CFP: Troianalexandrina 2022

The journal Troianalexandrina: Yearbook of Classical Material in Medieval Literature invites au- thors to send their contributions by June 1st to be considered for publication for the 2022 volume, to be published in December of the same year. Troianalexandrina publishes articles on medieval European works on the matter of antiquity (Trojan matter, Alexander the Great, Greek and Latin literatures and mythology) and, more generally, about the survival of classical culture in the Middle Ages. Interdisciplinary contributions focusing on the study of images and iconographic tradition, or exploring elements of medie- val visual culture related to classical themes and motives are also welcome. The journal accepts articles of up to 125,000 characters (with spaces) / 18,000 words, including notes and bibliography. All manuscripts undergo double-blind peer review.

troianalexandrina Anuario sobre literatura medieval de materia clásica Yearbook of Classical Material in Medieval Literature LLAMADA A CONTRIBUCIONES CALL FOR PAPERS La revista Troianalexandrina: Anuario sobre literatura medieval de materia clásica invita a enviar artículos inéditos hasta el 1 de junio para su número de 2022, que se publicará en diciembre del mismo año. Troianalexandrina publica trabajos sobre obras medievales europeas sobre materia clásica (materia de Troya, Alejandro Magno, literatura y mitología greco-latina) y, en general, sobre la pervivencia de la cultura clásica en la Edad Media. Serán bien recibidas también aquellas contribuciones que partan de un planteamiento interdisciplinar para abrirse al estudio de imágenes y tradiciones iconográficas, o que exploren aspectos de la cultura visual de los siglos medievales que tengan relación con el legado de la Antigüedad. La revista acepta artículos de una extensión máxima de 125 000 caracteres (con espacios) / 18 000 palabras, notas, espacios y bibliografía incluidos. Los envíos se someten a revisión por pares de doble ciego. The journal Troianalexandrina: Yearbook of Classical Material in Medieval Literature invites authors to send their contributions by June 1st to be considered for publication for the 2022 volume, to be published in December of the same year. Troianalexandrina publishes articles on medieval European works on the matter of antiquity (Trojan matter, Alexander the Great, Greek and Latin literatures and mythology) and, more generally, about the survival of classical culture in the Middle Ages. Interdisciplinary contributions focusing on the study of images and iconographic tradition, or exploring elements of medieval visual culture related to classical themes and motives are also welcome. The journal accepts articles of up to 125,000 characters (with spaces) / 18,000 words, including notes and bibliography. All manuscripts undergo double-blind peer review. Troianalexandrina se publica en Brepols y está indexada en MIAR, Latindex, MLA International Bibliography, ERHIPlus y Dialnet. Troianalexandrina is published by Brepols and appears in MIAR, Latindex, MLA International Bibliography, ERHIPlus, and Dialnet. Normas para la presentación de originales Guidelines for submissions Correo para envío de originales o consultas Mail for submissions or queries