Case Report
Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia Associated with
HLA-A11 Alloantibody
Pimlak Charoenkwan1, Rungrote Natesirinilkul1, Nipapan Leetrakool2,
Sucheela Chomsook2, Pawinee Kupatawintu3 and Somporn Chotinaruemol1
Department of Pediatrics; 2Blood Bank Section, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai; 3National Blood Centre, Thai Red
Cross Society, Bangkok
Abstract: Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) is a result of platelet destruction by maternal antibodies
directed against paternally-inherited antigens on neonatal platelets. NAIT is mostly caused by antibodies to
human platelet antigens (HPA). This is a report of a term newborn with NAIT associated with an antibody to the
human leukocyte antigens (HLA). The newborn presented with cutaneous bleeding at 5 days of age. The lowest
platelet count was 36.8x109/L. An antibody to HLA-A11 was present in maternal serum while HPA antibodies
were not detected. The HLA-A11 antigen was identified in the patient, sister, and father, but not the mother.
The newborn received intravenous immunoglobulin and had a favorable outcome.
Keywords : l HLA antibody l Human leukocyte antigen l NAIT l Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
J Hematol Transfus Med 2015;25:149-54.
Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) is
a result of platelet destruction by maternal antibodies
directed against paternally-inherited antigens on fetal
platelets. The incidence of NAIT is 1:1,000-1:2,000
pregnancies.1,2 The most serious complication of NAIT
is intracranial hemorrhage, which occurs in 10-30% of
patients.1,3-5 NAIT can occur in the first pregnancy, and
recur in approximately 90% of subsequent pregnancies.5-7
The most common cause of NAIT is antibodies to one
of the human platelet antigens (HPA). In the western
population, antibodies to HPA-1a and HPA-5b are the
most common causes, while in the Japanese population
antibody to HPA-4b is the most common.1, 2
HLA antibodies frequently occur in pregnant women,
although their role in NAIT has been controversial.8 We
Received 11 March 2014 Accepted 7 April 2015
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Assoc. Prof. Pimlak
Charoenkwan, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang
Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand E-mail: pimlak.c@cmu.ac.th
herein report a case of NAIT associated with HLA-A11
antibody. The antibody reacting to paternal HLA phenotype specific cells was detected in maternal serum. The
patient was treated with intravenous immunoglobulin
(IVIg) and had a favorable outcome.
Case report
A five-day-old female newborn presented with
petechiae scattering over her face and body. She was
the second child of the family, born by Caesarean section
at 39 weeks of gestation. Her birth weight was 3,344 g.
The Apgar scores were 9 and 10 at 1 and 5 minutes,
respectively. The 31-year-old mother was healthy and had
not received any blood transfusion. Her 2-year-old sister
was healthy with no history of NAIT. Physical examination
showed an active newborn with generalized petechiae.
She was otherwise well, without hepatosplenomegaly,
dysmorphic features or signs of infection.
A complete blood count showed a hemoglobin (Hb)
of 15.3 g/dL, hematocrit (Hct) 45.4%, white blood cell
วารสารโลหิตวิทยาและเวชศาสตรบริการโลหิต ปที่ 25 ฉบับที่ 2 เมษายน-มิถุนายน 2558
Pimlak Charoenkwan, et al.
(WBC) count 7.4 x 109/L (neutrophil 71%, eosinophil 3.4%,
basophil 1.3%, lymphocyte 15.3%, monocyte 9.2%), and
a platelet count of 63.5 x 109/L. Maternal platelet count
was 298 x 109/L. Later at 6 days of age, the platelet
count decreased to 36.8 x 109/L. The patient was then
treated with 5 g (1.5 g/kg) of IVIg. Platelet transfusion
was not given. Her platelet count increased to 155.1 x
109/L on the next day. After a discharge from the
hospital, the patient was clinically well without further
bleeding. A cranial ultrasound showed no evidence
of intracranial hemorrhage. The platelet count was
529 x 109/L and 434 x 109/L at 14 and 51 days of age,
Materials and Methods
Screening for platelet antibodies
The maternal and the patient’s sera were collected
at 5 days after delivery. The sera were screened for
platelet antibodies by a qualitative solid-phase enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Pakplus, Gen-Probe
Incorporated, Waukesha, WI, USA). The test screened
for antibodies to HLA class I antigens and to epitopes
on platelet glycoproteins IIb/IIIa, Ib/IX, Ia/IIa, and IV.
The maternal serum was also screened for plateletassociated immunoglobulin G (IgG) by a solid phase
red cell adherence (SPRCA) assay.
Screening and identification of HLA antibodies
The maternal serum was screened for HLA antibodies
by microlymphocytotoxicity test (LCT), with known panels
of T and B lymphocytes which covered the common
HLA antigens in Thai populations, and was subsequently
tested by the flow-based bead assays (Luminex, One
Lambda Inc., Canoga Park, CA, USA) to determine the
HLA class I specificity. The patient’s serum was also
tested by the flow-based bead assays.
HPA Typing
Genotyping of HPA-1 to HPA-7 and HPA-15 of the
patient, her parents and sister were performed by using
a multiplex polymerase chain reaction as previously
J Hematol Transfus Med Vol. 25 No. 2 April-June 2015
HLA typing and crossmatching
HLA typing was performed in the patient, her parents
and sister. HLA-A and HLA-B were serologically typed
by micro LCT with qualified anti-HLA sera (Department
of Transfusion Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj
Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand). HLA-A,
B, and HLA-C alleles were determined by the polymerase
chain reaction-sequence specific oligonucleotide probe
(PCR-SSO) method (Innogenetics, Gent, Belgium). The
crossmatching between maternal serum and the patient’s,
sister’s, and paternal lymphocytes was performed by micro
LCT. The crossmatching between patient’s serum and
the sister’s, and paternal lymphocytes was performed by
the same method. The crossmatching between maternal
serum and paternal platelets was also performed by a
SPRCA assay.
The results of platelet HPA and HLA genotyping
and antibody identification from the patient and her
family were summarized in Tables 1 and 2. The ELISA
assay and platelet-associated IgG screening showed no
detectable antibodies. There were HPA-3 and HPA-15
incompatibilities between the newborn and her mother.
HLA antibody screening and identification showed antiHLA antibodies to HLA class I (HLA-A11) in the mother.
HLA crossmatching in the newborn initially showed
positive result, but after the serum was treated with
dithiothreitol (DTT), the antibody was not detected. This
may be explained by a low level of antibody.
Similarly, HLA-A11 antigen was found in the patient
(HLA-A*11:01/31:01), sister (HLA-A*11:02/31:01) and
father (HLA-A*11:01/11:02), but not in the mother. The
crossmatching between maternal serum and the patient’s,
sister’s, and paternal lymphocytes by micro LCT showed
strongly positive results. The crossmatching between
maternal serum and paternal platelets by SPRCA assay
also showed positive result. The mother’s blood group
was O, Rh(D) positive. The patient’s, sister’s, and paternal
blood group were B, Rh(D) positive. To exclude a
NAIT associated with HLA-A11 alloantibody
Table 1 Platelet HPA and HLA genotypes
Platelet HPA and HLA genotypes
Table 2 Results of HPA and HLA antibodies studies
Platelet HPA and HLA antibodies
Platelet antibody screening by ELISA
Platelet associated IgG screening by SPRCA
Not tested
Crossmatch serum with paternal lymphocytes by microlymphocytotoxicity test
Crossmatch serum with paternal platelets by SPRCA assay
Not done
HLA class I antibody screening by Luminex method
Positive 65%
HLA class I antibody identification by Luminex method
HLA-A11 antibody
Not tested
ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; HPA, human platelet antigen;
IgG, immunoglobulin G; SPRCA, solid phase red cell adherence
false positive crossmatching result from anti-B, a cross- not in the patient’s serum may be explained by a delay
matching between O-type serum from a male control in serum collection, at five days of age. The father had
was negative.
HLA-A11 (HLA-A*11:02/11:01), and the elder daughter
and the patient had different alleles of HLA-A11. The
HLA-A11 antigen presented in both daughters likely
This is a report of NAIT associated with an HLA caused repeated sensitization and alloimmunization in
antibody. The newborn presented with early-onset the mother. The crossmatching between maternal serum
thrombocytopenia with cutaneous bleeding at five days and the patient’s, sister’s, and paternal lymphocytes
of age. The diagnosis was made by the presence of showed positive results. The patient did not have
HLA antibody directed to the newborn HLA-A11 antigen. infections or hepatosplenomegaly that could explain
An anti-HLA-A11 antibody detected in maternal but thrombocytopenia. She responded well to IVIg.
วารสารโลหิตวิทยาและเวชศาสตรบริการโลหิต ปที่ 25 ฉบับที่ 2 เมษายน-มิถุนายน 2558
Pimlak Charoenkwan, et al.
Of note, our case had HPA-3 and HPA-15 incompatibilities. Although HPA antibodies were not detected, the
HPA incompatibilites may weaken our conclusion that
the NAIT in this case was caused solely by the HLA
antibody. Antibody to HPA-3a was reported to react
with labile component of HPA-3a, and only with fresh,
unfixed platelets by SPRCA, immunofluorescence test
and mixed passive hemagglutination test. The MAIPA
assay showed negative result.10 An ELISA test performed
in our case may have failed to detect an antibody to
labile component of HPA-3a.
Antibodies to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) are
seen in 7-39% of pregnancies.11 As platelets express
class I HLA on the surface12, it is conceivable that HLA
antibodies are a cause of NAIT. Nevertheless, several
large studies have shown that the antibodies are not
associated with NAIT.13-15 In a prospective study by King
et al, HLA-antibodies were seen in 31% of 447 maternal
sera at delivery, but the presence of antibodies was not
associated with the newborns’ platelet count.13 Sharon
et al showed that HLA antibodies were detected in 33%
of 1,507 maternal sera. Although the antibodies reacted
with paternal lymphocytes, none of the newborns had
thrombocytopenia.14 Reasons refuting the role of HLA
antibodies include the presence of HLA antigens on
fetal placental tissue and all nucleated cells that can
adsorb the antibodies, and the reduced HLA expression
on neonatal platelets.8
On the other hand, Mueller-Eckhardt et al reported
that in 6.9% of 144 HPA-1A negative mothers of newborns
with presumed NAIT, only HLA antibodies were present.1
This implicated the role of HLA antibodies in NAIT.
There are also several case reports of NAIT caused by
HLA antibodies.11,16-22 The evidences are especially strong
for the antibody to HLA-A2 and NAIT.11,16 HLA-A2 is
the common HLA antigen in most populations. In this
case, the antibody is directed to HLA-A11, which is
the common HLA antigen in Thai population (frequency
of 27.7%).23
J Hematol Transfus Med Vol. 25 No. 2 April-June 2015
In NAIT associated with HLA antibodies, the onset is
usually shortly after birth, but may be later to within a few
days after birth.16-22 The platelet counts are moderately to
severely decreased. Cases with concurrent neutropenia
were reported.21,22 Treatments of choice for those with
severe thrombocytopenia or bleeding are IVIg and maternal
or cross-matched platelet transfusion.
In our case, the patient responded well to IVIg without
platelet transfusion. There have been several reports of
mild cases of NAIT associated with antibodies to HLA
who resolved spontaneously or responded to IVIg alone
and not needing platelet transfusion.18-20,22 Although the
mother and patient were not tested for autoimmune
diseases, neonatal autoimmune thrombocytopenia was
less likely as her mother had no history of autoimmune
disease and had a normal platelet count.
Anti-HLA antibody was reported to cause a refractoriness to random platelet transfusion in a newborn who
had NAIT from antibody to HPA-1a.24 Transfusion of
maternal platelets was effective in increasing the platelet
count. It was suggested that anti-HLA antibodies,
although not associated with NAIT, may complicate
the treatment by causing refractoriness, and transfusion
of maternal platelet was a treatment of choice.
Our case supports the role of HLA antibodies as a
cause of NAIT. The condition should be considered in
newborns with isolated thrombocytopenia, who have
HLA antibodies directed to paternal antigens, no HPA
incompatibilities, and other causes of thrombocytopenia
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Pimlak Charoenkwan, et al.
ที่เกี่ยวของกับแอนติบอดีชนิด HLA-A11
พิมพลักษณ เจริญขวัญ1 รุงโรจณ เนตรศิรินิลกุล1 นิภาพรรณ ลี้ตระกูล2 สุชีลา ชมสุข2
ภาวิณี คุปตวินทุ3 และ สมพร โชตินฤมล1
ภาควิชากุมารเวชศาสตร 2งานธนาคารเลือด คณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม 3ศูนยบริการโลหิตแหงชาติ สภากาชาดไทย
บทคัดยอ ภาวะเกล็ดเลือดต่ำาจากการทำาลายดวยอัลโลอิมมูนในทารกแรกเกิด (neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, NAIT)
เปนผลจากการทำาลายเกล็ดเลือดโดยแอนติบอดีจากมารดาซึ่งจับกับแอนติเจนบนผิวเกล็ดเลือดของทารกที่รับถายทอดจากบิดา NAIT
สวนใหญเกิดจากแอนติบอดีตอแอนติเจนชนิด human platelet antigen (HPA) งานวิจัยนี้ไดรายงานผูปวยทารกแรกเกิดที่เปน
NAIT ที่เกี่ยวของกับแอนติบอดีตอแอนติเจนชนิด human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A11 โดยทารกมีอาการเลือดออกที่ผิวหนัง
เมื่ออายุ 5 วัน จำานวนเกล็ดเลือดต่ำาที่สุด 36.8 x 109 ตอลิตร พบแอนติบอดีตอ HLA-A11 ในซีรัมของมารดาโดยไมพบแอนติบอดี
ตอ HPA พบแอนติเจนชนิด HLA-A11 ในทารก พี่สาว และบิดา แตไมพบในมารดา ทารกไดรับอิมมูโนโกลบูลินทางหลอดเลือดดำา
Keywords : l แอนติบอดีตอ HLA l Human leukocyte antigen l NAIT
l ภาวะเกล็ดเลือดต่ำาจากการทำาลายดวยอัลโลอิมมูนในทารกแรกเกิด
วารสารโลหิตวิทยาและเวชศาสตรบริการโลหิต 2558;25:149-54.
J Hematol Transfus Med Vol. 25 No. 2 April-June 2015