For Condition Based Maintenance


I would like to thank Dr. Frank Lewis for his support and guidance all throughout this work. He not only helped me in my academic development but also in my overall development as an engineer and a professional. It is an absolute privilege for anyone to work under his guidance. I would also like to thank all ACS ARRI group members, especially Jyotirmay Gadewadikar, for their cooperation at all times. Thanks to Mariam John for proofreading the report. This work was supported by ARO DAAD 19-02-1-0366 and NSF IIS-0326505 grants.

DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS FOR CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE The members of the Committee approve the master’s thesis of Ankit Tiwari Frank L. Lewis Supervising Professor ______________________________________ Jonathan Bredow ______________________________________ Qilian Liang ______________________________________ Copyright © by Ankit Tiwari 2004 All Rights Reserved DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS FOR CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE by ANKIT TIWARI Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Arlington in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON May 2004 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Frank Lewis for his support and guidance all throughout this work. He not only helped me in my academic development but also in my overall development as an engineer and a professional. It is an absolute privilege for anyone to work under his guidance. I would also like to thank all ACS ARRI group members, especially Jyotirmay Gadewadikar, for their cooperation at all times. Thanks to Mariam John for proofreading the report. This work was supported by ARO DAAD 19-02-1-0366 and NSF IIS -0326505 grants. April 07, 2004 iv ABSTRACT DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS FOR CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE Publication No. ______ Ankit Tiwari, M. S. in Electrical Engineering The University of Texas at Arlington, 2004 Supervising Professor: Frank L. Lewis A new application architecture is designed for continuous, real-time, distributed wireless sensor networks. We develop a wireless sensor network for machinery condition-based maintenance (CBM) using commercially available products, including a hardware platform, networking architecture, and medium access communication protocol. We outline the design requirements for wireless sensor network (WSN) systems specifically for CBM and thus take an application driven system design. We also investigate the physical layer of WSN by modeling the battery consumption of radio hardware used on the sensor nodes. We thus incorporate both application requirements and physical layer functionality in the design of our single-hop networking architecture, and User Configured Time Division Multiple Accessing (UCv TDMA) MAC protocol. In our design, we emphasize energy efficiency and latency requirements posed by resource constrained WSN and our application domain respectively. We use modified RTS-CTS mechanisms for combining contention with scheduling to provide an overall energy efficient, scalable and adaptable MAC protocol with no collisions and minimal protocol overhead. We implement a single-hop sensor network to facilitate real-time monitoring and extensive data processing for machine monitoring. A LabVIEW graphical user interface is described that allows for signal processing, including FFT, and computation of various moments, including kurtosis. A wireless CBM sensor network implementation on a Heating & Air Conditioning Plant is presented as a case study. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................... v ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ..................................................................................... xii LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... xiv Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1 1.1 Gathering, Analyzing, and Reacting – A Definition ............................... 3 1.2 Sensor Network Applications .................................................................. 4 1.3 Data Processing ....................................................................................... 4 1.4 Challenges .............................................................................................. 5 1.5 Organization ........................................................................................... 5 2. HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE FOR SENSOR NODES ......................... 6 2.1 Overview ................................................................................................. 6 2.2 General Node Architecture ...................................................................... 7 2.2.1 Processor Module ..................................................................... 8 2.2.2 Radio Module ........................................................................... 10 2.2.3 Sensor Module .......................................................................... 11 2.2.4 Memory Module ....................................................................... 13 2.2.5 Power Supply Module .............................................................. 13 vii 2.3 Microstrain’s Node Architecture ............................................................. 14 3. CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE .................................................... 19 3.1 Motivation .............................................................................................. 19 3.2 Overview ................................................................................................. 21 3.3 Complete CBM Architecture ................................................................... 23 3.4 CBM Diagnostics .................................................................................... 24 3.4.1 Offline Phase ............................................................................ 24 3.4.2 Online Phase ............................................................................ 25 3.5 CBM Prognostics .................................................................................... 26 3.6 Motivation for Wireless Sensor Networks in CBM ................................ 29 4. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS......................................................................... 31 4.1 Continuous Sensing ............................................................................... 31 4.2 Periodic Data Transmission ..................................................................... 31 4.3 User-Prompted Data Querying ................................................................ 31 4.4 Emergency Addressing and Alarms ........................................................ 32 4.5 Real-Time Potential ................................................................................. 32 4.6 Adaptability ............................................................................................. 32 4.7 Network Reconfigurability ...................................................................... 33 4.8 Scalability ................................................................................................ 33 4.9 Energy Efficiency .................................................................................... 33 4.10 Feedback Control ................................................................................. 34 5. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION............................................................................. 35 viii 5.1 Topology ................................................................................................. 37 6. UC-TDMA MAC PROTOCOL .................................................................... 42 6.1 MAC Protocol Attributes ......................................................................... 44 6.2 TDMA Slot Allocation ............................................................................ 45 6.3 Energy Model of Radio ........................................................................... 46 6.4 Sleep Scheduling ..................................................................................... 49 6.5 Modes of Operation ................................................................................. 51 6.6 Network Setup ......................................................................................... 52 6.7 Main Thread ........................................................................................... 54 6.8 Adaptability and Reconfigurability ......................................................... 56 6.9 Scalability ................................................................................................ 57 6.10 Emergency Addressing and Alarm ........................................................ 58 6.11 State Machine for Nodes ....................................................................... 59 7. IMPLEMENTATIONS 7.1 MATLAB Implementation ...................................................................... 62 7.1.1 Check connection between Host and Base Station ................... 63 7.1.2 Check sync between Base Station and Link Device ................. 63 7.1.3 Read from a particular EEPROM Address on-board a Link Device.............................................. 63 7.1.4 Write to a particular EEPROM Address on-board a Link Device.............................................. 64 7.1.5 Down Load a page of Data from a Link Device ....................... 64 7.1.6 Erase all data on-board a Link Device ...................................... 64 ix 7.1.7 Trigger a data capture session on-board a Link Device ........... 65 7.1.8 Trigger a data capture session on-board Link Device with supplied Trigger name................................. 65 7.1.9 Initiate real time streaming data collection from a Link Device 65 7.1.10 Initiate low-power periodic sleep mode ................................ 66 7.2 LabVIEW Implementation ...................................................................... 68 8. CONCLUSION.............................................................................................. 80 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 82 BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION......................................................................... 87 x LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 2.1 Overview of Wireless Sensor Network Architecture ...................................... 6 2.2 Wireless Sensor Node Architecture ................................................................ 7 2.3 General node architecture of Microstrain sensor node.................................... 14 2.4 Internal block diagram of V-Link node........................................................... 16 2.5 G-link Sensor Node ......................................................................................... 17 2.6 An SG-link Sensor Node ................................................................................. 18 3.1 Overview of CBM System .............................................................................. 21 3.2 CBM Architecture ........................................................................................... 23 3.3 CBM fault diagnostics procedure .................................................................... 26 3.4 Maintenance prescription and scheduling procedures .................................... 27 5.1 System Overview ............................................................................................ 36 5.2 Any-to-Any Paradigm ..................................................................................... 37 5.3 May-to-One Paradigm ..................................................................................... 37 6.1 UC-TDMA frame showing time slots for N nodes in network ....................... 45 6.2 Symbolic Radio Model.................................................................................... 47 6.3 Flow Chart for UC-TDMA MAC Protocol ..................................................... 53 6.4 State-machine running on each node .............................................................. 59 6.5 IEEE 1451 Standard for Smart Sensor Networks ........................................... 60 xi 6.6 A general model of smart sensor ..................................................................... 61 7.1 Data Packet format for real-time streaming .................................................... 65 7.2 MATLAB – Real-time display of acceleration along 3-axes .......................... 66 7.3 Screen shot of GUI created in MATLAB ....................................................... 67 7.4 Implementation Architecture........................................................................... 68 7.5 OSI reference model – layers implemented .................................................... 69 7.6 Heating and Air Conditioning plant at ARRI.................................................. 70 7.7 Screen shot of first screen of Network Configuration Wizard (NCW) ........... 71 7.8 Second Screen of NCW................................................................................... 72 7.9 Dialog Box for selecting an existing configuration file .................................. 72 7.10 NCW screen showing actual physical location of sensors in plant ................. 73 7.11 NCW Main Configuration Screen ................................................................... 74 7.12 Introductory Screen of Application GUI......................................................... 77 7.13 Time Domain display of real-time data from three different sensors ............. 78 7.14 Screen Shot of Application GUI with Frequency Domain Signals ................. 79 xii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2.1 Measurements for Wireless Sensor Networks ................................................ 12 xiii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Wireless distributed sensor networks require an application driven system design. Unlike traditional communication networks, these networks are deployed for specific tasks and applications. Different tasks might pose different energy, latency, throughput, scalability, adaptability, quality, and lifetime requirements for these systems. Due to limited energy and communication bandwidth resources available to these networks, it becomes essential to use innovative design techniques to efficiently utilize resources in context of applications. In order to design good protocols, it is important to understand the parameters that are relevant to sensor applications [14] With most of the research efforts targeting on applications like habitat monitoring [28], area monitoring [29], surveillance [50], etc, environmental sensing and processing remains the principle stimulant in evolution of sensor networks. Many of the protocol architectures, viz., S-MAC [49], PAMAS [42], T-MAC [9], ER-MAC [18], are designed for applications where data is acquired only when an interesting event occurs or when prompted by user. In contrast to this, we have focussed on applications requiring turn wise, continuous, periodic and real-time transmission of data from sensors. Examples of such applications include for instance, monitoring gradual changes in the ambience conditions during course of some experiment in laboratory, hazard detection systems, etc; another such application is condition based maintenance 1 (CBM) of machines and equipments for reliability and health maintenance. Real time monitoring and control increases the equipment utilization and positively impacts the yield [1]. It also tightens the monitoring of process variability which is an essential requirement in modern manufacturing industries. Unacceptable variations cause degradation in overall product quality [19]. CBM is key to avoid breakdowns, process variations, unscheduled maintenance, temporary repairs, equipment caused defects, loss of equipment speed, and many more factors that add to manufacturing cost. By reducing manning level in factories, maximizing productivity and lifetime of equipment and by avoiding overheads in manufacturing, CBM if implemented efficiently, promises to save billions of manufacturing costs. WSN in turn, helps in low cost fast and efficient implementation of CBM. This thesis develops a new application domain for distributed wireless sensor networks. It presents specific design requirements, topology, and the limitations and guidelines for implementing sensor networks for many such applications. It describes the hardware platform, networking architecture and medium access protocol for such networks. Implementation of single hop sensor network to facilitate real time monitoring and extensive data processing for machine monitoring using commercially available Microstrain wireless sensors is also presented. A LabVIEW graphical user interface has been written that allows for signal processing, including FFT, various moments and kurtosis. Time plots can be displayed in real time and alarm levels set by user. A wireless CBM sensor network implementation on a Heating & Air conditioning plant is presented as a case study. 2 1.1 Gathering, Analyzing, and Reacting – A Definition Remote sensing and measuring is becoming more important with accelerating advances in technology. It has ascended from meter reading to data acquisition systems to a new era of wireless sensor networks (WSN). Earlier sensor readings used to be recorded manually. This method was both inefficient and error prone because being a monotonous task it was difficult for humans to perform well over an extended period of time. Next generation belonging to data acquisition systems automated the recording by wiring sensors to a central data storage unit. Installation and maintenance of these systems are costly. These systems are inflexible once installed and require great amount of expertise from installer. Wiring of these systems even makes them infeasible in certain situations. Wireless sensor networks are now providing an intelligent platform to gather, analyze and react on data without human intervention. Typically a sensor network consists of autonomous wireless sensing nodes that organize to form a network. Each node is equipped with sensors, embedded processing unit, short-range radio communication module, onboard data memory and a power supply battery. These nodes are capable of communicating with other nodes and passing their data to a base station where data will be compiled, analyzed, processed and reacted upon. Base station forms the link between sensors and higher level application. Thus, a wireless sensor network can be defined as an intelligent system capable of performing distributed sensing and processing, along with collaborative processing and decision making for carrying out a particular task. 3 1.2 Sensor Network Applications With recent innovations in micro-machined ceramic and MEMS sensor technology, wireless sensor networks hold significant promises in many application domains. Smart spaces capable of catering needs of occupants, condition based machine maintenance, patient monitoring, vehicle monitoring for breakdowns or accident preventions, atmosphere monitoring for harmful chemicals, habitat monitoring, military surveillance, structural (bridges, dams, buildings etc) health monitoring, seismic detection, inventory tracking, vehicle tracking and detection, electric metering, etc are few to name. With miniaturization of technology and capabilities of sensor networks one can expect them to permeate through lives of everyone. 1.3 Data Processing Again depending upon application requirement, some processing might be needed locally and others may require collaborative processing at a base station. Each node performs analog to digital processing of its sensor input signal. Noisy signals may need local filtering for improving signal to noise ratio. Nodes may locally compare the signal with a set threshold to determine the control action or to determine whether the data should be discarded, stored locally or transmitted over network. Collaborative processing includes – averaging the reading of temperature sensors in a room, running decision making algorithms on fused data for determining the overall status of environment. These decision making algorithm may include neural networks, fuzzy logic, statistical analysis, probabilistic analysis, etc. 4 1.4 Challenges Wireless sensor networks are exposed to many technical limitations including available processing power, transmission rate, synchronization rate and robustness of operation; energy and memory constraints which limit the battery life and local data storage for in-network processing respectively. Issues of proper sensor placement and sensor density must be solved for providing both operation and cost effectiveness. Interference among neighbouring nodes in network may cause collisions in a network organized in clusters. The challenges in hierarchy of: detecting the relevant quantities, monitoring and collecting the data, assessing and evaluating the information, formulating meaningful user displays, and performing decision-making and alarm functions are enormous [27]. To overcome these limitations one needs to have application specific optimized wireless sensor network design. 1.5 Organization Chapter 2 explains the generic architecture of sensor nodes used in WSN. It also details the sensor network hardware from Microstrain Inc., used in our implementations. Chapter 3 briefly describes the condition based maintenance from the perspective of diagnosis and prognosis of faults and failures. Chapter 4 outlines the design requirements for WSN for CBM. Chapter 5 describes the overall system and network topology used. Chapter 6 presents the UC-TDMA protocol designed. Chapter 7 describes the MATLAB and LabVIEW implementations of proposed system on heating and Air conditioning plant. Chapter 8 concludes with a summary of key lessons and recommendations for future work. 5 CHAPTER 2 HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE FOR SENSOR NODES 2.1 Overview Overall picture of a Wireless Sensor Networks generally consists of a data acquisition network and a data distribution network, monitored and controlled by a management center. The plethora of available technologies makes even the selection of components difficult, let alone the design of consistent, reliable, and robust overall system. The study of wireless sensor networks is challenging in that it requires an enormous breadth of knowledge from an enormous variety of disciplines. In this chapter we outline the hardware architecture of a wireless sensor node used in these networks. Wireless Sensor Networks Vehicle Monitoring Animal Monitoring Machine Monitoring Medical Monitoring Wireless Data Collection Networks Wireless Sensor Wireless Sensor BSC Ship Monitoring (Base Station Controller, Preprocessing) BST Data Acquisition Network Data Distribution Network Roving Online Printer monitoring Human monitor Any where, any time to access Notebook transmitter Wireless (Wi-Fi 802.11 2.4GHz BlueTooth Cellular Network, CDMA, GSM) PDA Cellular Phone Management Center (Database large storage, analysis) Server Wireland (Ethernet WLAN, Optical) PC Figure 2.1 Overview of Wireless Sensor Network Architecture [27] 6 2.2 General Node Architecture Currently available wireless sensor nodes are built completely by integrating COTS components. Large variety of prototype systems have been implemented and tested. However these systems tend to be developer specific and require substantial overhead in demonstrating more than one application. These systems are designed to provide low power functionality, small form factor, high processing and memory capability, long communication range, high flexibility, low cost and ability to scale the energy consumption of entire system in order to maximize lifetime and reduce global energy consumption. Node architecture of a typical wireless sensor is shown in figure 2.2. It consists of following five major modules. Memory SM EO ND SU OL RE Controller Module R A D I O Power Supply Module Figure 2.2 Wireless Sensor Node Architecture 7 2.2.1 Processor Module This performs all the computation required for sensing, acquiring, processing, storing and communicating the data. This module thus forms the heart and brain of the sensor node. Microprocessors with required external peripherals or microcontrollers with built-in peripherals are used for this module. Multiple processors are used in certain architectures to separate the application specific computation from communication specific processing. The plethora of commercially available low power microprocessors and microcontrollers make it both flexible and difficult to pick one for the node. There are microcontrollers like Amega128 which provide Spartan processing and memory but lower power consumption. On the other hand there are microprocessors like StrongARM 1100, SH-4 etc, which along with external memory are equivalent to PCs in their computing and memory capabilities but render limited lifetime and larger form factor to the design of overall node. Selection is then made on the basis of possible application requirements. Attempts are made to have wider applicability of nodes in several application domains. For acquiring the data from sensors, analog signal is first sampled and then converted into digital data by using an A/D converter with precision ranging anywhere from 8-bits to 32 bits. This could be an external ADC or built-in ADC of the microcontroller used on the node. UC Berkeley’s low powered MICA [6] node uses the built-in 8 channel, 10-bit ADC of the ATmega128 microcontroller used on the node. Whereas MIT’s µAMPS [40] node utilizes an external 12-bit A/D converter with rate 8 125 K samples/second along with StrongARM SA-1110 microprocessor for acquiring the data from sensors. Data processing requirements for a node stretches from simple processing for computing the FFT of locally stored data, filtering the local data, and averaging the collective data from various nodes to complex processing for executing Kalman filters, beam forming algorithms, neural networks etc. Processor module of low powered nodes like MICA allows performing simple processing locally on node. However to enable complex local processing, WINS [37] node from Rockwell uses powerful SA-1100 processor integrated with external 4 MB flash and 1MB SRAM. Utilizing a single processor for both data and communication protocol processing often overloads the central controller. This approach is good enough for nodes requiring little data processing. Some nodes separate the two processing tasks for more effective data processing. For example Medusa MK-2 [3] from UCLA uses two microcontrollers The first one is an Atmel ATMega128L microcontroller with 32KB flash and 4KB of RAM running at 4MHz. This microcontroller is dedicated to the frequent but less computationally demanding tasks of the node such as the radio base band processing, sensor sampling and sensor trigger monitoring. The more powerful Atmel AT91FR4081 processor handles the more challenging computation tasks. This processor runs at 40MHz and has 1MB of Flash memory and 136KB of RAM and it acts as a computation coprocessor for less frequent but more computationally demanding tasks. MIT’s µAMPS, in addition to SA-1110 processor, uses Xilinx FPGA for additional protocol processing and data recovering. 9 2.2.2 Radio Module This module delivers the data and control messages to neighboring nodes. Processor module transfers the data and control messages (for neighboring nodes and base station) to radio using the system bus. Radio then transmits these messages on to the radio channel for reception by intended nodes. On receiving any message on radio channel, radio module passes it on to the processor. This module consists of a transceiver and set of discrete components required for operation. As most of the energy consumption on node is due to this radio module, considerable attention is paid on choice of appropriate transceiver out of different available modules. These are shortrange low power chips operating on ISM band of radio frequencies. External antenna can be used to improve the reliability and range of transmission. Effective power consumption in a radio module is governed by MAC and routing protocols used in the network. The radio module is thus flexible enough to let higher layer protocols exploit features like programmable transmitting power and data rate, frequency band selection, operating mode selection (sleep, Idle, Receive, Transmit). Various available sensor nodes use different commercially available radio transceivers for radio modules. MICA nodes use a low power RFM TR1000 single IC transceiver which uses amplitude shift keying for modulating the carrier frequency of 916 MHz. Transmission range can be controlled by controlling the transmitting power of radio by using a DS1804 digital potentiometer. µAMPS node on other hand uses a Bluetooth-compatible single chip 2.4 GHz transceiver in its radio module, which using two different power amplifiers is capable of transmitting 1Mbps at range of up to100m. 10 2.2.3 Sensor Module A sensor, or more appropriately a transducer, is a device that converts energy from one domain to another. In our application, it converts the quantity to be sensed into useful signals that can be directly measured and processed. The output of the transducers that are useful for sensor networks are generally currents and voltages. Micro-electromechanical Systems (MEMS) sensors are by now very well developed and are available for most sensing applications in wireless networks [27]. Sensors of many types that are suitable for wireless network applications are available commercially. Table 1 shows which physical principles may be used to measure various quantities. MEMS sensors are available for most of these measurands. Various available sensor nodes use various kinds of sensors on board. For example MICA motes include most of the sensors necessary for environmental monitoring. It contains sensor board [7] which interfaces with the MICA motes. These sensor boards contains a Thermistor (YSI44006) – capable of achieving 0.2ºC of accuracy; a light sensor – it is simple photocell with maximum sensitivity at 690nm light wavelength; an acoustic sensor – it is microphone circuit; a 2-axis accelerometer, it is MEMS surface micro-machined 2-axis, +/- 2G device; a 2-Axis magnetometer, it is a Honeywell HMC1002 sensor. Also it contains a prototyping area for interfacing external sensors. All sensors have power control circuit for switching the sensors on-off. Rockwell’s WINS nodes also contain separate modules for acoustic sensors, magnetometer, accelerometer and seismic sensor. 11 Table 2.1 Measurements for Wireless Sensor Networks [27] Measurements for Wireless Sensor Networks Physical Properties Motion Properties Measurand Transduction Principle Pressure Piezoresistive, capacitive Temperature Humidity Resistive, Flow Thermistor, thermomechanical, thermocouple capacitive Pressure change, thermistor Position E-mag, GPS, contact sensor Velocity Doppler, Hall effect, optoelectronic Optical encoder Piezoresistive, piezoelectric, optical fiber Angular velocity Acceleration Contact Properties Presence Strain Piezoresistive Force Piezoelectric, Torque Piezoresistive, Slip Vibration piezoresistive optoelectronic Dual torque Piezoresistive, piezoelectric, optical fiber, Sound, ultrasound Tactile/contact Contact switch, capacitive Proximity Hall effect, capacitive, magnetic, seismic, acoustic, RF E-mag (sonar, radar, lidar), magnetic, tunneling E-mag, IR, acoustic, seismic (vibration) Distance/range Motion Biochemical Biochemical agents Biochemical transduction Identification Personal features Vision Personal ID Fingerprints, retinal scan, voice, heat plume, vision motion analysis 12 2.2.4 Memory Module Nodes using microcontrollers in their processor module have scanty data memory and EEPROM. This memory is not sufficient to carryout sufficient processing at the nodes. They use an external, serially interfaced memory chip for storing the data points, routing tables, TDMA table etc required for communication and data processing. Nodes some times also store the sensor data into these memory blocks which can later be downloaded by base stations. MICA motes use 4MB external flash from Atmel. Accessing this serial interfaced memory however consumes a great deal of power. 2.2.5 Power Supply Module Power for the node is provided by the power supply module. These modules are designed to regulate the supply voltage of the system by using a DC-DC converter that provides a constant supply which is required for proper radio operation. These converters are low-voltage, synchronous-rectified, step-up DC-DC converter intended for use in devices powered by multiple cell alkaline or lithium battery. It takes input voltage even less than 1 V and boosts it to range of 2.0V to 4.0 V. In alkaline battery more than 50 % of its energy lies below 1.2 V [11]. Hence, without a converter, this energy remains unusable [16]. Mostly available nodes are powered by a standard 3.6 V lithium ion battery with capacity of 2400mAH approximately. Standard 9 V rechargeable batteries can also be used. Berkeley MICA motes are powered by using standard pair of AA batteries producing 3.2V to 2.0V. It uses a Maxim1678 DC-DC converter to provide constant 3.0 V supply. µAMPS node however uses a single 3.6V DC source. 13 2.3 Microstrain’s Node Architecture We use Microstrain’s hardware for this thesis work [31]. Apart from various commercially available sensor network platforms designed specifically for environmental monitoring, these nodes are designed specifically for machine monitoring in industrial setups. The Block diagram in figure 2.3 shows the general node architecture for a sensor node. Figure 2.3 General node architecture of Microstrain sensor node [32] Each node takes input from sensors and transmits that data wirelessly to a Base station connected to a terminal through serial RS-232 link. Each node in itself is a complete wireless measurement system with a Microchip PIC 16f877A microcontroller [30] at its heart. It has a RISC CPU with just 35 single word instructions, all single-cycle instructions except program branch which are 2cycle, operating at DC - 20MHz speed, up to 8K x 14 words of Flash Program Memory, up to 368 x 8 bytes of Data Memory (RAM), up to 256 x 8 bytes of EEPROM Data 14 Memory, and low power consumption due to CMOS technology used. Data EEPROM is used to store different sensor calibration coefficient, filter parameters and 16-bit unique node ID. External 2 Mbytes data memory on nodes is ATMEL AT45DB041B serial flash memory, used to store the data logged from the sensor. It can store up to one million data points. Analog data from sensors is converted in digital data by using an external A/D converter, MCP3204 from Microchip. It is an 8 channel, 12-bit ADC featuring SPI serial interface and 100K samples/second rate of sampling the data. Microcontroller communicates with transceiver using serial interface. Nodes contain low power RF Monolithic transceiver model TR1000 [36] using on-off keyed (OOK ) modulation of 916MHz carrier frequency and providing transmission rate of 19.2 Kbps. It uses a half wave monopole antenna of 50 ohm impedance to provide up to 30 m of range for above mentioned configuration. It draws input current of 3.1mA, 12mA and 0.7µA in receive, transmit and sleep mode of operation. Sensor nodes are multi-channel, with maximum of 8 sensors supported by single wireless node. A single receiver (Base Station) addresses multiple nodes; maximum of 216 nodes can be addressed as each node has 16-bit unique address. All nodes support 9V external rechargeable battery. Baud rate on the serial RS-232 link between Base Station (BS) and terminal PC is 38400. Figure 2.4 displays the internal block diagram of a V-link sensor node which can take input from variety of external sensors and transmit them to base station. Sensor nodes for measuring specific physical quantities like vibration, strain, temperature, etc 15 are also available. Set of wireless sensor nodes along with base station forms a complete sensor network. Figure 2.4 Internal block diagram of V-Link node [33] There are four channels that provide for differential input. Each of these channel include both programmable gain and programmable offset. There are three channels available that allow for direct input into the A/D converter without any amplification. This accommodates direct voltage input for sensors that have a range from 0 to 3.0 16 volts. The system uses a twelve bit A/D converter, to convert the output of the A/D converter to volts using the following transfer function: OutputVolts Output Bits. 3.00 4096 3.00 Volts is the maximum voltage that can be obtained from any sensor and 4096(=212) is the corresponding digital value. Additionally an internal temperature sensor is provided on channel 8 of A/D converter to allow for temperature measurement [33]. Figure 2.5 shows the picture of the G-link. It is a high speed, tri-axial accelerometer node, designed to operate as a part of integrated wireless sensor system. It has a very small form factor, which makes it possible to place the accelerometer tightly in contact with the physical quantity to be measured. It contains tri-axial accelerometer ADXL2XXJE from Analog Devices which can measure acceleration in range of +/-10G and have shock limits of 500G. These nodes have an operating temperature range of -40 to +85ºC. Figure 2.5 G-link Sensor Node [32] Rest of the blocks and functionality of the G-link is same as V-link except that three of its channels take inputs from three axes of accelerometer and rests of the channels are 17 unused. Digital accelerometer readings can be calibrated to output acceleration G’s using the set of procedures defined. Figure 2.6 displays the SG-link node from Microstrain Inc., which offers a small form factor suitable for anywhere installations. It is a complete wireless strain gauge node, designed for integration with high speed wireless sensor networks. It combines full strain gauge conditioning with the wireless sensor node. It can have up to three channels of strain gauge inputs measuring strains in the range of +/-1 µstrain for 3-quarter wire bridge installations. Quarter wire, half bridge or full bridge configuration can be used to measure the strains. It provides a +3 VDC bridge excitation with capability to have pulsed bridge excitation and synchronous A/D conversion to conserve power, so that only the channel being sampled is being excited. Thus, adding an additional strain gauge bridge does not increase rate of power consumption. Figure 2.6 An SG-link Sensor Node [31] The base station which communicates with all the nodes in the network, communicates with the terminal PC by using serial RS-232 link. 18 CHAPTER 3 CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE Manufacturing equipments in industries are subjected to heavy wear and tear during the course of their operation. Hence, they require some maintenance and cannot be left on their own after initial installation. Maintenance action based on actual condition of equipment health can be termed as condition based maintenance. CBM can be defined as dynamic maintenance scheduling based on instantaneous operating condition of machine so as to have minimum impact on overall functioning of system. A comprehensive approach to CBM, prognostics, and health management has been developed by Dr. George Vachtsevanos at Georgia Tech. [45], [46]. 3.1 Motivation The manufacturing facilities in industrial sectors are becoming more complex and highly sophisticated, with emphasis on higher throughput and better quality along with maximum yield. The manufacture of typical products such as aircraft, automobiles, appliances, medical equipment, etc, involves a large number of complicated equipments. Turbines, engines, motors, expanders, pumps, compressors, generators plus various integral components makes up each individual system. Manufacturing processes involving these equipments are often complex and are characterized by highly nonlinear dynamics coupling a variety of physical phenomena in the temporal and spatial domains. It is not surprising, therefore, that these processes are not well understood and 19 their operation is “tuned” by experience rather than through the application of scientific principles [46]. Machine breakdowns are common, limiting uptime in critical situations. Failure conditions are difficult and, in certain cases, almost impossible to identify and localize in a timely manner. Scheduled maintenance practices tend to increase downtime, resulting in loss of productivity [46]. Architecture is hence desired, such that it can collect data from on-line sensors, assess current condition of components, decide upon maintenance needs of certain components, and schedule maintenance operations so as to have minimum downtime. Such architecture, if implemented efficiently, promises to: Increase equipment utilization. Positively impact the overall yield. Tighten process variability monitoring. Avoid breakdowns. Avoid process variations. Avoid unscheduled maintenance. Avoid equipment caused defects. Avoid loss of equipment speed. Avoid manufacturing overheads. Reduce manning level in factories. Maximize productivity and lifetime of equipment. Hence an effective Condition Based Maintenance can save billions of manufacturing costs. 20 3.2 Overview Faults and failures are the terms that often form the basis for condition based maintenance (CBM) systems. Induced faults, if not taken care, propagates to failure. Figure 3.1 outlines the architecture of CBM. It shows the building blocks of an integrated CBM system. Various measurements from on-line sensors are acquired and collected by the data acquisition block. It performs distributed sensing to obtain measurements for all critical components of the equipment. These measurements are then made available to diagnostics block for identification of faults. Diagnostic module assesses the current state of critical machine components. This involves continuous monitoring of sensor data and classification of impending faults. This fault classification is often made by comparing the currently obtained measurements with the historically available measurements for particular faults. On determining any fault condition, diagnostic module triggers the prognostic module and provides failure pertinent sensor data [46]. Scheduling Diagnosis Process Prognosis Data Acquisition Figure 3.1 Overview of CBM System 21 Prognostic module takes input from diagnostician and decides upon the need to maintain certain machine components on the basis of historical failure-rate data and fault models. This module serves to answer the question: What is the remaining useful life time of a machine component once an impending failure condition is detected and identified. It projects the future temporal behavior of faulted component [46]. Propagation of fault (lets say, growth of a crack in bearing) is difficult to model accurately. Lack of historical data availability and strong dependency of fault growth models on system architecture, operating conditions, environmental effects etc makes the task even tougher. The prognostic module receives fault data from the diagnostic module and determines the allowable time during which machine maintenance must be performed so that the integrity of the process is maintained. However, this determination of time-to-failure must be updated dynamically as more information becomes available from the diagnostician [46]. The scheduling module takes time-to-failure/remaining useful lifetime as an input from prognostics module. It schedules the maintenance operation such that other functionality of system is not disturbed. This involves determining the type of maintenance required to be performed, time required to perform the desired maintenance, and total time available during which maintenance must be performed. The scheduler then depending upon redundant machine availability, timing constraints, the production requirements, resource and maintenance personnel availability, schedules the maintenance [46]. 22 3.3 Complete CBM Architecture DAQ and Monitoring Preprocessing Monitoring Post Processing (Labview) Techniques Artificial Intelligent Neural Net Database Feature extraction Fuzzy Logic Offline Legacy Data Distributed DSP Wavelet Time Domain Target Wireless Transceiver Frequency Domain Wireless Sensor Analysis Fault Pattern Functional Building Block Training Sequence Self Learning Fault Recognition Health Assessment Sensor Fusion Pattern Matching Prognosis & Diagnosis Figure 3.2 CBM Architecture [24] 23 3.4 CBM Diagnostics Diagnostics involve both fault and failure diagnosis. Detecting, isolating and identifying an impending or incipient failure condition, while the affected component is still operational although in degraded mode, is fault diagnosis. Failure diagnosis however is detecting, isolating and identifying the system component that ceased to operate. There are two phases to CBM diagnostics: Offline phase and online phase. Offline phase involves background studies – physics based fatigue modeling and fault mode analysis. Online phase performs real time fault monitoring and diagnosis [23]. 3.4.1 Offline Phase The background study in offline phase aims to model various faults and study the physics associated with them. It involves, identification of best features to track for effective diagnosis, identifying measured outputs needed to compute the features and building the fault pattern library. This helps accurately model the fault growth patterns and predicting the remaining useful life, while performing real time fault monitoring and diagnosis. Physics based fatigue modeling, like crack initiation models, must account for variations in temperature, stress ratio, cycle frequency, sustained hold time, and interaction of damage mechanisms [45]. Fault mode analysis involves identifying the failure and fault modes, classifying various failure modes according to their criticality, relating failure events to their root causes, and identifying means of detecting incipient faults. Various components of system have different fault modes. For example, Electro-hydraulic flight actuator have 24 fault modes like control surface loss, excessive bearing friction, hydraulic system leakage, air in hydraulic system, malfunctioning of pump control valve, etc [43]. Required inputs for the diagnostic models are termed the feature vectors. The feature vectors contain information about the current fault status of the system. Feature vectors may contain many sorts of information about the system. This includes both system parameters relating to fault conditions (bulk modulus, leakage coefficient, temperatures, pressures) as well as vibration and other signal analysis data (FFT, energy, kurtosis). Feature vector components are selected using physical models and legacy data. Physical models show that components such as bulk modulus and leakage coefficient should be included, and legacy data shows the importance of vibration signature energy, kurtosis, etc. Different feature vectors are needed to diagnose different subsystems [25]. Most of the feature vectors cannot be measured directly by using physical sensors, hence, proper sensor measurements must be chosen for extracting feature vectors through system identification and digital signal processing. A fault pattern library can be created based on the conditions on feature vectors selected. Feature vectors are time varying and are monitored continuously. At each time, fault status will be determined by comparing the feature vector to a library of stored fault patterns. 3.4.2 Online Phase After identifying the fault modes, selecting the feature vectors, and building the fault pattern library; online phase involves, sensing, online feature extraction, fault 25 classification, fault pattern diagnosis and reasoning. Figure 3.3 shows the fault diagnostic procedure. Stored Legacy Failure data Statistics analysis Systems, DSP & Data Fusion Sensing Reasoning & Diagnosis Fault Feature Extraction Stored Fault Pattern Library Inject probe test signals for refined diagnosis Sensor outputs machines Math models x f ( x, u, ) y h ( x, u , ) Physics of failure System dynamics Physical params. Dig. Signal Processing System IdentificationKalman filter NN system ID RLS, LSE Sensor Fusion Vibration Moments, FFT ˆ Feature vectors Feature VectorsSufficient statistics Fault Classification (t ) Feature patterns for faults Physical Parameter Feature estimates & fusion Aero. coeff. estimates Decision fusion could use: Fuzzy Logic Expert Systems NN classifier Identify Faults/ Failures yes Inform pilot Inform pilot yes More info needed? Serious? no Request Maintenance Feature extraction determine inputs for Fault Classification Model-Based Diagnosis Set Decision Thresholds Manuf. variability data Usage variability Mission history Minimize Pr{false alarm} Baseline perf. requirements Figure 3.3 CBM fault diagnostics procedure [23] 3.5 CBM Prognostics Prognostics aim to determine the time window over which maintenance must be performed without compromising the systems operational integrity. Prediction of remaining useful lifetime or time-to-failure is the most difficult part of CBM, as many uncertainties are associated with the process. Fault propagation and progression impacts the prediction and demands for a dynamic assessment of time-to-failure. 26 Prognostics again involves two phases – offline background study, remaining useful lifetime (RUL) analysis; online real-time prognostics, and remaining useful lifetime prediction [24]. Various innovative methodologies can be used to effectively integrate the diagnostic results with maintenance scheduling which is the ultimate objective of CBM. Background study for fault prognostics involves, fault mode time analysis, identifying feature combinations to track for effective prognosis and RUL, identifying best decision schemes to compute the feature combinations and building failure time pattern library. Identification of mean time to failure (MTTF) for each fault condition forms an important offline study for preparing failure time pattern library. Figure 10 shows the maintenance prescription and scheduling procedure. Stored Prescription Library User interfaces for Decision assistance Decision Support Medical Health Prescriptions Prescription Diagnostic Prescription Library Fault failure modes condition trends side effects Rulebase expert system Fuzzy/Neural System Prescription decision tree Bayesian Dempster-Shafer Adaptive integration of new prescriptions Maint. Request Manufacturing On-Line Resource Dispatching Manufacturing MRP Dispatching Maintenance Requirements Planning Resource assignment Maint. Planning & Scheduling weight maint. Requests Computer machine planners HTN, etc. and dispatching priority dispatching maximum % utilization minimize bottlenecks Scheduling Automatically generated work orders. Maintenance plan with maint. Rankings Maintenance Priorities Mission Due Dates Guaranteed QoS resources RUL Performance Priority Measures Estimated time earliest mission date least slack repair time of failure due date Mission criticality and due date requirements safety risk cost opportunity convenience Generate: optimized maint. tasks (c.f. PMS cards) Priority Costs Communications System Scheduling & Routing Figure 3.4 Maintenance prescription and scheduling procedures [24] 27 Prioritized Work Orders assigned to Maint. Units Prescription library (PL) and decision support systems shown in figure 10 are case based reasoning systems, derived from experience to make correct decisions. Diagnosed fault conditions are based on experience and urgency. The urgency is conveyed by prognostics, RUL, and priority measures. Prescription libraries can be constructed such that addition of rules and knowledge adaptively integrates the new information through learning. This prescription library generates maintenance requests. To suitably schedule the prescriptions coming from the PL, priority dispatching information can be extracted from the various performance priority measures. Priority factors such as estimated time to failure and mission due date requirements are hard limits and cannot be exceeded. In some situations, mission criticality and estimated time to failure can interact and can progressively escalate the required maintenance prescribed [26]. Given the prescriptions and their due dates and cost priorities, it is necessary to generate work orders and a maintenance plan with priority rankings that have guaranteed quality of service. Advanced planning and scheduling techniques can be used to schedule component and subsystem activity in such a way that overall product due dates and required delivery numbers are satisfied. Given a maintenance plan and work orders with priority rankings, it is necessary to assign maintenance units to perform the tasks. This is similar to shared resources assignment problem in manufacturing. Since some resources are shared they must be assigned based on priority orderings. Care must be taken to avoid deadlocks and blocking, where units are held up waiting for other units or resources [26]. 28 3.6 Motivation for Wireless Sensor Networks in CBM Distributed data acquisition and real-time data interpretation are two primary ingredients of an efficient CBM system. These two are mutually dependent on each other, thicker is the former, riper is the later and riper later is, thinner can be former. Data interpretation algorithms are learning systems that matures with time. Distributed data acquisition should thus be adequate for both machine maintenance and learning by the monitoring system. In control theory terms, one needs both a component to control the machinery and a component to probe or identify the system. Wireless sensors are playing an important role in providing this capability. In wired systems, the installation of enough sensors is often limited by cost of wiring, which runs from $10 to $1000 per foot. Previously inaccessible locations, rotating machinery, hazardous or restricted areas, and mobile assets can now be reached with wireless sensors. These can be easily moved, should a sensor needs to be relocated. Often, companies use manual techniques to calibrate, measure, and maintain equipment. In some cases, workers must physically connect PDAs to equipments to extract data for particular sensors, and then download data to a PC [21]. This is laborintensive method not only increases the cost of maintenance but also makes the system prone to human errors. Especially in US Naval shipboard systems, reduced manning levels make it imperative to install automated maintenance monitoring systems. Wireless Sensor Networks are highly flexible, unattended, self operative systems with low installation costs and minimal intrusion in existing infrastructure. WSN are quick and easy to install, and require no configuration tools and limited technical expertise of 29 the installer. WSN is also the best solution for temporary installation when troubleshooting or testing machines. WSN makes it feasible to install redundant sensors for effectively measuring the same physical quantity. This resolves an important issue of proper sensor placement which in itself is huge research area in the field of condition based maintenance. 30 CHAPTER 4 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS In order to design an efficient architecture for WSN, it is important to understand the requirements that are relevant to the sensor applications. We chalk out following requirements for implementation of WSN for CBM and many such applications. 4.1 Continuous Sensing Critical manufacturing processes and equipments must be continuously monitored for any variations or malfunctions. A slight shift in performance can adversely affect overall product quality or manufacturing equipment health. Thus, continuous sensing is necessary for the system. 4.2 Periodic Data Transmission CBM systems rely on historical data for diagnosis of impending failures and defects. These are dynamic systems that continuously learn during their operation. Periodic data transmission thus helps update the historical data that in turn help improve the overall efficacy of the system for both diagnosis and prognosis of system failures and computing remaining useful lifetime of equipments. 4.3 User-Prompted Data Querying With a group of sensing nodes monitoring various manufacturing equipments and processes and transmitting data in periodic manner, situations may arise where an 31 engineer might want to query data from some specific nodes to estimate current status of a particular process or equipment. A provision for breaching the cycle of periodic transmissions to address user prompted querying is thus required. 4.4 Emergency Addressing and Alarms In any industrial setup, with several critical processes and equipments running for production, there can be situations of unforeseen malfunctioning or variations beyond prescribed toleration bands. A mechanism is hence required to define tolerance band for each sensing module. When measurements at particular node exceed the tolerance, the node must breach the periodic cycle to send an alarm about the emergency. 4.5 Real-Time Potential In case of emergency situations, or during some vital processes, it is sometimes required to monitor certain critical measurements in real time. This helps guarantee safety objectives and acceptable quality of the system. Therefore, the architecture should be capable of facilitating critical measurements in real time whenever desired. 4.6 Adaptability CBM systems are adaptive learning systems, characterized by their evolutionary behavior over time. They learn and improve with their maturation. They should be capable of adapting to new situations and incorporating new knowledge into their own knowledgebase. This inherent adaptability of CBM systems demands a similar characteristic from the WSN architecture. 32 4.7 Network Reconfigurability During the set up phase of CBM system or whilst normal operational phase, the maintenance engineer may want to alter the functionality of individual nodes. This may include changes in sampling rate, number of data points transmitted during each transmission, the sequence in which nodes transmit, number of channels transmitted from each node, tolerance band for each sensor node etc. Such re-tasking provision should be built into the design of WSN. 4.8 Scalability Over the duration of operation, some sensing nodes may fail or their batteries may become depleted. Also, a need may arise for installation of more sensing nodes to monitor processes and equipments more closely and precisely. The WSN should be scalable to accommodate changes in number of nodes without affecting the entire system operation. 4.9 Energy Efficiency Sensor nodes are autonomous devices that usually derive their power from a battery mounted on each node. It becomes necessary to have an inherent energy saving notion in every component of WSN system to prolong the lifetime of each node in network. This helps relaxing the battery recharging requirements for various nodes. All layers of the architecture are thus required to have built-in power awareness. 33 4.10 Feedback Control To provide real time control capability for certain dynamic processes, features might be added to allow breaches in normal network operation to transmit control signals back to the nodes. This could help in reducing manning levels by eliminating minor manual control or machine resetting operations. 34 CHAPTER 5 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Having explicitly defined the requirements for the given application domain, we now look at the actual architecture, network topology and protocol design to address those requirements. Figure 5.1 gives an overview of our system. We have the battery operated sensing nodes distributed all over the machinery; continuously sensing and monitoring various measurements. These nodes periodically transmit the data to the central control for analysis and storage. In case any emergency occurs (i.e. if measurement at any node exceeds the set threshold limits), pertinent data is immediately transmitted to the base station (BS). Also, nodes are required to be able to transmit their data whenever prompted by the central control center. The central control center communicates with the distributed sensors through the BS, which is capable of communicating with multiple sensors using a single channel RF-link. Figure 5.1 depicts the scenario where all the wireless nodes transmit their data to the BS. From BS, data is then used by other modules of the system. Data Analysis module uses the data for running various data interpreting and decision making algorithm with high computational requirements. Data Base module is used to store the results obtained from the analysis and also to store various fault pattern and prescription libraries. Data Analysis and Data Base modules, often run in unison for obtaining useful conclusions and decisions which are then displayed using the display module. 35 SN SN Display Base Station Analysis SN Feed Back Data Base Figure 5.1 System Overview Minor control or machine resetting kind of operations recommended by the analysis can be performed by providing a feed back actuator mechanism at each of the sensing node. The intent of our WSN is, to collect data from distributed sensors so that we can test-run various data analysis and decision making algorithms on the combined data from various sensors. We wish to compare these runs with a stored fault pattern library to diagnose faults or impending failures, and we wish to upgrade the existing fault pattern library. Finally, it is required to estimate remaining useful life (RUL) of the equipment and display results to maintenance personnel. At the same time, we wish to take energy constraints, latency, and other design requirements into consideration while selecting various constituents of our overall system. 36 5.1 Topology In consideration of our design requirements, we pose an adaptive and scalable data-gathering wireless sensor network with an event driven emergency alarm tipster. In traditional wireless ad hoc networks, with any-to-any communication paradigm shown in figure 5.2, any node may wish to communicate with any other node in the network. In contrast to this, multiple sensor nodes in our network transmit to a single sink for collective data analysis, decision-making, and storage. Many-to-one paradigm, shown in figure 5.3 thus, becomes an obvious mode of communication. Figure 5.2 Any-to-Any Paradigm Figure 5.3 Many-to-One Paradigm 37 Broadly, two different topological arrangements are used in many-to-one network model. In single-hop topology, all nodes in network transmits directly to the central BS, whereas in multi-hop topology nodes communicate with central base station through intermediate nodes. Thus, each node not only transmits its own data but also relays data from other nodes to the base station and acts as a router. While doing this, multi-hop seeks to minimize the distance through which each individual node must transmit and hence tries to minimize the energy dissipation at each node. However, in doing this it increases the overall energy consumption of network. For the short-range radio used on nodes, energy consumption in the transmitter electronics is much more than the energy required generating RF output power [39]. For a low power transceiver available today [36], current consumption contributing to RF output power of 1.5 dBm is only 0.45 mA out of 12 mA of total current consumption in transmitter section. Using multi-hop topology would be more energy exhausting, as a minimum of 11 mA current will be required by transmitter section of each node for every transmission. For verifying the above argument, more rigorous calculations were performed for another commercially available radio transceiver from Chipcon [4]; transmitting 12bit encoded data at 19.2 kbps using OOK modulation and no threshold at the receiver. A 3 dB filter bandwidth of 14.4 kHz is used (noise BW = 1.25 * 3 dB BW).A receiver noise figure of 7.5 dB is assumed. Antennas with 1 dB of gain are used. A 20 dB fade margin is chosen (99% Rayleigh probability). Packets are 38 bytes long (excluding preamble), or 456 bits. The system goal is to achieve 90% packet reads on the first try. 38 The operating frequency is 868 MHz. Assuming 20 dB fade margin and 1 dB transmitter/receiver antenna gain; we obtained an 80.9 dB +PO (in dBm) of allowed path loss. PO is the transmitter output power in dBm. For details refer [35]. For indoor environment of typical cubical office spaces, equation for distance in meters is given. PO 80.9dB 27.6dB 20 log(F ) 40 log(D) , F in MHz. On substituting F = 868 MHz, we have: PO 49.73dB 40 log(D) By using the above relationship we found that, for transmitting up to a distance of 12.7 meter in single-hop, current drawn by the transmitter is 18.1 mA [4], and transmitting to a same distance using 2-hops of 5.3 meters, it takes 13.7 mA of current at each of the transmitters; drawing a total of more than 27.4 mA current for the same distance. Here we have not considered the additional current required for driving the remaining node circuitry, and the protocol overheads. From the above argument, it is clear that for short range transmissions, it is wise to use single-hop transmissions. With multi-hop topology, nodes near the base station dissipate higher energy as they end up relaying data for all the distant nodes. The data generated at the routing nodes often get delayed because of the data from the neighboring nodes awaiting the transmission. These near-by nodes thus dies out fast and results in a degraded overall network performance and some times even terminating the network operation. To overcome these drawbacks of multi-hop topology, clustering [14] is often used, which makes lot of assumptions like, the neighboring nodes have highly correlated data. 39 In actual implementations of the multi-hop topology, network performance has not been satisfactory for resource constrained distributed wireless sensor networks. As data hops from node to node across the multi-hop networks, information may be lost along the way. Intel faced a similar problem with the motes forming a multi-hop network. It gets worse as network size increases [17]. With continuous sensing and periodic transmissions, our network generates high rates of data traffic. We thus desire to have maximum possible throughput for the network. In many-to-one communication models, throughput capacity is defined as the per source data throughput, when all sources are transmitting to a single receiver or sink [10]. It means the amount of data that can be moved from any of the given sources to a single sink in the given time period. If there are n nodes in the network and each of them can transmit at a maximum rate of W bits/second, then maximum achievable throughput at each node (all nodes transmit to single base station) is W/n bits/second per source. And this maximum throughput can be achieved only when every source can directly reach the sink [10]. Hence for many-to-one communication network, single-hop transmission achieves the highest possible throughput. Single-hop topology is capable of providing a central control to a network, which is our architectural requirement. With all the data transmissions destined for the single sink, it becomes viable to have centralized control. Nodes in the network can communicate with each other through the base station, having nodes dissipate the least energy and base station dissipates the most. Thus, base station can perform all the 40 energy intensive tasks in the network, with nodes just sensing and transmitting their own data. The central control in a network can support efficient MAC protocols based on TDMA or FDMA with dynamic frequency allocations, which elsewhere becomes complex to implement. Keeping in view the energy constraints, latency requirements, required simplicity at the nodes, and to avoid all the control overheads, we developed the singlehop topology for our network. Single-hop transmission facilitates the delivery of data in real-time and caters the low latency requirements of time critical data. It avoids the delay associated at each node of multi-hop network. The single-hop topology alleviates the need of routing protocol and consequently saves both energy and complexity at the nodes. It has an inherent advantage of negligible control overhead. Also, even if a single node in the network fails, rest of the network remains unaffected. 41 CHAPTER 6 UC-TDMA MAC PROTOCOL For our application domain it is necessary for the user to explicitly define the sequence in which data will be collected. This will help in establishing relationships between two measurements and drawing conclusions. We here design a User Configured Time Division Multiple Accessing (UC-TDMA) based MAC protocol for our network. TDMA is intrinsically less energy consuming than contention protocols. Many researchers have focused their work on MAC protocols specifically for WSN [48], [41], [18], [2], [15], [49]. Ye et al. in [49] has proposed S-MAC, a contention based protocol which sets radio to sleep during transmissions of other nodes. It is inspired from PAMAS [42], another contention based protocol in which nodes sleep to avoid overhearing from neighboring nodes. PAMAS however utilizes out-of-channel signaling, in contrast to in-channel-signaling used by S-MAC. However, S-MAC seeks to sacrifice the latency requirements, and ignores the throughput considerations in its design. Albeit it eliminates the need of maintaining TDMA schedules at the nodes, it necessitates maintaining the sleep schedules of all the nodes. In [9], Dam and Langendoen describes T-MAC, another contention based MAC protocol, which uses adaptive sleep/listen duty cycle in contrast to the fixed duty cycle used in S-MAC. It seeks to achieve better energy conservation by adaptively ending the 42 active part of duty cycle, if no activation event occurs for certain time (TA). Although it achieves better energy conservation in higher load conditions, messages arriving immediately after the time TA suffers high latency. Kannan et al. proposed TDMA based ER-MAC [18], where they seek to balance the energy consumption of overall network. The sleep/listen duty cycle in ERMAC is different for each node and is based on the node criticality. More critical nodes sleep longer. Each node sleeps only in its own time slot and listens in the time slots assigned to the other nodes even if they don’t transmit. It suffers from the overhearing problem. Moreover, each node has to maintain a two-tuple receive table. There is an increased protocol overhead involved due to voting and selection of the critical nodes. Carley et al. describes a contention-free periodic message scheduler MAC in [2]. It requires each node to run a real-time scheduling algorithm, to determine which message has access to the medium. It thus trades off the memory at each node with the computation at each node. It introduces a high probability of interference between network and computational tasks. In our work we have tried to incorporate the advantages of sleep/listen duty cycle for energy savings and overhearing reductions. Our hybrid UC-TDMA protocol combines scheduling and contention to achieve lowest possible protocol overhead and 100 % collision avoidance with the deterministic slot allocation. We also seek to achieve negligible protocol processing at various nodes and minimum contention overheads to the nodes. Most of these features can be attributed to the single-hop topology and the centralized control provided to the base station. 43 6.1 MAC Protocol Attributes To satiate our application design requirements, we have transformed those requirements into the desired attributes from the MAC protocol for our network. We have focused on the following facets to design an efficient MAC for the network. First of all is Energy efficiency. As these networks are intended to operate for long durations, to get most out of battery operated sensor nodes, it is necessary to have energy aware MAC protocol. The MAC should, hence, consume minimum possible energy in channel assignments and accessing. Scalability of the MAC is important to have an overall network scalability. Some of the nodes in the network might fail, and also there might be addition of others later in time. MAC protocol should be capable of scaling to such changes in network. For providing effective services to the adaptive application layer (CBM), adaptability at the MAC is also desired. Channel access requirements of different nodes in a network changes with change in data requirements of application. A good MAC should easily adapt to such changes. In contrast to many other proposed MAC protocols [49], [9] for WSN, Throughput and Latency are significant attributes for our design. Our MAC should induce minimum latency to provide real-time data from the sensors. As the nodes in our network continuously sense and transmit data, much heavier traffic is generated in the network. As nodes in the network increases, maximum achievable throughput decreases. Highest possible throughput is desired from the MAC. Figure 6.3 gives the flowchart of our UC-TDMA protocol. 44 6.2 TDMA Slot Allocation Frame 1 1 2 1 3 …. Frame 2 1 3 …. N 1 2 N ….. Time Figure 6.1 UC-TDMA frame showing time slots for N nodes in network Even though TDMA based protocols offer natural collision avoidance and energy preservation, they are sometimes not preferred for memory constrained sensor networks. Both traditional table TDMA and TDMA scheduler approach of TDMA implementation are not simple. Maintaining a TDMA table at each node takes up a major chunk of its valuable memory. This could hamper other memory expecting operations, like in-network data processing, which are then required to share the same limited onboard memory of the sensor nodes with the TDMA tables. Running a TDMA scheduler on each node is complex, again memory intensive and needs high coordination among various nodes. We circumvent this major impediment by utilizing our central base station for maintenance of TDMA slot assignment table. Being a single hop network, all the nodes in our network communicate directly with the BS. It is thus easier to maintain time slots for all the nodes at the BS alone and communicate with them accordingly. With this 45 approach, nodes need not maintain any table or do any scheduling for the time slots which saves both memory and complexity at the nodes. For assigning time slot to different nodes in the network, user can define the sequence in which nodes will access the channel and also the time duration for their respective slots. Depending on the applications, nodes might access the channel more than once in a given time frame and also the length of each slot can be different. Figure 6.1 shows UC-TDMA frame for our network. Note that, this is little different from usual TDMA method, in a sense that, we are trading off fairness at each node for meeting our application needs. 6.3 Energy Model of Radio Knowledge of the application domain along with the physical layer functionality of network hardware is the key to an effective energy aware MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks. After looking at the application specific design requirements, we now investigate the physical layer. Using the radio model for power consumption by Shih et al. [40] we developed a model for battery consumption by the radio used on our nodes. We have considered three modes of operation for our radio model, namely – Transmit mode, Receive mode, and Sleep mode. Figure 6.2 shows the symbolic block diagram of a typical transceiver. It shows three different sections described as follows. Transmitter Electronics, whenever radio is in transmitting mode this section is activated and it draws a total current of Itx amperes out of which Itxm is the actual modulation current which produces the RF output power. 46 Receiver Electronics, radio activates this section for reception of any signal on the RF channel, when in receive mode. It draws a total current of Irx. Other Electronics, this section constitutes the circuitry or electronics necessary for driving the transmitter or receiver section. Symbolically, we have shown in diagram that Itx is the total current drawn when transmitter section is active (i.e. in transmit mode), Irx is the current drawn by radio when receiver section is active (i.e. in receive mode), and when none of the section remains active, radio is in sleep mode. Is is the current drawn by the radio in sleep mode. RF_IN Irx Other Elex Receiver Electronics RF_OUT Itxm Transmitter Electronics Itx Is Figure 6.2 Symbolic Radio Model Radios on the sensor nodes are operated by the batteries mounted on the nodes. The amount of energy that can be stored in a battery, i.e. its capacity, is measured in ampere-hours. Hence we model the energy consumption of the radio in ampere-hour to establish a direct relationship for the battery consumption due to radio. The Battery Consumption Equation, given below, measures the battery consumed by the radio in one hour, and total battery consumption can be easily obtained by using this per hour measurement. 47 AmpHrs / Hr N s tx Ns I tx Ts rx Ttx tx I rx Ts N rx s I s Trx rx s I txmTtx Trx N tx Ts N rx rx tx I tx Trx I rx Ttx N tx s I s Ttx s rx Ts tx Ttx I txmTtx Trx I rx / txTturn on Ns/rx-tx is number of times per hour that radio switches to transmit mode from either sleep or receive mode, similarly Ns/tx-rx and Nrx/tx-s are number of times per hour that radio switches to receive mode and sleep mode respectively from either of the remaining modes, Ts/rx-tx is the time taken by the radio to switch to transmit mode from either sleep or receive mode. Similarly, Ts/tx-rx and Trx/tx-s are the time taken to switch to receive and sleep mode respectively from either of the remaining modes, Ttx/rx/s is the actual time for which radio transmits, receives, or sleeps after switching to respective modes. Tturn-on is the time required by radio to become operational in either of the modes after power-on. Itx is the current drawn by transmitter electronics, and Itxm is the modulation current responsible to generate the RF output power. The RF output power is usually directly proportional to the square of modulation current (Prf (Itxm)). Irx/s is the current drawn by the radio in receive/sleep mode. Note that, while switching or startup no transmission or reception can be performed. For typical short range radios operating at 916 MHz frequency ISM band, I tx I rx I s . Switching times between various modes are also critical as they are often of the order of milliseconds. This relationship along with the above described battery consumption equation sets up the foundation for an efficient MAC design. 48 6.4 Sleep Scheduling A typical radio, for short range transmission, operates in either of following modes. Transmit mode, in which it transmits some data on the RF channel. Receive mode, in which it receives the data transmitted for it on the RF channel. Idle/listen mode, in which it keeps on tracking the RF channel for any intended data. Sleep mode, during which radio shuts off and sleeps; neither can it receive nor can it transmit any data in this mode. Electric current consumption in idle mode and receive mode is almost similar. Some radios have a common idle and receive mode. Such radios when idle, are in receive mode as they keep listening to the RF channel. For commercially available radios, the ratio of current drawn in sleep mode to listen/idle mode is of the order of 1: 4500 or more [36]. As nodes are in idle state for most of the time, except when they transmit or receive, listen/idle mode leads to substantial energy wastage. Many MAC protocols for WSN exploit this radio hardware feature by putting radio in sleep mode when it is neither transmitting nor receiving any data on channel. In periodic sleep and listen scheme used by many protocols, radio sleeps for certain duration of time and then listen for certain time to see if anyone wants to talk to it. In doing this it switches back n forth in two modes. In order to keep the latency into tolerable limits, frequency of this switching is usually kept high so that sender need not wait longer for receiver to wakeup. However, on considering our radio energy model, we surprisingly discovered that, energy consumption in switching the modes periodically can be more than that required in transmission of data. In steady phase of a sensor network, let’s say radio 49 switches its mode every 30 seconds from sleep to awake and awake to sleep mode. On the basis of the energy model given in section 6.3, current consumption per hour in just switching the modes is 0.059 mA-hour/hour. This much of current consumption is sufficient to transmit data for 17.7 seconds per hour. This is much more than the typical transmission time per hour for any sensor in network. Given data is for commercially available radio [36]. Pertaining to application requirement, we thus seek to minimize the frequency of switching between sleep and receive modes and at the same keeping the latency at its minimum. Given sweep rate for each node, number of data points from each node, frequency at which each node transmits (every r hours) and the sequence in which they transmit data; sleep duration for all the nodes in network can be calculated using following formulation: Tp U diag S r N sT Sd Tp Sd 3600 RuT diag N sT T p T diag N sT T p iff updating Rate not given (2) T iff updating Rate given (3) 1 n Where S r is the matrix containing sweep rate for all the nodes in the sequence 1 n in which they transmit, N s by respective nodes, U1 n is the matrix containing number of data points transmitted 1 n is a unit matrix, RU is updating rate matrix which contains 1 n rate (in every r hours) with which every node transmit its data, T p is time period 1 n matrix (1/sweep-rate) for each node, and S d is matrix containing sleep duration (in seconds) calculated for each node in network. 50 While calculating the sleep durations we have neglected the time taken by the nodes to setup the link with the base station before transmitting the data. This provides us with the margin to tackle with the clock drifts of the nodes as each node wakes up a little before its turn to transmit. In calculating sleep durations we take advantage of our single hop topology with central base station which maintains the TDMA schedule for all the nodes. We thus schedule sleep times of the nodes such that they sleep for maximum possible duration with minimum possible switching frequency. 6.5 Modes of Operation Broadly, we have considered two modes of operation for our network. These modes have been categorized on the basis of data gathering frequency of the network. The first is continuous mode. This is useful for newly deployed networks where we are usually confronted with a question on how frequently data should be collected from various sensor nodes. In this mode we collect data continuously and sequentially from each node. This mode thus keeps the base station busy all the time. Sleep durations given by equation (2) are used in this mode. Nodes transmit their data and then sleep for the time during which other nodes transmit. Other mode is non-continuous mode of network operation. After operating a newly installed network in continuous mode and through proper analysis of data obtained one can answer the question posed above. We can then obtain an updating rate 1 n matrix Ru and use equation (3) to obtain sleep duration. This updating rate matrix gives the updating rates for all the nodes in network. If update matrix specifies r as 51 updating rate for any given node, then that node transmits data after every r hours. All nodes can have different updating rates. In this mode also, node sleeps all the time except when it transmits on its turn. 6.6 Network Setup To start-run the sensor network for machine monitoring, we first need to physically install sensors at proper locations on the machine. Each sensor contains a 16bit node type associated with the physical quantity (like vibration, temperature, pressure, strain, etc.) it measures. Base station is connected through a serial port to some hand held computing device (like PDA, laptop), which runs the application program. At power-on, all nodes in network are in receive mode. In the flow chart given in figure 6.3, first few blocks describes the setup of network. Through a user interface, user defines the functionality of various nodes in network. User can set different values for parameters of different nodes. Node parameters include sweep rate, number of sweeps, node type, sequence number of node in TDMA frame and active channels. Base station keeps these parameters in different parameter arrays according to the sequence of nodes in TDMA time frame. After obtaining functional definition for all nodes in the network, base station checks for the availability of defined nodes. If any node is found to be missing, then base station alarms the user about missing node and updates all of its parameter arrays. Sleep duration for each node is then calculated by using equations (2) or (3). Base station (BS) then configures all the nodes one by one with defined parameters and calculated sleep durations. 52 Start User Interface Functionality definition for each node Set J=0 B.S. Checks availability of all defined nodes in N/W Status Quo Report user about missing node & node type Yes Remove failed node from TDMA slot sequence Is Node missing? Calculate sleep schedule for each node Insert node in existing slot sequence assigned Yes Set S=1 Read node type, data rate no. of data points & sequence no. Is J > 0 Configure nodes with defined functions & sleep schedule Set i=1, J=1, S=n+1 Yes Is J > =10 No Set S=S+1 B.S. pings for new node. Is S > n Append sleep schedule command data to node i. Retrieve data from node i No Set J=1 No Add new node? Any Data? Node i sleep Set i=1, J=J+1 Yes Is i=n? Set i=i+1 No Stop? Stop Figure 6.3 Flow Chart for UC-TDMA MAC Protocol 53 Yes 6.7 Main Thread After setting up the network and configuring all the nodes we are now ready for gathering data from distributed sensors. Data is collected in accordance with the UCTDMA frame maintained by the base station. We seek to minimize two major sources of energy wastage, viz., collisions and protocol overhead by using our modified version of RTS (Request To Send) and CTS (Clear To Send) mechanism used in IEEE 802.11. We exploit our power plugged base station for affecting our modified RTS-CTS mechanism. From the TDMA schedule maintained, base station knows which node in network has access to the channel at any particular instant. Instant any node acquires the channel according to its schedule, on behalf of that node; BS itself generates a virtual RTS signal after assuring that no other node is communicating with it. Node also wakes up at this instant and is ready to receive CTS signal from base station before it transmits its data. BS sends a CTS signal with node address appended to it. On receiving this signal, node transmits the predetermined number of data points to BS. After successful reception of data points, BS acknowledges the node with request to sleep signal. In a similar manner, data is collected sequentially from all the nodes in UC-TDMA frame and then frame is repeated to indefinitely collect the data from network. Collisions cause significant amount of energy wastage as messages are to be retransmitted. Also retransmission of messages some time causes a loop in schedule and may further spoil other on-going transmissions. It is thus wise to spend some energy in contention mechanism along with scheduling. Even with contention, collisions are not 54 reduced to zero and latency is increased as sender waits for random duration of time before contending again for channel. With this modified RTS-CTS mechanism, BS generates virtual RTS, so there is no chance that any other node will contend for channel during normal network operation. Even if a node is scheduled to access the channel and BS is talking to some other node, virtual RTS will be generated only after BS finishes talking with current node. This reduces the probability of collisions to zero. Virtual RTS scheme also reduces the control overhead for contention to zero for nodes in the network. As these control overheads are short packets, they are highly energy exhausting. In the transmission of small packets, amount of energy wasted in startup of transmitter electronics turns out to be more than the energy required in actual transmission of packets [40]. In original RTS-CTS mechanism [20], considerable amount of energy is wasted in switching of modes from sleep to receive then to transmit and then again to receive each time RTS signal is being sent. Also, processing at node to acquire channel is reduced nearly to zero. Node simply sleeps and wakes up according to a timer. Modified RTS-CTS scheme thus saves fairly large amount of energy by tapping our overall network arrangement and data gathering requirements. 55 6.8 Adaptability and Reconfigurability During normal operation of network in non-continuous mode, application data requirements might change for a set of measurements. Our network should then be able to adapt to such changes by adjusting certain node parameters (like sampling rate, number of data points and active channels). But then this adjustment should not disrupt the normal functioning of remaining network. To render the above mentioned adaptability, base station makes use of new node parameters to calculate new sleep schedule for the desired nodes. Here we have assumed that application do not compel network to change sequence of nodes to adapt to changes. To configure nodes with this new schedule and parameters, after completing the ongoing cycle, BS appends these parameters and new sleep schedule to the CTS signal sent to nodes whilst they acquire the channel. And then retrieve data according to the newly configured parameters. To facilitate the re-tasking provision mentioned in section 4.7 that also includes change in sequence in which nodes transmit, BS stops acknowledging the nodes with sleep command after determining that there is request for re-configurability. Consequently, all the nodes in network remain awake at the end of cycle. This situation is similar to setup phase. BS calculates new sleep schedule for the entire network and uses new UC-TDMA frame to sequence the nodes. For configuring the nodes with new parameters, it takes one complete TDMA frame. It thus takes one cycle for network to begin operating with the new configuration. It is as good as starting the network again with new node parameters and UC-TDMA frame. 56 6.9 Scalability To address the requirements of scalability posed by section 4.8, following two aspects are to be taken care off: failure of existing nodes and addition of new nodes. If a node is not able to transmit its data at the scheduled time, it is considered to be failed. It can be seen from the flowchart that if data from any node is not retrieved, it is declared to be failed. BS then reports about the missing node (with its node type and node address) to engineer. UC-TDMA frame is then scaled by removing the failed node from sequence. Sleep schedule for remaining nodes is calculated again with new TDMA slot sequence. This new sleep schedule for each node is appended to CTS signal sent to nodes according to existing slot sequence. As it can be seen from flowchart, new UC-TDMA frame is affected after sending the new schedule to all nodes according to existing schedule. Addition of new nodes is not so frequent affair in CBM network. To scale the UC-TDMA frame with addition of new nodes, after every ten repetitions of TDMA frame, BS pings for availability of newly installed nodes in network. On detecting a new node, its node type, sequence number in UC-TDMA time frame and other node parameters are read by the base station. These parameters are then inserted into respective parameter arrays at location specified by sequence number. Newly calculated sleep schedule for nodes are appended with the CTS signal for respective nodes. Nodes, now access the channel according to new slot sequence. After retrieving the data from node, it is set to sleep for the time specified by new schedule so that network can carry on with its normal operation form next cycle. Refer to figure 6.3. 57 6.10 Emergency Addressing and Alarm To address any emergency situation as described in section 4.4, our nodes keep sensing the physical quantity even when radio is in sleep mode. Nodes compare the measured value with the set threshold value on a continuous basis. On determining that measured value exceeds the set threshold, node declares an emergency situation to be addressed immediately. Node then wakes up its radio and transmits its node address to BS until responded. In continuous mode of network operation, BS remains busy talking to some other nodes all the time. So, when node in emergency transmits its address on the channel already occupied by some other node, results in a continuous checksum error at base station due to collision. As our MAC protocol assures that there are no collisions in any other situation, BS interprets these continuous collisions as an indicator of emergency. To handle this, BS hangs up the ongoing operation and receives the address of the node in emergency. After addressing the emergency, BS catches up with the node scheduled to access the channel at that particular instant. Whereas for non-continuous operation of network there is high probability that BS is idle at the time emergency occurs. This makes it easier for BS to handle the emergency. Base station on receiving the node address on RF channel, starts communicating with the node and addresses the emergency. And in case an emergency occurs while BS is communicating with any other node, by following the steps similar to those mentioned above BS can address the emergency. 58 6.11 State Machine for Nodes One of the important aspects of our network organization and protocol is to minimize the processing at the nodes required for enabling communication of nodes with BS. The simple state machine running at each node is shown in figure 6.4. At power-on, nodes enter receive state as it consumes lesser start up energy than that required by transmit state. From the energy model given above and for typical radio specifications [36] we found that it takes 69.78 % more energy to startup the radio in transmit mode than that in receive mode. In receive state, node looks for commands from BS. In set up state, node sets up various parameters like active channels, sweep rate, number of data points, sequence number, node type etc. In sleep mode, node turns its radio off but keeps sensing the physical quantity. It comes out of sleep mode in case of emergency or time out. In transmit state node transmits the data or other parameters desired by BS. Emergency Sleep State Time out Sleep cmd Receive State Data out Done Set cmd Transmit cmd Setup State Transmit State Figure 6.4 State-machine running on each node 59 The simplified state machine at nodes is crucial for sensor networks, penetrating into wider application areas. With numerous sensor manufacturers and network products in market, compatibility between different components manufactured by different manufacturers is a major concern [27]. Hence, adoption of standards like IEEE 1451 is gaining momentum. In 1993 the IEEE and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began work on a standard for Smart Sensor Networks. IEEE 1451, the Standard for Smart Sensor Networks was the result. The objective of this standard is to make it easier for different manufacturers to develop smart sensors and to interface those devices to networks. Figure 6.5 IEEE 1451 Standard for Smart Sensor Networks Smart Sensor, Virtual Sensor. The figure shows the basic architecture of IEEE 1451 [8]. Major components include STIM, TEDS, TII, and NCAP as detailed in the figure. A major outcome of IEEE 1451 studies is the formalized concept of a Smart 60 Sensor. A smart sensor is a sensor that provides extra functions beyond those necessary for generating a correct representation of the sensed quantity [12]. Included might be signal conditioning, signal processing, and decision-making/alarm functions. Figure 6.6 A general model of a smart sensor Objectives for smart sensors include moving the intelligence closer to the point of measurement; making it cost effective to integrate and maintain distributed sensor systems; creating a confluence of transducers, control, computation, and communications towards a common goal; and seamlessly interfacing numerous sensors of different types. The concept of a Virtual Sensor is also depicted. A virtual sensor is the physical sensor/transducer, plus the associated signal conditioning and digital signal processing (DSP) required to obtain reliable estimates of the required sensory information. The virtual sensor is a component of the smart sensor. Incorporating these standards obviously expends some of the sensor node resources. Hence it is important to have minimal processing and memory expecting requirements for resource constraint sensor nodes. 61 CHAPTER 7 IMPLEMENTATIONS For all the implementations, following hardware and software were used: Hardware from Microstrain Inc. [31] – one V-link wireless node, one SG-link wireless sensor node, two G-link wireless sensor nodes, and one Base station. External standard 9 Volt batteries with 150mAh capacity were used to power all the nodes. The base station was plugged to an AC outlet using an AC adapter. Laptop with Intel Pentium 4- 1.99GHz processor and 256MByte of RAM was used as terminal PC. A USB to serial converter was used for establishing serial RS-232 link between terminal PC and base station. Software – MATLAB version 6.5.1 and LabVIEW version 6.1 were used for all the software implementations. Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition is the operating system used. 7.1 MATLAB Implementation The data link layer for establishing an RF communication link between the base station and any of the wireless sensor nodes is implemented. A serial link between base station and terminal PC is first created for enabling the terminal program to issue commands to the base station for communicating with the wireless node. A serial object was created in MATLAB with the following properties: Data Bits – 8, Stop Bits – 1, No parity, Baud Rate – 115.2 Kbps, Byte Order – big-endian, Output Buffer Size – 50000, Input Buffer Size – 50000, Timeout – 0.5 62 seconds. Data rate, stop bit, parity, and baud rate identified by base station was provided by Microstrain Inc. Following are the set of commands identified by the base station along with the details of command byte and command data to be issued and also the format of response to various commands, obtained from base station [31]. All these commands are issued using the serial object created. 7.1.1 Check connection between Host and Base Station The Host sends a 1 byte command and the Base Station responds with a 1 byte echo indicating communication is established between the Host and the Base Station. Command Byte – 0x01, Command Data – None, Response – 0x01 (No response if base station not communicating. 7.1.2 Check sync between Base Station and Link Device The Host sends a 3 byte command and the Base Station responds with a 1 byte echo indicating communication is established between the Base Station and the link device. Command Byte – 0x02, Command Data – MSB of link device address followed by its LSB, Response – 0x02 (Note: 0x21 if no link device found by BS). 7.1.3 Read from a particular EEPROM address on-board a Link Device The Host sends a 5 byte command and the Base Station responds with a 5 byte echo indicating communication is established between the Base Station and the Link Device. Command Byte – 0x03, Command Data – MSB of link device address followed by its LSB and then MSB of location to be read followed by LSB of location to be read, 63 Response – 0x03 byte followed by MSB of value, LSB of value, MSB of check sum, LSB of check sum. 7.1.4 Write to a particular EEPROM address on-board a Link Device The Host sends an 8 byte command and the Base Station responds with a 1 byte echo indicating communication is established between the Base Station and the Link Device. Command Byte – 0x04, Command Data – MSB of link device address followed by its LSB and then EEPROM location (1-byte) and then MSB of value followed by its LSB and then MSB of check sum, LSB of check sum. MSB of location to be read followed by LSB of location to be read, Response – None. 7.1.5 Download a page of data from a Link Device The Host sends a 5 byte command and the Base Station responds with a 267 byte return containing the 132 data values contained on the particular data page requested. Command Byte – 0x05, Command Data – MSB of link device address followed by its LSB, MSB of page, LSB of page, Response – 0x5 byte followed by MSB/LSB pair of data points 1-132 and then MSB of page data check sum followed by LSB of page data check sum. 7.1.6 Erase all data on-board a Link Device The Host sends a 7 byte command to erase all data memory on the Link Device. The base station does not return an acknowledgement when finished. The process can take approximately 20 seconds, and the node will not respond to any commands during this period. This inactivity can be used to detect completion, by using a simple ping 64 loop. Command Byte – 0x06, Command Data – MSB of link device address followed by its LSB, 0x08 byte, 0x10 byte, 0x0C byte, 0xFF byte, Response – None. 7.1.7 Trigger a data capture session on-board a Link Device The Host sends a 3 byte command and the Base Station responds with a 1 byte echo indicating the Base Station has triggered a data capture session on-board the Link Device. The trigger name will be the next available number. Command Byte – 0x07, Command Data – MSB of link device address followed by its LSB, Response – 0x07 byte. 7.1.8 Trigger a data capture session on-board Link Device with supplied Trigger name The Host sends an 4 byte command and the Base Station responds with a 1 byte echo indicating the Base Station has triggered a data capture session on-board the Link Device. The trigger name will be the number supplied. Command Byte – 0x0C, Command Data – MSB of link device address followed by its LSB, followed by an integer between 0x00 and 0xFF representing the Trigger name, Response – 0x0C byte. 7.1.9 Initiate real time streaming data collection mode from a Link Device The Host sends a 3 byte command and the Base Station responds with a “stream” of bytes which is a data session being generated in real time on-board the Link Device. The “stream” is passed through to the Host by the Base Station. Command Byte – 0x38, Command Data – MSB of link device address followed by its LSB. 0xFF (Header) Channel 1 MSB Channel 1 LSB ……. …… Channel N MSB Channel N LSB Figure 7.1 Data packet format for real-time streaming. 65 Checksum Byte Response – An undefined number of data packets with the format shown in figure 7.1. Data is sent 12 bit format justified 1 bit to left. Checksum is the sum of MSBs and LSBs of data from all the channels. Data obtained is rebuilt into 12 bit format by using following relationship: (Channel N MSB*256 + Channel N LSB)/2. 7.1.10 Initiate low-power periodic sleep mode The Host sends a 1 byte command and the Base Station responds with a 1 byte echo indicating streaming from the Link Device has been stopped. Command Byte – 0xFF, Command Data – None, Response – 0xFF. All of the above mentioned commands can be issued by using the serial object in MATLAB m-file. A separate m-file for streaming the data in real-time and real-time display of the calibrated data in time domain was created. Figure 7.2 shows the data obtained from a G-link sensor in real-time. Figure 7.2 MATLAB - Real-time display of acceleration along 3-axes 66 For displaying the data read from serial port in real-time, after writing the command, serial port is checked for data availability and all the available data is picked, processed to proper format, and plotted on the graph then program again looks for new data on serial port and plots the available data. For doing this plot, command is used inside the for-loop. To minimize the time required in plotting the points, erase mode is used so that figure window is not refreshed every time data points are plotted. This saves time and allows for real-time display without any loss of data. The data packets with checksum error are discarded. Figure 7.3 shows the GUI created in MATLAB. Figure 7.3 Screen shot of GUI created in MATLAB 67 7.2 LabVIEW Implementation After implementing the data link layer for extracting the data from a sensor in real-time in MATLAB, it was found that this may be exposed to inherent time lags as MATLAB graphics are inherently slow. On the other hand, LabVIEW intrinsically support real-time data acquisition. But for application it was desired to use MATLAB tools like DSP, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Statistical Analysis, etc for advanced data processing and interpretation. Thus, the implementation architecture shown in figure 7.4 was developed. As seen, LabVIEW is used for acquiring the data, displaying Path to Decision & Display Signal Display Data Transition Artificial Intelligent Neural Net Fuzzy Logic Information Display Wisdom Knowledge Figure 7.4 Implementation Architecture 68 in real-time, and storing in data file. These data files can be accessed directly by various MATLAB tools for analysis and decision making, the results of which can again be displayed using LabVIEW GUI. We hence utilize the fast and efficient real-time data acquisition tools, and user friendly GUI development tools of LabVIEW and easy to implement data processing, data analysis and data interpretation tools from MATLAB, for a rich overall implementation. We implemented most of the features of UC-TDMA protocol in LabVIEW. Figure 7.5 shows an overview of OSI reference model layers addressed in the implementation. Session and Transport layers are not addressed specifically for wireless sensor networks. The physical layer is provided by Microstrain Inc., and UCTDMA protocol hence provides all the services required by the application layer. Application Application GUIs in LabVIEW Presentation Session User Configured TDMA Protocol with Emergency tipster Transport Network Data Link Provided Physical OSI Layers Figure 7.5 OSI reference model – layers implemented 69 All the sensor nodes were physically installed at optimal locations in the Heating and Air-conditioning Plant at ARRI. G-link sensors were used to obtain vibrations of the operating pump; V-link was used to measure the operating temperature; and SG-link sensor measures the load. Although the small form factor of sensing nodes facilitated proper contact of sensing element with the physical measurands, it was found that sensors had to be placed tightly in order to get accurate measurement of vibrations and load. Base station was plugged to AC outlet; it communicated with the laptop using 9-pin RS-232 serial connector to USB port converter. Figure 7.6 shows the Heating and Air conditioning test-bed, monitored by installed wireless sensors. Figure 7.6 Heating and Air Conditioning plant at ARRI 70 We created two separate GUIs, viz., Network configuration wizard, for creating configuration files; application GUI, for displaying the real-time measurements, frequency domain display, and for storing the data in data files to be used by MATLAB. Both programs together implement the UC-TDMA protocol and the application layer. Network configuration wizard provides an engineer’s interface with which one can specify various parameters for the network. Figure 7.7 shows the very first screen of the wizard. Clicking the Next tab starts the wizard and replaces current screen with the Figure 7.7 Screen shot of first screen of Network Configuration Wizard (NCW) screen shown in figure 7.8. It asks the user whether to create a new configuration file or use an already existing file on system. On selecting Create New Configuration File, user 71 Figure 7.8 Second Screen of NCW is prompted with a dialog box to give the name of file and directory to store it. Figure 7.9 Dialog Box for selecting an existing configuration file 72 Whereas on selecting Run from Existing file, the user is prompted with the dialog box shown in figure 7.9. On selecting the configuration file, program loads the settings from the file for different nodes in the network. This is extremely useful when user wants to make minor changes for some of the nodes in the network. Also, when a new configuration file is to be created, then the default settings for various nodes are loaded. These default settings give the user an idea of what kind of selections are to be made for various sensor nodes. Figure 7.10 NCW screen showing actual physical location of sensors in Plant Next screen of the wizard shows the plant under observation with various sensing nodes installed. Figure 7.10 shows the screen with a snap of ARRI test-bed with 73 installed sensors. To configure any particular sensor node, click on that and the next screen appears with the current settings for that particular sensor node. Users have freedom to choose other sensor nodes either from the drop down menu at the top, or by clicking the Back tab and then reselecting the desired node by clicking on it. This eliminates the issue of node naming in many perspectives. For example - User need not to remember the names of vibration sensors installed on front of the machine and that on the rear of the machine. Also, nodes are named on the basis of the physical quantities they measure and the node naming issue is thus taken care by the upper most layer, avoiding complications at lower layers. Figure 7.11 shows main configuration screen of the wizard, various parameters Figure 7.11 NCW Main Configuration Screen 74 for all the nodes in the network are set through this screen. For each node, the following parameters are defined. 1. Sweep rate, it is the data sampling rate (one sweep represents one sample from all active channels). It can be chosen as 32sweeps/sec, 64sweeps/sec, 128sweeps/sec, 256sweeps/sec, 512sweeps/sec, 1024sweeps/sec, or 2048sweeps/sec.This sweep rate actually determines the maximum frequency of signal that can recovered from the samples. According to Nyquist criterion, maximum signal frequency that can be recovered from the data points sampled at rate of 2048 sweeps/sec is 1024 Hz. 2. Number of Sweeps, it is the number of data points transmitted each time node transmits (one data point represents one sample point from all active channels). 3. Sequence Number, it is the sequence at which a particular node will transmit. Node with sequence number two will transmit after the node with sequence number one and so on. Node with sequence number one occupies the first slot of the UC-TDMA time frame and hence is the first node to send its data to the base station in the complete data acquisition cycle. 4. Active Channels, it is the number of channels that transmit each time a node transmits. Each node can have maximum of eight channels. User can check on the desired channels for transmitting their data each time node transmits. 5. Node Number, it is a 16-bit number which is the unique node address of the node in network. This address is stored on the EEPROM of the sensor node. It also identifies the type of physical quantity being measured by any particular node. 6. No Setup, it provides the flexibility of skipping some sensors out of the acquisition cycle and obtaining more frequent data from few selected sensors for troubleshooting a particular machine component. This option could be checked for the 75 sensors that are not required to be configured for transmission. 7. Comm. Port, it identifies the communication port number at which base station is connected to the terminal PC. All the nodes communicating to the same Base Station must therefore have same communication port number setting. On clicking the “Save & Exit” tab, all the settings are saved in the named configuration file. Several such configuration files can be created and saved for different network tasks to be carried out during different phases of operation. These configuration files are used by the Application GUI for setting up the node parameters for all the nodes in the network, and creating the UC-TDMA time frame. The Application program thus performs the following operations. It extracts the settings from the configuration file selected by the user, creates the UC-TDMA time frame, sequences the real-time display windows according to the time frame, removes the windows for the non configured sensors, acquires the data from the network, process it to proper format, display it in real-time in the corresponding display windows (for this it implements most the commands implemented in MATLAB), calculates and displays the FFT of the time domain signal and saves the raw data in a file that can be used by MATLAB for analysis. Application program runs continuously by repeating the UC-TDMA frame, until interrupted by a click on the “STOP” tab on the screen. Application program utilizes Sweep rate, number of sweeps and sequence number arrays for creating UC-TDMA time frame. Sweep rate along with the number of sweeps ascertains the time duration of TDMA slot for any particular node. Thus by properly selecting the sweep rate and the number of sweeps option, user can define the 76 length of the slot for any particular node. Sequence number on other hand resolves the position of slot in the frame. User can choose to have more than one slot for a particular node. Application program communicates with nodes through the base station connected to the serial port. Figure 7.12 shows the introductory screen of the application GUI, when “click to Continue…” tab is clicked, user is prompted to select the saved configuration file for operating the network. Figure 7.12 Introductory Screen of Application GUI After selection of proper configuration file, application program performs all the necessary steps for configuring the network. It first configures all the nodes with given parameters. After that it organizes the main display screen according to given sequence 77 and starts the network operation. Figure 7.13 shows the screen shot of application GUI when network was configured with three nodes. Figure 7.13 Time Domain display of real-time data from three different sensors These real-time plots keep moving to left of viewer as new data keeps coming in real time. To obtain the frequency domain display of these data points, one can click on the “Freq Domain” tab for corresponding measurement. Frequency plots are obtained by taking FFT of data points transmitted by the senor node in one time slot; FFT is updated after each time the node transmits new data to the base station. These are thus time varying FFT plots of real time data acquired by the BS. These FFT plots thus represent the current vibration frequency signatures at any instant of time. Figure 7.14 78 shows the screen shot displaying the frequency domain signals along with corresponding time domain signals. Figure 7.14 Screen Shot of Application GUI with Frequency Domain Signals Data acquired by each sensor over the time of network operation is saved in a data file selected by the user. This data can be used by any other application program for, further, detailed data analysis using various tools like fuzzy logic, neural networks, etc. Network was operated in continuous mode of UC-TDMA protocol for gathering the data. It was found that after a node finishes sending its data to BS, there is a little delay before next node in sequence starts transmitting. This delay is attributed to the time taken by the BS to generate CTS signal and then node responding with the data. 79 CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION Emerging wireless sensor network technologies exhibit a huge potential for efficient implementation of Condition Based Maintenance systems, which in turn promises to save billions of dollars in manufacturing cost to industry. Both these promising technologies can mutually benefit each other in their maturation. CBM, benefiting as it does from distributed sensing and processing techniques developed for wireless sensor networks, represents a completely new application domain for WSN. It is evident that the topmost and lowest layer of an OSI architecture determines the overall wireless sensing network system design. Both application and physical layer driven design can give surprisingly favorable results for resource constrained WSN. We demonstrated that a single-hop topology not only offers a simplified overall design, but also satisfies most of the application requirements which otherwise would have been difficult to address. Single-hop transmission thus provides the best topological solution for CBM networks. We found that by utilizing proper sensor deployment scenarios one can not only loosen the designing constraints, but also provide potential solutions for many of the problems faced for efficient network operation. For CBM, typical a deployment scenario is in an industrial setting, where powering of some of the nodes from AC outlets can be feasible. With this we hope to alleviate a plethora of implementation difficulties associated with multi-hop networks used for large areas of coverage. 80 For deployment in large industries, the proposed scheme can be used as a prototype, with several such small networks forming clusters and communicating with each other and a central-control-centre using wireless techniques through their base stations. Higher levels of our UC-TDMA protocol can be used for inter-cluster communication in such networks. Also, the consideration of RF propagation characteristics, while designing the MAC protocol, is important for the robust system design. Interpretation of fades as emergency or failure; improper interpretation of emergency because of capture effect; must be considered and avoided. With a plethora of sensing and networking product manufacturers on the market it is essential to adopt industry standards like IEEE 1451 for resolving associated compatibility issues. It is thus important that processing and memory requirements incurred by network operation should be minimal for resource constrained sensing nodes, which also have to support in-network data processing and the evolving standards for sensor networks. The ultimate aim of design and development of wireless sensor network for condition based maintenance, however, should be to facilitate distributed sensing and processing along with networked data for collaborative processing for CBM systems. At the same time WSN systems should be capable of adapting to the challenging dynamic requirements posed by adaptive and learning CBM systems. opportunities for further study. 81 This affords many REFERENCES [1] G. Baweja & B. Ouyang, Data Acquisition Approach for Real-time Equipment Monitoring and Control, in Proc. IEEE/SEMI ASMC’02, pp 223-227. [2] T. W. Carley, et al, Contention-Free Periodic Message Scheduler Medium Access Control in Wireless Sensor / Actuator Networks, in proc. IEEE RTSS’03, pp.298-307. [3] Centre for Embedded Networked Sensing, Sensor node platforms: [4] Chipcon Inc., CC1020 Datasheet: [5] S. H. Cho, A. P. Chandrakasan, Energy Efficient Protocols for Low Duty Cycle Wireless Microsensor Networks, 0-7803-7041-4 [6] Crossbow Technology, IEEE 2001, pp. 2041-2044. MICA Datasheet.2001: [7] Crossbow Technology, MTS/MDA Sensor and Data Acquisition Boards user’s Manual.2003: MDA_Series_User_Manual_7430-0020-02_A.pdf [8] Conway and Heffernan, Univ. Limerick, 2003, [9] T. 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