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Le revenu de base est un mécanisme visant à garantir à chacun les conditions matérielles nécessaires à l'exercice de sa liberté et/ou à repenser le rapport au travail. Étudié à travers la proposition formulée dans Agrarian Justice par l'inclassable Thomas Paine, il permet de s'interroger sur la pensée libérale elle-même et son unité dans l'histoire aussi bien d'un point de vue économique que politique, à propos d'un mécanisme dont l'actualité est particulièrement vive.
L'article vise a expliciter les fondements de la proposition de revenu de base comme revenu primaire a partir d'un reexamen de la notion de travail productif dans le cadre du capitalisme cognitif. Nous positionnons tout d'abord le revenu de base comme outil d'emancipation du travail de la logique rentiere du capitalisme cognitif. Cela implique de revenir sur le concept de capitalisme cognitif et sur le statut de la force de travail. Le revenu de base apparait alors comme un instrument de renforcement du processus de resocialisation de l'economie engage avec le developpement du systeme moderne de protection sociale. Dans un second temps nous analysons les transformations de la nouvelle organisation sociale du travail dans le capitalisme cognitif. Cela nous permet de preciser notre conception du revenu de base et de la distinguer des approches purement ethiques et redistributives.
Studia Gilsoniana, 2024
In the old days, taxing a commodity meant setting its price (i.e., its "rate") through negotiation, to keep it within the reach of as many people as possible. Taxation was an exceptional measure granted by royal authority to the public, who cherished it. In the name of a freedom that would be enjoyed only by merchants, the Enlightenment movement argued that taxation was theft, and the Revolution rigorously prohibited it from the outset. Prices soared. Whereas yesterday we taxed a product to prevent it from going up in price, today the tax is what increases the price to the benefit of the State or a community. History has changed the meaning of words.
Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides, 2006
Many econometric models are providing a scientific guarantee in support of full trade liberalisation. This is an old tradition, as old as the 18 th century "physiocrates" (those who wanted a "natural law" governing economy. Most of these models, however, are not younger than Leon Walras's. The latter is a famous economist of the 19 th century, one of the first having introduced the idea of a general equilibrium model. After more than one century, and many experiences, the question arises of the validity of Leon Walras's intuition, so genial they may have been at the time. A modern analysis of the liberalisation benefits should now rely on dynamic models, in which uncertainty regarding futures prices is explicitly taken in account. With such models, it would be possible to evaluate both the benefits arising from a better world resources allocation and the cost associated with the removal of many regulation policies which, historically, had been created under the pressure of market failures, and which a total liberalisation would make impossible to continue.
Built heritage faces increasing pressures and threats from development and change in the contemporary world, a situation that frequently results in compromise or loss of historic fabric and its associated values. This paper examines how Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) methodology specifically addresses and mitigates threats to built heritage within an overall sustainable development framework. The methodology will be explained and examples will be given from across Asia of HIA applications to the urban and rural built environment to illustrate how this can be achieved. These case studies reflect a variety of ways in which development and heritage come into conflict and have been selected to show how versatile and adaptable HIA can be as a tool for finding balance and solutions. HIA is an approach rooted in a balanced and sustainable relationship between 'the needs of the present and future generations and the legacy from the past' (UNESCO 2011). The paper also illuminates some of the basic assumptions on which HIA functions and some of the contradictions that often arise when the methodology is applied to real world problems.
Theory, Culture & Society, 2014
ARQUITECTURA + CINE + CIUDAD. Construcciones y miradas, 2023
The journal Management Research and Practice, 2011
Yoga Traveling: Bodily Practice in Transcultural Perspective, 2013
Journal of Business Ethics, 1999
The 2nd International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, 2010
International Business & Economics Research Journal, 2011
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 2016
Annals of Thyroid, 2019