Some thoughts on algebraic speci cation
1 ;2
Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki3
Department of Computer Science
University of Edinburgh
This paper presents in an informal way the main ideas underlying our work on algebraic speci cation. The central idea, due to Goguen and Burstall, is that much work
on algebraic speci cation can be done independently of the particular logical system
(or institution) on which the speci cation formalism is based. We also examine the
nature of speci cations and speci cation languages, the problem of proving that a
statement follows from a speci cation, the important notion of behavioural equivalence, and the evolution of programs from speci cations by stepwise re nement.
Although many of the issues discussed are motivated by technically complicated
problems, in this paper the technicalities have been suppressed in an attempt to
make the ideas more accessible. The same ideas are presented with full technical
details in [ST 85c].
We assume that the reader is convinced as we are that formal speci cations are
not only theoretically interesting but are also practically important. Throughout
the paper we also assume some familiarity with the basic concepts of algebraic
speci cation, although we do not rely on any speci c technical knowledge.
Many of the ideas expressed here were evolved under the in uence of Rod
Burstall and Martin Wirsing, but this remains a personal statement.
Generality and institutions
Any approach to algebraic speci cation must be based on some logical framework.
The pioneering papers [ADJ 76], [Gut 75], [Zil 74] used many-sorted equational
logic for this purpose. Nowadays, however, examples of logical systems in use
include rst-order logic (with and without equality), Horn-clause logic, higherorder logic, in nitary logic, temporal logic and many others. Note that all these
logical systems may be considered with or without predicates, admitting partial
operations or not. This leads to di erent concepts of signature and of model,
perhaps even more striking in examples like polymorphic signatures, order-sorted
signatures, continuous algebras or error algebras.
This research has been supported by a grant from the (U.K.) Science and Engineering Research
Reprinted from: Proc. 3rd Workshop on Theory and Applications of Abstract Data Types,
Bremen, November 1984, Springer Informatik-Fachberichte Vol. 116, pp. 31-38 (invited note).
Present address: Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
There is no reason to view any of these logical systems as superior to the others;
the choice must depend on the particular area of application and may also depend
on personal taste.
The informal notion of logical system has been formalised by Goguen and
Burstall [GB 84], who introduced for this purpose the notion of institution (this
generalizes the ideas of \abstract model theory" [Bar 74]). An institution de nes a
notion of a signature together with for any signature a set of -sentences, a collection of -models and a satisfaction relation between -models and -sentences.
The only semantic requirement is that when we change signatures, the induced
translations of sentences and models preserve the satisfaction relation. This condition expresses the intentional independence of the meaning of speci cations from
the actual notation. All the above logical systems (and many others) t into this
mould. For example, many-sorted equational logic constitutes an institution: take
signatures to be many-sorted algebraic signatures and for any algebraic signature
let the set of -sentences be the set of all equations between -terms of the
same sort, let -models be just -algebras and let satisfaction of a -equation by
a -algebra be de ned as usual. It is necessary to adopt some notion of signature
morphism : ! such as de ned e.g. in [BG 80] in order to provide for changing signatures, which induces the -translation of -equations to -equations and
of -algebras to -algebras (-reduct).
Note that we can de ne institutions which diverge from logical tradition and
have, for example, sentences expressing constraints on models which are not usually
considered in logic, e.g. data constraints as in Clear [BG 80], which impose the
requirement of initiality (cf. [Rei 80], [EWT 83]).
For purposes of generality, it is best to avoid choosing any particular logical system on which to base a speci cation approach, as suggested by Goguen and Burstall.
We can instead parameterise our work (whatever it may be) by an arbitrary institution. We strongly believe that this is an appropriate level of generality on which
to introduce and analyse concepts like speci cation, implementation, speci cationbuilding operations etc. It is possible to de ne speci cation languages which can
be used to build speci cations in any institution (examples are Clear [BG 80] and
ASL [ST 85c]).
Of course, not everything can be done in an institution-independent way. For
example, a theorem prover needs to know about the detailed structure of axioms.
Fixing an institution or even xing some part of an institution (say, the notion
of signature and of model) opens possibilities for doing things which cannot be
done at the completely general level. For example, part of a theorem prover (the
part dealing with terms, substitutions, type checking etc.) could be built under
the single additional assumption that signatures are standard many-sorted algebraic signatures. Striving to always work at the most general level possible results
in reusable theories and tools. Typically (but not always) these can be adapted
for use under a particular institution simply by providing some low-level details.
For example, instantiating the underlying institution in the formal de nition of
Clear (and changing the low-level syntax accordingly) yields a family of Clear-like
speci cation languages: equational Clear, error Clear, continuous Clear and so on.
3 Speci cations and speci cation languages
What is a speci cation? Di erent views are possible, but one thing which is certain
is that a speci cation is a description of a signature and a class of models over that
signature (called the models of the speci cation ).
We will not put any restrictions on the class of models described by a speci cation. Thus, speci cations may be loose (having non-isomorphic models), so as to
avoid premature design decisions. We do not even assume that the class of models
of a speci cation is closed under isomorphism (see [ST 85c] for a brief discussion
of this point). In contrast to many approaches (e.g. CIP-L [Bau 81]) we do not
require models to be reachable (in the standard framework, an algebra is reachable
if every element is the value of some ground term; for the generalisation to an arbitrary institution see [Tar 85]). On the other hand, these restrictions are not ruled
out, and speci cation approaches may well contain some mechanism to allow such
restrictions to be included in speci cations when required (cf. [EWT 83], [ST 85c]).
There are other levels than the level of models at which speci cations may be
dealt with. For example, we can consider:
Textual level: a sequence of characters on paper,
Presentation level: a signature and a set of axioms over this signature (required
to be nite or at least recursive or recursively enumerable),
Theory level: a signature and a set of axioms over this signature closed under
logical consequence,
Model level: a signature and a class of models over this signature.
Each approach to speci cation needs the textual level for actually writing down
speci cations. The meaning of a speci cation text is determined by giving a mapping from the textual level to one of the other levels. For example, Clear maps to
the theory level, ASL maps to the model level and ACT ONE [EFH 83] to both
the presentation and the model level. There are natural mappings from presentations to theories and from theories to classes of models (a presentation maps to the
smallest theory containing it, and a theory maps to the class of models satisfying
its axioms); the second-level semantics of ACT ONE is actually redundant since
it is just the composition of the rst-level semantics with these natural mappings,
as proved in [EFH 83]. However, not every class of models is the class of models
of a theory, and not every theory has a ( nite, recursive or recursively enumerable) presentation. In fact, Clear has no presentation-level semantics and ASL has
neither a presentation- nor theory-level semantics.
But every speci cation language has a model-level semantics | and this is in
the end all that really matters since the purpose of a speci cation is not to describe
a presentation or a theory but rather to describe a class of models.4
Slogan: A speci cation comprises (at least) a signature and a class of models over
this signature.
Everybody knows that big, monolithic speci cations are dicult to understand
and use. Thus it is important to build speci cations in a structured way from
small bits. We build speci cations in this way using speci cation-building operations
(examples: +, derive). The semantics of each of these operations is a function on
classes of models, e.g. + in ASL corresponds to a function which when given a class
of 1-models and a class of 2-models yields a class of (1 [ 2)-models [SW 83].
A speci cation language may be viewed as a set of such operations, together
with some syntax. Some operations correspond to functions at the presentation or
theory level, but in general this need not be so | in any case they are described
by functions at the model level.
In choosing the class of operations there is a trade-o between the expressive
power of the language and the ease of understanding and dealing with the operations. One way to circumvent this problem is to rst develop a kernel language
which consists of a minimal set of very powerful operations. Such a kernel language
is dicult to use directly. We can build higher-level languages on top of the kernel,
so that each higher-level construct corresponds to a kernel-language expression.
This is analogous to the way that high-level programming languages are de ned in
terms of machine-level operations. This approach has been taken in ASL; high-level
languages built on top of ASL include PLUSS [Gau 84] and Extended ML [ST 85a].
Besides providing a certain collection of prede ned speci cation-building operations, a speci cation language usually provides a way for the user to de ne his own
speci cation-building operations, i.e. a mechanism for constructing parameterised
speci cations. There are di erent approaches to parameterised speci cations; the
ones which seem most natural in our general framework are those which treat a
parameterised speci cation as a function from speci cations to speci cations as in
e.g. Clear, LOOK [ETLZ 82] or ASL. Such a parameterised speci cation normally
has a certain domain of speci cations to which it can be applied.
Proving things
In the framework of an arbitrary institution, any class of models determines a
theory, that is the set of all sentences which are true in every model belonging
Actually, the ultimate purpose of a speci cation is typically to describe a class of programs,
but the notion of a model is chosen so as to precisely capture those aspects of programs which are
relevant to the speci cation while abstracting away from those which are not. For example, in the
standard framework algebras are chosen as models in order to abstract away from the syntactic
and algorithmic details of programs while capturing their functional behaviour.
to this class (note however that the class of models satisfying this theory may be
bigger than the class of models we started with). So every speci cation determines
the set of its logical consequences, the set of sentences which hold in all its models.
These are exactly the properties of the speci ed object expressible in the given
institution on which a user is allowed to rely.
In the above, we said nothing about how to e ectively determine if a property
(sentence) follows from a speci cation. Our basic notion is the satisfaction relation
and model-theoretic (rather than proof-theoretic) consequence. All the same, it
would be convenient to have some e ective (=computational) way of proving that
a sentence is a consequence of a speci cation, i.e. a proof system. This would
provide an important tool for the practical use of formal speci cations. As suggested
by Guttag and Horning [GH 80], by proving that selected properties follow from
a speci cation we can understand it and gain con dence that it expresses what
we want. Moreover, in order to do any kind of formal program development or
veri cation a theorem-proving capability is necessary.
SP j= ' means that the sentence ' holds in all models of SP (' is a
semantic consequence of SP ). SP ` ' means that ' is provable from SP in a given
proof system.
Any useful proof system must be sound, that is SP ` ' must imply SP j= '
(we must only be able to prove things which are true). Another pleasant property
is completeness, i.e. SP j= ' implies SP ` ' (we can prove all true things).
Unfortunately, for every practical speci cation approach no sound and complete
e ective proof system can exist; more precisely, this holds for every speci cation
approach which is powerful enough to specify the natural numbers and in which
equations can be expressed | see [MS 85] for a discussion of this problem. So
we have to be content with a proof system which is sound but not complete. The
same situation occurs in program veri cation; there is no (Cook-) complete Hoarelike proof system for any programming language with a suciently rich control
structure [Cla 79]. This is too bad, but that's life.
Of course, we cannot expect to be able to construct an institution-independent
proof system. We have to assume that we are given some (sound) proof system
for the underlying institution, that is a proof system which allows us to deduce
sentences from sets of sentences in the institution. This amounts to a proof system
for any speci cation language where speci cation-building operations are de ned
at the level of presentations. However, this does not imply that such a semantics
is required for doing theorem proving. It is possible to extend the proof system
for the underlying institution to a proof system for the speci cation language in
an institution-independent way. What we have to do is to devise an inference rule
for every speci cation-building operation which allows facts about a compound
speci cation to be deduced from facts about its components [SB 83], [ST 85b],
[ST 85c]. A simple example of such a rule is:
` ' =)
This is another case where, due to the quest for generality via institutions, something
(part of a theorem prover for a speci cation language) may be built once and for
Behavioural equivalence
A concept which has (not) been extensively (enough) studied in the context of algebraic speci cations is that of the behaviour of a program or model. Intuitively,
the behaviour of a program is determined just by the answers which are obtained
from computations the program may perform. Switching for awhile to the usual
algebraic framework, we may say informally that two -algebras are behaviourally
equivalent with respect to a set OBS of observable sorts if it is not possible to distinguish between them by evaluating -terms which produce a result of observable
sort. For example, suppose contains the sorts nat, bool and bunch and the operations empty : ! bunch , add : nat ; bunch ! bunch and 2: nat ; bunch ! bool (as
well as the usual operations on nat and bool ), and suppose A and B are -algebras
jAjbunch = the set of nite sets of natural numbers
jBjbunch = the set of nite lists of natural numbers
with the operations and the remaining carriers de ned in the obvious way (but
B does not contain operations like cons, car and cdr ). Then A and B are behaviourally equivalent with respect to fbool g since every term of sort bool has the
same value in both algebras (the interesting terms are those of the form m 2
add (a1; : : : ; add (an; empty ) : : :)). Note that A and B are not isomorphic.
Behavioural equivalence seems to be a concept which is fundamental to programming methodology. For example:
Data abstraction
A practical advantage of using abstract data types in the construction of programs is that the implementation of abstractions by program modules need not be
xed. A di erent module using di erent algorithms and/or di erent data structures may be substituted without changing the rest of the program provided that
the new module is behaviourally equivalent to the module it replaces (with respect
to the non-encapsulated types). ADJ [ADJ 76] have suggested that \abstract" in
\abstract data type" means \up to isomorphism"; we suggest that it really means
\up to behavioural equivalence".
Program speci cation
One way of specifying a program is to describe the desired input/output behaviour in some concrete way, e.g. by constructing a very simple program which
exhibits the desired behaviour. Any program which is behaviourally equivalent
to the sample program with respect to the primitive types of the programming
language satis es the speci cation. This is called an abstract model speci cation
[LB 77] or speci cation by example [Sad 84]. In general, speci cations under the
usual algebraic approaches are not abstract enough; it is either dicult, as in Clear
[BG 80] or impossible, as in the initial algebra approach of [ADJ 76] and the nal
algebra approach of [Wand 79] to specify sets of natural numbers in such a way that
both A and B above are models of the speci cation. ASL provides a behavioural
abstraction operation which when applied to a speci cation SP relaxes interpretation to all those algebras which are behaviourally equivalent to a model of SP .
We want to stress that although the phrase \speci cation by example" suggests
sloppiness, this is not the case; in this approach it is a precisely-de ned, convenient
and intuitive way to write speci cations, and it is also an established technique in
software engineering.
In the above we assume that the only observations (or experiments) we are allowed to perform are to test whether the results of computations are equal. In the
context of an arbitrary institution we can generalise this and abstract away from the
equational bias by allowing observations which are arbitrary sentences (logical formulae). This yields an institution-independent notion of observational equivalence.
Two models are observationally equivalent if they both give the same answers to any
observation from a prespeci ed set. Based on this general notion of observational
equivalence we can de ne an institution-independent speci cation-building operation for observational abstraction (the behavioural abstraction operation mentioned
above is actually only a special case of observational abstraction in the standard
algebraic framework). The properties of this operation are more complicated than
for other speci cation-building operations, but it is possible to overcome these difculties and for example to provide proof rules for reasoning about speci cations
built using observational abstraction [ST 85b].
6 Implementation of speci cations
The programming discipline of stepwise re nement suggests that a program be
evolved by working gradually via a series of successively lower-level re nements of
the speci cation toward a speci cation which is so low-level that it can be regarded
as a program. For example, the speci cation
reverse(nil) = nil
reverse(cons(a,l)) = append(reverse(l),cons(a,nil))
is an executable program in Standard ML [Mil 84]. The stepwise re nement approach guarantees the correctness of the resulting program, provided that each
re nement step can be proved correct. A formalisation of this approach requires
a precise de nition of the concept of re nement, i.e. of the implementation of one
speci cation by another.
In programming practice, proceeding from a speci cation to a program (by stepwise re nement or by any other method) means making a series of design decisions.
These will include decisions concerning the concrete representation of abstractly
de ned data types, decisions about how to compute abstractly speci ed functions
(choice of algorithm) and decisions which select between the various possibilities
which the speci cation leaves open. The following very simple formal notion of
implementation captures this idea: a speci cation SP is implemented by another
speci cation SP , written SP > SP , if SP incorporates more design decisions
than SP , i.e. any model of SP is a model of SP (SP and SP are required to have
the same signature). We can adopt this simple notion in the context of a speci cation language incorporating an operation like behavioural abstraction (see [SW 83]
for more discussion on this point).
This notion of implementation can be extended to give a notion of the implementation of parameterised speci cations: P is implemented by P , written
P > P , if for all speci cations SP in the domain of P , SP is also in the domain
of P and P (SP ) > P (SP ).
An important issue for any notion of implementation is whether implementations can be composed vertically and horizontally [GB 80]. Implementations can
be vertically composed if the implementation relation is transitive (SP > SP
and SP > SP implies SP > SP ) and they can be horizontally composed
if the speci cation-building operations preserve implementations (i.e. P > P
and SP > SP implies P (SP ) > P (SP )). The above notion of implementation has both these properties, provided that all speci cation-building operations
are monotonic (with respect to inclusion of model classes) which is the case for
the speci cation-building operations de ned in e.g. Clear, LOOK and ASL. These
two properties allow large structured speci cations to be re ned in a gradual and
modular fashion. All of the individual small speci cations which make up a large
speci cation can be separately re ned in several stages to give a collection of lowerlevel speci cations (this should be easy because of their small size). When the
low-level speci cations are put back together, the result is guaranteed to be an
implementation of the original speci cation. Note that other more complicated
notions of implementation ([EKMP 82], just to take one example) do not compose
vertically or horizontally in general.
7 Final remarks
In this note we put forward some of our thoughts and prejudices concerning algebraic speci cation. The theme which underlies most of our arguments is one of
generality. We argued in favour of working at a high level of generality whenever
possible, and against making unnecessary restrictions. The advantage of generality
is (at least) the development of reuseable theories and tools; the problem with introducing even the most reasonable-seeming restriction is that we exclude something
which we may need someday. An instance of this is the restriction to reachable
models (the generation principle of [BW 82]) | see [SW 83] for an example which
requires considering unreachable models. The result of (for example) xing an institution at an early stage is that after years of work it is necessary to start again
from scratch to introduce some enhancement like the ability to handle higher-order
functions or imperative programs.
Practitioners may think we are dreamers because our interest in mathematical
elegance and generality seems so far removed from the real world of programmers
writing operating systems and payroll programs. But we believe that if practical
formal program speci cation and development is ever to become a reality (and we
are optimistic about this) it must be based on sound mathematical foundations.
Foundations acceptable in the long term cannot contain restrictions adopted for
short-term convenience, e.g. it is a mistake to forever limit yourself to equational
speci cations because you happen to have a Knuth-Bendix equational theorem
prover running on your system. The eventual practical feasibility of all this depends
on the existence of good tools for supporting formal program development; although
we do not believe that program production will ever be automated, the right tools
could reduce the burden of formal program development to an acceptable level.
8 References
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