Revista de Gestão da Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação
Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management
Vol. 6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
ISSN online: 1807-1775
Rafaela Mantovani Fontana,
Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Brasil
Alfredo Iarozinski Neto
UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brasil
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems implementation is a great organizational change,
which many times does not reach the desired results. This paper proposes to help understand this
implementation, considering that the knowledge of change and evolution processes in
organizations may lead to other aspects to be considered, assisting in the identification of the
most appropriate actions, restrictions and items that may help sustain the change. It proposes a
complex organizational reference model to contribute understanding of the implementation
process. Research results show that the concepts proposed in this model – subsystems,
emergence, behavior attractors and complexity limits – apply to organizations and contribute to
the understanding of the changes triggered by an ERP system implementation. Among other
contributions, this work shows the importance of potential generation for change, the
relationship among the behavior attractor and competitive advantages gained, and organizational
systems maturity considerations.
Keywords: Complex Systems, Organizational Change, Organizational Evolution, ERP Systems
Implementation, Systemic Approach.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are information systems that
Recebido em/Manuscript first received: 26/05/2008 Aprovado em/Manuscript accepted: 12/01/2009
Endereço para correspondência/ Address for correspondence
Rafaela Mantovani Fontana, Professora do Curso de Tecnologia em Sistemas de Informação da
Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) Rua Dr. Alcides Vieira Arcoverde, 1225 Jardim das Américas
CEP 81520-260, Curitiba, Paraná – Brazil Fone/Fax: (41) 3361-4918, E-mail:
Alfredo Iarozinski Neto, Professor da UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Av. Sete de
Setembro, 3165 Rebouças – Curitiba – Paraná CEP 80230-080 Ponta Grossa-PR E-Mail:
ISSN online: 1807-1775
Publicado por/Published by: TECSI FEA USP – 2009
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
integrate all business information in organizations, providing processes control and
unique information flow. Usually, they are sold as software packages, which implement
the best practices in the market. Organizations that implement them have to choose
between implementing these practices and changing current business processes; or
customizing the software to adapt to current business processes (MENDES & FILHO,
2002; ZWICKER & SOUZA, 2003).
Some organizations are successful in implementing ERP systems and achieving
relevant process improvement, but others encounter various barriers, especially related
to resistance to change (MENDES & FILHO, 2002; ZWICKER & SOUZA, 2003,
SANTOS JUNIOR et al., 2005). Each case has its specific reasons for not achieving
successful ERP implementations, but some studies point to the fact that this
implementation is actually a great organizational change (SOUZA & ZWICKER, 2003;
SACCOL et al., 2003) and in most cases these changes do not reach the desired results
(SENGE et al., 1999).
To Senge et al. (1999), all kinds of growth in the nature come from the
interaction between processes that enhance growth and processes that inhibit it. When
growth stops prematurely, before the organism reaches its potential, it is because it
found restrictions that could have been circumvented and are not inevitable. According
to the author, these concepts show that, “most strategies for change may be destined to
fail from the beginning”, when leaders do not focus on the potential for growth. The
focus should be mainly on the limiting procedures that could delay or prevent a change.
Dooley & Van de Ven (1999) confirm this need for knowledge of organizational
behavior patterns. For them, when these generating mechanisms are discovered, it is
possible to postulate how changes in specific organizational variables affect the
dynamics of the system. This knowledge can help us explain the past, predict the future
and develop intervention strategies.
Although ERP systems have been used and improved since the 1970s, the
technology is still evolving and researchers still need to understand the actual impact of
the ERP system implementation on organizational alignment, learning, infrastructure,
outsourcing, customization and competitive advantage (CHUNG & SNYDER, 2004).
This is evidence that organizational models may help understand the relevant elements
in ERP systems implementations and provide better strategies for successful
The changes necessary to transform the enterprise in an integrated organization,
through these implementations, generate diverse complex transformations in behavioral
and structural aspects (JESUS & OLIVEIRA, 2007). There are plenty of models that
describe organizational structures and dynamics that could be applied to ERP systems
implementations. However, it is important to observe that organizations are human
systems in which multiple agents interact at the same time (STERMAN, 2000).
Considering complex social systems theory to understand organizational processes may
enable the creation of new organizational forms and changes in strategic thought
The deployment of an ERP system is a process that has been considered critical
and that often does not generate the expected results. If the knowledge of behavioral
patterns could help explain the past, predict the future and develop intervention
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ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
strategies, it is possible that knowledge of the processes of change and evolution of
organizations can help in the identification of the important elements of the deployment
of ERP systems.
So, the general objective of this study is to analyze the implementation of ERP
systems based on a proposal for a model of organizational change. It presents a study
based on the complexity theory to understand ERP systems implementation. A systemic
approach is used as the methodology for model creation. Organizational models are
explored to create a basis where organizations can be seen as complex systems changed
by a large-scale information system implementation. Hence, this paper presents an
application of a systemic approach to an organizational study, a summary of some
important organizational change theories, considerations of organizations as complex
systems, and a model, applied to ERP implementations, which represents
organizationally complex structure and behavior.
According to the objectives and justification presented, this research aims at
responding to the following question: What are the relevant aspects in the process of
organizational changes generated by the implementation of ERP systems?
Van de Ven & Poole (1995) state that change is a kind of event, an empirical
observation over time of some differences in an organizational entity’s form, quality or
state. Mintzberg & Wesley (1992) have classified various types of organizational
changes based on four different approaches: contents and levels, means and processes;
episodes and stages and sequences and patterns, as summarized below.
Contents and levels
Contents and levels of change define various contents in organizational change
at different levels of abstraction. Mintzberg & Wesley (1992) have shown that change
may happen in an organization from a wide and conceptual form to a specific and
concrete form. These changes may occur in two forms of conceptual change:
organizational state (culture, structure, systems and people) or organizational strategy
(vision, position, programs and facilities). These change contents may occur at different
levels. It may be a revolutionary change, which affects the whole organization; a
fragmented change, which changes various elements in an independent way; a focused
change, which happens at all levels of one organizational part; or an isolated change that
refers to a specific change.
Means and processes
Means and processes of change describe the means in which change emerges
and their related processes. The focus of this aspect of change is on identifying how it
emerges and how it is managed. It might be one of the most studied aspects in the
bibliography, because knowing change processes gives individuals a basis to create
strategies to deal with change and to take adequate actions, at the right time
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
Means of change may be classified in first and second order changes. First order
changes are those seen as incremental, as local adaptations of the organizational
structure. For example, price-changing rules, new products launches, changes in
investments on research and development and advertisements. Second order changes are
those that represent changes on base-structure. For example, changes in the
organization’s form or design (ETHIRAJ & LEVINTHAL, 2004).
Other authors classify three different means of change. Mintzberg & Wesley
(1992), for example, have identified change as being procedural planning (deliberated
and deductive change), visionary leadership (informal, guided by a leader) and learning
(informal and emergent). Blumenthal & Haspeslagh (1994) have shown that change can
be seen as operational improvement (to improve efficiency), strategic transformation (to
gain a competitive advantage), and corporative self renewal (learning to anticipate
change and deal with it). Similarly, Kerber & Buono (2005) have classified change
means in three forms: direct (guided by high management), planned (arises in any level
to ease resistance) and directed (which emerges from inside the organization).
Episodes and stages
Episodes and stages represent particular episodes of change and stages by which
the organization goes through to get out of an established cycle. Mintzberg & Westley
(1992) claim that change usually takes the form of episodes (distinct periods in which a
number of changes happen), which are the result of external or internal events. Such
episodes can be changes (more revolutionary, leading the organization to other
positions) or revitalizations (slower and adaptive, developed in small steps).
Sequences and patterns
Sequences and patterns of change identify patterns of transformations observed
over time. The different patterns that can be seen over time, according to Mintzberg &
Westley (1992) are periodic impacts (long periods of stability interrupted by
revolutions), oscillating changes (convergence and divergence around different
positions), life cycles (development sequence) and regular process (marked by strategic
vision and inductive learning, usually occurring in academic environments).
Authors in the bibliography describe the pattern of an organizations’ life cycle
more intensively. One of the classic models of organizational changes is from Greiner
(1994). Greiner divided the growth curve of organizations in five stages, which are
defined by factors: management focus, organizational structure, management style,
system control and reward management. Greiner (1994) states that each stage is
characterized by a period of evolution and ends with a period of revolution, or crisis.
This author uses the word “evolution” to describe periods of growth, when no major
change occurs in the practice of the organization; and the term “revolution” to describe
periods of intense disorder. Facing this crisis leads the organization to the next stage,
when new organizational practices must be adopted to adapt to the new phase. There is
also a sixth stage of growth defined by Greiner, which features a network of
organizations (ROCHA, 2002).
Other models are found in the bibliography, always featuring the evolutionary
cycle of the organization in stages, defined by different organizational attributes. Table
R. Gest. Tecn. Sist. Inf. /JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Brazil
ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
1 summarizes other authors and the main features.
Table 1 - Organizational Evolutions Stage-based Models
Stages in the model
Stages Characterization
5 (Existence, Survival, Success,
Take-off, Resources, Maturity)
Management style, organizational structure,
broadness of formal systems, main strategy and
owner-business relationship.
Institutionalization, Regeneration,
Co-creation, Transformation)
Organization intentions and realities.
8 (Conceptions, Investments,
Fundamental Community, Liberal
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) personal
development and organizational development.
Montenegro & Barros
4 (Uncertainness, Accelerated
Growth, Regression, Definition)
Objective, structure, processes and dynamism.
Mintzberg & Westley
Adaptation, Effort, Revolution)
Types of changes that occur in an organization.
5 (Birth, Expansion, Maturity,
Diversification and Decadence)
Age, size, growth rate, structure form,
formalization, centralization, tasks/functions.
Sibbet (2003)
Considering organizations as complex systems defines new perspectives for
organizational model theories. Meyer et al. (2005) have identified that organizations are
not systems under equilibrium. They found that change in these systems has non-linear
behavior and, moreover, that it is not possible to define that these systems adapt to their
environment because the term “adapt” considers a process of equilibrium search, which
is not the case of organizations.
Goldspink & Kay (2003) say that modeling organizations as linear systems may
lead to two serious problems:
1. Understanding the relationship of macro and micro behavior, in other words,
understanding how peoples’ actions generate micro and macro complex
organizational behavior and these behaviors may have different properties if
compared to peoples’ actions. Or understanding how the macro behaviors
interfere in individual behavior;
2. Explaining dynamic complex behavior, auto-organizations and variations
generated by changing environments.
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
McCathy et al. (2000) have identified that manufacturing organizations are
indeed complex adaptive systems because “they consist of an integrated assembly of
interacting elements, designed to carry out cooperatively a predetermined objective,
which is the transformation of raw material into marketable products”.
According to Iarozinski Neto (1996), a system should be considered complex
when it is made of groups of elements with different functions and behaviors, which
apply to the definition above. They are in constant evolution and are influenced by
events that cannot be foreseen with certainty. The information about the state of these
elements cannot be completely known, and the elements are related by a great variety of
Complex systems present some peculiar characteristics summarily described
− Auto-organization and emergence: auto-organization may be described as the
spontaneous union of a group to accomplish a task or a purpose. The group decides
what to do, how to do it and when to do it. Nobody outside this group directs these
activities. The emergence of human systems creates non-reversible ideas,
relationships and organizational shapes, which become part of the individuals’ and
the institutions’ history. That is why they interfere in the evolution of these entities.
Organizational learning, for example, is an emergent property (MITLETONKELLY, 2003);
− Connectivity and Environment: connectivity and interdependence mean that one
element (or group) decision or action may affect related elements and systems. The
degree of connectivity determines the net of relationships and transferring of
information and knowledge, and it is an essential element in the feedback process.
Nevertheless, the viable connections that can be held are limited and the information
(that comes from connections) each individual may deal with is also limited
(MITLETON-KELLY, 2003). Considering the relationship of the system and the
environment, Mitleton-Kelly (2003) states that the concept of co-evolution comes
from the mutual influence between the elements of the system. In human systems,
co-evolution emphasizes the relationship among the entities that co-evolve.
According to what was proposed by Meyer et al. (2005), the term “adaptation” is not
applicable to complex systems.
− Non-linearity and feedback: Organizations are also dynamic and non-linear
systems (STERMAN, 2000; LITCHENSTEIN, 2000). Complexity is a characteristic
of the behavior in non-linear open systems, its structure form and the construction of
its special and temporal space (KNYAZEVA, 2003). Systems dynamics states that
complex systems are structurally based on a feedback concept: our current actions
define future situations. Because of this feature, organizations are feedback systems
(STERMAN, 2000). According to Sterman (2000), actions change the state of the
system and people react to reestablish the equilibrium. These actions may generate
collateral effects, which are called this because we have limited knowledge of the
system. Positive feedback typically generates growth in the system, while negative
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ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
feedback does the opposite, searching for balance. However, structures that mix
both types, generate diverse behavior.
− Far-from-equilibrium: Mitleton-Kelly (2003) states that instability (far-fromequilibrium) happens when a system operates outside of established rules, or outside
of the usual ways of working and relating. In this situation, an organization may
arrive at a critical point and deteriorate to disorder (moral and productivity loss, etc),
or create some new order and organization (find out new ways to work and relate,
creating new coherence). There is a third behavior state, which is not stable nor
instable, but both simultaneously. This is on the edge of instability. In this state,
there is instability in the sense that specific behavior is not predictable in the long
term, but there is stability in the qualitative structure to this behavior and short-term
results are predictable (STACEY, 1995).
− Structure and Composition: According to Mitleton-Kelly (2003), complex
systems characteristics tend not to vary independently of scale. They can apply to all
systems levels (from an individual to the system as a whole) and to systems on
different scales (team, organization, industry, economy, etc). This concept relates to
Simon’s complex system structure description (IAROZINSKI NETO, 1996). His
definition states that complex systems organize on multi-level “hierarchic”
structures. All levels are composed of sub-systems groups, which present stability.
The frontier in each system may be identified by the intensity of the relationships.
This “hierarchy”, indeed, has heterarchy characteristics, being multi-level
relationship without formal authority among them. Tree structure is also found,
being interlinked subsystems, each one with its own tree structure down to the most
elementary level.
Changes in a non-linear system are determined by a series of phases, each one of
which is governed by an attractor. An attractor is a pattern of behavior to which the
system fixes itself. Each phase has specific sets of unique behaviors that exist latently in
the original non-linear configuration of the system (FERDIG, 2000).
Figure 1 - Discontinuous growth curve of a chaordic system. Adapted from
Eijnatten (2003)
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
Eijnatten (2003) completes the analysis regarding complex systems behavior
over time. In his concept, organizations are chaordic systems, that is, systems composed
of elements connected in a complex and dynamic form, forming a whole whose
behavior is simultaneously unpredictable (chaotic) and standardized (having order). A
chaordic system life cycle may be described like this: the system is born or is started,
starts to develop and grows until maturity. Then, it reaches a growth limit, from which it
might jump to another complexity level, where it starts a new development cycle. From
the growth period to maturity a chaordic system goes through a period of relative
stability (gray area in Figure 1). When the system arrives near its limit, the system starts
to bifurcate and then enters a period of relative instability.
A discontinuous growth curve (Figure 1) may be seen as a sequence of two
phases: stable relative stages (E and NTE), in which the system develops linearly
through incremental changes; and non stable relative stages (FFE and FC), in which the
system changes non-linearly through transformative change or qualitative jumps.
Throughout the system chaotic phase, it shows high sensibility dependence on the initial
condition (SDIC), or butterfly effect.
Figure 2 - Illustration of a “Fitness Landscape” and the attractor basins. Adapted
from Eijnatten (2003).
In each one of these states, the system is under the influence of different
attractors. An attractor is a condition that forces a chaordic system to repeat a behavior
pattern, not always exactly in the same way, but always within specific and clear
frontiers. An attractor basin is an area where the attractor can execute its magnetic
function attracting any performance level. A new attractor basin represents a new order.
A fitness landscape is the composition of multiple attractors (and its basins) to which a
holon can be attracted during its journey (Figure 2). Holons are entities that are
simultaneously the whole and a part of the whole. They are autonomous and
independent, similar to the definition of autopoietic entities from Maturana & Varela
Bifurcation points, also called opportunity windows, mark the moment when the
holon is under the influence of another attractor basin (entering an instable stage) and
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ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
can jump, without external influence, to a stage with greater complexity or dissipate
(Figure 1). Even during stable phases, a chaordic system shows discontinuous behavior
in the little jumps in gradual changes, which shows the fractal dimension of growth.
Gradual change on a macro level may be interpreted as a series of little qualitative
jumps in the micro level (Figure 3).
Figure 3 - The fractal dimension of growth in chaordic systems. Adapted
from Eijnatten (2003).
During a non-linear change period, the system oscillates between different
modes of behavior, as shown in Figure 4. The table shown is called the Chaos Cross by
Eijnatten (2003), and occurs when two superior cells are considered the dominant
pattern and the inferior cells are considered as the emergent pattern. A successful
change in the system is defined as a transition from cell I to cell IV. Other types of
change are considered pathological changes, because they do not sustain themselves and
should be considered as temporary. During instability phases, chaordic systems are very
sensitive, being that little changes in the initial conditions may cause dramatic effects.
Holling’s (2001) theory on ecosystem evolution is similar to Eijnatten’s. To
Holling there are three properties in a system which determine the shape of the adaptive
− The system’s potential to be open to change (productivity, human relationships,
mutations, inventions);
− The system’s controllability, which is the degree of linkage among variables and
processes related to internal control. This is a measure that reflects control
flexibility and rigidity degree;
− The system’s adaptive capability, or resilience, which is a measure of its
vulnerability to unexpected and unpredictable shocks;
The adaptive cycle passes through four phases, as in Eijnateen’s (2003) model.
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
They are called r, K, Ω and α, and the properties mentioned above gain emphasis
differently in each of the phases, thus changing the system’s behavior.
Figure 4 - The Chaos Cross in a non-linear development. Adapted from Eijnatten
R to K phase is a period when potential grows together with a decadence of
productivity and an increase in the system’s rigidity. In K to Ω, as the potential grows,
slow changes gradually generate a growing vulnerability. Accidents are imminent in this
period because they may trigger the liberation of accumulated potential. Phase Ω to α is
a period when uncertainty is big, potential is high and controls are weak, allowing new
combinations to form. This is when innovations emerge. And finally, these innovations
are tested from phase α to r. Some fail, but others survive and adapt to a new growth
phase (from r to K). See Figure 5.
According to Holling (2001), one of the main goals of this model is to define
where a subsystem is inside its own adaptive cycle. Some actions that would be
appropriate in some phases of the cycle may not be in other phases. Knowing where the
system is helps defining actions to be taken.
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ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
Figure 5 - Adaptive cycle of complex systems, adapted from Holling (2001)
Both authors’ studies have shown that there are arguments and approaches to
consider organizations as complex adaptive systems, and organizational attractors like
shapes that delimitate the systems’ trajectory. Even decades ago, Lewin (1965)
identified that in social groups there are diverse “forces” (more or less intense) that keep
the group in a specific situation (or level, in the phase space), or almost-stationary
equilibrium. This concept of group “levels” maintained by forces leads to the attractor’s
concept seen before. In addition to that, Lewin (1965) still considers that a planned
change consists of changing the force field, so that the system level is changed.
This research may be classified as an exploratory study, which, according to Gil
(1994), has as its central concern “developing, clarifying and modifying concepts and
ideas”. It has the objective of formulating problems and hypothesis, which can be
researched in future studies. Based on literature, this study aims to answer the research
question following the precepts of the systemic approach.
The systemic approach complements the concepts of functionalism and
structuralism. It is a methodology that emphasizes organizational phenomena, because it
considers not just physical and biological characteristics, but also heterogeneous entities
composed of men, machines, product movements, etc. The focus is on the system’s
dynamism, on inter-relationships and on system-environment relationships (DEMO,
Le Moigne (1990) defines systemography as the process of creating complex
phenomena models. Scientific observation results depend essentially on the observer,
who watches reality through a “glass”. Reality is identified as a phenomenon. This
phenomenon is observed through the glass, which is a general model assigned to the
observer’s intentions. Isomorphism is used to associate reality to this general model,
that is, relating to different entities with similar appearance. Reality is then considered
as having the same form (homomorphism) as the phenomenon is seen as complex. From
these relations, one is able to create models that represent reality (Figure 6).
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
Figure 6 - The model creation process defined by Le Moigne (1990)
The procedure to create the model is 1) framing: construction of model M
considering isomorphism with a general system; 2) development: documentation of M
considering homomorphism with complex phenomena; and 3) interpretation: simulation
of the actions over M to anticipate the consequences of the changes in the phenomena.
One should model actions, and not things; and consider that the system is under
constant interaction with other systems (LE MOIGNE, 1995).
Donnadieu et al. (2003) shows that modeling is the main tool of the systemic
approach. It must be done through reality observations considering three aspects: 1)
functional aspect, focused on system finalities; 2) structural aspect: describes the system
structure emphasizing subsystem relationships; and 3) historical aspect, which observes
the evolutionary nature of the system, that is, its history.
This study considers concepts from a systemic approach to define a reference model
of organizational change and evolution, applied to ERP systems implementations in the
following steps (Figure 7):
1) Phenomenon Identification: bibliographical revision to observe elements involved in
the process of organizational change and evolution. The main concepts of this
research were presented in sections 3 and 4. It considered traditional organizational
change theories and change theories based on complexity concepts. The concepts
identified in this phenomenon identification were used to build the general system,
which is the model that gives basis to reality observation;
R. Gest. Tecn. Sist. Inf. /JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Brazil
ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
2) General System Creation: creation of the reference model, based on bibliographical
concepts, under systemic approach directions. This model is presented in section 6
(Organizational Change Reference Model). The three aspects proposed by
Donnadieu et al. (2003) – functional, structural and historical – were considered to
create a model from the theories analyzed in phenomenon identification;
3) Reality Observation: An ERP implementation case study analysis, based on the
reference model, so that isomorphic correspondences can be found between the
organizational change model and elements in ERP implementation cases. It
corresponds to the framing phase in the Le Moigne (1990) model. This reality
observation was conducted based on questions (see Section 7) that include elements
of the model purposed in the previous step (General System Creation). Twenty nine
(29) case studies described in papers were analyzed by one of this papers’ authors.
For each case, the questions were answered searching for an understanding of the
changes generated in the implementation of ERP systems, to identify actions and
behaviors related to the subsystems (structure and cognition), and related to the
dynamics of change and evolution. These cases originated in diverse countries and
were chosen for analysis when they described real ERP system implementation
cases with enough detail to be characterized from the reference model point of view.
Tables 2 and 3 present the references for the authors of the cases. Section 7 presents
a summary of this analysis and further details should be verified FONTANA (2006);
4) Interpretation: corresponds to the identification of the contributions coming from
the reality understanding model, that is, how the model contributes to the
understanding of the changes generated by ERP implementations, presented in
Section 7. It corresponds to the development phase proposed by Le Moigne (1990),
in which homomorphic correspondences are identified between the model and
reality. This interpretation was done by the authors, searching for the elements in the
reference model which appeared in the case study descriptions, to apply the
concepts of the model in ERP systems implementation context.
Figure 7 – Study’s methodology
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
Donnadieu et al. (2003), Iarozinski Neto (1996) and Capra (2003) consider three
dimensions when studying complex systems, productive systems or live systems.
Identifying key elements of the three authors, and keeping in mind the goal of defining
the organizational system, the need to define the model under three aspects was
identified: structural, functional and evolutionary. The functional aspect, as a function
or behavior of the system, is determined by its pattern of organization; the structural
aspect, set by inter-relationships between formal elements that restrict their behavior,
and evolution, as a vital process of the incorporation of new standards, features or
information, which guarantee the development of the system.
The structural aspect of an organizational system is composed of two
subsystems: structural and cognitive. The structural subsystem includes everything that
is formal within the organization, to which investment of time and money is made, that
is, in the structure of the organization. Thus, the structure is a subsystem that influences
the degree of restriction or freedom of the agents in the system, which connects it with
another aspect of the organizational system: the cognitive subsystem. While information
travels through the structural subsystem, it is within the cognitive subsystem that it is
understood and interpreted. Therefore, these dimensions are closely related.
Cognitive is a subsystem mainly related to human resources, their attitudes,
knowledge, mental models and culture. Thoughts can be shared through a higher or
lower flow of information between individuals, enabling systemic thinking, mental
model shifting, shared vision occurrence and team learning. The extensive use of
communication in the interaction and installation of free improvisation (BROWN &
EISENHARDT, 1997) as a means of learning, also shows the importance of how the
information is handled.
Figure 8 – Organizational System
Organizational System
The dynamics of the relationship between the two subsystems generates the
emergent organizational behavior. From the point of view of an observer, behaviors are
functions that the system performs to meet their purposes. Each structurally cognitive
configuration enables the system to use a set of possible behaviors. In other words, the
R. Gest. Tecn. Sist. Inf. /JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Brazil
ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
behavior is a function of the structure and cognition in the formula: behavior = f
(structure, cognition) (Figure 8).
This model proposes that every action performed within the organization affects
one of the two subsystems: structural or cognitive, because these are the “visible”
dimensions in which one can interfere directly. The behavior is the dimension that,
although one can not interfere directly, modifies itself over time with the possibilities
that the structural and cognitive subsystems generate. To graphically represent the two
subsystems and organizational behavior, it is proposed that the structural and the
cognitive subsystem constitute a plan, in which an area represents the organizational
configuration generated from the perceived need in the environment (Figure 9).
If we consider that the behavior is a function of this plan, it will emerge from the
opportunities generated by cognitive and structural subsystems, generating a space of
possible behaviors. Depending on the level of the answers offered by the organization to
the environment, this space is placed in different locations in the third axis (Figure 9).
If, according to Morin & LeMoigne (2000):
1) Cognitive processes of intelligence of a system is the ability of the system to
represent a situation and develop opportunities for adjustment, from which some
choices can be made; and
2) For an organization to be smarter, it also needs to be more complex and
the third axis represents the complexity of the organizational system. The possible
answers an organization can give its environment depend on the level of its ability to
interpret demand and choose the best configuration. Because this capacity is related, as
seen above, to the complexity of the system, this representation is given to the axis
where the organizational behavior is.
Figure 9 - Structural and cognitive plan generate possible behaviors
in Complexity axis
The space formed by the displacement of the plan along the complexity axis
represents all possible behaviors limited by a certain structure and driven by a specific
cognitive system. Depending on the complexity of the organizational system, such
behavior is present at a given level of the third axis. This level may be appropriate - or
not - to the pressure exerted by the environment. This means that the organizational
system has the capacity to understand its environment and develop strategies to respond
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
accordingly. This capacity level positions the set of possible answers on the vertical
axis, for a given structure-cognition configuration.
The area of possible behavior acts, as a strange attractor (FERDIG, 2000),
defines the answers of the system and forces it to repeat a pattern of behavior, not
always in the same way, but always within specific boundaries (EIJNATTEN, 2003).
Specifically, the organizational behavior at any given time is then represented in the
form of an area in a plan within the attractor space.
Complex Organization Evolution
Organizations, seen as complex systems, are formed by autonomous entities,
interconnected in different ways and at different intensities. They are self-organizing
and self-generating entities in higher levels. Their behavior emerges as a result of the
non-linearity of its feedback structures and its structures co-evolve with the
environment, with the potential to generate a new order after periods of instability.
Periods of instability arise from time to time when the system reaches its limit of
complexity. Plotting a parallel to the various organizational evolution models, it is
possible to realize that authors define development in terms of stages, and transition
from one stage to another is marked by a crisis. Behavior in the next stage is responsible
for solving this crisis by generating another one, but some time later,. Punctuated
equilibrium theories also define that systems go through long periods of stability, called
equilibrium, punctuated by compact periods of qualitative and metamorphic change, or
revolution (ROMANELLI & TUSHMAN, 1994; GERSICK, 1991; BEUGELSDIJK et.
al, 2002).
In periods of relative stability, the system makes changes that preserve its
structure against internal and external disturbances. They do not alter the deep structural
and cognitive subsystem, keeping the performance of the organization within specific
boundaries, as an attractor. Over time, the fundamental structure of the system tends to
collapse because, according Stacey (1995), informal systems move the organization to a
fragmented and disordered state. Some of the characteristics of the organization at this
stage are of cultural diversity, conflict, weakly shared vision, ambiguity: all elements
belonging to the cognitive subsystem.
R. Gest. Tecn. Sist. Inf. /JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Brazil
ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
Figure 10 - Organizational system attractor shift
From the moment it enters into a new attractor, the system passes through a life cycle of
development and maturation, until it reaches the point of bifurcation, which marks the
limit of its complexity. At this point, either the system jumps to a new level of
complexity, or it dies (Figure 10). The new level of complexity can be a level below the
current level, and it does not necessarily need to kill the system.
This new level of complexity will be characterized by other types of behavior,
which must meet a level of efficiency identified by the system as necessary to meet the
pressures of the environment. It is important to remember that the processes of
perception and interpretation of this need and deployment of the necessary changes
occur in the structural and cognitive subsystems.
For the organization to be able to get to another level of complexity, the system
goes through four stages through which it slowly adjusts to the new configuration
(EIJNATTEN, 2003; HOLLING, 2001). In the first phase, which is called potential, the
structural and cognitive subsystems are in the old configuration, but there is potential
for change. Little by little, new actions start, the cognitive system takes new forms,
while the old structure remains. This is the phase of system vulnerability, with
characteristics similar to the collapse of the fundamental structure defined by Stacey
(1995). With a vulnerable system, the cognitive subsystem tends to increase control,
returning to the old configuration. Then, considering that the structure is already
changing to the new configuration, the period of uncertainty starts. The uncertainty
phase is characterized by a new structural subsystem and old cognitive subsystems. To
allow new combinations to form, control tends to decrease, bringing cognition to the
new setup, which is the phase of testing, when the innovations are then tested. Some
fail, but others survive and fit into a new phase of growth. The system has reached a
new level of complexity and will now need to start a new development cycle. Figure 11
shows this process of transition of level of complexity.
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
Figure 11 - Transition of complexity level
Unlike living beings, which are born with a structure and maintain it until the
end of their life cycle; organizations have a structure and it can act over this structure.
Organizational structures can be renewed, and therefore the S curve of the growth
pattern is within the organizational attractor of possibilities, or within a certain level of
complexity. When the limit is reached, the organization has the ability to choose a new
structural-cognitive configuration that is appropriate for the new level of complexity.
Then a new S cycle restarts for the new attractor.
A system is considered mature when it meets the demands of its environment
with a high enough level of complexity for its survival. That is, the organization that is
capable of doing what must be done to survive in its environment very well, is
considered a mature organization.
Changes in organizational systems
It was observed in the bibliography that an approach to organizational change
defines how change can occur in an organization, considering its origin and results that
can be generated. Linking the vision of diverse authors together, it is possible to define
that organizational change may happen in three different forms: 1) intentionally,
imposed by senior management for strategic changes; 2) intentionally, defined
internally for operational improvements; or 3) natural, in the form of learning through
Relating these concepts with the complexity theory seen as applicable to
organizations, this study has identified that:
− Strategic change creates a new level of organizational complexity, or it changes the
position of the attractor of possible behaviors (Figure 12, item 1).
− In operational change the organization does not assume a new level of complexity,
it just changes the answers for the environment – intentionally – within the existing
possibilities in its attractor (Figure 12, item 2).
R. Gest. Tecn. Sist. Inf. /JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Brazil
ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
− Learning happens gradually and non-intentionally, with the same attractor, by
changing the positioning of the plan where organizational behavior is at a moment
(Figure 12, item 3).
Figure 12 - Different types of change applied to the general model
It is important to notice that incremental changes, over time, can lead to a limit of
complexity within the attractor and generate the need for a strategic shift, to change the
positioning of the range of possible responses to start a new cycle of learning.
The ERP implementation study was conducted based on questions that include
elements of the model proposed in the previous section. Twenty nine (29) case studies
described in papers were analyzed. For each case, questions were answered searching
for an understanding of the changes generated in the implementation of ERP systems, to
identify actions and behaviors related to the subsystems (structure and cognition).
Activities described in the case studies were identified as actions or behaviors. Among
the action activities are those where it is possible to identify intentional actions of the
organization, both over structural and cognitive subsystems. Under behavior, this study
grouped all kinds of perceptions that emerged during the project deployment, and did
not derive directly from human action.
First, six questions are asked to identify factors related to the structural and
cognitive subsystems. They are:
1. Which actions have been taken on the structural subsystem?
2. Which actions have been taken on the cognitive subsystem?
3. Which behavior arose during the process of implantation in the structural
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
4. Which behavior arose during the process of implantation in the cognitive
5. Which behavior emerged after the process of deployment in the structural
6. Which behavior emerged after the process of deployment in the cognitive
Then, seven more questions were performed with respect to the dynamics of
change and evolution in the system during the deployment.
1. Is it possible to identify the influence of the environment and the time in the
process of implementation described in the cases? Which interference?
2. Is it possible to identify the behavior of the organization within a space of
possibilities (or attractor) generated by the combination structure-cognition?
3. How has the ERP system implementation changed the attractor of the
4. Is there a relation between the organizational attractor and the three approaches
of change – strategic, operational and learning?
5. Is it possible to identify if, before the deployment of the system, the organization
had reached its limit of complexity?
6. Is it possible to identify the four phases (potential, vulnerability, uncertainty and
testing) through which the system passes to change its level of complexity?
7. Are there indications of organizational maturity?
From the 29 cases analyzed, 12 of them presented enough details to respond to
all questions. The other 17 could only be analyzed from the perspective of structural and
cognitive subsystems. Tables 2 and 3 show, respectively, the references of the cases
analyzed only from the structural/cognitive perspective and the cases completely
analyzed. Cases in complete analysis could respond to all 13 questions presented above.
This paper presents case analysis interpretation results.
R. Gest. Tecn. Sist. Inf. /JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Brazil
ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
Table 2 - Cases analyzed from structural and cognitive aspects
Cases Authors
Barker & Frolick (2003)
Cowan & Eder (2003)
Dávalos & Mülbert (2002)
Dias et al. (2003)
Hirt & Swanson (1999)
Jesus & Salles (2002)
Lima et al. (2005)
Mendes & Escrivão Filho (2002)
Oliveira & Ramos (2002)
Ozaki & Vidal (2003)
Paper & Tingey (2003)
Ramos & Miranda (2003)
Salazar & Soares (2005)
Santos et al. (sd)
Souza (2000) – Case 7
Zanquetto Filho et al. (2003)
Voordijk et al. (2003)
Table 3 - Cases analyzed from structural/cognitive and dynamics of change
/evolutional aspects
Cases Authors
Al-Mashari & Al-Mudimigh (2003)
Edwards & Humphries (2005)
Kansal (2006)
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
McAdam & Galloway (2005)
Molla & Bhalla (2006)
Souza (2000) – Case 1
Souza (2000) – Case 2
Souza (2000) – Case 3
Souza (2000) – Case 4
Souza (2000) – Case 5
Souza (2000) – Case 6
Souza (2000) – Case 8
Identification of Structural and Cognition Aspects
Action elements and behavior elements identified in each case where grouped
together. The resulting groups abstracted implementation details and enabled the
identification of patterns of occurrence throughout all the cases. In order to identify the
relationship between actions and behaviors, from a structural and cognitive point of
view, it was necessary to examine ways in which some elements occur in relation to
others. Then, all groups of actions and behaviors identified after ERP implementation
were related to actions and behaviors identified before and during ERP implementation.
For example, among the 23 cases that received improvements in production
processes, it was identified that 13 had made investments in human resources, 13 had
problems with users, 15 saw changes in the mental models. “Improvements in
production processes”, and “Problems with users” were groups of behaviors identified
in the cases, and “Investments in human resources” was a group of actions identified in
the cases.
The intent of this analysis was to identify whether there is any indication that the
actions and behaviors in structural and cognitive subsystems can lead to other
behaviors. It is not the intention of this study to list ERP implementation best practices,
nor to conclude what should be done to achieve success or not with the deployment. The
goal was to contribute to the understanding of this process by identifying if there is a
tendency where actions and behaviors of the subsystems are agents of the emergence of
other behaviors, according to the classification proposed by the model.
From this point of view it was possible to identify that the lack of investments in
cognitive subsystem may generate behaviors in the structural subsystem. And changes
in the structural subsystem allow the emergence of new behaviors in the cognitive
subsystem. Behaviors and actions in both subsystems seem to be closely related, but
because we consider complex organization systems and a number of feedback loops
happen simultaneously, it is not possible to predict all the cause-effect relationships in
the subsystems.
R. Gest. Tecn. Sist. Inf. /JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Brazil
ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
Identification of the Dynamics of Change and Evolution
When the cases were analyzed from an evolution and change point of view, only
12 of them had enough details to respond to the questions. Table 4 presents these case
analysis summaries. The cases examined showed that the time and environment
generate the need for ERP systems implementations in some of the cases. The two
elements have been identified in only three of the cases. The time appeared alone,
interfering in five of the cases, and in four of them it was not possible to identify the
influence of any of the two. When we say that time interfered, we mean that a situation
that was generated over time created the need for the new system (for example, obsolete
processes and technology); and when we say that the environment interfered, we mean
that market conditions (for example, concurrence, and profit increase needs) influenced
the need for a new information system.
The behavior appeared as emerging from the configuration structure-cognition in
eight of the cases, confirming the proposal of the model. This behavior seemed to
belong to the organizational attractor proposed in the model in all cases. It was only
possible to identify that the implementation enabled the change of position of behavior
attractor in three cases. It generated a new set of possible answers to the environment
and a new level of complexity to the organization. And, therefore, there were only three
cases that reached a strategic change with the deployment, achieving competitive
advantages by those new possible responses to the environment.
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
Table 4 - Summary of the analysis in the 12 cases that presented enough details
about dynamics of change and evolutional aspects
Behavior as a
function of
Limit was
Al-Mashari &
No data
Just Time
No data
No data
Just time
No data
was already
Molla & Bhalla
Souza (2000) –
Case 1
Just Time
No data
was already
Souza (2000) –
Case 2
No data
Souza (2000) –
Case 3
No data
Souza (2000) –
Case 4
Just Time
was already
Souza (2000) –
Case 5
Just Time
was already
Souza (2000) –
Case 6
No data
was already
Souza (2000) –
Case 8
Kansal (2006)
R. Gest. Tecn. Sist. Inf. /JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Brazil
ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
The other nine cases showed no change of the position of the attractor of
behavior. Obviously, system behavior has changed with the deployment because, as
seen, the change in the configuration structure-cognition allows new behaviors to
emerge. However, these new attitudes belonged to the set of possible behaviors the
organization already had before the deployment. The new system did not create new
possibilities. It was also possible to identify five cases that reached operational change
and learning, featuring a repositioning of the behavior within the same attractor. Two of
them acheived learning only and in two cases, similarly, only operational change was
The model of organizational change presented in this paper states that, before the
attractor of behavior changes position, that is, before the organization changes its level
of complexity, the system reaches what is called a limit of complexity, characterized by
crises and instability. In this limit, the system no longer responds to the environment the
way it needs to survive. Of the twelve cases examined, prior to deployment, only a third
of them had reached this limit of complexity. Three of them had some characteristics
that led to a limit of complexity, but had not yet had crises in the system. Finally, five
cases did not have the characteristics of limit of complexity before deployment.
It was also stated in the model of organizational change that the transition to a
new level of complexity is characterized by four phases: potential, vulnerability,
uncertainty and testing; and that to achieve the new limit of complexity and acquire
innovation with change, the system must successfully go through the four stages. It was
possible to identify each of these stages in the process of implementation of the ERP
system and check if the change had gone through the four phases or not. In half of the
cases the system did not make a complete four-stage transition and in the other half, the
four stages were completely done.
The identification of factors related to organizational maturity in the process of
implementation was limited due to the low amount of available information in the case
studies. With the available data, it was possible to achieve some conclusions in eight of
the twelve cases. Of these eight, only three showed increased organizational maturity
with the deployment. And in five of them there was indication that the organization was
already in a state of maturity before implementation.
Some conclusions can be made analyzing the relationship between the
occurrence of these twelve cases detailed facts. In all cases, where both the environment
and time created the need for ERP system implementation, organizations showed
characteristics that they had reached the limit of complexity. In cases where only the
time was identified, only one of the cases stated limit of complexity. And in cases where
none appeared described, the limit of complexity was not identified. This is an
indication that the environment acts on the structural and cognitive subsystems, as
suggested by the model, causing instability and, over time, crises.
Another relationship that could be identified was the occurrence of a change of
attractor, with the limit of complexity and with the stages of transition. Of the three
cases where there was an attractor change after implementation, the organization had
achieved, wholly or partly, the limit of complexity before implementation, and all the
stages of transition occurred successfully. This fact gives an indication that, as proposed
by the model, it is really necessary to move though the stages of potential, vulnerability,
Vol.6, No. 1, 2009, p. 61-92
Fontana, R. M., Iarozinski Neto, A.
uncertainty and test to enable the change of the level of complexity. Confirming this
statement, from the nine cases in which there was no change of attractor position, five
cases had not reached the limit of complexity and in only three of them the stages of
transition occurred successfully. Precisely in these three cases the organization had been
identified as mature before deployment.
This finding confirms that to reach a new level of complexity, it is really
necessary to go through the stages of transition. Organizations that went through the
four stages and did not change the level of complexity have shown that they already had
adequate responses about the environment, were mature, and did not require a new set
of behaviors to generate new answers. Wherever the transition was not successful, the
study showed that the limit of complexity had not been reached (or was occurring
partially) before the deployment. In all these cases, one of the situations happened: or
the organization was already mature, or no information was given. This may be an
indication that, for an organization to reach a new level of complexity, the limit of
complexity of the current attractor is necessary to generate a real potential for change,
the four stages of transition to occur, and finally to install the new level of complexity.
The study did not identify cases where the level of complexity was changed and
reduced the maturity of the organization. In other words, it generated a set of behaviors
that was not appropriate to the environment). If a long term study were done after the
ERP systems implementation, it would be possible to identify for sure if the
organization became more mature or if new practices led it to an immature attractor.
Table 5 shows the main conclusions reached from the case analysis.
Table 5 - Main conclusions in cases analysis
Structural and Cognitive Subsystems
Lack of investments in the cognitive subsystem
may generate behaviors in the structural
Changes in the structural subsystem allow the
emergence of new behaviors in the cognitive
Behaviors and actions in both subsystems seem
to be closely related;
Dynamics of Change and Evolution
Time and/or environment may cause crisis and,
then, generate the need of ERP systems
Behavior appeared as emerging from the
configuration structure-cognition, belonging to an
organizational attractor;
Some ERP systems implementations enable the
change of position of behavior attractor (or level
of complexity);
Some ERP systems implementations generate
new behaviors which belonged to the set of
possible behaviors the organization already had
before deployment, without changing the level of
For an organization to reach a new level of
complexity, the limit of complexity of the current
attractor is necessary to generate real potential for
Organizations may move through the stages of
potential, vulnerability, uncertainty and test to
enable the change of level of complexity (and a
new set of behaviors);
R. Gest. Tecn. Sist. Inf. /JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Brazil
ERP systems implementation in complex organizations
This paper has presented an ERP systems implementation analysis considering
the organization as a complex system. To accomplish this analysis, it suggested a
general model to represent complex structures and dynamics in organizations, built
based on a systemic approach. Twenty nine ERP implementation cases studies were
interpreted through elements from the model.
It is possible to conclude that the model was able to describe many of the
complex dynamics of change in these twelve cases studied. Contributions point to the
identification of the importance of cognitive subsystems in the deployment of ERP
systems; to the possibility of the non-existence of a relationship between the structural
and cognitive subsystems; to verify the significance of generating potential for the ERP
system implementation through the limit of complexity; to the characterization of
change in the level of complexity and achievement of strategic change; to the presence
of four complex system transitional stages during the deployment; and finally, to the
realization that organizational maturity depends on the organizational context and that it
only increases with the deployment of ERP if appropriate.
However, the general feeling was that under the structural-cognitive aspect
suggested by the general model, few conclusions could be drawn from the cases. A
contribution of this analysis was the identification of the elements of each subsystem in
the cases and some of its relations, but the study expected to obtain more evidence of
the emergence of behaviors from subsystems. A possible reason for this was the amount
of data analyzed and the incompleteness of the data. For the conclusions to be more
complete, there needs to be more cases or, at least, cases in which all the variables were
Therefore, it is possible to suggest some future work to confirm complex
structure and dynamics in ERP (or information systems) implementation. It is possible
to apply the model through field case studies, monitoring multiple ERP systems
implementations which consider the model during the process. The identification of
these complex elements may help in understanding how ERP systems should be
designed, built and deployed to better fit organizational complex structures and
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