Category: Library Science and Administration
The Challenges of Digital Museum
Richard Yu-Chang Li
School of Information and Communication Technology, Griffith University, Australia
Alan Wee-Chung Liew
School of Information and Communication Technology, Griffith University, Australia
From time immemorial, traditional museum exhibits
have always been limited to leading the audience into
showrooms to view the physical collections. However,
due to the limitations of factors such as exhibition space,
venues, and schedules, the total numbers of direct
contacts with exhibits is in the minority. For instance,
the National Palace Museum (NPM) of Taiwan, which
contains more than 650,000 domestic and foreign
antiquities, has continuously increased its collections
by purchasing or accepting donations of artefacts. The
entire collections would take over 30 years to exhibit if
each exposition is run for three months at a time (Chou,
2010). In this situation, a museum would seem like
an antiquity warehouse, where is inapproachable and
distant. Moreover, since antiquities belong to all citizens, the traditional museum has a predicament which
owners cannot freely acquire information about their
properties. According to the statutes of International
Council of Museum (ICOM) (2007):
A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in
the service of society and its development, open to the
public, which acquires, conserves, research, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage
of humanity and its environment for the purposes of
education, study and enjoyment. (p.2)
Hence, an important role of a museum is to make
its heritages become a part of our life, much like the
functions of a library. Based on this aspiration, the
digital curation of a museum has become a common
pursue in both the academic and public sectors.
In this article, we focus on the aspect of user experience and describe strategies that help to enhance
a visitor’s on-site experience in a museum through
digital technology. We discuss the development of
digital curation in cultural expression applications,
such as museums and art galleries, focusing on the
user experience perspective, and illustrate how the
use of technology can increase the communication
and interaction between viewers and collections in
museums and art galleries. We point out the gaps of
current development, and discuss direction for further
The Development of Digital
Curation and Museum Digitization
The museum digitization movement has been ongoing for over a decade since the beginning of the 21st
century. The term “digital curation” first emerged in an
academic seminar convened by the Digital Preservation Coalition and the British National Space Centre
in London on 2001 to discuss the improvement of
the Open Archival Information System Reference
Model (OAIS) standard and the knowledge sharing
of digital curation in various fields (Constantopoulos
& Dallas, 2008). Through decades of effort, the huge
advancement of information technology has turned
the digitization process to become more progressive
and diversified. Accordingly, the virtual museum has
become a platform where museum connect with their
clients outside the museum building. Middleton and
Lee (2007) suggest that the factor of connection in
museums is more important than the collections. In
order to make a link between visitors and collections,
many well-known museums have committed to create
a virtual environment by either putting the digitized
information onto their web pages or pre-recording
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch486
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Digital Museum
and Administration
their tour guide through portable devices, such as
the Collection Database (Compass) of The British
Museum (Loverance, 1998); the virtual museum of
The Louvre on the iPhone and iPad (LeVitus, 2010);
and The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Timeline of
Art History (The Metropolitan Museum of Art annual
report for the Year 2010-2011, 2011). The common
feature of these efforts is that the information can be
received by the visitors quicker and easier without time
and space limitation.
Although the development of museum seems to
benefit from the application of digital technology,
digitization of the museum has also brought with it
some disadvantages. For example, the physical museum
is becoming more isolated and functionless without
visitors participation; meanwhile, the audiences are
also losing the opportunities for sharing and communicating their viewpoint with others. From the user’s
point of view, the digital museum is not to replace
the traditional museum; rather, the digital information should complement the physical museum. Scott
(2007) has found from her interview survey that the
traditional value of museum has been unintentionally
eroded in the process of museum digitization. She
argued that the physical museum has an irreplaceable
status in people’s minds. Hence, the aim of museum
digitization should be focus on filling the gap of the
physical museum.
According to Coulter-Smith (2006), the constitutions of social communication and art collections have
been hampered by the operating patterns of galleries
for a long time. Cultural institutions should function
as a learning environment (Falk & Dierking, 2000). As
museum experience should be done on physical place
with real objects, the enhancement of user experience
in the physical museum, such as how to improve the
communication by considering the interactive factors
has attracted much effort.
Technology and societal impact play a complementary
role to each other in museum digitization. The value
and function of cultural heritage is realized through
knowledge sharing and exchange of idea. Hence, the
focus of the digital museum should be on the visitor’s
experience rather than the technology itself. However,
without the aids of advanced technology, such goal
cannot be materialized effectively. Therefore, the challenges involved in the creation of digital museums can
be divided into two dimensions: the use of technologies
and the enhancement of user experience. In the past,
the technical dimension has been the primary focus.
Issues ranging from the imaging and digitization of
artefacts to data management have been extensively
researched (Cameron, 2010; Carrozzino et al., 2008;
Kellogg Smith, 2006; Wei, 2010). However, due to
the low visibility of its impact and the difficulty in
quantifying its outcomes, the factors of user experience
have largely been ignored in the development of digital
museum (Hornecker & Nicol, 2011). It is true that a
successful digital museum requires good technology;
it is also true that the success cannot come without
considering the important aspect of effectively sharing
cultural heritage. There are, however, very few studies
on the later, particularly on the area of user experience.
Although the research on user experience in museum digitization has encountered several difficulties
from previous discussion, it has gradually been considered as an indispensable factor by academic researchers
and curators in museum digitization in recent years.
According to Beer (1987), museum visitors spend less
than one minute on each collection on-site. Thus, how
to captivate visitors by extending the time of art appreciation and enhancing their knowledge by adopting
various strategies has become a new branch of research
in digital curation. As Gurian (1995) pointed out, the
physical museum will be blended with technological
element in the near future. Some research results have
also suggested that the museum experience can be
boosted by an interactive and immersive environment
(Wang, Stash, & Sambeek, 2009). Consequently, it can
be expected that the traditional method of masterworks’
description will be replaced by other methods that enhance the sensory impact and the real experience of the
visitors. Based on this concept, the discussion of user
experience can therefore be divided to several aspects,
the facets of visualization, personalization, interaction
with education. These key elements may offer visitors
with a valuable experience and help improving communication between visitors, curators, and museums.
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