological and developmental
findings have begun to provide a new perspective on
this old problem. First, knowledge of different categories
of words and objects such as persons, tools, animals
and actions can be dissociated in brain-lesioned patients
and is associated with distinct patterns of brain activation1–3. Thus, specific networks, similarly localized in
different individuals1, participate in the cerebral representation of distinct domains of knowledge in adults.
Second, human infants have been found to possess
elaborate world knowledge, for instance about objects,
colors, faces and language4. This is compatible with the
hypothesis that humans have been endowed by evolution with biologically determined predispositions to
represent and acquire knowledge of specific domains.
In this paper, we review recent evidence suggesting
that our knowledge of numbers and elementary arithmetic constitutes such a domain-specific cognitive
Copyright © 1998, Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 0166 - 2236/98/$19.00
ability. Supportive evidence includes its spontaneous
emergence at a young age during development; its
presence in animals, although in a simpler form; and
its association to a specific cerebral substrate that can
be identified reproducibly in different individuals,
either by the lesion method or by functional brain
imaging. Converging empirical findings from several
areas of cognitive neuroscience arguably make elementary knowledge of arithmetic one of the best-validated
candidates for a biologically determined, domainspecific ability. Without doubt, much of higher-level
arithmetic is a cultural achievement specific to humans. Nevertheless, our claim is that the basics of
‘number sense’, the understanding of quantities and
their inter-relations, are universal and shared by adult
humans, animals and preverbal infants.
Criteria for an abstract representation of numbers
Attributing numerical representations to non-verbal
organisms such as animals or infants remains highly
PII: S0166-2236(98)01263-6
TINS Vol. 21, No. 8, 1998
Stanislas Dehaene
is at Inserm U.
334, Service
Frédéric Joliot,
Orsay, France,
is at the
de Sciences
Cognitives et
Paris, France, and
Laurent Cohen is
at the Service de
Neurologie 1,
Hôpital de la
Salêtrière, Paris,
S. Dehaene et al. – Representations of number
controversial. Ever since the infamous ‘clever Hans’
episode, in which several psychologists incorrectly
granted a horse the mastery of symbolic calculation,
many scientists have considered number processing in
animals as a last resort hypothesis5, to be accepted
only if all other non-numerical accounts fail to
explain the observed behavior.
The legitimate concern that alternative nonnumerical explanations should be tested and rejected
can actually be turned into an experimental strategy
for identifying genuinely numerical representations.
Number can be defined as the only property of sets
that remains invariant under substitutions of any
items in the set. Thus, we can talk about three objects,
three persons, three sounds, or three events: we can
recognize that the cardinal of a set is three, regardless
of its composition. Do infants or animals have an
equally abstract representation of number? To find out,
one can assess whether their behavior generalizes across
significant variations in non-numerical physical parameters. Application of this strategy has resulted in a
very rich body of experiments that demonstrate
clearly the abstractness of infant and animal representations of number in the face of variation in object
features (such as size, color or shape), spatial location,
modality (auditory or visual) and mode of presentation
(simultaneous or sequential).
The same strategy can also be used to define
abstract semantic representations of number in adult
humans. Adults can be said to rely on an abstract representation of number if their behavior depends only
on the size of the numbers involved, not on the specific verbal or non-verbal means of denoting them.
Indeed, strong evidence has been accrued for an
abstract representation of numerical quantity in normal adults, a level of processing common to numbers
presented or produced in the auditory or visual
modalities, either as words, as Arabic digits or as sets
of dots6–8. The same strategy has also been used in
neuropsychological studies to identify brain-lesioned
patients with ‘central’ deficits of number processing
that generalize across various notations for numbers
and across comprehension and production tasks9–11.
Finally, brain-imaging experiments have identified
brain systems involved in representing numerical
quantities irrespective of notation and of the arithmetic task performed12,13. We will consider the application of this research agenda to infant, animals, normal adults, brain-lesioned patients and brain-imaging
Number processing in infants
The received wisdom in developmental psychology,
based on the Piagetian framework, was that infants are
devoid of numerical competence. Indeed, Piaget’s
studies of young children’s numerical representations
suggested that abstract knowledge of arithmetic
requires considerable learning and does not appear
before 4–7 years of age14. The tests of number conservation and set inclusion on which this conclusion was
based, however, have now been shown to be poor
indicators of children’s actual numerical competence.
Less-demanding, non-verbal tests have indicated repeatedly that children between one and a half and four
years of age have mastered number conservation15–18.
Moreover, the last 20 years have seen a surge of experimental studies demonstrating numerical discrimination
TINS Vol. 21, No. 8, 1998
and elementary operation abilities even in preverbal
Discrimination of visual numerosity was first
demonstrated in 6–7-month-old infants using the
classic method of habituation-recovery of looking
time19. Infants watched as slides with a fixed number
of dots (for example, two) were presented to them
repeatedly until their looking time decreased, indicating habituation. At that point, the presentation of
slides with a different number of dots (for example,
three) was shown to yield significantly longer looking
times, indicating dishabituation and therefore discrimination between two and three. In the princeps
study, dot density, spacing and alignment were controlled for. In subsequent studies, the effect was replicated with newborns20 and with various stimulus sets,
including slides depicting sets of realistic objects of
variable size, shape and spatial layout21, and dynamic
computer displays of random geometrical shapes in
motion, with partial occlusion22. Because great care
was taken to ensure that number was the only invariant parameter in the stimulus set, infants’ behavior
indicated genuine number discrimination.
The ability of infants’ to discriminate numbers is
not limited to visual sets of objects. Newborns have
been shown to discriminate two- and three-syllable
words with controlled phonemic content, duration
and speech rate23. Six-month-old infants also discriminate numbers of visual events, such as a puppet making two or three jumps24. Most importantly, there is
some evidence for cross-modal numerosity matching
in 6–8-month-old infants. When infants hear either
two or three drumbeats, and are given a choice
between looking at a slide with two visual objects or
at another with three objects, they spend more time
looking at the slide whose numerosity matches the
number of sounds that they hear25. Although the
replicability of this finding has been disputed26, it has
been backed up by re-analyses of older data as well as
by more recent experiments27. As noted above, this
finding is crucial because it suggests that in the first
year of life, infants might already possess an abstract,
amodal concept of number that bridges across the
visual and auditory modalities. Further work will be
needed, however, to determine whether infants’ crossmodal numerosity matching is based on simple oneto-one pairings of objects and sounds, or whether it
reflects a genuine amodal perception of number27.
Another important issue concerns the extent to
which infants’ number representations can enter into
internal arithmetic operations analogous to addition
and subtraction. Wynn28 used a violation-of-expectation paradigm to show that infants developed numerical expectations analogous to the arithmetic operations 1 + 1 = 2 and 2 − 1 = 1. To exemplify the 1 + 1 =
2 operation, for example, five-month-old infants were
shown a toy being hidden behind a screen, and then
a second toy also being placed behind the same
screen. To assess whether infants had developed the
numerically appropriate expectation of two objects,
their looking times were measured as the screen
dropped and revealed either one, two or three objects
(objects were added or removed surreptitiously, as
needed). Infants looked longer at the unexpected outcomes of one or three objects than at the expected
outcome of two objects. This suggests that they had
computed internally an expectation of the outcome of
S. Dehaene et al. – Representations of number
two objects, although the two objects had not been
presented together earlier.
One possible interpretation of Wynn’s experiment
is that infants maintain and update a detailed mental
image of the objects behind the screen, including
their identity, size and location. The detectable mismatch between this internal pictorial representation
and the scene that appears when the screen drops
would then be responsible for their surprise reaction
and lengthened looking times. This non-numerical
interpretation, however, has been refuted in two
recent experiments. In one, objects were placed on a
rotating tray so that their location behind the screen
was unpredictable29. In the other, the identity of the
objects was modified surreptitiously in some of the
trials before the screen was dropped30. In both cases,
infants still reacted to the numerically impossible
events 1 + 1 = 1 and 2 − 1 = 2, while appearing to
neglect changes in object location and identity. Thus,
infants encode the scenes they see using an abstract,
implicit or explicit representation of the number of
objects in the scene, irrespective of their exact identity
and location.
Number processing in animals
Evidence that animals also possess number discrimination, cross-modal numerosity perception and
elementary arithmetic abilities comparable to those of
human infants has been reviewed in detail elsewhere5,31–34. Only the most salient features of these
data will be reported here. Like human infants, various animal species including rats, pigeons, raccoons,
dolphins, parrots, monkeys and chimpanzees can discriminate the numerosity of various sets, including
visual objects presented simultaneously or sequentially and auditory sequences of sounds. Several of
these experiments included controls for non-numerical variables such as spacing, size, tempo and duration
of the stimuli35–37. Although most experiments
required extended training, numerically relevant behavior has also been observed in the wild38 or in situations in which number appears to be extracted spontaneously by animals36. For example, in Meck and
Church’s experiments36, rats were trained to press one
lever in response to a short two-tone sequence and
another in response to a long eight-tone sequence.
Although duration discrimination was sufficient for
that initial performance, subsequently, the rats generalized their behavior to novel, non-differentially
rewarded sequences in which duration was fixed and
only number varied. This suggests that the animals
were representing number during the initial training
Cross-modal extraction of numerosity has been
observed in rats35. Rats trained initially on distinct
auditory and visual discrimination tasks were shown
later to generalize to novel sequences in which auditory and visual stimuli were mixed. Thus, a rat trained
to press a lever on the left in response to two flashes
or two sounds, and a lever on the right in response to
four flashes or four sounds, spontaneously pressed the
right lever when presented with a combination of two
sounds and two lights. The rat’s behavior was based
on the abstract total number of four events, not on
modality-specific representations.
Experiments of symbolic ‘language’ training also
provide evidence for abstract numerical representations
in animals. Monkeys39 and chimpanzees31,40 have been
taught to recognize the Arabic digits 1–9 and to use them
appropriately to refer to sets of objects. In controlled
experiments, a parrot was even taught to recognize
and produce a large vocabulary of English words
including the first few number words. The animal
could answer questions as complex as ‘How many
green keys?’ when confronted with multiple objects of
various colors. Symbolic labeling abilities such as these
are exceptional, show considerable inter-individual
and inter-species variability, require years of training
and are never found in the wild. Thus, such experiments cannot be taken to indicate that exact symbolic
or ‘linguistic’ number processing is within the normal
behavioral repertoire of animals. However, they do
indicate that abstract, presumably non-symbolic representations of number are available to animals and
can, under exceptional circumstances, be mapped on
to arbitrary behaviors that can then serve as numerical
Like human infants, animals also exhibit some abilities for elementary mental arithmetic. They can apply
to their internal representations of number simple
operations of approximate addition, subtraction and
comparison. For example, out of two sets, each composed of multiple piles of food morsels, chimpanzees
spontaneously select the one with the greater total
numerosity, indicating approximate addition of the
number of morsels in each pile and comparison of
these totals41. Abstract addition of simple fractions
such as a quarter, a half and three quarters has also
been recorded42. Chimpanzees trained with Arabic
digits can even identify two Arabic digits such as 2 and
3 and point to their sum 5 amidst other Arabic digits31.
Again, while some of these abilities require considerable training, a core of elementary arithmetic abilities
seems to be available even to untrained animals. For
example, Wynn’s 1 + 1 = 2 and 2 − 1 = 1 experiments
with infants28 have been replicated using a very similar violation-of-expectation paradigm with untrained
monkeys tested in the wild38.
While the cerebral substrates of animals’ numerical
abilities are unknown, we speculate that occipito–parietal pathways for spatial visual processing play a crucial role in numerosity extraction, in agreement with
the special role of bilateral inferior parietal cortices in
number processing in human adults (cf. below). A
neuronal network model of this process has been
proposed43. In this model, numerosity is estimated by
summing the activity over a neural map of space in
which each object, regardless of its identity and size, is
represented by a fixed population of neurons – a normalization which could be performed by the occipito–parietal ‘where’ pathway. The output of the simulation is a bank of units, each of which reacts to a
given approximate number of objects of various sizes
presented on the input layer. The model can be conditioned by reinforcement to acquire most numerical
behaviors exhibited by animals43.
Parallels between animal and human
representations of number
How do animal abilities for number processing
relate to arithmetic in adult humans? On the surface,
the difference between animals and humans seems considerable, because animals are limited to elementary,
approximate and non-symbolic calculations. Our
TINS Vol. 21, No. 8, 1998
S. Dehaene et al. – Representations of number
% Errors
= 95.1%
Numerical distance from target
number of pecks
8 9
r2 = 99.6%
% Errors
Numerical distance from target
number of chocolate bits
= 87.6%
r2 = 84.7%
Numerical distance from target
20 25
30 35
Numerical distance from target
Fig. 1. Distance effect. In all species, error rates in various number comparison tasks decrease
monotonically as an approximately logarithmic function of the numerical distance between the
numbers to be compared. (A) Pigeons compared their numbers of pecks to a fixed standard of
50 (Ref. 44). (B) Chimpanzees selected the larger of two small numbers of chocolate bits39.
(C) Humans decided whether a pattern contained exactly 12 dots45. (D) Interestingly, humans
also exhibit a distance effect when processing symbolic numerals, for instance when deciding
if a two-digit Arabic numeral is larger than 65 (Ref. 46). Note the different scale, however, indicating that error rates are much lower when humans can rely on symbolic notation.
claim, however, is that animal number processing
reflects the operation of a dedicated, biologically
determined neural system that humans also share and
which is fundamental to the uniquely human ability
to develop higher-level arithmetic. Support for the
hypothesis of a shared evolutionary heritage for elementary arithmetic comes from the finding of deep
and systematic parallels between human and animal
number processing. Two such major parallels have
been found to date: the numerical distance effect and
the number size effect.
The numerical distance effect (Fig. 1) refers to the
empirical finding that the ability to discriminate
between two numbers improves as the numerical distance between them increases. Distance effects have
been reported with various animal species whenever
the animal must identify the larger of two numerical
quantities or tell whether two numerical quantities are
the same or not33. Similar results have been obtained
with adult humans, not only when comparing the
numerosity of two sets of dots45,47, but also when processing Arabic digits or number words13,46–48. Thus, it is
faster and easier to compare four with eight than four
with five, even after intensive training. The distance
effect is found even with two-digit numerals46.
Comparison times and error rates are a continuous,
convex upward function of distance, similar to psychophysical comparison curves (Fig. 1).
The occurrence of a distance effect even when numbers are presented in a symbolic notation suggests that
the human brain converts numbers internally from
the symbolic format to a continuous, quantity-based
analogical format. This internal access to quantity
seems to be a compulsory step in number processing,
because a distance effect is found even when subjects
merely have to say whether two digits are the same or
TINS Vol. 21, No. 8, 1998
different6, or in priming experiments in which the mere
presentation of an Arabic digit or of a number word
facilitates the subsequent processing of a numerically
close target number49,50.
The number size effect (Fig. 2) refers to the finding
that, for equal numerical distance, discrimination of
two numbers worsens as their numerical size increases.
Thus, it is more difficult to tell which of the number
eight or nine is the larger than to decide between two
and three. This effect, which is a form of Weber’s law,
holds when various animal species are presented with
different numbers of visual objects or sounds in various
discrimination or comparison tasks33. It should be
stressed here that animals are not limited to processing
small numbers only. For example, pigeons can discriminate between 45 and 50 pecks44. However, the
ability to discriminate decreases monotonically with
number size.
The number size effect has not been studied systematically in human infants, although evidence suggests that they discriminate readily between two and
three objects, occasionally between three and four (or
four and five), but not between four and six19. In
human adults, however, a growing imprecision for increasingly large numbers is found during identification
or discrimination of two sets of dots45,47. The number
size effect accounts for ‘subitizing’, our limited ability
to perceive rapidly the exact number of objects when
their number is below three or four, but not when it is
above this number54,55. Most importantly, a similar
number size effect is found when humans compare or
calculate with numbers presented as Arabic digits or as
number words47,48,52. Even in highly trained adults,
adding, multiplying or comparing two large digits such
as 8 and 9 is significantly slower and more error-prone
than performing the same operations with digits 2 and
3, although the exact origin of this effect remains
debated. Thus, cognitive psychological evidence indicates that, in various number processing tasks, humans
quickly access a representation of numerical quantities
similar to that of animals, which is organized by
numerical proximity and gets increasingly fuzzier for
increasingly larger numbers.
Deficits of semantic number processing in
brain-lesioned patients
If the elementary understanding and manipulation
of numerical quantities is part of our biological evolutionary heritage, does it also have a dedicated neural
substrate? Two arguments suggest that number
processing is associated with a specific cerebral network located in the inferior intra-parietal area of both
hemispheres. First, neuropsychological studies of
human patients with brain lesions indicate that the
internal representation of quantities can be impaired
selectively by lesions to that area10,11,56,57. Second,
brain-imaging studies reveal that this region is activated specifically during various number processing
Lesions of the inferior parietal region of the languagedominant hemisphere often cause number processing
deficits (Fig. 3). In some cases, comprehending, producing and calculating with numbers are all impaired11.
However, in other cases, the deficit can be selective for
calculation, with reading, writing, spoken recognition
and production of Arabic digits and number words
not being affected10,56,57.
S. Dehaene et al. – Representations of number
Brain-imaging studies of number processing
Roland and Friberg59 were the first to monitor blood
flow changes during calculation as opposed to rest.
When subjects repeatedly subtracted three from a
% Responses
Target numbers
% Errors
Target numbers
% Responses
Recently, we suggested that the core deficit in parietal acalculia is a disorganization of an abstract
semantic representation of numerical quantities
rather than of calculation processes per se10,61. One of
our patients, Mr M10, experienced severe difficulties in
calculation, especially with single-digit subtraction
problems (75% errors). He failed on problems as simple as 3 − 1, with the comment that he no longer knew
what the operation meant. His failure was not tied to
a specific modality of input or output, because the
problems were presented visually and read out loud
simultaneously, and because he failed in both overt
production and covert multiple choice tests. Moreover, he also erred on tasks outside of calculation, such
as deciding which of two numbers was the largest
(16% errors) or what number fell in the middle of two
others (bisection task, 77% errors). He easily performed
analogous comparison and bisection tasks in nonnumerical domains such as days of the week, months
of the year, or letters of the alphabet (for example,
what is between Tuesday and Thursday; February and
April; B and D?), indicating that he suffered from a
category-specific deficit for numbers.
Even in the number domain, patient M’s rote verbal
knowledge of arithmetic tables was preserved partially
relative to his knowledge of quantities. Single-digit
multiplication and addition problems, which are
learned by rote in the French education system, were
solved significantly better than subtraction problems.
The patient could still recite ‘three times nine is 27’,
although he claimed he no longer knew what that
meant. This confirms our earlier suggestion that rote
memory for arithmetic tables need not involve the
parietal quantity system, but can be accessed nonsemantically using a left perisylvian language circuit10,61,62. We have now made several observations of
patients with dominant-hemisphere inferior parietal
lesions and Gerstmann’s syndrome. All of them
showed specific impairments in subtraction and number bisection, suggesting disturbance to the central
representation of quantities.
A ‘developmental Gerstmann’s syndrome’, also
called developmental dyscalculia, has been reported
in children63–66. Some children show a highly selective
deficit for number processing although they have normal intelligence, normal language acquisition and a
standard level of education. For example, Paul64 is a
young boy who suffers no known neurological disease, has a normal command of language, and uses an
extended vocabulary, but has experienced exceptionally severe difficulties in arithmetic since kindergarten.
At the age of 11, he remained unable to multiply, subtract or divide numbers, and could only add some
pairs of digits through finger counting. Paul can read
non-words as well as infrequent and irregular words
such as colonel. However, he makes word substitution
errors only when reading numerals, for instance reading 1 as nine and 4 as two. Although there is little
anatomo-pathological data on such developmental
dyscalculia cases, it is tempting to view them as resulting from early damage to inferior parietal cortices that
hold a representation of numbers.
Target numbers
Fig. 2. Size effect. In all species, performance in various number processing tasks becomes increasingly imprecise as the numbers involved get larger. (A) Rats compared their numbers of lever
presses to a fixed standard of 4, 8, 12 or 16 (Ref. 51). (B) Humans compared the numerosity
of a dot pattern to a fixed standard of 8, 12, 16, 20, 25 or 30 (Ref. 45). In both cases, the size
effect is revealed by an increasing dispersion of the distribution of responses (Weber’s law); scaling
differences are related to minor differences in task demands and should be ignored. In general,
when humans process symbolic numerals, the size effect is reflected only by lengthened response
times and a small increase in error rates for increasingly larger numbers47,48,52. The data shown
here (C) were obtained in the special case of Mr NAU, a patient with a larger left posterior
lesion53, who could still convert Arabic numerals to quantities but failed in exact calculation. In
patient NAU, the normal distance effect was exacerbated, so that when asked to verify additions, he claimed that 2 + 2 = 5 was correct but recognized that 2 + 2 = 9 was false. The graph
indicates that patient NAU’s addition approximation performance was progressively less precise
as the sums he was given went from single digits, to teens and then two-digit numbers.
Fig. 3. Overlapping lesions of five patients with Gerstmann’s syndrome (redrawn from Refs
10 and 57). All patients could read Arabic numerals aloud and write them to dictation, and
all suffered from a severe deficit of the processing of numerical quantities, evident in various
calculation tasks. The lesions overlap deep in the inferior lobule, in the vicinity of the intraparietal sulcus, a location compatible with brain-imaging studies of calculation in normal
subjects58. Note that the one patient with a right-hemispheric lesion (patient M; Ref. 10) was
left-handed and suspected of right-hemispheric dominance for language.
TINS Vol. 21, No. 8, 1998
S. Dehaene et al. – Representations of number
given number, activation increased bilaterally in the
inferior parietal and prefrontal cortex. These localizations were later confirmed using functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI)60,67. A recent positron emission tomography study of multiplication and comparison of digit pairs has revealed bilateral parietal
activation confined to the intraparietal region58, in
agreement with lesion data (Fig. 3).
More detailed studies have begun to examine the
prediction that inferior parietal cortex activation
reflects the operation of an abstract category-specific
quantity system largely independent of input and output modalities and the specific arithmetic task involved. In a word categorization task, high-density
recordings of event-related potentials (ERPs) revealed
a late parietal activation specific to number words,
which was not elicited by other categories of stimuli
matched for length and frequency, such as proper
names, verbs, animal names or consonant strings68.
ERP recordings during a number comparison task
revealed inferior parietal activity, which was modulated by the numerical distance separating the numbers to be compared, but not by the notation used to
present them (Arabic numerals or written words)58. A
similar study of number multiplication showed that
inferior parietal activity lasted longer during multiplication of two large digits than during multiplication
of two small digits, regardless of the modality of
presentation of the operands (auditory or visual)12.
Hence, both the distance effect and the number size
effect can be traced back to the inferior parietal area.
Interestingly, the ERP effects, although always bilateral, were stronger over the left inferior parietal area
during multiplication and over the right parietal area
during number comparison. Recently, we replicated
this modulation by task demands using fMRI
(F. Chochon et al., unpublished observations). Relative
to letter reading, digit comparison yielded greater
activity in the right inferior parietal area, multiplication yielded greater activity in the left parietal area,
and subtraction yielded a bilateral increase. These lateralization effects are compatible with neuropsychological evidence that unilateral inferior parietal lesions
are sufficient to disrupt exact arithmetic operations,
but can leave intact the ability to compare two numbers.
In spite of these variations, however, an extensive
bilateral intraparietal network was common to all three
tasks. We suggest that this network represents the
cerebral basis of number sense.
Obviously, we are not promoting the phrenological
idea that a single brain area underlies an entire domain of competence such as arithmetic. Presumably,
only the core of number meaning – knowledge of
numerical quantities and their relations – is encoded
in the intraparietal cortex. A wide network of brain
areas is known to be involved in other aspects of number processing such as digit identification, numeral
comprehension and production, the spatial layout of
multi-digit calculations, rote arithmetic memory and
so on61. Even very simple calculations call for the coordination of many such areas. Indeed, neuropsychological dissociations confirm that arithmetic is a multifaceted domain. Algebraic knowledge [for example,
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2] can be intact in patients with
impaired number knowledge69,70, suggesting that a distinct circuit is used. Likewise, in the triple-code model
of number processing61,71, arithmetic facts that have
TINS Vol. 21, No. 8, 1998
been learned repeatedly, such as the multiplication
table, are thought to be stored in memory in a nonsemantic way, in the form of rote sequences of words.
A patient with lesioned left basal ganglia, but with an
intact inferior parietal cortex, lost the ability to recite
multiplication tables but could still compare numbers,
solve simple addition and subtraction problems
and bisect a numerical interval, thus completing the
double dissociation with patient M (Ref. 10). Thus, the
quantity representation in the intraparietal cortex is
only one of the many cerebral codes for numbers –
but it is the most crucial one, the representation of
cardinal meaning out of which the whole of arithmetic
can grow.
Some missing links and pointers to further
The evidence reviewed above leads us to speculate
that the inferior parietal cortex holds a biologically
determined representation of numerical quantities;
that this representation is available to animals and to
infants before language acquisition; and that it underlies the acquisition of symbolic numerals and exact
calculation algorithms in children and human adults.
Owing to lack of space, the latter stage – how the preverbal approximate number representation connects
to language and symbol systems – cannot be described
here. The reader is referred to Ref. 34 for a more detailed discussion of how number words, early calculation algorithms, and so-called ‘prodigious’ calculation
abilities are acquired in humans only.
Although empirical evidence supports a biologically
determined cerebral basis for elementary number processing, there are still several unanswered questions
and further research is necessary. In particular,
directly parallel studies of animal, infant, and adult
human behavior using identical experimental paradigms are still lacking. Most importantly, infant studies of arithmetic are confined to very small numbers
(up to four or six). Our views predict that infants, like
animals, should be able to discriminate large numbers
provided the numerical distance between them is sufficiently large. This crucial prediction remains
untested. In addition, although the role of the intraparietal cortex in number processing is supported by
considerable evidence in adult humans, its involvement in infants and animals remains speculative.
Non-invasive brain-imaging techniques applicable to
infants72 have not been applied to number processing.
More surprisingly, in spite of the availability of excellent animal models of number processing, there is an
absence of lesion and electrophysiological studies of
number in animals. To the best of our knowledge,
only a single study reported recordings of neurons
responsive to a specific number of auditory or visual
stimuli in the associative cortex of the anesthetized
cat73. If this study could be replicated, it would provide
a first-hand method for understanding the fine-grained
networks underlying number processing.
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Isolation, Characterization and Utilization of
CNS Stem Cells
edited by F.H. Gage and Y. Christen, Springer, 1997. £52.50 (198 pages)
ISBN 3 540 61696 9
This book is based on a meeting of the
Fondation IPSEN held in Paris in 1995 and
sets out to address issues relating to
neural stem cells. The format is one of
independent reports from different fields
of research, seen very much from the contributing authors’ viewpoint. This gives
each chapter a specific ‘flavour’ and highlights the breadth of studies currently
going on in this rapidly expanding field.
Stem cells have been best studied in the
haematopoietic system. Here there is a
pluripotent ‘mother of all stem cells’ from
which lymphoid and myeloid stem cells can
be derived, which in turn give rise to progenitor cells with more limited capacity for
division and differentiation. Weissman sets
the scene in the opening chapter by
describing succinctly the haematopoietic
stem-cell biology and how this might relate
to stem-cell biology in general. In the
haematopoietic system, researchers bask in
the luxury of over 100 cell-surface markers (established over a 35-year period of
intensive research) which can track the
development of pluripotent stem cells
through progenitor stages and on to
erythrocytes, monocytes and thymocytes.
The following chapters all deal with
neural stem cells to some degree. Perhaps
the most obvious topic for the second
chapter would be to introduce the reader
to neural stem-cell terminology and history, which is in fact covered much later in
a concise report by McKay who outlines
the origins of the CNS. Here we are introduced to the only marker of neuronal
stem cells called nestin (an acronym for
neuroepithelial stem cell protein) which, in
contrast to the plethora of haematopoeitic
extracellular markers, labels an intracellular intermediate-filament protein. As
This work was
supported by
INSERM and by
grants from the
d’Intérêt Scientifique
‘Sciences de la
Cognition’ and the
Fondation pour la
Recherche Médicale.
alluded to by the majority of authors in
this book, a crucial issue facing neural
stem-cell biology is the lack of definitions –
which in part reflect the lack of markers
for neural tissue at various stages of development. Even in the preface the terms stem
cell, putative stem cell and progenitor cell
are intermixed and in a later chapter by
Snyder the term ‘stem-like’ cell is coined.
Is there a consensus as to what a neural
stem cell is? In a book devoted to this
topic and including most of the senior
workers in the field it is a shame that more
effort has not been made to set global
ground rules for these terms and perhaps
include them in an appendix, although individual chapters do raise this issue separately. In broad terms any cell that can
self-renew and give rise to neurones,
astrocytes and oligodendrocytes is a good
candidate for a neural stem cell. Just how
long this cell has to self-renew in vitro to be
a ‘true’ stem cell has not been addressed.
Furthermore, in the haematopoetic system
there are lineage-restricted lymphoid and
myeloid stem cells, and so based on this
terminology there could well be separate
TINS Vol. 21, No. 8, 1998