Pearls of Wisdom

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This paper presents a collection of motivational insights and wisdom aimed at guiding individuals in their personal and professional lives. Key themes include the importance of flexibility in relationships, the value of optimism, the necessity for patience in achieving goals, and recognizing the limitations of personal efforts in the face of external challenges. The text emphasizes personal responsibility, the significance of maintaining a positive mental attitude, and the power of generosity and growth.

Pearls of Wisdom Compiled by: Alireza Hejazi "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious ... think about these things." — Philippians 4:8 Since the beginning of my futurist endeavor in 2005, I have been staying in touch with knowledgeable futurists and leaders. The result of that touch is a wealth of advice that I have been receiving and using them in my life. They could facilitate my academic growth and I am really thankful for them. God willing, there may be a long road ahead, but to reflect my sincere appreciation I decided to publish a piece of that wealth in my view Pearls of Wisdom so that be useful to emerging futurists. Respecting the preference of my dear gurus to remain unknown in this brief document, I keep their names, titles and academic affiliation confidential. Read them and enjoy them. Alireza Hejazi, May, 16, 2014 1. A tolerant, flexible attitude is important in getting along with friends, especially large groups where not everyone agrees. 2. Although you can’t control the structure of all events, you have the free will to alter your own behavior in the environment. 3. Be an optimistic person and expect that most undertakings will work well for you. 4. Be careful of people who present themselves as spiritual authorities. There is danger of 1 being misled by someone who seems authoritative, but who is actually giving false information. 5. Be patient. Too much excitement and enthusiasm could lead to serious and expensive problems. 6. Be ready to discover new techniques of problem-solving. In this way you’ll be able to simplify your thinking in many areas. 7. Being open to change, developing more flexibility, will assist you in achieving greater things in life. 8. Do not be afraid of voluntary dependence. There are many things which cannot be accomplished on your own. 9. Do not expect that your talent and hard work will be always properly rewarded by people. Sometimes your accomplishments are recognized only after your death. 10. Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms —to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. 11. Futurist values that have been passed on to you enhance your own ability to function and get what you need. 12. Good leadership requires the ability to accept full responsibility. 13. Holding stubbornly to an old opinion will not serve you well. 14. In order to turn your dreams into reality, you must be willing to work hard at the things you care about, even if their potential for success is not obvious at first. 15. It’s always good to carefully consider what your next move will be, and to make an informed choice. 16. It’s always so good to find your deepest well of creativity and understanding. 17. Many of your friendships may be short, but they will be enjoyable more than long standing friendships. 18. New ideas, even if you do not adopt them in the long run, will help you revitalize your 2 approach to life. 19. Nothing can stop you with the right mental attitude from achieving your goal; noting on earth can help you with the wrong mental attitude you may develop. 20. Romantic matters are uncertain and inconsistent. 21. Some people need time to make up their minds about joining an organized effort, but anyone who takes too much time will be left behind. 22. There are many factors in your work or study environment which are beyond your control. You cannot reverse the effects of decisions that were made in other times and places. Think about the things you can make at this time. 23. There are many rich opportunities available to you now if you are willing to invest the time necessary to make the most of them. 24. There is a lot of potential for happiness if you don’t rush into accepting the first opportunity that comes along just for the sake of doing something. 25. There is nothing you can do to change the past, so you must wait out any present difficulties, and behave in a way that will assure improvement in your current work and future outlook. 26. Whenever it is a lonely time for you, you must be willing to give your time to charitable work in order to make contact with good people. 27. You may want more from life, and you may be able to profit from the generosity of others; but be generous first. Accept all the gifts life has in store for you, and to continue receiving those gifts, invest your effort in personal growth. 28. You must not be afraid to expand your horizons and take on bigger and better things in life. 29. You want to reach a certain goal, so you must begin laying the groundwork now to get what you want later. 30. Your goal must be approaching the future realistically, with an appreciation for what you will gain, rather than fear of what you might lose. 3