Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.
An overview of ‘consciousness’ has been presented. It has been
explicated that consciousness is a coherent, crystalline, intelligible wave
of energy responsible for performing the work of Creation and its
continuous maintenance leading to its longevity, effectuating ORDER by
functioning as a disseminating open loop of energy. An overview of the
work of Creation has been presented, providing the means for a
multitudes of references pertaining to the question of Cosmos and its
multidimensional space-time structure, constitution (matterantimatter), the conjugate space-time and parallel dimensions of
consciousness, the relevance of consciousness to electromagnetic
energies of light and the question of ‘Trinity,’ the advent of Cosmos
being run by a frequential form of informational energy as
consciousness, the Dualism Principle of Creation, the advent of sentient
beings of light, the quantum nature of sentient beings and transference
of their consciousness into ‘innerspace’ via the mechanism of sentient or
conscious vibration, the requisite mandate for effectuating
consciousness expansion to safeguard against spontaneous entropy,
and the question of positive versus negative karmic energies, etc.
Finally the different levels of consciousness state that pertain to ‘outer’
or physical consciousness verses deeper or ‘inner’ consciousness via the
advent of subconsciousness or superconsciousness have been
addressed. Also included is a brief discourse with regard to the different
aspects of physical consciousness, and in particular, what manifests as
evidence of consciousness in the form of brain waves in our physicality.
Everything is comprised of energy.
Everything emanates from an infinitely pool of coherent, crystalline
intelligible energy that became SINGULAR.
It means, IT could no longer expand ITS energetics.
This is what is referred to as the SOURCE [1].
This form of coherent, crystalline, intelligible energy is referred to as
In order to be able to further expand ITS energy of consciousness,
the SOURCE exploded-imploded upon ITSELF to create consciousness
generating co-creators.
This is what is commonly referred to as sentient, intelligent, or
conscious beings [2-4].
The sentient beings, in essence, represent the companions or the
offspring of the SOURCE.
The SOURCE is composed of sentient quanta of energy, or
alternatively, units of consciousness.
In order to be able to effectively sustain ITSELF upon self-explosionimplosion, a small amount of the Quanta of Sentient Energy
converted into what is referred to as constitution [5-7].
Constitution epitomizes a form of congealed energy referred to as
‘matter’ or ‘antimatter’ to which the dispersion of the free-floating
Quanta of Sentient Energy or consciousness could be anchored.
The very act of free-flow of the Quanta of Sentient Energy describes
what is referred to as ‘time’ [8].
The advent of congealment of the Quanta of Energy forms what is
referred to as ‘space’ whose function is to contain everything that is
created [9-11].
Since the dispersion or dissemination of the Quanta of Energy are
envisaged to be isotropic and axisymmetric in nature [12], and by
considering the best topography within which such an act could be
accomplished, it becomes clear that the process of Creation forms a
spherical domain [13].
This spherical domain forms the ‘body’ for the SOURCE that is
referred to as the ‘Cosmos’ [14-15].
And, the resulting entity produced with ITS body comprised of
Cosmos is what we refer to as the ‘Prime Creator’ or ‘God,’ which
has also been known or referred to by numerous other names in in
the literature comprised of many different languages on Earth.
In order to carry out the process of Creation, the God Quanta of
Energy first split into two components in what may be referred to as
the ‘Male or Father Principal’ and the ‘Female or Mother Principle’
The former are of ‘expansive’ nature, which trigger the process of
On the other hand, the latter are of ‘contractive’ character that
ensure that all the Quanta of Energy together with all that is created
inevitably gravitate back to the SOURCE via a combination of
spinning and rotating about the SOURCE.
Indeed, this act of free-flow of the Quanta of Energy that epitomize
rotating and spinning about the SOURCE describe the very nature of
the concept of time.
The explosion-implosion of the SOURCE to create the Expansive and
Contractive Quanta of Energy to form spherical energetic contours
are formed in two mutually perpendicular planes or ‘fields’ that
collectively form the surface of the said sphere.
In this respect, the surface constitutes the locus of all congealed
Quanta of Energy that form the concept of ‘space.’
On the other hand, the radius of the space generated represents the
advent of ‘time.’
• The mechanism of dispersion of the Expansive Quanta of Energy is
accomplished through what is referred to as ‘electricity’ [17].
• This phenomena entails further splitting the Quanta of Energy in two
components, each carrying a different charge, referred to as
‘electrons’ and ‘protons.’
• The electrons carry a negative charge and are much lighter in terms
of constitution.
• On the other hand, the greatest majority of the constitution is
carried by the protons, which carry a positive charge.
• As a result of explosion-implosion of the SOURCE upon ITSELF, the
electrons begin to rotate about a central core comprised of protons
and ‘neutrons’ that remain in their neutral state comprised of a
proton carrying a positive charge and an electron comprised of a
negative charge.
• The electrons are arranged in ‘orbitals’ composed of two electrons,
with one electron spinning clockwise and the other counterclockwise
about itself.
• Furthermore, the electrons rotate about the central core in wellorganized energetic contours.
• These energetic contours give rise to the formation of space.
• Th entire edifice of the electrons, protons, and neutrons form a
structure perceived as the smallest constituent as units of
constitution that is referred to as atoms.
• Note that the configuration of the electrons spinning back and forth
about their axis while simultaneously rotating clockwise and
counterclockwise about the SOURCE form a conjugate or mirrored
formation that are referred to as the conjugate or mirrored spacetime [18].
• In this respect, the collective form of the spherical contours of
energy forming the surface, which was referred to as the ‘space’ and
the interior domain of such spherical surfaces referred to as the
‘innerspace’ [19], which form the realm of ‘time,’ together forms
what is commonly referred to as a space-time or ‘dimension’ [20]
Note that the congealment of the Quanta of Energy occurs in a
discrete manner, forming individual surface of space with their own
characteristic radii epitomizing time.
This formation of discrete energetic contours giving rise to different
space-time dimensions form spherical surfaces of space with their
own characteristic curvatures, in which curvature is defined as the
inverse of the radius of time.
Such discrete surfaces represent domains of space-times or
dimensions in which time progresses at their own different
characteristic velocities, referred to as ‘frequencies’ [21].
More specifically, within the inners space-time dimensions, the
frequency is much higher, which progressively decreases as one
approaches the outer dimensions.
At the same time, the outer dimensions represent the domains of
higher congealment and less free-flow of the Quanta of Energy.
Thus, the density of space increases in the outer dimensions, while
the speed of progression of time within such dimensions becomes
progressively less.
Also, note that each space-time represents contours of energy to
which the sentient beings comprised of Quanta of Consciousness
Energy have anchored their consciousness.
Thus, the state of consciousness depicting the extent of
consciousness energy diminishes as one approaches from an inner to
outer space-time dimensions.
Note that as this also defines the magnitude of frequency, it is clear
that frequency provides an indication for the state of consciousness
• Also, recall that the Quanta of God Energy are initially NEUTRAL in
• And, when these Quanta of Energy split into their Expansive (MaleElectric) and Contractive (Female-Magnetic) components, in essence,
the SOURCE creates a ‘Trinity’ form of ITSELF comprised of NEUTRAL,
Expansive and Contractive energies, in which the Magnetic Quanta
are symbiotically created from the Electric Quanta.
• Note that the advent of (static) electricity emails the formation of
negative and positive quanta of energy.
• Thus, there exist heterogenous pockets in space in which certain
regions are saturated with electrons forming a ‘negative pole’
together with other regions that are starved of electrons that give
rise to the advent of ‘positive poles’ [23].
• And, the crux of formation of this static electricity is that it forms an
‘electric potential’ that strives to ‘settle’ itself, by way of electrons
moving from the negative pole to the positive pole to settle the
charge difference and equilibrate, preserving the initial state of
• The movement of electrons from the negative to positive poles
forms an ‘electric current’ that inaugurates the advent of
• And, at the incipient point of this process, the symbiotic event of
magnetism operating in an orthogonal field to the electric field
initiates the advent of magnetodynamism, in which the expansive
action of electricity is counterbalanced by the contractive or
‘attractive’ field of its orthogonal magnetic field.
• As a result, two simultaneous fields are activated that operate
perpendicular to one another.
• Note that both the electric and magnetic fields represent an
alternating waveform of energies that vary sinusoidally in planes that
are normal to one another, yet propagating in a common path that is
formed from the intersection of the two said perpendicular fields.
Thes two waveforms of energy combine to collectively form a
resultant field referred to as field of ‘electromagnetic’ energy that
propagates along an axis that is mutually perpendicular to the
electric and the magnetic fields [17].
And, such a combination of two competing, contrasting, symbiotic
fields of electricity and magnetism forms a ‘flash’ of electromagnetic
energy that is referred to as the ‘light’ [24].
Thus, consciousness is dispersed or disseminated by the
electromagnetic light.
And, the nature of dissemination of light is that as it is dispersed into
space-time dimensions that are envisioned to be farther away from
the SOURCE, its intensity of light epitomized by its frequency of
waveform as well as the extent of quanta of its energy diminishes as
one approaches from an inner to outer space-time dimensions.
If one compares the intensity of a light with respect to that
generated at the SOURCE, a ‘light quotient’ may be defined that
represent the extent of consciousness.
Note that, strictly speaking, the light quotient that may be described
by the extent of ‘brightness’ reflective of the extent of quanta of
energy, describes a different aspect of consciousness that is distinct
from the amount of its energy.
Note that in terms of waves of energetic, the frequency of
consciousness refers to the frequency of the waveform that defines
the number of peak state of consciousness or energy that the
waveform exhibits within a particular interval of time.
This is usually expressed in terms of Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second
which defines rotations per second, or alternatively, in radian/sec.
• From a quantum perspective, the energy of consciousness 𝐸 may be
described by Planck’s equation that relates to the frequency
𝜔, defined through definition of the Planck’s constant ℎ as:
𝐸 = ℎ. 𝜔
• Note that each sentient being can be modelled as a harmonic
oscillator [25].
• And, the interesting thing is that the Planck’s Equation specifies the
number of oscillators as being an integer value.
• Since the phenomenon of light has been studied extensively in
physics as well as quantum mechanics as a form of electromagnetic
energy, through Einstein’s ‘Photoelectric Effect,’ we know that the
advent of bombarding a material such as a metal by a photons of
light (massless packets of light energy) causes electrons to get
discharged and emitted from the material.
• Furthermore, it is experienced that by bombarding the material with
more photons of light leads to simply more electrons of the same
• On the other hand, in order to produce higher frequency electrons,
the impinging photons of light must be of higher frequency.
• In other words, the frequency of the emitted electrons is solely
dependent on the energy of the impinging photons characterized by
their frequency and NOT the number of bombarding photons.
• Thus, the energy of the emitted electrons is solely dependent on the
magnitude of the frequency of the impinging electrons and not the
number of quanta of energy or the photons.
• While, to get more electrons, simply a higher number of impinging
quanta of light energy or photons is required.
• Note that the electromagnetic energy is produced in a spectrum
comprised of different frequential waves of energy.
• And, at the center of this spectrum lie the very small span of
frequencies that gives rise to what we call ‘visible light.’
• Thus, our space-time manifest such spectrum of light energy that
appears to us as visible because of our inherent nature with regard
to detectability of light energy within our dimension of physical
• However, visible light represents a very small spectrum of all
electromagnetic light energies.
• Below, the visible light, there is the advent of radio waves and
microwaves that are inferior in terms of their frequency of energy as
compared to the visible light.
• This spectrum is referred to as the ‘infrared’ spectrum.
• Such radio waves and microwaves have the characteristic of raising
the temperature of an object when bombarded with such waves.
• On the other hand, in a spectrum of electromagnetic waves above
the visible light there exists light of much higher frequencies of
radiation referred to collectively as the ‘ultraviolet spectrum.’
• Examples of ultraviolet light include high frequency X rays and
gamma rays that have the characteristic of being able to ionize a
• This means, such high frequency light waves have the potency of
breaking apart atoms into charged ions, forming a plasma of energy.
• Due to the knowledge of wave propagation together with
electromagnetic light energy that may be characterized by their own
extent of frequency, the frequency measure provides a logical way
for characterizing the extent of consciousness.
• It is something that may be recorded as waves within the
experimental setting and can be analyzed via various well-developed
mathematical techniques that utilize frequency, defining a frequency
as opposed to time domain or dynamics such as for example, Fourier
transform, Laplace transform, power spectral density analysis, to
name a few.
On the other hand, light quotient is impossible to quantify.
One may speak of extent of light or sentient quanta of energy, yet
the concept of light ‘quotient,’ that would relate everything to the
SOURCE is beyond quantification.
And, yet another concept introduced by the author, referred to as
‘propinquity’ provides an excellent way of characterizing light of
consciousness philosophically, or qualitatively.
Propinquity means the extent of ‘closeness’ to the SOURCE, which is
not of physical nature that would necessarily connote distance,
Radius, or length.
It provides a comparative means much like light quotient with less
physical attributes, yet it is quite illustrative in depicting the nature
or state of consciousness.
Simply, the higher the propinquity (the more closeness to the
SOURCE), the more is the state of consciousness.
Note that the Cosmos is hologramic in nature, comprised of a system
of hologram within hologram [26-27].
A hologram depicts a self-similar fractalized form of the SOURCE or
the Prime Creator’s body (the Cosmos) at large.
And, although the fundamental traits of the original SOURCE may be
envisioned to be duplicated in all holograms that ‘fit’ within other
holograms, when it comes to consciousness, there is always the
question of ‘magnitude’ or size.
Simply, the extent of consciousness decreases as one ‘goes away’
from the SOURCE.
• So, within the context of our adopted spatiality, actually the outer
holograms ‘fit’ within the inner holograms.
• And, this is because the question of energy and spatiality act in a
reversal manner with respect to one another.
• In other words, the density of energy becomes less as energy gets
spread out within a volume of space.
• So, the larger is the space, the less is the density of energy.
• Conversely, more concentrated energy (of consciousness), demands
the advent of less spatiality.
• Thus, to ‘expand’ in the energy of consciousness, one would have to
contract towards the SOURCE, which in our convention of spatiality,
it signifies moving within a ‘smaller’ hologram that depicts a higher
dimensional consciousness.
• Consciousness describes the most fundamental form of pure energy
that instigates the work of Creation.
• Without consciousness nothing can ever exist or could have come to
• Indeed, consciousness is everything.
• It is consciousness that spearheads the processes of Creation and
ensures its longevity and perpetuity of existence.
• The most fundamental parameter the energy of consciousness
operates is through the advent of time.
• Thus, if we denote the energy of consciousness as 𝐸𝑐 and the
parameter of time by 𝑡, we must always have:
• This ensures the continual progression of work of Creation and
guarantees the longevity and perpetuity of everything that exists.
• And, in order to do this, consciousness is comprised of an essence or
‘seed of consciousness’ that is referred to as the ‘God Particles.’
• Thus, view yourself as an entity with the seed of consciousness
planted in you, and it is your responsibility to see that this seed is
cultivated through expenditure of proper thought-emotional energy,
so your seed of consciousness grows within you.
• In this respect, the seed of consciousness has the propensity to
retain the knowledge of work or energy of Creation in the form of
‘consciousness information.’
• Furthermore, consciousness gives whatever the seed of
consciousness is planted within it, the quality of being able to
expand its consciousness further, a phenomenon that is referred to
as the ‘consciousness expansibility’ (denoted by 𝑘) [28-29].
• If within the context of mechanics we define the energy of
consciousness to be equivalent to do work through the ‘force of
Creation’ 𝐹 through instigating the expansion of consciousness in
what is referred to as the ‘innerspace,’ a consciousness expansibility
coefficient 𝑘 may be defined as the force per unit displacement
(extent of consciousness energy transference within innerspace)
𝛿 within the innerspace as:
• In fact, by virtue of a theory of quantum consciousness developed by
the author [30-32], it may be surmised that a conscious entity
consciously vibrates going back and forth in the innerspace of
consciousness, sequentially quantum jumping between contrasting
‘conjugate or mirrored space-times’ [33] that occupy the same
space, yet progress in opposite times.
• This forms the foundation for introducing the ‘Essential Law of
Spatial Cohabitation’ in the Cosmos that stipulates different spacetimes can exist that can occupy the same space, yet differ in terms of
time progression [34].
• And, in particular, the most essential characteristic of the process of
Creation is that everything is created in dual manner [35].
• Thus, Creation necessitates the advent of generation of space and
time in which time describes the dissemination of the God Particles
of consciousness through a process of free-flow, and space
epitomizes their containment through a process of congealment in
• Thus, a ‘dimension’ is accordingly defined as having two aspects:
space and time, which act in opposition or competing manner to one
another, in which free-flow would necessitate less congealment, and
vice versa.
• Furthermore, by virtue of the Essential Law of the Spatial
Cohabitation, it may be surmised that different dimensions can be
generated that occupy the same space but differ in progression of
time within their domains.
• Thus, another essential assertion of the Dualism Principle of Creation
is that myriad of space-time dimensions may be created that coexist
in dual manner giving rise to the advent of conjugate or mirrored
space-times in which they occupy the same space, yet progress in
opposite time directions.
• And, as time epitomizes the action of free-flow, spinning in one
plane and rotating in a plane perpendicular to the former about the
central SOURCE disseminating the God Particles of consciousness in
both clockwise and counterclockwise manner.
• Thus, this would necessitate the ‘phenomenon of directionality of
• Sentience may be described as having self-awareness in time.
• In other words, a sentient being is capable of ‘sensing’ time as well
as may be manipulating time.
• Thus, a sentient being is privy to travel in time via its consciousness
• Time travel is achieved when a sentient being vibrates in time [37].
• Such a capability is reflected in what is referred to as the ‘natural
frequency’ of the sentient being vibrating in time.
• As consciousness is anchored via constitution (matter-antimatter)
fabric of space-time [38], a small portion of the consciousness
energy is expended in creating the form containing the
consciousness in time [16].
• Considering the constitution of the sentience to be denoted by 𝑚,
the natural frequency of a sentient being 𝜔 may be defined as the
square root of the ratio of the consciousness expansibility coefficient
of the sentient being 𝑘 per its constitution 𝑚:
• Thus, clearly the natural frequency of conscious vibration of a
sentient being decreases with its constitution.
• This is a phenomenon that is reflective of the ‘Cosmological Law of
Consciousness-Constitution Interaction,’ which stipulates that
constitution impedes the degree of consciousness [39].
• The author has spoken of the advent of positive and negative karma
[40-41] and their relationship to the phenomenon of sentient
vibration in the innerspace, which are published elsewhere [42].
• In particular, negative karma is related to entropy or disorder
• Thus, consistent with the theories of thermodynamics, soul entropy
may be defined as [43-44]:
• It is clear that any system associated with work or energy has a
tendency towards energy dissipation or entropy or disorder over
• Thus, if our Universe were subject to a closed energetic system,
consistent with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the rate of
entropy production rate would have to be positive [45].
• It is, however, argued by the author that our Universe is part of a
multidimensional multiverse system in the Cosmos, and thus, via
advent of its black-white holes has connection to adjacent universal
space-times, and therefore, epitomizes being part of an open loop of
energy that is freely provided by the central SOURCE [46].
• Thus, the negative karmic energetic would be counteracted by
positive karmic energies that would contribute to maintaining the
overall system energy to be constant.
• In this respect, should the negative karmic energies giving rise to the
production of entropy were excessive and exceeded the positive
karmic energies [47], the additional energy required to balance the
energetic equation would be supplied via free energies supplied by
• Accordingly, if the concept of ‘syntropy’ is defined to counteract the
effect of entropy and disorder by contributing to ORDER and is
denoted by the symbol 𝑆𝑦 , one could write by virtue of Principle of
Conservation of Energy [48]:
𝑆𝑦 = 𝐶 −
• Thus as long as the system remains as an open loop of energy with
free energies supplied by the central SOURCE, we find that rate of
syntropy production rate is always positive:
Δ𝑆𝑦 ≥ 0
• And, the above condition is referred to as the ‘Cosmological Law of
Consciousness Expansion and ORDER’ [49-50]
Outer versus Inner Consciousness
Despite the erroneous notion or belief system that we are merely
physical beings, as has been elucidated herein, we are
multidimensional beings [51-53].
This means that we have an ethereal existence, which in fact, far
exceeds our physical beingness [54].
The fundamental problem in recognizing our multidimensional
nature is that our scientist erroneously believe that we are confined
to a single space-time dimension, and there is nothing else but
physicality [55].
This way, our mind set has been developed, believing in fundamental
dogma of ‘Physics’ that if you cannot see, hear something or
generally detect it with our highly limited 5 sensory perception, and
if something or a phenomenon cannot be detected, measured,
reproduced, or categorized, within the confines of a laboratory
setting, then it must not exist.
In recent years the discipline of Quantum Mechanics has opened
some doors or at least a small crack through which higher
dimensional information could seep through and be accepted or
The most important fundamental principle now widely known via
Quantum Physics-Mechanics is the concept of particle-wave duality
that is seen to be observed in all fields of science including physics,
biology, genetics, chemistry, etc. [56].
This phenomenon asserts that nothing can be traced to exist with
utmost certainty within our space-time whose all properties could be
readily measured, categorized, and understood.
In particular, everything exists as both particles and waves.
The former refers to materialization in the form of matter, and the
latter signifies the advent of energy that may be stealth to our
For example, the well-known Young’s Double Slit Experiment
indicates that quanta of energy can behave as particle or waves,
depending on whether they are observed (by a being having
consciousness) or not [57].
In one scenario, the quanta of energy might act as particles (when
consciously observed), and in another, they may behave purely as
waves interfering with one another or even with themselves.
There are other examples of such phenomenon recorded in science
some of which have been discussed by the author such as also the
Schrodinger’s Cat Problem [57] or DNA Phantom Effect [58], etc. that
testify to the same principle of particle-wave duality.
• Neither there is a single space-time dimension in existence (what we
perceive as physicality), nor we consciously exist in one space-time
dimension only.
• In fact, the nature of our quantum consciousness is that we keep
jumping back and forth between conjugate parallel space-time
dimensions, yet this happens so fast that we have no recollection of
it within our space-time.
• In other words, we actually live multiple lives simultaneously, all
occurring in the NOW moment [59-60], but the nature of our
multidimensionality is what the author refers to as ‘Unconscious
Multidimensionality,’ in which everything progresses so fast that we
cannot keep a record of their transpiration.
• And, once, we manage to increase the level of our natural frequency
of vibration beyond a certain threshold value, when we are privy to
transfer our consciousness to the 5th dimension enduringly [61], then
we join all our fragmented pieces of conscious personalities into one
soul (the parent soul), becoming aware of all their life sojourns and
experiences at once [62].
• So, strictly speaking, what we perceive as our consciousness only
describes our physical or ‘outer’ consciousness, the amount of
intelligence or awareness required to keep us functioning within our
current physical space-time dimension.
• And, physical consciousness represents a very small amount of our
overall consciousness.
• The rest exists WITHIN.
• It is comprised of our subconsciousness and superconsciousness
levels of existences that the author refers to as ‘inner’
• Strictly speaking, consciousness is comprised of Sentient Quanta of
Energy that operates within, seeing everything existing outer to
• When you are incarnated in a physical body, a portion of this
consciousness resides at closer to the surface that describes your
physical or outer consciousness.
• Delving deeper, one gets to the level of subconsciousness that is not
readily decipherable by the frontal lobe of the brain.
• It occurs much faster, seemingly in no time whatsoever.
• It is commonly perceived during dream state or day dreams and
special occasions when we seem to lose time all together not being
able to readily account for the moments that have passed.
• It is a level that the soul, comprised of all our personalities or soul
aspect, operates.
• And, probing deeper in consciousness, we way pass the level of
subconsciousness and reach the realm of superconsciousness.
• Reaching such exceedingly deep level of consciousness is not
achieved easily, if not at all.
• And, the only way to do this is to be at an extreme relaxed state
through, for example, deep mediation, and being able to exceedingly
raise our frequency of consciousness to be able to interface with our
oversoul or monad, and may be our original seed of consciousness,
which in reality, a part of the Divine Mind of our Prime Creator [6364].
• And, as it was already mentioned, such occasions are achieved
extremely rarely, if not at all.
• The level of subconsciousness is much more common that is mostly
confined to accessing other parallel dimensions in which our other
soul aspects reside or are anchored at.
• Even, going deeper in subconsciousness as to reach higher
dimensions of consciousness such as the 5th, the 7th, or higher is
extremely rare, if not ordinarily impossible.
• However, as the new waves of higher consciousness via stellar
activations have been reaching our 3rd dimensional Earth, in
anticipation for Ascension entailing stellar wave activations causing
chakric and DNA strand activations and wave infusions, such 5th-7th
dimensional sojourns via subconsciousness energy transference or
consciousness journeys are no longer an act of impossibility for
those who can ‘hold’ such high frequencies.
Physical Consciousness and Brain Wave Activation
Finally, the phenomenon of physical consciousness reflected in the
space-time via the advent of brain waves will briefly be expounded
Generally speaking, physical brain waves run in opposition to higher
consciousness (sub or super consciousness).
The more active the brain waves are, the less is the meditative state.
And, in order to reach a state of subconsciousness (and of course,
superconsciousness) level, one must quieten the vibrations of the
physical brain waves to effect a meditative state.
In essence, when you reach the subconsciousness state, you are
parting with this space-time to reach higher dimensions (or
conversely, possibly lower dimensions).
Generally speaking, your physiognomy is geared to your space-time.
This means that your active frequency of consciousness is
commensurate with that of the space-time your consciousness is
anchored at [65-66].
• In other words, your genetic makeup/morphogenetic field must be
compatible and activated in terms of frequency that would be
commensurate with the frequency of the space-time you reside in.
• Generally speaking, this occurs in a spectrum of frequencies in which
you can vibrate within its limits, but this cannot be a very wide
• Also consciousness transference does not occur at once.
• It occurs gradually in which you begin to gradually lose awareness in
one space-time until that space-time totally collapses for you, and
then after going through a zero point energy, you begin to phase in
within another space-time.
• We do this constantly in dream state among parallel dimensions that
have ‘apparent frequencies’ with values that are close to one
• To go up so much in frequency, you must anchor your consciousness
in the higher space-time, totally leaving your physical body in which
you totally lose awareness of your physical surroundings and must
go in a very deep state of meditation as your body cannot take such
• So to stay in your present body or to come back to it with such high
levels of change in frequencies, your genetics must evolve to a
higher level, activating genes that were dormant before after total
metamorphosis has taken place [67].
• For more information, please see the related papers published
elsewhere with regard to consciousness transference [68].
• In terms of brain waves, there are generally 5 categories classified
within the literature.
• These include the Gamma state, which is comprised of frequencies
of 30 Hz and above.
• The Gamma waves represent the state of hyper brain activity.
• The Gamma state entails highly hyper brain activity that renders
little or not much of a relaxation state.
• This is generally not the 'normal' state in which the brain operates.
• This is pertinent to practically ‘no meditative state.’
• Below this level of brain hyper activity then progressively comes the
active Beta State, the Alpha State, then the Theta (meditative) State
beginning to reach state of subconsciousness, then the Delta State
which entails even deeper level of meditation.
• But, ordinarily, human being's brain waves operate at the Beta State,
comprised of frequencies between 14-30 Hz.
• This is the state of normal physical awareness/brain activities.
• Beyond the Beta State comes the Alpha State that is comprised of
frequencies between 9-13 Hz.
• Alpha State is the state of physical and mentally relaxed and
somewhat drowsiness.
• Beyond the Alpha State of brain activities, one reach the Theta State,
which includes frequencies of 4-8 Hz.
• Theta is the state of reduced physical consciousness/awareness (of
your space-time), the state of meditation, REM sleep, light sleep and
dreamy state.
• Finally beyond the Theta State, is the Delta State that consists of
frequencies below 4 Hz.
• Delta is the state of very deep meditation or deep dreamless sleep,
and loss of body awareness (within the present space-time).
• It is the state of most relaxed physical consciousness state delving
into superconsciousness.
• Note that the Theta and Delta States describe the proper conditions
associated with meditation and even delving into a deeper state of
meditation, respectively.
The Consciousness and Spiritual Science Institute Publishing 2018.
This article has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a
SERVICE to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for
the sole purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their
condemnation to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’
It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or
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It is expected that when it is re-blogged or displayed, it is carried
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References [updated 5/7/22]
1. The God-SOURCE: The Prime Creator and the Foundation of Divine Creation
2. Essays on Humanity – Part II: Sentience
3. Essays on Humanity – Part V: Living as Sentient Beings
4. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VII: The Mechanics of
5. A Theory of Everything: Matter – Antimatter
6. The Relevance of Matter-Antimatter Particle Mechanics to the Dimensional
Space-Times of the Physical Universe
7. Consciousness Quanta of Energy, Matter-Antimatter and Consciousness
Vibration within the Innerspace of Space-Time Dimensions
8. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time Part – I: On the
Fundamental Blunder of the Theories of Classical Physics
9. The Time-Space Continuum
10. Space-Time-Revisited
11. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of ‘Space-Time‘
12. On the Mechanics of Physical Dissemination of Consciousness
13. Dimensions of Consciousness
14. An Overview of Cosmos
15. The Mechanics of Cosmos – Part I: The Edifice of Cosmos
16. On the Quantum Mechanics and the Structure of Form Composed of Energetic
Particles of Creation
17. On the Quantum Mechanics of Creation of the Electromagnetic Cosmos
18. The Phenomenon of ‘Conjugate’ or ‘Mirrored’ Space-Times
19. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XI: The Innerspace and the
Dimensional Aspect of Consciousness
20. Further Insights in Deciphering the Dimensional Space-Time of the Cosmos
21. Further Insights into the Concepts of Time, Space, Innerspace, and Frequency
of Vibration
22. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part X: Consciousness
23. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part
I: The Crystalline-Electric Cosmos , Eden magazine, December 2016
24. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part I: Light of Consciousness
25. A Mathematical Model for the Quantification of Consciousness [Soul
26. The Holographic Nature of our Existence: The Total Story
27. On the Quantum Energetic Mechanics of Creation: Microcosm to Macrocosm
and the Concept of Hologram-within-Hologram
28. Consciousness Expansibility
29. On Quantification of Consciousness
30. Mechanics of [Discrete-Quantum-Multidimensional] Consciousness
31. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time Part III:
Multidimensional (Quantum) Consciousness
32. The Mechanics of Cosmos – Part II: Cosmic (Quantum) Consciousness and
Sentient Vibration
33. On the Cosmological Laws of Entanglement of the Conjugate or Mirrored
Dimensional Space-Time and the Conservative Law of Cyclic Constitutional
34. The Fundamental Essential Law of Spatial Cohabitation
35. The Dualism Principle of Creation
36. Time Travel and Teleportation
37. A Unified Theory for the Conscious Vibration of a Sentient Light Being
38. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part III: The Fabric of Space-Time
39. On the Cosmological Law of Consciousness-Constitution Interaction
40. The True Meaning and Purpose of Karma
41. The Interconnection of Vibration, ‘Consciousness Expansibility,’ ‘Soul Compliance,’
and Karma and their Relevance to Consciousness
42. Dynamics of Sentient Vibration, Karmic Response, and Sequential Jumping of
Souls into Parallel
43. Sentient Vibration: Concept of Soul Entropy and the Principle of Positive Entropy
Production Rate
44. Further Insights into the Phenomenon of Sequential Jumping and Soul Entropy
Production Caused by Sentient Vibration
45. On the Cosmological Laws of Equilibrium and Balance: Soul Entropy and the Law
of Entropy Production Rate
46. On the Issue of the Perpetuity of the Universe and Closed versus Open Source of
47. On the Question of Immortality versus Polarity Reversal
48. On the Cosmological Laws of Equilibrium and Balance: Soul Entropy and the Law
of Entropy Production Rate
49. Divine Order: Quantum Non-locality
50. We are ALL Connected: The Principle of Local and Non-local Entanglement
51. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, A Course in Multidimensionality, Institute of Spiritual
Science Inc. Press, 2012.
52. Multidimensional Vibration
53. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe –
Part V: Multidimensionality
54. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation: The Physical and Ethereal Aspects of
55. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation: The Physical and Ethereal Worlds
56. A Higher Dimensional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: The Physical versus
the Ethereal States
57. Creation of Reality through Conscious Observation
58. On the Elusive Nature of Earth Human Genetics
59. Parallel and Alternate Dimensions, the NOW, and the Holographic Nature of Time
and Space
60. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part V: The Local
and Absolute NOW Moment and the Advent of Torsion Waves
61. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions -Part I: Fundamentals of the
Dimensional Time-Space Consciousness and Reality
62. The Reality of Soul Aspect, Soul Expression, and Oversoul (HIGHERSELF), and the
Illusory Notion of the “Past, Present and
63. Unity Consciousness: Its Quantum Nature, Dissemination and Expansion
64. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part IV: Attaining Unity
Consciousness (Oneness)
65. Fundamental Laws of Cosmos Inter-relating Consciousness, Constitution [MatterAntimatter] and Energy
66. The Fundamental Laws Governing Creation, Dimensional Space-Time, MatterAntimatter, Conscious Vibration, and Entanglement
67. On the Genetic Structure of Earth Humans: The Fable of “Junk Genes”
68. On the Creation of the Cosmos and the Advent of Light