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Kazakhstan and the Soviet Legacy
7 pages
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Traffic grooming issue is important to reduce the network design cost and improve network operational performance. In full grooming network services provided to users are costly due to their throughput; same nearly performance will be achieved by grooming some nodes called as "sparse grooming network". In this paper we design heuristic approach for selection of G-node based on Maxconnectivity nodes in Optical Mesh network. Our work mainly focus on dynamic traffic connection request .Simulation results show that blocking performance of Sparse Grooming Network similar with as full grooming Network.
Studies in Comparative Communism, 1986
When and how does a state become a part of the international refugee regime, and how does a state's role within the regime change over time? Using South Korea as a case study, this article highlights the significance of Cold War politics as a main cause of the expansion of the international refugee regime. South Korea was first entered into the international refugee regime during the US-led Korean War. And it was due to the neocolonial relationship between South Korea and the US that South Korea participated in the Vietnam War, and consequently, South Korea received its first internationally recognized refugees. Pressure from the US largely explains the burden-sharing role that South Korea played during the Indochinese refugee crisis. However, repositioning itself as a subempire in Asia and seeking enhanced international stature, South Korea signed the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, finally becoming an official member of the international refugee regime.
"The problem of Communism," writes Lucian Boia, "was that in the natural order of things, it could not function. It was conceived and put into practice in defiance of elementary human and social laws. How could a system function without property, without competition and without sufficient individual motivation? Perhaps only be creating a 'new man', as was indeed the intention. Communism was kept alive by artificial means (tolerating a variable sector of private property and free commerce), and its survival was due to a great extent to the inflow of Western credit and assistance. The real miracle was not the collapse of Communism but the fact that it was able to go on so long!" 1 Jean-Francois Revel wrote in 1985: "The Soviet Union… is undoubtedly sick, very sick. It will die, that's certain,… because it is in and of itself a society of and for death. But the prime question of our time is which of the two events will take place first: the destruction of democracy by communism or communism's death of its own sickness?…" 2 Indeed, a superficial view of the situation would have confirmed Revel's judgement that the West would collapse before the Soviet Union. As John Darwin writes, "In the mid-1980s the scope of Soviet ambition seemed greater than ever. From a forward base at Camranh Bay in southern Vietnam, the Soviet navy could make its presence felt across the main sea lanes running through South East Asia and in the Indian Ocean, a 'British lake' until the 1950s. By laying down huge new aircraft carriers like the Leonid Brezhnev, Moscow now aimed to rival the Americans' capacity to intervene around the globe. But then in less than half a decade this vast imperial structure -the ruling power across Northern Eurasia, the tenacious rival in Southern Asia, Africa and the Middle East -simply fell to pieces. By 1991 it was an empire in ruins. There was no 'silver age' or phase of decline: just a calamitous fall…" 3 This epochal change was made possible by the one institution in the state that understood what was happening -the KGB, which backed the one man in the Politburo who was willing and able to change things -Gorbachev. As Norman Stone writes, the KGB, unlike almost everybody else, "knew how far things had gone wrong, and, with a view to shaking up the old men, saw that a degree of public criticism and respect for law would be helpful, quite apart from the good impression to be made abroad. The Party and the KGB had had a host-parasite relationship… Now the parasite was given responsibility." 4
International Affairs, 1991
The sudden and surprising end of the Cold War in the late 1980s closed an epoch in modern history. As a superpower confrontation, ideological contest, arms race, and competition for geopolitical influence, the Cold War dominated international relations for forty-five years . It shaped the foreign policies of the United States and the Soviet Union and deeply affected their societies and their political, economic, and military institutions. By justifying the projection of US power and influence all over the world, the Cold War facilitated the assertion of global leadership by the United States. By providing Soviet leaders with an external enemy to justify their repressive internal regime and external empire, it helped perpetuate the grip of the Communist Party on power. In both countries, the Cold War compelled ongoing mobilization for war, locking the Soviet Union even tighter into the bifurcated command economy that led to its downfall, while pushing the United States toward a stronger central state and hybrid economic management that produced progress by reducing social inequalities and creating a "social bargain" within reformed capitalism. In addition to its impact on the superpowers, the Cold War caused and sustained the division of Europe, and within Europe, Germany. It also facilitated the reconstruction and reintegration of Germany, Italy, and Japan into the international system following their defeat in World War II. The impact of the Cold War was especially great in the third world, where it overlapped and interacted with longer-term trends like decolonization and sweeping social and economic changes. The Cold War led to the division of Vietnam and Korea and to costly wars in both nations, and it exacerbated conflicts throughout the third world. During crises, the Cold War's nuclear arsenals threatened the end of human civilization. In short, the Cold War was at the center of world politics in the second half of the twentieth century. Debates about the end of the Cold War are inextricably bound up with assumptions about the nature of the Cold War. As Richard Ned Lebow (2000, p. 208) has noted, "the debate about the end of the Cold War is at its core a controversy about the validity of the principles that shaped Western understanding of the Soviet Union and its foreign policy." Defenders of US policies blame the Cold War on an expansionist and ideologically motivated Soviet Union and argue that victory in the Cold War vindicates US policies during the conflict. In contrast, more critical scholars argue that US policies and actions played an important role in starting and sustaining the Cold War and that less confrontational US policies could have led to the end of the Cold War sooner and at a lower cost.
Japanese Slavic and East European Studies, 2014
Following the liberalization of religion in Russia, activities of the Orthodoxy became salient by the beginning of the twenty-first century. This process is alongside the reinvigoration of the other religions like Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism. Gods survived and are alive in Russia. The demise of the atheist state, the USSR, and its opening of religious activities during the perestroika period may be the reason why de-seculalization began to predominate recently. The dichotomy of atheist Russia versus the religious West in the twentieth century has been reversed today, and replaced by a religious Russia confronting with a secularizing West in the twenty-first century. The turning point was believed to be the perestroika period, when General Secretary of the Communist Party Mikhail Gorbachev changed religious policy in the USSR, especially at the 1000th anniversary of baptization of Kiev in 1988. In 988 Orthodoxy become the official religion, which continued until 1917. But atheist ideology was imposed from October 1917 by the Bolsheviks, as Fagan put it, "the enforced collective pursuit of a bright communist future was merely a subversion of Russia's previous sense of messianic destiny" (Fagan: 3). However, things were a little more complex than has been generally supposed. The fact was that policy change had taken place earlier in the 1980s, when the Soviet leaders were confronted with Ronald Reagan's declaration that the Soviet Union was an "Evil Empire". By 1982, Patriarch I. Pimen asked the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party to change its policy, and in May 1983 Yuri Andropov allowed the renovation of the Danilovskii Monastery. It was a former diplomat and chair of the religious commission on the Soviet Council of Ministry, Konstantin Kharchev, who
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Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Курская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия им. профессора И.И. Иванова», 2020
Recently, deep learning-based image compression has shown significant performance improvement in terms of coding efficiency and subjective quality. However, there has been relatively less effort on video compression based on deep neural networks. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end deep predictive video compression network, called DeepPVCnet, using mode-selective uni-and bi-directional predictions based on multi-frame hypothesis with a multi-scale structure and a temporal-context-adaptive entropy model. Our DeepPVCnet jointly compresses motion information and residual data that are generated from the multi-scale structure via the feature transformation layers. Recent deep learning-based video compression methods were proposed in a limited compression environment using only P-frame or B-frame. Learned from the lesson of the conventional video codecs, we firstly incorporate a mode-selective framework into our DeepPVCnet with uni-and bi-directional predictive modes in a rate-distortion minimization sense. Also, we propose a temporal-context-adaptive entropy model that utilizes the temporal context information of the reference frames for the current frame coding. The autoregressive entropy models for CNN-based image and video compression is difficult to compute with parallel processing. On the other hand, our temporalcontext-adaptive entropy model utilizes temporally coherent context from the reference frames, so that the context information can be computed in parallel, which is computationally and architecturally advantageous. Extensive experiments show that our DeepPVCnet outperforms AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265 and state-of-theart methods in an MS-SSIM perspective.
Global Convict Labour, 2015
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Post-Soviet Affairs, 2015
This article analyzes contemporary Russian conservatism through the prism of ideational and positionist ideological perspectives. The author argues that Russian conservatism proposes a distinct value package through its anthropocentric nature, its plans for modernization of Russia, and its future outlook that must rest on the best elements of tradition. The author compares these trends with the Western conservative tradition, making distinct parallels between the two strands of conservative thought. The author also explores the attitude of Russian conservatism toward the post-modern world. This is intrinsically linked to the discussion of Russia's attempts to develop a political and ideational alternative to the West, introduce a distinct model for the architecture of international relations, and find Russia's position in the global world.
Monumenta spectantia historiam Slavorum Meridionalium, 2024
Brill, Armenian Texts and Studies Series, 2021
pendoman pengelolan sampah , 2021
Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Nikolay Dyacov, St Petersburg, 2023, pp. 98-113, 2023
International Journal of Electronics Letters, 2023
História Econômica & História de Empresas, 2023
Soproni Egyetem Kiadó eBooks, 2022
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, 2012
Current research in environmental sustainability, 2021
Güncel Pediatri, 2020
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro)
Breast Care, 2014
St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 2022
Proceedings of the International Conference on Onomastics ”Name and Naming”.