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2022, Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning APACALL Webinar 2022
11 pages
1 file
Invited Presentation at a Webinar based at the University of Southern Queensland in Australia. ABSTRACT: Podcasting originated as a new form of audio broadcasting, but by 2006, issues of ease of use, proprietary technology, and finances slowed its momentum. Now podcasting is more popular than ever. This presentation therefore traces the author’s initial and current CALL podcasting projects, reconsidering the foundations and pedagogy of podcasting. MAIN SLIDES: Explanatory Concepts / Japancasting revived in 2022 in India / Podcasting Pedagogy / Conclusions. NOTE: On the title page of the PDF there is a link to the very clear 28-minute Zoom recording to watch the presentation on YouTube.
The essay takes the resignation of the Marquess of Ripon from the Grand Mastership of the United Grand Lodge of England, in 1874, for a discussion on the position of religious freedom and tolerance in Freemasonry.
-- Indus Script Meluhha graphemes on Sanchi Torso– Two endless knots, buck -- kala ’stag, buck’ rebus: kal ‘skill, machine, gadget’ kalā ‘boat’ --mēḍhā 'twist, endless-knot’ rebus: medhā ‘yajna gr̥ham, dhanam’ any valued object , (esp.) wealth , riches , (movable) property , money , treasure , gift RV. &c. medho ‘merchant’ “The 'Sanchi Torso' is a delicately but rigorously modelled body of a Bodhisattva, found from Sanchi, near Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh. It is dated around 900 CE. It is considered a masterpiece among the ancient Indian sculptures. It's smooth contours are emphasized by the minutely carved jewelled collar and belt and the scarf of antelope skin hanging over the left shoulders. It was probably part of a pair of Bodhisattvas on either side of Buddha sculpture inside Temple 45, Sanchi”-- Endless knot on the antelopeskin compares with the grapheme on copper plate A3b Buck is as shown on Rehmandheri seal Two endless knots.Two. Dula ‘two’ rebus: dul ‘metalcasting’ Thus, dul medho ‘metalcasting merchant’
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi dergisi, 2022
III. Meditasyonda, Descartes, zihinde bulduğumuz Tanrı fikrini zihin dışındaki bir Tanrı'nın varlığına kanıt olarak ortaya koyar. Ona göre zihnimizde aşkın, her şeyin yaratıcısı, sonsuz bir töz olarak nitelediğimiz Tanrı'nın bir fikri vardır ve böyle bir varlık fikri bizim sonlu doğamızın eseri olamaz. Ancak sonradan olan hiçbir şey kendi kendine meydana gelemez ve bir şeyin nedeninin, sonucundan daha çok gerçekliğe sahip olması gerekir. O halde zihnimizde bulduğumuz Tanrı fikrinin nedeni ancak Tanrı'nın varlığı olmalıdır. Sonuç olarak bu argüman insan zihninde niçin kendisinden aşkın, her şeyin yaratıcısı ve sonsuz bir varlık olarak düşünülen bir Tanrı fikrinin bulunduğuna yine insan zihninin bir cevabı olarak görülmeye layıktır. Makale zihnimizdeki Tanrı fikrinin Tanrı'nın varlığına nasıl kanıt olarak kullanılabileceğini tartışmakta ve bu argümanın kozmolojik kanıt türünde görülebileceğini iddia etmektedir.
Pendidikan merupakan aspek yang menentukan majunya kualitas sumber daya manusia. Peningkatan mutu dan kualitas pendidikan formal ditentukan oleh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah. Kepemimpinan kepala sekolah yang berhak mengarahkan, menentukan, memutuskan, dan mengatur sistem sekolah, sehingga majunya suatu sekolah sangat ditentukan oleh pimpinan sekolah. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, serta kontribusinya terhadap peningkatan dan pengembangan kualitas pendidikan menunjang terciptanya sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dan mampu bersaing di bidangnya. Olehnya itu, seberapapun profesionalnya guru-guru di sekolah, jika tidak ditunjang dengan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah yang baik dan kompeten, maka sekolah tersebut tidak dapat meningkatkan mutu dan kualitas pendidikan secara keseluruhan. Kata kunci: kepemimpinan, pengembangan dan peningkatan mutu dan kualitas pendidikan
W świadomości społecznej feminizm i ekologia funkcjonują na ogół jako odrębne nurty ideologiczne, których założenia koncentrują się wokół odmiennych problemów. Mówiąc najogólniej, feminizm kładzie nacisk na sprawy kobiet, wskazuje n a nierówności, jakie występują między płciami, i dąży do poprawy sytuacji kobiet w społeczeństwie. Z kolei ekologia skupia się przede wszystkim na kwestiach związanych z ochroną przyrody i przeciwdziałaniem degradacji środowiska naturalnego. Poszukiwanie wspólnego mianownika dla ekologii i feminizmu kieruje nas w stronę ekofeminizmu, który zdaje się łączyć te dwie, pozornie odległe od siebie ideologie. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest — z jednej strony — ukazanie wspólnej płaszczyzny ideologicznej feminizmu i ekologii przez przedstawienie ogólnych założeń feminizmu i ekofeminizmu, z drugiej natomiast — pokazanie praktycznej, instytucjonalnej sfery funkcjonowania aliansu ekologii i feminizmu. Innymi słowy, chcemy wykazać, że postulaty zwolenników ekofemini...
Scientia Iranica, 2018
In this paper, we propose new Shewhart-EWMA (SEWMA) and Shewhart-CUSUM (SCUSUM) control charts using varied L ranked set sampling (VLRSS) for monitoring the process mean, namely the SEWMA-VLRSS and SCUSUM-VLRSS charts. The run length characteristics of the proposed charts are computed using extensive Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed charts are compared with their existing counterparts in terms of the average and standard deviation of run lengths. It is found that, with perfect and imperfect rankings, the SEWMA-VLRSS and SCUSUM-VLRSS charts are more sensitive than their analogous charts based on simple random sampling, ranked set sampling (RSS) and median RSS schemes. A real dataset is also used to explain the implementation of the proposed control charts.
Section 1 : Archaeology 1. Chronology and cultural affinity of the kurgan Arzhan-2 complex according to archaeological data K. Chugunov, H. Parzinger, A. Nagler…………………………………1 2. Some chronological problems of European Scythia: archaeology and radiocarbon A.Yu Alekseev ………………………………………………..…….....9 3 Migrations of early nomads of the Eurasian steppe in a context of climatic changes 4. The Northern Black Sea steppes in the Cimmerian epoch S. Makhortykh…………………………………………………………35 Section 2: Chronology 5. Radiocarbon, the calibration curve and Scythian chronology. 6. The occupation history of the southern Eurasian steppe during the Holocene: chronology, the calibration curve and methodological problems of the Scythian chronology. 7. 14 C dating of the Siberian Steppe Zone from Bronze Age to Scythian time. 8. Northwest Caspian Sea steppe: environment and migration crossroads of pastoral culture population during the third millennium BC. 9. Chronology of Pazyryk 2 and Ulandryk 4 kurgans based on high resolution radiocarbon dating and dendrochronology-a step towards more precise dating of Scythian burials.
ARGUMENTO DEL DUODÉCIMO ACTO Llegando la media noche, Calisto, Sempronio y Pármeno, armados, van para casa de Melibea. Lucrecia y Melibea están cabe la puerta, aguardando a Calisto. Viene Calisto. Háblale primero Lucrecia. Llama a Melibea. Apártase Lucrecia. Háblanse por entre las puertas Melibea y Calisto. Pármeno y Sempronio en su cabo departen. Oyen gentes por la calle. Apercíbense para huir. Despídese Calisto de Melibea, dejando concertada la tornada para la noche siguiente. Pleberio, al son del ruido que había en la calle, despierta. Llama a su mujer, Alisa. Preguntan a Melibea quién da patadas en su cámara. Responde Melibea a su padre fingiendo que tenía sed. Calisto, con sus criados, va para su casa hablando. Échase a dormir. Pármeno y Sempronio van a casa de Celestina, demandan su parte de la ganancia. Disimula Celestina. Vienen a reñir. Échanle mano a Celestina; mátanla. Da voces Elicia. Viene la justicia y prende a ambos. CALISTO, LUCRECIA, MELIBEA, SEMPRONIO, PÁRMENO, PLEBERIO, ALISA, CELESTINA, ELICIA. CALISTO.-Mozos, ¿qué hora da el reloj? SEMPRONIO.-Las diez...
Публичная политика. Том 7, № 1–2, 2023, 2023
В статье рассмотрены взаимоотношения городской локальной идентичности и публичной политики, выявлены основные проблемы, сформулированы модели включения городской идентичности в сферу публичной политики.
Infant Mental Health Journal, 2011
Política y Sociedad, 2024
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Inicijal. Časopis za srednjovekovne studije / Initial. A Review of Medieval Studies 12 (2024), 2024
Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, 2024
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