the good about Morchella esculenta mushrooms: A Review


Morchella Esculenta is one of the expensive mushrooms throughout the globe due to its high nutritional and medicinal value. Naturally it grown in different locations of Pakistan i.e. Swat, Miandam, Kalam, MalamJabba, Parona, Kokaria, Jambile and Madian etc.Traditionally Morchella esculentais used as medicines in different countries like Japan, China and Malaysia for healing of different diseases and is famous due to its unique flavor and taste.

Review Paper IJAAER (2016); 2(3): 210-216 International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Research FREE AND OPEN ACCESS Available online at ISSN 2414-8245 (Online) ISSN 2518-6116 (Print) THE GOOD ABOUT Morchella Esculenta MUSHROOMS: A REVIEW MUHAMMAD MUZAMMIL JAHANGIR*1, ASIF ALI KHAN1, GHUFRANA SAMIN2, ANAM ZAHID1, KHURRAM ZIAF1, ADIL KHAN1, WAQAR KARIM1 AND FOZIA1 1 2 Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. University of Engineering and Technology (Lahore) Faisalabad Campus, Faisalabad, Pakistan. corresponding author email: Abstract Morchella Esculenta is one of the expensive mushrooms throughout the globe due to its high nutritional and medicinal value. Naturally it grown in different locations of Pakistan i.e. Swat, Miandam, Kalam, MalamJabba, Parona, Kokaria, Jambile and Madian etc.Traditionally Morchella esculentais used as medicines in different countries like Japan, China and Malaysia for healing of different diseases and is famous due to its unique flavor and taste. Key Words: Marchella, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Diseases and nutritional values INTRODUCTION Morchella esculenta is one of the expensive mushrooms throughout the globe due to its high nutritional and medicinal value. The name Morchella esculentais derived from two different languages, genra name Morchella comes from old German word morchel which means Mushroom and specie name esculanta is derived from Latin word “esculanta” which means edible. Common name of M. esculentais sponge morel, common morel, true morel, morel mushroom and yellow morel mushroom, and locally in Pakistan it is known as Guchhi (Ajmalet al., 2015).Itbelongs to the phylum Ascomycota, class pezizomyetes, order pezizales and family Morchellaceae. Globally it is found in temperate regions of Asia, Europe, Patagonian forest, Argentina, Germany, France, Mediterranean region, North America and Australia (Old Beach, Campbell town, Taroona, West Hobart),(Emery and Barron, 2010), while in Asia it is commonly found indifferent parts of India like Uttar Pradesh,Jammu Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, etc (Lakhanpalet al., 2010) and Pakistan. Naturally it grow in different locations of Pakistan i.e.Swat, Miandam, Kalam, MalamJabba, Parona, Kokaria, Jambile, Madian, Mansehra, Buner, Kohistan and Chitral, Zhob, Zayarat and Quetta and also found at Murree (Hamayunet al., 2006). Mostly of these mushrooms are collected by women and childrenin these areas and provide them an additional income source. BIOLOGY AND HABITAT Yellow morels mushrooms have saprobic and mycorrhiza associations with different deciduous and evergreen trees like conifers at altitude of 25003500m and grows natural in rich humus loamy soil. Yellow morel mushrooms consist of cap and stipe, cap of mushroom usually consists of yellowish brown colour with conical shape of about 3 to 8 cm diameter and 5 to 12 cm length while stipe have pale cream Please cite this article as: Jahangir, M.M., A. A.Khan, G.Samin, A.Zahid, K. Ziaf, A. Khan, W.Karim. 2016. the good about Morchella esculenta mushrooms: A Review. Int. J. Agric. Environ. Res., 2(2): 210-216. colour 3 to 12 cm long with 1.5 to 6 cm diameter and tapered toward the top (Hamayun et al., 2006). NUTRITIONAL VALUE Morchella esculentais a famous mushroom throughout the globe due its nutritional and nutraceutical value. It contains various essential nutrients such as proteins (32.7%), vitamins (Vit B, C and D) , carbohydrates (38%), dietary fibers (17.6%), minerals, trace elements (Copper 21 mg/kg, Manganese 22 mg/kg, Cobalt 0.12 mg/kg, Zinc 153 mg/kg, Iron 304 mg/kg, Calcium 2340 mg/kg and Magnesium 1272 mg/kg, dry weight basis) (Genccelep et al., 2009). Yellow morel mushrooms are good source of total tocopherols compounds (dry weight 121 μg/100g), Lycopene (0.27 mg/100 g dry weight), organic acids (dry weight 327mg/100 g) and phenolic compounds (dry weight 0.35mg/100 g), (Gursoyet al., 2009). Various nutrients compounds, amino acid and free sugars detected in M. esculentais mushroom are shown in Table 1, 4 and 5. MEDICINAL VALUE COMPOUNDS AND BIOACTIVE typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and Enteobacter cloacae (Heleno et al., 2013). Yellow morel mushrooms are generally used for the treatment of digestive disorders, excessive phlegm and for treatment of asthma and in dry powder form used asan antiseptic, healing the wounds and for the treatment of stomach-ache (Mehmoodet al., 2011). Galactomannan and polysaccharides isolated from fruiting body of Yellow moral mushroom have high immune-stimulatory activities (Duncan et al., 2002).Generally it is used for curing of various diseases i.e. intestinal, gastric problem, general body tonic, arthritis, general weakness, stomach problems, also heal the wound, skin beautification, purgative and used as an emollient (Wagay and Vyas, 2011). Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the modern techniques used for the treatment of cancer but it has harmful effect on human health. In China, Japan, Korea, Russia and America traditionally extracts of Yellow morel are used for treatment of cancer, brain tumors and cardiovascular diseases. Various phenolic, tocopherols, organic acids, carotenoids and bioactive compounds reported in Morchella esculenta mushroom are discuss in Table 2 and 3, respectively. AROMATIC COMPOUNDS Traditionally Morchella esculentais used as medicines in different countries like Japan, China and Malaysia for healing of different diseases. It has various pharmacological properties like antiinflammatory, antioxidant, immunostimulant, antitumor, anticancer and antimicrobial properties due to the presence of different bioactive compounds (Wasseret al., 2002). Morchella esculenta fruiting body consists of various forms of bioactive compounds which include tocopherols, carotenoids, organic acids and phenolic compounds. Tocopherols consist of α-tocopherol γ-tocopherol and δtocopherol. Carotenoids contain β-carotene and Lycopene. Organic acids contain oxalic acid, quinic acid, fumaric acid, citric acid and malic acid. PCoumaric acid, p-Hydroxybenzoic acid andProtocatechuic acid are phenolic compounds commonly contained by morel mushrooms (Helenoet al., 2013).Crude polysaccharides purified from yellow morel mycelia have high antioxidant activities, antimicrobial activities. Yellow morel mushrooms are reported to have antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella Yellow morel mushrooms contain various aromatic compounds like aldehydes, acids, ketones, esters and terpene. Most important major aromatic compound is phenol which is about 50.9 %, alcohol 15.6 %, ester and carbamic acid 11.37% (Taskin et al., 2013).Various flavoring and volatile compounds detected in M. esculenta mushroom are shown in Table 6 and 7. USES AND CONSUMPTION Morchella esculenta is famous due to its unique flavour and taste (Tasi et al., 2006). Locally people cook the fruiting body in combination with rice and vegetables and consider its nutritional value comparable to fish or meat. In three star and five star hotels various famous recipes of Morchella are consumed and also used as a special flavoring ingredient in various soups preparation. Generally it is used with combination of butter and desi ghee and as a salad, fried with onion, tomato and garlic and used in pizza (Prasad et al., 2002). Yellow morel 211 mushroom collection is difficult as it require more time for searching as it appears in spring and early summer in temperate regions of Pakistan and Hindu- kush and Himalayan mountain ranges. Truly morel mushroom can be considered as a natural treasure. Table 1: Different proximates of Morchella esculenta mushroom per 100g of dry weight Proximates Values and Unit References Water 89.61 g USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 Energy 31 kcal USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 Protein 3.12 g USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 Total lipid 0.57 g USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 Carbohydrate 5.10 g USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 Total Sugars 0.06 g USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 Total dietary fibers 2.8 g USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 Fats 2.59 g Helenoet al., 2013 Fructose 0.71 g Helenoet al., 2013 Mannitol 11.54 g Helenoet al., 2013 Trehalose 3.41 g Helenoet al., 2013 Total sugars 15.66 g Helenoet al., 2013 Palmatic acid 9.5 % Helenoet al., 2013 Stearic acid 2.6 % Helenoet al., 2013 Oleic acid 12.43 % Helenoet al., 2013 Linoleic acid 71.81 % Helenoet al., 2013 α-linolenic acid 0.02 % Helenoet al., 2013 Saturated fatty acids 5.4 % Helenoet al., 2013 Monounsaturated fatty acids 13.73 % Helenoet al., 2013 Polyunsaturated fatty acids. 13.82 % Helenoet al., 2013 Water-Soluble Polysaccharide 72.45 % Helenoet al., 2013 Crude Protein 417 mg Tasiet al., 2006 Crude Fiber 117 mg Tasiet al., 2006 Crude Ash 50 mg Tasiet al., 2006 Crude Fats 120 mg Tasiet al., 2006 Reducing sugar 122 mg Tasiet al., 2006 Minerals Calcium 2340 mg Gursoyet al., 2009 Iron 304 mg Gursoyet al., 2009 Magnesium 22.60 mg Gursoyet al., 2009 Phosphorus 195 mg Genccelepet al., 2009 Potassium 0.18 mg Genccelepet al., 2009 Sodium 3.49 mg Genccelepet al., 2009 Zinc 153 mg Gursoyet al., 2009 Copper 21.08 mg Gursoyet al., 2009 Manganese 22.60 mg Gursoyet al., 2009 Cobalt 0.12 mg Gursoyet al., 2009 Vitamins Vitamin C Thiamin 0.069 mg USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 Riboflavin 0.205 mg USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 212 Continued table 1 Niacin Vitamin B-6 Folate, DFE Vitamin D(D2+D3) Vitamin D Fatty acids, total saturated Fatty acids, total monounsaturated Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 2.252 mg 0.136 mg 9μg 5.1μg 206 IU 0.065 g 0.052 g 0.433 g USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 USDA, Basic Report 11228, 2016 Table 2: Phenolic, Tocopherols, Organic acids and Carotenoids of Morchella esculenta mushroom per 100g of dry weight. Compounds Values and Unit References α-tocopherol γ-tocopherol δ- tocopherol Total tocopherols Lycopene Oxalic acid Malic acid Fumaric acid Protocatechuic acid p-Hydroxybenzoic acid p-Coumaric acid Total phenolic compounds Gallic acid p-hydroxybenzoic Chlorogenic acid Epicatechin p-Coumaric acid Ferulic acid Quercetin 2.38 μg 12.41 μg 48.85 μg 14.79 μg 0.05 mg 32.25mg 199 mg 47.81 mg 0.24 mg 0.10 mg 0.01 mg 0.35 mg 78.18μg 345.83μg 17.32μg 12.35μg 0.53μg 7.48μg 198.8μg Heleno et al., 2013 Heleno et al., 2013 Heleno et al., 2013 Heleno et al., 2013 Heleno et al., 2013 Heleno et al., 2013 Heleno et al., 2013 Heleno et al., 2013 Heleno et al., 2013 Heleno et al., 2013 Heleno et al., 2013 Heleno et al., 2013 Yildiz et al., 2015 Yildiz et al., 2015 Yildiz et al., 2015 Yildiz et al., 2015 Yildiz et al., 2015 Yildiz et al., 2015 Yildiz et al., 2015 Table 3:Bioactive compounds and their function of Morchella esculenta mushroom Bioactive compound Function References Anti-carcinogenic, stimulating Weiet al., 2001 Glycoproteins leucocyte production to strength immune system Galactomannan Stimulate Immune system Duncan et al., 2002 Exopolysaccharide Hypoglycemic, antitumor, immunostimulating activities 213 and Taskinet al., 2011 Table 4: Amino acids contents of Morchellaesculenta mushroom (mg/g of dry matter). Amino Acids Values and Unit References Aspartic Acid 0.43 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Threonine 9.83 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Serine 4.97 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Glutamic Acid 3.05 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Glycine 3.85 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Methionine 3.59 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Isoleucine 1.28 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Leucine 1.57 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Tyrosine 0.34 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Phenylalanine 0.61 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Lysine 0.25 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Histidine 1.45 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Arginine 0.63 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Total 35.67 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Table 5: Sugars contents of Morchella esculenta mushroom mycelia (mg/g) Free Sugars Values and Unit References Mannitol 16.26 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Glucose 17.94 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Trehalose 39.77 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Arabitol 0.86 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Total Sugars 74.83 mg Tasi et al., 2006 Table 6: Flavoring compounds of Morchella esculenta mushroom per gram Flavoring compound Value and unit Adenosine 50-monophosphate sodium salt (AMP) 0.67 mg Cytosine 50-monophosphate disodium salt (CMP) 6.63 mg Inosine 50-monophosphate disodium salt (IMP) 5.24 mg Uridine 50-monophosphate disodium salt (UMP) 06.08 mg Xanthosine 50-monophosphate (XMP) 0.83mg Guanosine 50-monophosphate (GMP) 1.65 mg Table 7: Volatile compounds of Morchellaesculenta mushroom in (%). Volatile compound Value and unit Ethanol 5.31 % 1-Octen-3-ol 5.66 % Silanediol 1.41 % 2-Methylaminoethano 0.16 % L-Alanine, ethyl ester 3.04 % Carbonic acid, dodecyl isobutyl ester 1.38% Propanoic acid 0.91 % Acetic acid 3.94% Butanoic acid 0.069 % 2,6-Di-T-butyl-4-methylene-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1-one 0.594% 214 References Tasi et al., 2006 Tasi et al., 2006 Tasi et al., 2006 Tasi et al., 2006 Tasi et al., 2006 Tasi et al., 2006 References Taskin et al., 2013 Taskin et al., 2013 Taskin et al., 2013 Taskin et al., 2013 Taskin et al., 2013 Taskin et al., 2013 Taskin et al., 2013 Taskin et al., 2013 Taskin et al., 2013 Taskin et al., 2013 Continued table 7 2,3,4H-pyran-4-one 5,9-Undecadien-2-one Cyclooctene 2-Cyclopenten-1-one phenol, 2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methyl 1-Propanamine Geranyl linalool Quinoline Other compounds 2.755 % 0.349% 1.303 % 1.049% 58.29 % 3.98% 0.49 % 0.52% 9.761 % CONCLUSION It is concluded that Morchella esculenta wild mushrooms possess high therapeutic and nutritional profile and contain enormous amount of different bioactive compounds which can be used for curing of various diseases and also boost immune system. 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