Journal of American Science 2013;9(10)
Bioactive compounds from Tipuana tipu growing in Egypt
Yhiya M. Amen*, Amani M. Marzouk, Mona G. Zaghloul, Mohamed S. Afifi
Pharmacognosy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, 35516, Egypt
Abstract: Six compounds were isolated from methanolic extracts of the leaf and the bark of Tipuana tipu growing
in Egypt. The isolated compounds were identified as 1-Nonadecanol (1), β-sitosterol (2), Alpinumisoflavone (3), βsitosterol glucoside (4), Protocatechualdehyde (5) and Protocatechuic acid (6), based on different spectroscopic data
(UV, IR, NMR and MS). This is the first report for the isolation of compounds 1 & 3-6 from Tipuana tipu.
Compound 1 is isolated for the first time from family Fabaceae. Compounds 2 and 3 showed a promising anticancer
activity, while compound 5 displayed a remarkable in vivo anti-inflammatory activity compared to indomethacin.
[Amen YM, Marzouk AM, Zaghloul MG, Afifi MS. Bioactive compounds from Tipuana tipu growing in Egypt.
J Am Sci 2013;9(10):334-339]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 44
Keywords: Tipuana tipu, 1-Nonadecanol, Alpinumisoflavone, Protocatechualdehyde, Protocatechuic acid,
anticancer, anti-inflammatory.
1. Introduction
Family Leguminosae (Fabaceae) is one of the
three largest families of flowering plants, exceeded
only by the Compositae and Orchidaceae (Harborne
et al., 1971). This family comprises 727 genera and
ca. 19325 species. It was divided into three
subfamilies; Mimosoideae, Caesalpinioideae and
Papilionoideae (Lewis et al., 2005). The Genus
Tipuana (Benth.) Benth. (subfamily Papilionoideae)
was originally assigned to Machaerium, but now is
excluded from that genus (Ducke, 1930). It comprises
only one species: Tipuana tipu (Hickey and king,
1997). Tipuana tipu (Benth.) Lillo [syn T. tipu
(Benth.) Kuntze] is a South American tree which is
indigenous to Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia
and Brazil. The tree is mainly an ornamental tree. It
can be used as a supplementary food to small
ruminants (e.g. goats), mainly the dried leaves proved
to have high nutritive value (Norton and Waterfall,
2000). Plants in genus Machaerium are used in South
America by indigenous population to treat diarrhea
(Heinrich et al., 1992), menstruation cramps
(Ginzbarg, 1977), coughs (Joly et al., 1987) and
aphthous ulcers of the mouth. Certain Machaerium
species were reported to have antimicrobial (Waage
et al., 1984), antigiardial (ElSohly et al., 1999) and
antitumor activities (Seo et al., 2001). Little
phytochemical studies were carried out on T. tipu
including those of Braga De Oliveira et al. (1971)
who reported the isolation of formononetin, βsitosterol and stearic acid, while Kansoh et al. (2009)
studied the volatile oil content and lipoidal matter of
the flowers and pods. The present research was
conducted to isolate the chemical constituents of
Tipuana tipu growing in Egypt and evaluate its
potential use in pharmacy and medicine.
2. Results and Discussion
2.1. Characterization of compounds
Six compounds (Fig. 1) were isolated from
methanolic extracts of the leaf and the bark of
Tipuana tipu (Benth.) Lillo growing in Egypt.
Compounds 2 and 4 were identified by m.p., cochromatography with authentic samples and
comparing to literature data.
Compound 1 was isolated as colorless needle
crystals. Its EI-MS showed a quasi-molecular ion
peak at m/z 285 [M+ H]+, compatible with the
molecular formula C19H40O. APT spectrum showed
nine signals, which were discriminated into a CH3
resonance at δ 14.1 and a signal due to a primary
alcoholic group at δ 62.5. The other signals were
assigned to aliphatic CH2 groups, which resonated at
δ 22.7 – 32.5 (see experimental section 3.3.1). These
data suggested compound 1 to be an aliphatic straight
chain primary alcohol. 1H-NMR spectrum revealed a
downfield signal at δ 3.47 (t, J = 6.9 Hz, 2H)
assigned for CH2OH group that was confirmed by
absorption band at 3423 cm-1 (alcoholic OH
stretching) and 1062 cm-1 (C-O stretching of primary
alcohol) in IR spectrum (Silverstein et al., 2005), in
addition to a signal at δ 0.78 (t, J = 7.3 Hz, 3H)
assigned for the terminal CH3 group. An upfield
broad signal resonated at δ 1.16 (34H, m) was
assigned to H3-H18 and confirmed by absorption
band at 720 cm-1 (C-H bending of repeated methylene
groups of straight chain paraffins) in IR spectrum
(Silverstein et al., 2005). From the above data,
compound 1 was concluded to be 1-Nonadecanol
which was previously isolated from Convolvulus
lanatus, family Convolvulaceae (El-Nasr et al.,
1984), but isolated here for the first time from T. tipu
Journal of American Science 2013;9(10)
Compound 3 was isolated as yellow needles. EI-MS
spectrum (positive mode) showed a molecular ion peak at
m/z 336 [M]+ corresponding to a molecular formula
C20H16O5. It displayed an intense UV absorption maximum
at max 283 nm, typical of an isoflavone nucleus (Mabry et
al., 1970). This was supported by 1H- and 13C-NMR
spectral data (Table 1). In 1H-NMR spectrum, the most
downfield of aromatic signals (δ 7.80, s, H-2) and signals at
δ 152.6 for C-2, 123.1 for C-3 and 181.0 for C-4 in 13CNMR spectrum (Table 1) (Agrawal et al., 1989; Mabry et
al., 1970). A pair of doublets in the 1H-NMR spectrum
centered at δ 5.59 and 6.69 (J = 10.1 Hz) together with a
sharp singlet integrated for six protons at δ 1.45, suggested
the presence of 2'', 2''- dimethylpyrano- substituent and the
set of signals at δ 28.4, 77.4, 128.3 and 115.6 in 13C-NMR
spectrum provided further support for the presence of gemdimethylpyran moiety. The failure of NaOAC to produce a
significant bathochromic shift (max 282 nm) in the UV
absorption maximum compared to MeOH spectrum,
together with the 1H- NMR singlet at δ 6.31 assigned to H-8
indicated a trisubstituted A ring. The signals at δ 106.0,
159.6 and 95.0 could be assigned to carbons C-6, C-7 and
C-8 respectively. Thus, the gem-dimethylpyran moiety was
suggested to be fused in a linear manner on ring A not in
angular position, and this assignment was supported by
inspection of the characteristic 13C-NMR signals for C-5, C6, C-7 and C-8 at the two possible positions (Agrawal et al.,
1989). The 5-hydroxy substituent was deduced from the
bathochromic shift (+12 nm) in the UV absorption
maximum observed with AlCl3 after 30 min. 1H-NMR
spectrum also displayed a pair of broad doublets (J = 8.2
Hz), each integrating for two protons, at δ 6.85 and 7.35,
which were assigned to H-3΄, H-5΄ and H-2΄, H-6΄ of the
para-disubstituted ring B. The relatively upfield resonance
(δ 6.85) of H-3΄ & H-5΄ suggested the presence of an
oxygenated substituent at C-4΄, most probably as a
hydroxyl group. The structure of (3) was confirmed by
comparison with the reported data (Stewart et al., 2000) as
alpinumisoflavone. It was first isolated by Jackson et al.
(1971) from Laburnum alpinum J. Presl. (Fabaceae).It was
further reported in different species of the genus Erythrina
(Fabaceae): from E. lysistemon, E. stricta, E. variegata, E.
poeppigiana, E. senegalensis, E. indica and E. arborescens
(Nkengfack et al., 2001; Rahman et al., 2010); from other
genera belonging to family Fabaceae as Calopogonium
mucunoides, Crotalaria ferruginea and Millettia thonningii
(Perrett et al., 1995). Alpinumisoflavone was also reported
from family Moraceae from Ficus chlamydocarpa, F.
nymphaefolia and from Rinorea welwitschii, family
Violaceae (Stewart et al., 2000).
Table 1.13C and 1H-NMR spectral data of compound 3*
7.80, s
--------------6.31, s
---------------------7.35 (d, J= 8.2)
6.85 (d, J= 8.2)
-------6.85 (d, J= 8.2)
7.35 (d, J= 8.2)
-------5.59 (d, J= 10.1)
6.69 (d, J= 10.1)
1.45, s
*Chemical shifts (δ) are expressed in ppm and coupling constants
in Hz. 13C and 1H-NMR were measured in CDCl3 at 100 and
400 MHz, respectively.
Compound 5 was isolated as colorless needles.
Absorption bands at 1595 and 1451 cm-1 (C=C aromatic) in
IR spectrum and UV absorption maxima at max 313, 278
and 233 nm suggested the presence of aromatic ring
(Silverstein et al., 2005). 1H-NMR spectrum (Table 2)
clearly indicated the presence of three aromatic signals in
the range of δ 6.91 – 7.32. This was confirmed by 13C-NMR
spectrum which revealed the presence of signals due to a
benzene ring resonating between δ 115.2 – 153.5, in
addition to a signal at δ 192.9 assigned to a carbonyl carbon
of aldehydic group.This was supported by absorption bands
at 1670 cm-1 (aryl aldehyde), a pair of bands at 2734 and
2853 cm-1 (C-H stretching vibrations in aldehydes) in IR
spectrum. A doublet observed at δ 6.91 (J= 8.0 Hz, 1H) was
coupled to another doublet at δ 7.31 (J= 8.0 Hz, 2H) and
could be attributed to two ortho-coupled protons at C-5 and
C-6. The other singlet at δ 7.32 which was coincident with
H-6 (d, J= 8 Hz) could be assigned to proton at C-2 and
supported by two signals in 13C-NMR spectrum for two
oxygenated carbons at δ 147.0 and 153.5. By comparing
these NMR spectral data (Table 2) with those reported by
Pauletti et al. (2012), the structure of compound 5 was
confirmed to be protocatechualdehyde which was
previously isolated from the leaf of Musanga cecropioides,
family Urticaceae (Ayinde et al., 2007).
Compound 6 was isolated as white crystals. EI-MS
spectrum showed a molecular ion peak at m/z 154
corresponding to a molecular formula C7H6O4. The UV
absorption maxima in MeOH at max 307, 298 and 260 nm
and the absorption bands in IR at 1600 and 1468 cm-1
suggested also an aromatic nucleus. All the NMR spectral
data of 6 (Table 2) almost resembled those of 5 described
above. The differences appeared in ¹³C-NMR spectrum
which displayed a quaternary carbon signal at δ 170.7
assigned to a carbonyl function of carboxylate supported by
Journal of American Science 2013;9(10)
IR absorption bands at 3213 cm-1 (br, OH) and 1677 cm-1
C=O carboxylate) (Silverstein et al., 2005). Based on 1HNMR spectrum of both compounds, the substitution pattern
of the aromatic ring remains the same except for the
presence of a carboxyl group replacing the aldehyde group.
The identity of (6) was confirmed as Protocatechuic acid
through comparison with published literature data (Nova et
al., 2012).
Table 2.13C and 1H-NMR spectral data of compounds 5 and
1 130.6
-------2 116.0
7.32, s
7.46, s
3 147.0
-------4 153.5
-------5 115.2 6.91 (d, J= 8.0)
6.81 (d, J= 8.0)
6 126.2 7.31 (d, J= 8.0)
7.44 (d, J= 8.0)
7 192.9
** Chemical shifts (δ) are expressed in ppm and coupling constants (J) in
Hz. 13C and 1H-NMR were measured in CD3OD at 100 and 400 MHz,
2.2. Biological activity
2.2.1 Anticancer activity
β-sitosterol (2) showed a weak activity towards CNS
SF-539, ovarian OVCAR-4 and renal UO-31 cancer cell
lines with cell promotion percentages of 82.09, 83.24 and
85.91% respectively, while it showed a fairly good activity
against Non-small cell lung cancer HOP-62 cell line with
cell promotion percentage 73.78%. Alpinumisoflavone (3)
was active against different leukemia cell lines. It showed a
high activity against CCRF-CEM (acute lymphoblastic
leukemia, nuclear lysate) with cell promotion percentage
48.83%, while it was less active against MOLT-4 (acute
lymphoblastic leukemia, of peripheral blood origin) and
HL-60(TB) (promyelocytic leukemia) cell lines with cell
promotion percentages of 73.85% and 84.51%,
respectively. It also, exhibited a good activity against renal
SN12C cancer cell line with cell promotion percentage
67.33 % and a weak activity against breast MCF7 cancer
cell line with cell promotion percentage of 82.82%.
2.2.2 Anti-inflammatory activity
The results of the anti-inflammatory screening (Table
3) revealed variable activities of the different compounds.
Protocatechualdehyde (5) displayed a remarkable antiinflammatory activity comparable to that of indomethacin
while protocatechuic acid (6) was less active. 1Nonadecanol, β-sitosterol, alpinumisoflavone and βsitosterol glucoside displayed weak activity compared to
the standard drug.
Table 3. Results of screening of the anti-inflammatory
activity of the isolated compounds†
% of increase
in paw
141.38 ±
% of
inhibition of
Indomethacin (10 mg/kg)
79.44 ± 1.44
41.67 ± 0.21
106.5 ± 2.34
25.5 ± 0.22
97.35 ± 1.84
30.17 ± 0.17
103.27 ±
β-sitosterol glucoside
124.69 ±
29.17 ± 0.17
7.83 ± 2.83
69.54 ± 0.56
42.17 ± 0.17
Protocatechuic acid
90.42 ± 1.1
35.17 ± 0.17
† Values are expressed as mean ± SEM, n = 6 in each group, P<0.01
compared with the control.
3. Experimental
3.1. General
H and 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker
DPX-400 spectrometer (400 and 100 MHz for 1H and 13C
respectively). The melting points were measured on melting
point apparatus Fisher-johns scientific Co., USA and were
uncorrected. UV spectra were performed on a Shimadzu
UV-1201 spectrophotometer (Japan). IR spectra were
recorded in KBr disks using Infra-red spectrophotometer,
Mattson 5000 FTIR (England). EI mass spectra (positive
mode) were carried out on a JOEL JMS600 spectrometer
(Japan). Male Wistar albino rats were provided by the
Experimental Animal House, Pharmacology Department,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University. λ-carrageenan
from Sigma-Aldrich (USA). All other chemicals used were
of analytical grade.3.2. Plant material The leaves were
collected from trees growing on Mansoura University
campus, Egypt on May, 2011. The freshly collected leaves
were air-dried in shade at room temperature. The plant
identity was confirmed by staff members at Department of
Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University,
Egypt. A representative specimen deposited at the
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Mansoura University. The bark was collected from the
same trees on August, 2012.
Journal of American Science 2013;9(10)
Figure 1. Structures of isolated compounds
3.3. Extraction and isolation
The dried powdered leaves (6000 g) were
percolated with MeOH (9 x 10 L). The combined
extracts were concentrated to a syrupy consistency
under reduced pressure at 40 oC. The residue (629.8 g)
was suspended in distilled water and extracted
successively with petroleum ether, methylene chloride,
ethyl acetate and then finally with n-butanol. The
different extracts were, separately, evaporated under
reduced pressure to obtain petroleum ether fraction
(fraction A, 70 g), methylene chloride fraction (fraction
B, 7 g), ethyl acetate fraction (fraction C, 15 g) and nbutanol fraction (fraction D, 30 g).
The dried powdered bark (8000 g) was percolated
with MeOH (8 x 18 L). The combined extracts were
concentrated to a syrupy consistency under reduced
pressure at 40 oC. The residue (170 g) was suspended
in distilled water and extracted successively with
petroleum ether, methylene chloride, ethyl acetate and
then finally with n-butanol. The different extracts were,
separately, evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain
petroleum ether fraction (fraction E, 27 g), methylene
chloride fraction (fraction F, 22 g), ethyl acetate
fraction (fraction G, 9 g) and n-butanol fraction
(fraction H, 28 g).
Fraction A was subjected to silica gel column
chromatography and eluted with Petroleum ether –
EtOAc gradient (0-80%). These subfractions were
pooled based on similar Rf values and purified by
rechromatography on silica gel columns and PTLC and
by repeated crystallization to afford 1-Nonadecanol 1
(59 mg), β- sitosterol 2 (250 mg), Alpinumisoflavone 3
(26 mg) and β-sitosterol glucoside 4 (232 mg).
Fraction G was subjected to silica gel column
chromatography and eluted with Petroleum ether –
Journal of American Science 2013;9(10)
EtOAc gradient (50-100%) and EtOAc – MeOH (060%). Collected fractions were pooled based on similar
Rf values and subjected to purification through column
chromatography and repeated crystallization to afford
Protocatechualdehyde 5 (24 mg) and Protocatechuic
acid 6 (28 mg).
3.3.1 1-Nonadecanol (1) colorless needle crystals (Rf
0.51) on precoated silica gel plates GF254 using 10%
EtOAC /pet. ether and colored brown upon spraying
with vanillin/ H2SO4 spray reagent and heating at 110
˚C for 1 min., m.p. 70-71˚C (lit. 60-61˚C), 1H-NMR
(CDCl3, 400 MHz, δ ppm): 3.47 (t, J = 6.9 Hz, H-1),
1.44 (m, H-2), 1.16 (m, H-3 to H-18), 0.78 (t, J = 7.3
Hz, H-19).13C-NMR (CDCl3, 100 MHz, δ ppm): 62.5
(C-1), 32.5 (C-2), 31.9 (C-3), 29.4 – 29.7 (C-4 to C16), 25.8 (C-17), 22.7 (C-18), 14.1 (C-19).
3.3.2 Alpinumisoflavone (3) yellow needles, (Rf 0.22)
on precoated silica gel plates GF254 using 20% EtOAC
/pet. ether, m.p. 210-212˚C (lit. 210-212˚C), UV λmax
MeOH 283 nm, λmax NaOAC 282 nm, λmax AlCl3 295
nm after 30 min.; 1H and 13C NMR (Table 1).
3.3.3 Protocatechualdehyde (5) colorless needles, (Rf
0.50) on precoated silica gel plates GF254 using 10%
MeOH /CH2Cl2, m.p. 152-154 oC (lit. 152-154 ˚C),
UV λmax MeOH 313, 278, 233 nm; IR (KBr, νmax):
3439, 2853, 2734, 1670, 1595, 1451 cm-1; 1H and 13C
NMR (Table 2).
3.3.4 Protocatechuic acid (6) white crystals, (Rf 0.30)
on precoated silica gel plates GF254 using 10% MeOH /
CH2Cl2, m.p. 196-198 oC (lit. 198-200˚C). UV λmax
MeOH 307, 298 and 260 nm; IR (KBr, νmax): 3213,
1677, 1600, 1468 cm-1; 1H and 13C NMR (Table 2).
3.4. Biological activity
3.4.1. Anticancer activity
Compounds 2 and 3 were submitted to National
Cancer Institute (NCI), USA, for evaluating their
antitumor activities under the Developmental
Therapeutic Program (DTP). The operation of this
screen utilizes 60 different human tumor cell lines. The
compounds were tested at a concentration of 10-5 M in
the full NCI 60 cell-line panel. The cultures were
incubated for 48 h. End point determinations were
made with a protein binding dye, Sulforhodamine B.
Results for each compound are reported as mean of the
percentage growth of the treated cells when compared
to the untreated control cells (Monks et al., 1991;
Grever et al., 1992; Boyd and Paull, 1995).3.4.2. Antiinflammatory activity The antiinflammatory activity of
the isolated compounds (1-6) was carried out using
carrageenan-induced rat paw edema model (Winter et
al., 1962) by employing carrageenan solution as the
phlogistic agent. Male Wistar albino rats weighing
150–180 g were kept in the animal house under
standard conditions of light and temperature with free
access to food and water. After overnight fasting, the
animals were randomly divided into three groups each
consisting of six rats. The first group received only
carrageenan. Another group received the standard drug
indomethacin (10 mg/kg, i.p., 1% w/v in normal
saline). The last group of rats was administered the test
compounds in equal doses (25 mg/kg, i.p.; w/v). Thirty
minutes after administration of the standard drug and
test compounds, 0.1 ml of 1% w/v of λ-carrageenan
(Type IV) in sterile normal saline was injected into the
subplanter region of the right hind paw of each rat.
After 4 hr, the paw thickness was measured with
electronic digital calipers, and the difference in the paw
thickness between the injected and the control was
recorded for each rat. The edema was expressed as the
percentage of increase in the paw thickness compared
to the positive control and the percentage of inhibition
of edema for each group. Data were expressed as mean
± standard error (S.E.M.). The statistical significance
of difference between groups were assessed by means
of analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by
Dunnet’s test.
Corresponding author:
Yhiya M. Amen, Department of Pharmacognosy,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Mansoura,
35516, Egypt. E-mail:
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