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According to researches, motivation that initiates and sustains behaviour is one of the most significant components of learning in any environment. Accordingly, level of intrinsic motivation triggers and sustains the interest of the open... more
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      E-learningDistance EducationStudent Motivation And EngagementTurkey
In March 2020, COVID-19 appeared in the State of Maryland, resulting in strict stayat-home orders and the shutting down of physical business operations. These restrictions directly impacted College Park Academy (CPA), a public charter... more
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      Qualitative ResearchOnline and Distance EducationCommunity of InquiryDisaster risk reduction
Las instituciones mexicanas de educación superior han incorporado la tecnología educativa en sus planes y programas de estudios para cumplir cabalmente con sus responsabilidades educativas y sociales. De esta manera se ha logrado ampliar... more
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      Higher EducationEducational ResearchOnline and Distance Education
Online education is the type of education that takes place through the internet. The learner is required to have a computer that has active internet connection to be able to attend a free online courses. All the instructions and... more
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      EducationInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyE-learning
Статията представя в сравнителен план резултатите от проведено през 2020-2021 г. анкетно проучване сред специални педагози в България и Гърция, работещи с деца и ученици със специални образователни потребности (СОП) в онлайн и... more
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      Online and Distance EducationSpecial Educational NeedsComparative Education
E-learning students’ fora were studied both manually and by computer. Physically distant students were asked to collaborate to write a program in small groups. Tutors evaluated the records of their discussions to assess the collaborative... more
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      Information RetrievalApplied LinguisticsOnline and Distance EducationText Linguistics
With the rapid developments of information technologies, distance education programs in library and information science are increasing across the world. Instructors play very important roles in providing high quality instruction for... more
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      Distance EducationOnline LearningOnline and Distance Education
Over the last decade, the community of inquiry framework has proved successful for online learning experiences in diverse disciplines, although studies in the teaching of English as a foreign language arena are still scarce. In this vein,... more
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      Online and Distance EducationForeign language teaching and learningCommunity of InquiryOral/ speaking skills in English language
The pandemic process compelled many educational institutions to apply online education during the quarantine. Therefore, design studios in practice-based disciplines such as architecture and industrial design have been adapted themselves... more
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      Design educationArchitectural EducationOnline and Distance Education
In late-2018, AWS Educate engaged FHI 360 to design and conduct a study to help understand how their no-cost online education program1 had impacted the economic lives of participating learners. AWS Educate was interested in understanding... more
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      Higher EducationOnline and Distance EducationCloud ComputingEducation Technology
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
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      PhysicsEpistemologyScience EducationDiscourse
The emergent phenomenon of geographically dispersed teaching in the online environment creates new challenges and opportunities for social work education. Inevitably, this paradigm shift will lead to a change in the way that courses are... more
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      Virtual CommunitiesInclusionOnline and Distance EducationREMOTE WORK
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      EducationOnline and Distance EducationSelf-Paced LearningSelf Paced eLearning
Limited data exists related to teaching and learning in K-12 virtual schools. This paper builds upon a recent study related to successful practices of K-12 online instructors. The paper describes the utilization of a survey built upon... more
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      EvaluationProfessional DevelopmentOnline and Distance EducationBest Practices
En la actualidad, el gran desarrollo que han tenido las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) y la evolución de Internet, permiten a los usuarios la generación de contenidos, la interacción y el almacenamiento en la... more
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    • Online and Distance Education
The following is a sample template that you might use to help your students to track their own progress throughout your course. Our goal is to help our students to be as successful as they can and providing them with an assignment... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationInstructional DesignEducational Technology
Due to the spread of Covid-19 in the first months of 2020, almost all Universities across Europe had to close their buildings and migrate online. This rapid shift towards the provision of education online has been characterized by the... more
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      Online and Distance EducationPrivacy and data protectionGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Emergency Remote Teaching
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      PsychologyHigher EducationPublic HealthOnline and Distance Education
This study examines the design process of a blended learning environment using a learning management system to transform Basic English courses into the web-based distance learning format in the School of Foreign Languages at a large scale... more
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      EducationDesignInstructional Systems TechnologyInstructional Design
The objectives of the study were to show the basic differences between Distance, Blended and Online learning, and establish their common challenges from literature. Approximately 35 categories/sets of research results or findings from... more
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      Computer ScienceDistance EducationInternet StudiesMobile Learning
"Learning in the 21 st century has drastically changed how learners access and process information" (1). The authors of Best Practices in Engaging Online Learners begin by describing specific changes in higher education that directly... more
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      Active LearningExperiential Learning (Active Learning)Online LearningOnline and Distance Education
Although extensive research has been carried out on virtual learning environments and the role of groups and communities in social networks, few studies exist which adequately cover the relationship between these two domains In this... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSocial NetworksE-learningSocial Networking
The following is a list of links to course design and development checklists, guidelines, and samples that have been prepared/compiled to date that may be used to support faculty in preparation for their classes
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      EducationInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyTeacher Education
The purpose of this paper is to explore the implementation of online learning in distance educational delivery at Yellow Fields University (pseudonymous) in Sri Lanka. The implementation of online distance education at the University... more
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      Distance EducationHigher EducationEducational ResearchICT in Education
The purpose of this study was to explore the structural relationships between knowledge sharing behaviors (KSB), academic self-efficacy (ASE) and sense of community (SoC) of university students in e-learning community. The study was... more
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      Educational TechnologyDistance EducationOnline InstructionKnowledge sharing
Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationDistance EducationHigher Education
Nos últimos anos a Educação a Distância vem adquirindo reconhecimento como uma modalidade de educação apropriada para o alcance de metas de políticas públicas. Através da Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB), o Ministério da Educação... more
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      Online and Distance EducationEducação a DistânciaEquidade e Qualidade na Educação
This paper presents and evaluates a new educational tool and a model for learning theory and practice of game development, by involving geographically separated and culturally different industrial and academic organizations. We propose a... more
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      Online and Distance EducationBridging the Gap of Academia & IndustryVideo Game Development
Capítulo 12: As Comunidades de Prática e o Problem-Based Learning como Facilitador da Educação a Distância. Capítulo 14: Articulações entre Educação Profissional Tecnológica e Educação a Distância: potencialidades para o... more
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      Distance EducationOnline and Distance EducationICT4DEV
Extent/type: 306 pages, paperback Price: ISBN: 978‐1‐59385‐872‐8 Just as the advent of new technologies in educational contexts creates the conditions for a reexamination of education practices, so too the expansion and increasing... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyOnline and Distance Education
In this paper we report the major themes we identified in the literature surrounding flexible education that has been published in Distance Education over the last 40 years. We identified six themes: the qualities of flexibility as... more
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      Distance EducationOnline and Distance EducationFlexible Education
With a view to attracting more students and offering flexible learning opportunities, online teaching and learning is becoming increasingly widespread across the higher education sector. It is now found across a wide range of disciplines... more
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      Technology in Teacher EducationOnline and Distance Education
The WorkFusion Training course educates learners on the way of implementing the Intelligent Automation rudiments, Smart Process Automation, and Power User in real time.
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      E-learningOnline and Distance Education
This paper will explore how online technologies may be used to enhance the quality of inquiry-based humanities courses. More commonly found in science and math classes, inquiry-based skills engage with content in ways that emphasize such... more
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      HumanitiesTheologyDistance EducationInquiry Based Learning
ABSTRACT This study examines the effect of goal instructions on students’ reasoning and argumentation in an interactive context (discussing a topic on-line). Goal instructions specify the goal of a discussion. General goals (to persuade... more
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      PsychologyCognitionCritical ThinkingComputer Supported Collaborative Learning
Following the new Defense educational strategy at the Norwegian Defense University College (NDUC), one of the measures has been to implement Problem Based Learning (PBL), lay the grounds for more student activity and flipped classroom.... more
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      EducationInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyTeacher Education
Linha do tempo que caracteriza o movimento da educação a distância no Brasil.
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    • Online and Distance Education
It disrupted traditional education. It has become the buzz word not only among distance educators but among the conventional universities as well especially since the early implementers came from the latter group. It is called MOOC which... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyE-learningDistance Education
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      Online LearningOnline and Distance EducationAdult and Continuing EducationAdult Higher Education
Não há como negar que a educação mudou nestas duas décadas, inclusive no Brasil, graças à internet. Ocorreram mudanças, mas os avanços são relativos. São muitos os problemas a serem superados e a maioria deles não está ligada diretamente... more
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      Educational TechnologyDistance EducationOnline and Distance EducationOpen Distance Learning
Beyond being responsive to the demand for online learning in the marketplace, UC Davis Extension lacks the system and tools to assess, improve and sustain the quality of online instruction it delivers. This study evaluates the strengths... more
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      Online and Distance EducationOnline Best Practices In Higher EducationOnline Higher Education
The currently available measures of online teaching effectiveness (OTE) have several flaws, including a lack of psychometric rigor, high costs, and reliance on the construct of traditional onthe-ground teaching effectiveness as opposed to... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationOnline LearningOnline and Distance Education
This study reports an analysis of 10 years in the life of the Internet-based Master in Educational Technology program (iMET) at Sacramento State University. iMET is a hybrid educational technology master’s program delivered 20% face to... more
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      Distance EducationSocial Network Analysis (SNA)Online LearningOnline and Distance Education
a. Les avancées technologiques Les avancées technologiques ont toujours existé et ont eu un impact important sur les différentes dimensions de la vie. En ce début de siècle, les nouvelles technologies ont mené au développement de... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceInstructional DesignEducational Technology
Instructional design literature and numerous course development rubrics point to the importance of systematically designing and aligning course elements (click here to see a brief overview of systematic alignment guides as well as a... more
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      EducationInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyTeacher Education
In this episode we look at two different types of online learning environments: a centralised Learning Management System (LMS) and free, open access social media. We discuss the benefits of each and highlight some important issues that... more
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      EducationWeb 2.0Educational TechnologySocial Networks
This episode aims to give you an introduction to the Learning to Teach Online project, define its aims, and explains how you can use these resources to help you get started with online teaching, or improve your existing practice. Please... more
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      EducationWeb 2.0Educational TechnologySocial Networks
Etkileşim terimi, yüzyüze eğitim ortamlarının yanı sıra günümüzde çevrimiçi öğrenme ortamlarının tasarımında sıklıkla duyulmaktadır. Çevrimiçi araçlar farklı etkileşim türlerini barındırmaktadır. Etkileşim üzerine kuramsal çerçeveyi... more
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      Distance EducationInteraction DesignOnline LearningLearning Outcomes
This file contains a table that compares five course rubrics that are available to help guide course design. The goal was to identify what the common categories were across these rubrics as well as to document some of the details... more
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      EducationInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyTeacher Education
This study examines the effect of goal instructions on students’ reasoning and argumentation in an interactive context (discussing a topic on-line). Goal instructions specify the goal of a discussion. General goals (to persuade or... more
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      Persuasion (Psychology)Critical ThinkingComputer-Mediated CommunicationComputer Supported Collaborative Learning