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WSN 140 (2020) 127-138
EISSN 2392-2192
Origin of consciousness and contemporary physics
Paolo Di Sia1,2,a, Narayan Kumar Bhadra3,b
of Padova, School of Science and Department of Neuroscience,
Via Giustiniani 2, I-35128 Padova, Italy
University of Bozen-Bolzano, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Piazza Università 5, I-39100 Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Swamiji Seva Sangh High School Laskhmipur, Gobardanga,
24 Parganas (N), West Bengal, India
E-mail address: paolo.disia@gmail.com , narayan102010@gmail.com
All great religions used the light as a symbol of transcendence and characteristic of divinity,
talking about “divine spark that is inside us”. Light indicates the life; the symbol of light pervades the
Bible from the first to the last page, it is the principle of creation. God has been called in various ways,
but the light is the metaphor used to talk about His nature. From the point of view of physics, the light
is an electromagnetic wave; the electromagnetic force is one of the four fundamental forces known
today. Recent insights consider our physical universe as appeared by a phase-like transition from a
universe with 10 space-time dimensions. Relatively to a new appeared model, called B-DS model,
consciousness would be created by the electromagnetic field in relation to the SU(6) x U(1) symmetry
group. The human brain is conceived as an interface organ receiving informations, an element of
interference from incoming data and already existing data (the subject’s memory).
Keywords: Consciousness, Light, Electromagnetic Force, Universe, Contemporary Physics,
Cosmology, B-DS model
( Received 22 December 2019; Accepted 11 January 2020; Date of Publication 12 January 2020 )
World Scientific News 140 (2020) 127-138
Symbolism and religious experience have always been inscribed in the complex of
evolutionary processes that led to the human species. One of the common characteristics of the
great religions is the symbol of light; the profusion of gold in statues, temples and sanctuaries
tries to reproduce the light, symbol of the invisible mystery of divine presence. The path of man
in search of light is witnessed by cultural anthropology.
The experience of the sacredness of light is found in ancient Egypt, Anatolia, Greece,
Byzantium. In ancient Egypt the deceased was illuminated as a symbol of the miraculous
presence of a sacred, divine element. At the heart of pharaonic religion there was the certainty
that the human being is made for the light of heaven. The Egyptian man of pharaonic time
believed in immortality, felt as a radical transformation into a powerful light (akhu) [1].
In ancient India the theme of light, in opposition to darkness, is present in Vedic
cosmogony and cosmology. The light is the central point of numerous Brahmanical rites, such
as the perfective rites (isamskara). In the Upanishads, the light is the symbol of liberating
knowledge, a guarantee of immortality. At the final goal of the journey, the human being will
become light himself, and will no longer distinguish between the subject who sees, the object
of vision and the act of seeing [2].
In the Biblical tradition the people of Israel prostrate themselves before the Creator of
every light, which guides the human being and leads him to the joy of a bright day. In the
Apocalypse, John speaks about the realization of the victory of light: “There will be no more
night and they will no longer need the light of a lamp, nor the light of the sun, because the Lord
God will illuminate them and reign for ever and ever” (Ap 22, 5).
The symbolism of light leads us to the heart of the central mystery of the Manichean faith
and of Gnostic soteriology; the realm of light frees the soul captive of darkness through the
illumination that leads to know the divine mysteries [3,4]. The noûs-light enters the man,
illuminates her/his divine part and awakens the psyche immersed in oblivion; in this way the
human being feels the call of his divine origins.
The symbolism of light dominates also the language of Muslim mystics. The Arab
philosopher, mystic and poet Ibn ‘Arabi in his major work “Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya” (The
illuminations of Mecca) indicates how the theme of light expresses the relations between the
One and the multiple [5].
The theme of transfiguration (metamorphosis) in medieval art in the West (IX-XVI
century) represents the theme of light as multiply highlighted in Christian art, and thus the
experience of light in the human condition with the “life-truth-light” perspective of the
Christian message, emphasized in architecture and in various forms of sacred art [6].
In the Bible, God has been called in various ways: Elohim, El Shaddai, El Elyon, JHWH,
but the light is the metaphor used to talk about His nature [7]. The symbol of light pervades
entirely the Bible. The light is the principle of creation: “God saw that light was good” (Gen 12). It becomes the reality of all creation: the sky, the earth, the sea, the stars, the fish, the birds,
the animals, the man, all come “into the light”. The light is inseparably associated with the life:
people come “to the light”, walk “in the light”, become “children of light”.
The light is an attribute of God: He is “clothed with light” (Ps 104,2), “His presence is
light” (Ex 13,21; Is 60,19), is the source of life and light. The light of God is “salvation” (Ps
27,1), the righteous enjoy the “light of life” (Ps 97,11). In the New Testament the symbolism
of light takes up various images of the Old Testament and personifies them in Jesus Christ. The
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disciples who follow him by living his word are also “carriers of light” (Mt 5,14). In the Gospel
of John, the symbol of light is indispensable for understanding the text: “The true light that
enlightens every man comes into the world” (Jn 1,9); the light “shines in darkness, and darkness
has not overcome it” (Jn 1,1-5; Jn 8,12; 9,5; 12,36; 12,46) [8,9].
Our planet is near a star that radiates it completely with its light. Every human cell and
every form of life on Earth synchronizes its activity with the sun. The sun is also a source of
food for all life, energy that binds together the important components of biomass, such as
hydrocarbons. Hormones, neuro-transmitters, inflammatory and growth factors, selfsynchronizing genes and many other undiscovered mechanisms regulate vital functions. All
these elements are dependent on the availability of sun exposure.
In the morning, the components of the central nervous system launch hundreds of
reactions within the human body and the number of monoamines, the most important neurotransmitter of the nervous system, increases. At the same time, hormonal regulation in different
areas of the body is synchronized through chemical communications, following our activity
level and other hormones in our body. Successful synchronization of these activities is a
prerequisite for our well-being.
The decrease of light in favor of the dark activates the night hormones (melatonin), whose
level increases very much at night and touches the peak in the early morning hours. The lack of
light in winter or during evening can negatively affect our well-being, interfering in the essential
rhythm of the metabolism of events.
The existence of light in our lives is evident. As a result, we often forget its central role
for our well-being and for all life on the planet and in the universe. Scientific and technological
progress is showing the enormous potential of light. About the therapeutic properties of sunlight
we remember:
1) it has pain-relieving properties;
2) it burns fat;
3) variable sunlight according to solar cycles can regulate human life span. Exposure to
sunlight can directly affect our life span and can also accelerate genetic changes
providing survival benefits;
4) sun exposure improves mental performance;
5) it can be converted into metabolic energy [10-12].
From the point of view of physics, the light is an electromagnetic wave; the
electromagnetic field is responsible for the electromagnetic interaction. It consists of the
combination of the electric field with the magnetic one, and is generated locally by a timevarying distribution of electric charge that propagates in space in the form of electromagnetic
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According to quantum physics, every field is quantized, that is made up of discrete
quantities, has its basic brick (the quantum) not further divisible (for dimensions of the order
of the proton/neutron; for smaller dimensions and in extreme physical situations, the picture
becomes more articulate). The photon is the quantum of the electromagnetic field. It has been
historically also called the quantum of light, and was introduced at the beginning of the 20th
century, when it was understood that the energy of an electromagnetic wave is divided into
packets, in discrete portions. With the emergence of quantum mechanics, the photon has
acquired the role of particle.
The term “photon” comes from the Greek “φῶς, φωτός” (phòs, photòs), which means
light; it was coined in Paris in July 1926 by the optical physicist Frithiof Wolfers and
immediately used on scientific level [13-15].
The Standard Model (SM) is a unified physical theory that describes three of the four
fundamental forces known today, namely the strong and weak nuclear forces and the
electromagnetic force. The predictions of this theory have been extensively tested
experimentally with great accuracy. It is based on the mathematical theory of groups, in
particular on the SU(3) SU(2) U(1) group [16] (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Elementary particles of the Standard Model [16].
The standard model is extended by larger unified theories, which also consider the fourth
fundamental force (the force of gravity), in which the SU(3) SU(2) U(1) group is unified in
higher groups, called SU(5), SO(10), SU(11), E6, E8, and others larger ones [17].
There is still no consensus on how the universe initially came to be; a followed
assumption is that an energetic fluctuation caused the universe to tunnel into existence from
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quantum foam. The spontaneous symmetry breaking of the unified field occurred, then
separating gravity, matter fields and GUT’s (Grand Unified Theories) force field, as well as
initiating the expansion of the universe.
With the General Theory of Relativity, Einstein expected the universe to be closed and
filled with matter; moreover, always according to Einstein’s General Relativity (GR), the
matter-space-time cannot be separated by any cost. Going outside the gravitating sphere,
theoretically there is nothing; thus, outside the closed Einstein’s universe, where real time and
space cannot be defined, we assume within our new model an imaginary space and time, with
matter belonging to another phase. Again from Einstein’s GR, the universe was born by a zero
volume; an alternative idea is that the volume of our physical universe changes to another phase
like the phase-transition systems. Einstein’s explanation of GR works for our physical universe,
but it does not explain beyond our space-time, i.e. outside the gravitational sphere; Einstein’s
space-time is actually measurable within the gravitational field [18,19].
Until the end of nineties, almost all the discussions about classical and quantum
cosmology of singularities were devoted to the Big-Bang and Big-Crunch singularities, which
are characterized by the vanishing value of the cosmological radius. The construction of
different cosmological models has attracted the attention to the fact that other types of
cosmological singularities could exist, as the soft or sudden singularities called Big-Brake
cosmological singularity. They occur at a finite value of the scale factor and of its time
derivative. Another class of singularities should mention the Big-Rip singularity.
Figure 2. A list of studied string theories with their main characteristics.
In our model the space-time of the universe would be actually a complex space-time.
According to mathematics, we consider a narrower folded universe with real space-time and
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assume that it exists a wider unfolded universe with complex space-time, thus we get the spacetime of the global universe as a complex space-time. We found a relation between folded and
unfolded space-time of the global universe by using the Wheeler De-Witt (WDW) equation. In
quantum cosmology the universe, as a whole, is treated quantum mechanically and described
by a single wavefunction. To get a unique viable solution from WDW equation, we must respect
the boundary conditions of quantum cosmology, of primary importance in obtaining the
relevant solution.
The universe in our model has (4+D)-dimensions with a complex scale factor R + iRI,
where R is the scale factor corresponding to the usual 4–dimensional universe and iRI is that of
the D–dimensional space-time (i is the imaginary unit of complex numbers). It is found that for
D = 6 (i.e. in 10 dimensions), the WDW equation is symmetric under the exchange RI ↔ R,
explaining then the most popular M-theory / superstring theory [20-22] (Figure 2).
Our universe would emerge from the SU(11) group. Now, by group theory we know that:
SU(n) SU(p) SU (np) U(1).
Putting p=5, n=11 (where p > 1 and n - p > 1), we obtain:
SU(11) SU(5) SU(6) U(1).
We assumed SU(5) as energy group of matter and SU(6) as a new type of energy source,
called latent energy group. The breaking of the supergroup in SU(5) SU(6) groups leads to a
phase transition, with SU(5) leading to SU(3) SU(2) U(1) subgroups.
Figure 3. Graphical representation of the space-time with the new model.
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The idea that our 4-dimensional universe (3 spatial and 1 temporal dimensions) emerges
by a space-time with higher dimensions has received and is receiving serious attention to date
by the scientif community. The extra dimensions (6 dimensions in this case) would be
compactified into particular spaces called Calabi-Yau spaces. Unified theories (superstring
theories, M-theory) include both gravity and the Standard Model, with 10 space-time
dimensions [23-25] (Figure 3).
This global universe has (4+D)-dimensions, with the 4 canonical dimensions related to
Einstein’s space-time and the D extra dimensions associated with consciousness.
We are studying the quantum state of consciousness by introducing a series of new energy
sources: SU(5), SU(6), SU(12), etc. We assume that consciousness is more fundamental than
matter, that means there exists mainly two types of consciousness: an absolute consciousness
and a matter-oriented consciousness. The absolute consciousness fills the wider universe; it
controls the creation of the physical universe and then the matter-oriented consciousness.
Our universe appears by a symmetry breaking of the generalized Gaussian energy group
SU(11), that contains the groups SU(6) SU(5) U(1) from a Big-Rip singularity. Our physical
universe unfolded with the symmetry breaking of SU(11) and gave three fundamental energy
SU(6), called latent energy group, that has created the matter-oriented consciousness;
SU(5), the unified Gaussian energy group, that can be explained with Einstein theory
of Relativity and the Standard Model of physics;
U(1), related to electrodynamics.
The formation of the matter universe involves the group SU(5), whose subsets are SU(3)
(responsible for the nuclear strong force), SU(2) (responsible for the nuclear weak force) and
U(1) (responsible for the electrodynamics), as explained by Grand Unified Theories (GUTs)
Figure 4. New ideas derived by theoretical efforts of contemporary physics and related to
philosophy of mind.
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The group SU(6) is responsible for human consciousness, with the creation of qualia, the
qualitative aspects of every conscious experience, extremely specific and characterizing the
individual conscious experiences [26]. Thus consciousness is not only in our brains, but it also
exists outside. Our own consciousness is a part of the universal consciousness [27] (Figure 4).
As anticipated, the SU(6) group can be interpreted as a new type of energy source,
different from that derived from SU(5); SU(6) would therefore directly control the entire
universe including ourselves, also creating the consciousness. The electromagnetic interaction
through the SU(6)U(1) structure, called pseudo-electromagnetic interaction, can be
responsible for sensory consciousness with the material electromagnetic interaction obtained
by the SU(2) U(1) structure.
In relation to the electromagnetic theories of consciousness, the “Conscious
Electromagnetic Information Field Theory” (CEMI) states that the electromagnetic field in the
brain refines the probabilities of neuronal triggering. Affected neurons can be a part of larger
connected groups, leading to memory and learning. In simulated networks, non-synaptic
neuronal interactions through the electromagnetic field and gap junctions improve learning [2831] (Figure 5).
Whenever the wavefunction of the electron collapses, experiences like the OBE (Out of
Body Experience) and NDE (Near Death Experience) end, the person returns to her/his physical
body and her/his perception of reality is similar to the collapse of the wavefunction in the
double-slit experiment in quantum physics [32-34]. During OBE and NDE, consciousness can
enter in an independent fluctuating existence outside the human body, where it can travel
independently by the space-time, in a similar way to an entangled electron [35,36]. The
entanglement plays in our model a very important role.
Figure 5. Illustration of Robert Blair’s poem “The Grave”, depicting the soul leaving
the body.
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The experience of light, substance close to the incorporeal and closely linked to the
intelligible, refers to other from itself. The light reveals itself as an extreme attempt to
materialize the intelligible. We can participate the two aspects of this double articulation, sign
and sense, perceived by the eye and the mind.
Quantum physics indicates that consciousness is correlated to the awareness that an
electron seems to show in the wave-particle duality; but the electron behaves differently when
it is observed by a human. This indicates that it will change its behavior/reality depending on
whether it is observed or not, as if it would be aware of the fact of being observed. This
awareness is very similar (if not the same) to human awareness and can be connected to the
same consciousness. Consciousness works for the formation of our universe, with a behaviour
similar to quantum entanglement.
Recent scientific developments indicate in consciousness a non-material entity capable
of independent existence, and not a simple property. It can remain localized in the human brain
and interact with it, and therefore, control the activities of the human body.
The space-time of the global universe is a complex space-time and there is neither any
starting point nor any ending point of the wider universe, measurable in quantum cosmology.
There exists the initial and ending conditions for narrower universe, measurable in classical
way, that has emerged from the wider universe by the process of phase changing. The wider
universe is other than Einstein’s universe, which derives from the first one.
Electrons in the brain behave as particles, so they prevent the consciousness from
realizing that it is part of a larger whole. When the electrons behave as a wave, the
consciousness becomes aware of its existence outside the human brain, and this makes OBE
and NDE possible. We can conclude that consciousness is a quantum mechanical entity that can
have an independent existence, but related with matter substances.
How do the “ego” or the “self” or the “perceived wholeness” of own world emerge from
a system made up of so many parts, billions of neurons? What creates the “individuality” and
the “self”? A possible solution to these questions is to consider the human being as an entity
given by the combination of two different characters of electromagnetic wavefunctions,
produced in two different phases by the symmetry breaking of SU(11) and SU(5) groups.
Biography of the authors
Paolo Di Sia is currently adjunct professor by the University of Padova and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
(Italy). His scientific interests span transdisciplinary physics, classical and quantum-relativistic nanophysics, nanoneuroscience, theories of everything, foundations of physics, history and philosophy of science. He is author of
286 works to date, is reviewer of some academic books, editor of international academic books, reviewer of many
international journals. He obtained many international awards, is member of many scientific societies and of many
International Advisory/Editorial Boards, recently awarded with the title of Doctor of Mathematics (D.Math) as
legitimate honor by the International American Council for Research and Development, California Public
University, USA.
Narayan Kumar Bhadra is a 16-years teacher and 19-years headmaster/principal of a government sponsored higher
secondary school in West Bengal (India). His scientific activity spans the complex quantum-state of consciousness
and the cosmology of the very early universe (specially quantum cosmology). He published many preprints and
papers on international journals.
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